What does lingam massage mean? The magical power of lingam massage

Sometimes the same word can be found in ancient manuscripts and on the signs of erotic salons. An example of this is the linga, which is known not only to the worldly followers of Shiva, but also to many “call girls” who earn their living from such services.

Divinity in everyday life

Many religions chose not to deify the forces of nature, but to immediately move on to man and the relationship between a man and a woman:

  • The masculine and feminine principles are sacred in many movements.
  • In some religions, there are gods of intercourse, symbolizing the process of the birth of a new life.
  • All teachings strive to “shove” the individual into the team, to prevent him from being alone with his problems and concerns.
  • A person’s desire to improve his own personality is respected.

Such “humanization” is inspiring, because the divine can be seen in something banal and ordinary. Everyday life doesn't seem so bleak and lacking in "spark." This especially helps with depressive behavior or some withdrawal from society. A unique opportunity to get back on track.

Just don’t forget about the existence of many sects that always pursue very material goals, hiding behind spiritual motives.

Ancient Hindu tradition

  1. Came to us from Hinduism.
  2. It is an object of ancient mythology.
  3. It is a symbol of the productive power, the divine.
  4. Depicted as a phallic symbol.

Actually, by lingam the ancient Hindus probably meant the phallus itself or the act of copulation. All “old” Asian religious movements are devoid of the modesty and many prohibitions that are characteristic of Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

It’s hard to say whether it’s good or bad. Leaders in terms of tourism, strict discipline, ancient history, finding your own path. All these advantages are overshadowed by the low level of development of some regions, a rich history of tyranny and the flourishing of sex tourism. However, everyone evaluates the last point in their own way.

Hindus deified the lingam thousands of years ago. Since then, human society has developed:

  • The social hierarchy has become more complex.
  • The average standard of living has increased.
  • Many scientific discoveries were made.
  • People have reached for the stars. Well, or at least to the moon.

Against this background, is it worth continuing to sing odes to the penis and intercourse? For some, this helps them find harmony and come to peace with themselves. This is a useful thing, but it can be achieved in other ways.

Lingam massage

Although lingam massage has gone out of fashion, references to it can still be found:

  1. Positioned as a type of Thai massage.
  2. It involves stimulating the penis with your hands.
  3. Essential oils are used for this purpose.
  4. When working, attention is paid to the legs, stomach and even chest.

There is no single technique, and even if there is a secret hidden somewhere in the mountains or jungle, the masseuses from the nearest salon do not know it. So each girl “comes out” through improvisation and the range of emotions received depends only on her preferences and experience.

Under this concept, some salons hide handjob, but “in a good way” everything should be more complicated:

  • All “adjacent” areas are massaged.
  • Not much attention is paid to the penis itself, rather purely to stimulate blood flow.
  • Relaxation is achieved through a massage of the abdomen and legs.

Relaxation at home

Massage can also be carried out at home; many ladies thus try to please their chosen one:

  • The man is guaranteed to have never tried exactly this before.
  • The guy will appreciate the attention to his own person and individual parts of his body.
  • Next time the partner will try to please without thinking about himself.

An interesting option, but you need to do some preparation first:

  1. Relax the young man.
  2. Get an essential oil that no one in the room is allergic to.
  3. Take care of the temperature. In cold winter, with the heating turned off, it is better not to even try to massage any naked areas of the body. Frostbite is a very real diagnosis.

The partner must appreciate the attention and care provided to him when they try to give pleasure only to him, without thinking about his needs. And in this case, the “hand washes hand” principle works perfectly. Well, maybe not so literally, but the general meaning is clear.

Sometimes, after a hard day at work, an ordinary massage can be much more pleasant:

  • Less anxiety on both sides.
  • Much less initial preparation.
  • No high expectations or disappointments.
  • Really relieves stress and is good for your health.

What is a lingam?

By lingama, the ancient Hindus understood the divine productive force:

  1. Modern researchers believe that the phallus or intercourse was originally meant.
  2. All the sculptures are very reminiscent of a phallic symbol.
  3. Like any divine principle, the linga was worshiped.
  4. Until now, such worship is considered normal practice among Hindus.

Today, in order to somehow improve the list of services provided, salons include lingam massage in their “menu”. This means an extended version of “manual stimulation”:

  • Beautiful girl.
  • Essential oils.
  • Thoughts about Hindus.
  • Relaxation.

It may not be happiness, but it will definitely feel better in the short term. What is better to choose - an ancient divine symbol or a massage? This doesn’t matter, the main thing is not to bother your head too much with any of the options. Exotic religious teachings and attractive “wicked” girls rarely lead to good things.

There is no need to start giggling as soon as you hear the word lingama, because in our latitudes this is understood by too narrow an audience. To reveal one’s “enlightenment” or to hide “secret knowledge” is everyone’s personal choice. But there is nothing shameful or condemnable in this.

Video: how to give a lingam massage to a man

In this video, massage therapist Arina Denisova will show you how to do a lingam massage, secret techniques and procedures:

The existence of the human race is possible in conditions of interaction between the feminine and masculine principles. The harmony between them is the creative power of love and beauty. The sages of the Ancient East revered and developed sexual energy, considering it the basis of health, happiness and longevity. Its main symbol is the genital organ, which is capable of accumulating vital currents. According to cultural traditions, it is a light source with unique capabilities.

Eastern rituals have maintained their popularity for many years due to their spiritual mystery and sexual component. Tantra techniques, Thai massage, body massage and other techniques are practiced in different parts of the world. According to reviews, they, along with sex, provide special pleasure for men. Many couples are interested in what a lingam massage is. It is classified as a type of erotic massage. The basics of this technique are available to any woman with the help of videos in Russian and photos, which are widely presented on the Internet. You can take training online. Experienced massage therapists will show you how to massage the lingam.

Objectives of lingam massage

For men, in order to increase and preserve energy, a special technique has been used for a long time - lingam massage. With the help of certain manual manipulations, a woman can deliver unforgettable pleasure and raise her other half to the highest level of sexual performance. The procedure is performed to achieve the following goals:

  1. Accumulation and harmonious distribution of male energy. In an active life, a burden of responsibility falls on the shoulders of the stronger half, which over time depletes the body. This leads to psycho-emotional and physical disorders. Therefore, restoring and increasing male strength is the main goal of the procedure.
  2. Getting sexual pleasure. Correct impact on erogenous zones and sensitive points in specially created conditions allows you to get unforgettable pleasure and feel how unknown sensations awaken.
  3. Healing effect. Smooth movements at a certain pace with the right pressure on certain areas of the body improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. This technique reduces congestion, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and increases the body's resistance to various infections. Therefore, if you combine prostate massage and lingam, you can prevent prostate diseases.

You can master tantric massage, which combines healing properties and spiritual practices. Training lessons are convenient when you watch and repeat the movements of the master, and not just see pictures. The impact of partners on each other’s body meridians and active points in the right direction allows you to preserve sexual energy and achieve amazing pleasure and orgasm.

Attention! The ancient technique can be used before intimacy or as an exotic session.

Sometimes they combine lingam massage, prostate massage, therapeutic massage and other types to achieve complete relaxation.

Preparatory procedures

Lingam massage requires certain preparation for the session. The main condition is to devote 1-2 hours to the procedure for maximum results. It is important that no one can interfere with the man and woman performing this energy ritual. Therefore, you need to create a quiet and cozy atmosphere. It is necessary to select aromatic oils for manipulation. The best options would be stimulating and tonic ethereal compositions that will awaken secret feelings.

Stages of sexual technique

Lingam massage involves stimulating the areas that surround the male genital organ and particularly sensitive areas of the body. The moisturizing base is applied in sufficient quantity for soft and gliding movements. Respiratory excursions should be uniform and deep to maximize the enrichment of tissues with oxygen. Manipulations begin with relaxing movements of the whole body to create a certain mood. The procedure can last 10 - 20 minutes. Then they move directly to the massage technique.

Important! Manipulations begin with the limbs and body, gradually moving to the penis.

The technique is performed in several stages:

  1. Rubbing and stroking the back, abdomen, arms and legs. Manipulations warm up the body and help a man forget about problems and worries.
  2. Soft and persistent movements of women's hands in the perineum, inner thighs, and near the pubis build up and accumulate sexual power.
  3. Stimulation of the penis makes you feel the highest pleasure.

The main goal of the procedure is to increase energy. Reviews talk about a unique orgasm, which is the final stage. Therefore, it is important in the process, at the moment of reaching the peak of pleasure, to stop and weaken the movements. Thus, repeating this moment up to 5-6 times per session. Then the young man will achieve complete satisfaction and retain the necessary strength.

Lingam massage by the hands of a loving woman can fill a man with sexual power, give him self-confidence and diversify the intimate life of his partners.

And if you also take a couple of sex toys, intimacy will become an exciting adventure!

The Sanskrit word for the male sexual organ is Lingam. Target massage Lingam on home- this is to create such an environment around a man so that he can relax and receive deep pleasure from his Lingam. A man’s partner experiences joy from the fact that she helps a man touch and become involved in the most tender and soft sides of his personality.

Massage Lingam on home can be used as a form of safe sex and is an excellent tool for building mutual trust and intimacy. This massage is often used to help a man regain his sexuality after sexual abuse or trauma.

Orgasm is not the goal massage Lingama on home, although welcomed as a pleasant side effect. The real goal is to massage the Lingam, also including the testicles, perineum and the Secret Spot (analogous to the G-spot in women) in order to allow the man to immerse himself in pleasure that he may not have experienced before. From this point of view, both partners receive relaxation in the massage.

A man must learn to RELAX and RECEIVE. According to established tradition, a man has a dominant role, oriented towards achieving a goal. Lingam massage in Moscow, at home, gives a man the opportunity to experience pleasure in an unconventional form, affecting the most tender and sensitive sides of his being.


The massage is carried out in a calm environment, on a massage table, sometimes on a sofa or bed. Relaxing music plays. Candles are burning. The man lies down on his back. Pillows are placed under my head so that he can follow my movements. You can place a pillow covered with a towel under his hips. The man’s legs should be spread apart. The knees should be slightly bent (it helps to place pads under the knees) and his genitals should be completely open for massage.

I cross my legs and sit between the man’s legs. All movements are carried out at a slow pace, the first touch to the body is carried out with deep, relaxed breathing. I gently massage the legs, abdomen, thighs, breasts, nipples, etc. to give the man a feeling of relaxation. A man should breathe calmly and gradually immerse himself in a state of relaxation.

I apply a small amount of high quality oil to the Lingam shaft and testicles. I begin to carefully massage the testicles, taking care not to cause pain in this sensitive place. I gently massage the scrotum, achieving its relaxation.

I massage the place above the Lingam, on the pubic bone. With smooth movements I massage the perineum, the area between the testicles and the anus. The massage time is at your discretion. Now I massage that part of the body that often goes unattended.

Using massaging movements, I squeeze the Lingam at the base with my right hand, move my hand UP until my hand slips, and then repeat this movement with my left hand. I repeat this technique, changing hands: left, right, left, right, etc. Duration is at your discretion.

Then I change direction, starting a sliding movement from the head of the Lingam/penis and then - DOWN, removing my hand from the base. As before, I change my right and left hands. I massage the head of the Lingam as if using an orange juicer.

I massage the entire area around the head and shaft. According to the teachings of Tantra, the Lingam has many nerve endings that communicate with other parts of the body. It is claimed that many ailments can be cured by receiving a well performed Lingam massage.

NOTE: The lingam may or may not become soft during the massage. Don't worry if the Linga doesn't become hard again. You may notice how it becomes hard, then soft, hard again, etc., which is a very desirable Tantric experience, like riding on waves, swaying up and down. Hardness and Softness are two sides in the spectrum of pleasure.

If the man is about to ejaculate, pull back, allowing the Lingam to become a little softer before returning to the massage. Do this several times, getting close to ejaculation and then moving away. Remember that the purpose of massage is NOT orgasm, per se.

A man can learn the art of controlled ejaculation by getting close to him and then stopping stimulation. The key here is deep breathing, which helps dull the intense desire to ejaculate. Ultimately, controlling your ejaculation will allow you to make love for as long as you want and you can become capable of experiencing multiple orgasms without losing a drop of semen.

Orgasm and ejaculation are two different reactions of the body that you can learn to separate. The result is a significant expansion of the boundaries of your sex life. Find and massage a man's Sacred Point. There are two ways to do this.

The first is to find this point midway between the testicles and the anus. There is a small depression there, about the size of a pea or perhaps larger. Gently press deep. He will feel a pressure deep inside and this feeling may be quite painful at first.

As stimulation continues, this place softens and such stimulation allows you to enhance orgasm and control ejaculation. You can massage his Lingam with your right hand and massage the Sacred Point with your left hand. Try pressing on this point as he approaches ejaculation. It is not for nothing that this point in Taoism is called the Million Dollar Point.

Another method involves reaching the Sacred Point through the anus. Many men, and especially heterosexual men, do not take this very well at first, which is associated with a negative sexual attitude towards such a process. Be careful and use lubricant.

The key is to go in slowly and be very careful. Make sure he maintains deep breathing while you insert the finger of your left hand into the anus about three centimeters. Then bend your finger towards yourself, as if in a “come here” gesture. You will feel the prostate gland. Change the pressure and speed of the massage.

He may want you to stimulate him. Lingam while you massage the Sacred Point. When he begins to approach orgasm, move away from the Lingam and increase the pressure on the Sacred Point. Sometimes a stream of emotions can wash over a man in the process of reaching the Sacred Point. He may scream, and events from the past that caused trauma may come to his mind. You, a woman, are in a place of trust and intimacy.

Let him feel his emotions and be very loving, don't try to console him or solve his problem, just let him feel whatever he needs. Encourage his desire to scream, cry, moan, sob, if you feel it is acceptable. Be his best friend and healer that he can have at this moment.


If he wants to experience an orgasm at the end of the massage, gently remind him of the need for deep breathing during the orgasm. This will cause mind-blowing sensations, especially if he was on the verge of orgasm and came back at least SIX times before ejaculating. Abstinence from orgasm six times charges the battery of sexuality with enormous potential.

A man can make his choice as to where to direct this energy - outward during ejaculation (the usual, predominant approach), or inward, for other purposes (men who have control over ejaculation are able to direct the flow of this energy into more other areas of their being ).

When he thinks that he is completely satisfied with the massage, carefully remove your hands and let him lie quietly. You may want to snuggle together, or you may want to leave the room so he can be alone with his thoughts and reflections.

Lingam- massage of the male penis. Possibly with or without ending.

Surprisingly, in the last few years the same name can be found in Hindu manuscripts and offers of intimate services salons. For example, Lingam. What it is is known to the spiritually enlightened followers of Shiva and the “priestesses of love” who provide similar services for large sums.

Lingam, Lingam massage

From Sanskrit the intricate word is translated as “rod of light.” We are talking about the male genital organ. This is a prototype symbol of fertility. In the homeland of one of the oldest religions, it is treated with reverence, as the source of all life, energy, light.

Lingam massage is not just a mechanical effect on the skin, in particular the phallus, but a real philosophy aimed at maximum relaxation and filling the body with energy. Learning massage techniques is a process that requires responsibility and attention.

Goals, features, purpose

What is Lingam, why do it and what sensations will a man experience? Experts characterize the process of bodily contact from different sides.

Pleasure. Obviously, the gentle touch of a woman’s hands on the most sensitive male organ cannot but bring pleasant sensations. According to statistics, 8 out of 10 representatives of the fair sex, having experienced the pleasure of a private Lingam massage, return to repeat the procedure a month later.

Therapeutic effect. According to Eastern masters, if you adhere to ancient technology, the procedure can normalize health and improve the functioning of internal organs. There are many active points concentrated on the penis, the stimulation of which finds a favorable response in the main organ systems. Experts say that Lingam is an effective way to relieve stress, increase self-esteem, and improve mental health.

A real chance to strengthen relationships. The Lingam technique is an intimate process aimed at the spiritual unity of partners. It has nothing in common with mechanical effects on the skin in its usual sense. To experience powerful results, it must be done in couples who trust each other.

Preparation for the procedure

The preparatory process is not much different from classic massage. The main thing is that a man should relax as much as possible, not dwell on extraneous things, and get rid of negativity. It is recommended to take a bath with relaxing aromatic oils or a shower and use deep breathing techniques.

The atmosphere in the room should be conducive to comfort and tranquility. Dim lights, relaxing music, candles, etc. will help.

It is important to empty your bladder before starting the procedure. Knowing what Lingam is, it becomes clear that a massage can drag on for a long time, and it is extremely undesirable to interrupt it with trips to the toilet. If a man feels the urge to go to the toilet, he will not be able to relax his body and mind, and he will not be able to concentrate on receiving pleasure.

Properly chosen posture plays an equally important role. You need to sit on a flat surface, lie on your back, bend your knees and spread them slightly to the side. To make access to the penis easier, it is recommended to place a pillow under the buttocks. It would be a good idea to place rolled towels under the inside of your knees.

Convenience should also be taken care of by those who will practice Lingam for men. Massage is a long procedure, so you should not feel pain in the lower back, numb legs or other discomfort. Optimal poses are standing, from the side, from the front, sitting on your partner’s waist, with your legs pointing towards his head.

To tune a man into the desired wave, you should first perform a general relaxing massage of the whole body. You should start with the feet - the main center where stress accumulates. Gradually move towards the thighs and buttocks. The penis and surrounding areas should not be touched. At this stage, a woman’s goal is to give relaxation, to get rid of accumulated negativity and fatigue. Then you can move on to the lower back, back, chest. The movements should be stroking, patting, with light pressure. The duration of the events is 15-20 minutes.

When the woman understands that the man is relaxed, she should show him what Lingam is. Attention should be paid not only to the penis, but also to adjacent areas: the testicles, pubis, the erogenous area between the scrotum and anus - the famous male G-spot. When massaging the testicles, you must be careful; the described area is extremely sensitive, strong pressure can cause discomfort.

For better contact with the skin, it is recommended to use special massage oils and lubricants. Surfaces should be as slippery as possible, this will ensure maximum tenderness of touch. Dry hands and penis will cause excessive tightness and discomfort.

When wondering how to do Lingam, it is important to monitor the man’s correct breathing. Inhalations and exhalations should be smooth and deep. Increased breathing and slight shortness of breath indicate the imminent onset of orgasm. In this case, it is advisable to reduce the pace and continue the massage. This way, at the end of the procedure, ejaculation will be as strong as possible.

Lingam does not have to end in orgasm. A woman should not pursue this goal. Each movement should show tenderness, smoothness, sensuality without intense stimulation for ejaculation. The longer the procedure lasts, the more effective it will be. Experts say that if a man is on the verge of orgasm at least 5 times, the last completion will be mind-blowing.

Lingam massage technique

The time has come to move from theoretical foundations to practice. There are many techniques for performing massage, based on the goals pursued; each girl can come up with her own movements. Below is a list of techniques that beginners are recommended to use.

"Falling Leaf"

Lingama (massage for men) involves wrapping one hand around the phallus just below the head and covering it with your free hand. The palm should be straight so that the edge of the head rests on the center of the palm. With a smooth movement, the woman lowers her first hand down, and with the second she draws an imaginary spiral, touching the genital organ only with the middle of her palm.


A more complex exercise will truly allow you to find out what Lingam is. The member is grasped with the hand from below, the second hand is located directly above the first. The thumb of the upper hand should press down on the urethra without using force. Using the remaining fingers, perform a wave from the bottom up - starting from the lowest one, apply pressure (patting).

Lower hand: little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger, thumb. Upper hand: little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger. Press firmly on the urethra on the head.

If performed correctly, the fingers will always be on the penis before and after pressing. If difficulties arise at first when performing the technique, you can move the fingers on both hands synchronously.

"Endless Entrance"

The exercise is simple and universal, suitable for restoring strength after complex techniques. Grasping the penis with one hand from above, you need to smoothly lower it down. With your second hand, grab the penis from above before the first hand reaches the base and also move it down. Repeat movements 10-15 times. A man will feel an infinitely gentle touch. The woman regulates the speed of movement of her hands and the strength of her grip, controlling the intensity of sensations.


The technique helps increase blood circulation in the tissues of the penis. To perform it, you need to clasp the trunk under the head with the thumb, index and middle fingers of one hand, and with the other, carry out a similar exercise under the first. Make motor movements with your hands in opposite directions - clockwise and counterclockwise. Gradually lower your hands down to the shaft of the phallus. Having reached the bottom point, return to the starting position with a smooth upward movement. Repeat the cycle several times.

"Ring" ("elevator")

The basis of the exercise is to grasp three fingers, like a nettle. The first “ring” hugs the penis at the very bottom, the second - a few centimeters higher. The first hand shifts its position through the second, forming a third ring. When the last girth has reached the head, the woman lowers both hands down with smooth movements, like an elevator. The number of rings is determined by the length of the genital organ and the interval that the masseuse leaves between her hands.


Grasp the penis with your fingers (all 5 fingers should be bent in one direction, as if an oblong object is being lifted vertically). Place one hand on the head. Lower down until the head rests on your palm. Return your hand to its original position. Grasp the head again, but in the usual fist way. Move down to the base. Leave the first hand there without moving. The second one goes all the way first. Change hands and repeat the procedure several times.

"Letter V"

The index and middle fingers of each hand should form the letter V of the Latin alphabet. Place the head of the penis between two fingers of one hand, smoothly slide down, and then change hands. Stimulation is directed only to the front and back of the penis. To enhance the sensations, you can build a cage - place one hand according to the standard described above, the other - perpendicularly, caressing the left and right sides.


The member is squeezed between even straight palms. Place the first one across the phallus, the thumb should look up. Place the second palm with the finger pointing upward in front. Make smooth movements down and up. Reaching the head, turn your palms 180 degrees (thumbs will point in the opposite direction), continue moving in the opposite direction.

So that a man and a woman in a close relationship can better understand each other, you can use a special erotic technique, elements of which are taken from Indian yoga. Tantra massage will help partners relax and completely trust each other.

What is the essence of tantric massage technique?

There are various massage techniques that can help you get rid of many problems. Sessions strengthen muscle tissue, eliminate pain, and normalize blood flow.

But tantric massage is a technique that not only has a healing effect, but also has an effect on the energetic level. During a tantra session, the feelings of partners are revealed in a new way, and they begin to trust each other even more. The couple gets closer not only physically, but also spiritually.

To understand what tantric massage is, you need to turn to the massage technique of the ancient Indians, where every touch of a loved one was gratefully accepted.

The unusual massage technique contains elements of eroticism. By constantly performing certain movements, love relationships become stronger, couples completely get rid of discomfort, remaining alone with each other.

It is not difficult to understand what tantric massage is if you translate the terms from Indian. The term tantra includes concepts such as continuous connection, thread. This means that the main movements during the session are aimed not only at relaxing muscle tissue. During the massage, partners share their sexual energy with each other.

In addition to the contact of male and female energy, tantric massage has the following effects on the body:

  • blood flow is normalized;
  • every cell of the body relaxes completely;
  • muscle tension goes away;
  • Nervous tension is relieved and depressive mood goes away.

Having performed an unusual massage technique at least once, it will become clear what tantric massage means, how healing and rejuvenation of the body occurs during the session.

Preparation for the tantric procedure

Before you begin the tantric massage technique, you need to properly prepare for an event with an erotic overtone:

  1. it is necessary to find a place where the erotic procedure will be performed. The room must be clean. Foreign objects need to be removed. There should be no things in the room that distract the couple from each other;
  2. Music is important for tantric massage. The melody should have a relaxing effect. You can choose Indian melodies that are perfect for an erotic procedure. Regardless of the chosen composition, music for tantric massage should be quiet, unobtrusive, suitable for an intimate setting, and helping to achieve a trusting relationship;
  3. The lighting of the room should not be too bright. It is better to close the curtains and turn on lamps that provide dim light. Candles are suitable instead of lighting fixtures. You can light scented candles, or combine intimate lighting with aromatic oils added to a special lamp. Oils such as sandalwood, ylang-ylang, patchouli are suitable;
  4. the room should have a comfortable temperature.

Important: During the session, partners should not be distracted by street sounds or other people. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a secluded room with good sound insulation.

In addition to preparing for a tantra session, the couple must follow certain rules of conduct during the session. This applies to both female Yoni massage and tantric Lingam massage for men. The rules are as follows:

  1. before the erotic procedure, you need to talk to each other to understand how much the partner is ready to trust and relax;
  2. During the session, partners are without clothes;
  3. there is no need to talk, you just need to absorb the sensations;
  4. It is advisable for both partners to be able to synchronize their breathing. You need to breathe as slowly and evenly as possible;
  5. the oil for the erotic procedure is preheated;
  6. massage movements should be smooth, slow and effortless. Pain sensations are completely eliminated;
  7. Thai tantric massage implies that during the session you can influence any part of the body, including intimate areas.

Having received the consent of the partner and having been properly prepared, you can begin the erotic procedure.

Tantra technique for men

Tantric massage for a man has its own characteristics when performed. During the session, the partner must influence the prostate gland - the main erogenous zone in men. Such an effect will have not only an erotic orientation, but also a therapeutic effect.

To perform a session, you can use the following description of tantric massage for a man:

  1. the partner should sit in a position in which he can completely relax and be comfortable;
  2. The main movements that a woman uses during a tantric Lingam massage are gentle stroking, light rubbing touches, and kisses. Pressing, pinching, or force manipulations should not be used;
  3. it will be most comfortable for a woman if she sits between her partner’s legs;
  4. Using gentle stroking movements, begin massaging the back, from the neck to the lower back, and in the opposite direction;
  5. you need to massage your buttocks, legs, lower back. When treating your feet, you need to massage each toe;
  6. after treating the back, they approach the sacral region, where the most sensitive points are located. This area needs to be given increased attention when performing tantric massage for men;
  7. it will be great if the woman also manages to relax during the process;
  8. Prostate massage refers to the intimate part of the procedure. The erogenous area is treated with a gloved finger and massage oil. If during treatment of the prostate a man feels pain, then this is a reason to seek medical advice.

Final movements should not be sharp and sudden. Usually the massage ends with manipulations on the feet. A woman who feels her partner understands what tantric massage is for a man. These are light and gentle movements, this is the simultaneous breathing of both partners who want to enrich their lives with vivid impressions.

How to give tantra massage to women?

In the process of tantric massage for women, you need to focus on the buttocks, lower back and sacral area. An erotic procedure helps a woman relax and unwind during lovemaking. After several sessions, a woman completely gets rid of psychological tension, her feminine energy is literally released.

Tantric vaginal massage or Yoni, performed in a supine position. For comfort, pillows are placed under the head and hips. The partner is at the woman's feet. The technique of performing tantric massage for a woman includes the following manipulations:

  1. first the man makes stroking movements so that the woman can relax. Gently massage the abdomen, thighs, chest and legs;
  2. As for massaging Yoni, the upper part is stroked first, with a smooth transition to the lower, more intimate zone;
  3. gentle and non-persistent movements in the Yoni area should go in a circle;
  4. As for the intensity of stroking manipulations, the man needs to focus on the sensations of his partner.

At the end of the session, you need to pay attention to the female feet, where there are many erogenous points. You need to gently massage your heels, then treat each toe.

Although female and male tantra massage have differences, there are general recommendations for performing an erotic procedure:

  • the session should be performed only if the partners completely trust each other;
  • if during the session, the massaged partner feels tired or uncomfortable, he must definitely voice his feelings;
  • the places where the most sensitive points are located are massaged with fingertips;
  • The first sessions should not last more than half an hour. You can gradually increase the duration of the erotic procedure to 1.5 hours;
  • During the session, partners should feel a common connection with each other. Before the session, you need to sit opposite each other for a while and look directly into your partner’s eyes.

Any touch can be the most sensitive and pleasant.
