Primary diagnosis of computer malfunction. Computer malfunctions and how to fix them yourself Basic computer breakdowns

Primary diagnosis of computer malfunction

Primary diagnostics can be done using BIOS signals that are played when the computer starts. But for this you need to know the breakdown coding tables. Each BIOS developer (AMI, AWARD, PHOENICS) uses its own coding for the type of fault. One short signal means for everyone that the primary test (POST) has been passed and no errors were detected. The absence of any signals also means that the system does not start when power is supplied and the turn-on signal is applied. But then it’s different for everyone. Read about identifying computer malfunctions
Sometimes you can distinguish a hardware problem from a software problem by a change in the computer's behavior after the power is turned off. Unlike a software reset.
Many computer malfunctions can be identified as fatal in Windows. But for this you need Windows itself to work. For example, fixing the screen of death bug.

Computer hardware malfunctions, symptoms

Processor failure

What are the signs of a processor malfunction?

  • the computer reboots cyclically
  • motherboard won't start
  • no boot from hard drive
  • Windows won't install and won't boot
  • Sometimes programs work with errors.
  • The processor gets very hot, as well as the processor power parts on the motherboard.

If the processor has a built-in memory controller, memory errors may occur due to a faulty processor. A faulty Intel processor is an extremely rare occurrence. But burnt AMD processors occur regularly.

The processor can burn out due to improper assembly if the contacts of the board or processor socket are bent. Especially during a short circuit. In this case, the processor is replaced with a new one. Determining a processor malfunction yourself at home is difficult and risky. After all, checking for a processor malfunction on your board is dangerous. Because a burnt processor can “burn” the motherboard.

Computer memory not working

Signs of poor memory are as follows. The computer does not boot, periodic crashes occur, accompanied by a blue “screen of death” in Windows and applications. reliably diagnosed with special reliable tests. Programs with low validity work quickly, but often do not detect a problem.

Tests should be carried out on a motherboard whose memory controller is working. If the controller is in the processor, you need to test it on a known good processor. Testing your memory with a program with low reliability will only confuse you and take up additional time. Not a bad program memtest.

A faulty memory should be replaced; repairing is pointless.

Computer motherboard malfunctions

If the computer motherboard does not work, then the symptoms are as follows:

  • the computer does not turn on at all, or turns on but does not boot;
  • The computer’s USB, sound card, and USB keyboard and mouse do not work;
  • the processor is cold;
  • Windows does not load or install, the processor overheats.

Troubleshooting: replacement, repair.

Hard drive problems

Signs of a bad hard drive:

  • the disk does not spin up and is not detected in the motherboard BIOS;
  • Windows does not load, the computer reboots cyclically, freezes, and slows down;
  • regular errors and program crashes.

It is advisable to repair hard drives if the damage is minor or they contain valuable information.

A damaged SATA cable and poor contact can also be the cause of poor or unstable hard drive performance. You can diagnose poor cable quality using the UltraDMA CRC Errors parameter in S.M.A.R.T.
Read more about.
Troubleshooting: replacement, repair.

Another frequently asked question is that Windows does not see an external hard drive that is connected via USB. First you need to check whether the disk itself spins up. If there is complete silence or you can hear the disk trying to spin up (does not gain speed), then the disk will not start. That's why Windows doesn't see the HDD. The reasons may be the following:

  • The disk does not have enough power to operate (insert the second end of the splitter into USB);
  • Bad cable (the performance of external hard drives greatly depends on the quality of the cable);
  • Disk controller in a low quality box;
  • You are connecting it incorrectly - for example, through the front USB connectors of the computer, but you need it to the motherboard at the back.

Here are the main reasons why an external drive does not work on a computer.

Video card malfunction

Symptoms of a video card malfunction:

  • garbage, as well as artifacts on the monitor screen, often before Windows loads;
  • The computer does not boot - there is no characteristic boot sound signal;
  • 3D games crash;
  • The video card driver crashes and is not installed, games do not work, the 3DMARK test crashes.

A typical cause of video adapter failure is overheating. The critical temperature for a video card crystal is about 105º C. To avoid overheating, do not bring the card to this temperature, clean it in a timely manner. The problem is checked on another computer.

Computer power supply malfunction

Just because the computer turns on and the fans are spinning does not mean that the computer's power supply is working well. It is possible that the power supply is the reason that the computer stopped working. The power supply has many parameters that it must provide:

  • stable computer supply voltages under load +-12V, +-5V;
  • limited rectified voltage ripple and high-frequency interference;
  • deliver the required current to the load.

The computer may not work or work unstably if:

  • at least one voltage drops;
  • has ripples greater than permissible.

Over time, any power supply loses power due to aging capacitors. But computer failures can occur due to insufficient power supply.

Symptoms when you need to check your computer's power supply:

  • the computer does not turn on with the button (no power is supplied to the board, nor to the fans);
  • no boot from hard drive;
  • the computer reboots cyclically;
  • when turned on, an error is diagnosed;

Repairing power supplies has practically ceased, because a standard power supply costs the same as repairs. Only expensive blocks are repaired.

Computer overheating

Often computer breakdowns occur due to overheating associated with dust in the system unit. Because dust is a good thermal insulator and prevents heat dissipation. In the photo, the video card burned out because the computer was not cleaned of dust at all.

Overheating of the processor leads to the fact that the computer begins to slow down and work slowly. Overheating of the processor itself can occur due to:

  • malfunction of the cooler mounting, which leads to an air gap and reduced heat dissipation;
  • wear and contamination of the fan bearing, which at the same time hums or vibrates;
  • fan radiator contamination;
  • as well as incorrect BIOS settings.

Incompatibility of computer components

Incompatibility of components is a common reason for the failure of working devices. Most often, incompatibility occurs in the combination of Intel-AMD components. For example, we replaced the Nvidia video card with a new card from AMD and the computer stopped starting.

But incompatibility of computer parts is difficult to diagnose.

Computer software problems

Half of computer problems are caused by software problems. This includes file system errors due to power failures while writing to disk. The cause may also be errors in the operating system, its applications, drivers, or the consequences of viruses.

Possible causes of virus infection:

  • visiting phishing sites, opening infected emails, and downloading infected programs;
  • Most likely, your computer has poor antivirus protection.

If you need professional diagnostics or computer repair, questions about prices, please use the contact form. In the vast majority of cases, the cause of a breakdown cannot be determined without diagnostics.

How to identify computer problems. How to check the power supply. Deciphering BIOS signals that indicate the causes of the problem.

from 120 rub. RUB

Each of us may one day return home and notice in disappointment that the computer is not working properly. You just need to sit down at your PC and press the usual “Start” button, after which there may not be any reaction.

Other problems may also occur, for example, if the device does not boot, displays a blue screen of death, or comes up with something else... But how can you determine that your computer is faulty, and not just accidentally did not want to turn on? What to do in certain situations? This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Where to start identifying a computer problem

Computer malfunctions can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. The PC may not turn on at all, or turn on poorly. The image may or may not be present, the device may take a long time to load and display death screens... All this should lead you to believe that the computer is not working properly and you should find out the reason. How to do it? More on this later.

Have you decided yet? Then let's try.

The first step is to check the PC connection. Failure to turn on is not always the result of a computer malfunction. For example, if the power cable jumps out of the socket, of course, the system unit will not start.

Therefore, you need to check absolutely all wires, from the network to the peripherals. If everything is connected correctly, you need to make sure that the sockets themselves are working properly.

It also happens that there are no computer malfunctions, the cords are in place, but it still does not turn on. Then the problem is not in the PC, but in the outlet. We try to turn on the computer.

PC not responding or booting

So, if clicking the Start button does not produce any results, then the problem may be very serious. There may be several reasons for such a failure, and testing, in this case, should begin with the power supply. It can be very difficult to check the performance of the power supply yourself if you do not understand radio engineering and have not held a multitester in your hands. Therefore, it is best, in this case, to seek help from professionals.

There are three ways to determine the malfunction:

  1. Connecting the power supply to another PC;
  2. Closing the contacts on the motherboard and then turning on the cooler;
  3. Connecting resistors and measuring voltage in the system.

So, if everything is in order with the power supply, move on. Have you ever noticed the short or slightly drawn-out sound that is heard from the system unit when you turn it on?

Remember, in fact, he can tell you a lot of interesting things, even to the point of revealing the problem at its root.

If any fault is present, you may hear a completely different signal, for example:

  • Long;
  • Several long ones;
  • A few short ones;
  • Alternating short and long, etc.

These sounds are generated by the motherboard BIOS, and if you suddenly hear a non-standard signal, most likely the system is trying to notify you of the presence of some kind of malfunction. Please note that there are different BIOS versions, depending on which company is the manufacturer of your board. Therefore, signals about the same breakdowns may be different.

If your computer even tries to boot, you will need to go into the BIOS. This can be done in various ways (again depending on the PC manufacturer). The screen displays a notification about which buttons activate this mode, so try to follow this. Click on the desired one and you will be taken to the settings menu. If you don’t have time to notice the button, read the documentation for the motherboard, everything is written there.

Here are a few common problems that a BIOS signal may indicate, with explanations:

  • A single short signal (usually the same for all systems) - in 90% of cases, indicates complete serviceability of the main PC systems.
  • List of short signals (most systems) – the service to protect the computer from overheating is activated. The most common reason is the failure of coolers on certain PC components.
  • Single long and triple short signal (BIOS Award system) - the motherboard does not see the video adapter, or has detected some kind of malfunction in it.
  • Constant long sounds (Award) – The motherboard does not see or detects a fault in the RAM module.
  • Multiple short beeps, up to 4 repetitions (AMI) – failure or absence of a RAM module.
  • Five times short (AMI) – the central processor has failed.
  • Single long and triple short (AMI) - problems with the video adapter.
  • Three very short with four short (Phoenix) – video card failure.
  • Double short and single long (Phoenix) - PC does not see RAM.

In most cases, you cannot do without a professional. The device will require professional diagnostics or repair.

But what to do if the system unit turns on, but the monitor does not work? Is it really the screen's fault? More on this later.

The computer turned on, but the monitor did not light up, what next?

So, we press the PC start button and observe its reaction. Did the indicator light up? Fine. Did you hear the sound of a cooler? Great! There is no image on the monitor. Very bad. Complicating the situation is the fact that no one guarantees that the problem lies in the screen, Often the lack of a picture is a consequence of a computer malfunction.

  • Video cards;
  • RAM modules.

Often the cause of such failures is dustiness of the sockets - the slots where the video adapter and RAM are located. Dust is the worst enemy of a PC, since it is the cause of the vast majority of malfunctions. You can try to solve the problems in the following way.

Primary diagnostics can be done using signals that are played when the computer starts. To do this, you need to know the breakdown coding tables. Each BIOS developer (AMI, AWARD, PHOENICS) uses its own coding for the type of fault. One short signal means for everyone that the primary test (POST) has been passed and no errors were detected. Next, it’s different for everyone. The absence of any signals means that the system does not start when power is applied and the turn-on signal is applied.
Determining computer malfunction using BIOS signals

Sometimes you can distinguish a hardware problem from a software problem by a change in the computer's behavior after a power outage (as opposed to a software reset).
Many computer problems can be identified (or at least know in which direction to look) using fatal BSOD errors in Windows, but for this you need Windows itself to be working.

Processor failure

The computer reboots cyclically, does not start, does not boot from the hard drive; does not install, Windows does not load, the processor or processor power parts on the motherboard get very hot. Sometimes programs work with errors. New processors have a built-in memory controller; sometimes memory malfunction occurs due to a faulty processor. A malfunction of an Intel processor is an extremely rare occurrence; burned-out AMD processors are much more common. The processor can burn out due to improper assembly if the contacts of the board or processor socket are bent, causing a short circuit. In this case, the processor is replaced with a new one. A burnt processor can “burn” the motherboard; moving it into a new computer is dangerous. Determining a processor malfunction yourself at home is difficult and risky.

Troubleshooting: replacement only.

Memory failures

The computer does not boot, periodic crashes occur, accompanied by a blue “screen of death” in Windows and its applications. RAM problems are reliably diagnosed with special reliable tests. Programs with low validity work quickly, but often do not detect a problem. Tests should be carried out on a motherboard whose memory controller is working (the controller may be in the processor, then you need to be sure that the processor is working). A memory test with a program of low reliability (validity) can only confuse you and take up additional time. A faulty memory should be replaced; repairing is pointless. Since in modern systems the memory controller is usually located in the processor, when memory errors occur, the processor is the first to be suspected.

Motherboard failure

If the motherboard has failed, then the signs of this event are as follows: the computer does not turn on at all, or turns on but does not boot; USB, sound card, mouse, keyboard do not work; the processor is cold; Windows does not load or install, the processor overheats. An example of a computer motherboard malfunction where Windows would not boot due to memory errors.

If the motherboard BIOS is damaged (the chip is burned out or the program is corrupted), the computer will turn on, but there will be no boot or image. We can restore a faulty BIOS either by re-flashing the programmer or by replacing the flashed chip.

Motherboards are rarely repaired, usually when capacitors need to be resoldered. Changing a chip on a motherboard is expensive, about 6,000 rubles.

For more information about diagnosing a motherboard malfunction, see here.

Troubleshooting: replacement, repair.

Hard drive problems

The disk does not spin up and is not detected in the motherboard BIOS; Windows does not load, the computer reboots cyclically, freezes, and slows down; errors and program crashes. It is advisable to repair hard drives if the damage is minor or they contain valuable information. A damaged SATA cable and poor contact can also be the cause of poor or unstable hard drive performance. You can diagnose poor cable quality using the UltraDMA CRC Errors parameter in.
Read more about hard drive failures here.
Troubleshooting: replacement, repair.

Another frequently asked question is that Windows does not see an external hard drive that is connected via USB. First you need to check whether the disk itself spins up. If there is complete silence or you can hear the disk trying to spin up (does not gain speed), then the disk will not start. Therefore, Windows does not see the HDD. The reasons may be the following: the drive does not have enough power to operate (insert the second end of the splitter into USB), a bad cable (the performance of external hard drives greatly depends on the quality of the cable); Disk controller in a low quality box; you are connecting it incorrectly (for example, through the front USB connectors of the computer, but it should be connected to the motherboard at the back). Here are the main reasons why an external drive does not work.

Video card malfunction

Manifestations of a video card malfunction: debris or artifacts on the monitor screen, often before Windows loads; The computer does not boot (there is no characteristic boot sound signal); 3D games crash; The video card driver crashes and is not installed, games do not work, the 3DMARK test crashes. A typical cause of video adapter failure is overheating. The critical temperature for a video card crystal is about 105º C. To avoid overheating, do not bring the card to this temperature, clean it in a timely manner. The problem is checked on another computer.

See the maximum temperatures of video cards here.

Power supply failure

The computer does not turn on with the button (power is not supplied to the board and fans), there is no boot from the hard drive, it reboots cyclically, the boot stops. Repairing power supplies has practically stopped. A standard power supply costs the same as a repair.

Read more about power supply malfunctions.
Troubleshooting: replacing the power supply.

Network problem

If the network card is faulty, the computer may freeze when loading Windows and may not boot. The problem may appear at night when you are away, the card may burn out even when the computer is turned off and standby voltage is supplied to the card. For diagnostics, you can disable the network card in the BIOS, or remove an additional one.

Read about repairing the motherboard, power supply, and video card of your computer here.

Obviously, some signs of a malfunction occur in several computer components at once, and a lot of uncertainty arises during diagnosis. Therefore, when diagnosing, it is more correct to talk about the likelihood of a given breakdown. To make a correct diagnosis, experience, equipment and replacement parts are required. Diagnosing and repairing a computer at home without the ability to supply serviceable parts is problematic, but in professional centers it is easy and inexpensive. See prices for computer repairs.

Computer overheating.

Often computer breakdowns occur due to overheating associated with excessive dust inside the system unit. Dust is a good heat insulator and prevents... Here is an example of what happens if your computer is not cleaned of dust. For this reason, the video card became unusable.


Incompatible components are a common cause of inoperability of known-good devices. Most often, incompatibility occurs in a combination of Intel-AMD devices. For example, we replaced the video card with a new card from AMD, and the computer stopped starting.

Software problems

Half of computer problems are caused by software problems. This includes errors in the file system (which often occur during power failures while writing to a disk), OS (operating system) and its applications, drivers, as well as the consequences of malware (viruses, Trojans, spyware, etc.). Causes of infection: consequences of visiting phishing sites, opening infected emails, downloading infected programs, poor anti-virus protection.
Software malfunctions also include errors after replacing the motherboard due to a change in the hard drive controller.

The printer does not print from the computer

If the printer periodically stops printing from the computer, then the following reasons are likely:

  • most often the problem is with the print manager (you can check this by restarting the print manager or restarting the computer);
  • malfunction of the motherboard chipset, in particular the South Bridge;
  • bad USB cable, incorrect or damaged driver, problems with the printer (paper is stuck, the cartridge is out, the cover is open, etc.)

If you need professional diagnostics or want to repair your computer with us, if you have a question about prices, terms, feasibility, please contact us via the contact form. In the vast majority of cases, the cause of a breakdown cannot be determined without diagnostics.


Question. A blue screen constantly pops up with the inscription IRQ_NOT_ and something else.
Answer. Most likely there are problems with RAM or driver.

Question. What to do if a blue screen of death appears?
Answer. There is always a message written on the death screen, which can be used to determine the type of malfunction.

Question. The computer does not turn on when you press the power button, the fan jerks and stops.
Answer. Possibly faulty: motherboard; power supply (replace); short circuit protection is triggered (disconnect everything from the motherboard, even external USB, connect one by one).

Question. The video card periodically disappears from the system.
Answer. There is probably a bad contact in the card slot - it needs to be cleaned, or the card itself is faulty.

Question. Can the video card get warm due to the power supply?
Answer. Never met.

Question. The mouse on my computer is slow. When the hand moves smoothly, it twitches and jumps. I changed the mouse - it doesn't help, everything is the same.
Answer. The mouse never slows down and cannot slow down. Only the computer itself is slowing down, you need to figure out why: the hard drive, programs, a weak video card, the processor...

Question. The fan on the processor has become very noisy, buzzing almost continuously. I almost never heard of it before.
Answer. It's time to clean your computer from dust. Open the system unit and remove dust from all coolers. Read about cleaning your laptop.

Question. The computer does not see the TV via HDMI, but previously it saw and showed movies. I checked the contacts.
Answer. The HDMI port on either the TV or computer has burned out. Do not connect the HDMI cable while the devices are turned on.

Question. Small horizontal stripes are visible on the monitor. Is this a matrix?
Answer. Most likely these are leads. Select a different frame rate, such as 75Hz. Sometimes there is a horizontal flickering of the lines and a slight jitter. It is eliminated the same way.

Question. The computer reports that the USB device is not recognized, but it worked before.
Answer. The electronics have probably failed, usually in the USB interface.

Question. The required resolution is not set on the monitor.
Answer. First turn on the monitor, then restart Windows. A working system itself will determine the necessary monitor parameters.

Question. The processor is constantly loaded at 100%.
Answer. Possible: weak processor, viruses, 2 antiviruses, extra resident programs, overheating. Launch the task manager and see which process is using up the processor. If it is svhost and there are no viruses, then it is easier to reinstall Windows.

Question. The hard drive disappears periodically.
Answer. The problem is either in the controller on the motherboard, or on the hard drive, or in the cable (often poor contact).

Question. The new computer started to slow down a lot.
Answer. You need to look at which processes are causing processor load. And check the hard drive for damage. And sometimes the computer slows down a lot when - if the cable is faulty, a large number of errors occur during data transfer, and until the disk transfers the required portion of data to the computer without errors, the transfer process is repeated. The cable needs to be replaced.

Before you repair your computer, you need to find out the cause of the problem. To do this, it is necessary to carry out competent diagnostics of the computer and all equipment. Diagnostics will show which element of the computer requires repair.

First of all, computer failures are divided into software and hardware.
In case of hardware malfunctions of the computer, diagnostics can be carried out using BIOS sound signals. Signals are sent when the computer starts. If you recognize the signals correctly, you can determine which computer component is faulty. To recognize BIOS sound signals, there are special tables with signal codes. But BIOS can be different, and each type of BIOS has its own signal codes. They are united by only one short signal, which means that the initial testing of all computer components has been successfully completed and there are no errors. And all other signals may vary.

Sometimes when starting the computer, the user may be faced with a complete absence of any signals and a black monitor screen. What does the absence of signals mean? This means that the computer simply will not turn on. In this case, you need to check whether the power cable is working properly and whether there is electricity at all.

Some experienced users recognize a computer problem by BSOD error codes. This is the so-called "blue screen", which indicates the error code of a particular piece of equipment or software.

Let's look at the malfunctions of the main computer components and how to fix them.

Faulty processor.
If the processor malfunctions, the computer constantly shuts down or reboots. The system freezes and the hard drive does not boot. Well, it’s clear that no operating system, including Windows, will start. And with all this, you can observe strong heating of the processor. Often, with a faulty processor, the operating system and programs run with constant errors. Under no circumstances should a faulty processor be replaced on a working motherboard, ostensibly for testing. Such a processor often damages the motherboard. What can cause a processor to burn out? Mostly, processors burn due to poor computer assembly and overheating. It is not uncommon that during computer assembly, the processor contacts are accidentally bent and a short circuit occurs, which leads to damage to the processor. In this case, only replacing the processor will help.

Memory errors.
The main sign of a memory malfunction is the constant appearance of a blue screen. There are tests that can be used to diagnose RAM. But testing programs that have low validity may simply not detect this or that error. Testing is carried out only on a motherboard with a working memory controller. If the controller is located in the processor, you need to be sure that the processor is also working properly. If the test reveals a problem in the memory, you should replace the non-working memory stick. It cannot be repaired.

Motherboard malfunctions.
When the computer does not turn on, this is the main sign of a faulty motherboard. And even if it turns on, only coolers can work. All other equipment does not start. The keyboard and mouse do not work. Also, Windows OS does not load. In some cases, the processor may overheat. You can repair the motherboard by replacing faulty parts, for example, swollen capacitors, if any. The rest of the repairs will hit your pocket hard and will take a lot of time. It is better to replace the faulty motherboard.

Problems with the hard drive.
You can find out about a broken hard drive in the BIOS. It is simply not in the list of installed equipment. The disk itself does not spin up.
If the hard drive is faulty, the computer periodically reboots. In some cases, strong “brakes” appear in the operation of the system. Because of this, Windows OS takes a long time to load or may simply not load. Programs often crash. But don’t immediately blame the hard drive when your computer is running slow. The cause could also be poor hard drive cable connections or a faulty connector on the motherboard. Try changing the cable or connecting it to a different connector on the motherboard. Hard drives can be repaired and restored. But it’s better not to risk it, and at the first sign of a hard drive failure, transfer all data to a new hard drive.

Problems with the video card.
If problems arise with the operation of the video card, various artifacts may appear on the screen in the form of strange symbols, stripes, squares, etc. Moreover, this can happen even before the system boots. There are constant interruptions with the video card driver. Games stop working or simply crash. Basically, overheating causes a video card to break down. It is necessary to monitor the cooling of the video card and, if necessary, clean the cooler and radiator. Avoid overheating the video card components - the graphics processor and memory units.

Problems with the power supply.
The main sign of a faulty power supply is the lack of power supply to the motherboard. If the power supply is faulty, the computer components do not work properly, and in some cases it simply does not boot. It is considered inappropriate to repair the power supply. The repair costs almost the same as a new power supply.

“I turned on the computer, the monitor started working, everything was humming in the system unit, everything seemed to turn on, but there was nothing on the monitor, not even the BIOS came out. I removed the side panel, moved the contacts, and so on several times. Something just died, can you enlighten me?” - one of the readers of my blog, Yuri, asked me this question.

Of course, the description presented below is not enough to solve such a problem. I can say with confidence that in 50% of cases a visit to the client is necessary to solve such a problem. However, I still want to at least somehow help the majority of my readers, and therefore I decided to describe the most typical PC failures.

I decided to write a cheat sheet containing solutions to the most common problems. I will present 6 such problems.

First situation: The system unit does not turn on

First, check whether the system unit is connected directly to the power supply and also check that the power cable is securely connected.

The next step is to inspect the power cable itself. Pull it out and do a visual inspection, maybe it was pinched or something else. Alternatively, try replacing the power cable with another one, for example, take it from a monitor or TV for now, if it is suitable.

You may find my article useful in helping you in situations where the system unit does not start. Read it to the end, there is a link to the continuation.

Second situation: The PC turns on, but takes a long time to load or is very slow

This situation is most common among most PC users. Most often, the reason for this behavior of the computer is the “garbage” that has accumulated in the system over the period of use of the PC: programs installed and then incorrectly removed, errors in the Windows registry, as well as accumulated fragmented files.

In general, your PC needs a thorough cleaning. I described how to do this in the article. I advise you to regularly repeat the tips described there. And the performance will be at its best, and the life of your computer will be extended.

Third situation: PC turns on but monitor doesn't

The first thing you should pay attention to is the power cable. Do the same as described above regarding the cable from the system unit. If the cable is working properly, pay attention to the light on the monitor: if the light is on, then the problem is most likely in the video card. Listen to see if the computer makes any sounds. If it does, check with and determine the malfunction.

If the problem is in the monitor itself, then the only thing you can do yourself is check the fuse. You'll have to disassemble the monitor, but there's nothing to worry about, the main thing is to do everything carefully. Typically, the fuse in the monitor is located next to the power cable connector.

You can check the fuse using a very simple method - continuity tests at both ends; sometimes you can determine if the fuse is faulty visually. If it is not working properly, then you will need to purchase an analogue from the available sample at the nearest radio equipment store.

Various types of noise and image distortion can occur from an insecurely connected power cable. If there is no change in color when you move the cable, then most likely it is not the problem. By the way, the color change can only be noticed when connected via an analog VGA output.

Fourth situation: the graphics adapter is faulty

A video card malfunction can occur both at the hardware (hardware) and software (driver) level. In the first case, you will need to very carefully remove the video card from the system unit and conduct a quick inspection of it for the presence of swollen capacitors. If there are any, then we unsolder them and replace them with new ones, or ask our friends to do this.

Another common video adapter malfunction is overheating. This problem can be solved very simply: by replacing the cooler (fan). It just needs to be lubricated. Remember! Sunflower oil cannot be used for lubrication, because... over time it thickens and, accordingly, over time the video card will perform even worse. Any silicone lubricant will do. 2-3 drops will be enough.

It is possible that the video card is “buggy” due to incorrectly installed drivers. In this case, a video lesson will come in handy.

fifth situation: mouse malfunction

The first thing that comes to mind is to check if your PC is frozen. Checking this is quite simple - click “Windows” (or “Win”), the Start menu should open. If there was no reaction, then the computer really froze. The way out of this situation is to restart the computer.

The second situation could be a breakdown of the mouse itself. Check the cable for the wired mouse and the batteries for the wireless mouse. Change the USB connector to which the mouse is connected. If you observe sharp jumps of the mouse cursor on the monitor screen, you will either have to replace it, or, if you wish, clean it yourself of debris (the mouse is very easy to disassemble).

sixth situation: faulty keyboard

Many of you, like me, often snack or drink while on the computer. Of course, crumbs and sometimes spilled liquid get on the keyboard.

Even if you rarely crush the keyboard, I advise you to at least turn it over and shake it (you can do it without disconnecting it from the PC). You will be surprised how many crumbs and dust have accumulated in it. If you accidentally spilled liquid on the keyboard, the procedure is more complicated.

We wipe all the liquid from the table, turn the keyboard over, shake out everything that is there, disassemble it (after photographing the location of the keys), carefully remove all moisture, dry it (important: do not use a hair dryer), leave it disassembled for two days to dry it yourself . Next we try to assemble it. If it works, then we continue to eat and drink drinks. If the keyboard is still faulty, you can recycle it and purchase another one.


So we have sorted out the main malfunctions with you and learned how to eliminate them. The main thing is not to be afraid to do something with your own hands, it is both interesting and free. However, I wish you that your iron friends do not break. However, if such a situation happens, first of all check whether the warranty is still valid.

When carrying out repair work, follow safety precautions and make sure that all components are de-energized. Not the least important role in the success of the repair is played by the order on the desktop, since in the disorder it is easy to lose small parts of the unit being repaired. Keep your PC clean and it will reward you with stable performance!
