Brigitte Macron. Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Tornier - an extraordinary love story The new president of France and his wife

“She is his compass, he is her starting point. For many years they have loved each other and looked in the same direction, from now on - towards the Elysee Palace.

They believe in their star, they charm, and their 24-year age difference is intriguing..."

This is an annotation to the book “Macrons” by French journalists Caroline Derrien And Candice Nedelec​, which is dedicated to the winner of the first round of the presidential elections in France Emmanuel Macron and his wife Bridget. This unusual alliance is attracting more attention around the world than the new president's election platform.

On the stage of "Providence"

A romantic love story began 24 years ago in Amiens, small town in the north of France. Emmanuel Macron was at that time a 15-year-old student at the Jesuit lyceum with the self-explanatory name “Providence”. His parents, doctors, invested a lot in his education, and with his academic success he shows brilliant promise. Macron is the star of the class.

Brigitte Ozier (Bibi, as her family calls her) is an exemplary wife and mother of three children. She is 39 years old, she teaches French and Latin at Providence and, in order to somehow escape from the sweet but monotonous life of a provincial town, she runs a theater studio.

The paths of these two should not have intertwined. Contrary to the media version, she was not even his teacher.

“Mom, we have a crazy person in our class who seems to know everything and about everything...,” Bridget first heard about Macron from her daughter Laurence. Then there were other teachers who praised the super-capable student in every possible way. Madame Ozier became interested and invited Emmanuel to one of her productions. He agreed, although the first role - a garden scarecrow - was not very to his taste. And then something happened that turned their lives upside down. Hers - that's for sure.

They were discussing a new play to be staged. Bridget hesitated: there were too few roles for the theater troupe. “Madam, be more ambitious,” Macron urged the teacher. - If necessary, you and I will finish the play together! "She thought he was joking. But he wasn’t joking: the next day he stood on the threshold of her house. And so every day for two months. They worked a lot on the scenes, and Bridget was captivated by Macron’s intelligence and talent: “He was well read beyond his years, spoke with adults as equals and did not seem like a teenager at all.” Emmanuel also devoted himself to working together with youthful greed.

“We believed he was dating Laurens or Tifeng, one of her daughters,” the neighbors later recalled. “But then the girls had boyfriends, and it became clear that Macron was spending time with their mother!” »

“I will marry you! »

There was no romance then, as Bridget claims: “Yes, I felt that our relationship was moving from an intellectual connection to something more emotional. At some point, my heart told me: here he is, the man of my life. But his mind said that this was impossible, he was too young... There was nothing sinful in our relationship, we were afraid to talk about what was happening.”

After some time, Emmanuel could not stand it and was the first to confess his feelings to Bibi. Rumors about their romance grew more and more, her husband and his parents found out. One version says that it was they who insisted that their son go to finish his studies in Paris, away from his crazy love. Emmanuel initially resisted, then, succumbing to Bridget’s persuasion, he changed his mind. However, just before leaving, he couldn’t stand it, he came to his beloved and declared: “You won’t be able to get rid of me, I will come back and marry you!” “The separation was very difficult,” Bridget recalls. “We called each other all the time and talked for hours. For hours! Gradually he helped me overcome all my fears and doubts.”

When Emmanuel turned 18, Bridget divorced her husband, and the lovers began to live together. “How did people in Amiens feel about our history? - Bridget continues. - Badly. But no one told me openly. Only my brothers and sisters tried to dissuade me from this step. But at that moment I had already made my decision.”

Emmanuel Macron with his wife. Photo: Frame

Life in Paris

After graduating from the prestigious Paris Lyceum, Macron entered the University of Paris X - Nanterre. After him, he studied at the Institute of Political Studies, while working as an assistant to the famous French philosopher Paul Ricoeur. In 2004, already with an eye on a career as a civil servant, he graduated from the National School of Administration and got a job as an inspector at the Ministry of Finance. Bridget was there and supported, but, according to the recollections of her friends, after a difficult divorce from her husband, she did not want to become Macron’s official wife. Emmanuel patiently and gradually, as at the very beginning of their romance, convinced her. It was important for him to show others the perseverance and strength of their love.

On October 20, 2007, at a respectable resort in northern France, in the city of Touquet, Emmanuel and Bridget, in the presence of relatives and friends, became husband and wife. At the wedding, he thanked the guests for accepting and loving their unusual couple for who they are. And he expressed special gratitude to Bridget’s children.

After this long-awaited event, Emmanuel Macron's career rapidly took off. In 2008, he was invited to work at the Rothschild bank, where he gained a reputation as a successful investment banker. In 2012, being a member of the Socialist Party, he received an invitation to become a deputy Secretary General under President Hollande. And in August 2014, he became the youngest Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs in the country’s history.

Three children and seven grandchildren

At the beginning of 2016, Macron left his post as minister. And a few months later, at a meeting with like-minded people, he announced the creation of his own movement “Forward!” Bridget sat in the front row at this meeting and looked at her husband, who confidently held the attention of the audience of thousands. Macron owes much of his success to his wife. Bridget directs his performances and attends business meetings with him. At a rally in Paris this spring, Macron admitted: “She helped me become who I am.”

A couple of them even after 10 years happy marriage continue to be tested for strength. Then they will start a rumor that Emmanuel has an unconventional sexual orientation, then they attack with questions about the impossibility of having their own children. Macron answers all these challenges openly. He stated that he does not lead a double life and spends all his days and nights with his beloved Bridget. What about children? “Yes, it was our choice: not to have a child together,” says Macron. “But the fact that I don’t have biological children does not stop me from loving and caring for Bridget’s three children and seven grandchildren. This is my family".

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi spoke about the new French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife, who is much older than her husband.

He called the leader of the Fifth Republic “a good young man with an attractive mother,” reports News in the World. According to the politician, Macron’s wife Brigitte “led him by the hand when he was still a child.” As noted by the British publication The Telegraph, Berlusconi's words refer to the fact that the current 39-year-old French leader is the youngest head of state in the country's history after Napoleon Bonaparte. The latter became emperor at the age of 35.

Let us remind you that Brigitte Tronier is 24 years older than her husband. This fact caused a mixed reaction in the media, as well as among social network users.

As the French press noted earlier, it will be extremely difficult for the wife of the new president of the country to establish herself as the first lady.

At the same time, the satirical publication Charlie Hebdo, known for its scandalous works, recently published a new cartoon. This time the victims of the pranksters were the presidential couple. Thanks to the imagination of illustrators, the wife of the leader of France appeared pregnant on the cover. The picture shows the head of the Fifth Republic touching his wife's swollen belly. A little higher there is an inscription in French: “He is going to work miracles.”

Her daughter Tiphaine Ozier has already responded to such open ridicule and other attacks on Brigitte. She declared the inadmissibility of such attacks against the First Lady of France.

“I find disgusting attacks that would not be possible if it were a male politician or a male partner of a female politician. It’s just envy,” the girl said.

The newly-minted president himself believes that there is nothing strange in his alliance with Brigitte, and all attacks on this topic are a manifestation of double standards. “If I were 20 years older than my wife, no one would think about whether we were suitable for each other,” Macron said in an interview with the Telegraph newspaper.

In addition, he demolished the assumption that appeared during the election race that he was a homosexual, and his mature wife was a cover for his unconventional preferences.

“People have lost their sense of reality since they don’t believe in my marriage and attribute some kind of parallel life, plus they have problems with tolerance,” the French leader emphasized.

More recently, the front pages of the world press were filled with publications about the strange love story of the newly-minted President of France and his wife Brigitte Macron. There is no need to be surprised, because the age difference between the spouses is as much as 24 years! Today you will find out how Bridget captivated the young politician and how she still holds her back to this day.

The early life of Brigitte Macron

Brigitte Macron (nee Tronier) was born on April 13, 1953 in the city of Amiens, in northern France, into the family of a successful chocolatier. In a wealthy family, she became the last sixth child. The promoted business today brings the owners about 4,000,000 euros per year. Having matured, Bridget decided to devote her life pedagogical activity. In 1974, an intelligent French woman married banker Andre Louis Ozier, and how loving wife She gave birth to her husband three children: a son, Sebastian, and two daughters, Laurence and Tiffany. Returning to her hometown of Amiens, she began giving lessons French and at the same time she led an acting club at one of the most prestigious schools, La Providence. That's where it happened fateful meeting future spouses.

Meeting Emmanuel and Bridget

The teacher's biography was initially unremarkable. Brigitte Marie-Claude Macron devoted herself entirely to her work. They met the future president of France back when young man barely turned 15 (!) years old. At that time, a mature 39-year-old teacher and a young man met on the theater stage during a rehearsal for one of the plays.

The couple’s joint activities unexpectedly dragged on for two long years. Emmanuel ran after his teacher, accompanying his passion home. In response to this, the teacher lavished praise on the pupil, admiring his writing talent, and even called him the second Mozart because of his musical abilities. Her husband really didn’t like the excessive closeness between teacher and student, but the loving banker couldn’t even imagine how such affection would end.

Marriage of Macron and Tronier

At the age of 17, Emmanuel confessed his love to Bridget, and his parents rushed to take their son to Paris to the elite gymnasium named after Henry IV in order to hide his blood away from his married passion. When leaving, the guy promised to marry Bridget no matter what. She shrugged it off with a smile, but divorced just in case. Father Jean-Michel Macron was categorically against his son’s communication with the tenacious teacher, but his son continued the secret correspondence. Emmanuel matured as a groom at the age of 30; the bride’s “tender age” at that moment was only 55 years.

Photos of a wedding in the town hall on the fashionable Le Touquet beach have become a real sensation in the world big politics, where young Emmanuel had already earned himself a good reputation. By the way, the cheerful retired bride-to-be inherited a luxurious villa in Le Touquet, which now serves as the couple’s second home. The newly-made husband himself, in a fiery wedding speech, called his couple “abnormal, but real.”

Emmanuel and Bridget's attitude towards children

The mushi-pussy relationship, which the couple has been broadcasting from the screen for several years now, irritates many TV viewers. Emmanuel Macron's wife "cutely" calls her husband "mani", and he calls her "bibi" in response. In between passionate kisses on camera, the couple babysits Bridget's seven grandchildren. The handsome, talented and successful president is often caught on camera, festooned with grandchildren or bottles of food.

Appearance of Brigitte Macron in her youth

Almost all of France was discussing the appearance of the first lady. The paparazzi dug the ground with their noses, trying to find the most ugly photos and the secrets of the elderly “Bibi”. Here are just a few facts that journalists managed to find out:

  • It turned out that Brigitte Macron in her youth loved to wear her hair with bangs, dividing it on both sides, and the length of her hair never exceeded a classic bob.
  • As an intelligent teacher, she dressed modestly and elegantly for work, but in free time I loved stylish things, especially chiffon scarves.

  • The first lady's height is 175 cm, and her weight, even in her young years, did not exceed 50 kilograms. The lady still maintains her “French” weight, but the public in clear text advises the woman to gain a few kilos, because her figure clearly resembles a dried date.

  • Young Bridget did not like an abundance of cosmetics. And if in her youth the naturalness of her features was emphasized by a wide smile, now the lady is popularly nicknamed the Nutcracker, and Russian viewers decided that she is the spitting image of Alexei Panin. It is not clear whether Bridget looks like Panin, or like the mother monkey from the Soviet cartoon, but the lady’s image is certainly bright.

  • The openness of his gaze and his upturned nose are now slightly spoiled by the famous smile at all 32. The president’s opponents have long nicknamed his wife “baby shark,” but the first lady herself doesn’t give a damn about such accusations.

  • In clothing, the woman preferred skimpy dresses and skirts, which openly showed off the slender, long legs of a freedom-loving granny.

Open, stylish, slightly anarchic - this is how the young Madame Macron appears in dozens of photos that have spread on the Internet, but age is taking its toll.

Brigitte Macron now

  • Now the first lady of France is in excellent shape for her age. At any event, she, like the faithful squire of Sancho Panza, accompanies her fighting Don Quixote. The couple, not at all embarrassed, merges in theatrical kisses, sometimes the kisses are extremely erotic.
  • At the summit in Paris, the Macrons met with Donald and Melania Trump. The age difference between the US President and his wife is the same magical 24 years, but in their case the man is traditionally older. Stingy with compliments (even to his beautiful wife), Trump openly admired Bridget’s appearance and complimented both her face and figure. In pursuit of perfection, she more than once went under the knife of surgeons, however, the laurels went to a Frenchwoman with wrinkled knees.

  • The first lady's passion is expensive accessories from the most famous designers. A woman easily puts on classic military-style coats and jackets. A slender legs can withstand leather pants and biker boots.

  • Features that are unusual for the wives of presidents are a pronounced tan and bleached hair. Solarium lover does not take into account harmful influence ultraviolet light on the skin of the thinness of tissue paper. From the passion for tanning, the skin on the face wrinkles and when Bridget smiles, it feels like the folds might tear.

  • Emmanuel's wife did not undergo any plastic surgery, and in her makeup she uses powder with reflective particles, the effect of which allows her to slightly hide the dense network of wrinkles.

  • In professional care, Bridget prefers SMAS facial skin tightening. This procedure allows you to preserve the oval of the face from “landslide”, tightens the chin and slightly supports the eyebrow line.
  • Previously only ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife spoke so openly about their intimate relationships.
  • The president's enemies are slandering that Emmanuel himself is gay, and his marriage is just a PR stunt. In response to the accusations, the handsome young man chuckles, retorting that apparently only his hologram meets men somewhere.

Brigitte Macron tries to imitate the image of the first lady of the state in everything, but at the same time reserves the right to self-expression through clothing and appearance. Modern outfits and expensive accessories successfully complement the image of an intelligent and energetic woman with an active attitude in life.

Video: Mysterious Brigitte Macron

On May 7, 39-year-old centrist Emmanuel Macron won the second round of the French presidential election. 66 percent of voters voted for him. During the period around the elections, the press was interested not only in his political program and election campaign, but also (perhaps no less) in his personal life. The media are actively discussing Macron’s wife, Brigitte.

They call her the most unusual first lady, and also question the sincerity of their marriage due to the age difference - Brigitte Macron older than husband for almost 25 years. Meduza tells why everyone is so surprised by the family of the future president of France - and how he himself reacts to it.

All last month Before the French elections, the press actively discussed not only the likely French president, but also his wife, literature teacher Brigitte Macron (and even her ex-husband and children from her first marriage). The media examined in detail her wardrobe, the history of her relationship with Macron and the alleged influence on him political decisions. There were also lists like “Famous couples with large age gaps” and texts about new trend- families where the woman is older.

Benoit Tessier / Reuters / Scanpix / LETA

Back in early April, a month before Macron’s victory, the site British Vogue published an article “How Brigitte Macron is reinventing the image of the First Lady.” The editor of the publication wrote that “this woman is the only one people talk about on both sides of the English Channel for a number of reasons, the most scandalous of which is the age difference with her husband,” and noted that the personality of Macron’s wife could influence the outcome of the presidential race.

Such close attention was really caused by the age difference: Emmanuel Macron is 39 years old, Brigitte Macron is 64. Not a single article about the figure of the future French president was published without an emphasis on this fact, regardless of the tone of the publication - admiring or skeptical. One of the most controversial reactions was cover weekly Charlie Hebdo, which was called sexist. Under the inscription “He works miracles” there is an image of Emmanuel Macron and a pregnant Brigitte - the publication hints that the wife of the elected president can no longer have children. In the same time The New Yorker emphasizes that Macron's policies are, among other things, new, modern look families where the partners are not necessarily of different sexes or have children.

The age difference between Macron and his wife allowed the tabloids (and others) to make all sorts of assumptions based on stereotypes. They argued that Macron is a henpecked, gigolo or homosexual, and his marriage is just a cover. The yellow press discussed the version that Emmanuel Macron is actually leading double life: He allegedly has a secret affair with the head of Radio France, Mathieu Galle, and the gay lobby is behind his election victory.

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron after the first round of the French presidential election. Paris, April 23, 2017

Yoan Valat / EPA / Scanpix / LETA

In an interview with Le Parisien, Emmanuel Macron commented on such press attention to his wife and their relationship. He explained that in modern society relationships between adult men and young women are encouraged, but the opposite situation seems unnatural to most - and causes excessive curiosity, mistrust or condemnation. “If I were 20 years older than my wife, and not vice versa, no one would have thought for a second that our marriage was insincere,” Macron said. “But since she is 20 years older than me, people say: “Well, no, this relationship is abnormal, it’s impossible.”

He added that rumors about his homosexuality show the level of homophobia and misogyny in France. In particular, about the fact that society considers homosexuality a shameful disease that needs to be hidden, and marrying an older woman can only be a “screen.”

At the same time, many call the story of the relationship between Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron romantic, inspiring and breaking stereotypes. Anna Fulda, journalist and author of the recent biographies of Macron, , that he had to fight for the right to live the way he wants: “It was not the most obvious and simple choice, it did not fit well into the way it is customary to build a family.” While working on the book, she talked not only with Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron, but also with his relatives. By words writer, at one time Macron’s parents took the news of his novel negatively. “You have already lived, but he has not. You will never be able to give him children,” Fulda quotes the future president’s mother, Françoise Macron, as saying.

Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Trognier met in college when he was 15 and she was 39: Trognier was his literature teacher and led a drama club. In addition, she was married; she has three children from this marriage. A year later, Macron told his parents about their affair - they were horrified and sent their son to study in Paris. Before leaving, he promised Brigitte that he would return and propose to her. And so it happened: in 2006, Brigitte Tronier divorced, and in 2007 she and Emmanuel Macron got married. It is unknown when exactly the relationship began between them. Brigitte Macron herself said that “no one will ever know when our history became love story. This will forever remain our secret." Macron's adviser and witness at his wedding to Brigitte Marc Ferracci claims that Emmanuel Macron could never have gone all this way without his wife: “He needs her presence.”

The first lady of France is called behind her back in the press eminence grise, who manages state affairs behind her husband's back. There are also all sorts of tales circulating about the President himself. But French women state one fact: the current President is smart, handsome, charming, and his wife is much older than him. Let's try to figure out what is the truth and what is the speculation of journalists and what the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron really is like (photo).

Let's start with the fact that the wife current president In France, this is his schoolteacher, whose grandchildren Macron babysits on weekends. Since the French are passionate people who love emotions, most of the female sex in this country are perplexed as to why this happened. After all, Macron has many fans himself of different ages and why does he need an elderly wife.

It is true that Brigitte Macron is almost 25 years older than her husband. If you look at photos of Brigitte in her youth and now, there is practically no difference. In any photograph you can see how the eyes of a woman passionate about her work sparkle. Emmanuel's wife has seven grandchildren, and her husband is only 40 years old. She is a former teacher of French and Latin.

The wife of the current President of France, Brigitte Macron, was born on April 13, 1953 in the family of Simone and Jean Tronier. In addition to Brigitte, the family had 5 more children. Her dad is a confectionery owner and chocolate maker in Amiens. The Troniers were a very wealthy family.

Brigitte got married for the first time in 1974. She bore her husband three children, who now have their own families. Brigitte first taught languages ​​in France, after which she moved to Strasbourg.

Tired of her unstable place of residence, the future bearer of the surname Macron returned to Amiens and got a job as a teacher at the local Jesuit lyceum, where Emmanuel attended. He was a classmate of her daughter Laurence. The bright student enjoyed attending classes and a theater class under Brigitte.

The wife of French President Macron: a novel

Their beautiful story love began in 1994, when Emmanuel was 17 years old. To become the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, Brigitte will need a long journey (photo). And then, so that their relationship would not become public and a scandal would not arise, Emmanuel’s parents sent him to finish his studies in Paris.

Almost everyone in their native Amiens knew about the romance between the teacher and her student. This city will never accept her as family after what happened. The teacher’s husband was the last person to find out about her infidelities. As relatives of the ex testify married couple, this discovery was a big blow for Andre. He would never have thought that his wife, the woman who bore him three children, was cheating on him with a boy. Especially with his daughter’s classmate. The husband did not suspect about the rival for exactly as long as they had been together for years.

Andre received Emmanuel at his home and was sure until the very end, just like the student’s parents, that he was friends with Laurence. Having learned the bitter truth, Oziera left them family home. Brigitte separated from her husband Andre Louis Ozier in 2006, and in next year he and Macron signed.

She's always there

The President's wife first appeared in secular society at a diplomatic dinner in 2015, when Emmanuel became a politician. He briefly served as France's Minister of Economy. When Macron ran for President of France, Brigitte was his faithful assistant, although she remained in the shadows. But it is she who the husband trusts unconditionally.

She and her children helped him campaign and voted for him. The presidential candidate promised the people that if he wins, he and his wife will be equal in political activity.

And on May 15, 2017, Brigitte’s husband, Emmanuel Macron, became the President of France. He wanted to give his wife presidential powers a certain kind, but people began to collect signatures against this step. By the way, more than 200 thousand signatures were collected. None of the politicians expected such an onslaught from the French people. Having become the head of the country, three months later Macron nevertheless endowed the First Lady with representative opportunities, giving her an unpaid job in the Presidium. He made a statement to the country that his wife's position would not be paid for with taxpayers' money.

The wife of the President of the Republic of France, Brigitte Macron (photo), studies the problems of ordinary people and helps solve them. She analyzes where there are gaps in the legislation and then transmits the data to the government. The people, seeing that the wife of the head of state was trying to help in some areas of their lives, reached out to Brigitte.

Numerous requests, complaints, petitions - all this is sent directly to the First Lady and nothing remains unanswered. Its goal is to improve the social well-being of families in the country who are faced with problems that the state sometimes simply does not have enough time to solve.

Brigitte effect

The First Lady always looks one hundred percent. She is slim, tanned, and sparkles with her snow-white smile. She always wears exquisite outfits, which speaks of her excellent taste. There were rumors that the wife of the head of the Republic dresses in ultra-fashionable outfits donated to her by leading French couturiers. This turned out to be an invention of the common people and envy on the part of those dissatisfied with her husband’s rise to power.

She inspired thousands of women her age throughout France. With her story, Brigitte showed that all ages are submissive to love, no matter how old she is. Thousands of letters are written to her, where French women thank her for setting an example for far from young women who believed that their lives were over. Not a single wife of a French president who has been in power has received so many letters from ordinary people.

Some addresses touch on the politics and activities of the First Lady. But mostly Brigitte is written by people her age, who send her photos of themselves in their youth, talking about their failed love. Women thank the President's wife for her courage in actions, impeccable style and example of worthy relationships between spouses of different ages.

To communicate with journalists and her people, the First Lady has an assistant, Michelle Marchand. Due to the fact that Emmanuel became President, his wife at first had to hold back the onslaught of negativity about her age. It was Michelle who took on the role of a barrier to protect Macron from criticism.

Michelle developed her activities in such a way that gradually the French’s opinion of Brigitte changed dramatically. In fashion magazines you can see the stylish First Lady, articles about the love story of the President and his wife, advice from Brigitte on the pages of Internet resources. Michelle arranged this and much more during numerous PR campaigns for the wife of the President of the Republic of France Emmanuel Macron (photo).

Macrons always appear at all events together, holding hands. Almost every joint photo you can see the blooming President of France, who is not shy about kissing his wife in public. She is for him strong support, his muse to whom he dedicated his life.
