Cherry tomatoes for the winter with vinegar. How to preserve cherry tomatoes for the winter: the best recipes with step-by-step preparation

Cherries pickled according to this recipe are piquant and slightly spicy. Thanks to their interesting taste, they can become a worthy snack even on a holiday table. But not everyone likes spiciness, especially since pickled tomatoes love sugar. There are many other recipes for preparing sweet cherry tomatoes for the winter.

Advice: To ensure that the tomatoes retain their shape and remain elastic, make a puncture in the area of ​​the stalk.

Sweet cherries in small jars

Cooking time: 60 minutes

Number of servings: 7

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​51.8;
  • proteins – 0.8 g;
  • fats – 0.10 g;
  • carbohydrates – 12.02 g.


  • cherry tomatoes – 700 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • garlic – 15 g;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • peppercorns – 3 pcs.;
  • cloves – 1 pc.;
  • Bay leaf- 1 PC.;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Sterilize lids and jars. Wash the vegetables well.
  2. Boil water, add sugar and salt to it. Leave on the stove for another 3 minutes.
  3. Throw garlic, bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns into the bottom of the jars, then fill tightly with cherry tomatoes.
  4. Add vinegar to jars. Pour hot brine over the tomatoes, but do not roll them up.
  5. Carefully place a towel at the bottom of the pan with boiling water and place the jars on it. They should be 2/3 in water. Cover with lids. Pasteurize for 15 minutes.
  6. Carefully remove the jars. Roll up and turn over. Wrap yourself up in something warm. On the 2nd day, take it to the cellar.

Advice: When choosing tomatoes of this type, pay attention to the smell. Good cherry tomatoes have a pronounced tomato aroma - if it is weak or absent altogether, it means that the tomatoes were picked too early, and they were already ripening on the way to the store.

Knowing how to pickle cherry tomatoes can save you time because they are much easier to handle. Small tomatoes are saturated with brine much faster and will be ready for consumption in a couple of weeks. Tomatoes according to these recipes turn out juicy and spicy - just right for a snack. Your guests will certainly appreciate them.

Cherry tomatoes do not differ much from ordinary tomatoes in taste, but they have a miniature size, which is why they have become so popular.

They are convenient to use on sandwiches, put in various snacks and salads, and, of course, canned.

The small size allows the fruits to marinate faster, save space in the jar and just look beautiful.

And, of course, the main advantage of miniature fruits is the ability to use small containers.

Cherry tomatoes for the winter - general principles of preparation

Preserving miniature cherry tomatoes is not much different from preparing ordinary tomatoes, but there are still some features. If big tomatoes you can pour boiling water over them several times to steam them, then the cherry tomatoes from such procedures can simply deteriorate, burst and lose beautiful view. Dense, moderately ripe vegetables are used for preservation. Various spices and herbs are also added: salt, pepper, sugar, cloves, mustard. And vegetables: bell peppers, carrots, garlic, cucumbers. All ingredients must be thoroughly washed and dried.

General cooking principle:

1. Preparing containers. We wash and sterilize the jars. We treat the lids with boiling water.

2. Preparation of ingredients. Tomatoes and herbs need to be washed, garlic, peppers and onions peeled, cut if necessary.

3. Bookmark in a jar. We pack everything tightly, trying to fill the space as much as possible. After steaming it will become much larger.

4. Steaming. A jar of vegetables is filled with boiling water, left for 10-20 minutes, and the water is poured into a saucepan.

5. Cooking the brine/marinade. Add more liquid to the drained water until the volume is even, then add spices. Everything is boiled for 2-3 minutes after boiling.

6. Finishing fill. The jars are filled with boiling brine, vinegar is added and everything is immediately covered with lids.

7. Sunset. We close the covers with a key and tighten the screws.

Next, the workpiece needs to be turned over on its neck, covered with something warm (a blanket, an old coat) and left until it cools completely. We put the jars in the basement and after two or three months you can take the first sample.

Recipe 1: Spiced cherry tomatoes for the winter with onions and plums

A very beautiful preparation of cherry tomatoes for the winter. In addition to tomatoes, plums and small onions, the size of quail egg, which impart a piquant taste and incomparable aroma. We will preserve it in small jars, which need to be sterilized in advance. This amount of products should yield 3 jars of 0.5 liters each.

0.2 kg of small onions;

1 tbsp. l. Italian herbs;

Garlic, cloves, dill umbrellas, peppercorns.

1. Place dill umbrellas on the bottom of the prepared jars, throw in one clove, a little peppercorn and a pinch of Italian herbs.

2. Remove the stems from the tomatoes and wash them. Peel the onion, divide the plums in half and remove the seeds.

3. Place all the ingredients in jars, alternating between each other.

4. Pour boiling water, cover with lids and let brew for a quarter of an hour.

5. Pour the water into a saucepan, bring it to 1 liter, and place it on the stove. Add salt and sugar and boil for 3 minutes.

6. Pour in vinegar, mix and pour brine into the tomatoes under the neck, roll up using a key.

Recipe 2: Cherry tomatoes for the winter in their own juice with aspirin

More precisely, in the juice of ordinary tomatoes. For this preparation, you can use freshly squeezed juice or previously canned juice, special significance does not have. We will preserve at half-time liter jars, instead of vinegar, add an aspirin tablet to each.

800-900 grams of cherry tomatoes;

3 aspirin tablets.

1. Place cherry tomatoes in boiling water for a minute, then pour cold water from the tap. We remove the skin. You can preserve it with it, but this way the product turns out more tender and tastier.

2. Place the cherry tomatoes into jars.

3. Pour boiling water and let stand for 5 minutes, then drain the water and throw an aspirin tablet into each container.

4. If fresh tomatoes are used for juice, they need to be twisted and boiled for 15 minutes. If you take ready-made juice, then simply pour it into a saucepan and boil for 5-10 minutes, do not forget to add salt. If the juice is sour or tasteless, you can add a little sugar or citric acid.

5. Fill the prepared cherry fruits with tomato mixture and roll up.

Recipe 3: Cherry tomatoes for the winter in apple sauce

To prepare such cherry tomatoes for the winter you will need natural Apple juice or purchased, but in cans; a packaged product will not work. Calculation of products per liter jar.

How much cherry will fit into the jar;

0.5 l apple juice;

1 teaspoon of vinegar;

A level spoon of salt;

1.5 spoons of sugar;

3 cloves of garlic;

Greens and dill, optional.

1. Cut the bell pepper vertically into strips. Peel the garlic and place it in the bottom of a sterile jar.

2. Pour in the washed and stemmed cherry tomatoes and insert strips of pepper along the edges.

3. Pour boiling water, cover with a lid and set aside while you prepare the filling.

4. Pour apple juice into a saucepan, add salt and sugar, boil for 2-3 minutes.

5. Drain the water from the tomatoes, pour in boiling juice, add vinegar and roll up.

Recipe 4: Cherry tomatoes for the winter “Sugar”

The recipe is very delicious tomatoes cherry for the winter. Like their larger brothers, small tomatoes also love sugar and the more of it in the marinade, the better.

300 grams of sugar;

8 cloves of garlic;

6 peppercorns;

Dill umbrellas, currant leaves.

1. Wash and dry the cherry tomatoes, pierce each tomato with a toothpick near the stalk so that the skin does not burst and the fruit remains intact.

2. Peel the garlic, pour boiling water over the currant leaves and place everything at the bottom of sterile jars.

3. Add the tomatoes and pour boiling water over them. Leave for 10 minutes covered.

4. Drain the water, bring the quantity to two liters and put it on the stove. Add salt and sugar and boil for 3 minutes, add vinegar and stir.

5. Throw peppercorns into the jars, pour boiling brine over the tomatoes and immediately close with a key.

6. Turn it upside down, cover it with a warm blanket and keep it until it cools completely.

Recipe 5: Honey cherry tomatoes for the winter with garlic without vinegar

Honey tomatoes have unusual taste and an incomparable aroma, and the brine flies out of the jar very first. The recipe requires sterilization. From this amount of products you should get two liter jars of the product.

6-8 garlic cloves;

4 peppercorns;

1. First of all, remove the stems of the tomatoes, wash them, and let them dry.

2. Scald the dill with boiling water and put it in jars, add bay leaves and peppercorns.

3. Peel the garlic cloves and cut into long pieces.

4. Pierce each tomato with a piece of garlic and throw it into the jar. You need to fill the container to the top.

5. Boil a liter of water, add salt, honey and pour in the tomatoes. Cover with lids.

6. Place in a pan on a cloth, pour hot water and sterilize the jars for 15 minutes.

7. Take out and roll up, cool upside down.

Recipe 6: Pickled cherry tomatoes for the winter “Mustard”

To prepare vigorous cherry tomatoes for the winter you will need dry mustard, spices and quite a bit of free time. A simple recipe, no heat treatment. Water is needed clean, filtered or spring. The quantity of products is designed for a three-liter jar; it may take a little less or more tomatoes, depending on their size and packing density.

20 grams of dry mustard;

Hot pepper pod;

How much garlic will it take?

Horseradish leaves, dill umbrella, bay leaf, herbs as desired.

You will also need a small piece of cotton fabric, which must be steamed or ironed in advance.

1. Peel the garlic and cut into long pieces.

2. We pierce the tomatoes with garlic sticks, it is advisable to do this near the stalk.

3. Distribute herbs and spices at the bottom of a sterile container, place hot pepper cut into thin strips.

4. Place cherry tomatoes with garlic; if desired, you can layer them with herbs and horseradish leaves. We place the tomatoes just above the hangers; there is no need to fill the jar to the very top.

5. Dissolve sugar and salt in a glass of purified water, pour into a jar.

6. Fill with filtered water, pour mustard powder on top, place the prepared cloth and also lightly powder with mustard.

7. Leave the jar in a warm place for a week, then close it with a tight lid and put it in the basement for two weeks.

Recipe 7: Cherry tomatoes for the winter in vinegar in English

An unusual recipe for preparing mini tomatoes in vinegar. The British like these “Pickles” with a pronounced sour taste and a unique aroma. In general, it makes a wonderful snack for strong drinks. It is better to store such a preparation in the refrigerator, where the cherry tomatoes will definitely stay until spring and nothing will happen to them. We cook in small jars, preferably with a screw-on lid.

A small bunch of rosemary.

1. Wash and dry the cherry tomatoes. Rinse the rosemary.

2. Place tomatoes and herbs in a jar, add peppercorns.

3. Boil vinegar and salt and cool.

4. Pour in the tomatoes and screw on the lid.

5. Put it in the refrigerator for storage; you can take a sample after a month.

Recipe 8: Cherry tomatoes for the winter in Mediterranean oil

There are similar recipes in Italian cuisine, and they are prepared on the basis of sun-dried tomatoes. This appetizer is made with fresh cherry tomatoes. Use better olive oil, preferably direct spin. You also need to stock up on dried oregano spice; without it, the preparation will not turn out the same.

0.3 kg cherry tomatoes;

1 hour spoon of oregano;

5 basil leaves;

1 spoon of wine or apple cider vinegar;

1. Place washed and dried basil leaves in a jar, and add processed cherry tomatoes and onions cut into thin rings.

2. Pour in the oregano.

3. Mix salt and vinegar and place in a jar.

4. Fill everything with oil to the brim. Cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator for at least two months.

5. Then we take it out and use it with Italian mozzarella or just like that.

Recipe 9: Cherry tomatoes for the winter with gherkins

What could be more charming than an assortment of vegetables made from miniature tomatoes and equally small cucumbers? This preparation looks beautiful not only in a jar, but also on the table. Miniature vegetables can be used to decorate cold cuts, sandwiches, and salads. We take the amount of vegetables to your taste, you can divide them equally, take more cherry tomatoes or gherkins. You can also use any jars, but up to one liter is better.

Yellow and red pepper;

To put in a jar: parsley, horseradish leaf, garlic, dill umbrella, peppercorns.

Add vinegar at the rate of 1 teaspoon of essence per liter jar.

1. Remove the stalks from the cherry tomatoes, rinse and dry on a towel.

2. We also wash the gherkins, cut off the tails on both sides with a knife and send them to dry. If the cucumbers are stale, then you need to pre-soak them for 3-4 hours. During this time, change the water a couple of times.

3. Rinse the horseradish and other greens and place them at the bottom of the jar. Add garlic and peppercorns to taste.

4. Peel the peppers and cut them into rings or strips. Carrots in thin slices.

5. Place cherry tomatoes with gherkins in jars, arrange multi-colored pieces of peppers and carrot slices. It is advisable to do this along the walls of the jar, it will be more beautiful.

6. Fill the filled containers with boiling water and, as usual, leave for 10-15 minutes.

7. Drain the water, boil again and add spices, boil for a minute.

8. Fill the preparation, add vinegar under the lid and roll it up. Let cool by turning it upside down.

Recipe 10: Spicy cherry tomatoes for the winter with carrot tops

To preserve hot cherry tomatoes for the winter, you will need capsicums, red or green. Red is spicier, so you can take a little less of it. Fresh carrot tops are also placed in the jar, giving the preparation a special taste. If desired, you can add thin rings of the carrots themselves.

A bunch of carrot tops;

2 spicy pods;

6 cloves of garlic.

Vinegar at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter jar.

1. Wash the cherry tomatoes and tops and leave to dry.

2. Cut the spicy pods into thin rings; it is better to work with peppers while wearing gloves.

3. Peel the garlic and cut each clove in half.

4. Place tomatoes in jars and add layers carrot tops, sprinkle with pepper rings and garlic.

5. Fill with boiling water, drain after 10 minutes.

6. Cook the brine from the drained water, brought to two liters. Add salt and sugar.

7. Fill the hot cherry tomatoes, add the essence and roll up the jars.

To prevent the tomatoes from cracking when pouring hot brine, you can pierce them in several places in advance. This technique will also allow the fruits to marinate faster and shorten the pickling time many times over.

If you need to insert pieces of garlic into cherry tomatoes, it is better to make a hole with a sharp knife directly in the stalk, and then insert a piece there. This will not only make the loading process easier, but will also keep the tomatoes looking beautiful and retain the juice inside.

A large amount of spices and herbs overshadows the aroma of tomatoes, so you don’t need to put everything you can find in the house. If you don’t like a spice in a recipe, you can always exclude it or change it to your favorite one.

If you don’t have fresh horseradish leaves, you can add peeled pieces of the root to the jar of tomatoes.

Peppercorns, bay leaves and clove stars fully reveal their aroma only during storage. Therefore, there is no need to overuse these spices, otherwise the brine will acquire an overly intrusive aroma and may even taste bitter.

Pickling cherry tomatoes almost completely repeats known recipes for canning ordinary varieties of tomatoes. – the process is not at all difficult if you have already mastered traditional recipes preparing preparations for the winter.

To make it very tasty pickling cherry tomatoes, recipe must be observed, trying to add the right amount of spices to the marinade, because only then the pickles will turn out truly tasty.

We will need two kilograms of cherry tomatoes, if we take into account that the weight of one fruit fluctuates at the level of 20-25 grams, then two kilograms will contain enough berries to make several jars. If you have the opportunity to buy multi-colored fruits, then be sure to choose red, yellow and pink tomatoes, which will look very beautiful in a jar and will become a real decoration for the holiday table.

You also need to prepare a head of garlic, about 100 grams rock salt(not iodized), bay leaf, several sprigs of cilantro, celery greens, peppercorns (black and allspice).

First, let's prepare the brine; to do this, mix salt with one and a half liters of water, add peeled garlic cloves and a few peppercorns. Cook for a few minutes, stirring until the salt dissolves completely. When the brine is ready, it must be removed from the heat and left to cool.

The tomatoes must be washed, then placed in a deep saucepan with boiling salted water and blanched for about a minute. Then catch all the fruits with a slotted spoon and let the water drain.

Garlic should be cut into large pieces. Then you need to prepare the jars: put a bay leaf and a few sprigs of celery on the bottom. Place cherry tomatoes on top, pour in brine. If desired, you can place a cilantro leaf on top of the jar. They are salted for seven days; they must be kept at room temperature. And then it must be stored in a cold place - a refrigerator or cellar.

Recipes for pickling cherry tomatoes

If you are lost in options, what could be pickling cherry tomatoes, recipe with photo should clear all your doubts. Every year, cherry tomatoes are increasingly added to various dishes; these vegetables are used to prepare salads, snacks and other dishes. Now many people grow cherry tomatoes even on their personal plots, that is why the question arose: what recipes to choose for preparing these fruits for the winter.

And it is not at all necessary to prepare cherry tomatoes in large three-liter jars, because it is more convenient to preserve them in liter jars and open them as soon as you want to diversify your lunch menu with savory pickles.

You can choose any recipe for canning tomatoes that you like: with mint, with grapes, with cilantro, with honey, and replace regular tomatoes with miniature cherry ones.

For the first recipe for aromatic cherry tomatoes, you need to take several kilos of tomatoes, onions, parsley and celery, allspice peas, dill umbrellas, black currant leaves, hot pepper pods, garlic cloves, a horseradish leaf or a piece of root. For one liter of water you need to take three spoons of apple cider vinegar, one and a half spoons of salt and two spoons of sugar, three bay leaves. From these ingredients you need to prepare a marinade for pouring, and then your tomatoes will turn out very juicy and piquant.

The jars must be sterilized and the lids boiled for several minutes. Greens can also be scalded with boiling water, or they can be thoroughly rinsed with running water. In each jar you need to put a couple of allspice peas, a clove of garlic, a piece of hot pepper, after removing the seeds. You also need to put an umbrella of dill, celery, parsley, a piece of horseradish or half a horseradish leaf, and 2-3 currant leaves in the jar.

For preservation, it is advisable to choose cherry tomatoes that are still almost ripe, but it is not recommended to take overripe ones; they can turn into mush.

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan, bring the marinade to a boil, stirring until all the grains of salt and sugar dissolve. Pour hot brine into the jars and leave for 15 minutes. Then the water must be drained, brought to a boil again, add vinegar and cloves, and fill the jars again. Roll up iron lids and turn it over, be sure to additionally wrap it in a blanket.

Pickling cherry tomatoes: recipe

Recipes for pickling cherry tomatoes with chili pepper are very popular, because such small spicy berries will become great snack for a festive feast, but children also love pickles. Of course, it is not recommended for children to add sharp ingredients to preserves. Therefore, you can pay attention to the “sugar” recipe. For it you will need two kilos of cherry tomatoes, a couple of glasses of granulated sugar, 4-5 peas of allspice, six cloves of garlic, stems and umbrellas of dill, a couple of spoons of salt, a couple of spoons of mustard seeds, two bay leaves.

Can be supplemented with carrot slices, bell pepper, onion rings, it all depends on your taste preferences.


Miniature cherry tomatoes are in great demand due to their taste and small size. And today, many people are interested in pickling cherry tomatoes for the winter, thanks to which you can enjoy your favorite vegetables all year round.

Pickling cherry tomatoes for the winter is very easy if you have a good recipe on hand. And today we will tell you how to cook amazing-tasting tomatoes quickly and easily.


  • 2 kg of cherry tomatoes, it is preferable to take multi-colored ones;
  • garlic;
  • salt – 100 g;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • a bunch of cilantro and celery;
  • pepper in the form of peas.

First of all, you need to prepare suitable fruits for pickling - they should be strong, medium in size, without damage- only in this case will you be able to prepare salted tomatoes for the winter that are truly delicious. Let's move on to salting.

For this we need:

  • tomatoes;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • pepper;
  • parsley with celery;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a few horseradish leaves.

To prepare a liter of marinade, take:

  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 3 l. vinegar (6%);
  • 2 l. salt and sugar,
  • cloves

First, we sterilize the jars, not forgetting to boil the lids, and thoroughly rinse the prepared greens.

We put prepared spices and herbs into jars for pickling. We also wash the cherry tomatoes, carefully pierce them with a needle and place them in containers, covering the tomatoes with the remaining herbs on top.

After this, prepare the marinade: pour water into a suitable saucepan, wait until it boils and pour brine over the cherry tomatoes, then leave our pickles for about 15 minutes, then pour all the liquid back into the saucepan. Add sugar and salt to the mixture and boil again, pour in vinegar, add spices. After spilling the marinade, roll up the jars, turn them over and wrap them in a towel for several hours. After this, you can serve the appetizer to the table.

Agree, the recipes for making pickled cherry tomatoes are practically no different from the recipes for.

If you are planning a special event in a couple of days, then this recipe will delight your guests. Salting cherry tomatoes for the winter is extremely fast.
