The better to cleanse the body of parasites. Cleansing the body of parasites with medicines and folk remedies

It is impossible to carry out treatment with folk remedies for the sake of prevention. Even safe methods that cannot harm the body in any way affect the body’s natural defenses. The human immune system must independently fight bacteria, viruses and other dangers that may invade the body. Therefore, treatment should take place when the doctor diagnoses the presence of helminths, or you notice the following symptoms:

  • frequent causeless digestive disorders;
  • severe cramping pain in the abdomen;
  • increased salivation at night;
  • sudden change in appetite and rapid weight loss;
  • temperature rise to subfebrile levels.

Important! These symptoms may also indicate other diseases that are not associated with helminthiases.

Grinding of teeth during sleep, coughing, itching and redness near the anus, allergic rashes and dermatitis are also sometimes observed.

If the suspicion of the presence of worms based on characteristic symptoms is confirmed, try to slightly adjust your diet before cleansing the body. For 2-3 weeks, exclude heavy foods, fatty meats, and confectionery products from your diet. Poor nutrition may have affected your condition. Only after this can you begin to cleanse the body of helminths.

Troychatka for worms

Treatment at home gives positive results when using cleansing products in combination. Only then can a quick recovery be achieved without harm to health.

This recipe uses three medications:

  • tincture from walnut peel;
  • wormwood powder;
  • crushed clove seeds.

Walnut peel tincture

To prepare this tincture, take 12-15 ripe nuts that have already fallen from the tree and peel them. Grind the husks, fill them with pure alcohol (use 450 ml). The tincture should be kept in a dark place for 28 days, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.

Important! For this cleansing method, you can replace the tincture from the nut peel with a solution with the addition of Lugol. To prepare it, add 10 drops of the product to 100 ml of water.

You need to start taking the tincture with one drop. Every next day, increase the dosage by 1 drop. On the sixth day, take 0.5 tbsp. l. tinctures, and the next week - the same amount of medicine 2 times a day.

Dilute the product in 100-200 ml of water. You need to drink the tincture before meals in the morning. To prevent infection with worms and improve the condition of the body, you can take the medicine 0.5 tbsp. l. once a day.

The healing properties of walnuts are achieved due to the content of large amounts of iodine.

Wormwood powder

Harvest ripe wormwood. You need to use both the leaves and fruits of the plant. Be sure to shake out the medicinal herb, and then grind it to form a powder.

You need to start treatment with wormwood with a small pinch of powder, gradually increasing the dose to 0.5 tbsp. l. You should consume this amount of powder after 2 weeks. Always drink wormwood with a small amount of water before meals. Take the maximum dose of the powder for a week, after which for preventive purposes - 1 tsp. 1 time per week.

Important! If it is difficult for you to eat the entire dose of powder at one time, divide it into several parts, which you consume before meals throughout the day.

Clove seeds

The recipe uses regular cloves, which are sold in the store as a seasoning. Use finely ground seeds.

Start taking cloves with a small pinch 3 times a day. Increase the dosage every day. Until the tenth day of treatment, you should consume 1 tsp. in one go. After 10 days, take 1 tsp of clove seeds. once a week.

Important! During treatment, use all three components simultaneously to achieve maximum effect. Separately, these drugs do not give such a positive result.

How to get rid of it with hydrogen peroxide

Important! If after taking hydrogen peroxide you feel discomfort in your stomach, stop taking the medicine or reduce the dose.

First, start taking 1 drop of hydrogen peroxide orally 3 times a day, diluting it in 60 ml of water. Then increase the dose by one drop per day. After 10 days, take a break for 3 days, after which continue to use peroxide at the maximum dosage. You need to take the medicine 20-25 minutes before meals.

Neumyvakin, together with Zakurdaev, also developed unique cleansing methods that can be used at home. Using Zakurdaev’s method, natural preparations for worms have been developed, which contain rowan fruits, burdock roots, ginger, horsetail and other medicinal plants.

The juice is taken as an enema, which is given 2 times a day. Carry out this procedure in the morning and evening.

  1. Take 1.5-2 liters of boiled chilled water.
  2. Dissolve 1 tbsp in it. l. salt.
  3. Add 2 tbsp. l. cranberry juice.
  4. Enter all the liquid into the intestines.
  5. Try to keep the solution in for 5-15 minutes.
  6. After several bowel movements, you may notice worms in the toilet.

Do cranberry enemas for 3-10 days. After treatment, drink apple juice or chamomile tea every day for 2 weeks. This will help restore damaged mucous membranes of internal organs.

Colon cleansing with baking soda

Cleansing with soda is highly effective, as it has antiseptic properties and quickly gets rid of different types of helminths. An enema with a soda solution can be used even by children, since it is gentle and does not damage the mucous membrane.

Important! Before the procedure, you need to empty your bowels. Ask your child to go to the toilet.

To prepare the liquid, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. soda in a liter of boiled water. You need to keep the solution in the intestines for 15-20 minutes to achieve maximum results. Repeat the procedure every other day. The course of treatment with soda is 1-2 weeks.

Garlic cleansing is one of the most effective methods, because the hot plant has bactericidal and antihistamine properties. It can be used in different forms - as a tincture, an enema, or raw with food.


  1. Peel 200 g of garlic.
  2. Grind it and pour 0.5 liters of vodka or cognac.
  3. Leave for 20 days in a place where sunlight does not penetrate.
  4. Take 1 tbsp of tincture every day. l. on an empty stomach.
  5. The course of treatment is 2 months.

This tincture has contraindications. It should not be taken by children, people with stomach or heart diseases.

Garlic enema

Apply the procedure for 3-10 days, depending on the degree of worm damage.

Herbal cleansing methods


Important! This recipe is strictly contraindicated for children.

Collection of herbs

Mix in equal proportions:

  • tansy;
  • caraway;
  • centaury.

Pour 15 g of healing mixture of herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave for 45-50 minutes. You need to drink 1 tbsp of the decoction. l. before every meal.


Cook 1 tbsp over low heat for 10-15 minutes. l. nettle roots along with a glass of water. Then leave for about 30 minutes. Take 30 ml of decoction orally before meals 2-3 times a day.

Tea to cleanse the body

This drug will help cope with worms, cleanse the intestines, liver, and gall bladder of toxins. To prepare it, mix in equal amounts:

  • oak bark;
  • tansy;
  • sagebrush;
  • buckthorn bark.

At night, prepare tea by pouring 1 tbsp. l. mixture of herbs 150 ml boiling water. Drink this liquid in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 15-20 days.

Treatment with castor oil against worms is very effective, especially if it is combined with cognac. Before the cleansing procedure, eat easily digestible food all day, and have rice and raisins for dinner.

At night, drink sweet tea, and after that a mixture of cognac and castor oil. Take 50 ml of each liquid. If it is difficult to take the medicine, put a slice of lemon in your mouth. The acid will eliminate the unpleasant taste. After that, walk for 10-20 minutes and go to bed.

Important! Drink plenty of fluids while cleansing your body with castor oil.

The effect of the laxative should be the next morning. Repeat the procedure for 3-5 days in a row.

Pumpkin seeds;

Melon (especially in the form of freshly squeezed juice);

Raw carrots and carrot juice;

Aspen bark (I chew it every spring to cleanse the body);

Aspen bark tea;

Cloves (as a spice);

Tea made from plantain leaves (this tea should not be drunk for gastritis and stomach ulcers with high acidity);

Tea from wormwood (one teaspoon of wormwood is brewed with two glasses of boiling water, filtered after 20 minutes and drunk a tablespoon half an hour before meals);

Tea from wormwood.

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First way

1. Within an hour, eat three hundred grams of fresh crushed seeds mixed with honey in small portions on an empty stomach (three parts seeds + one part honey).

2. After three hours, take a laxative (you can use castor oil; for children it is better to choose another remedy).

3. After 30 minutes, give an enema.

Give children seeds at the rate of fifteen grams for each year of life, starting from the age of three.

Children four years old - sixty grams of pumpkin seeds per dose.

Children of five years old? - seventy-five grams.

Children six to seven years old - one hundred grams.

From the age of ten you can give one hundred and fifty grams of pumpkin seeds per meal.

This method is suitable for expelling roundworms for children, pregnant women and the elderly.

Second way

Grind peeled pumpkin seeds and take two tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach with warm milk for three days to expel worms.

Third way

For adults. Grind one hundred grams of pumpkin seeds and mix with sugar, take three tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach and immediately drink castor oil to expel tapeworm.

Fourth method

For adults. Mix one hundred grams of peeled, dry, finely crushed pumpkin seeds, fifty grams of natural cocoa, a little sugar and a few drops of water; prepare a homogeneous dough from the resulting mixture, make twenty flat cakes from it, sprinkle them with sugar so that they do not stick together.

The day before treatment, do not eat or drink anything. In the morning, eat the flatbreads one after another with an interval of 10 minutes. The worms will begin to come out quickly.

For prevention, we all need to periodically eat pumpkin seeds - it’s both tasty and healthy. Pumpkin seeds can be sprinkled on porridge or vegetables.

To expel worms, you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed melon juice.

For the same purpose you can eat two kilograms of wild strawberries in equal portions throughout the day.

From the book “A unique healing system. Exercises, working with hidden energies, meditations and attitudes”, Katsuzo Nishi

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening; consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatment methods.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

If the correct treatment is carried out, then you should use not only medications, but also traditional medicine. From a massive blow

They will leave you alone for a long time.

If you carry out the correct treatment at home, you need to go through 3 stages.

  1. At the initial stage, preliminary preparation is important. First, medications should be prescribed: Allohol or Enterosgel.
  2. Next, drugs with a mild effect are prescribed: Levamisole, Albendazole, Pyrantel, Mebendazole and others.
  3. At the 3rd stage, it is necessary to restore immunity, kidney and liver function, and improve intestinal functions. Vitamins are prescribed. But most importantly, it is necessary to restore the liver. The drug Hepatocholan contains all the restorative components.

What medications are the best?

A large number of anthelmintic drugs have been developed to remove worms from the body: Pyrantel, Piperazine, Decaris, Mebendazole (Vermox). Albendazole, Thiabendazole, Praziquantel (Biltricid), Niclosamide. Before taking pills, try using folk remedies.

Effective traditional medicine

If the intestines are colonized by pinworms and roundworms, then an excellent medicine would be:

  • Take 1 onion, chop,
  • Pour in 1 cup of hot water,
  • Let it brew for 12 hours.

Take half a glass for only 4 days.

Helps to get rid of worms:

  • Grind 3-4 cloves of garlic,
  • Pour a cup of warm boiled water,
  • Let it brew for 30 minutes.

Soak cotton wool with the infusion, use a bandage to make a candle, insert it into the anus, hold for 25 minutes. Garlic solution can be added to water for enemas.

Small worms will come out if you take 1 tbsp twice a day. l. raw carrot juice.

  • 1 teaspoon chopped chicory root,
  • 1 tsp each tansy and yarrow flowers.

Mix all ingredients and add 2 cups of water. Let it brew in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink one quarter cup on an empty stomach. Course – 1 week. You can repeat it after a week.

Safe treatment of children

  • Grated coconut flesh, pour milk into it,
  • Give the baby 1 tsp three times a day before meals,
  • For adults, the dose will be 1 tbsp. l.

Course – 7 days. Then a break for 2 weeks, then repeat the course.

Be careful if your child is prescribed Praziquantel. This is a very effective remedy, but it severely poisons the liver and pancreas.

Mebendazole and Albendazole are prescribed to children only after 2 years of age. Levamisole - from three years.

Cleansing with baking soda

There are many adherents treatment with soda enemas which are done twice a year. The course of treatment is 14 days. However, many doctors consider them useless and here's why: it has been proven that helminths inhabit the upper intestine and descend into the lower intestine to lay eggs.

How to cleanse the liver

It's annoying, but worms love to settle in the liver. How to improve the health of this most important organ of the body? You should start only after cleansing the intestines. Colon cleansing will be found in my blog.

Recipe with pumpkin seeds:

  • 300 grams of pumpkin seeds,
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey and magnesia (sulfate).

Preparation : turn the seeds with skin into a homogeneous mass, then add honey and 50 grams of boiling water to them. Mix everything thoroughly. In the morning before breakfast, eat the entire mass within 1 hour.

After 3 hours, take a laxative (magnesia) - 1.5 tsp. for 0.5 cups of water. After 30 minutes, do an enema. Repeat the procedure 2 times a year. In the next and subsequent years, manipulation can be carried out once a year.

They will help cleanse the liver and the entire body herbal decoctions: yarrow, tansy, oak bark, chamomile, St. John's wort, buckthorn bark and immortelle. How to prepare the decoction:

  • Take 1 teaspoon of each herb, stir;
  • Take 1 tbsp. mixture, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos, leave until morning.

Take the decoction in the morning, 100 g each. The course of treatment is 10 days. Then take a break for 4 days. Then the procedure must be repeated. It is enough to carry out such cleansing once a year.

In addition, plants help restore immunity, intestines, mucous membranes and bile ducts. The drug Chromvital with Eleutherococcus is suitable for this procedure.

Hilda Clark Method

To remove bacteria, worms, viruses, and single-celled organisms from the body, you can use the Hilda Clark method. For this, a tincture is prepared from peels of unripe walnuts or buy the drug Nuxen. It is available in any pharmacy.

Tincture recipe:

  • peel of 15 unripe walnuts;
  • pour 0.5 liters of vodka.
  • leave in the sun for 1 month. Then put it in a dark place for storage.

It should be taken according to the following schedule in the morning on an empty stomach:

  • On the first day - 1 drop per 100 ml of water.
  • Then add one drop daily.
  • On the 6th day, pour 2 teaspoons of tincture into water and drink for 1 year.

Wormwood powder

  • The first 2 days - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • The next 2 days - 1 tsp.
  • On the 5th and 6th – 1.5 tsp.
  • Take until the dose is increased by 7 times the initial dosage.

For prevention, take 0.5 teaspoon of wormwood powder daily for a year.

Contraindications for removing helminths

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Oncology;
  • Heat;
  • Renal and liver failure in the acute stage;
  • Gastritis, stomach ulcers, bleeding (including menstruation).

  • Keep your nails and hands clean.
  • Change underwear twice a day, and bed linen once a week.
  • After washing, iron on both sides.
  • Do not touch stray cats and dogs.
  • Carry out wet cleaning of the house daily.
  • Toys that are taken outside by a child should be washed immediately with soap.
  • Rinse vegetables and fruits with hot water.
  • Boil or fry fish and meat thoroughly.
  • Do not drink tap water, only after purification with filters or boiled water.

Dear friends, I am sure that you have found effective recipes and medications for yourself that can protect you and your children from any infection.

When should you clean?

The following may indicate helminth infection: symptoms:

  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • constant weakness, fatigue;
  • sudden attacks of nausea;
  • increased salivation;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • decreased appetite leading to weight loss;
  • muscle pain;
  • allergic skin rash, dermatitis;
  • grinding teeth and snoring in sleep;
  • depression, psychological disorders;
  • decreased immunity, anemia;
  • formation of papillomas, age spots;
  • cracks on the soles of the feet.

The presence of helminths in the body can also be determined by external signs. Over time, the skin of an infected person becomes oily, with pimples, blackheads, wrinkles appear early, and the complexion becomes dull. In women, the monthly cycle may be disrupted, and benign neoplasms may appear in the breasts and uterus.

Note! An important issue in preparing for cleansing is hydration of the body. Ideally, a person consumes 2 liters per day. water and besides that, drinks herbal teas.

  • If you have constipation, you should solve this problem before starting the cleansing - you can take a mild laxative for a week, and if it is ineffective, do several enemas.

Methods of cleansing the body

According to Malakhov

Note! To cleanse the simplest microorganisms, which lead to disruption of metabolic processes, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, changes in the liver, G. Malakhov advises using bitter plants: wormwood, ginger, cloves, black walnut, tansy.

It is recommended to prepare tea or powder from these herbs, which should then be rolled into bread balls and swallowed. Making tea is very simple: pour 0.5 teaspoon of herb into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for no more than 10 minutes, wait until it becomes warm and drink on an empty stomach.

Second cleansing method more radical, but, as the author claims, more effective. These are five-day fasts or the use of urine (your own), which you can drink or do enemas. It is recommended to repeat such procedures 4 times a year.

According to Semenova

This is important to know! It is recommended to use water for enemas at room temperature, preferably purified, but not boiled.

You can acidify the water with the juice of lemon, sea buckthorn, lingonberry, but cranberries are best - it affects not only worms, but also protozoan microorganisms.

If previously the treatment of helminths was carried out mainly with herbal preparations, now the market offers a fairly wide range of drugs of synthetic origin, which are safer and more effective.

Most popular anthelmintics:

  • Nemozol

A universal remedy for many types of helminths, including mixed infections. It is taken with food, the dosage depends on the patient’s weight. There are few side effects, contraindications - liver and kidney diseases, pregnancy, hypertension, age under 2 years.

  • Dekaris
  • Vermox

Broad-spectrum tablets based on mebendazole powder. They destroy almost all types of worms and are effective against mixed infestations. They are used once, in some cases for up to 3 days. Side effects are identical to the symptoms of helminthiasis; contraindications are liver disease, lactation, pregnancy, age under 2 years.

  • Helminthox

The active ingredient of the drug is pyrantel. The product is effective against hookworms, roundworms, trichuriasis, and pinworms. Apply once, in some cases up to three days. It is safest for children - it can be used in the form of a suspension from 6 months of age.


For the targeted destruction of worms, garlic enemas prepared in water or milk are used:

  • To prepare garlic water, you need to mash the head of garlic, add unboiled water, leave for a little, and then strain:
  • in the second option, you need to boil several garlic cloves in a glass of milk until soft, cool, then filter - such enemas can be given to children: 100 ml of decoction is enough for a child, 200 ml for an adult.

Enema cleansing should be done at night for one week.


Cleansing with soda is carried out in three stages and involves enemas: two cleansing and one with a soda solution. At the first stage, the intestines are washed using an enema with salted water: dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt in 2 liters of boiled and then cooled to 20 degrees water.

The next stage is an enema with soda. To prepare it, you need to dissolve a spoonful of soda in 800 ml of warm water (40 degrees).

Finally, a cleansing enema is performed, similar to the first. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to add fresh lemon juice to the water.

The procedures are carried out every other day. The cleansing course consists of 8 procedures and lasts 16 days. One three-step cleaning takes approximately one and a half hours.

Cognac and castor oil

For cleaning, high-quality cognac and castor oil are used (sold in every pharmacy). On an empty stomach you need to drink 50 g of cognac and butter, then wash it down with sweet warm tea - it will make the helminths crawl out of their secluded corners. After a few minutes, under the influence of castor oil, a natural cleansing of the intestines will occur.


  • Decoction. Pour boiling water (200 ml) over a spoonful of dry herbs, leave for a little or hold for half an hour in a water bath. Cool and drink in several doses.
  • Powder . You can use a ready-made pharmaceutical product or prepare it yourself - dried plants along with flowers, leaves, roots just need to be ground in a coffee grinder. Take the powder twice a day half an hour before meals. It can be washed down with water or added to tea or juice. The duration of treatment is a month.
  • Tincture . Dry crushed grass is poured with alcohol: 5 tablespoons of grass per half liter of alcohol. Leave for 10 days away from sunlight, then filter. Take a tablespoon twice a day. Not recommended for heart disease and stomach problems.

Contraindications and side effects

Good health is a prerequisite for fast and effective reading. Cleaning procedures should not be carried out in the following cases:

  • in case of exacerbation of any chronic disease, the body is weakened during this period;
  • for any bleeding, wounds, including menstruation in women;
  • during the period of respiratory, viral diseases accompanied by elevated temperature;
  • for renal, liver, heart failure;
  • for gastritis and peptic ulcers;
  • for oncological diseases;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

When using folk remedies, you need to be prepared for side effects:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain and cramps in the abdomen;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • decrease or increase in blood pressure.

Before using anthelmintic drugs, you should carefully read the instructions for possible side effects.

This article is for conscious people, for those who have stopped believing in modern medical religion. Many people began to realize that doctors could not help them improve their health. Regalia and titles do not save, doctors get sick more often than their patients and die earlier from the same diseases that they are supposed to cure. Why is this happening? Because medical students receive knowledge about diseases, not health. They are not given complex, time-tested natural knowledge, but are led towards the poisons of pharmacology. In modern paid medicine, it is unprofitable to cure and lose patients; it is profitable to bring his condition to a chronic pathology and then treat him for the rest of his life.

If you notice that your child often scratches his butt, he drools in his sleep and you can hear the grinding of his teeth.

If you often experience irritation and nervousness, feel constantly tired, have trouble falling asleep and wake up exhausted

You've started having problems with being overweight and you can't seem to lose weight, you're experiencing stomach pain, aches and pains in your joints, and various allergic rashes are appearing more and more often.

If you notice dry skin, brittle and uneven nails, hair falls out.

Pigment spots appear on the body, warts and papillomas have grown, and ultrasound shows the growth of tumors and cysts on the organs.

Even diseases such as pancreatitis, diabetes and oncology are directly related to the development of pathogenic flora in the body.

Let me remind you that the cause of such serious and sometimes “incurable” diseases according to official medicine as obesity, hypertension, asthma, diabetes, gastritis, inflammation of the ovaries, loss of strength, arthritis, inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, prostatitis, impotence, depression and many other disorders is the active colonization of the body by pathogenic flora.

And now it becomes clear to you why the child does not study well, does not remember assignments, and often gets sick. You barely have enough strength to last until the weekend, you crave flour and sweets every day, your weight increases endlessly, and diets don’t help. And you had no idea about the causes of your problems.

If you decide to take off the “zombie cap” of the medical control system, then you need to understand what is happening in your body, carry out diagnostics and gradually build a healthy lifestyle.

Sellers do not even hide the side effects from taking pills, and each instruction contains a list of these destructive effects. The use of medications can cause you to become aggressive and mentally upset, vomiting and diarrhea, often leading to kidney and liver disease, including fatal liver necrosis. This is the kind of help that the official Zdravo burial service will offer you.

What is in the repositories of Traditional Traditional Medicine? How our ancestors recovered their health 200-300 years ago, when there were no chemicals and pills, how they lived without hospitals, maternity hospitals and ambulances.

Studying the chronicles, we learned a lot of new and interesting things that do not fit with modern generally accepted paradigms of medicine.

It turns out that even 150-200 years ago, our great-grandfathers lived on earth much longer than people live in cities now, and there were no hospitals because few people were sick, and each family had its own skilled healers who successfully used natural natural ingredients and simple procedures.

What is left to us as a legacy for the prevention and cleansing of the body from various Worms, Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa, Fungi and Mold?

After all, all plants: trees, herbs and flowers live in harmonious interaction with the entire universe and therefore have a certain biochemical composition at different times of the day. Those. At different times, plants have different strengths and properties.

Plants collected without taking into account the biological characteristics of nature, improperly dried or stored for a long time no longer have the same healing properties. I encountered this before when I purchased herbs from pharmacies and noticed that sometimes they did not help. And when I began to harvest herbs myself, those collected with my own hands gave faster and more effective healing results.

When harvesting, it is also very important to be able to listen to nature and collect plants and herbs with love.

IT'S TIME FOR US TO REALIZE THAT EVERYTHING IS ALIVE and EVERYTHING hears us, reacts to our thoughts and responds to words. Therefore, the process of collecting herbs for me is always a Sacred Joyful Act, filled with thoughts of gratitude to Mother Nature and the desire to give people health, healing and goodness.

This ecologically clean area belongs to the Galichya Gora Nature Reserve; many rare medicinal herbs, berries and plants grow here, filling the space with a thick, calming aroma. This includes mighty ancient rocks that imbue this area with special energy. All around is untouched pristine nature, mixed forest, meadows and slopes with rich herbs - everything here radiates the healing power of Mother Earth.

It is here that I annually collect herbs for healing and cleansing: - wormwood, chamomile, celandine, tansy, horsetail, thyme, yarrow, rose hips, St. John's wort and many others. etc. The power of local herbs is unique, and I am convinced of this every time with my patients.

I store dried herbs in linen bags and boxes, herbs for baths and infusions in containers. The top part of plants and flowers are used to make “magic powder”. I cut off the top and grind it in a coffee grinder, then store it in an airtight jar so that the healing essential oils of the plant do not evaporate. When collecting ancient recipes for healing with herbs, I first test all the methods of cleansing and healing on myself and loved ones.

Reception of dry bitters - Wormwood and Tansy, with the addition of Chamomile and Cloves.

Cooking method:

We take equal quantities of dry Wormwood, Tansy, Chamomile and Ginger. Grind in a coffee grinder and mix, pour into an airtight container and consume half a teaspoon 2 times a day before meals, washed down with warm water. We take it for 10 days, then take a week break and then drink it for another 10 days. After 4 months we repeat the course.

- The course is called “PoPugay” and is designed against severe infection by pathogenic flora.

For Cleaning we take Wormwood, Tansy Flowers, Cloves, Black Cumin Seed, Licorice Root and Buckthorn Bark.

Take 10 parts of wormwood

3 parts Tansy flowers,

2 parts Cloves, And

2 parts Black Cumin Seed,

Add 2 parts of Licorice root and 3 parts of Buckthorn Bark.

Mix everything, grind it to powder and start taking it.

For the first three days, you need to consume the prepared mixture every 3 hours, without a break for sleep (we wake up at night, drink herbs and go to bed again)

The dosage for administration is 1/3 of a teaspoon, which can be washed down with warm water.

For the next 5 days, take half a teaspoon 5 times a day.

Then we take the herbs for another seven days, but reduce the amount taken to 3 times, 1 teaspoon each.

Then we take a week break and then take bitters for another 7 days, also 3 times a day, a teaspoon.

It is better to purchase seeds and plants that are not crushed, but to prepare them yourself in small portions for several days in order to preserve all the healing properties of the plants.

To do this, take 1 tbsp. spoon of Dill Seed, Fennel and Anise, it’s good to add Marshmallow Root.

Grind everything in a coffee grinder, mix and consume ½ teaspoon 3 times a day for a week before meals.

- RECIPE for antihelminthic plant milk.

Pumpkin Seed has many beneficial properties.

To prepare delicious and nutritious pumpkin milk, we need a powerful blender, raw pumpkin seeds, drinking water, Cardamom seeds and Honey or Stevia for sweetness.

Take a glass of pumpkin seeds in the peel, rinse with hot water and put in a blender. Grind a tablespoon of Cardamom Seed in a coffee grinder and also pour it into the blender bowl. Add 1 – 1.5 liters of clean water, depending on the container, and add 2-3 tablespoons of honey. Beat everything in a blender for one minute and strain.

The composition of nutrients in pumpkin seeds is so rich in vitamins, minerals and microelements that their regular use guarantees a person excellent well-being and health!

All given methods and dosages are indicated conditionally; the number of days and the composition of the components of cleansing courses may vary depending on the disease and condition of the patient!!!

The path to recovery is a comprehensive systematic approach, and above all, a healthy lifestyle!
