How to transfer to another school documents. How to transfer a child to another school: documents and procedure

The child’s brain and psyche are at the stage of development: during this period a large amount of information is received, skills are formed, knowledge and experience are acquired. This is why children need stability more than adults. For example, it is enough to remember how a child asks to tell the same fairy tale every evening and constantly corrects him if the parent deviates even a little from the original version.

Such behavior - defense mechanism of the child's psyche who strives, at least at the end of the day, to get a portion of something familiar. Because of this feature, changing a school or other team can be truly painful for a child. How to prevent this? In this article we will talk about how to act in such a situation.

Why is changing a team dangerous?

Moving to a new school or section inevitably entails a radical change in the environment: a new building, a different group of peers and teachers, the absence of old friends. This causes discomfort even in adults, and in children it increases many times over due to the features already mentioned. If a child does not understand or rejects the need to transfer to another educational institution, this can lead to:

  • isolation, sometimes to the point of complete withdrawal “into oneself”, if a boy or girl is prone to introversion;
  • aggression and accusations towards parents;
  • drop in academic performance;
  • apathy, loss of appetite, deterioration in well-being and even frequent and prolonged illnesses (psychosomatic mechanisms are triggered, that is, dissatisfaction at the psychological level leads to real bodily disorders);
  • severe depression or, conversely, excessive and unnatural cheerfulness;
  • bad behavior, ignoring previously established rules (doing homework, returning from a walk at a certain time, doing housework, etc.).

The situation is most acutely experienced by young children and adolescents, since during these periods the psyche is in a state of transition to a new level of development and is especially unstable. In some cases, obvious manifestations may be absent, but will be noticeable to an observant parent in a decrease in the general background of the child’s mood, some understatement in his conversation.

To reduce stress levels for children from changing schools and teams, it is necessary to prepare them well for this and be patient.

Parent Actions

First of all, think about whether it is necessary to change sections or move to a new school. If the reason is the lack of “eliteness” of the previous educational institution or dissatisfaction with the work of one of the teachers, it is worth looking for another way out of their situation. Of course, only if the child himself likes everything.

If, for objective reasons, a change of team cannot be avoided, the following should be done:

Explain to the child why and why this is necessary

Talk to him and gently and, most importantly, honestly tell him about the reasons forcing you to do this. This needs to be done even if the children are still very young: it’s just worth paying a little more attention to the wording in this situation. Start this preparation in advance so that the child has time to get used to the idea of ​​​​changing the team.

It is important to mention this as a done deal: this will avoid a situation where he cherishes the hope to the last that such a need will disappear, and then experiences disappointment when this does happen.

Talk about your own feelings

Do not hesitate to share your experiences with your children, note that the current situation is unpleasant for you too, but it is necessary to survive it. This will allow the child to understand that transferring him to a new place is not just your whim. In addition, an open conversation about feelings will help you get closer and face difficulties together.

Offer your help and support

However, it is also important not to overdo it in this matter: for example, you should not look for friends for a boy and be an intermediary in his acquaintance with peers. This would rather add awkwardness to his situation. Such steps should be taken only after consulting with the children themselves.

Find the positives

Try to look at the situation from a different angle yourself and share this with your child. You can jointly search for the advantages of moving to another team: expanding your circle of acquaintances; a good friend who visits the same House of Creativity; a shorter journey to the educational institution and freeing up time for more important and interesting things; the proximity of the new school to a cinema, which you can go to after classes, etc.

Don't interfere with communication with old friends

It is very important for children to maintain contact with old good friends. Of course, over time you will find friends in a new place, but this will not happen right away. Most likely, at first the child will feel very uncomfortable. Especially if the new team with its connections has been formed for a long time.

It is recommended to allocate funds for telephone conversations and even trips if friends are in another city. This will show the child that the parents do not want to deprive him of his previous acquaintances and care about his well-being in every sense.

Changing schools and teams is almost always stressful, both for children and adults. However, joint efforts, patience and understanding can make this situation painless and even pleasant, as it will allow parents to see new horizons and bring parents even closer to their child.

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The rules, grounds and procedure for transferring a child to another school are regulated by the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” and Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 12, 2014 N 177 (as amended) “On approval of the Procedure and conditions for the transfer of students from one organization providing educational activities on educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, to other organizations carrying out educational activities on educational programs of the appropriate level and focus."

Procedure for transferring to a new school

Transferring a child to another school consists of two stages - expulsion from one school and admission to another.

The law provides for the right of a child to study in any school if there are free places in it.

Thus, admission to a state or municipal educational organization can be denied only due to the lack of free places in it, with the exception of schools (lyceums, gymnasiums) with in-depth study of individual academic subjects, in which it is possible to establish test exams for the enrollment of children.


In case of transfer of an adult student on his initiative or a minor student on the initiative of his parents, the parents (the adult student) must:

  1. Select a host educational organization (school, lyceum, gymnasium).
  2. Contact the selected organization with a request for availability, including using the Internet.
  3. If there are no available places in the selected organization, contact the local government authorities in the field of education of the corresponding municipal district, city district to determine the host organization from among the municipal educational organizations (to the education department of the corresponding district).
  4. Contact the old school with an application for the student’s expulsion due to transfer to the host organization. An application for transfer can be sent in the form of an electronic document using the Internet.

Sample application for transfer

An application for transfer to another school must be submitted in simple written form. It is mandatory to indicate:

  • last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the student;
  • date of birth;
  • class and training profile (if available);
  • name of the receiving organization. In case of moving to another area, only the locality, subject of the Russian Federation is indicated.

An application for transfer can be sent in the form of an electronic document using the Internet.

To the director of secondary school No. 38 in Moscow

From Ivantsov Oleg Vikotorovich –

legal representative of Ivantsov Viktor Olegovich

Application for transfer to another school (sample)

I ask you to expel my child Viktor Olegovich Ivantsov, born on February 22, 2009, studying in the 2nd grade of secondary school No. 38 in connection with his transfer to school No. 65 in Krasnodar.

Ivanyuk O.V. (Date, signature).

For reference. In addition to the application, the school may require a document confirming the child’s acceptance into another school. In this case, you can submit a letter signed by the director of another school, which confirms your readiness to accept the child to study at this school.

Based on this application, the school from which the child is expelled issues an administrative act within three days on the expulsion of the student by transfer, indicating the receiving school.

Within three days after the publication of this act, the school issues a certificate of the child’s education.

After the child is expelled, the original organization issues the following documents to the adult student or the parents (legal representatives) of the minor student:

  • personal file of the student;

Documents for enrollment in a new school

To enroll a child in a new secondary school, the following documents must be submitted:

  • application for enrollment of a student in the receiving school as a transfer from the original school. The application is written in any form addressed to the director of the school to which the child is transferred;
  • original documents proving the identity of an adult student or a parent (legal representative) of a minor student;
  • documents received from the school from which the child was expelled:
  • personal file of the student;
  • documents containing information about the student’s performance in the current academic year (extract from the class register with current grades and results of interim certification), certified by the seal of the original organization and the signature of its head (the person authorized by him).

Important. The requirement to submit other documents as a basis for enrollment of students in the receiving school in connection with a transfer from the original organization is not permitted.

Enrollment of a student in the receiving organization by transfer is formalized by an administrative act of the head of the receiving organization (an authorized person) within three working days after receiving the application and documents indicating the date of enrollment and class. When enrolling a student, the receiving organization notifies the original organization in writing of the number and date of the administrative act on the student’s enrollment in the receiving organization.

Prepared by "Personal"

Every student can have learning problems. Misunderstandings among teachers, conflicts with classmates, or other nuances prompt parents to think about transferring to another educational institution. The reason may be moving to another locality. So how do you transfer your child to another school? Let's try to figure it out.

When it is necessary?

Is it necessary to transfer a child to another school? If a student has conflicts with classmates, they first try to resolve them with the help of psychologists and the class teacher. But if the problems are not resolved, it is better to transfer your daughter or son to a new place.

For what reasons does the question of translation arise:

  • Unsolvable conflict with the teacher (or teachers);
  • Excessive demands that the child cannot cope with;
  • Weak teaching staff (the prospect of gaining better knowledge in a new place);
  • Serious conflicts with classmates, lack of friends among them;
  • The schoolchild does not have the opportunity to demonstrate his abilities, participate in olympiads, creative competitions;
  • The educational institution is far from your place of residence.

In all these cases, the answer to the question – whether to transfer the student to another school – is affirmative. Parents have the right to choose learning conditions, take care of the quality of their son or daughter’s knowledge, the realization of his abilities, and psychological comfort among classmates.

Another reason why a student will have to be transferred is if the family moves to another place of residence.

How to do it?

If you want to transfer your child to another school, you first need to find a new one that meets your needs and make sure there are places available.

If a student moves from a general education school to a specialized one (with in-depth study of subjects, specialized classes, gymnasium, lyceum), he will have to undergo special testing corresponding to the level of the new institution, or pass exams. If the child copes, he will be enrolled.

Discuss issues of interest, including financial ones, with the director of the new institution. If parents are required to pay fees for the school, you have the right to pay as much as you can when it is not possible to pay the full amount. This is not a reason to refuse admission to a new student - contributions are voluntary. Make payments by bank transfer.

But financial issues may affect the attitude of teachers towards a new student, so weigh all the nuances before transferring your son or daughter so as not to make things worse.

What documents are needed?

After talking with the director, receive a certificate confirming your child’s enrollment in a new educational institution. Without it, the student’s documents from the previous school will not be returned.

  • student's personal file;
  • a document on academic performance, certified by the seal of the educational institution and signed by the director;
  • student's medical card.

Please note that when moving to a new place, these documents are issued even without a certificate of enrollment.

Bring these documents to your new school. Write an application for enrollment of the student, present the original passport of the father or mother indicating the place of registration, and the child’s birth certificate. In 3 days an order will be issued to transfer to a new school.

Transfer to another area, city

Is it possible to transfer a child to a new school if it is located in another area of ​​the city? It is possible if there are free places after enrollment of everyone from the assigned area. Finding such an institution is not easy, so worry about the translation in advance. Perhaps there is a school where places are guaranteed to remain.

When transferring within your area of ​​residence, you can write 3 applications to different institutions, in another area of ​​the city - only 2.

If a family moves, you can transfer your child to a school in another city in the same way. The only additional hassle associated with travel will be added.

Transfer to another school online

You can transfer a student through the government services portal. Not all parents know about this, but transferring a student to a new educational institution via the Internet is a reality. How it works?

Parents register on the government services website. Select school options based on the place of registration. Check out the websites of educational institutions with information about recruiting children. Submit your application online.

The administration of the educational institution will send a response about the child’s enrollment or refusal, the basis for which is only the lack of places. With the consent of the administration of the educational institution, parents clarify in which class there is a place and bring documents from the old school to the director.

When is the best time to transfer a student?

Having finished our conversation about how best to transfer a child to another school, let’s touch on the issue of child psychology. A change of educational institution means a new team of children and teachers with established social roles, a new curriculum, and requirements. This is a new route, classroom environment...

The student needs to adapt to these changes. Therefore, try to transfer the student during the summer holidays. Then, at the beginning of the school year, the student will go to classes together with classmates who also rested during the holidays, have become unaccustomed to the school regime and from each other. You will have to integrate into the school routine together, and this is easier.

It’s good if teachers, a class teacher, a school psychologist, and old friends help a new recruit.

Parental support is essential

Transferring a student to a new institution is not difficult. Getting used to a new place of study is more difficult. The child feels awkward, is afraid of new teachers, meeting classmates, and remembers the old class. You can't do it without the help of your parents.

Support your son or daughter, listen to experiences, concerns, fears, suggest how to resolve difficult situations, reassure. Be understanding about mood swings and don’t set the academic bar too high.

The following tips will help in the adaptation of a novice student:

  1. Introduce your child to school during the holidays: walk around the classrooms, floors, meet the teachers, tell them about the character and abilities of the new student.
  2. Discuss the transition from a positive side, say how many advantages and prospects the child will have.
  3. Help pack a schoolbag so that during lessons the student doesn’t feel embarrassed if he forgot something at home.
  4. Encourage communication with old friends from a previous educational institution so that the child understands that this period of life will not be crossed out. Over time, he will make friends with the guys from the new class.
  5. Teach him to be himself, not to curry favor with other guys and not show hostility, to behave kindly without imposing friendship. Let him take a closer look at his classmates.
  6. Go to a parent-teacher meeting, get to know the parents, try to establish good relationships with them.
  7. Monitor the student's routine. He must eat, sleep, and walk enough in the fresh air to be attentive and active in class. This will strengthen the young recruit's self-esteem. Limit the time spent playing games on the phone and computer, as this tires the nervous system, which is already difficult for the child.
  8. Enroll him in clubs or sections to supplement his studies with interesting activities.
  9. Send the newcomer on excursions, exhibitions, and trips that are organized in the new class. In a relaxed atmosphere, outside of the educational process, it is easier to make friends and establish communication.


The “technical side” of the question “how to transfer a student to another institution” is not difficult if there is a choice between schools. In small towns this often becomes a problem: in one school there are no places, in another the parents know the teachers and do not trust them, the third constantly demands money, and there is no fourth option. Therefore, parents have to either come to terms with the state of affairs or look for ways to solve the difficulties that have arisen. Sometimes, in order to transfer a son or daughter, moving becomes a forced decision.

Psychological adaptation turns out to be more difficult. Therefore, the task of parents is to carefully choose a new institution for their daughter or son, so that even more difficulties do not arise at the new school.

, what documents are needed for this, and what authorities need to be visited? All these questions can be answered in this article. It reveals cases when transfers are carried out both at the end and in the middle of the academic year.

Searching for available places at a new school

Whatever the reasons for transferring a child to a new school, you first need to find out if there are free places there. This is especially true in cases where translation is carried out during the educational process. Typically, classes are formed in advance, and the list of students is approved in the summer. After school has already begun, it is very difficult to squeeze into the formed class, but not impossible.

In Art. 67 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, provides for the only reason for refusing to admit a new student to a state or municipal school - the lack of free places.

As an exception, schools with in-depth study of individual subjects are considered, where they also need to pass testing. The same goes for sports schools and art schools - they need appropriate skills and achievements. If the commission considers that there are none, then the child will be denied admission to school.

On the other hand, the school must provide conditions for the admission of all students who live in the territory assigned to this educational institution. Self-government bodies are monitoring this. Therefore, if a child has moved to a new place of residence, he must be accepted into the school that is responsible for educating children in that area.

Hence the conclusion: the child must be registered at the new place of residence. But nowhere in the legislation is there a requirement that registration must be permanent; those with temporary registration must also be accepted into school.

Don't know your rights?

Applying to a new school

If the administration of the selected school said that there are free places, then the question is: how to transfer a child to another school, almost solved. All that remains is to pick up the documents from the old school and submit them to the new one. But the documents from the old school may not be handed over to parents right away. The administration will need confirmation that the child is not just leaving school, but is being transferred to another educational institution.

Download the contract form

Therefore, you first need to contact a new school to enroll your child there. In state and municipal schools this happens through the publication of an administrative act in accordance with the requirements of Art. 53 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. The role of such an act is often an order. If a child is transferred to a private school, then the parents enter into an education agreement with this organization.

Based on the order, parents are given a certificate of enrollment, which must be presented at the old school to receive documents. The list of documents is established in local regulations, most often these are the admission rules approved at each school. Typically, parents must provide the new school with:

  • private bussiness,
  • vaccination certificate and medical card;
  • characteristics;
  • a copy of the birth certificate and passport if the student is 14 years old;
  • a copy of the passport of one or both parents;
  • if the transition is made in the middle of the school year, then you need to provide a statement of the student’s current grades, and those who change schools at the end of the school year submit a document with annual grades.

When moving, parents may not pre-enroll their child in another school, for example, if the new place of residence is in another city - then they need to discuss with the administration of the old school the procedure for obtaining the necessary documents.

Expulsion from the old school

In Art. 61 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, among the reasons for early termination of educational relations is transfer to another school. Also, according to the norms of this article, termination of educational relations, or simply leaving school, must be officially formalized.

In municipal and state schools this happens through the issuance of an administrative act, i.e. an order of expulsion. And parents receive a certificate of expulsion and accompanying documents, which are subsequently submitted to the new school. If the child studied at a private school on the basis of an education agreement, then such an agreement is terminated after the issuance of an expulsion order.

The question is how to transfer a child to another school, is practically not regulated at the federal level, and this may complicate the procedure somewhat. If a misunderstanding arises with the school administration, you can ask them for the charter of the educational institution or another act that sets out the rules for admitting and expelling students. It contains rules that will help in preparing the necessary documents.

Different life circumstances may force parents to transfer their child to another school. This is not a complicated procedure, regulated by law and performed within a period of up to several days. Moreover, in modern society, when the Internet has become a significant part of people’s lives, an application for the provision of certain services can be written right at home, sitting at the computer. But more on that later. Let's look at how to transfer a child to another school, what documents need to be prepared and when is the best time to do this.

Reasons and motives for translation

The state is on the side of parents when it comes to choosing an educational institution. The school can be absolutely any. However, if it is not attached to your place of residence, then the child will be able to get there only if there are free places for enrollment. The reasons for the transfer may be the following:

  • Moving to a different city. In this case, changing schools occurs in any case, since primary education is compulsory for every person.
  • Moving to another area of ​​the city. In order not to force children to cross dangerous sections of the roadway, ride buses, and spend a lot of time on the road, parents begin to think about how to transfer their child to another school so that...
  • The desire to master specialized subjects. Specialized schools are increasingly attracting students and their parents, but it is worth remembering that you can only get there after passing tests and exams. The low level of incoming knowledge and skills in such institutions may be a reason for refusal of enrollment.
  • Conflicts in the previous school. It happens that it is not at all easy for one of the students to find a common language with other children. Then you can transfer your child to another school for personal reasons - you have no right to demand an explanation of the reasons.
  • The desire of the child himself. For example, he wants to be closer to a friend who studies at another school. Sometimes this decision is worth listening to, because it will be safer and more enjoyable for children to go to school and back together. The emotional side of the educational process is also important.
  • Closing of the previous school. It may be deprived of its accreditation, expiration of documents, loss of a license to conduct educational activities and other reasons in the same spirit.

According to the law, the transfer can be initiated by an adult child or his legal representatives if he is under 18 years of age.

How to transfer a child to another school - sequence of actions

You can transfer children from one educational institution to another online - through the Gosuslugi portal - or offline, finding out everything in person on the spot. Both options have advantages and disadvantages. In the first case, a virtual application saves time, but you do not initially see teachers, management, or classroom premises. In addition, various errors are possible on the Gosuslugi portal, as elsewhere - the technical subtleties of the site’s operation can also misfire. And the main disadvantage of Gosuslug is that not every region has access to its service for transferring to another school. In the case of an offline procedure, you spend more time running around, but you can evaluate everything on the spot.

How to transfer a child to another school? In order not to make any fortune with the translation, it is better to adhere to a strict sequence of actions. Let's break them down into stages.

StageDescription of the stage
School choice First of all, you need to decide where the child will be transferred. You need to find out whether the selected institution has free places. It is better to personally agree with the management and take a letter signed and stamped about the availability of free space for enrollment - it may later be required for the application for expulsion.
Writing an application for expulsion According to the internal template, a statement is written to the head of the school with a request to expel the child from the school in which he is studying. His full name, date of birth, class with profile (if any) and the name of the new school are indicated. If you intend to transfer a student due to moving to another city, it is enough to write the name of the locality. This is where the Gosuslugi portal and online sending can come in handy so as not to have to travel back and forth. The deduction is carried out within 3 days, and a corresponding transfer act is drawn up. Over the next 3 days, a certificate of education of the child is issued.
Collecting a package of documents at the previous school You must be given the child’s personal file, his medical card, documents on academic performance with scores and results of intermediate assessments with seals and signatures of the management.
Providing documents to a new school Along with the documents received at the previous school, you will also need to provide the original of your passport (or the child’s passport if he is 18 years old), the child’s birth certificate and write an application for enrollment addressed to the head. They have no right to demand any other documents from you.
Familiarization with the act of admitting a child to a new school After submitting a full package of documents, an act of admission of the child is drawn up within 3 days, indicating the date and class.

If you went through the procedure of writing applications through State Services, you will still have to come with the necessary documents to the new educational institution. It is worth studying information about student enrollment in advance on school websites, and only then submitting an application online.

We also note that at the stage of choosing a school, it is necessary to take into account that not all nearby institutions are assigned to the place of registration, but only one of them. In it, you have the first right to get a place. For the rest, depending on your luck.

Changes for the child

A change of environment during translation can sometimes be a real shock for children. Especially if their age already suggests attachment to people and places. To make the procedure for your first visits to another school emotionally easy, try to take into account several recommendations:

If a student is very vulnerable and finds it difficult to cope with moving, a change of environment, or contact with new people, contact a psychologist for help. Ask teachers to be more attentive to the newcomer and take into account his depressed state. At home, talk about the impressions you received at school, develop your child’s communication skills, and be interested in what your son or daughter wants to change. You can enroll him/her in an acting club or development center, where communication is an integral part of the classes.
