Get juice from raspberries. Raspberry juice for the winter

Raspberries have always been considered the best remedy for colds, they were used to treat many other diseases, so raspberry preparations were always prepared for the winter, and our great-great-grandmothers prepared raspberry jam for the winter, and for good reason - raspberries have always been considered a special berry! There are many songs and fairy tales about her, she was revered by Slavic tribes, and loved by the ancient Greeks and Romans. It is not for nothing that we associate the sweet heavenly life with raspberries - this extraordinary berry has earned its honorary title thanks to its unique taste and beneficial qualities.

Tasty and aromatic raspberries are good both fresh and as a variety of preparations for the winter. After all, preparing raspberries for the winter is a great way to preserve and enjoy raspberries in the winter. It would seem, what special thing can be made from raspberries, besides grandma’s well-known raspberry jam? In fact, there are a lot of delicious and healthy preparations: jam, jellies, jams, confitures, as well as marshmallows and marmalade. If desired, raspberries can be easily combined in your preparations with other berries, for example, black and red currants, cherries, and gooseberries. With her presence she will only decorate any product. Let's try not to miss the ripening season of this wonderful berry, let's eat our fill of it and be sure to prepare it for future use.

Raspberries in their own juice

1 kg raspberries,
1 kg sugar.

Place the raspberries in an enamel bowl, add sugar, wait for the syrup to form, and place them in jars. Sterilize for 15 minutes. Roll up and place in a cool place.

Raspberries in red currant juice

1 kg raspberries,
500 ml red currant juice.

Sort the raspberries and place them in a saucepan. Blanch the red currants for 1 minute and rub through a fine sieve (you can use a juicer or squeeze the juice through cheesecloth). Pour the resulting juice over the raspberries, heat the mixture and boil for 5 minutes, then immediately pour into sterile jars and roll up.

Raspberries pureed with sugar

750 g raspberries,
250 g sugar,
150 ml water.

Sort the raspberries, place them in an enamel bowl and fill with water. Bring to a boil over very low heat and cook for 3-4 minutes. Remove the mixture from the heat and, while it is hot, rub through a sieve. Add sugar to the puree and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Transfer to hot jars and sterilize: 0.5-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter jars - 20 minutes.

Raspberry jam “From Grandma”

1 kg raspberries,
4 stacks water,
2 kg sugar,
2 tsp citric acid.

Pour sugar into a saucepan for making jam, add water and raspberries. Cook until fully cooked over low heat, periodically remove from heat and stir the berries (so as not to burn). Just before the end of cooking, add citric acid.

Raspberry jam “Pyatiminutka”

5 kg raspberries,
3.5-4 kg of sugar.

Sort the raspberries, peel them, and wash them carefully if necessary. Dry on a towel. Place the prepared raspberries in a deep bowl, cover with sugar and place in a cool place for 6-8 hours. Then place the bowl with raspberries in their own juice on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up. Turn over, wrap and cool.

Jam “Wonderful aroma”

5 kg raspberries,
2 large lemons,
7.5 kg of sugar.

Sort the raspberries, peel, rinse and dry. Wash the lemons thoroughly, wipe dry and cut into thin slices, which then cut in half, remove the seeds. Cover the prepared raspberries and lemon slices with granulated sugar and leave in a cool place for 6-8 hours. Place the bowl with the juiced raspberries and lemon slices on the fire, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, reduce the flame and cook for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove from heat and cool. Put the jam back on the fire and cook until done, cool, put into jars and close with nylon or metal lids.

Raspberry and melon jam

300 g raspberries,
1 kg melon,
800 g sugar,
1 lemon,
1 stack water.

Pour lemon zest with lemon juice, sprinkle with sugar and leave for an hour. Peel the melon and cut into small pieces. Add sugar and lemon sugar to the water and cook, stirring. When the syrup boils, add the melon and then the raspberries. Cook everything without stirring until thickened. Remove the finished jam from the heat, remove the foam and pour into jars.

Cherry and raspberry jam

1 kg cherries,
1 kg raspberries,
2 kg sugar,
2 stacks water.

Place pitted cherries in boiling syrup, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Bring the jam to a boil 5 times every half hour. For the last time, 5 minutes before readiness, add raspberries, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Pour the finished product into jars while hot. Roll up.

Raspberry compote “For the winter”

1 kg raspberries,
1 kg sugar,
3 liters of water.

Sort the raspberries, remove leaves and sepals. Make syrup from sugar and water. Place raspberries in boiling syrup, stir, bring to a boil, remove from heat and pour into sterilized jars. Cool the compote and cover the jars with metal lids.

Natural raspberry juice

1 kg raspberries,
150-200 ml of water.

Sort the berries, mash with a wooden pestle and transfer to an enamel pan with water preheated to 60°C. Heat the berries while stirring to a temperature of 60°C, remove from heat, cover with a lid and squeeze out the juice after 15 minutes. Filter the juice, bring to a boil, immediately pour into bottles or jars and roll up.

Raspberry confiture

1 kg raspberries,
1 kg sugar,
1 lemon,
1 sachet “Zhelfix”.

Peel the raspberries, rinse and dry. Pour lemon juice over the raspberries, sprinkle with lemon zest and stir. Add sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. Add gelling sugar and, stirring continuously, cook for 1 minute. Sterilize the jars, fill with hot confiture, and close with screw caps. Place the jars upside down for 10 minutes, then turn them over and cool.

Raspberry syrup

1 kg raspberries,
1 kg sugar,
1 stack water.

Prepare syrup from sugar and water. Dip raspberries into syrup. Bring to a boil. Then cool and strain through a sieve. Bring the resulting syrup to a boil and boil for 5 minutes, then pour it hot into jars and roll up the lids.

Raspberry jelly for the winter

1.5-2 kg raspberries,
1.5-2 kg of sugar.

Sort the raspberries, wash and place on a towel. Let the berries dry completely and mash them in a bowl. Strain through several layers of gauze. Add sugar at the rate: per 1 liter of juice - 1.5 kg of sugar. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved and leave for 10 hours. Then place in sterile dry jars and seal tightly. This jelly should be stored in the refrigerator.

Raspberry jam

1 kg raspberries,
1.4 kg sugar,
1.5 stack. water,
1 tsp citric acid,
2 tbsp. gelatin.

Peel the raspberries, rinse with water several times and place in a basin, sprinkling with sugar. Add water. Place the basin on low heat and heat the contents to a boil. After 15 minutes, increase the heat to moderate and simmer the jam until tender. At the end of cooking, add citric acid and gelatin previously diluted with water to the jam. Place the finished product in dry, clean jars and seal.

Raspberry and apple jam

1 kg raspberry puree,
1 kg applesauce,
800 g sugar,
600 ml water.

Steam the apples in a saucepan of boiling water and wipe. Measure out 1 kg. Mash the raspberries well and mix with applesauce. Boil the mixture in a saucepan with a wide bottom. After 15-20 minutes, add sugar and cook, stirring continuously, until tender. Place the finished jam into jars and roll up.

Raspberry puree without sugar

Raspberry puree can be prepared without using sugar. In winter, you can make marmalade, jelly or jelly from it. So, rub fresh raspberries through a sieve. Place the finished mixture in an enamel bowl and place on fire. Boil for 1 minute and pour into sterile jars. Roll it up, turn it over, wrap it up.

Raspberry-pear mousse

1 kg pears (peeled from seeds),
300 g raspberries,
½ cup Sahara,
a few drops of lemon juice,
a pinch of cardamom.

Wash the pears, cut them open and remove the seeds (no need to peel them). Cut into large cubes and place in a saucepan. Sort the raspberries, rinse and dry. Add raspberries, sugar to the pan with pears and mix everything. Cook over low heat for about 60 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent the mixture from burning. Then remove the pan with fruit from the heat. Add a few drops of lemon juice and a pinch of cardamom. Grind everything with a blender and transfer the raspberry-pear mousse into clean, dry jars. Sterilize for 10 minutes, then cool. It is advisable to store the finished product in a dark, cool place.

Raspberry marmalade (prepared for the winter)

1 kg raspberries,
500 g sugar.

Wash the raspberries, rinse with boiled water, dry a little and rub through a fine sieve. Add sugar to the raspberry puree and cook over high heat, stirring continuously. When the marmalade thickens, remove it from the heat and place it hot into prepared jars. Then cool and seal with lids.

Raspberry marshmallow

1 kg raspberries,
250 g sugar,
100 g powdered sugar.

Rinse the raspberries with cold water, place in a wide bowl and place in a preheated oven for 50 minutes. Rub the hot berries through a sieve using a wooden spatula. Place the resulting puree on low heat, add sugar and boil by half. Pour the hot marshmallow into a container lined with parchment paper and greased with vegetable oil, and dry in the oven at 70°C or in the sun. Cut the finished marshmallow into pieces, roll in powdered sugar and place in dry, sterile jars. Cover them with parchment paper.

Raspberry vinegar

Raspberry vinegar has an amazing smell and a very bright taste. It is wonderful in vegetable and fruit salads.

250 g white wine vinegar,
200 g raspberries.

Prepare a glass container with an airtight lid. Wash and dry the raspberries, removing spoiled berries, and place in a jar. Pour in vinegar and close tightly. Store in a cool, dark place for two weeks. After the specified time has passed, separate the liquid from the raspberries using a filter or through cheesecloth. That's it, raspberry vinegar is ready! Pour into an airtight container, seal and store in a cool, dark place. Ready vinegar can be stored for a year.

Raspberry wine

2.5 kg raspberries,
700 g sugar,
2.5 liters of water.

Squeeze the juice from the raspberries. Heat water together with sugar until it is completely dissolved, cool. Pour into a bottle, mix with raspberry juice and keep until fermentation is complete at a temperature of at least 25°C. When fermentation is complete, filter and seal. Store in a cool, dry place.

Raspberry liqueur

500 g raspberries,
500 g sugar,
250 ml water,
1 liter of vodka.

Place ripe raspberries at the bottom of the bottle and fill it with vodka. Plug the neck of the bottle with a cotton swab. Place in a cool place for 3-4 weeks. Prepare a syrup from sugar and water, boil, cool and pour into a bottle with raspberries. Stir, filter and bottle. Cork it. The longer this liqueur sits, the tastier it becomes.

Dried raspberries

For drying, take firm, slightly unripe raspberries. Otherwise, it will not dry, but simply become limp. Dry the raspberries in the oven or electric dryer for 2-4 hours at a temperature of 45-50°C, and when the berries are dry, raise the temperature to 60°C. Cool the dried raspberries and store them in hermetically sealed jars or boxes.

Fresh frozen raspberries. To freeze, use dry raspberries. There is no need to wash the berries. To prevent raspberries from becoming lumpy, freeze them by arranging the berries in a single row on a cutting board or tray. When the berries are frozen, pour them into freezer containers.

Fresh frozen raspberries with honey. Place raspberries in a container and fill with liquid honey. Then put it in the freezer. This preparation has double benefits: both raspberries and honey. Raspberries drenched in honey will retain their qualities well and will be very useful.

In the old days they said that, among other things, raspberries are also endowed with spiritual power: they help strengthen good relations between people. This is probably where the tradition of treating visiting guests to tea with fragrant jam was born.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Nature has given us many vegetables, fruits, and berries, which we practically never consume, preferring synthetic products. Recently, people are increasingly coming to the conclusion that the choice of products for our daily diet significantly affects our health and determines our future life. Choosing a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition is becoming increasingly popular.

Fashion for fruit juices

Today it is becoming increasingly popular to prepare fresh juice at home, as well as various cocktails and other healthy drinks. Each juice has specific benefits, so it is important to juice a variety of fruits and vegetables. One of the brightest representatives of fruit and berry juices is raspberry juice, whose rich composition and exceptional health benefits simply cannot be ignored.

Raspberry juice - 9 beneficial properties

IN raspberries How are raspberries beneficial for our body? The article presents 16 scientific research results on the beneficial properties of raspberries, as well as what contraindications exist. contains a lot of valuable and beneficial substances for the body, which makes it an excellent product for a healthy diet. Let's take a closer look at what the main benefits of this amazing berry are. After this, you will definitely want to make raspberry juice more often.

  1. Fights cancer

    Raspberries are known to contain a compound called ellagic acid. This substance is excellent antioxidant What are antioxidants and what are their beneficial properties for the body? Content of antioxidants in food products. Is it worth taking antioxidants in pharmaceutical preparations?. Ellagic acid helps the body fight cancer. Eat raspberries and get not only vitamins, but also an additional bonus - cancer prevention.

  2. Heart Health

    Not only physical exercise is important for heart health, but also nutrition. Eating raspberries will bring us closer to heart health, because raspberries contain anthocyanin, which supports the health of this important organ.

  3. Boosts immunity

    Raspberries are rich in substances that help fight many diseases. The immune system becomes stronger, and the body reacts faster to any pathogenic bacteria.

  4. Improves blood circulation

    Raspberry juice not only improves blood flow, but also improves blood clotting.

  5. Helps with allergies

    If you drink raspberry juice regularly, it will help the body better absorb food and various nutrients. It will also help fight allergies.

  6. Improves digestion

    Drinking raspberry juice or eating the berries in their pure form will promote better digestion and absorption of nutrients from other foods.

  7. Strengthens bones

    Raspberry juice contains vitamins B, C and K, so it is very beneficial for bones.

  8. Raspberries are rich in antioxidants, so they help the body fight free radicals. Drinking fresh juice promotes faster healing of wounds for various injuries.

  9. Helps you lose weight

    Raspberries, like many other berries, stimulate fat metabolism in the body. This will greatly please those who want to lose weight faster.

Harm and contraindications of raspberry juice

Although this product has many beneficial properties, before consuming it, find out if you have raspberry allergies, if you plan to eat the berry or drink juice from it for the first time. Before drinking raspberry juice, you need to pay attention to a few more points.

  • If you have a desire to buy ready-made packaged raspberry juice in the store, remember that it most likely contains preservatives and other substances that are not very good for your health. Therefore, it would still be preferable to prepare the juice at home. This will definitely bring more benefits.
  • Before preparing juice from fruits and berries. Be sure to wash them well and keep them free of dirt. This is especially true for those fruits and berries that you cannot peel.

Raspberry juice is not only healthy, it is also surprisingly tasty. It is rich in nutrients and would be an excellent choice for breakfast. If you drink raspberry juice in the morning, you will be full of energy all day.

Using raspberry juice for facial skin

Since this product is rich in useful substances, it is used quite widely in cosmetology. It fights acne and also helps with oily skin. After all, natural products are much preferable to store-bought ones that have additives that we know nothing about. Women are increasingly choosing natural products to maintain their beauty.

To make your skin less oily and acne gone, you need to wipe it with raspberry juice in the morning and evening. You can also prepare a simple mask by mixing raspberry juice with kefir and apply for half an hour.

1. For freckles

If you want to remove freckles, take the pulp that remains after you squeezed the juice from the raspberries. Add sour cream to the cake. If you don't have it, this will also work butter What is healthier: butter or margarine? All about the benefits and harms of butter, how it affects our body, how much to use and what are the side effects.. Apply the mixture of pulp and sour cream to your face. To make it work better, spread it in a thick layer. Action time: 20 minutes.

2. Rejuvenation mask

To do this, take a special napkin for masks and soak it in the juice. Apply on face for 20 minutes. If you use raspberry juice regularly, it will help give your face freshness.

3. Lotion

This lotion will be a good cleanser. Mix a spoonful of juice with 300 ml of quality vodka. The lotion should remain for at least 10 days. When infusing, it is advisable that the place be dark and the temperature not too high or low. After the infusion process is completed, the lotion should be kept cool. Before using it, dilute it with water 1 to 3. The lotion will not only cleanse, but also nourish.

Making raspberry juice at home

This juice is prepared in different ways. It is very convenient to freeze raspberries so that the juice can be prepared even in winter.

Squeeze raspberry juice through a meat grinder or juicer. There shouldn't be any difficulties with this.

What do you need for raspberry juice?

  • Sugar - 260 g;
  • Water - 300 ml;
  • 2400 g - berries.

Let's cook!

  • Sort through the raspberries to remove any spoiled or still green berries you accidentally collected.
  • Pour into the pan.
  • Using a blender, beat well to form a raspberry paste. Place on low heat.
  • When the paste is well heated, remove it from the stove for 15 minutes.
  • Now you can puree the raspberries. Gauze or a sieve is suitable for this.
  • Return the resulting liquid to the saucepan. Now you can add sugar. The liquid should boil for 5 minutes.
  • That's all. Now pour it into the prepared container. Then we roll it up and leave it under a towel for two days. The juice should be stored in a cool place.

Quick raspberry juice recipe

This recipe is for those who want to get all the benefits of raspberries. The juice is prepared from freshly picked berries, without boiling or canning. The juice is prepared quickly.

First you need to collect as many raspberries as you need. Then wash and crush the berries. We do not add sugar, since the drink will not be stored until winter, we will drink it right away. Therefore, we simply rub the pulp through a sieve. That's all - you can drink the juice.

Raspberry and currant juice through a juicer

To prepare it, you need to take a liter of currant juice for 2 kg of raspberries.

How to cook?

  1. Sort and rinse the raspberries, then add them to the saucepan.
  2. Process the currants in a juicer.
  3. Mix raspberries and currant juice. When the mixture boils, rub through a sieve.
  4. Pour into jars, which need to be sterilized beforehand, and seal.

Let's cook!

Mix everything in a blender, after peeling the avocado. Serve chilled.

Homemade marshmallow with raspberry juice

  • Raspberry juice – 100 ml;
  • 10 medium apples;
  • Sugar – 800 g;
  • White of 2 eggs;
  • Gelatin 3 tsp.
  • Sugar – 6 spoons;
  • Water – 300 ml.

Let's cook!

  1. Soak the gelatin.
  2. Make puree from the apples (bake first).
  3. Pour in juice, add sugar. Mix until the sugar dissolves.
  4. Put gelatin on the fire, adding 320 g of sugar to it. Heat to make syrup.
  5. Add egg whites to applesauce. They need to be whipped to form foam. Mix with syrup.
  6. Cover a baking sheet with special paper, pour in the resulting mass, which should harden.
  7. When the marshmallow hardens, take it out and cut it into squares. It is advisable to sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Coffee with raspberry juice

Raspberry juice can be added to coffee. This will improve its smell and taste. Here is one of the interesting recipes for making berry coffee.

What do you need for 2 servings?

  • Espresso – 100 ml (it must cool down);
  • Milk – 60 ml;
  • 6 tsp. honey;
  • 80 ml juice;
  • 10 g chocolate (it needs to be grated).

Let's cook!

Whisk the milk. Then add honey. Pour into a cup. Add coffee and raspberry juice. Sprinkle with chocolate. There is no need to interfere. This coffee option will appeal to anyone who loves this drink.

In cold winter, the body especially needs vitamins, and raspberry juice can successfully fill this deficiency. Raspberries have a large number of active substances and are considered a traditional winter treat and medicine.

What are the benefits of raspberries

Both raspberries and their juice contain vitamins A, B2, B6, PP, C, E, organic acids - malic, citric, tartaric, salicylic, folic, as well as glucose and fructose, fiber, essential oil and pectin. The berries contain a substance called beta-sitosterol, which is credited with anti-sclerotic properties. The chemical composition of raspberry berries includes coumarins - they affect blood clotting, and anthocyanins - substances that actively fight sclerosis. The fruits contain a lot of microelements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, cobalt, zinc, fluorine and iron.

Due to its composition, raspberries are famous as a multivitamin, as well as an antipyretic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and tones the nervous system. If you prepare raspberry juice for the winter, it can effectively treat colds, acute respiratory viral infections, and feverish conditions. The product contains a large amount of pectin, therefore it rids the body of toxins and harmful substances. Raspberry juice has been successfully used to treat anemia and exhaustion.

You can drink raspberry juice freshly squeezed by mashing freshly picked berries and filtering them through cheesecloth. There are no contraindications to its use, even for diabetics and those who watch their figure. The sugars contained in the berry are easily digestible and do not affect blood glucose levels. In addition, the calorie content of both berries and fresh juice is very low: 100 g of juice contains about 100 kcal.

The only contraindication is severe liver disease. For such patients, it is recommended to dilute the juice in half with water, but do not give it up completely.

Preparing raspberry juice

To prepare raspberry juice for the winter, you only need ripe berries. According to this recipe, the juice is obtained without sugar, so even diabetics can drink it. Raspberries need to be sorted and washed under running water, mash the berries with a pestle or swirl in a blender to obtain a homogeneous mass.

Heat (but do not boil) water in an enamel saucepan and immerse the berry puree in it. Stirring constantly, gradually increase the heat, but not to a boil. You only need to achieve the appearance of small bubbles. You need to boil the juice for 15-20 minutes.

Strain the hot product through a sieve or cheesecloth and return to high heat. As soon as it boils, pour it into sterilized jars and seal. Place for sterilization and sterilize for 15-30 minutes depending on the volume of the jar. The proportion for making juice is 250 ml of water per 1 kg of raspberries.

Raspberry sorbet is very tasty and no less healthy - juice thickened in a special way with sugar. For cooking you will need refined sugar. It's even better if it's crushed sugar. The pieces (about 500 g) should be placed in an enamel pan and poured with freshly squeezed filtered raspberry juice. Place over very low heat and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. The fire is increased and allowed to boil. Boil the sherbet until it thickens. Remove from heat and begin to knead with a wooden spoon, moving in one direction only. The mass should gradually thicken so that the spoon begins to stand. The finished sweet should be placed in a glass container and stored in the refrigerator.

For the winter, you can prepare raspberries in their own juice. Using a minimum of ingredients, you can get a tasty and healthy treat. Vitamins in this twist are preserved in full, since the fruits are not heat treated, but only sterilized. For 1 kg of whole berries you will need 200 g of sugar. The raspberries need to be sorted, cleaned of damaged parts and washed thoroughly. Place a layer of berries in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. So alternate layer by layer, the top one should consist of sugar. Leave for 8-12 hours until the berries release their juice. Since the fruits are 85% water, they will quickly give up all the moisture. Carefully place the raspberries into clean, sterilized jars, being careful not to crush them. Pour in the resulting juice and sterilize the jars for 15 minutes. Screw on the lids and leave until cool. Raspberries in their own juice are ready. From such a preparation you can prepare fruit drinks, compotes, and jellies in winter.

Preparation without sterilization

An interesting way to freeze fresh juice. In such a product, all vitamins and taste are fully preserved. Squeeze clean berries through a juicer, pour into small containers and place in the freezer. There is no need to add sugar or water. At any time, you can take the concentrate out of the refrigerator, defrost it and prepare any drink, fruit drink, jelly, jelly. By the way, you can also make a full-fledged fresh juice from frozen raspberries if you defrost them, squeeze them and add water, sugar or honey to taste. In those berries that were frozen in the summer, all the beneficial properties of raspberries are preserved.

You can make canned juice that does not need to be sterilized. Wash the raspberries, crush them into a thick mass with a pestle, filter and place in an enamel pan. Add sugar and bring to a boil over medium heat. Stirring constantly, add citric acid. Boil for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly and skimming off any foam that forms. Cool, strain and pour into clean containers. Since the juice does not require rolling, it can be stored in small bottles in the refrigerator for easy use. This product is suitable both for preparing drinks and sauces, and for direct use - it can simply be diluted with water or added to tea. 2-3 tsp. Taking such a concentrate on an empty stomach in winter is the best way to prevent colds. For 1 kg of berries you will need 1 kg of sugar and 5 g of citric acid.

There is another way to make juice. Mash the clean berries with your hands, put them in a gauze bag and place under a press, collecting the flowing juice. As soon as the liquid stops dripping from the bag, you need to put the resulting pulp in a separate bowl and add hot water at the rate of 1 liter per 5 kg of pulp. Squeeze thoroughly again and mix both resulting juices. Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and add sugar to taste (100-200 g per 1 liter of liquid). As soon as the juice boils, pour into clean, sterilized jars and roll up. This juice should be stored in a cool, dark place.

Raspberry juice is one of children's favorite drinks. And the aroma of the juice is especially pleasant when you open the jar in winter, then you don’t need to call anyone, everyone runs to the kitchen themselves.

You can make a lot of cocktails based on raspberry juice, and if you have enough berries, but little sugar, be sure to prepare several bottles of juice for the winter.

Sort through the berries, place them in a colander and rinse with cool running water. Let the berries drain and place them in a saucepan.

Mash the berries in any way convenient for you. You can use a blender or a wooden potato masher.

Now you need to steam and warm the berries a little to get more juice and less waste. Place the pan on the stove and wait until steam begins to rise from the pan. Cover the pan with a lid and turn off the heat.

Now you need to wait 20-30 minutes until the raspberries cool down.

Drain the juice through a fine mesh sieve and grind the pulp. Just be careful not to overdo it so that the seeds don’t get into the juice. They are somewhat bitter, and unpleasant if caught in juice.

Measure the amount of juice obtained and add water and sugar to it so that the raspberry juice tastes good.

  • For 1 liter of raspberry juice:
  • 250 gr. water;
  • 100 gr. Sahara.

Place the pan back on the stove, bring the raspberry juice to a boil, and simmer for 3-5 minutes.

Prepare jars or bottles with a wide neck and sterilize them. Pour the hot juice into bottles, close the lids and wrap them in a warm blanket for 10-12 hours.

Raspberry juice should be stored in a cool, dark place for no more than 6 months. If you need longer storage, prepare.

Watch the video on how to make raspberry juice for the winter:

Vitamin C, fiber, iron, vitamin A, as well as folic acid are part of a very useful berry for the human body - raspberries, which are useful primarily for colds and for strengthening the female body. In addition, ripe raspberries contain ellagic acid, so they can be used to preventively strengthen the body against cancer.

Every year, raspberries are produced differently, so when there are a lot of them, having made the necessary preparation of raspberry jam, you can stock up on raspberry juice for the winter, which will become one of the favorite drinks for both children and adults.

To prepare a unique raspberry drink, you can use various preparation methods.

The first method of harvesting for the winter is carried out without boiling the berries.


  • 1200 gr. raspberries;
  • 150 ml. water;
  • 130 gr. Sahara.

Preparing raspberry juice:

  1. Sort through the berries, separating only ripe, red and soft raspberries. Wash the raspberries well and put them in a saucepan.
  2. Use a blender to bring the berries to the consistency of a thick mixture and put on fire.
  3. Heat the resulting raspberry puree until hot and remove from heat. Cover the pan with a lid and let stand for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Strain the cooled mass through a gauze sieve.
  5. Pour the resulting crimson liquid back into the saucepan, adding sugar, thoroughly stirring the juice, and boil it for five minutes.
  6. Ready hot juice must be poured into pre-sterilized jars or bottles and screw the lids on tightly.
  7. Place a warm towel over the twisted jars and leave for several days. The finished juice must be stored in a dark place.

Raspberry juice in a juicer

The following method of preparing raspberry juice is carried out using a special unique invention of mankind - a juice cooker, consisting of three main sections: a mesh basket for berries, a juice collector, a bowl for water, as well as a tap and hose through which the resulting liquid consistency is drained. Here the juice will be boiled, which will help to obtain a long-lasting product that will not lose its excellent properties and taste for several years.


  • Fresh raspberries 200 gr.;
  • Sugar 20 gr.

How to make raspberry juice for the winter:

  1. You need to pour water into the lower part of the juice cooker and put the juice cooker on the fire to boil.
  2. In the meantime, while the water is heating up, you should carefully sort out the raspberries and rinse them. Then add sugar and mix the berries with it.
  3. Place the basket of berries in the juicer.
  4. When water boils, you must immediately install a juice collector on top, in which you first need to close the tap.
  5. Reduce heat to low and leave to simmer for 45-55 minutes, until the resulting steam in the juicer squeezes out all the juice from the raspberries.
  6. After waiting the required amount of time, you can pour the juice into hot sterilized jars by opening the tap on the juicer.
  7. The juice should be a rich dark color with a fairly high concentration. After screwing the sterilized jars, you need to place them in a cool place where light will not penetrate for long-term storage.

Raspberry juice, recipe with currants without sugar

Raspberry nectar can also be prepared for long-term storage using currant juice. This drink will not only be useful for colds, but also very tasty, with additional notes of currant smell and taste. This preparation method allows you to make a drink from raspberries, without using granulated sugar.


  • 1000 gr. fresh raspberries;
  • 0.5 liters of currant juice.

How to make raspberry and currant juice:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to sort ripe raspberries from excess debris and unripe berries, rinse them with running water and place them in a pan.
  2. Blanch the currant berries over low heat for no more than one minute and squeeze out all the juice from them, passing the entire mass through a juicer or a gauze cloth folded like a widow.
  3. Pour the resulting currant juice into the raspberries, stirring thoroughly, and place the pan over medium heat. Boil for five to six minutes.
  4. Pour the hot juice into sterilized jars and close the lids.
  5. Store in the shade, cool.

You can also make currants that you and your children will enjoy.

Raspberry juice for the winter

If the raspberries have been in the refrigerator for 24 hours, then the following option for preparing raspberry juice with the addition of granulated sugar may be perfect.


  • Ripe chilled raspberries 200 gr.;
  • Water 200 ml;
  • Granulated sugar 50 gr.

How to prepare raspberry juice for the winter:

  1. Clean the raspberries from debris, twigs and leaves, rinse thoroughly with cold water, and place in an enamel pan.
  2. Add water to the berries in the same amount as raspberries.
  3. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil over medium heat, then reduce the heat to low.
  4. While the entire mixture cooks over low heat for ten minutes, you need to mash all the berries using a fork or a potato press.
  5. In order to obtain juice without adding sugar, you need to strain the cooked mass using a sieve or gauze, thoroughly squeezing all the contents of the liquid into a sterilized jar and roll it up.
  6. To obtain a sweet drink intended for longer storage, you need to pour the squeezed juice back into the pan and add sugar there, in a ratio of one to four, bring to a boil over low heat, stirring the liquid regularly until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.
  7. When the juice becomes a uniform consistency, that is, no grains of sugar are visible in it, you can remove it from the heat and roll it into jars. In order to immediately consume the resulting juice, you need to pour it into a container with an airtight lid and, after completely cooling, place it in the freezer. Chilled juice will bring unforgettable pleasure to all family members.

Raspberry juice for the winter

The fifth method of preparing raspberry juice will allow you to get the largest amount of the desired product, while the taste will be at the highest level.


  • Raspberries 1000 gr.;
  • Granulated sugar in a volume of 300 g;
  • 0.25 liters of water.

How to make raspberry juice:

  1. Rinse the raspberries, pre-clean them from excess components, and transfer them to a small saucepan, adding sugar and water, mix thoroughly.
  2. Place on low heat and heat to such a consistency that the juice is released from the berries and the sugar grains are completely dissolved in it.
  3. Remove from heat, without bringing to a boil, using a gauze sieve, strain the resulting mixture, squeezing out the berries as best as possible.
  4. Pour the resulting juice into pre-sterilized jars, sterilize and close with lids. Store in the dark and cool.
  5. Before use, it can be diluted with water (boiled only).

Preparing juice from assorted berries

In order to somehow diversify the taste of raspberry juice and please your loved ones with something unusual, you can prepare a drink from assorted berries.

To do this you will need:

  • Raspberries 500 gr.;
  • Currants 300 gr.;
  • Gooseberries 300 gr.;
  • Strawberries 300 gr.:
  • Apples 300 gr.;
  • Water in the amount of one liter;
  • Sugar about 400 grams.

How to make raspberry juice with different additives:

  1. Raspberries, currants, gooseberries and strawberries should initially be carefully sorted and placed in a colander, washed with running water. Place a colander in a container and wait until all the water has drained.
  2. Then you need to distribute the berries into jars in equal quantities.
  3. After washing the apples with cold water and dividing them into small slices, place them in jars in equal quantities.
  4. Water needs to be poured into a pan and boiled, then add granulated sugar and dissolve it completely. Fill the jars with berries to the top with the resulting sweet syrup from sugar.
  5. Sterilize jars at a temperature of 81-82 degrees, one-liter jars for no more than 15 minutes, half-liter jars for no more than 10 minutes. Close with sterilized lids. Store at low temperatures, protected from light.

Raspberry syrup recipe

For homemade preparations for the winter, you can make a tasty and sweet syrup from raspberries, which is diluted 1:1 with water and produces an unusually aromatic and delicious raspberry juice.

To prepare the syrup you will need:

  • 1000 grams of raspberries;
  • 1000 gr. Sahara;
  • 250 ml. water.

How to make raspberry syrup:

  1. Boil water and dissolve all the sugar in it to obtain sugar syrup.
  2. Immerse the raspberries in the resulting syrup and bring the whole mixture to a boil over medium heat.
  3. Let cool. Strain the entire liquid mass using a sieve or gauze.
  4. Pour the separated syrup into a saucepan and put on fire. Cook for five minutes at a low boil.
  5. Pour the finished syrup into sterilized jars, roll up and store.

Making raspberry juice at home

If, when preparing raspberry juice, a small amount remains, which, as they say, is neither here nor there, then a unique solution to this situation would be to prepare raspberry-apple juice.

To do this you will need:

  • Leftover freshly brewed raspberry juice;
  • Apple juice in the same quantity as raspberry juice.

How to make raspberry juice:

  1. Pour raspberry and apple juices into an enamel pan, either in equal proportions or in a ratio of 80% raspberry juice to 50% apple juice. Stir and place on low heat.
  2. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil and pour hot into sterilized jars and seal.

Raspberry juice, no matter how it is prepared, will always be a wonderful addition to any table, whether festive or ordinary. In addition, regular consumption of this product will help strengthen the body and also fight colds. Children will especially appreciate the taste of the juice.
