We celebrate March 8th in the women's team.

There is already a barely perceptible aroma of spring in the air, the sun is shining brighter and warmer. On these very first days of spring, we celebrate International Women's Day. How to fill it with joy and smiles? How to make your beloved women feel like queens? You'll have to work hard!

Gather all male employees and arrange a secret meeting. Most likely, it will turn out that each of them will be able to decorate the upcoming holiday in one way or another with their skills. Some are great cooks, some can play the guitar, some write poetry, and some always and everywhere create around them. good mood and is known as the life of the party. Everything, even the most the slightest help it will come in handy.

“The theater begins with a coat rack...” Let bright holiday surprises greet beautiful women already in the foyer.

Bouquet of wishes.
Place a large vase filled with roses in your foyer. This bouquet will be the first surprise and a spectacular start to the holiday. You will need a large vase, roses according to the number of representatives of the fair sex, writing paper, a pen (preferably a fountain pen), a satin ribbon and your imagination. Pleasant wishes or predictions are written on small leaves, the leaves are rolled into a tube, beautifully tied with a satin ribbon and tied to the stem of a flower. Bouquet good wishes ready!

Holiday calendar.
Collect the most in advance beautiful pictures employees, divide each one into a month of birth and make a large desk calendar. You can compose the photos yourself, or you can order this service from a printing house. Add beautiful poems about lovely women for each month, and you will have a wonderful exclusive gift!

Full of dignity and mystery
Hidden emotions and love.
The eyes sometimes look sad,
Sometimes they shine like lights.
You conquer without a word,
And we are at your feet again.
Born in the middle of a harsh winter -
God sent us to give warmth.

Among frosts and snowstorms
You appeared on Earth.
About this joy drops
Soon they started singing in the yard.
February – between cold and sun
Winter's last trump card.
How can you not love him to the core?
After all, you were born in February!

They came and melted away the winter
With a warm heart and a dream.
Surrounded with care and affection
And inspired by beauty.
The gait is light and secret -
Anyone is ready for heroic deeds!
You transform us instantly
In loving March cats.

WITH light soul,
With a bright smile, -
You have become the most
Great gift!
The sun in April
It's shining brighter
After all, you and him are together -
Anyone will answer.

Nature wakes up in May,
Breathes from the chest huge Earth.
By your appearance, we know
The nightingale's trill became the best.
The flowers sighed with you,
Smiled at the radiant eyes.
You brought summer back to us in our souls
And for this – thank you!

Like a butterfly on the palm,
Your smile is light.
You are here and already, like a cat,
She left on her own.
There is courage and mystery in the eyes -
You won't be able to pass by.
It is not by chance that you shine -
Keep your childhood inside.

In your eyes summer heat
Once you take a look, you won't be able to look away.
In the midst of the bustle of the world
They were able to remain desired.
With your love and care
We were all surrounded endlessly.
And there is no one dearer
You won us over by playing.

On the last threshold of summer
The stranger appeared to be beautiful.
It is no coincidence that the soul is warmed
Your gaze is languid and passionate.
You are multifaceted and dreamy,
You fly high in the clouds.
You are wonderful and wonderful
We love you! You know that.

Sometimes magical and golden,
Thoughtful and wonderful
We celebrate the birth of the one
Which is so cheerful and lovely.
Shines with talents, has a light soul,
You shine brightly like a star!
And for us, in this life for sure
You don't need another gift.

Time takes its course
It goes forward - hour after hour.
Sometimes a difficult burden
You carry it - we know you.
Solving difficulties with a smile,
You illuminate our century,
Wonderful, strong, kind, glorious,
Our beloved man!

The first frosts
There's a rustling sound underfoot -
The wind blows the leaves
A rustling heap.
And there is joy everywhere -
You were born!
A wonderful fairy tale
You have opened up for us.

Ending the year
Starting winter
Born in December
You came knowing
That fate sometimes
It can be difficult
From love in an instant
All problems melt away.

Decorate the banquet hall with bright helium balloons and flower arrangements and arrange a soulful “Bachelorette Party” with poems, congratulations, guitar or karaoke songs, fun competitions and dances. Believe me, such an informal party will not only bring joy to beautiful ladies, but will also greatly unite your team.

International Women's Day March 8 is a holiday that has been very popular in our country since Soviet times. Perhaps this is due to the fact that this day, despite the initial political overtones, remained outside of politics, or maybe because it is the first spring holiday. One way or another, everyone loves March 8th.

And they start early: in the office, at the workplace, this is where the first congratulations or toasts to women are heard, and sometimes teams organize real corporate holidays dedicated to this event. We would like to offer ideas for scenarios for March 8th, this wonderful spring holiday, with a small remark, in women's team.

Idea No. 1. Scenario March 8 in the women's group "Eight girls, one me.."

Perhaps some of you are familiar with this situation: the spring holiday is gaining momentum, men are running through the streets with armfuls of flowers to congratulate their employees, and you, a cheerful chirping flock, are organizing a holiday for yourself, pleasing the only man who adds a little masculine gallantry on your bachelorette party. Of course, our lovely women do not suffer particularly about this, and yet...

The scenario brought to your attention on March 8 in the women's group “Eight Girls, One Me” was created exclusively for such a situation. Actually, such a clear distribution of women and men is not at all necessary. According to this scenario, you can hold a party in a more colorful company, but in in this case There is only one male representative.

Hints for the presenter are in italics, or, as in this case, The presenter.

It is assumed that there is one male individual, for example Pyotr Petrovich.

Presenter: My dear colleagues, comrades-in-arms and friends! It just so happened that on weekdays and on all our holidays, you and I bear a heavy burden both for ourselves and for that guy. If it were not for the respected and beloved Pyotr Petrovich by all of us, one would feel like absolute Amazons. Of course, female society is pleasant and even useful: our communication enriches us not only professional knowledge, but also practical advice on household tasks, or issues of raising children... and men, who, in essence, are also our children.

But, to be honest, female company sometimes gradually spoils our family relationships, and even leads to a dead end. And we start crying into each other’s vests and complaining about how “all men are s...!” I didn't say that's what the series is called.

And today, strange as it may seem, I would like to talk not about us women, but about those who sometimes, oh, get it inside these walls. Today is our holiday, and we have the right to choose any topic for conversation, and Petr Petrovich will forgive us in honor of such a day?!

So, the first competition with which we will open our festive evening:

The first contest "The Man of My Dreams"

Presenter: Dear ladies, in our first competition you are invited to draw a portrait of the man of your dreams. You will not need paints, the portrait will be verbal, but there will be additional conditions.

The story should describe:

external features,

inner world

and... stomach. Sorry, taste preferences.

The competition is held: The participants take turns talking about their ideal men. The wittiest one wins.

Presenter: You see, my dears, we ourselves don’t know what we want. Either our demands are too high, or our logic is truly feminine. And how can a man deal with all this, let alone live up to it?

But since we are so smart, let's prove that our claims to the ideal are fully justified, and that there will be ideal man not difficult at all. Moreover, it is very useful not only for us personally, but also for him. After all, you and I know what is good and what is bad, men, with their straightforward thinking, cannot always see the bright goal behind the next turn of the winding path. So, given... No, before announcing the conditions of the task, a small intermediate competition.

Competition "Beautiful Galatea" or "Body Swap"

Presenter: Now we will be holding a Pygmalion competition - you, my dear beauties, receive the honorary but temporary title of man, knight, gentleman, macho, etc.

The presenter can distribute the details to the participants men's restroom. The easiest way is to provide everyone with ties.

Our, or rather your hero, is a creative person. And like any creative person, she, that is, he, and to be absolutely precise, each of you has your own dream, ideal. And now you are creating one. The competition for the title of best Pygmalion is open. Unfortunately, we only have one model. Therefore, everyone will have the right to one single blow on this piece of marble. Remember what Michelangelo said: “I take a piece of marble and cut off all that is unnecessary.” With us, everything will be exactly the opposite. Because women, unlike sculptors, need a lot of extra things.

Well, our Beautiful Lady is ready, now you, my dear knights, will have to win her heart. At the end of our evening, Galatea will definitely name the best.

A competition is being held

After Galatea is ready, competitions begin, which are judged by the newly-minted “woman” - Galatea (more precisely, our respected, transformed Pyotr Petrovich, in case anyone has forgotten). And women playing the role of men become the main subjects.

Quiz Woman from “A” to “Z”

Presenter: And we will start with “trifles”, important and not so important for any woman. Whoever gives the most correct answers in the quiz will receive a prize.

(The presenter asks a question, each time giving a token to the participant who was the first to give the correct answer; the winner is the one who gets greatest number tokens)

A - an ethereal creature with wings or a very kind woman (Angel).

B - best friends girls, this... (Diamonds).

B - an elegant piece of fabric that can turn a woman into a beautiful stranger (Veil).

G - fur worthy of decorating shoulders luxury woman (Ermine).

D - the head decoration of any princess (Diadem).

E - the name of the first woman (Eve).

Yo is a ballet in which no decent woman would dare to appear. (Yoperny).

F is a weakness that the most cannot resist strong men (Femininity).

Z - an animal with which a woman who has annoyed her with something is compared (Snake).

And - the style chosen by the woman (Image).

Y is a medicine that is in home medicine cabinet any woman (Iodine).

K - this makes a woman’s gait attractive and irresistible (Heel).

L - how can a woman heal without medication? (Caress).

M is the main purpose of a woman (Motherhood, mom).

N - this protects delicate female fingers while sewing (Thimble).

O - it is his woman who creates, stores and protects (Family hearth).

P - the best ballerina of the theater (Prima).

R - relationships into which a woman deeply in love enters (Novel).

S - one of the brightest and most desirable events in the life of every girl (Wedding).

U - what does a woman provide for her man? (Cosiness).

F - food perfect for love games (Fruits).

X - what is the name of a dish made from frozen meat broth? (Aspic).

C - women are ready to receive both on holidays and on weekdays (Flowers).

Ch - a spice that prevents infections and kisses (Garlic).

Sh - it warms, and, having received it as a gift, a woman’s soul is thrilled (Fur coat).

Shch - a traditional dish of Russian cuisine (Shchi cabbage soup).

E - impressionable women do not know how to restrain... (Emotions).

Yu is a very attractive purely feminine piece of clothing (Skirt).

I - as the 45-year-old birthday girl is jokingly called (Berry).

(The winner is awarded a prize)

After this competition, the participants seem to speak on behalf of men. And you can sequentially hold competitions with them:

Poetry competition "Madrigal"

Competition "Romeo"

Then, based on the results of the competition, the “newly-minted “woman” - Galatea” (Petr Petrovich) will solemnly announce the winner and encourage all participants. And it will be especially good if at this moment he says a beautiful toast in honor of all the ladies present on behalf of the man.

Idea No. 2. Scenario March 8 in the women's group "Well, girls, little by little!?"

The second option for holding a holiday in a women’s company may be a “purely female” one, in which the heroes of the occasion, on the contrary, will be happy to talk about their favorite topics: fashion, beauty, men and, most importantly, about their beautiful and unique selves. And if, at the same time, there is a small number of men present, then let them participate with pleasure or... do not interfere.

- If there are men at the holiday, then the host can start the holiday like this:

Presenter: Good evening, dear men (if they are at the holiday), Despite the fact that each of you is of special value, each exclusive is worth its weight in gold, today’s holiday is dedicated not to you, but to the beautiful and dangerous, weak and persistent, beautiful and sweet, mysterious and unpredictable... women! Therefore, the topic of our conversations and competitions will be fashion, beauty, and our relationships with men.

- If there are no men, then this:

Presenter: Good evening, dear ladies! It so happens that we are celebrating this wonderful holiday with you in wonderful company, and therefore I propose to spend it the way we want, chat about our favorite topics and have fun from the heart!

( First toast: Congratulations on the coming of spring and the first spring holiday! Love to you, joy, bright impressions and unfading youth!)

Game "Appeal to Men"

Presenters: Dear friends, let’s admit, no matter how hard we try not to talk about it, it’s still a little annoying to celebrate a holiday without men?! I propose to write a message to the male half of humanity right here and right now, so that the Universe will hear us and send its representatives to our collective. So, let's start with adjectives, what adjectives do you think of first when you think of the word “man”?

(The ladies name the adjectives, the presenter writes them one by one into the missing places of a pre-prepared template, then solemnly reads out what happened. It sounds quite funny, because the names, as a rule, are either very flattering, or, on the contrary)

Approximate request template

"……….our men, ……….friends, ……..colleagues and……..defenders. Today, on this…….day and ……….holiday, we want to declare that we really need you! And we want you to be there every......day and every......night, surrounding us with your......care,......attention and......love, giving us......flowers,......compliments and... .....gifts. Know that only your......looks and......hugs make us truly happy.......men, we love you!


(Second toast)

Comic music game"Between Us Girls"

Quiz “Fairytale fashionistas”

Role-playing fairy tale "Let's do it a little bit"

Musical game “My light, tell me the mirror”

Idea No. 3. Theme party scenario

The third option for holding a spring holiday in a women's group could be the idea of ​​a themed party. In order not to feel discomfort about the fact that there are no male colleagues with you on such a holiday, it is best to organize a holiday that has nothing to do with a purely female theme and enjoy immersing yourself in another era or reality. Choose a topic: fairy tale, cinema, 19th century, hats, coffee, etc. and spend the entire evening in the style of the chosen plot - it will be exciting, educational, and original.

International Women's Day is not only a day off, but also an excellent reason to hold both a corporate event and thematic team building the day before. Find out how to make them interesting in this ELLE review.

In the office

The most obvious answer to the question of where to celebrate March 8th with your team is in the office. Usually in this case, responsibility for the festivities falls on the male half. It all depends on the established traditions in the team, financial capabilities and the imagination of the men of the team. The main thing is to choose the right scenario; they can be found in abundance on the Internet by searching “how to celebrate March 8th in the office.” It would also be useful to one day, in a conversation with colleagues, agree that since we have gathered, we need to congratulate all women, and not just those we like.

pros: Most easy way bring everyone together, low financial costs, time saving

Minuses: The formality of the celebration; short breaks for congratulations will only distract you from important matters, and the office, no matter how you decorate it, will always be a place where the main thing is work.

At the restaurant

Having a festive lunch in a cafe near work is more interesting option compared to the office. In addition, many restaurants and cafes make special offers a few days before the holiday.

Pros: If you are the organizer yourself, you can invite only those you want; informal atmosphere promotes pleasant communication

Minuses: More expensive option; colleagues who are not invited to your feast may be offended; the holiday may drag on, so it’s better not to plan anything for this day

Bachelorette party at the bar

Even more radical way celebrate March 8th with the team. You should agree to it only if the company you are invited to consists of trusted people - in front of whom you won’t have to blush after the festivities. An extreme option is to spend an evening at a nightclub for women - only for the bravest.

Pros: A stormy evening in pleasant company - the most The best way celebrate International Women's Day

Minuses: The risk of overdoing it with alcohol and all the subsequent troubles: from careless statements to headaches the next morning.

In the SPA or in the bathhouse

Going to the spa with colleagues on March 8 is an ideal option for a team that has been through thick and thin. copper pipes, with all that it implies. And for newcomers it’s a great opportunity to quickly join the team.

pros: Some establishments have special offers for this holiday, so many programs can be very profitable; a day with colleagues, well promotes informal communication, which has a good effect on team spirit

Minuses: Not suitable for shy people; will take almost a whole day

Arrange a quest

The most relevant way to hold corporate events recent years. There are many options: from escaping from a makeshift prison to waking up in a locked room on a bed with a stranger and subsequent adventures.

Pros: A fashionable hobby, a sea of ​​emotions, an opportunity to break away from gadgets and use ingenuity and dexterity

Minuses: The need to bring everyone together right time and the right place, the need to book the game in advance; demonstration in extreme situation your real self.

In the country

A great way for teams where long years work, an almost family relationship developed. In such teams, employees are usually friends with families, so it would be quite appropriate to invite colleagues to come with their husbands, wives and even children. With proper display of imagination on the part of the owners, the holiday can be very interesting and will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

Pros: The opportunity to see (or show) how colleagues live; new impressions from the trip, an opportunity to lift up in an informal atmosphere important questions and talk face to face.

Minuses: The inability to quickly and quietly take leave, long preparations for the hosts, time spent on travel, the need to spend the whole day

At karaoke

A more varied version of going to a bar. Almost all establishments on holidays have special playlists with “The Empress” and “Young Lieutenant” by Allegrova, “I’m Losing” by Uspenskaya and other folk hits. However, if you wish, you can also find more sophisticated options - selections from Christina Aguilera's Hurt or Beyoncé's Halo.

Pros: Same as a bachelorette party in a bar, but more fun

Minuses: Karaoke is not entertainment for everyone. It requires a certain love for music (and in particular for the works of domestic stars) and a special mood. Without these two factors, for an unprepared person, going to such an institution risks becoming torture.

In aquapark

Usually to International women's day water parks organize special programs with competitions, drawings and evening disco, designed for family holiday. However, if you work in large company, you can invite management to arrange a full-fledged seasonal aqua-corporate party for all employees by ordering special program on this day.

Pros: Lots of water activities, including extreme ones, and therapeutic programs.

Minuses: Full day lesson; it is difficult to gather the entire team; long road to the water park, which are often located on the outskirts; the need to take a “beach kit” with you; On holidays there may be queues for rides

At the training

Most often, trainings for March 8 are given as gifts business partners as a corporate gift. Their topics can be varied: from “Lady in Business or Women’s Path to Success” to “How to Attract the Man of Your Dreams.”

Pros: Training from good coach will always be beneficial. With the right life position, it always promotes personal and professional growth. And with the proper imagination of the organizers, it can become a full-fledged alternative to office banquets.

Minuses: Only the best trainers can conduct an interesting training that would keep the audience in good shape throughout the entire lesson. Therefore, when planning to attend a corporate training received as a gift, read reviews about it on the Internet.

to the cinema

Going to the cinema with a small group of women at the end of the last working day before the holidays is not so bad idea. The main thing is to choose the right movie (preferably not those that are filmed specifically for March 8) and buy a large batch of popcorn.

Pros: inexpensive; no purchasing or preparation; the opportunity to imagine ourselves as the heroines of “Sex in big city"(if you have a female company),

Minuses: the need to “organize” colleagues, choose a film that will suit everyone, it is not a fact that after the session everyone will be happy.

If congratulations to mothers, girls, grandmothers and wives are increasingly clear and sincere, then you will have to think about congratulations from colleagues. After all, it should be moderately touching, but at the same time within the framework of formality. In this article you will find congratulations and gift ideas for those whom you see every working morning over a cup of coffee.

March 8 gifts for colleagues

Pens, boring sets of domestic cosmetics, boxes of chocolates. All this, of course, is wonderful, but the degree of banality of such gifts is off the charts. Let's try to pay attention to new ideas - what if we like them?

  • Creative USB hub. This option is an excellent answer to the question of what to give to colleagues on March 8th. Agree, the thing will definitely come in handy in almost any modern office. Such a device will certainly come in handy for those who lack ports. We just kindly ask: do not buy the boring gray version. Today in online stores you can find a lot of colored USB hubs: pink, with pictures, themed.

  • USB heated mug. An original and truly necessary gift. Do you often see a mug of cold tea or coffee on your colleagues’ desk? Then this is the perfect gift!

  • Interior stickers. Another cool gift idea for colleagues on March 8th. Many of our colleagues spend most of the day in the office, which means the atmosphere and surrounding space should be as comfortable as possible. A stylish interior sticker will be a hit - the ladies will appreciate it!

  • Wireless flexible keyboard. The thing is not cheap, but very cool. This gift is perfect for a female leader who is often away for meetings. In addition, you can take this keyboard with you on business trips. photo 6 Original author's diary. Also a gift for the boss: she will definitely smile when she sees such a notebook! It is unlikely that you will use it, but a good mood is definitely guaranteed.

  • Original tablet holder. A very useful and fairly affordable gift. There can be a lot of models of such a holder! We offer a holder in the shape of a spider - it looks stylish and at the same time quite strict.

Attention: gifts that should never be given!

First of all, you should not give gifts that somehow hint at women's shortcomings. We say a strict “no” to anti-dandruff shampoos, anti-blackhead lotions, anti-cellulite creams, scales and anti-wrinkle creams.

The second category of unwanted gifts is kitchenware sets. For example, frying pans, pots, plates. Anything that has anything to do with cooking is immediately discarded. We only accept elegant sets of coffee or tea cups.

The next category is clothing. You are unlikely to guess the size, model, brand. Why experiment? Moreover, giving clothes to colleagues is completely inappropriate - it is a sign of bad taste. By the way, the same applies to perfumes. You can only give perfume if you are one hundred percent sure that this particular scent is your colleague’s favorite. And of course, money.

We do not give an envelope as a gift under any circumstances! Believe me, colleagues will be much more pleased if, in addition to the main gift, the ideas for which we indicated above, they receive a bonus on their salary card - this option is acceptable.

How to decorate an office for March 8: ideas for the workplace

Men do not always care about aesthetics, but ladies will be delighted if you decorate your office at least minimally for March 8th. See how you can quickly and easily make a cool garland.

The idea is simple: our garland is flags strung on ropes. Please note that each checkbox has four elements. The main detail is the base in the shape of a triangle. Then a circle-shaped backing, an accordion and letters cut out of colored paper. To begin, carefully roll the paper into an accordion shape. You can use either regular colored or bright gift paper. It will be very spring-like if flowers are depicted on paper. The edges of the accordion need to be glued together using glue or double-sided tape to form a pipe.

Now one edge of the pipe is turned out so that a circle-shaped blank can be glued on top (see how this is done in the photo below). By the way, we recommend that you follow our instructions not very strictly: the garland can be absolutely anything: with hearts, butterflies, lanterns, ribbons, and so on.

Finishing touches: glue a letter onto the round part. Form any congratulatory phrases: for example, “Congratulations on March 8th” or “For the most beautiful women.” Now the part with the accordion is glued to the triangle and attached to the rope. Stylish decoration ready for your office by March 8th!

Scenario for March 8 for female colleagues: how to meet the ladies in the morning?

It’s precisely during a morning meeting of colleagues that there can be a place for platitudes. Women are always incredibly pleased to receive flowers! And what would March 8 be without flowers? So, our suggestions:

  • Music is playing. Take care of the unusual musical accompaniment: You will be pleasantly surprised how a strict work environment will immediately transform into a relaxed and spontaneous one. As an option, invite a professional guitarist or saxophonist.

  • Rose petals are scattered. Moreover, it is desirable that the path of petals leads the ladies from the elevator directly to the workplace. Not entirely original, but a very pleasant version of the meeting. Women are sure to walk into the office with a big smile! Moreover, now you don’t need to buy dozens of roses and pick their petals. Flower shops will offer you bags of already torn petals - this is much cheaper.

  • Rose on the keyboard. And this is also incredibly nice! And it’s even better if it’s not a rose, but a bouquet of tulips, stylishly wrapped in craft paper.

  • Congratulations on paper stickers. Such stickers can be hung throughout the office so that ladies come across them in the most unexpected places: laptop monitor, mouse, coffee machine, shelves and filing cabinets, mirrors, office kitchen and even the women's restroom. Write them dozens of compliments - it’s not difficult at all, but happy smiles and shining eyes are guaranteed.

  • A cup of coffee with cake or sweets. A must for every lady! And don't let it stand buffet table- in no case. A small sweet gift should be brought to the desk by a male colleague.

  • Little sweets. Place them in desk drawers, document files, diaries and organizers. Goodies can be in every place where your colleagues look every morning.

Scenario for a corporate party on March 8th in a team: how to surprise?

You traditionally gather in the largest meeting room in order to surprise. We offer several options for such live congratulations.

Idea 1: sand show. It's simple: this original service can be ordered through a holiday agency. A team of professionals will come to you with a light table, on which the artist will create stunningly beautiful sand animations for about twenty minutes. Believe me, this spectacle is mesmerizing. Pictures quickly replace one another, and all this to the appropriate background music.

Idea 2: painting with light (light show). Another impressive sight. On a special screen in complete darkness, the artist will paint using light brushes. The drawings seem to appear in the air, hang in it, and then disappear. Believe me, it's exciting.

Idea 3: creative master class. The advantage of this idea is that all women will participate in the process. In our opinion, the most interesting ideas are:
  • master class on making cosmetics self made, Brew soap or make a body scrub with invited professionals. This handmade gift can be taken home.
  • master class on making handmade pasta or sweets. It’s a very fashionable trend now, and the process with chocolate will give your ladies true pleasure.
  • hand-painted eco-fabric bags. A great idea for companies that deal with e.g. modern technologies. The creative potential of such specialists, as a rule, is not revealed, and such a master class will be a great release of accumulated creative energy.

Scenario for March 8th for work colleagues: make a stylish photo zone

Women will be indescribably delighted, and Instagram will be blown up with stylish photos from your office. You can invite professional decorators, but if funds are limited, then you can create a beautiful area on your own - there are democratic and very aesthetic ideas. For example, a beautifully painted slate board or a wooden background decorated with garlands on threads. By the way, wood is a very photogenic material - you can take this into account. You can also simply stretch a rope and hang on it a huge number of satin ribbons of three - maximum four tones. It will turn out great!

Just don't forget about accessories. These can be bouquets of flowers, elegant hats, boas and other feminine charms. We also recommend calling professional photographer, who will then send you a corporate photo report.

Scenario for a corporate party on March 8: how to continue the evening?

Of course, you can go to a cafe or restaurant. But if this option does not suit you for some reason, then we suggest that the whole team go to intellectual game. For example, “The Sixth Sense”, when as a whole team you will touch, smell, taste and test your intuition in a variety of variations.

If you plan to spend the evening in the office, then order karaoke equipment. Firstly, it’s cheaper than going to the establishment with the whole team. Secondly, in the atmosphere of your own office, you will be able to completely relax: there is a familiar environment around you and only your colleagues.

What else? Have a wine tasting! The event smoothly flows into a festive buffet, and the idea itself is very elegant, especially since today wine is to some extent a gastronomic trend. For such a party, you will need a catering company that can provide a good choice snacks that go well with wine. Also, visit more than one, or even a whole team of professional sommeliers, who will introduce you to the wine list. For such a beautiful wine evening, you can introduce an evening dress code: men in suits, women in long dresses.

We have everything. Do you know what an original scene for March 8th at work could be? Share with our readers in the comments below the article!

If after a holiday in the office your soul requires a continuation of the banquet, then look for the best establishments with photos, menus and guest reviews in our catalog. We know everything about the most popular places in Kyiv.

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Photo: upon request from Yandex and Google

Scenario-gatherings on March 8 for a ladies' group.

"Women's Day the Women's Way"

One of the employees acts as a leader. Everyone is invited to the tables.

Presenter: Dear ladies! On the eve of a wonderful holiday, we have gathered with you for a bachelorette party. As, indeed, on all other days, because our close-knit women’s team simply cannot be spilled with water! This is not the first time we are going to such gatherings and I think that we will celebrate the upcoming holiday no more boring than in the company of men! Because only a woman knows and understands a woman best.

Let's have fun, talk about our little weaknesses, gossip about men and share women's tricks and secrets! As the song says: “Bachelorette party, bachelorette party, the man is superfluous here!”

March the prankster will melt the snow,

Hearts will thaw from winter.

Let's celebrate Women's Day

The way only we can!

A toast is raised to a wonderful occasion and equally wonderful company.

Presenter: And right now we will sing with you!

Song “Today is a holiday for girls” (to the tune of the song “Girls” from the repertoire of Larisa Dolina).

The text must be printed and distributed in advance.

Today is a girls' holiday,

Today we are on a roll!

And let them look enviously

Men or boys

Having collected the strength,

Standing aside

They fiddle with bouquets in their hands,

Because today the girls

They want to have a blast!

We'll sing and dance

Walk and have fun

Don't notice men at all

And their sad faces!

Let the boys

Standing aside

We don't need them now

Because you and I, girls,

On the threshold of a wonderful spring!


Today the sun shines more joyfully,

Anticipating the breath of spring,

And all the beautiful dreams in the world

Today should easily come true!

Let's raise this glass to a new spring! In spring you can always breathe more freely and your heart is happier. In spring, not only nature wakes up, but also feelings, hopes, and good mood. Happy Women's Day and Happy New Spring!

After the toast: Do you know, girls, that if you look around more carefully, you will notice that the arrival of spring is heralded by many other life changes! There are many funny signs of spring, For example...

Spring signs

Swallows fly in pairs - this is for matchmakers!

The snow is melting quickly - time for shopping!

Bubbles on puddles - to a rich groom!

Sneezing on the first day of spring means a fun life!

Wind from the south - to happy changes!

Presenter: So pay attention, dear ladies! But there is another essential sign of spring. On the eve of March 8, literally a day or two before, the shops are simply crowded. All because men choose gifts for us, as always, at the very last moment! And quite often, if not regularly, they give us something completely wrong! What does a woman need? Everything that will make her even more beautiful and irresistible.

And today we have just such gifts in store for you - the most necessary and practical in the world!

I will have to spend a little time in the role of Santa Claus, despite the fact that winter is already behind...

Please choose!

The presenter brings out a large bag, from which each employee must take out a gift without looking.

The presenter accompanies this process with commentary rhymes (the name of the employee is inserted into the rhyme in a similar form).

"Gifts for Beauty"


You, Olya, - curlers!

Curl your curls tighter

Yes, get out of the house -

Well, man, wait a minute!


Become a fan of glamor


Will be able Kate no fuss

With this nail file!

Cotton buds

And for Helens- surprise,

This is the most needed prize:

Not funny at all

Ear sticks!


This is a mirror Irisha,

Keep it close, at hand,

So that you with your beauty

I admired it all day long!

Bath salt

Tanechka, let me hand over

The most flavorful salt!

With her you will be a queen,

The king will fall in love with you!


Natasha with all my heart

I give you a handkerchief!


Important for hygiene!


For you, Alyonushka,

No regrets!

Here's one for the sauna

New washcloth!

Hand cream

It will relieve any pain

This delicate cream for hands!

Julia, lubricate your hands furtively,

Life will be just as smooth!


The snow will melt on the path,

Will remove Anechka boots!

Don't look at the cold

Rub your heels with pumice!


This prize is more valuable than others:

You will, Galya, everyone is slimmer!


Comb out thick braids

Now you can do it without question!

With this brand new comb

Sveta Everyone will be blown away by her hairstyle!


On a merciless diet

We're tired of sitting!

Will Lyuba so gratifying

Eat this chocolate!


Beauty is great power!

Gets it Valais soap!

Washing with soap is so nice:

Both fresh and fragrant!

Nail polish

Varnish Marina will come in handy

It's easy to transform with it:

With a wave of the hand

Paint your nails!


Ole- a spool of thread!

Carry them with you, girlfriend,

So that with your beloved boy

You've tied yourself in a knot!

Eyebrow tweezers

To become a style icon,

I need to pinch my eyebrows!

We give Nadya tweezers,

Beware, offenders!

Green tea

You need to drink green tea!

Masha, drink and enjoy,

Stay forever young!

For Lyudmila Expensive -

Vial of iodine,

After all, health is more important

Than any fashion!


Brushing his teeth Lida clearly

In the mornings and evenings,

And with such a toothbrush

Everything in the world is tough!


There is no more spectacular hairstyle,

What is a ponytail hairstyle?

And now our Rita

There is a hair tie!


Well, no one was left out? I see everyone is happy with their gifts! And now I remember my distant childhood, when for the holiday of March 8, we lovingly prepared surprises and gifts for our mothers...

The sun is shining clearly

On these spring days,

Gives warmth and affection,

Like from mom's hand!

Let's fill and raise the next glass for mothers, may they live and healthy for a long time!

A toast to mothers:

When God created the baby, he decided to send him to earth. The baby said:

“But I’m so small and don’t know how to walk, how can I survive on earth?”

“A woman will carry you in her arms,” God answered.

- But I don’t know how to eat by myself!

- This woman will feed you.

“But I don’t know how to speak the language of people.” Teach me to explain myself in it!

- You just need to learn one word - “mother”...

Presenter (after the toast): Girls, speaking of mothers, on this day we cannot help but talk about our common second mother! I'm talking about our beloved boss! Without exaggeration, only good things can be said about her. She leads and guides us all, takes full responsibility and, so to speak, rushes into the breach, protecting our interests. We spent so long choosing the words to express our gratitude and admiration to her that we ended up with a whole song!

Song about the boss (to the tune of the children's song "Smile").

From the smile of our boss lady

Even the laziest one will wake up

And no one will hang their nose,

If our (Name Patronymic name) will smile!


And then for sure

The clouds are flying away

And errors in reports are corrected!

From the blue stream

The river begins

And management starts with a smile!

From the smile of our boss lady

It always makes your soul feel better!

Despite vitamin deficiency,

We get to work singing!

You are one of those good people,

Who just by presence alone

Makes every day nice

And the world is cheerful and colorful!

Let your success be the result

All beginnings and undertakings,

You have many dreams in your soul,

May they come true soon!


Presenter(after the toast):

Let happiness and love smile

Long-awaited spring times

Let the sweetest, dearest, most desirable

Surrounds us with care again and again!

So we started talking about the sweetest and dearest, our beloved and sometimes hated - about men! It often happens in life that we, the weaker sex, take on too much and carry it on our fragile shoulders... There is one folk wisdom: Men should be allowed to be men. How much do we allow them to do this?

Let's check!

Test joke “Are you independent?”

Presenter: I have a short test for you. Answer “yes” or “no”, if you want - mentally, if you want - out loud! So, let's start!

At least once in your life...

1) did you drive?

2) did you hammer in a nail?

3) did you give anyone a compliment?

4) lifted luggage heavier than a handbag?

5) did you change the car wheel?

6) did you argue with the salespeople in the store?

7) did you buy gold for yourself?

8) and finally, do you know what the word “pliers” means?

Now let's decipher the results:

- for those who do not have a single “yes” answer: a man is absolutely necessary to maintain at least a minimal opportunity to survive in this complex world;

- those who answered “yes” to half and less than half of the questions still have a chance to become independent and independent;

— who answered “yes” to more than half of the questions: these are real Russian women who will stop a horse and enter a hut!

Presenter: Of course, this test is a joke, but, as they say, there is only a grain of joke in every joke... What do we want our “dream men” to be, our knights, princes on a white horse?

Competition "My Prince"

Sheets of paper are pre-attached to the wall. The task of the competition is to draw a prince (or a knight, if desired), but certainly on a horse!

Everyone is welcome to participate.

Presenter: Now let's drink to men... They are who they are - not ideal, just like us. And let's mentally send them our greetings and air kiss! Or maybe not mentally: did you know that by the shape of the lipstick mark when kissing you can judge intentions and feelings? Let's check it on napkins! If the print is successful round shape, this means a serious, stable relationship. If with the heart - passionate love. “Bow” - frivolity and meaningless flirting. And the imprint square shape means disgust and hidden hostility!

Presenter: Well, we have “washed the bones” of men. It's good that they can't hear us now. But in fact, of course, without men there would not be the most important happiness on earth - our children!

A toast is raised to the health and success of the children of all women present.


Why do we love spring days so much?

Why are we waiting for them with hope and joy?

Because only they are filled

Unusual, special happiness, warmth...

Attention lady! On March 8th it is customary to give flowers to women. And women themselves bloom like roses! But few people know that there is a special flower horoscope. Now we will find out which of us is which, and we will get a gorgeous bouquet...

I ask those born in January to stand up! You are orchids! Please, orchids, fill your glasses and listen to yourself (and so on for all the months):


Who dared to dream of an Orchid,

He knows it’s a difficult undertaking:

She'll break your heart

And proudly walks away!


Mimosa is always fresh and cheerful,

Don't waste your tears!

Mimosa is a surprise girl

“You only live once” is her motto!


Everyone knows: Lady Lily

Impregnable, like the Bastille!

But among her friends

There are no more fun party girls!


Pureblood noble

Our beautiful Dahlia!

Nobility is in the blood here...

But Dahlias dream

About simple earthly love!

Lily of the valley(May)

The Lily of the Valley woman is modest and courteous,

Very neat and very beautiful!

She is not too lazy to work,

And bring beauty all day long!


The bell is the funniest of all,

Having fun like a child!

He remembers the most important things:

You can't be a pessimist!


From which overseas countries?

Has Tulip come to us?

Exotic, eccentric,

But at the same time cute!


Look at the Sunflower:

Lovely, whatever you say!

There are so many ideas and plans in it,

How many seeds are inside!


All Carnations are no coincidence

It's amazing how good they are:

Only Carnations know the secret

Eternal youth of the soul!


Chamomile is a little shy,

But don’t mind flirting!

She's the last shirt

Will give to help others!


Rose hides many secrets

But there is one secret in it:

In this look, in this pose

All the greatness of victories!


Lotus knows how to convince,


He only dreams of peace,

And Lotus has something to be proud of!

Presenter: Let's raise a toast to our colorful and extremely wonderful team-bouquet! All the flowers in it are so matched to each other that if you replace even one, it won’t be the same at all!..

And once again, Happy Women’s Day to all of you, my dear flowers! As nature blooms in spring, let your beauty bloom in the same way! Let's wish each other happiness, spring, love, goodness!

With the most heartfelt words,

Full of spring warmth,

Congratulations on the first rays,

Happy holiday of love and beauty!

Make yourself happy, dream, believe,

Smile wider, like now,

May your heart be at any time of the year

It's feeling like spring here!

And now I invite everyone to dance!
