Khrushchev Thaw presentation. Presentation on the topic "The Thaw in the USSR or the Khrushchev Thaw"

17th century- rebellious age. The uprising of Ivan Bolotnikov, Stepan Razin. Salt and Copper riots. "Time of Troubles" until 1613.

17th century– active secularization of art (de-materialization). Weakening of the religious principle.

Signs of deadening:

1) The appearance of parsuna (from persona). This is a transitional genre from icon to portrait. Portrait made in an iconographic manner.

"Parsuna Ivan the Terrible"

"Prince Fyodor Ivanovich"

2) Changes in the meaning of the icon. According to the new worldview, the icon carries a joyful, positive feeling of being. The icon loses its religious functions, acquiring the value of an aesthetic function.

3) The emergence of historical prose and versification. The first historical book is Synaxis.

4) The emergence of the theater. The theater is a demonic spectacle.

5) The appearance of kantos and everyday songs. They came to us from Poland, called kantychki, and became especially widespread in the 18th century.

6) The emergence of civil architecture. Naryshkinsky baroque. Moscow Baroque 17th century.

There are two art schools:



Stroganovskaya the school was innovative.

Godunovskaya traditional. (Creations of Rublev, Dionisy)

The innovations of the old school consist of an attempt to create realistic painting. In changing traditions, in denying traditions.

In art history this is called a combination of old and new styles.

17th century completed the art of Ancient Rus'. At the same time, it became the beginning of the formation of secular art and a secular worldview.

Secularization was influenced by the schism of the church in the 17th century (1653).

The most prominent representative of the old school was Procopius Chirin:

a) "Nikita Warrior"

b) “Our Lady of Vladimir”

c) “John the Baptist”

A) Icon, shift to the left, secular dandy. Breaking all traditions.

b) Terminals and pictures from the life of the Mother of God.

The master of the armory was especially famous Simon Ushakov:

He became famous as a painter, graphic artist, and art historian. The first wrote a theoretical treatise on icon painting, demanding images as in life. He stood at the origins of realistic painting.

- " Archangel Michael"

- “Savior the Great Bishop”

- “Trinity” (landscape in the background)

- "Last Supper"

New schools are being formed in provincial cities. The school in Yaroslavl is especially famous, and the master Gury Nikitin. He tried to bring icons closer to earthly life.

Church of Elijah the Prophet "Flood" is a prototype of Bryullov's "The Last Day" and "Adam and Eve".

IN 17th century Large monasteries are being rebuilt: Donskaya and Novodevichy in Moscow, Pokrovsky, Spasa-Efimievsky in Suzdal, Alekseevsky in Uglich.

IN 17th century masterpieces of wooden architecture were built. Church of the Transfiguration in Kizhi. Church of the Ascension in Torzhok.

Moscow Naryshkin Baroque.

Baroque to Russia it's arrived through Poland, in the second half of the 17th century. Baroque became a symbol of European thinking for Moscow.

From Western Europe we took the polyphony of the world creation, its changeable essence, versatility, musicality. It is believed that the domestic Baroque of the 17th century is more similar to the Western Renaissance.

Moscow Baroque, in addition to Western European traditions, used the traditions of ancient Russian wooden architecture.

- Moscow Baroque lush, monumental, decorative. It has two colors, which gives the buildings a festive feel. Basic: white, red.

Bell tower of the Petrovsky Monastery in Moscow:

1) Two colors

2) Column styling

3) Window decoration (small patterns)

Multi-tiered architecture, each subsequent tier is smaller than the previous one.

Bell tower of the Novodevichy Monastery.

Church located in Moscow on Donskaya Street:

Tent architecture is used:

Spasskaya Church in Ubory (village)

Peter's Cathedral in Kazan

Sukharev Tower in Moscow (Secular building. Under Peter there was a Navigation School. It was destroyed under Stalin (during the straightening of the streets).

Terem Palace in the Kremlin (Like a toy, the roof is diamond-shaped)

Trinity Church in Ostankino (Sheremetyev Theater-Museum)

Assumption Church in Arkhangelskoye (Color changes to yellow, round windows)

Assumption Church in the Novodevichy Convent (Overload with white parts)

Church of Boris and Gleb in Zyuzino (Three-domed)

Church in Dubrovitsy (Ukraine. Sculpture on the lower tier)

Church of St. John the Warrior on Yakimanka in Moscow

Church of the Intercession in Fili (Renaissance)

Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Moscow (Five-domed, hipped, two-color)

Artistic culture of Russia in the 18th century.

Age of Enlightenment. Divided into periods of government:

1) Petrovskoye until 1725.

2) Anna Ioannovna (10 years old)

3) Elizaveta Petrovna (17 years old)

4) Catherine II (34 years old)

Development of the Baroque style => classicism => the beginning of the Empire style.

In the 18th century Russia becomes a European power. A national music school is being created: Bortnyansky, Khandoshkin, Berezovsky.

The first secular public theater is being created:

1750 in Yaroslavl

1756 In Petersburg

Construction of secular culture, appearance orchestras, portraiture, civil architecture.

The significance of Peter's activities.

1) Appearance newspapers, magazines, civil font.

2) Opening museums(Kunstkamera). Peter was the first guide.

3) Built city On a European scale, Russia has taken a new path of development.

4) Entered rituals and customs of Western Europe (for this Peter was accused of trampling on national traditions). 300 years of experience in Europe Russia mastered for 50 years. The phenomenon of “Russian Europeanness” (the combination of one’s own and someone else’s) was created.

5) Peter gave the woman new social status.

6) Peter did leisure European. He held balls, masquerades, dances: minuet, polonaise.

7) Peter brought musical instruments from abroad. He hated Moscow (they wanted to kill him at the age of 14, he ran away).

8) Peter I introduced awards And career out of social status.

9) Introduced the system retirement(training talented people abroad, at the expense of the state).

First buildings: Petersburg Fortress, Petersburg Cathedral (it was impossible to build higher than the spire). Tomb of the Romanovs.

Wooden house Peter

- Peter I decided to do Petersburg similar to European cities. For this purpose, a direct perspective of the streets was made. All life was subject to order and regularity.

General plan construction of St. Petersburg developed Jean Baptiste Leblond. Supervised all work Domenico Trezzini. Helped Peter Eropkin- Russian architect who was executed for conspiratorial activities.

Trezzini's works:

Peter's Summer Palace (modest)

Peter and Paul Cathedral (with spire)
- Aleksnadro – Nevsky Monastery

Building of the Twelve Collegiums (all officials)

Peter Eropkin. Studied abroad for 8 years. Built a palace in Strelna. He took part in the construction of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra Cathedral. Published by architectural treatise.

Peter's Cathedral- modest window decoration, rounding. Modest decoration – early Baroque.

Simplicity, modesty, expediency, rigor - Peter's demand.

IN Middle Ages start working Carlo And Bartolomeo Rastrelli. Father is a sculptor, a favorite of Catherine II. The son is an architect.

Works by Carlo Rastrelli:

Menshikov – bust

Peter I – bust

Wax figure of Peter

Monument to Peter

Anna Ioanovna with an Arab boy

Bartolomeo Rastrelli worked on orders from Elizaveta Petrovna. He came up with the idea of ​​transferring the estate principle of development to urban planning.

Works of Bartalomeo Rastrelli:

Vorontsov Palace (mature baroque)

Great Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo (plenty of decorations)

Palace, park area, sculpture – baroque ensemble.

Completed the Great Petersburg Palace. Finished in the early Baroque style

Winter Palace (statues), blue, gold, white

Smolny Monastery

St. Andrew's Church in Kyiv

Amber Room (in the Catherine Palace)

Great Hall of the Catherine Palace. The windows are reflected in the mirrors. Increased space.

Dance hall of the St. Petersburg Palace.

Entrance to the Winter Palace

Stroganov Palace

In the first half of the 18th century, the first Russian national art school was created.




The first engraver appeared - Anton Zubov.

“Panorama of St. Petersburg” (central work)

"Petrovsky Gate"

"Prisoned Swedish ships"

Ivan Nikitin.

Stood at the origins realistic portrait. Peter's favorite artist. He left several portraits of Peter I.

The best portrait of Peter:

"Portrait in a medallion"

"Peter I on his deathbed"

The most famous work was:

"Portrait of the Napolny Hetman"

“Ceremonial portrait” (with orders on a dark background)

"Portrait of Anna Petrovna"

"Portrait of Elizaveta Petrovna"

"Natalya Alekseevna" (Peter's sister)

“Portrait of Catherine I” (wife of Peter)

"Portrait of a Young Man"

Updating knowledge on the topic "Economy of the USSR in 1953 - 1964."

1. In August 1953, he came up with his own program of economic reforms:

  • G.M. Malenkov 2) V.M. Molotov 3) N.S. Khrushchev 4) N.A. Bulganin

2. Measures to improve agriculture proposed by G.M. Malenkov boiled down to:

1)increasing productivity

2) inclusion of the factor of personal interest of collective farmers

3) development of virgin and fallow lands

4) everything stated is correct

5) 1 and 2 are correct

3. It was proposed to ensure the growth of agriculture by increasing purchase prices for collective farm products and developing virgin and fallow lands:

1) G.M. Malenkov 2) V.M. Molotov 3) N.S. Khrushchev 4) A.N. Kosygin

4. Pensions for collective farmers were introduced:

1) with the completion of collectivization 2) in pursuance of the Constitution of 1936 3) personally G.M. Malenkov4) under N.S. Khrushchev

5. The rapid growth in the well-being of the peasants has given rise to fears about their “degeneration” into “kulaks,” and the authorities are beginning to return to administration and coercion:

  • in accordance with the decisions of the XX Congress of the CPSU

2) with the adoption of the Program for Building Communism

3) with the introduction of economic councils

4) since the late 50s.

6. From 1955 to 1962, corn acreage more than doubled, resulting in:

1) solving the problems of providing the population with beef

2) almost doubling the grain harvest

3) a general decrease in grain harvest

4) creation of a reliable feed base for livestock farming

7. Crisis in the development of virgin lands in 1962-1963. associated with:

1) weakening attention of governing bodies to the development of new lands

2) soil erosion, ill-conceived farming system and weather conditions

3) a decline in labor discipline

8. The increase in prices for a number of basic food products in June 1962 caused discontent and even open protests by workers, the most serious of which was the protest in:

1) Novocherkassk 2) Novorossiysk 3) Novomoskovsk 4) Novotroitsk

9. The policy of preferential development of light industry, pursued by the government since August 1953, was curtailed:

1) with the beginning of the development of virgin lands in 1954.

2) with the resignation of G.M. Malenkov from the post of head of government

3) after the XX Congress of the CPSU

10. For 1950-1965 industrial production doubled:

1) group “B”2) radio engineering3) group “A”4) pulp and paper

“Thaw after a snowstorm.

The blizzard has just died down,

The snowdrifts settled at once

And the snow darkened..."

I. Ehrenburg

“I want to reach everything

To the very essence.

At work, looking for a way

In heartbreak.

To the essence of the past days,

Until their reason,

To the foundations, to the roots, to the core.

All the time, grasping the thread

Fates, events.

Live, think, feel, love,

Make a discovery."

B. Pasternak


O. Mandelstam

A. Akhmatova

V. Meyerhold

M. Zoshchenko

S. Yesenin

B. Akhmadullina

E. Yevtushenko

A. Tvardovsky

A. Solzhenitsyn

Nobel Prizes received:

A.M. Prokhorov

N.N. Semenov

L.D. Landau

Popular writers of the West.

E. Hemingway.

EM. Remarque

Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater

Sovremennik Theater

“I don’t see the possibility of living any longer, because the art to which I gave my life has been ruined by the self-confident and ignorant leadership of the party and now cannot be corrected... Literature - this holy of holies - has been given over to be torn to pieces by bureaucrats and the most backward elements of the people, and from the highest stands...a new slogan was heard - “Come on!”

A. Fadeev

V. Grossman

A. Voznesensky

Monument at the grave of N.S. Khrushchev

made by E.Neizvestny

Ernst Neizvestny

Final questions:

1. What determined the spiritual life of Soviet society?

2. What events in the country led to hope for freedom?

3. What is Khrushchev’s “thaw”? How did it end?

4. What was more? "white" or “black” in the spiritual life of Soviet people?

“Very little time will pass and both the playpen and the corn will be forgotten. And people will live in his houses for a long time, people freed by him. Khrushchev is that rare, albeit controversial, figure who personifies not only goodness, but also desperate personal courage.”

M. Romm

2.Write an essay

“A thaw is not spring yet.”

The struggle for power after the death of I.O. Stalin. L.P. Beria – first deputy. Chairman of the Council of Ministers, again headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs. G.M. Malenkov – Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. N.S. Khrushchev - Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Death of I.V. Stalin on March 5, 1953. Activities aimed at easing the regime: Rehabilitation according to the “doctors’ case”; Initiator of mass amnesty; The desire to limit the interference of party bodies in economic affairs. This was interpreted as a desire to seize power. Association with the aim of eliminating Beria June 1953. - arrest, trial, execution.

The second stage of the struggle for power The trial of the top leaders of the MGB, guilty of falsifying the “Leningrad case” February 1955. – Malenkov was removed from the post of Head of Government. Steady strengthening of Khrushchev’s Position.

The third stage of the struggle for power (February 1955 - March 1958) “United opposition”: Malenkov, Molotov, Kaganovich and others. An attempt to abolish the post of first secretary by decision of the Presidium, where Khrushchev’s opponents had a majority. The plenum of the Central Committee supported Khrushchev, and the oppositionists were declared an anti-party group. (Summer 1957) October 1957 - Marshal G.K. Zhukov was deprived of his posts. March 1958 - N. Bulganin, who supported in the summer of 1957, was removed from the post of head of government. opposition. Concentrated all power

Exposing Stalin's Cult of Personality BACKGROUND: Stalin's death eased fear of the state and repression; Uprisings in the Gulag system in 1953 - 1956; The maturation of social protest in society; Condemnation of the cult as a means of struggle in the highest echelons of power. The need for change in society XX Congress of the CPSU, Report of Khrushchev N.S. about the cult of personality (February 1956); Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee of June 30, 1956 “On overcoming the cult of personality and its consequences.” Rehabilitation of victims of mass political repression.

Economy of the USSR in 1953 – 1964. Shifting the center of gravity to the development of light and food industries, as well as agriculture. Increasing productivity and strengthening the personal interest of collective farmers. Reducing the rate of mandatory supplies from private farms, reducing cash taxes and writing off debts. Malenkov's economic course

Agricultural policy of Khrushchev N.S. Increasing government purchase prices for agricultural products; Expansion of sown areas (development of virgin and fallow lands (1954); (1954); Increase in government spending on social development of the village; Cancellation of the tax on personal subsidiary plots and permission to increase its size by 5 times. (until 1958)

Agricultural policy during the period: 1958 – 1964. Liquidation of MTS and sale of equipment to collective farms; Consolidation of collective farms and creation of agricultural farms; Unjustified expansion of corn crops; Persecution of private households; Unreasonable assignments for meat procurement, reduction in livestock numbers.

Consequences: Decline in agricultural production; Deterioration of food supply to the population; The beginning of grain imports from abroad - events in Novocherkassk!!!

Industrial development. Refusal from Malenkov's course: Increasing disproportion towards the production of means of production (“A”); Overall, the average annual production growth rate exceeded 10%; The use of scientific and technical progress as a lever for development (the results were noticeable mainly in the development of the military-industrial complex).

Scientific and technological progress First nuclear power plant (1954); the first artificial Earth satellite (1957); nuclear icebreaker "Lenin" (1959); hydrogen bomb test; development of the chemical industry; expansion of the research institute network.

1958 – reform in the field of education. Goal: strengthening the connection between school and industry. Abolition of compulsory seven-year and full ten-year education. Introduction of compulsory eight-year education through: ShRM technical schools Three-year secondary schools with compulsory industrial training Obtaining higher education only with industrial experience

Reform of national economic management. Decentralization of economic management, transition from a sectoral principle to a territorial one. Decentralization of economic management and restructuring of industrial management from a sectoral principle to a territorial one. Elimination of 10 industrial ministries and replacing them with economic councils, which managed local enterprises. Consolidation of economic councils and the creation of the Council of National Economy to coordinate their activities, as well as state committees for industries. (1962) The reform did not give the expected results, but only increased industrial and managerial confusion.

Social policy PROGRAM OF MEASURES AIMED AT IMPROVING THE LIFE OF THE POPULATION: Increasing the minimum wage by 35%; Increasing the old-age pension by 2 times and reducing the retirement age by 5 years; Cancellation of all types of tuition fees; The working week was reduced from 48 to 46 hours per week; Introduction of cash wages for collective farmers; Deployment of mass housing construction and encouragement of the creation of housing cooperatives.


“Thaw” in cultural life and its limited nature. Inconsistency; maintaining control of the party apparatus over the activities of the creative intelligentsia; low artistic taste of the authorities. Persecution of B. Pasternak; Resumption of arrests for “anti-Soviet activities” (“the case of young historians”); persecution of artists (an incident at an exhibition in MANEGE); A new round of persecution of the Orthodox Church.

Literature “writing honestly means not thinking about the expressions on the faces of tall and short readers.” (V. Pomerantsev) I. Erinburg (“Thaw”); V. Panova (“Seasons”); V. Dudintsev (“Not by Bread Alone”); D. Granin (“Seekers”); A. Solzhenitsyn (“One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”, “Matrenin’s Yard”); A. Fadeev’s attempt to change the leadership style of the Writers’ Union; the appearance of young talented poets (E. Yevtushenko, A. Voznesensky) “And a couple of phrases flying from here will swing into meaningless heights...” (A. Voznesensky)

MUSIC A. Khachaturian - resolution of the CPSU Central Committee “On correcting errors in the evaluation of the operas “The Great Friendship”, “Bogdan Khmelnitsky” and “From the Heart”. In it, previous assessments of the work of composers: D. Shostakovich, S. Prokofiev, A. Khachaturyan, V. Shebalin were recognized as unfair

N.S. Khrushchev’s visit to an art exhibition in the Manege “... I’m telling you as Chairman of the Council of Ministers: the Soviet people do not need all this.” (N.S. Khrushchev) Khrushchev was especially indignant at the work of artists Yu. Sooster, V. Yankilevsky and B. Zhutovsky.

A breath of freedom! International festival of youth and students, the beginning of foreign tours of Soviet creative groups, the opening of new theaters and new magazines. The Kremlin is open to visitors!

Foreign policy Liberalization of foreign policy Normalization of relations with Yugoslavia (1954 - 1955); Signing of a peace treaty with Austria (1955); Attempts to achieve a compromise with Western countries on disarmament issues: Khrushchev’s meeting with Eisenhower (1959), unilateral reduction of the Soviet Army; USSR, USA and Great Britain - a treaty banning nuclear tests in the atmosphere and under water. Continuation of the Cold War Creation of a military-political organization of social. Countries - Warsaw Pact (1955); Suppression of the popular uprising in Hungary (1956); The Berlin Question: aggravation of relations with the West and the construction of the Berlin Wall (1961); Caribbean crisis, nuclear confrontation between the USSR and the USA (1962); Deterioration of relations with China and Albania since 1962.

Khrushchev Thaw (1953-64)

History lesson 11th grade

After Stalin's death, we received a difficult legacy. The country was ruined. Its leadership, which took shape under Stalin, was, so to speak, not good. A diverse group of people gathered together. Here there is Molotov, incapable of innovation, and Beria, dangerous for everyone, and the tumbleweed Malenkov, and the blind executor of Stalin’s will, Kaganovich. There were 10 million people in the camps. The prisons were overcrowded. There was even a special prison for party activists, which Malenkov created on Stalin’s special instructions. There was no hope in the international situation; the Cold War was in full swing.

Khrushchev N.S. about the immediate environment

On March 5, 1953, Stalin died and a struggle for power began among his comrades. At the 1st stage, key positions were occupied by G. Malenkov, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, and L. Beria, Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At this time, criticism of the cult of personality began, real power moved from party to state bodies. N.S. Khrushchev acted as the defender of the interests of the party apparatus. Taking advantage of the fact that after the amnesty carried out by Beria, the crime rate in the country increased, he organized a conspiracy.


go to say goodbye

with Stalin

Molotov V.M.

Voroshilov K.E.

Kaganovich L.M.

Malenkov G.M.

Beria L.P.

The struggle for power after the death of Stalin

On June 26, at a government meeting, L. Beria was arrested and in December 1953 shot as an “English spy.” From that moment until the beginning of 1955, the main struggle unfolded between G. Malenkov and N. Khrushchev. In September 1953, he became 1st Secretary of the Party Central Committee. In 1954 a trial was held of Beria's associates (V. Abakumov and others) accused of fabricating the “Leningrad case”. As a result, a blow was struck against G. Malenkov, as one of the organizers of this case. In January 1955, he resigned and his post was taken by N. Bulganin.

Arrest of L. Beria

The struggle for power after the death of Stalin.

At the third stage (1955-mid 1958), the confrontation between Khrushchev and the “Stalinist guard” began (Molotov, Kaganovich, Malenkov.) At the June 1957 Plenum of the Central Committee, they tried to remove Khrushchev. But the Central Committee turned out to be on the side of the First Secretary and Khrushchev’s opponents were removed from their posts. In March 1958, N. Bulganin was removed from the post of head of government and Khrushchev combined the posts of head of the party and state. This ended the struggle for power.

N.S. Khrushchev

  • 1954 – MGB KGB
  • 1954 – start of rehabilitation
  • 1956 – XX CPSU Congress: debunking Stalin's personality cult

XX Congress of the CPSU.

On the last day of the congress, N. Khrushchev read out a report on the lawlessness that occurred in the country in the 30-50s. But Khrushchev did not go further than criticizing Stalin, Yezhov and Beria. He stated that "Stalinism" did not change the nature of socialism. The congress, by a special resolution, condemned the cult of personality, but its text did not contain any facts. Nevertheless, the report began the process of de-Stalinization. Approximately was released. 700,000 people.

Workers 1 GPP

discuss solutions

XX party congress.

  • 1961 – removal of Stalin’s body from the Mausoleum
  • 1964 – Draft Constitution

(in accordance with the Program for Building Communism)

Rehabilitation victims of Stalin's repressions

  • "controlled de-Stalinization"
  • The core of the system is the CPSU

  • 1957 – Economic councils
  • 1960 – Republican Council of National Economy
  • 1963 – Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR

  • Purchase price
  • Household plots
  • Collective farms
  • Tselina (record 1956)
  • Corn
  • Meat campaign

  • Increase in prices by 25-30% for basic food products
  • 1962 – Events in Novocherkassk
  • 1963 – first purchase of bread abroad

  • 1957 – “Sputnik - 1”
  • 1961 – “Vostok - 1” (108 minutes)
  • 1965 – spacewalk

1954 - NPP 1957 – icebreaker “Lenin”

Social politics

  • Housing construction
  • Increase in wages and pensions
  • Reducing the retirement age
  • Reducing the work week to 46 hours
  • Cancellation of tuition fees
  • Pensions and passports for collective farmers


Service life: 20 – 25 years

Khrushchev's thaw

  • Improving relations with the US
  • "Caribbean crisis
  • Testing a 50 Mt hydrogen bomb
  • Peace initiatives of the USSR
  • Events in Hungary in 1956;
  • Construction of the Berlin Wall;
  • Deteriorating relations with China
  • Relations with countries
  • Relations with countries

people's democracy

  • Growth in the number of government
  • apparatus
  • Partial rehabilitation
  • repressed
  • High rates of urbanization
  • Destruction of personal utility
  • collective farmers' farms
  • Export of bread abroad
  • Maintaining high production growth rates.
  • Abundance of scientific and technical discoveries
  • World leadership in selected industries

October plenum of the Central Committee 1964

Kosygin A.N.

Semichastny V.N.

L.I. Brezhnev

Gromyko A.A.
