Beautiful photos of an Uzbek woman. The most famous Uzbek actresses: biography and creative career

Uzbekistan is famous not only for its beautiful fabrics, pilaf and hospitality. This sunny country produces talented athletes, businessmen and artists. Today MakeBiz offers a selection of successful singers who have received worldwide recognition.

Farukh Zakirov - No. 1

Age: 71 years old

Place of Birth: Tashkent

Occupation: singer, composer, actor

Secret of success: We never stood still, we were constantly looking for something new.

About Me: Your home is where your ancestors are buried.

About work: Yalla is a unique organism. We were even offered to enroll in the Guinness Book of Records. Because as a staff member in the field official culture, we existed just like that, without changing the composition.

Farrukh Zakirov is a People's Artist of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Ingushetia. Winner of the “Person of the Year – 2016” award within the framework of the XXI national program.

Yulduz Usmanova - No. 2

Age: 54 years

Place of Birth: Margilan (Fergana region)

Secret of success: Try not to be arrogant.

About Me: I always dreamed of being on stage

About work: There is nothing new for me in show business. I studied it up and down.

Can rightfully be called “the prima donna of the eastern stage”, an Uzbek pop singer, composer, songwriter, producer, People’s Artist of Uzbekistan, Honored Artist of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan. Her repertoire includes more than 600 songs in Uzbek, Turkish, Uyghur, Kazakh, Tatar , Russian, Tajik, Persian and other languages; and the discography includes about 100 solo records

Sevara Nazarkhan - No. 3

Age: 40 years

Place of Birth: Asaka (Andijan)

Occupation: singer, musician, composer

Secret of success: Friends are my treasure

About Me: I like to say that I am registered in Tashkent. And I’m incredibly proud of this and I’m not going anywhere from this land.

About work: I don't entertain. I tell more, narrate, but in a musical way. And this is very close to my heart. I found myself in this, I feel very comfortable, and I live by it. And, the main thing is that I want to do everything honestly. And only this way and no other way.

Sevara- a world-class star. In her repertoire you can hear songs in English, Russian and Uzbek languages in various genres: soul and jazz, ethnic and rock, dream pop and cover versions of pop classics. Honored Artist of Uzbekistan and Transnistria.

Nargiz Zakirova - No. 4

Age: 47 years old

Place of Birth: Tashkent

Occupation: Singer

Secret of success: Don't despair. Sometimes the black streak turns into a runway.

About Me: I am a very modest and shy person. I am very sensitive to what I have today and try to take care of the world in which I now live.

About work: Speaking about work, I am rarely satisfied with my performances. Every time I tell myself that I could sing better. But it’s better to let it be that way than to repeat to yourself: “I’m a star, I’ve achieved everything.” This is creative death.

Singer, finalist (2nd place) of the project “The Voice on Channel One Season 2”, TV presenter. Nargiz Zakirova’s extraordinary appearance, tattoos and powerful vocals appealed to many viewers who watched the second season of the show “The Voice”. After participating in the Channel One project, the singer became extremely popular.

MAnsur Tashmatov - No. 5

Age: 62 years old

Place of Birth: Tashkent

Occupation: Pop and jazz singer

Secret of success: Everything I do is done with love and interest.

About Me: Like any artist, I love women, I love their attention and no less I like to give my feelings, my time.…

About work: Singing to a soundtrack, to a plus is a shame and that says it all. Every soloist should understand this, period.

- pop and jazz singer, National artist Uzbekistan (1995). Winner of the 3rd prize at the Golden Orpheus festival (1978). He is the artistic director of the Variety Symphony Orchestra named after Batyr Zakirov.

Ilkhom Yulchiev - No. 6

Age: 40 years

Place of Birth: Tashkent

Occupation: DJ

Secret of success: A DJ should always defragment, change his worldview and in no case become fixated on one musical stage.

About Me: I myself am a walking house of the Union of Poets, the Union of Composers, a production center, an administrative block, an accounting department...

About work: At the trance party of the famous DJ Knight, I heard unusual music, and then became acquainted with the playing of dj ReNe and dj WADDA, fell in love with these styles and began to play myself, and then write.

Before the appearance of DjPiligrim, there was not a single Uzbek-language composition on the music market that was in demand on the dance floors of nightclubs. Almost all of this artist’s Uzbek-language hits have become an integral part of club culture Central Asia.

DADO - No. 7

Composition of the group:

Date of formation: 1999

Style: Pop, spirit, dance, folk

Language: Uzbek, Russian, English

The Dado group was formed in 1999 in Uzbekistan. Then no one imagined that the solo project of the ex-soloists of the star four “Anor” Rustam Madumarov and Alisher Madumarov would achieve such stunning success.

Yuri Antonov - No. 8

Age: 72 years

Place of Birth: Tashkent

Occupation: composer, singer, poet

Secret of success: Good songs don't get old, they become classics

About Me: I do not regret anything.

About work: The process of writing songs is a never-ending process, it must be stopped at a certain time, because you need to think about what to do with the songs that have already been written.

- People's Artist of Russia, popular singer and composer, poet and arranger, author of popularly loved songs. The dizzying success of Yuri Antonov is confirmed by the incredible circulation of released records: more than 47 million copies. Yuri Antonov was awarded numerous state awards, including the Order of Honor and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Zilola Musaeva (Shakhzoda) – No. 9

Age: 37 years

Place of Birth: Fergana

Occupation: Singer

Secret of success: I am open to any creative experiments.

About Me: I find it easy mutual language with people, with colleagues.

About work: I think it doesn’t matter what country you were born in or what country you create, the main thing is to do it with love for your work. I am a free person and I always have a choice. However, it was not for nothing that life connected me with musical creativity. It was my choice.

Zilola Musaeva is the owner of the Order of Shukhrat. Together with DJ SMASH, she won the “Best Video” nomination at the “WORLD FASHION AWARDS 2010”, winner of the “Big Apple Music Awards” (in New York), as the best artist of Central Asia and the Caucasus

Alexey Chumakov - No. 10

Age: 36 years

Place of Birth: Samarkand

Occupation: singer, musician

Secret of success: For success in show business, “flair” is important

About Me: Any step, any achievement comes to me with incredible difficulty. Although you get pleasure not only from the result, but also from the circumstances that preceded it. The richer the events and life is richer, the more interesting the person himself is.

About work: After all, I’m a professional singer, not a boxer or figure skater.

- singer, composer, TV presenter, screenwriter and showman, who gained national fame after participating in the “One to One” project. Prize-winner (III place) of the first season of the musical reality show “People’s Artist” in 2003 on the Rossiya TV channel, where he was also awarded the listener’s sympathy prize of the Europe Plus radio station.

Oksana Nechitailo (Sogdiana) - No. 11

Age: 31 year

Place of Birth: Zarafshan

Occupation: Singer, film actress

Secret of success: Accidents are not accidental

About Me: Arrogance and pride are not my lot. I am very sensitive to everything that surrounds me

About work: I want to develop, achieve goals - big and small. Sitting on the sofa is easiest, but then life will pass by. And I would like to fulfill my dream - to sing, sing and sing again

People's Artist Chechen Republic (2009). Performs songs in Russian, Uzbek, English, French, Chechen languages. Participant of the Star Factory in 2006.

Sardor Ishmukhamedov (Sardor Milano) - No. 12

Age: 25 years

Place of Birth: Tashkent

Occupation: singer

Secret of success: Set high goals and achieve them

About Me: By nature I am a perfectionist, sometimes I myself suffer from setting high goals, but it is this quality of character that makes me get up after failures and move on.

About work: In general, my goal in life is to share goodness with people, all my creativity is also aimed at this. Hence the desire to sing to the people of not just one specific country, but to all of humanity. Globally? But that’s all I am, I set only such goals.

- winner of the musical talent show “Main Stage” and finalist of “Voices”, who won the jury and the hearts of television viewers with his amazing vocals and a range of three and a half octaves. A wonderful voice, bright appearance and amazingly sincere manner of performance brought to the young singer a well-deserved victory on the show.

Sabina Mustaeva - No. 13

Age: 16 years

Place of Birth: Tashkent

Occupation: Singer

Secret of success: You need to communicate and be an open person, then people will be drawn to you.

About Me: I am peace itself. I noticed that I became more reasonable and began to reflect on the events taking place.

About plans: I want to become a famous and recognized singer. However, I still have to make a difficult choice in which direction to develop: singing jazz, rock or soul. I haven’t fully decided yet, although I’m more inclined towards jazz. I have loved him since childhood.

Sabina Mustaeva- winner of the second season of “The Voice.” Children" . Sabina's unique vocal abilities allow her to easily handle popular music, jazz and rock music. Sabina came third at the Children's New Wave in 2013. Among her awards are the Grand Prix of the republican competition “Gifted Children” (2011), first place in the international competition “Star Crimea” (2012).

Nilufar Rasulmukhamedova - No. 14

Age: 29 years

Place of Birth: Tashkent

Occupation: singer

About work: In the world of show business, the main thing is to give love and warmth to your listeners.

Nilufar Rasulmukhamedova She worked as a backing vocalist for Stas Piekha and has her own jazz band. Nilufar plays the piano, writes songs and dreams of playing funk-pop with his band. Participant in the vocal show “Voice of the Country-2” on channel 1+1. Winner of “New Wave 2012” in Jurmala.

Doni) - №15

Age: 31 year

Place of Birth: Fergana

Occupation: rap and R&B artist

Secret of success: Set a goal for yourself, fight until the end until you break this wall.

About work: Hip-hop is a flexible concept, and I have my own. I read in the track, but didn’t sing, so this is my hip-hop.

Russian rap and R&B artist. In 2014, MC Doni won the title “Best Club MC of the Year.” Artist of the Black Star label.

Uzbeks are representatives of Turkic-speaking peoples and have their own unique story and a culture that differs in many ways even from their neighbors. In their appearance, Uzbek women have incorporated features characteristic of Asians - a special structure of the face and figure, eye shape and even some manners of behavior. They also have a peculiar way of dressing - residents of Uzbekistan have great respect for their national clothes and wear them even in Everyday life. This article presents the most beautiful Uzbek women who are loved not only in the country, but also far beyond its borders.

Today Rayhon is one of the most popular singers in the country. She was born in the capital, into a family famous artists. Her father Otabek Ganiev was an actor and grandson of the founder of cinema in Uzbekistan. Mom, Tamara Shakirova, was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the country.

Since childhood, the girl was interested in painting, singing and dancing. Therefore, it is not surprising that, having noticed their daughter’s talents, the parents sent Raikhon to study at a specialized art and music school, where gifted children studied. As a 9th grade student, she already sang to the accompaniment of a symphony orchestra. After graduation high school, Rayhon decided to connect her life with music.

The actress and singer is originally from Fergana. Despite her young age, Sevich has already managed to work on the same set with the first beauties of Uzbek cinema Alisher Khamraev, Tutti Yusupov and other equally popular actors. The girl is equally good at both the most difficult film roles and recording songs that later become hits.

The girl was born into a family of actors. Uzbek, Tatar and Arab blood are mixed in her veins. Despite the fact that the girl is called one of the most beautiful girls in the country, she does not consider herself as such, believing that there are more worthy candidates for this title.

In Uzbekistan she is one of the most popular singers, better known as Lola. The girl writes the words and music for her songs herself. And she owes her popularity to the song “Mukhabbatim”, which translated means “my love”. In 2004 she was awarded the Tarona Prize as the owner of the best stage costume and the title “Best Singer of the Year”. After this, Lola got married and did not perform for some time. She decided to start show business again in 2011.

The popular actress in Uzbekistan graduated from the University of Economics and Diplomacy. Shahzoda never took acting lessons, but this did not stop her from starring in 18 films over the course of 3 years. Her first experience of filming in international TV series was her role in the TV series “Dorm”.

Matlyuba was one of the most beautiful women in USSR. She has not lost her attractiveness even now, which is why she is often called the beauty of Uzbekistan. She is only half Uzbek, on her father’s side. Her mother had Russian, Georgian, Polish and even German roots. Matlyuba studied on the course of Alexey Batalov at VGTK. She always speaks of her mentor with special respect, calling him the standard of personality, and loves to remember his manner of upbringing and the various instructions that the master liked to give before his charges went on stage. It was he who taught the future theater and film star not to be afraid of the audience and to fully reveal himself on stage.

Immediately after graduating from the institute, Matlyuba had her first film debut. This was the role of the passionate Laura in the series “Little Tragedies,” which was based on Pushkin’s work and directed by Mikhail Schwartz. Vladimir Vysotsky then became her partner on the set. This work gave her a ticket to big cinema.

Born in Uzbekistan, Irina won the title of “Miss Tatarstan” and the first “Vice-Miss in Russia” in 2010. After this, it was decided to send her to represent the country at the Miss World competition. The girl is also Uzbek only half on her father’s side. Mom had a whole mixture of roots, including Russian, Uzbek, Ukrainian and Tatar. Perhaps it was thanks to this that the girl became a real beauty, taking the best from each of her parents.

The girl acts in films and works as a fashion model in her homeland and in Russia. She was born in Tashkent in the family of a teacher and communications engineer. While studying at school, Kamila loved to play in a variety of school productions. In addition, she studied vocals and sang in a school musical group.

Kamila was an active and enthusiastic child. She loved to draw and graduated from art school. In parallel with all this, she was engaged in acrobatics. After graduating from school, the girl entered the circus school, but after a year, she decided that she liked singing more and transferred to the vocal department.

After graduating from college, Kamila brilliantly passes the exams for admission to the Tashkent Theater Institute, where she is accepted into the pop department. After which she decides to enter GITIS. In Moscow she is also accepted into the pop department. Among the films in which Mukhlisova has already appeared are: “Dream Diary”, “Between Two Fires”, “Donor”, ​​“Beekeeper” and “What Women Dream About”.

Despite the fact that she is very loved in Uzbekistan, not much is known about Muborak. The girl acts in films and sings in a famous film in the country. music group"Shakhrizoda". The smile and incredible look of this girl captivate viewers, which is why she is called one of the most beautiful women in the country.

The world-famous model was born in Uzbekistan. Today she has many contracts in Japan and China. To work in modeling business she started while still living in Uzbekistan, where she was invited to shoot in fashion magazines.

Dilzona today is one of the most sought-after actresses in Uzbekistan. After graduating from school, the girl entered the drama department of the Tashkent Institute of Culture. The girl admits that she began collecting a collection of postcards as a child and continues to do so today.

As a child, the future actress loved to organize home performances for her family and even neighbors. Her parents encouraged little Dilzona's efforts in every possible way. In addition, she participated in school theater productions.

Not only very beautiful, but also a promising actress who has been acting in films for more than 10 years. Moreover, each of her works amazes with its skill. Gulchehra first appeared on screen back in 200 in a film called “Fatima and Zukhra,” where her partner on the set was the then famous singer Shakhzoda. This picture gave the girl an excellent start, after which Uzbek directors began to take an interest in her and invite her to appear in their films.

Since childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming an actress, so immediately after graduating from high school, she applied for admission to the Institute of Culture in Tashkent, which she entered without difficulty. Thanks to her talent and beauty, Asal was quickly noticed and the best Uzbek directors began inviting her to act in films.

In 2016, the girl married oligarch from Kazakhstan Patokh Shodiev, with whom they played gorgeous wedding in Monaco. After this, the girl announced the end of her acting career.

Uzbeks are a Turkic-speaking people of approximately 28 million people. In the USSR, Uzbeks were the third largest people (after Russians and Ukrainians). Currently, about 23 million Uzbeks live in Uzbekistan (81.7% of the republic's population), about 2.7 million in Afghanistan, more than 900 thousand in Tajikistan and about 800 thousand in Kyrgyzstan. There is also a significant Uzbek diaspora in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Russia and other countries.
Uzbeks (like Tajiks) are Caucasians and belong to the Pamir-Fergana race. The Uzbeks of Northern Khorezm exhibit an admixture of Mongoloid elements.

28th place: Iroda Nosirova- singer.

27th place: Svetlana (Oydyn) Norbaeva(born 1944, Tashkent) - theater and film actress, People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR. Svetlana Norbaeva is the mother of the famous director and producer Dzhanik Fayziev.

26th place: Rano Shodieva- Uzbek actress.

25th place: Diyora is an Uzbek singer.

24th place: Sevinch Muminova- Uzbek singer and actress.

23rd place: Lailo Galieva- singer. Facebook page -

22nd place: Matlyuba Alimova (born August 12, 1954) - Soviet and Russian actress, known for the films “Little Tragedies” (1979), “Gypsy” (1979), “Vasily Buslaev” (1982), “The Tale of Star boy"(1983), "The Return of Budulai" (1985), etc. Matlyuba Alimova is an Uzbek on her father's side.

21st place: Munisa Rizaeva- Uzbek singer.

20th place: Asal Shodieva- Uzbek actress.

18th place: Tamara Shakirova(November 26, 1955 - February 22, 2012) - actress, Honored Artist of the Uzbek SSR. Tamara Shakirova (by her husband - Ganieva) is the mother of the modern Uzbek singer Raykhon Ganieva, who is also represented in this rating.

17th place: Zamzama- Uzbek singer.

16th place: Muborak Zhamolkhonova (Ashurboeva)(born August 5, 1986) - actress and singer, member of the Shakhrizoda group.

14th place: Parizoda Shermatova - actress. Page on Odnoklassniki -

13th place: Farida - model. Portfolio -

12th place: Zilola Nuralieva(born December 24, 1986) is a model working in China and Japan under the pseudonym “Lola.” Height 179 cm, body measurements 84-61-90.

10th place: Lola Yuldasheva(born September 4, 1985), better known as "Lola" is an Uzbek singer and actress.

7th place: Shakhzoda Matchanova(born August 8, 1987) - Uzbek actress. Official website -

5th place: Zarina Nizomiddinova- Uzbek actress.

2nd place: Zilola Musaeva(born July 28, 1979), better known under the pseudonym "Shahzoda" is an Uzbek singer and actress. Official website -

1st place: Raikhon Ganieva(born September 16, 1978) - Uzbek actress and singer. Rayhon - daughter famous actress Tamara Shakirova. Official website of Rayhon -

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For many centuries, Uzbek girls led a completely unremarkable life: they did housework, raised children and were fully supported by their men. But modernity dictates its own rules, and over time, the historically established way of life faded into the background, and residents of sunny Uzbekistan began to appear in the rankings of the most stylish and beautiful women in the country and the world.

What should the most beautiful Uzbek woman look like?

Asian features may slip into their appearance - dark skin, wide and thick eyebrows, narrow eyes, pitch-black hair. However, there may be Uzbek women with beautiful big and expressive eyes. In terms of character and lifestyle, they are in no way inferior to Europeans. Uzbek girls achieve great success in their careers, cinema, show business and modeling.

It is especially interesting to observe how Eastern modesty is combined with confidence, restraint with education. IN last years you can watch them participate in beauty contests and prove to the world that there is no ideal canon of beauty and each of them deserves the title “The Most beautiful Uzbek girl". It is only important to be charming, modest, charismatic and not at all doubt your attractiveness.

Top 10

  1. Sevinch Muminova. The girl was born in 1982 in Graduated from Culture, and in 2010 she married the famous Uzbek singer Sharof Mukimov. After the birth of her daughter, Sevinch began to rarely give concerts and devoted herself entirely to her family.

  2. Munisa Rizaeva. In the East they say that a name determines a person’s life. Translated from Arabic, “Munisa” means “beautiful voice.” Looking at this girl, we can say with confidence that in addition to her vocal abilities, nature has blessed her with extraordinary beautiful appearance(pictured left).

  3. Lola Yuldasheva. One of the main contenders for the title of “most beautiful Uzbek woman” was born in Tashkent in 1985. In Uzbekistan she is known under the name Lola, and in Russia in the 2000s she gained popularity under the pseudonym Maya and thanks to the song “Lost.”

  4. Shakhzoda. The real name of this beauty is Zilola Musaeva, but, according to the girls of Uzbekistan, the pseudonym is ideal for her appearance. In Russia, the Uzbek woman became popular thanks to the summer hit “Between Heaven and Earth,” recorded with the famous DJ Smash.

  5. Raykhon Ganieva. According to many online publications, she is most often awarded the title “The Most Beautiful Uzbek”. Despite the fact that the girl studied vocals since childhood, fame overtook her only after the release of the album “Bakhtli Bulaman”. Fans do not miss a single solo show of their idol and consider her the most influential singer in the country.

  6. Sevara Nazarkhan. It is her appearance that completely matches the description Uzbek woman. In addition to her unusual beauty, the girl has a gorgeous voice. And looking at how she behaves during an interview, you can understand that this is exactly what a real beauty of Uzbekistan should be like - wise, restrained and noble.

  7. Zarina Nizomiddinova. A successful and beautiful girl was born in 1989 in the city of Tashkent. Zarina is not only a talented actress, but also a wonderful dancer and TV presenter.

  8. Gulchehra Eshonkulova. Every film featuring this girl is doomed to success: her fans admire her acting skills, and the male half is amazed at her expressive facial features. Gulchehra gained crazy popularity thanks to the film “Fatima and Zukhra”, where she starred together with Shahzoda.

  9. Dilnoza Kubaeva. After marriage, she stopped acting in films, but at the beginning of her career, she was remembered by the viewer for her appearance, namely her sweet smile with dimples.

  10. Ravshana Kurkova (Matchanova). The girl was born in Tashkent into a family of actors, and it is not surprising that she devoted her life to this profession. She gained fame not at home, but abroad, starring in the TV series “Barvikha”. Thanks to her unusual oriental appearance, Ravshana was repeatedly recognized as one of the most beautiful women of Uzbekistan and Russia.

Winner of World Bikini Model 2015

A native of the city of Bukhara, Zara King became the winner of the international competition and took the title of Miss European Bikini. The girl was born in Uzbekistan and received her education in America, graduating from a business school in Florida. However, he lives and works in Moscow.

Beauty of the 20th century

Soviet and Russian actress Matlyuba Alimova was born in the city of Andijan on August 12, 1954. Many people remember her from the film “The Return of Budulai,” filmed in 1985. She got her interesting appearance thanks to a mixture of blood. According to her father, Matlyuba Farkhatovna is Uzbek, but in her mother’s veins several blood flows at once: Georgian, German, Polish and Russian.

The star role for the actress was the role of Nastya in the film “Gypsy”. Matlyuba Farkhatovna was so imbued with the image of her heroine that not only the audience, but also real gypsies believed her, calling the girl “one of their own.”

Scandalous but beautiful

The eldest daughter of the first president of the republic for for long years was considered the standard of femininity, elegance and style. Tall, stately, successful, rich - this is exactly what many young Uzbek women wanted to become. Despite scandalous story, considered not only beautiful, but also kind. After all, thanks to her, thousands of young talents received the opportunity for development; she sponsored orphanages and organized a Fund to help the poor.

The most beautiful model

In conclusion, I would like to introduce one more unusual beautiful girl- Irina Sharipova, born in Bukhara in 1992. However, it is now known as Russian model. Irina is another example of how beautiful children from mixed marriages(father is Uzbek, mother has Tatar, Ukrainian and Russian roots).

She took part in many photo shoots, walked through a large number podiums in different countries, but the most striking and memorable was the final Victorias Secret show in 2014.
