What to do to make your wish come true. What needs to be done to make your cherished wish come true

How to make your wish come true? This simple and very effective wish fulfillment technique will not take much of your time and is suitable for daily use!

To make your wish come true one hundred percent, follow 3 simple steps

1. Formulation

First of all, before performing the wish fulfillment technique itself, you should come up with a formulation of the desired result. No visual representation, just wording!

First there was the word, right? It should be one sentence, no more. If you want something else, repeat the wish fulfillment technique the next day, or, alternatively, create more succinct statements. For example: “May my family and I have a wonderful day tomorrow,” “Tomorrow I will pass the exam with flying colors.”

As you can see, the wording can be precise or general - it should reflect what you want. But let me remind you that by formulating more precise “orders”, it will be easier for you to notice the result. Close your eyes and think about what you really want.

2. Vacuum

The second step to make your wish come true is to create a vacuum¹ in your head. Try to completely get rid of thoughts for a few seconds. Focusing on some horizontal line will help you with this (I often use the top border of the window).

A horizontal line is needed in order to disperse your attention along it without concentrating on any point. Your gaze should be scattered along the line, and your head should be empty. Keep your head empty until you hear a slight “whistle” in your ears.

This is the state we need! Even a few seconds are enough, two, three, five – great! Even a couple of moments in the first stages is enough.

3. Request

Immediately after the whistle in your ears (or after achieving complete silence), holding this state for a couple of seconds, mentally pronounce your wording from the first step. Ready!

Important clarification

To make your wish come true, it is best to perform the wish fulfillment technique before bed, but if you suddenly fall asleep, do it immediately after waking up.

However, it is still better to practice this before going to bed so that the Universe has more time to prepare events. If you remember, even Vasilisa the Wise worked miracles at night.

This method of fulfilling desires is extremely simple and always works. I often share it with friends and always use it before exams. As a result, there is not a single B in my diploma, but only an A!

Lucky case, happy ticket, the teacher left, a sudden machine gun, or insight when answering a ticket. The fulfillment of desires always happened in different ways.

Later I began to use this method for any of my desires. Even “celebrating a birthday in Paris” turned out to be subject to this method! The main thing is to clearly formulate what you want!

Let's summarize - a brief algorithm of actions

To make your wish come true, you:

  • Formulate the desired result in advance in one sentence.
  • You create a vacuum in the mind.
  • Immediately pronounce your wording in your mind.

That's all! Wish you luck!

It was good for the old man from A.S.’s fairy tale. Pushkin! Without any mental flows or affirmations, I received what I wanted from the goldfish practically without delay. True, he was not pursuing his own desires, which is what let him down in the end. We are interested in how to make the wish come true, but gold fish at the same time, she didn’t leave us with nothing in the end.

4 steps to achieving everything you want

There are many techniques that promise to achieve the unattainable. Most of them are aimed at achieving what you want with the power of thought. The main mistakes on the path of novice wizards:
  • There is no belief that you can simply and without any conditions get what you want;
  • A person does not believe that his thought has power;
  • The connection with the Divine principle, the Absolute, the Universe (call it what you want) is not felt.
To work with the subconscious, which serves as a guide to the world of abundance, you need to learn to give it commands, and for this you must go through several stages.

Learning to focus on what you want

The main condition that you need to fulfill before realizing your dreams and desires is to learn to direct your attention to the positive and good things that you would like to receive, and not think about what you fear and do not want. Creative thinking is activated with the help of the subconscious. It knows how to fulfill a desire, but the trouble is that it takes all thoughts at face value, without distinguishing whether they are good or harmful to you.

We can grasp these differences with the help of our inner wisdom, which we know as god or guardian angel. You need to ask God or an angel to stand guard over your thoughts and desires and not let negativity in. Yes, there is nowhere to escape the negativity in our lives! - you say. Nobody encourages us to look at our surroundings through rose-colored glasses. But everyone can not let everything into their mind by the power of thought.

A beautiful landscape, a house, a monument, a charming child, a tastefully dressed woman, animals and plants - carefully consider what pleases the eye, think about what positive thoughts appeared at the same time, try to remember them. Such training will gradually accustom the subconscious to positivity, it will carry out only positive commands.

Mastering visualization

The visualization technique is not as complicated as many people think. We must always remember that the language of images is the language in which the subconscious mind easily and pleasantly communicates with you. It is the picture that it perceives first and tries to materialize, while relegating words and thoughts to the background. Repeat at least a hundred times: “I am healthy,” if in your imagination you see a picture of how illness overcomes you - this is the instruction that the subconscious mind will accept for execution.

If you asked God or an angel for something every day, and your prayers were not fulfilled, it means that in your imagination you were scrolling through completely different pictures. How to realize your dreams and desires with the help of visualization? The technique is simple - you need to imagine that your dream has already come true and create in your imagination what you really want to receive. These images will become to the subconscious what a house drawing is to an architect, or a production modernization project to an engineer.

Techniques on how to correctly formulate your desire for the Universe:
  • You need to place yourself in the center of the picture that appears in your dreams in order to perceive everything from the inside.
  • Complete the picture with imaginary sounds, smells, tastes and motor sensations, make it brighter and more specific.
  • The feeling of pleasure that occurs while using this technique is an indicator that you are on the right way, and your subconscious is ready to fulfill what you want.
By practicing visualization, you can eventually learn to enter a state of meditation, and this will further speed up the process of achieving what you want.

Affirmation formula

The affirmation technique is another step towards how to correctly formulate a desire. An affirmation is the essence of your dreams, enclosed in words. This is a symbiosis of imagination and thought, here they enhance each other’s influence. It is advisable not to use other people’s affirmations, but to compose your own phrases that touch the soul.

They can be written on paper, they can be memorized, the main thing is to comply with the following requirements:

  • Do not use the particle “not”, the words “nobody”, “nowhere”, “nobody”, etc.;
  • Avoid negative words and words that cause unpleasant associations;
  • Use more positive words: love, happiness, health, etc.;
  • Feel what is being said, clearly imagining what is behind each word;
  • Try to say them out loud or at least in a whisper - this way they are filled with more energy. Although mentally pronounced affirmations also work.
The technique is used several times every day. Positive statements should be said for 5-7 minutes. Regularly following these simple rules will help you quickly materialize your desire.

Taking advantage of the moment of falling asleep

How to correctly formulate your desire for the Universe? You need to use the moment of falling asleep. The border between sleep and wakefulness, the moment of light drowsiness when falling asleep and during awakening from sleep is the most convenient option for solving the problem of how to make a wish. The fact is that it is at these moments that the conscious mind is not active, somewhat inhibited, and will not interfere with the work of the subconscious with its arguments.

How to formulate your desire so that it comes true? Any technique used:

  • Affirmations
  • Arbitrarily formulated desires
  • Prayers for god or angel
  • Visualization technique
It is impossible to work productively on a desire that has arisen right now while half asleep. You need to prepare in advance, decide which desire you have chosen to fulfill. You can write a phrase that describes what you want on paper, put it under your pillow and refresh your memory before falling asleep.

Just before you fall asleep, imagine a picture of your dream coming true and slowly say the prepared phrase. You can even sing it to yourself instead of a lullaby until you fall asleep. In the morning, do not immediately jump out of bed, imagine again that what you want has materialized, and again say the phrase that describes this picture.

Magic Scroll of Wishes

The “Scroll of Desires” technique, designed to help those who are thinking about how to realize their dreams and desires with the power of thought, is named by analogy with an ancient ritual. Previously, wishes intended to be fulfilled had to be written down on parchment, rolled up to form a scroll, and tied with something. History is silent about where this scroll was taken. We can’t get parchment, we’ll have to make do with a notepad, let’s call it “Scroll of Wishes.”

This notebook cannot be shown to anyone; only you will write in it. It is written down in the Scroll of Wishes as if it had already come true. “With joy I met love for my well-being,” “With gratitude I accept from God (or the Universe, or an angel) recovery from illness.” At the same time, it is quite possible that you have not yet recovered, and love is not even looming on the horizon.

How to formulate a wish to make it come true? You are allowed to write down only what relates to your life in the “Scroll of Wishes”. If you really want to wish something good to your loved one or to a loved one, you need to write as follows: “With great pleasure I received joy from God (angel, Universe) about the well-being of my husband!” All dreams recorded in the scroll cannot be written with the particle “not”. For wishes to come true, you need to write them as if they had already come true right now.

When you have achieved what you want, be sure to thank the Universe (God, your guardian angel), you should write the following words in the scroll: “I thank the angel (God, the Universe) for making my dream come true with your help.” Then the wish that has already been fulfilled must be crossed out and the next two written.

If new dreams appeared before the previous ones came true, they still need to be written in the “Scroll of Desires”. This list can be replenished whenever you see fit. In order for the “Scroll of Wishes” to work, the notebook playing its role must be “activated”, that is, it must be made clear to higher powers that this is where dreams are located to be fulfilled. To do this, you need to write in it something easy to do, something that you yourself can do right now. “With a feeling of gratitude I accept from the Universe (God, angel) a new dress for my well-being.”

Then you need to purchase what you put in the “Scroll of Wishes,” quickly put it on, and write your gratitude. Then you need to make two new dreams to fulfill and write them down. That's it, the scroll is already working for you. It is better if this activation occurs on the waxing Moon.

Calculating the golden minute of the day

There is another technology on how to realize your dreams and desires. In order for them to come true, there is a golden minute of the day. Every day, for only one minute, the channel that exists between us and the Universe opens. During this direct communication session, you can ask for anything, make any wish, and it will definitely come true. If at this moment higher power If they hear you listing a list of complaints about life, then, supported by the power of thought, these complaints will remain with you, or even double.

After all, the Universe always fulfills your message, and it’s not its fault that it often hears only negativity. The golden minute of the day is calculated using a certain technology. On any day you need to pay attention to the date, its designation on the letter and there will be this magical minute when you can ask the universe (God, angel) for anything. For example, 23.02, which means that on this day the golden minute of the day will be at 23 hours 2 minutes.

It is at this moment that you need to make a wish. It should be clear and specific, not vague, and contain clarifying details. The amount you need, the location of the desired housing, its area, the gender of the unborn child, hair color, height, age of the one who will bring you new love– this list can be compiled in advance to make a wish quickly, in one minute.

From the 25th to the 31st of each month, the day and month numbers are reversed. That is, on 10/25 you need to make your wish at 10:25 am, and on 1/31 – at 1:31 am. You can make a list that you write on each day when the time comes to release your thoughts into the Universe.

Make a wish come true with a glass of water

There is another opportunity to make wishes come true with the power of thought. This is the "Glass of Water" method proposed and tested famous esotericist Vadim Zeland. To complete this you will need a piece of paper and a glass of water. You need to pour spring or at least melt water into the glass. You need a sheet to write on it what you are going to ask or wish for. This shouldn't be whole list, desire is expressed as an affirmative and positive thought form.

The leaf should be placed under a glass of water, after holding it between closed palms and concentrating on the contents. Then we rub our palms until a feeling of warmth appears and then move them away, then bring them closer to each other. You need to achieve the feeling that there is a balloon between them. You can try to squeeze it forcefully and release it, twist it, feel the heat or cold coming from the ball. This energy ball must be quickly released into a glass of water. Then voice what you want out loud and drink a glass of water charged with your power.

This ritual should be performed in the morning and before bed. A glass of charged water has a special power; under the influence of strong feelings and emotions, it changes its structure, in this case serves as a conductor of your energy.

If the wish list is large enough, it doesn’t matter whether you use the power of thought, the “Glass of Water” technique, the golden minute, write and make wishes in a magic scroll in order to release them into the Universe. The main thing is to use these methods regularly and choose the one that suits you best.

There are people whose wishes come true easily and quickly. Perhaps they are wizards or have some secret? How to make everything you want come true? We offer several tips that will help you fulfill almost any desire, regardless of its complexity.

Learn to dream

Do you think that dreaming is useful? If not, then you rarely get what you want. Perhaps you still have certain dreams, but they are in no hurry to come true. You just need to take a few simple steps:

  • Dream sincerely so that the Universe understands that you really want to make it happen and need it.
  • Stop doubting. If you make a wish, but are not sure whether you need it, then know that it will not come true, therefore, in order for it to come true, you need to clearly know that your plan will come true.
  • Separate real dreams from obviously unrealistic ones. You want to become a pilot, but your health doesn’t allow it.

What's the point of dreaming about it if you know it will never happen. Replace it with another desire, for example, to climb hot-air balloon or learn how to sail a boat, or maybe become an aircraft modeller.

Methods for fulfilling wishes

  1. Keep a diary where you write down what you want to do. For a harmonious distribution of desires, use.
  2. Forget about the particle “not”. In order for a wish to come true, dreams must be written in a positive way: “I want to buy a car.”
  3. Indicate a specific execution date or approximate period. If you say: “I want a car,” but do not specify when, then the fulfillment of your desire will be postponed indefinitely. It would be more correct to say: “I will buy a car in March.”
  4. Instead of a diary, you can make a “vision board”. Let's take it large leaf paper. We cut out pictures from any magazines that symbolize your dream, or we draw it ourselves. The board needs to be hung in a place where you will see it every day.
  5. In order for a dream to come true, it must be clearly formulated. Not “I need a job,” but “I want to work as a purchasing manager in such and such a company.”
  6. Enhance the action with visual images. Visualize how your wish came true. Feel how you feel, what kind of people surround you, how your dream came true.
  7. There is no need to constantly think about your desire. It is enough to mentally imagine what you want and release it, directing the energy into the Universe.
  8. Give thanks for any joys, any blessings that come into your life. The more often you give thanks, the more positive energy is attracted.

The principle of “like attracts like”

Have you noticed that what we think hard about often comes true? Some people believe that the reason for this is highly developed intuition. In fact, there is a different principle at work here. We send a thought into the world.

Thought is energy.

The world, the Universe “hears” us and gives us what we think about. For people who think positively, a lot of good things happen in life precisely because they drive away negativity.
Attracts bad things into life and discussion of negative events. How often do you watch news on TV? Is there a lot of good stuff there? What feelings arise after watching such TV shows? Passivity, aggression, sadness, fear - these are the main emotions.

Negative emotions are also conveyed to us by other people who have the habit of telling others about their problems. Stay away from such individuals so as not to become infected with depression and fear. If you want to become lucky, communicate only with lucky people and learn from their way of thinking and acting.

Boost Your Energy Levels

Luck comes only to active people. You can make your wish come true by increasing general level energy. For these purposes you need to do physical exercise and use healthy food, which increases activity levels. Asthenics and people with low level energies often have problems in the personal and professional spheres, and in order for their desire to be fulfilled, they have to spend a lot of effort on it.

Energy is also the ability to act to fulfill your dreams. Desire does not materialize out of nowhere; for this you need to do something, make some effort, force yourself to meet your dream. The level of well-being will not increase on its own; for this you need to work. Love will not find you at home, you will have to look for it in the outside world.
How to increase your energy level?

  • Play sports.
  • Eat right.
  • Take up energy practices, such as yoga.
  • Meditate.

Move towards your dream

Let's say you wish for a car. What needs to be done to make it appear? Of course, start taking action to make your dreams come true.

  • Decide how much money is required to make your wish come true.
  • Think about what needs to be done for this.
  • Determine the time frame for when the dream should come true.
  • Make a step-by-step action plan.
  • Decide how much you will save to complete your plan, determine the monthly contribution.
  • Choose a car brand - your dream must be specific.
  • Decide on approximate deadlines.

Sometimes it happens that the deadline for doing what we want is delayed. In this case, there is no need to be nervous, just be sure that your plan will come true anyway.

Set yourself realistic goals

We can dream of flying into space, descending to the depths of the ocean, but are such desires realizable? It is important to understand how realistic what you want to get is, whether you are physically and mentally ready for it. It also happens that our dream comes true, but in the end we only feel disappointment or discomfort because we chose the wrong direction.

Approach life, your needs and opportunities realistically. Remember that optimism and positivity help us get what we want. Rejoice at every success and give thanks for every little thing, every joy that life gives you.

Every person always has several desires. Some of them are insignificant, others, on the contrary, are very important and significant. Desires can relate to the material sphere or the spiritual.

Materialization of desires or lack thereof - it’s up to you to decide

If a person has dreams, it means he does not have a set of any qualities, energies, information necessary for the materialization of desires. There are 2 options for the development of events:

1. Give up the desire.

2. Change something in yourself so that these qualities and energy turn on, work and attract what you want into your life.

Where to start materializing what you want?

Imagine that you already have what you want, enter this image, “get used to” it, imagine in your imagination all the consequences that having what you want will bring you. Do not hurry. Try to experience the changes as fully as possible. Now remove the emotions. Take a “sober” look at yourself, who has what you want.

Find out how to bypass all the barriers of the subconscious so that your wishes really come true! free registration here >>>

Listen to yourself, do you still have this desire? Perhaps having what you need now will bring some unpleasant moments in the future? Perhaps, taking a sober look at events, you will decide that the desire is not worth the effort?

If the desire remains?

If this desire remains, and the changes that will certainly occur in connection with the possession of what you want are acceptable for you, you can proceed to the materialization of desires.

5 techniques for making wishes

Resonate with desire

You need to tune in to the vibration frequency of your desire. To do this, imagine again that you have what you need and observe your feelings. Feel how your body responds, feel the emotions. Emotions cause certain vibrations. Next, you need to send these vibrations to the outside world as often as possible, tuning into your desire.

After such work, the Universe forms for a person an event that corresponds to the radiation of his energy field, this event gradually materializes in life.

You can find out more about vibrations and tuning in the article: “68 Secrets: The Magic of Money. Secret 14 - Vibration frequency will change your life"

Why doesn't this happen everywhere?

Everyone dreams of something and seemingly emits these vibrations. However, as life shows, often fantasies remain fantasies. What to do?

It is necessary to turn fantasy into the intention to have, and the intention into an internal state of possession.

Bioenergy is your key to fulfillment of desires

What mistake should be avoided when materializing desires?
You can’t take a desire to the point of absurdity, you can’t get hung up on it, that’s the only way it can come true. And one more thing: every event requires expended energy. The larger your desire, the more energy its implementation will require from you. Moreover, a person receives the quality of events that corresponds to his internal state and feelings.

If you are ready to work on materializing your dreams, then you can use any wish fulfillment technique.

You will learn about one of them in this article.

What will be required of you?

Pay for desire. The materialization of desires involves a certain price. The price can be very different, it depends on what you need. What matters is not what you give, but the willingness to give.

However, each field requires a different payment - material - material, spiritual - your energy, your emotions.

If your goal is material values

If your goal is to achieve material wealth, then technology will work through the energy field material assets. In this case, you must be willing to pay the price when you actually receive this material benefit. Pay according to situation. Don't be alarmed, this fee will be negative and you will have to pay less than what you receive. You may have to help someone who comes to you for help. Watch for signs of fate! There is no need to pay anything in advance.

68 Secrets: The Magic of Money. Secret 24 - How to get a lot of money?

What does the field of material values ​​need from you?

The material field needs your internal readiness give (much less) to get more. When the field of the Universe reads this readiness from your field, it begins to form events that will lead you to achieve what you want.

Decide for yourself, are you ready to give in order to receive?

If “Yes,” then this technique is for you. If “No”, better not use it. The field of material values ​​will itself control the process of fulfilling your obligations with all the ensuing consequences. By using this technology, you thereby enter into a contract with the field of material values.

If you have a spiritual goal

If your goal is not to obtain material values, but is aimed towards personal development, then you do not owe anyone anything. The field of spiritual practices, like the field of personal relationships, does not make demands for material compensation. You will “pay” with your energy, actions, feelings and emotions.

How should you formulate a wish so that it comes true?

For example, your desire relates to the sphere of personal relationships. It should be formulated like this: “I found mutual love and I have a common future with this person!” If you are already in a relationship, but want to improve it, make it more harmonious, then formulate it something like this: “My relationship with (name) is ideal, we are happy to be together!” Any intention must be formulated in the present tense and without the particle NOT. It must be a completely positive statement.

This secret can give you everything you want. Happiness, health, love, power, beauty and money. You can become whatever you want. Miracles happen to people every day if people know how to turn their lives where they want them to go.

How to fulfill your desire in 1 day? Proven method

What is this secret?

The world is ruled by the law of universal attraction! What a person thinks about is what he attracts to himself. Every thought produces waves - vibrations, which are already easily recorded by modern scientific laboratories.

By thinking about something constantly, you send signals to the Universe, it reacts to them and attracts to you what you are thinking about. But! Most people think about what they don't want. If you think the same, don't be surprised why negative events are attracted to you.

How to attract what you want into your life?

For the materialization of desires to happen, you need to think about what you want, and not about what you DO NOT want. This law always works for everyone, regardless of whether you want it or not. You always get what you think about.

Each of us contains the infinite power of the subconscious. You can think about anything and the Universe will attract it to you, regardless of whether it is good or bad.

Like attracts like!

We attract people, events, things, lifestyle, etc. into our lives. Quantum physics today confirms this from a scientific point of view. “What should we do?” - you ask, because we think about something all the time? Firstly, concentration helps a lot here. With a little practice, you can learn to control your thoughts. Secondly, know that any positive thought is many times stronger than a negative one!

Understand that everything you have now you have attracted into your life consciously or subconsciously. Even if you don't like it very much. Emotions and thoughts are vibrations that we send into Space!

Everything you feel is a reflection of what is already becoming reality.

So, what is the technique we were talking about?

5 minute technique:

This wish fulfillment technique is easy to implement and will only take 5 minutes of your time. The only condition is that you need to do it every day.

All you need is 5 minutes a day (preferably at a certain time and it is better to perform the technique before bed) to think about your desire as if it had already come true, think and send the appropriate vibrations to the Universe. Also, before starting classes, determine what you are willing to sacrifice in order to fulfill your plans. Make a list of what you are willing to do. Remember, after your wish comes true, the Universe will offer to pay you for it.

What mistakes are often made when working with technology?

For example, a person caught fire with some idea. He waits, but nothing happens. He does not take into account that the results come gradually. When the desire begins to come true, and this definitely happens, the person says: “This doesn’t work!” Desire is the law. The power of thought is a step to action. The Universe receives an order: “This doesn’t work!” And she fulfills it - the wish does not come true.

Remember, the Universe responds to an emotional outburst, so be careful with emotions or learn to use them to your advantage. How? Find out in the article: “Do you use your emotions to fulfill desires and get rid of negativity?”

Esotericists believe that our desires will come true if we write them down correctly. The fact is that those tornadoes of thoughts that spin in our heads cannot be recorded by the Universe as our desire. Therefore, let's formulate our desires correctly, and perhaps they will come true faster.

Rule 1. The wish must be written

But it’s easy to say, it’s harder to write down the desired desire. Strange as it may sound, but it’s correct to write own wish- this is really a problem. “I want to have my own house.” Is it written correctly? It turns out to be fundamentally wrong! The problem is that such a desire is always fulfilled, but the question is: when will it come true. That is, desires without exact deadlines are meaningless. That's why next rule reads:

Rule 2. The wish must have a date or period of fulfillment.

For example, “in March 2014 I am buying a large plasma TV.” Even if you write: “I will buy a TV,” this will also be wrong. Because what is written will definitely come true, but not at the right time. Thus, remember the next rule:

Rule 3. The correct wish is always written in the present tense.

In other words, instead of: “I’m going on vacation to Crimea,” you need to write: “I’m going on vacation to Crimea.”

Here is another common mistake: “I don’t want to be poor.” Is it written correctly? No, that's wrong! And there are good reasons for this. First. The Universe does not perceive particles of “not”, “no” or any other negative words. You say: “I don’t want to be poor,” and she, the Universe, ignoring the “not” particle, receives the message: “I want to be poor!”

Second. Most often, we attract to ourselves what we think about. When we say: “I don’t want to be poor,” we automatically think about poverty, and when we say: “I want to be rich,” we think about wealth. Therefore, do not forget about the following rule:

Rule 4. We forbid ourselves to use the particle “not” and any other negations.

More important note: when writing a wish, you need to use more details of what you dream about. This leads to the following rule:

Rule 5. More details and emotions.

If this is a trip to Crimea, describe at least the sanatorium and the beach in a few words. If this is a new car, indicate its main characteristics. And be sure to describe the feelings that will take over you when your wish comes true.

It is also important that the fulfillment of your desire does not cause harm to other people. From this, the next rule is formed:

Rule 6. Any written wish must end with a talismanic phrase:

“May this or something more harmoniously enter my life, bring joy and happiness to me and everyone whom this desire concerns”.

Notice the wording “or something more.” By wanting something specifically, you do not need to limit the Universe in its efforts to help you. Maybe our World considers you worthy of a holiday not in Crimea, but on Cote d'Azur?

So, our desire is clearly formulated and written down. All 6 rules are strictly observed. What next? Next you need to calmly release the desire into the Universe and even almost forget about it. Worries and obsessive thoughts will only interfere with the fulfillment of your desire. Therefore there is

Rule 7. Don't get hung up on your dream. Let her go, but take action!

This does not mean that you can now, like in a fairy tale, lie down on the stove and wait for your dream to come true. No! A rolling stone gathers no moss! The Universe may provide you with amazing opportunities, but without your actions they will not be able to translate into the desired result.
