Easy breakdancing moves for beginners. Where to start learning breakdancing

Hip-hop culture is not possible without one of the most popular street dances - breakdancing. Sometimes it just takes your breath away when you have the opportunity to watch how enthusiasts and professionals breakdance.

This educational video “Breakdance Movements” will allow you to learn the basic dance elements that are necessary for competent performance of street dancing.

Video lesson “Break dance movements”

A little about the history of breaking

It is no secret that previously in the CIS countries this dance style was divided into “upper” and “lower” breaks. This was due to the fact that during the 80s, when data about break dancing began to appear in the post-USSR space, the information flow was quite weak and fragmented. Nowadays, when talking about breakdancing, they make a distinction between breaking and “power move”.

Basic movements

Beginner dancers begin learning this dance style by learning the elements of what was previously called the “low break.” This “variety” of break dancing includes the following elements:

  • footwork (footwork that is danced on the floor);
  • toprock (this level of dance is usually called the upper level, and it illustrates how well prepared the dancer is);
  • freezing (freezing for a second while performing dance movements);
  • power movements (include power elements of breakdancing).

It is worth remembering that each of the designated components contains a whole list of more detailed elements, which are illustrated in this training video. Once you have learned the basic movements, you can use them as a basis for further training.

Breakdancing is a dance. And this, as many may think, is not an easy broken rhythm. It uses specific movements, aerobics. The performer must have high physical fitness and flexibility.

For beginners, you need to understand one fact - breakdancing lessons should begin with a warm-up. Let's start with the toprock. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Start with side steps, alternating legs. Gradually including your hands in the movement. We're done! Let's move on to the next exercise. Turn ninety degrees on the heels of your feet. First on one leg, then on the other.

Breakdancing for beginners.

Let's look at the types of breakdancing elements:

  • – with this element, leg work occurs, performed only on the floor. Footwork includes the following elements: scramble, 5-step, Zulu spin, swing, etc.;
  • – freezing in some difficult and/or interesting pose for a few seconds. There are plenty of examples of frieze elements: baby frieze, turtle frieze, air baby frieze, etc.;
  • – an element of a break in which the movement occurs from above. It includes many elements: Indian step, cross step, front step, etc.;
  • Power move is the power elements of the break. Stand out high requirements To physical training performer. The following power move elements are distinguished: fly, candle, gelik, baby mills, etc.

Now let's take a closer look at some elements in order to know how to learn breakdancing at home. Let's start with 6-step, i.e. 6 steps. Place your hands on the floor, your legs should be bent at the knees and slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. You need to step forward with your left foot. Then sit down next to it and again move your left leg to the side and return to the starting position.

The baby freeze is one of the simplest freezes in breakdancing. To do this, rest your elbow on the side of your stomach. Place your bet left hand opposite the right one, and you need to rest your head on the floor, creating a triangle with the top point on the head. The triangle is made to make it easier to stand. The hands should be directed to the sides. Lift your feet off the floor and do a scissoring motion. This is the baby frieze. It is ideal as an introduction to friezes for beginners.

Back spin is an element of a power move. In this element we will spin on our backs. This spin is very important as it is the starting spin for studying the elements of power moves. Lie on your back. You need to lie not on your back, but on your shoulder blades and your pelvis should be lifted off the floor. Try swinging your legs and spinning. Now let's move on to approaching the baby frieze. Lie in half splits - left leg extended forward, back folded under the pelvis. Then the right leg is swung, and we move into a rotation on the shoulder blades.

In fact, there are many elements of breakdancing! Go for it! Remember that you dance first and foremost for yourself. Watch the video breakdancing lesson to learn a bunch of other breaking elements

Break dancing is as popular today as it was fifteen years ago. The secret to the success of this direction is simple - people dance here with their souls.

You can’t master just the technique of b-boying, as breaking is also called. Every break dancer can say, “I dance as I live.” Sometimes a dance is a story, sometimes an expression of an attitude towards someone, sometimes a whole show. But you still have to start from the basics. Break dancing for beginners includes a light warm-up and basic movements, from which you can then create your own unique dance.
Break dancing is not just intricate movements along a broken path. This is a philosophy of life that combines the spirit of rebellion, the desire for self-expression and leadership. The dance is full of acrobatic elements, which can only be mastered by training strong personal qualities: willpower, determination, self-confidence. Break dancing for beginners is the first step where you can demonstrate these qualities. Not needed for training special conditions, except for free space, so you can study right at home.

Break dancing for beginners - step by step training!

Also take a look here:

The name “breakdancing” is not entirely correct; it is correct to call this style breaking or b-boying. How can you describe this style? This is culture, art, spins, extreme movements, as well as the direction of hip-hop. It was first danced on the streets of New York in the 70s. Previously, breaking was a dance of the UnderGround culture, or rather the underground. Later, the Puerto Ricans added capoeira elements that looked like (screw, somersault). How to break dance at home?

Music for breaking

Have you set yourself the task: “I want to learn how to breakdance”? Then choose the music first. Accelerated remixes of hip-hop tracks are suitable for this, as well as breakbeat music, for example, Funkshone, Dj Skeme Richards, Big Daddy Moochin, Ill Boogs and others.

How to learn to breakdance at home: basic movements

1. Sweeping. Sit on the floor, one leg bent at the knee and on the toe, the other should be extended forward, the toe pointing up. Next, we move the extended leg to the side, hook the second one and return it to its original position without bending it.

2. Balance. Learn to keep your balance. Take a push-up position on the floor, lean on one hand and try to balance on it. Your right elbow should be brought towards your stomach, transfer your weight to this arm without losing your balance.

3. Tumbler. You need to fall on your back, somersault back and lift your body into your arms, then fall again, and so on.

4. Swipe. You need to stand on one hand, the body is parallel to the floor, does not sag and is turned to the side, raise the other hand to the ceiling. You can first change your hand and at the same time turn your body in the opposite side. Along with replacing hands, you need to perform a jump with both feet.

5. Footwork. These are leg movements. These include weaving, paths, rhythmic steps with legs around the body, and jogging.

6. Spinning move or power move. These are elements of rotation that amaze with their entertainment. For example, “crab” - the body rotates horizontally on the arms, and the legs are spread into splits.

7. Power Trix. Powerful movements that are unthinkable without appropriate physical training.

8. Friezes. These include fading in different positions.

How to learn to breakdance at home? This matter, of course, is not very simple, but it is quite real. To do breakdancing lessons at home, use these tips to help you get started:

All technical elements will require endurance from you, so learn endurance and patience - not everything succeeds the first or even the fifth time.

When performing acrobatic tricks, enlist the help of a friend or coach.

To avoid injury, be sure to warm up and cool down - warm up your muscles well.

Be careful when performing movements, move from simple to complex gradually.

Conduct training in a team - this makes it easier to notice your own and other people’s mistakes and avoid them in the future. In addition, this is a great incentive to dance better than others and learn to perform the most unimaginable movements.

Now you know how to learn how to breakdance at home, and this is a great start because dancing this direction are an excellent replacement or addition to any sport.

Behind Lately The popularity of modern street dancing was gaining momentum. But not everyone can afford to learn breakdancing with coaches and in studios. If your budget cannot allow for such expenses or you are simply embarrassed to work in a group, then you should try to learn this dance right at home, and we will help you with this.

Knowing how to dance can make you stand out from the crowd, it develops self-confidence, muscles and a sense of rhythm. Breakdancing will help you achieve all of the above. This is a real courageous dance, and also very beautiful. To be a real b-boy, you need to learn how to basic elements, and you can do this yourself, without leaving your home.

To learn breakdancing moves at home, you first need to calculate as much as possible more space– nothing should stop you from doing exercises with your arms and legs. Then warm up and go directly to studying the base.

Training the basic elements of breakdancing

“We make a wave with our hands.” Stand up straight and extend your arms, palms down, to the sides. Try to move only your hands as if you were trying to put your hand under some object. When you have it, do this move. right hand, then use your elbow: raise and then lower it. Connect the elbow and hand, and only then add the shoulder: raise and lower it after you finish moving the elbow. At each stage, try to move only one part of the body: hand, elbow and finally shoulder. This is the basis of breakdancing. If it works, then switch to your left hand. When your right shoulder drops, raise and lower your left. Next, do the same as with your right hand: raise and lower your left elbow, and then make movements with your left hand. So it’s as if a wave passed from your right to your left hand. Now make sure that the transitions are smooth, a mirror will help you with this.

"Body wave" The principle is the same as in the first exercise, but you need to start from the head and end with the legs, and then vice versa. Step by step arch your head, then your neck, chest, stomach, hips, knees and finally the end of your feet. When you have finished bending some part of your body, immediately try to return it to its original position and only then do the next one. After many practices, it should look like one smooth movement. Master the wave with your body, and then learn to do it, but in reverse order- from toe to head.
