Who is Anna Semenovich's husband? Anna Semenovich's ex-husband dispelled rumors about the singer's bust

Every woman dreams of her handsome prince on a white horse. Each one represents an image for itself ideal man, who will take her to his castle. It’s the same with Anna, in her opinion a man should be smart and independent. Also, a man must be wealthy.

Anna Semenovich

Therefore, when choosing a husband, Anya’s first place is the financial situation of the chosen one. The more money he spends on her conquests, what restaurants he takes the girl to and how much jewelry he gives.

First common-law husband singer and actress was Daniil Mishin. He was not an oligarch, but he still spent a lot of money on his beloved. He also proved his love by helping the girl start a career in show business.

Anna and Daniil Mishin

But soon Anya had new lover Ruslan, he was a businessman. It was love at first sight; a couple of months later the girl was already vacationing with her new boyfriend in the United Arab Emirates. This man spent more on Semenovich more money: he bought her an apartment, a car, and of course jewelry. However, things did not come to marriage.

Anna began to look for a new boyfriend. This was the banker Igor Akkuratov. At first they were only acquaintances, but soon fate brought them even closer. There are rumors that it was Igor who asked Anna to leave Blestyashchiye, which she did. Igor was very attentive and loving man, but even this did not stop Anna. Still, she left him too.

Anna Semenovich

For a long time the singer had no one. She even declared publicly that she was ready to get married, she was bored with loneliness. Soon businessman Dmitry Kashintsev drew attention to her. But many deny this information. They say she is dating some foreigner. Anna does not comment on such rumors in any way.

With his help, in the early 2000s, the now famous singer created the musical group Charlie's Angels. However, judging by some information about the life of Anna Semyonovich, her husband was only a civilian. Anna did not officially register her marriage with Daniil.

Anna Semenovich's men and her personal life

The girl met producer and director Daniil Mishin at the time she finished playing sports. For 3 years, the young man traveled to the United States of America, where Semenovich lived for some time. After returning home, Mishin helped Anna create a group, in which the girl sang a song and starred in a video called “Unintentional Murder.”

However, the young people separated, and in the life of Anna Semyonovich appeared new man. According to Anna Semenovich's ex-husband, they broke up due to the fact that his wife was always not there. Anna devoted all her time to television and music.

The next contender for the role of husband was a businessman. The girl met him in a karaoke pub. The young people immediately began dating and within a few months went on vacation to United Arab Emirates. Anna Semyonovich's failed husband bought the singer an apartment, a car, and helped her accumulate substantial capital. However, before official registration The relationship never worked out. At that time, the charming and talented singer had completely different plans for the future.

Leaving "Brilliant"

A little later, the bright girl made acquaintance with a banker named Igor Akkuratov, who at the first meeting offered his help with arranging housing for the singer. Romantic relationship young people began to develop rapidly, and over time, Igor invited his beloved girl to leave the group “Brilliant,” which at that time included Anna. However, despite the attention shown and boundless care, banker Akkuratov failed to achieve a positive response to the singer’s marriage proposal.

After breaking up with Igor, Semyonovich was alone for a long time. And in one of the interviews mass media the popular singer said she was ready to get married and have children. Anna Semyonovich's husband must not only provide her with a comfortable life, but also conquer her with success and manifestation of his masculine character.

Anna Semyonovich today

At social events, the singer was seen in the company young man, who looked after her beautifully and showed her various signs of attention. Suggestions began to appear that the ex-soloist of the group “Brilliant” had found a worthy man with whom she could build a strong family.

It became known that on this moment Semyonovich, after a trip to Murom to pray to Peter and Fevronia, found her woman's happiness. On the set of the Ice Age project, the girl met businessman Dmitry Kashintsev, who older singer for 5 years. The young man was able to charm Anna with his sense of humor and warm, trusting attitude. The singer is also grateful to Dmitry that he does not dictate his rules to her and does not insist that she leave show business.

Mishin appeared in the NTV channel program “New Russian Sensations”, talking about life with a popular artist. Mishin himself is either a producer or a TV director, information on this matter differs.

One thing is known that it was he who helped Anna create her first musical group, Charlie's Angels. This group even gave several successful concerts and shot a video with the participation of figure skater Maria Butyrskaya. True, due to financial difficulties, Charlie's Angels had to retire.

“12 songs were recorded, but the project didn’t take off and we quickly went bankrupt,” noted Mishin.

Semenovich met Mishin at one of the banquets; at that time the girl was professionally involved in sports. In 2000, Semenovich and her figure skating partner Roman Kostomarov became silver medalists at the Russian Championship. This sports couple was considered one of the most promising. However, a serious meniscus injury put an end to Anna’s sports career.

After returning from the USA, where Semenovich trained, the “Charlie’s Angels” project appeared in Russia. Financial difficulties in a new field led to the first discord in the family of Semenovich and Mishin.

“We were deceived by the very first difficulties, for which we were not prepared,” said the ex-husband.

However, Anna’s career in the “Brilliant” group put an end to their relationship. The girl constantly disappeared on tour and Mishin was simply tired of constantly waiting for his girlfriend and returning to an empty house.

“I understood that Anya and I were formally together, but there was no warmth or support from her. She was always there somewhere, but not with me,” the man shared.

As a result, the matter ended in divorce, which was by no means peaceful. However, Mishin did not lie and dispelled all the rumors circulating around the magnificent bust of his ex-wife.

“With regards to her breasts, I’m ready to dispel the myth - her breasts are natural, without any surgical intervention,” he said.

The main lesson that Daniil Mishin learned from his marriage to the now popular pop diva is that size does not matter.

Already at the age of three, little Anya’s parents sent her to figure skating. And after school, the girl continued to play sports and entered the Academy physical culture in Moscow.

Few people know that playing sports has become forced. At the age of two, Anya became seriously ill and spent six months in the hospital with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. After discharge, doctors advised the girl to take up sports.

Figure skater - champion

They taught Anna to behave like this on the ice famous athletes, as Honored Trainer of the USSR Elena Chaikovskaya, Honored Trainer of Russia and Honored Master of Sports Gennady Karponosov and Honored Trainer of Russia Natalya Linichuk.

Anna Semenovich performed professionally on ice with Vladimir Fedorov and Maxim Kachanov from 1995 to 1999, then until 2000 with Roman Kostomarov and in 2001 with Denis Samokhin. Now the girl is an international master of sports in figure skating and ice dancing.

Anna Semenovich has repeatedly won prizes at various international competitions, and was also included in the list of the six strongest figure skaters in the world in ice dancing. Roman Kostomarov and Anna Semenovich with coach Natalya Linichuk were Russian champions, they were considered the second duet in Russia after Irina Lobacheva and Ilya Averbukh.

End of sports career

Anna Semenovich left professional sports due to a meniscus injury and subsequent surgery. The figure skater lived in the United States of America for three years and trained there. And at the age of 21 she returned to Russia.

Here she was offered to continue working in the ballet of Igor Bobrin, Tatyana Tarasova and Natalia Bestemyanova. But Anna refused. And a month after returning home, Semenovich decided to become a singer. Producer Daniil Mishin helped her with this. Anya joined his team called “Charlie’s Angels”; the group was widely known in narrow circles, and even gave a number of successful concerts and released a video. But financial difficulties did not allow the promotion of the musical group, and Charlie's Angels ceased to exist. Semenovich was invited to work on television.

At first Anya was the host sports programs on the TV channel “7TV” and “Channel 3”, after which she was accepted into the music program of the TVS channel, as well as into the “Night” and “Morning” programs of the STS channel. It was there that the girl first appeared next to the girl group “Brilliant,” though as a leader. Anna Semenovich led a pilot project on the STS channel “Adrenaline pa-ti” and interviewed Zhanna Friske, Yulia Kovalchuk and Ksenia Novikova. After the recording, producers Andrei Grozny and Andrei Shlykov offered the skater to join the “Brilliant” team. The girl immediately refused to work at Muz TV and devoted all her time to working in a musical group. By this time, Anna had already won the titles “Miss Bust” and “Miss Charm”.

Anna Semenovich and the group "Brilliant"

In the “Brilliant” group, Anna Semenovich did not shine for long. But over the course of several years she managed to show off her curvy figure in several videos (“Orange Song”, “ New Year's song", "Palm trees in pairs", "My brother paratrooper", " Oriental tales"), conquer the audience with his charm, and also secure a future career.

In 2007, Semenovich left the girl group and completely immersed himself in a solo musical career, film and television. In 2008, the first videos with the participation of a busty girl followed: “To the Seas” and “Tyrolean Song”, a year later a video for the song “My God” was released, and in 2011 two videos “Not Madonna” and “Deceived People” were released.

Group "Brilliant". Clip “New Year's song”

And while still a member of “Brilliant,” Anna managed to star in several films: in 2004, in the TV series “Bachelors,” then in the film “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Their Own,” a year later she showed her acting skills in “Doomed to Be a Star.” " and "Students", in 2006 the figure skater played in the "Club". Some of Semenovich’s most notable roles are in the films “Night Watch” and “Hitler, Kaput!” By the way, the girl played the main role in the comedy series “All So Sudden.”

Return to the ice

In 2006, Anya returned to the ice. She became a participant in the Channel One project “Stars on Ice”. At first it was assumed that Andrei Malakhov would perform with the artist, but he refused, and Vyacheslav Razbegaev became Semenovich’s couple. The duet took only seventh place.

In 2007, the singer already appeared on the ice of the TV show “Ice Age”. This time Alexey Makarov skated with her.

Killer Bust

Anna has an extraordinary appearance, but what attracts all men’s attention is not her face and figure, but her breasts. The girl is a size five and a half. At the same time, the singer claims that she inherited such a gorgeous bust from her mother. However, some have the opposite opinion: the girl’s breasts are supposedly constantly growing. Anna Semenovich was seen more than once leaving medical institutions with an x-ray of your chest. And colleagues notice that Anna’s bust has gained a lot since she was a figure skater.

Meanwhile, Semenovich's boyfriends are pleased with the attraction of their girlfriend. Anna herself was clearly tired of the excessive attention to her breasts. At first she was silent, then she laughed it off, and then she simply began to use all possible means to distract attention from women’s charms.

Anna Semenovich and Sergey Lazarev had a blast on stage

But Anna does not forget to periodically spur her fans on and takes part in candid photo shoots for men’s magazines. Thus, her nude photographs can be seen in the publications “Maxim”, “FHM”, “XXL”, “Penguin”. Last time the girl starred for magazines in 2012.

By the way, the bust of Anna Semenovich has already caused the death of a person. In Omsk in 2010, an ardent fan of the singer and her breasts killed a man because he called the girl a “stupid prostitute.” A man who had previously beaten people who spoke unflatteringly about Semenovich was declared insane and sent for compulsory treatment to mental asylum. However, a fan of the ex-“Brilliant” escaped from there.

Personal life of Anna Semenovich

Despite the fact that Anna Semenovich is beautiful, popular, certainly talented and wealthy, failure accompanies her in her personal life. The singer tries to keep her suitors away from prying eyes, thereby only fueling a lot of gossip around her.

Semenovich was credited with having affairs with absolutely all the partners of the Ice Age show. However, the girl herself did not pay any attention to the discussions, worked and did not mix her career with her personal life. By the way, the wife of Alexei Kortnev, Anya’s partner, was categorically against the musician’s participation in the project. But when she learned that he would ride with Semenovich, she calmed down and allowed it.

For a long time, the artist could not find a life partner. But she still waited for the only thing. He became a businessman named Dmitry, who is five years older than Anya. The singer met him at a party in the company of mutual friends. The young man immediately attracted attention and began to court Anna. Moreover, he didn’t just give her gifts and flowers, but literally felt Semenovich’s mood and condition.

During the Ice Age show, Dmitry brought lunch from a restaurant to Anya’s training. Moreover, not for her alone, but for all participants. The artist was touched by such concern, and she agreed to live with the businessman. Now Semenovich claims that she has found the man of her dreams. All free time lovers try to spend time together.

Visiting Anna Semenovich. While everyone is at home

The singer, actress and sex symbol of the national stage is the inimitable Anna Semenovich. The girl’s biography tells how long she has come from a figure skater to a show business star. There were many difficulties and obstacles on her way. Now everyone knows who Anna Semenovich is.


A girl was born in Moscow in 1980 into a good family. Her father held the position of director of a fur sewing studio, and her mother worked as an economist in one of the local companies. Anya was not the only child in the family; she has a brother, Kirill. The girl's childhood was happy, but darkened serious illness. When she was little, doctors diagnosed her with rheumatoid arthritis. As a result, she faced six months of hospitalization and intensive treatment. Doctors recommended that she go in for sports. Semenovich's parents immediately gave preference to figure skating. So, while still a little girl, she started skating. Here began a new chapter in the biography of Anna Semenovich.

Little Anya ice skating

Your first steps in figure skating she did at the age of three. The girl immediately fell in love with this sport and still loves it no less than singing.

The first serious sporting achievements in the biography of Anna Semenovich appeared in school years. The girl performed a lot and traveled abroad to international competitions. She always had a very beautiful clothes. Many classmates were jealous of the bright sports biography Anna Semenovich. The children treated her coldly and offended her, so the young figure skater had to change five schools. Having received school education, the girl decided to devote her life to a sports career. Her bright prospects were obvious, she was trained not only by local but also by foreign coaches.

Professional sports

A large number of There were awards and competitive victories in the life of Anna Semenovich. Growth in the world of sports was due to working with a very professional and competent coaching staff. Honored trainers Tchaikovskaya and Linchuk and Honored Master of Sports Karponosov worked with Semenovich. One of the most important achievements was a place in the top six ice dancers in the world. The year 2000 brought Anna a very bright victory. Her duet with Kostomarov took the Russian championship. Ahead of this talented couple were only Averbukh and Lobacheva. During this period, Anya achieved the title of master of sports.

Then, in the biography of Anna Semenovich, the stage of life abroad began. For three whole years she lived and continuously trained in America. But despite great successes, the final sports stage in the biography of Anna Semenovich has arrived. Height and weight, as many said, were not the real reason care (Anya’s parameters: height 165 cm, weight now 65 kg, but during classes figure skating was 15 kg less). The real reason was much more serious - a meniscus injury. After a very complex operation the girl could no longer think about sports. Although Semenovich tried to make attempts to return but the ice, but unbearable pain, blocked by injections, still forced her to finally leave the big sport. At the time of her return to Russia, the skater was 21 years old. Bobrin, Tarasova and Bestemyanova did her a lot profitable proposition to work in their ballet, but Anya already had other plans, so she refused them.

First steps in show business

At the first stages, the former figure skater had a very difficult time adapting to her new life, but she was not going to stop there. At the age of 21, a new chapter in the biography of Anna Semenovich opened. Her personal life was put on pause; the girl focused all her energy on developing her singing talent. Producer Mishin came to her aid.

Anna got her first experience working in a musical group with him. Mishin took her to the Charlie's Angels team. Unfortunately, the producer did not have enough funds and connections to promote the group, and it was closed very quickly. But her bright appearance and luscious form helped write new interesting chapters into the biography of Anna Semenovich. The girl's height is 165 centimeters, and her bust is a luxurious size five. Thanks to her outstanding features, TV crews noticed Anna and invited her to work. From this moment on music career Semenovich went up the hill. At first she hosted various sports and music programs, where she met the group “Brilliant”.

Career in "Brilliant"

On one of the regular working days, Semenovich interviewed the current soloists of the group “Brilliant” Friske, Novikova and Kovalchuk. As soon as the recording of this program hit the screens, the producers of the group immediately noticed Anya’s organic nature next to the girls of the group. Without hesitation, Grozny and Shlykov sent Semenovich an offer to join the group. The aspiring singer instantly agreed, leaving her job as a presenter. Brilliant career in the group lasted several years. Clips with her participation were constantly shown on the screens. Among them are “Palm Trees in Pairs” and “Oriental Tales”. Having gained fame and won the love of a large audience, the singer decided to go on a solo voyage. She decided to leave the group in 2007.

Solo career

Independent work in music, cinema and television programs turned out to be very successful in the biography of Anna Semenovich. Her personal life and children again faded into the background.

The singer worked diligently on her solo projects. Her first independent work There were clips for the songs “On the Sea” and “Tyrolian Song”. A year later, Semenovich stirred up music world with the video “My God,” and in 2011 she delighted her fans with two new musical works, “Not Madonna” and “Deceived People.”

Actor career

Participation in TV series burst into a new wave in the biography of Anna Semenovich. The personal life of her heroines has always been hot and vibrant. So, in 2004 she managed to star in several films. Among them is the series “The Bachelor”. A year later they began to invite her even more often. So, in 2005, Anna could be seen in such TV series as “Doomed to Become a Star” and “Students”. All the films with Semenovich’s participation did not leave the audience indifferent. Her work in the film “Night Watch” received special attention and recognition. After numerous supporting roles, Anna Semenovich was offered the long-awaited leading role. In the series "All So Sudden" she played a sweet and very spontaneous girl.

Participation in TV shows

Anna Semenovich's long-awaited return to the ice happened in 2006. This time there were no sport competitions, and a favorite project by many on Channel One, “Stars on Ice”. Anna danced together with the famous actor Vyacheslav Razbegaev.

In 2007, another show with her participation, “Ice Age,” was released. Semenovich skated on ice with Alexei Makarov.

Anna attracts new proposals due to her luxurious appearance and amazingly radiant character. So, since 2010, Anna Semenovich could be seen in two programs: “Wife for Rent” and “The Young Lady and the Cook.” As an invited star guest, she participated in one of the KVN programs. This is how television fit harmoniously into the biography of Anna Semenovich.

Personal life and photos with lover

Fans and media representatives have always carefully monitored the singer's love affairs. On the Internet and the yellow press, their number is greatly exaggerated. Smiling and kindness are the main characters in all chapters of Anna Semenovich’s biography. Despite having these qualities, the girl never found a husband. Once she had a long-term relationship, and fans even thought that Anna would soon become his legal wife. But something went wrong...

The singer's chosen one was successful businessman Dmitriy. After meeting at one of the star parties, he became fascinated by the girl and began actively courting her. What Anna liked most about her lover was his care. Times" Ice Age“became the stage when work and personal life were perfectly combined in Anna Semenovich’s biography. Children and adults all believed in Anna’s relationship with Dmitry. He brought her restaurant meals for the project, and she fell more and more in love. As a result, the lovers decided to move in together The singer was sure that she had found her soulmate, but the ideal ending to the romance did not happen.

Like any girl, Anna Semenovich dreams of becoming a mother. And if earlier it was difficult to get her to talk about this topic, now she confidently declares plans to have a child by the age of forty, and it does not matter to her whether she has a spouse. In her opinion, she is already mature and self-sufficient enough to raise a child on her own.


Anna's main advantage is visible to the naked eye. Her ample size 5 breasts involuntarily attract the attention of every man. According to the star, she inherited her charms from her mother, and after finishing her sports career and gaining significant weight, everything secret became clear. Journalists simply cannot believe this story and every time in their articles they try to point out the presence of plastic surgery in Anna Semenovich’s biography.
