How to join the party life. Joining a Political Party: Pros and Cons

If you join the LDPR party, what does it give you? A person who is impressed by the statements of the permanent extraordinary leader of this party, Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, often has to think about such a question.

Before answering this question, we should turn to the history of the formation of this centrist political party.

What kind of party is this

The predecessor of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), which was formed in the Soviet Union on December 13, 1989 on the initiative of Zhirinovsky.

In all six convocations of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the LDPR took part in the elections of its deputies, necessarily eventually receiving representation in the lower parliamentary chamber.

Many political scientists believe that this party, despite its name, in the social sphere is oriented towards nationalist and patriotic ideas, and in the economic sphere it preaches the theory of a mixed economic model.

This political structure was formed as but various political scientists do not agree with this point of view.

History of the creation and formation of the party

For the first time, the initiative group that decided to create the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union met on December 13, 1989 and approved a resolution on the preparation and convening of the founding congress of the party.

The initiative group consisted of the following participants: Bogacheva V., Bogacheva L., Dunts M., Zherebovsky S., Zhirinovsky V., Kovalev A., Prozorov V., Ubozhko L. and Khalitov A.

The USSR Ministry of Justice registered the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union on April 12, 1991, at that time it was the only party that pursued an opposition line towards the CPSU.

At the first founding congress on March 31, 1990, 215 delegates approved the Party Program and Charter. In total, 41 regions from 8 republics of the USSR were represented at the congress. Zhirinovsky V.V. was elected to the post of chairman.

On April 18, 1992, at the third party congress, represented by 627 delegates (43 regions), the party was renamed LDPR. Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich was again re-elected chairman of the party. Akhmet Khalilov, who works as an operator at a water pumping station on a collective farm near Moscow, was chosen as his deputy.

On August 10, 1992, parties in the newly emerged CIS countries were formed from a single party.

Activity of the party and its leader

In August 2003, party activists led by Zhirinovsky traveled by rail from Moscow to Vladivostok and back for 24 days. They held meetings with their electorate in 168 settlements from 29 regions and territories of our Motherland.

Who can become a member of the LDPR

Any Russian citizen who has reached the age of eighteen has the opportunity to become a member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. For this purpose, you just need to fill out a special form and take a couple of photographs measuring 3 by 4 centimeters, submitting all this to functionaries at the nearest local LDPR branch.

Previously, a party card was issued after the candidate had completed a three-month probationary period from the date of submission of the application; currently, a party card is issued immediately upon submission of a written application.

Payment of party dues is not mandatory.

Join the LDPR party, what does it give?

It is worth becoming a member of the LDPR if you fully share the ideas set out in the party program. The latter can be viewed on the party's official website. There you can also find the address of the LDPR in your region, where you will need to apply for membership.

It should be understood that membership in the LDPR does not provide any opportunities to receive financial resources or material benefits.

Party members are invited to events organized by party functionaries. They participate in rallies, pickets, conferences, promotions, and distribution of printed products.

Those party members who constantly take part in party life are transferred to activists. From this moment on, they can already take part in party events throughout the region and the whole country. Delegates are elected from them to the LDPR congresses held in the capital.

Party schools are periodically organized for activists, and the forms of education are rather non-standard. Classes can be held at a summer camp on the seashore or during a ship cruise.

Activists become coordinators of district branches and candidates for deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia to local authorities. In the future, only the personal qualities and abilities of a LDPR activist are the driving force or, conversely, the brake in his political career.

Work in the Duma faction of the party

Often, Russian citizens who have been members of one of the political parties for several years decide to join the LDPR party. What does this give? First of all, the opportunity to get into the composition on the list from this party.

Representatives of this Liberal Democratic Party in all convocations of the Duma had their own faction. Often, in terms of quantitative composition, this was enough to have a certain influence on the adoption of certain laws.

One of the first plans of the members of the faction of this party is the task of maximizing the standard of living of Russians.

In particular, at Duma meetings they raised questions about increasing the minimum wage, suspending the payment of contributions for major repairs, canceling the deadlines for free privatization, and providing for disabled people and families with disabled children a fifty percent discount when paying for housing and communal services.

LDPR during election campaigns

Even at the stage of election promises, candidates for deputies from the LDPR often raise questions about the possibility of expanding the scope of use of funds allocated as “maternity capital”; encouraging women to refuse abortions; introducing fines in case of refusal to provide a place for a child in a preschool institution at his place of residence.

In the field of health and education, the LDPR firmly takes the position that in these areas, as in culture, market relations must be eradicated. Citizens of Russia should have the opportunity to enjoy free healthcare, and the practice of “blind” reorganization of hospitals should be stopped.

About the chairman of the LDPR

The founder and permanent chairman of the LDPR is V.V. Zhirinovsky. He is a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and took part in five election races for the post of President of the Russian Federation.

He is a graduate of the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University.

Despite his seventy years of age, he actively participates in the parliamentary and public life of the state. He can often be seen on TV screens, where he takes part in interesting discussions, and is distinguished by his excitement and emotionality.

Quite often he appeals to the country's youth to join the LDPR party. What this gives, he shows by his personal example, as well as the active work of his fellow party members in the Duma.

To decide whether you need to join the party or not, you need to answer the question: what is it actually needed for?
To be a happy person, to work, to enjoy life, you should not bind yourself to political obligations. In any case, the party is a kind of club of interests. This is especially true for countries with a low political culture and level of democracy.

People unite in a party to achieve some goals, most often this is desire to gain power. It, in turn, makes it possible to be closer to influential people, the elite, to open the door to the offices of officials, to solve “selfish” issues, and to shape the country’s policy.

There are two ways to get into power: to enter the civil service, if of course you are hired, or to be elected to deputies at various levels. In this case, it is definitely better to join the party.

To achieve the goal it is necessary choose the right political force. If you are ambitious, full of ideas, and most importantly, want to influence the socio-political life in the country, region, city, village, then you should seriously think about becoming a member of the party.

If you are satisfied with everything that is happening in the country, and completely agree with the line that the ruling party is pursuing, then join its ranks. If, on the contrary, you don’t notice everything that’s happening, think about joining the opposition parties. But in this case, you risk falling out of favor with the current government and others. You are guaranteed the close attention of law enforcement agencies. Remember, those who are at the helm have firmly clung to it and will not simply give it up.

Before giving preference to any party, take an interest in its rating, pay attention to its activity, study the Charter, biography of the leaders of the political force, program objectives, go to the party website. Analyze electoral history (results of past elections). If you seriously dream of a political career, you should not choose outsiders of the previous election race, parties with low ratings, as well as political forces that promote violence and fly-by-night parties. There are parties that work systematically, and those that are created or become active only before elections.

One-day parties are good because, when created for election campaigns or to carry out actions, they can be well financed. You can replenish your budget by working at the headquarters or taking part in public events, unless, of course, the leadership of the temporary party “holds back” the amount due to you. The political responsibility of such parties is extremely low. They are forgotten very quickly.

If you are seriously thinking about a political career, choose famous parties. At least here you can gain experience and understand from the inside what a party is. Stable and responsible political forces have party offices. The structure is well developed throughout the country, and public reception centers operate.

Advantages of joining the party

  • Having a party card makes it possible to be included in electoral lists at various levels. However, one should not delude ourselves that an ordinary party member will become a candidate for deputy.
  • The strategy and tactics of the election campaign are built by the headquarters, you follow their recommendations. If you do not have experience in running election campaigns, you will not achieve success without people who know.
  • In case of failure in elections, collective responsibility is not so annoying for losing, unlike when you try to get elected by self-nomination, i.e. without a party card.
  • The election campaign is financed centrally.
  • Raises your personal self-esteem. You feel like you are part of something big and important.
  • An opportunity to resolve personal issues, especially if it is the ruling party. Among the “harmful” officials who interfere with your life, there will definitely be fellow party members who are ready to lend a shoulder to their colleagues.
  • Solid and stable parties, as a rule, train their members. They conduct seminars, trainings, and public events, where you always have the opportunity to “get noticed” and meet the right people.

Constant legal assistance, since reputable parties always have many people with a legal education.

Disadvantages of joining the party

  • There is a risk that when your opponents come to power, pressure may be put on you. (If you are a manager or businessman).
  • When joining the party, you voluntarily consent to the processing of your personal data. Provide complete information about yourself and family members: autobiography, work history, etc.
  • You will definitely have to keep an account of the party money spent during the election campaign.
  • The existing intra-party hierarchy, which will not allow a simple newcomer to jump to the top of the iceberg. The right to be included in high offices must be earned.
  • There is a collective responsibility for failures in work.
  • By becoming a member of a party, you accept the rules of the game of this particular political force. Your opinion is important, but not so much as to change internal party rules because of it.
  • If you are a wealthy person, it is possible that you may be asked to finance individual party projects.

Regardless of which party you belong to, weigh all your actions and statements. Don't break the Law.

By joining the party, you become a public person and, accordingly, bear moral responsibility for your behavior. Any ugly behavior leaves a stain on the entire team. If you are not a team person, create your own party.

Before deciding which party to join, study information about existing party systems, get acquainted with the history of the creation of the party, leaders, and ideology. She should be close to you. Otherwise, you risk being disappointed in the actions of the elected political force, and you will endlessly look for an opportunity to cling to another party trend.

Remember that “defectors” are not liked. Analyze, think, don’t make hasty decisions.

The times when party membership was vital are gone. Now you don’t need a party card either to go on a tour or to advance in your career. Party membership is a purely voluntary matter. They join parties, presumably, at the behest of their souls: or in search of benefits. What does a party mandate give to an ordinary political activist today?

Closeness to bodies

All parties see their main attraction in the opportunity to communicate. “There is a very noticeable difference between those who have come now and those who have been in the party for a long time. Newcomers immediately begin to talk a lot, this is important for them. They need to feel that they are in demand,” says Joseph Skakovsky, press secretary of the St. Petersburg Union of Right Forces. “Yabloko is a party of educated people, and the fact of communicating with them gives a lot to newcomers,” Olga Pokrovskaya, head of the apparatus of the Yabloko faction in the Legislative Assembly, echoes the “right.” “The party is a moral partnership,” says Vladimir Fedorov, secretary of the city committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and in this he will be supported by both the LDPR, the “right”, and the centrists from United Russia.

As for the main - conditionally selfish - interest, it is in the same communication. Just not with party neophytes like you, but, for example, with party deputies in the Legislative Assembly or the State Duma. And that's a completely different conversation.

Party membership gives you easier access to our MPs, who can address your concerns using their weight and position. Or, for example, your ideas and proposals may well receive material support through parliamentary so-called collective amendments, says Joseph Skakovsky.

Our deputies in the State Duma, of course, will first of all help party members in all matters, for example, related to housing problems,” assures Sergei Tikhomirov, coordinator of the St. Petersburg branch of the LDPR.

It’s no secret that people try to lobby their interests through the party,” says Olga Pokrovskaya.

Work and study

Joining the party in search of income is not the best option. “It is clear that there is an opportunity to earn money, but within the party it is limited to a dozen or so seats,” says Joseph Skakovsky. “Elections or other campaigns are another matter. But such work appears about once a quarter and is attractive to students or retirees.” . By the way, party affiliation can play a cruel joke on those seeking material benefits - if you are in a party, you may have to work for free, for an idea. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation helps you find a job; they have a kind of bank of vacancies for comrades looking for work.

It’s a completely different matter with those who dream of a political career - their partisanship opens up wide scope for career growth. The first step, which is relatively easy to achieve, is a deputy of the municipal council. There are many of them, and in conditions of low voter turnout, the campaigning capabilities of a large party will be very useful. Well, the seat of a deputy, albeit on a regional scale, already opens up good opportunities. If you are not yet ready for public politics, you can become an assistant to a deputy (city, or even better, Duma). Here you can already earn money and get additional education. For example, many assistants to the deputies of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, at the expense of the city parliament, improved their education at the Academy of Civil Service.

In general, studying at party expense is another common feature. True, education can be specific. The LDPR, for example, has an Institute of World Civilizations founded by Vladimir Volfovich in Moscow. Every year in St. Petersburg a quota is given for activists: two places for part-time students and one for full-time students.

The communists are now working to ensure that party members can receive a full-fledged education with a full-fledged diploma. This year they agreed with one of the St. Petersburg universities about two places in the paid department - communist students will pay only 10 percent.

A particularly interesting place, from a career point of view, is, of course, United Russia. The main party of the country is just being formed and wants to be the most massive. For this we need personnel. Recently, a competition was announced throughout the country to fill vacant positions of heads of regional executive committees. According to the coordinator of the St. Petersburg United Russia, Legislative Assembly deputy Konstantin Serov, any person can apply for leadership positions, even those who have not previously been a member of “centrist” parties. Now, however, the acceptance of applications is already closed, the central leadership will select the worthy ones. The winners will again be sent to study.

Little delights of party life

Other options for benefiting party members are not advertised within the parties themselves. Although they claim that they are ready to provide assistance to their comrades, including financial assistance. The most developed system, of course, is that of the communists; they help the families of comrades where a misfortune has happened. There are families who receive constant support. “But this is not even a party question, but simply a human one - it doesn’t matter whether you are a communist, needy or not,” they say in the party.

This is something that any party member will not have a problem with - the opportunity to get free consultations from lawyers, of which there are plenty in the party. But the Communists are again ahead of everyone, who have legal advice for the poor.

And, finally, a special “trick” of the LDPR, which, however, is suitable for young people - the right to free access to nightclubs in St. Petersburg.

In general, you can benefit from partisanship, but it’s not worth joining a party just for the sake of it, you’ll have to work now, and the return will not follow immediately. For those who have decided to connect their lives with the party, I would like to remind you that to become a member you must be a citizen of Russia and you cannot be a member of two parties at once.

The LDPR proposes a fourth option for the country's development: the revival of Russia based on the Russian people and the creation of a unitary state.

Patriotism and historical roots

The LDPR is the only party based on a modern patriotic platform that has deep historical roots. We take the best from Tsarist Russia and the USSR.

Fourth option

The LDPR proposes a fourth option for the country's development: the revival of Russia based on the Russian people and the creation of a unitary state.


Communists - egalitarianism and internationalism.

Democrats are reformers of the Yeltsin type - wild capitalism and pro-Western orientation.

The party in power is corruption, oligarchic capitalism and local separatism.

Protect the Russians!

Russians are a state-forming people. In national republics, his rights are violated by representatives of the so-called “titular nations”. These rights must be protected.

We do not require additional rights for Russians. We just want equality.

Direct money to economic development

We advocate not keeping budget money in dollars, which turn into dust with rising inflation, but using our income to invest in production in all regions of the country.

The depths of the people!

The LDPR advocates the transfer of mining enterprises, all oil and gas processing, and metallurgical companies into the form of open joint-stock companies, the shareholders of which will be citizens of Russia, so that its mineral resources will enrich the entire people, and not a handful of oligarchs.

Low-rise construction

We offer a program for rapid low-rise construction in all regions of the country with the provision of preferential loans for 20 years.

Structures made of wood and modern materials will be cheap, environmentally friendly and quickly erected. Their construction will provide an opportunity for young families to get cheap housing and will help revive small towns in Russia. In addition, such construction will solve the unemployment problem in the regions.

Reduce gasoline prices

The LDPR will reduce prices for gasoline, aviation kerosene, and diesel fuel. Cheap fuel is the backbone of domestic transport and the entire Russian economy. We need to manage the economy and prices, and not fuel inflation.

No to the rise of billionaires!

Now five percent of the population has all the wealth. State revenues must be adequately distributed among its citizens. Do you want to have a lot of money? Work, don’t steal from the country’s budget, don’t deceive citizens.

Support the peasantry

The LDPR stands for providing real support to agriculture, for preserving agricultural land in the hands of producers, and not land resellers. Quickly develop and populate Siberia and the Far East.

No lease of Russian land to foreigners!

Foreign tenants, primarily Chinese, barbarously use the land provided to them for agricultural activities. After a year or two, nothing can grow on it except thistles. Prohibit leasing land to such tenants. We need to attract, help, and encourage our own people.

Concern for population growth

The LDPR advocates the widespread use of scientific achievements in solving demographic problems. The party proposes a program for genomic monitoring of all newborns to enrich the country's gene pool. It is necessary to increase the amount of benefits for large families.

Increase the minimum wage

The LDPR advocates that the minimum wage be increased to 15 thousand rubles.

Increase pensions and introduce their insurance

It is necessary to introduce pension insurance in non-state pension funds so that citizens do not worry about the safety of their pension savings.

The LDPR proposes to increase the size of Russians' pensions. There is money in the country. But they go into the pockets of officials and oligarchs.

Increase scholarships

The LDPR demands an increase in the amount of scholarships by at least 4 times. To absorb new knowledge, you need to eat well.

Student capital

We offer all students free education on the basis of a state educational loan, the amount of which will subsequently be deducted from the salaries of university graduates for 25 years.

For example, a student takes out a loan of 1 million rubles, installments for 25 years (300 months). Total: just a little more than three thousand rubles a month in loan repayments.

Stop bullying schoolchildren!

Admission to a university is only based on the cumulative score for 10 years of study. Let each university have its own passing score.

Prohibit the promotion of self-medication and quackery

All sorts of “consultants,” magicians, traditional healers, psychics, academicians of alternative medicine and other charlatans endanger people’s health. They need to be prosecuted.

Treat for free

People in need of treatment should have free medical care.

The death penalty

The LDPR advocates tougher punishment for those involved in the supply and trafficking of drugs. Hundreds of thousands of young people die from this infection.

Capture bribe takers on video

It is necessary to legislate the right of citizens to film all cases of rudeness by officials and their extortion of bribes.

Change the election order

Remove restrictions on the registration of candidates on party lists and eliminate the possibility of refusing them registration, as well as canceling registration under false pretexts.

Provide parties with the opportunity to recall their representatives from election commissions.

Patriotic foreign policy

We must do what is beneficial to the Russians and Russia. Russia should no longer feed any parasites.

Do not bend under pressure from the West, pursue a policy that is beneficial for our citizens.

Movement to the South

The LDPR believes that the best development strategy for Russia will be its economic, scientific and technical expansion to the South. Otherwise, multi-million flows of migrants will simply dissolve the indigenous population of Russia.

Get out of treaties that are unfavorable for Russia!

The LDPR demands that Russia withdraw from treaties like START-3. Russia's international policy should be aimed at concluding only agreements that are beneficial to it.

Revive culture

The national culture of Russia must develop on the basis of the centuries-old spiritual traditions of our people. It is precisely such a culture, and not a fake copied from Western samples, that should be provided with state support.

LDPR Analytical Center

The political life of the average Russian is meager. We argue with the screen while sitting on the couch in front of the TV.

We go out to meetings at the entrance to discuss with our neighbors how bad everything is. We organize political actions, copying a topical demotivator from a social network.

But if you really want to influence something, take a different route. The easiest way is to join the party.

What does joining the party give?

Depending on the political system and a particular party, membership in it can give a variety of results: from the opportunity to build a career to exile to camps. But most often people are looking for the following benefits:

Communication with like-minded people. Imagine how fun the meetings of the Beer Lovers Party must be.

Education. The parties help young supporters achieve the necessary qualifications. They create special courses. Party membership can help when entering a university.

How the parties have changed. Expert Dmitry Gusev speaks

Career. Most party supporters work for the idea. But if you want to build a political career, membership in a like-minded party is a great place to start.

Small bonuses. Parties allow their members to use the services of in-house counsel and other professionals.

What is a "primary party branch"?

If you join the party, will you have to go to Moscow and sit in the Duma? Nothing like this. You can support like-minded people at home. Most parties have cells in large regions. The smallest division is called the primary branch of the party.

Life in the departments can be more eventful than in the center. Party members organize meetings, field trips, hold work meetings, develop paraphernalia, and solve local problems. The advantage of cells is that in the provinces a political idea can have more supporters than in the capital. After all, it is known that in the outback there live more conservative people who have not been affected by the information war.

How to join the United Russia party

United Russia is one of the leading players in the Russian political arena. It consists of Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev, Georgy Poltavchenko, Boris Gryzlov, Valentina Matvienko and other famous people.

The Party makes the following demands on its members:

Be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- reach adulthood;
- not be a member of other parties;
- be a supporter of United Russia for at least six months.

Before becoming a party member, you need to spend some time among its supporters. It's easier to become a supporter. You need to make sure that United Russia's political views suit you, take your application to the local branch and undergo an interview. After being in the ranks of supporters for six months, you can apply for membership in United Russia. To do this you will have to:

Why I decided to become a member of the United Russia party

Familiarize yourself with the party's charter and program;
- write an application for membership;
- receive recommendations from the council of party supporters;
- undergo an interview at a local branch.

How to join the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

To join Gennady Zyuganov's party, you need to contact the local cell. The requirements for candidates for party membership are approximately the same. There are variations: it is enough to be a member of the primary organization not for six months, but for 2-3 months. After this, you can begin the entry procedure. To do this you need:

Write an application for membership and fill out a form;

Ask the two communists who supervised you during the “internship” to write recommendations;

10 goals of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in Zyuganov’s theses

If successful, receive a membership card.

The only “but” is that it is better to do this before the elections come. At this moment, party members have a lot to worry about, and it’s better to worry about new supporters in a calm atmosphere.

How to join the LDPR

You can join the party of Vladimir Zhirinovsky on the Internet. The program states that the goal of the LDPR is the good of Russia and the protection of human rights.

The requirements for candidates are the same as for other parties. The only difference is that no “probationary period” is required. To join the LDPR, you need:

Why should you join the LDPR?

Familiarize yourself with the party program;
- download and fill out the appropriate form;
- send by mail or bring to the primary department an application for entry, questionnaire and photo.

How to join the A Just Russia party

The A Just Russia party places all of the above requirements on candidates. It stipulates that the future member must already participate in party work at the time of admission, but the time of this work is not specified.

Sergei Mironov in the Posner program

The regimen is the same. You need to go to the nearest regional office and submit an application. It will be considered for no more than two months. Then the Party Council will make a decision.

How to leave the party

If your views differ from like-minded people, you can leave the party. Remember that many people impose restrictions, and then it will not be so easy to return.

The editors of the site remind you that leaving the party is quite simple - you just need to write a corresponding statement. Then you need to bring it to your local branch. There it will be certified and entered into the register. Membership expires on the same day.
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