Elven village Blood and Soul. Elven village Blood and Soul Changed the glacier ma lan where

Hello everyone:) In I talked about what the resort is and how beautiful and romantic it is: cool: we got there... In this issue I will talk a little more about it, as well as about the most interesting thing - the Mon glacier De Lahn, suitable for year-round skiing.... so, let's go...

Part 3.1 Les Deux Apes Resort

Les2Alpes is one of those places where you can combine absolutely all types of recreation. The resort is located at an altitude of 1650-1800m above sea level in the Rhone Alpes region, France. In summer there are 8 lifts at the resort itself + several more on the glacier, in winter - more, and it is possible to travel from one resort to another without unfastening your snowboard/skis :) The “village” of Les2Apes itself is a picturesque place with beautiful panoramic views and excellent infrastructure.
view of Les2Alpes from an altitude of 2400m Stretches 2 km in length. On its outskirts there are 2 ski lifts to the neighboring villages - Mont de Lans and Venosc, you can go down to both either by ski lift or by bicycle (the trails are difficult, marked in red), and to the latter there is also a third way - on foot along a beautiful trekking path. There are a huge number of stores with equipment (with big discounts on everything winter), good grocery stores, fruit and cheese shops, as well as cafes, restaurants, bars. We stayed at the Alba Residence, which is located near the center.
view from the balcony of the Alba residence apartment at 7 am Next to the residence there is the Valle Blanche ski lift for cyclists and tourists in the summer. A bobsleigh track and mountain go-kart track are located nearby. You can reach the resort center in approximately 5-7 minutes on foot. Describing everything that is at the resort will take a very large volume, so I will make the next post about it, but now let’s move on to the part to which we devoted the first half of almost every day.

Part 3.2 Mont De Lan glacier

Located at an altitude of 3200-3600 meters above sea level in the French Mountains. You can get there by taking the Jandri Express lift in 25 minutes. The glacier is covered with 120 hectares of snow, has a huge area for skiing both on and off-piste, as well as a huge snow park. You can ride with a height difference of a kilometer (from 3600m to 2600m and descend back to the village from the intermediate station of the Jandri lift). The road to the glacier lift from our residence takes about 7 minutes on foot or about 40-45 seconds by free shuttle (bus), which runs every half hour from 7 am to 12 am. The lift operates from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., but the glacier is open for skiing only until two, after which a large team of shapers begins working and leveling everything for the next day of skiing. We woke up at 6.30-7.00, after which we had a “chic” sports breakfast :)
At about 7.30 we went to the stop next to the residence and waited for the bus, saving energy for riding:laughing:

Do you still not believe that you can ride in the snow in the summer? Then we are coming to you with photographs :) When you reach the ski lift you can see either this picture
, or like this...
a huge queue seems unreal, but this is all normal, because hundreds of people from all over the world, dozens of snowboard camps and ski schools gather here. Thanks to the good speed of the lift, the queue moves at a decent pace. The lift itself is equipped with cabins with a capacity of 20 people. Sometimes you get lucky and manage to grab an empty booth small company and it’s comfortable to sit in it, but in most cases they all get clogged up completely: cool:

While the climb is underway, you can enjoy the picturesque views around

and then 25 minutes pass, we reach the 3200m mark, and here the Mont De Lan glacier opens in all its glory
on a short time I'll leave you alone with the photos...

in this photo there is a sign to the La Grave resort - a legendary place for extreme freeride, where there are absolutely no easy trails

In addition to trails for skiing and summer freeride, there is a huge park. The park has 4 lines of jumps with spans from 1 to 18 meters, two jibbing lines of 6 different figures in each, 2 pipes (mini and superpipe with walls 6.5 m high), great pyramid(quaterpipe), a huge jibb and bonk area, and, of course, chillout (rest).
The park hosts dozens of different competitions, the largest summer event is the Kumi Yama - Japanese contest, which takes place over three days (for skiers, snowboarders and a separate day for children). The most spectacular discipline of this competition is “kamikaze”, when riders jump in teams of three from one springboard (and the level of tricks is far from childish, 900/1080 in 4 directions is the standard for all participants except children). Kumi Yama took place from July 5 to 7, and we only started skating on the 7th, so, unfortunately, we were not able to watch these races.

After skiing, you can relax in the chillout and have a snack: cool: however, at the same time the glacier is covered with a huge cloud, which in any case tells us to wait it out :)

A few words about the ski lifts on the glacier. In summer there are 2 chairlifts and 7 rope tows + a mountain metro that runs right under the glacier. The central lift, which leads from the beginning of the glacier to the top of the snow park and the central track closes at 12.30, the chairlifts and a couple of rope ropes in the park remain open. However, by this time you can be so driven that the way back home seems the hardest :) So we decide to pack up and go home. The return route goes from the beginning of the glacier at 3200 to the intermediate station Jandri Express (2600m).

This concludes our episode; in the next episodes, look at the village of Les2Alpes, mountain biking, and also about various travels: crown.

This is a morph reminder in case I suddenly decide to play Ruoff.
Briefly, without pictures, strictly to the point.

NB!: The flawless weapon of the Way of Hon obtained as part of the quest cannot be beaten or sold under any circumstances. Otherwise, you will then have to complete a tedious quest to obtain it or buy it ready-made for a very expensive price.

0. quest. Weapon of the Path of Hon.
1. 6 lvl. Forest of the Dead, Wheel of Fortune. Weapons of Chiang Shih.
2. 14 lvl. Poison of the Wild Forest, quest, loot from scorpions.
3. We cross the weapons of the Path of Hon and the weapons of Chian-Shi + the poison of the Strange Forest, we get the Weapons of Chian-Shi.
4. dungeon. Cave of evil spirits. Weapon of Plague. (The summoner goes solo, the rest of the classes have three of them).
You need two identical Plague weapons and a strange forest reforging stone (craft).
We receive the Awakening Weapon of the Path of Hon.
Outlandish weapon. Loot from any monsters in the Wild Forest.
We improve the resulting weapon of its class and cross it with the Awakening weapon of the Path of Khon + poison of the Wild Forest.
5. 20 lvl. Weapon of the brat. Dungeon Harbor of the Southern Sea Brotherhood.

NB!: The number of group members must be six, otherwise they will give you jewelry and costumes instead of weapons.

To crossbreed the Abomination Weapon and the Awakening Weapon of the Path of Hon, you will need a Reforging Stone Great Desert.
We get the Awakening Weapon of the Abomination.
Now you need a weapon of darkness to upgrade. Dungeon Cave of Dark Energy. (We need a group from four people).
We cross the Awakening Weapon of the Spawns + five teeth of the Lord of the Spawns (dungeon Harbor of the Southern Sea Brotherhood).
6. 29 lvl. Golden weapons. Dark Moon Lake, Wheel of Fortune.
7. dungeon. Ruins of the Great Rocks. Weapons of the Great Rocks. (Group of two people).
We cross with Golden weapons + five pieces of the Lord of the Spawn teeth (dungeon Harbor of the Southern Sea Brotherhood).
We crossbreed the Awakening Weapon of the Abomination with the Golden Weapon + the Great Desert Reforging Stone.
We get the Perfect Weapon.
8. Next we need desert weapons. Loot from any monster in the location.
We crossbreed with the Perfect Weapon of the Spawns + five pieces of the teeth of the Lord of the Spawns (dungeon Harbor of the Southern Sea Brotherhood).
9. 36 lvl. Flame weapon. Dungeon Ancient Tomb. (Difficult dungeon, requires a full group of six people level 36).
10. Weapons of cold blood. Dungeon Temple of Tears. (Very difficult dungeon, requires a full group of six people of level 36).
We cross with a flame weapon + five pieces of the teeth of the Lord of the Spawns (dungeon Harbor of the Southern Sea Brotherhood).
We cross the flame weapon with the Perfect Spawn Weapon + Great Desert Reforging Stone.
We get the Flame Awakening Weapon.
11. In the Wolf's Lair we get the weapon of Vigilance (that's what it's called in the chest, when unpacking you get the weapon of the Wolf. Let's see how they translate it into Ruoffe).
We crossbreed with the Awakening Weapon of Flame + five pieces of the Lord of the Spawn’s teeth (dungeon Harbor of the Southern Sea Brotherhood).
12. 38 lvl. Azure Wind Weapon. Wolf Hill, Wheel of Fortune. (Dark Waves weapons drop out - again a strange translation).
13. Weapons of Su Wol. Loot from chests in the Plain of Plenty.
We get the Lunar weapon (translation again. And at the auction the third version is the Plain weapon).
We cross with Dark Waves weapons + ten pieces of Great Flame horns (Ancient Tomb dungeon) + nine pieces of crystals (faction quests of the third continent).
We cross with the Awakening Weapon of Flame + Plain Reforging Stone + twenty-two crystals.
We get the Ultimate Flame Weapon.
14. 40 lvl. Weapon of the Commander-in-Chief. Dungeon Palace of the Swamp People.

NB!: You don’t have to fight your way through, you can go over the hill (if you have leveled up wall walking) and, diving from the wall, fly over the monsters. Or jump over the crowd from a hill. Next sits a large toad, two small green ones and one small red one. You immediately need to kill the red one by any means, starting from the camp, or she will drag the locomotive.

We receive the weapon not of the commander-in-chief (translation!), but of the general.
We cross with the Perfect Flame Weapon + ten pieces of Great Flame Horns + nine pieces of crystals.
15. 42 lvl. Weapons of spirits. Ruins of the Masters, Wheel of Fortune.

NB!: To call the boss, we first kill all the magicians.

16. Weapons of Confusion. Dungeon Eastern base of the Alliance serving the Sky.
We cross with spirit weapons + ten pieces of Great Flame horns + nine pieces of crystals.
Cross with the Ultimate Flame Weapon + Plain Reforging Stone.
We receive the Awakening Spirit Weapon.
17. Hog weapon. Lair of fanged boars.
We cross with the Awakening Weapon of Spirits + ten pieces of Great Flame Horns + nine pieces of crystals.

And... that's all for now. ^^ Further morphing up to lvl 50 in the update or on ruoff.


NB!: Before lvl 40, there is not the slightest reason to start making jewelry, since this is a dangerous and expensive business.

1. 14 lvl. Quest or buy for five tablets of the hero of the Wild Forest from the money changer in the Emerald Village.
2. Yinlong Ring. Dungeon Black Dragon Base.
We cross three pieces of strange forest poison as a reagent.
3. 20 lvl. Desert Ring, loot from any monsters of the Great Desert.
We crossbreed the desert reforging stone as a reagent.
4. 32 lvl. Ring of U Kahe, dungeon Altar of Initiation.
We cross five pieces of the Lord of Spawn's teeth as a reagent.

NB!: the most acceptable option that you can stay with until better times. The ring gives good crit+ crit power. The indicators will not change much, but subsequent morphing will require large costs.

5. 36 lvl. Ring of Flame. Dungeon Ancient Tomb (passed in a group of four people).
6. Ring of the Basilisk. Dungeon Lair of the Skybird (also a group of four).
We cross with a ring of flame, five pieces of the Lord of Spawn's teeth as a reagent.
We cross the plain reforging stone with the first ring as a reagent.
7. 42 lvl. Demon ring. Dungeon Underground storage.
We cross with the fire ring, ten horns of the Great Flame as a reagent.
8. Ring of Su Vol (hero) (buy from the money changer for Plain Hero Tablets in the Inn on the coast).
9. Ring of Su Wol. Loot from any monster in the Pig Farm location.
We cross Su Vol (hero) with the ring, ten horns of the Great Flame + fifteen pieces of crystals as a reagent.
We cross it with a fire ring, using a plain reforging stone as a reagent.
We receive the Fire Ring of Truth.
10. Red Lotus Ring. Boss, Dark Forest next to the Watchtower.
We cross with the Fire Ring of Truth, ten horns of the Great Flame as a reagent.
This is currently the top ring.


1. 16 lvl. Necklace of Hi Bigo, location Hideout of the Brewmaster Gang.
2. Outlandish necklace, loot throughout the Outlandish Forest.
We cross Hi Bigo + poison of the Wild Forest with the necklace.
3. 20 lvl. A brat's necklace. Dunge, Harbor of the Southern Sea Brotherhood.

NB!: Now you have to choose a group of four people to get the jewelry.

4. Asuka's Necklace, can be found in the Grotto.
We crossbreed the offspring with the necklace, using three pieces of strange forest poison as a reagent.
We cross the necklace of the offspring with the necklace of Hi Bigo + the reforging stone of the Wild Forest.
We receive the Awakening Necklace of the Abomination.
5. Desert Necklace, loot throughout the Great Desert.
We cross the offspring with the Awakening Necklace + three poisons of the Strange Forest.
6. Hakan's Necklace. Boss, Reservoir.
7. Necklace of the Merry Men. Battle arena. Boss.
We cross with Hakan's necklace + five teeth of the Lord of Spawns.
We crossbred with the Awakening Necklace of the Spawn + the Great Desert Reforging Stone.
8. 36 lvl. Desert Necklace, loot throughout the Great Desert.
We crossbreed with the Necklace of Spawns (true) + five pieces of the Lord of Spawns teeth.
9. Necklace of Flames. Ancient tomb.
10. Basilisk Necklace.
We cross with a fire necklace + five teeth of the Lord of Spawns.
We crossbreed with the Necklace of the Spawn (truth), as a reagent, a reforging stone of the Great Desert.
11. 40 lvl. Necklace of Su Vol, loot from any monsters in the Plain of Plenty location.
We cross with the Awakening Necklace of Flame + ten horns of the Great Flame + fifteen pieces of crystals.
12. Necklace of Excitement. Dungeon Kappa Lair, final boss.
13. Necklace of the King of Evil Spirits. Tomb of Ganji.
We cross with the necklace of Azart, ten horns of the Great Flame + fifteen pieces of crystals as a reagent.
We cross with the Awakening Necklace of Flame + Plain Reforging Stone + twenty-two crystals.
We cross with Su Vol's necklace, ten horns of the Great Flame + fifteen pieces of crystals as a reagent.

1. 20 lvl. Earring of the Spawn, Southern Sea Brotherhood Harbor.
2. Outlandish earring, loot throughout the Outlandish Forest.
We cross the offspring with the earring + three poisons of the Wild Forest.
3. Earring of the Great Rocks.
We crossbred with the earring of the offspring, as a reagent, a reforging stone of the Great Desert.
We get the Awakening Abomination Earring.
4. 36 lvl. Leader's earring. Dunge Peshera Pungap.
We crossbreed with the earring of the awakening of the spawn, as a reagent, five teeth of the lord of the spawn.
5. Earring of flame. Ancient tomb (group of four people).
6. Earring of composure. Temple of Tears (also a group of four).
We cross with the Earring of Flame, as a reagent, five teeth of the lord of the spawn.
We crossbreed with the earring of the awakening of the offspring, as a reagent, a reforging stone of the Great Desert.
7. 40 lvl. Hodon's earring. Boss, Alchemy Lab.

NB!: for the boss to appear, you need to kill the pig and put its carcass on the altar.

We cross awakening with a fiery earring, using ten horns of the Great Flame + fifteen pieces of crystals as a reagent.
8. Earring Su Volya (hero) (from the money changer).
We cross with Su Vol's earring (loot from any monster in the location) + ten horns of the Great Flame + fifteen crystals.
We cross awakening with a fiery earring, as a reagent, a plain reforging stone + fifteen crystals.
9. Stone Golem Earring. Dungeon Cave of Stone Golems.
Crossed with the fiery earring of truth.

Mont de Lans is the largest glacier in France with an area of ​​110 hectares. The resort of Les Deux Alpes is located at the foot of this glacier. That's why they skate here all year round. The climate at the resort is also unique - sunny days there is more snow here than in neighboring areas, and the snow cover usually exceeds the 3-meter mark on the upper slopes. Winter season here officially lasts from December 1 to early May, and then after a break the period of summer glacier skiing begins - from June 16 to September 1.

Descents from the glacier towards the village of La Graf (1400 m) along the northern slope of the mountain, which is never wasted, are considered extreme sports, suitable only for confident skiers and freeriders. The height difference on them reaches 2011 m. You can return to the glacier on the La Graph and La Giros lifts.

The most pleasant place for walking is the main street, which stretches from one end of the resort to the other. There are many shops, bars and restaurants located here. Compared to other French stations, Les Deux Alpes is a fairly lively resort and there are always a lot of young people here. Four discos are open until the morning.

Les Deux Alpes offers its guests to engage in almost any kind of sport - from extreme to quite ordinary: in the center of the resort there is an outdoor heated swimming pool, sauna, jacuzzi, and ice skating rink. The sports complex at the top of the resort also offers a variety of water activities and squash courts. In the evening you can ride snowmobiles to a level of 2600 m, from where you can enjoy a beautiful view of the station.

Review video

Distinctive features

Working hours:

Skiing in the afternoon, dancing in the evening!

When night falls, life at the ski resorts does not stop: instead of snow-covered slopes, nightclubs become the main scene of action. Bright night life in ski resorts originated 30 years ago in Val d'Isere and Val Thorens. Now, in most ski areas, nightclubs, cabarets and discos have been created, accommodating up to 2,000 people.
