23.04 02 ground transport and technological complexes. Ground transport and technological complexes - master's degree (04/23/02)


Master's degree this direction requires in-depth study of core subjects. As a result, future masters will learn:

  • analyze the dynamics of development and the state of ground vehicles of the transport and technological complex, as well as systems based on their technological equipment;
  • plan, execute and conduct theoretical and experimental Scientific research aimed at searching and testing new ideas for upgrading equipment and Vehicle;
  • build a structure of relationships between methods and criteria for achieving goals, identify priority areas when solving production and reconstruction problems;
  • predict the consequences of decisions made, find compromise options in conditions of uncertainty and multi-criteria;
  • develop application programs necessary for calculating units, components and systems;
  • develop design production documentation;
  • develop design specifications and descriptions of vehicles and machines;
  • control parameters technological process and production quality, as well as increase the level of operation of machines and their equipment;
  • carry out vehicle testing;
  • check basic measuring instruments during operation and production;
  • organize production processes and technical control;
  • draw up plans, orders, work schedules, applications, instructions and other technical documents;
  • train service and production personnel.

Who to work with

Graduates will be able to find work as operators of lifting equipment or specialists in the operation and adjustment of construction equipment. They will also be able to become good automotive craftsmen, and a master’s degree will allow them to grow to the level of a team leader, and then the operation department at a transport enterprise. With the development of the automotive industry, great demand has appeared for masters in the field of automatic electronic systems automotive industry. Mostly graduates are hired at factories and transport hubs. Due to the fact that mechanical engineering is a labor-intensive and rather complex process, it is necessary to observe safety precautions at production sites, where qualified graduates can also get a job.

Educational program "Advanced vehicles".

We train specialists in the field of research of advanced vehicles, in particular cars with combined power plants and electric vehicles. Training is conducted by highly qualified teachers and invited specialists from mechanical engineering enterprises and research organizations.

You will learn to plan, stage and conduct theoretical and experimental studies in the field of creating future vehicles.

Philosophy educational program.

Man in modern society, equipped with advanced means of communication, must be able to use highly efficient means of mobility to quickly and effectively solve the problems facing him. The country's high-speed, sustainable, safe transport infrastructure with high degree will likely contribute to the completion of this task. The growing need to improve the mobility of citizens dictates the need to meet the ever-increasing demand for high-quality vehicles. In turn, she demands everything more highly qualified specialists to develop fundamentally new types of vehicles that are able to apply innovative approaches to the design of components, assemblies and other elements of transport systems that ensure compliance with increasingly stringent requirements for road and environmental safety.

Educational program "Computer modeling and strength analysis of transport and technological complexes."

Master's degree, duration of study - 2 years.

Head of educational program

The area of ​​mathematical and computer modeling, engineering analysis and strength calculations of parts, assemblies and structures, experimental studies of new materials is one of the most unoccupied niches in the Russian and foreign mechanical engineering markets.

The basis of our teaching method is the formation in students of a deep understanding of the subject area of ​​the disciplines studied, modern approaches to the design and calculation of units and parts of transport and technological systems, mastering professional skills using modern equipment and software, obtaining supra-subject competencies.

Masters who have completed this educational program expand what they have previously acquired and gain new general technical and special knowledge in the field of design and calculation. They know how to work with modern systems computer modeling and engineering (CAD, CAE systems). They can put into practice all stages of developing new types of products; have the skills to gradually improve results, systems thinking, leadership qualities and organizational abilities.

Training is conducted by highly qualified specialists in the field of automotive engineering, dynamics, strength and engineering analysis, including classes held at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering named after. A.A. Blagonravov highly qualified employees Russian Academy Sci. During their studies, students are involved in university-wide engineering projects, own experience master the skills of group work, interdisciplinary communication, analytics, design, and learn to bring projects to implementation. Every year, students undergo internships at research institutes, design bureaus, and at the largest Russian and foreign enterprises in the motor transport industry, where they apply and consolidate the knowledge acquired during the learning process.

Graduates work in large Russian and foreign organizations and enterprises, such as PJSC Gazprom, PJSC Tupolev, PJSC Sukhoi, Design Bureau of Heavy Engineering, State Corporation Rosatom, RSC Energia, FSUE Research Institute of Automation, " VIAM", PJSC "Corporation "VNIIEM", PJSC NPP "Salyut", "Boening", "Aerobus", "KAMAZ", "UAZ" in oil and gas companies, automobile tuning companies.

After completing the master's program, graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies in graduate school.

Educational program "Vehicle Design".

Master's degree, duration of study - 2 years.

Head of the educational program Alexander Evgenievich Sorokin.

Feature programsis a deep knowledge of vehicle design, the application of professional design skills with creative using advanced technologies and modern equipment. Possession supra-subject competencies such as: decision-making ability and design team leadership.

The purpose of the educational program.

Training a specialist in the field of transport design that meets the requirements potential employer at the time of release and in the near future. A specialist with leadership and line management skills design projects of one or several brands.

41 entries found

Khokhlov Alexander Sergeevich. Modeling the working cycle of the impact-shearing executive body of a road construction machine

Khokhlov A.S.

Simulation of the impact-shearing operating cycle executive body road construction machine: final qualifying work (GKR) of the master in the field of training 04/23/02 – Ground transport-technological complexes / A.S. Khokhlova; hands R.A. Redelin. - Eagle: [b. i.], 2019. – 99 p.

Pugachev Alexander Vyacheslavovich. Study of dynamic processes in the impact system of a hydraulic hammer

Pugachev A.V.

Study of dynamic processes in the impact system of a hydraulic hammer: final qualifying work (GKR) of the master in the field of preparation 04/23/02 – Ground transport and technological complexes / A. V. Pugachev; hands L. S. Ushakov. - Eagle: [b. i.], 2019. – 72 p.

Yakushev Ivan Sergeevich. Study of the process of reversing a road roller with a hydromechanical transmission

Yakushev I. S.

Study of the process of reversing a road roller with a hydromechanical transmission: final qualifying work (GKR) of a master in the field of preparation 04/23/02 – Ground transport-technological complexes / Yakushev I. S.; hands A.V. Panichkin. - Eagle: [b. i.], 2019. – 70 p.

Plotsky Alexander Konstantinovich. Criteria for selecting machines and working bodies for municipal services

Plotsky A.K.

Criteria for the selection of machines and working bodies for municipal services: final qualifying work (GKR) of the master in the field of preparation 04/23/02 - Ground transport and technological complexes / Plotsky A. K.; hands A. A. Bozhanov. - Eagle: [b. i.], 2019. – 69 p.

Kulakov Alexander Alexandrovich. Study of the profile parameters of a fixed bulldozer blade

Kulakov A. A.

Study of the profile parameters of a non-rotating blade of bulldozers: final qualifying work (GKR) of the master in the field of training 04/23/02 – Ground transport and technological complexes / Kulakov A. A.; hands A.V. Panichkin. - Eagle: [b. i.], 2019. – 87 p.

Sazonov Dmitry Vladimirovich. Methodology for designing a motor grader when performing excavation work

Sazonov D.V.

Methodology for designing a motor grader when performing earthworks: final qualifying work (FQR) for a master’s degree in the field of training 04/23/02 – Ground transport and technological complexes / Sazonov D. V.; hands A.V. Panichkin. - Eagle: [b. i.], 2019. – 82 p.

Motienko Alexey Gennadievich. Research on the effectiveness of pincer-type hydraulic lifting devices

Motienko A. G.

Study of the effectiveness of clamp-type hydraulic load-handling devices: final qualifying work (GKR) of the master in the field of training 04/23/02 – Ground transport and technological complexes / Motienko A. G.; hands A. A. Bozhanov. - Eagle: [b. i.], 2019. – 90 p.

Devyatko Daria Petrovna. Justification for the choice of rational parameters of attachments for loosening equipment

Devyatko D. P.

Justification for the choice of rational parameters of mounted ripping equipment: final qualifying work (GKR) of the master in the field of training 04/23/02 - Ground transport and technological complexes / Devyatko D. P.; hands A.V. Panichkin. - Eagle: [b. i.], 2019. – 80 p.
