Hermione Granger real name. How to look like Hermione Granger from Harry Potter

In the sensational films based on the fairy tale novel by JK Rowling, one of the main characters was played by actress Emma Watson. In the story, her mom and dad are Muggles, that is ordinary people, not having magical power, but, apparently, endowed with remarkable imagination, because it was they who gave their daughter such an unusual, beautiful, real name - Hermione (Granger is the surname of her dentist parents).

She has a bright appearance and a “formidable” defender

Where should a girl study? unusual abilities? Of course, at Hogwarts, the school of magical sciences! Along the way, as soon as the special train pulled away from platform 9.3/4, brown-eyed Hermione with a lush head of brown hair met new wizards just like her. Their names were Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.

Then her smile was slightly spoiled by her long front teeth. But later she easily and painlessly coped with this aesthetic defect. It was not her parents' dentistry that helped her, but Madame Pomfrey's medicine (after Malfoy's spell, her teeth grew so much that they reached her chin).

All young wizards had pet animals. Mostly owls, but our heroine had a cat Crookshanks - it was Granger who called him Crookshanks, in the Russian version of the film. The girl looked after him touchingly, and he loved and, like a real bodyguard, protected her, for example, from harmful and dangerous rodents (from a feisty animagus in the guise of a rat).

Hermione's Outstanding Qualities

Hermione is not a passionate “crammer” or an “upstart” (for which she got it more than once), she simply loves and knows how to learn, she likes to read and participate in scientific research. Remember how often her knowledge of spells and magical recipes helped her best friends, Ron and Harry, in their joint adventures. In addition to erudition, she also has developed ingenuity. In the story of the search for the philosopher's stone, she solved Snape's riddle, based not on knowledge, but on logic. Often, because of the dedication with which she rushes to protect “her own people,” it seems that main character not Harry, his real name is Hermione Granger.

Friends and enemies

Character strengths and weaknesses

Our character, first of all, must be attributed to her greatest strength - intelligence and the ability to think critically in complex, problematic situation. The heroine has another exceptional quality; she, like Harry’s mother, Lily, is capable of self-sacrifice and compassion. She always helps those who are having a hard time. Finally, Hermione is very brave and always fights for what she believes in, especially when it comes to protecting her friends when they are in danger.

Our character has much fewer weaknesses than strengths, but they do exist. Sometimes she gets too hot-tempered and loses self-control (most often this happened in adolescence and during conflicts with Ron). Sometimes she gets into difficult situation due to the fact that she is overly protective of her reputation as an excellent student and is afraid of failure. This happens due to the constant need to constantly prove to everyone that Hermione Granger is the real name of a worthy sorceress, albeit of Muggle origin.

By the way, playing such a bright and multifaceted character for many years was very difficult. Hermione Granger (real name of the actress Emma Watson) is a great achievement that brought the young performer enormous fame throughout the world and new interesting roles.

Hermione Granger (real name Emma Watson) may have played the most important role of her life in the Harry Potter film. Even those who have not read the books of the famous writer JK Rowling and have not watched the films based on them know at least firsthand who Harry Potter is. But the story is not only about him now. After all, there are other equally important characters in the books. One of them is Hermione Granger, the young magician's companion.

The name of the actress who played Hermione in the film adaptation of the Harry Potter novels is Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson. This role became a real gift of fate for her. A future actress, Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, Emma played in school plays (Arthur: The Young Years, The Happy Prince, Alice in Wonderland). However, she did not even think about a serious film role. Casting for the role of a young sorceress at first seemed like a game to her. The success came as a complete surprise to Emma. And now that we know the real name of the actress who played Hermione, let's get to know her better.

Our heroine was born in Paris into a family of lawyers. When she was 5 years old, the family moved to Oxford.

From the age of five or six she was actively involved in sports (playing hockey), and from the same age she began participating in school theater productions. Art and physical education were her favorite subjects at school.

Emma had no idea that in 2001 she would become a professional actress. However, fate decreed that the future star of the Harry Potter films decided to try her hand at casting for the role of Hermione Granger. The actress successfully beat out thousands of applicants and received the role, which made her famous overnight.

Who is Hermione Granger?

A young sorceress, a half-breed, forced to constantly prove to the whole world that she is no worse than true magicians, Hermione is, without a doubt, an extraordinary person, ready to defend her point of view and the cause to which she has devoted her entire life to the end.

She is smart, resourceful, driven and loves books. The fragile and vulnerable appearance of the sorceress is deceptive and hides strong personality, who knows exactly what she wants and is ready to fight for it. She may be arrogant and a bit boring, but it is clear that without her help, Harry Potter would have had a difficult time.

The only drawback of Hermione (real name Emma Watson) is her inability to make decisions quickly enough in unusual situations. However, the young sorceress is actively fighting this.

Harry Potter was definitely lucky. Throughout history, Hermione was his faithful companion, always supporting him and ready to help in difficult times.

Hermione and Emma

For a long time, the actress’s name was confused with the name of the character she embodied in JK Rowling’s film universe.

They said about her: “Yes, this is Hermione from Harry Potter!” The real name of the actress was not always remembered. Later, of course, everything changed. The name of Emma Watson, the actress who played Hermione, is now known to all Potter fans.

The role of the young sorceress revealed Emma's acting talent. However, the name of the one who made Watson famous did not overshadow the real name of the actress. Hermione Granger didn't become Emma. Moreover, when the Harry Potter epic finally came to an end, the actress managed to ensure that her name was not associated exclusively with the young magician’s companion. Hermione Granger took up a whole chapter in Emma's life, but never made her into an actress of one role.

Emma Watson also starred in other films: “Ballet Shoes”, “ Children's holiday in the Palace”, “Seven Days and Nights with Marilyn”, “Elite Society”, etc. In them, the actress made it clear that she could be different, completely different from the Hermione that Harry Potter fans love and know.

After the end credits

A new project in which she is currently busy ex-Hermione from "Harry Potter" - "Beauty and the Beast", where she plays main role. The film is scheduled for release in 2017.

Besides acting career, Emma takes an active part in the life of the community. So, at the beginning of 2014, the girl was appointed UN Goodwill Ambassador. Emma participates in charity events and is the face of a feminist organization.

The actress is not afraid to express and defend her point of view. And in this she and Hermione are similar. Although the name of the young sorceress is no longer inextricably linked with the name of Emma Watson, her image, it seems, will still haunt the girl for the rest of her life.

The brave and courageous know-it-all made the name of the actress from “Harry Potter” famous, and not only among fans of JK Rowling’s work. The image of Hermione served as the starting point from which Emma Watson's dizzying career began.

Now she famous person, who managed to star in many films and confidently showed herself in the field of social activities.

Once Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, actress Emma Watson showed that she can be a versatile personality. Therefore, we would like to believe that in the future she will yet have to embody on the screen an image no less striking than the image of the young sorceress and faithful companion of Harry Potter.

Many of us think that we know almost all the facts about Hermione Granger: she is a young, talented, well-read sorceress, best friend Harry Potter and Ron Weasley (and - as an adult - the latter's wife). Hermione often helped out her friends and tried to keep them from acting rashly. Interesting facts about Hermione: she memorized all the books of spells even before entering Hogwarts and sometimes irritated her fellow students with her “know-it-all” attitude, and some people disliked the girl because she comes from a Muggle family.

And yet, despite seven books read and eight films watched, we bet there are interesting facts about Hermione Granger that have passed you by. Let's talk about this!

Excellent student, workaholic, talented sorceress: facts about Hermione Granger

"Sour" surname

Fun fact: Hermione didn't always go by Granger. There was a time when JK Rowling wanted to name the heroine differently. The writer came up with whole list surnames that she was supposed to give to Harry's classmates. How do you like this option: “Hermione Puckle.” Not very loud, right? So Rowling decided so - that the surname has a slightly “sour” connotation, especially since “tow” means “pickle” in Scots. This is how Hermione Granger was born - nice fact!

In honor of the Greek god

Some may have wondered where this came from. unusual name? And here's the second fact about Hermione Granger: her name is a feminine derivative of the name Hermes. Reminder: This is a character. Greek mythology, god of trade, who was known for his resourcefulness and quickness (aided by magical sandals). He was a kind of intermediary between the world of Olympus and mere mortals. Likewise, Hermione is the link between wizards and Muggles. And, of course, she could be cunning and resourceful if circumstances required it.

Rowling's alter ego

Sometimes authors describe in their books some of their acquaintances, their habits and hobbies, and sometimes they offer the reader a literary version of themselves. So Rowling couldn’t resist the temptation, because Hermione is her copy, which, of course, has undergone some changes. But Joan, like Hermione, was a crammer, not always self-confident.

About the younger sister and... teeth

Did you know this fact about Hermione Granger: she was not supposed to be an only child. Rowling originally planned for the heroine younger sister. When Harry and Ron meet their future girlfriend, she says: “No one in my family has anything to do with magic.” Then the writer hoped that she would introduce Hermione’s sister into the story (otherwise Granger would have said: “My parents have nothing to do with magic”). But Rowling couldn't find a way to introduce this sister to readers, and then it was too late.

In the books, Hermione is described as a girl with large front teeth. That's probably why, when she accidentally enlarged her teeth with a spell, Ron was indignant, and Professor Snape said that he didn't see any difference. The director of the first part (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone), Chris Columbus, tried to give Emma Watson fake teeth, but it was very inconvenient, and the idea was abandoned. IN last scene Hermione's fake teeth can be seen in the film, but their size is reduced to a minimum compared to the original ones.

She could be Ravenclaw

Before entering Hogwarts, Hermione performed several simple spells, but for some reason did not fall under the decree on reasonable restrictions on magic among minors. It turns out that children under the age of 11, who do not yet have a magic wand and have little control over their abilities, are exempt from punishment.

We know that newcomers were distributed among faculties by a special Hat; we owe it to the famous trio “Harry-Ron-Hermione”. But before sending Granger to Gryffindor, the Hat thought for four minutes: the girl’s sharp mind allowed her to get into Ravenclaw (in English - Ravenclaw). However, Hermione's courage prevailed, and she became a Gryffindor student. Later, in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, one of the students wonders why Hermione wasn't sorted into Ravenclaw.

Secret desire and great fear

More interesting fact about Hermione Granger, revealed by JK Rowling. He touches the mirror of Erised. We know what Harry saw in this mirror of his deepest desires - himself and his parents. And Ron imagined that he was the Gryffindor Quidditch captain and was holding the cup in his hands. It turns out that if Hermione had looked into Erised in the summer of 1997, she would have seen herself, Ron and Harry alive in the mirror, and Voldemort dead.

As for the boggart, which showed the deepest fears of the characters, in the book “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” Hermione met a boggart who had the face of Professor McGonagall (and the mentor was very dissatisfied with Hermione’s knowledge). This means that the perfectionist Greenger was insecure and always afraid of failure.

Sent my parents to Australia

This fact about Hermione Granger is most likely known to fans of the series: she erased her parents' memories of herself in order to protect them from Voldemort and the Death Eaters and force them to move to Australia. But did you know that when the mess with the Dark Lord was over, Hermione restored the memories of her father and mother? Rowling herself stated this.

Highly qualified sorceress

As we remember, Ron, Hermione and Harry left Hogwarts, refusing last year training - they went to look for horcruxes. Thus, they failed the final magic test. But Hermione could not remain a dropout, and after the Second Wizarding War she returned to Hogwarts and passed the test - the only one of the three. This is what it means to be an excellent student!

Having thus received the necessary qualifications, Hermione could choose a magical profession to her liking. She went to work at the Ministry of Magic - in the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures. She then achieved a high position in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and used her power to correct the ancient laws of inequality between pure-blood wizards and those born Muggles. It’s interesting that Emma Watson also fights – for women’s rights.

Translated an ancient book and invented spells

There are "non-franchise" books in the Harry Potter series, including The Tales of Beedle the Bard. The first edition of the book (written in ancient runes) was bequeathed by Dumbledore to Hermione. She read the book and translated it into English language. The translation was published some time after Hermione graduated from Hogwarts and contained Dumbledore's explanations (Professor McGonagall gave them to her student).

It is a well-known fact: Hermione Granger is a talented witch who knows a lot about magic. She also came up with several spells herself! For example, a spell that points to a sneak, or one that makes a wand act like a compass and point north.

She ended up in... frogs!

For all her accomplishments, including translating books, fighting for the rights of magical creatures, and inventing spells, Hermione was immortalized. How? She ended up on a card from chocolate frogs. We don't know how many Muggle-borns were given the honor of appearing on these cards, but the fact that Hermione Granger deserved it is undeniable.

The role in the films is performed by the actress Emma Watson .

Her parents are Muggles, dentists by profession, and Hermione Muggle-born sorceress.
Harry Potter And Ron Weasley- her best friends. One way or another she plays important role in all the events that happen in life Harry.

Literary image of Hermione Granger / Germiona Greindzher

Hermione Granger / Germiona Greindzher has brown eyes and brown hair. Her appearance in the book " Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is described as: "... a girl with thick brown hair... Her front teeth were a little longer than necessary." However, in the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"The shot ricocheted at Hermione. Malfoy in Harry's spell Dantisimus", from which Hermione's front teeth grew almost to her chin. In the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey gave Hermione a tooth-shrinking potion and told her to wait until her teeth were back to their previous size. Hermione She waited a little longer, and her teeth became straighter than before. Has a cat Crookshanks.

Hermione Granger / Germiona Greindzher loves to study and devotes a lot of time to it. Sometimes she can be too arrogant and overly proud of her academic achievements. She is ambitious, in class she always tries to answer first and stand out with her knowledge, for which many, not without reason, consider her a “know-it-all.”

In the eyes of others, Hermione Granger / Germiona Greindzher, with her fanatical desire for order and discipline, looks too “correct” and boring, and for this they often laugh at her. However, the first impression of her turns out to be incorrect: indeed, compliance with formal rules and academic success mean a lot to her, but we can say with all confidence that she has much more significant values ​​and ideals. She values ​​justice highly.

In the book " Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"Hermione admits that the Sorting Hat quite seriously suggested that she choose the Ravenclaw faculty, the faculty where the smartest students study.

Hermione regularly helps with studies Harry And Ron, explains the material to them, lets them read their notes, and even (very reluctantly) allows them to copy homework. They often admit that without Hermione it would be much more difficult for them to study, and her help is very important for them.

Moreover, in the fourth year Hermione started studying hard social activities, namely, created an organization whose activities were aimed at protecting the rights of house elves. Together with Ron Weasley Hermione was the head of the Gryffindor house, in her third year she abandoned the study of Muggles and divination, considering the latter “a rather vague subject.” She was interested in numerology and ancient runes.

Hermione Granger / Germiona Greindzher is a brave and courageous girl who is always ready to help her friends. Nevertheless, it can be said that one of her weak points– this is the inability to act in a non-standard situation when you need to quickly make a decision.
Joanne Rowling admitted that Hermione looks a lot like her. Hermione's patronus is the otter, which is Rowling's favorite animal. Hermione Jean's middle name (appears in the book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" when Albus Dumbledore's will was read out) - female version named "John", just like Joan, Rowling's first name.

The further fate of Hermione Granger / Germiona Greindzher

Hermione began her career in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, where she contributed to significant improvements in the lives of house elves and their fellows. She then moved (despite her statement to Scrimgeour) to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, where she worked to eradicate unjust laws that protected only purebred magicians. She married Rona, whom she fell in love with while studying, and became the mother of two children - Hugo And Rose.

History of the name Hermione Granger / Germiona Greindzher

The girl's name comes from Greek mythology. Hermione is the name of the daughter of the Spartan king Menelaus and Helen.

Last day, London's Palace Theater announced the names of the actors who will play the main characters in theatrical production"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child", which continues the plot of the books about the wizard and his friends.

Jamie Parker will play the grown-up Harry Potter, Paul Tonley will play Ron Weasley. The role of Hermione went to... the dark-skinned actress Noma Dumezweni.

The cast of the play was announced at official page production on the microblogging network Twitter: "We confirm that Jamie Parker, Noma Dumezweni and Paul Tonley will play Harry, Hermione and Ron."

But some fans of JK Rowling's work reacted negatively to the fact that Hermione Granger would be played by a black actress. True, they were confused not by the fact that the choice of the show's producers fell on the actress with dark color skin, but rather what past years they are used to seeing Hermione in a different image, which was embodied on the screen by Emma Watson.

"In the play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Hermione will be played by a black actress. I'm not a racist, but why change ethnicity main character?", "What? Black Hermione? Are you joking? This makes no sense" - such messages can be found on the Internet in two clicks.

However, there were also those who approved of the actress’s choice. They think 45-year-old Noma Dumezweni will do a great job in the role: "People who are going to challenge the choice black actress for the role of Hermione, don't even get me started", "People who say that a black Hermione is stupid and unrealistic, look at this perfection!"

Dumezweni was born in Swaziland in 1969. But at the age of seven she moved with her mother and sister from South Africa to Great Britain, where she subsequently made a theatrical career.

She has worked in the TV series “A Pure English Murder”, “EastEnders”, “Silent Witness”, “Frankie”.
The actress is also the winner of the prestigious Laurence Olivier Award, awarded by the London theater community as recognition professional achievements in the theater field, for his role in the production of “A Raisin in the Sun.”

By the way, Rowling herself, through social networks said that she does not object to the choice of directors of the play. The writer reacted to the news with approval: " Brown eyes, curly hair, very clever. Nothing is said about white skin. I can't wait until the summer to see Jamie, Noma and Paul on stage as adults Harry, Hermione and Ron."

The premiere of the play based on Rowling's work is scheduled for July 30 in London. Despite dissatisfied reviews regarding participation in the production black actress, viewers have already bought up about 250 thousand tickets, the first 175 thousand of which were sold within a day after the start of sales.

Paul Tonley, Nome Dumezweni and Jamie Parker

As for the plot of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the play will take place 19 years after the final battle between Harry Potter and Voldemort.

As an adult, Harry works at the Ministry of Magic and has three children: James, Albus and Lily. The wizard's quiet existence will be disturbed by unexpected ghosts from the past. There will be problems too youngest son Harry - Albus.

Despite the fact that the original Harry Potter series is finished in both literature and film, Rowling periodically releases short stories about the Potter universe, which filmmakers and theater workers, of course, cannot help but film.

So, for example, the book “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” will be turned into a full-length film with Eddie Redmayne in the title role.
