How many points are needed for admission to DSU? Dagestan State University

Dagestan State University
Former names

Dagestan State University named after V.I. Lenin

Dagestan State Pedagogical Institute named after Suleiman Stalsky

Year of foundation



Murtazali Khulatayevich Rabadanov

Legal address

Dagestan State University(Dagestan State University named after V.I. Lenin) is a large educational, scientific and cultural center that trains specialists at all levels of university, pre-university, postgraduate and additional education in a wide range of natural sciences, humanities, economics, technical specialties and directions.
Daggosuniversity is the largest in the Southern Federal District.
Founded in 1931 as the Dagestan State Pedagogical Institute, until 1957 it was named after the people's poet of Dagestan Suleiman Stalsky.
The university employs about 3,000 teachers and staff.

general information

The university includes:

  • 17 faculties;
  • 9 branches;
  • 86 departments;
  • 2 museums: biological and historical;
  • herbarium
  • fundamental library containing more than 2,000,000 volumes;
  • biological station;
  • planetarium.



  • Organizations awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples
  • Universities by alphabet
  • Appeared in 1931
  • Higher educational institutions of Makhachkala
  • Objects named after Lenin

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  • 2010.
  • Dagestan State Opera and Ballet Theater

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    Dagestan State University See what "Dagestan State University" is in other dictionaries:

    - Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, st. Sovetskaya, 8. Psychology. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary. M., 2002. P. 472) See also Universities Ch484(2R 6Dag)711.9 Makhachkala ... Dagestan State Technical University

    - (DSTU) Year of foundation 1972 Rector Tagir Abdurashidovich Ismailov ... Wikipedia Dagestan State Pedagogical University

    - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Dagestan State Pedagogical University (FSBEI HPE DSPU) Year of foundation 1917 Type of state ... Wikipedia- Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, st. 26 Baku Commissioners, 57. Preschool pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methodology of primary education, special preschool pedagogy and psychology. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics- (SPbGUSE) Year of foundation 1969 ... Wikipedia

    Dagestan University- Makhachkala, founded in 1957. Trains personnel in mathematical, physical, chemical, biological, historical, philological, economic, journalistic and other specialties. In 1996 there were 9 thousand students. * * * DAGESTAN UNIVERSITY... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Moscow State Academic Children's Musical Theater named after N.I. Sats- Moscow State Academic Children's Musical Theater named after. N.I.Sats Location Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue ... Wikipedia

    Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen- Coordinates: 59°56′02″ N. w. 30°19′10″ E. d... Wikipedia

    Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen- (Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen) ... Wikipedia

    RUSSIAN PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY (RGPU)- RUSSIAN PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY named after. A. I. Herzen (RGPU), St. Petersburg, founded in 1918. The university has 20 faculties: fine arts, life safety, geography, biology, mathematics, foreign... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Deflated soils of the Western Caspian region. Productivity potential and implementation techniques, Gasanov Gasan Nikuevich, Bekeev Abdurakhman Khanapievich, Arslanov Murat Arslanovich. The book examines issues of the ecological state of the soil and vegetation cover of lowland Dagestan, the results of research on the development of methods for improving the basic...

A few years ago it was impossible to build a good career without a higher education diploma. Today, the requirements for graduates have increased. You need not only certificates that serve as confirmation of your education, but also deep knowledge and the necessary practical skills. Dagestan State University (DSU) in Makhachkala invites you to undergo high-quality training in higher and secondary vocational education programs.

Information about the university's past

The predecessor of the Dagestan State University, on the basis of which the modern university arose, was created in 1931. By decree of the higher authorities, the first higher educational institution appeared in Makhachkala. They called it the Dagestan Agro-Pedagogical Institute. Its task was to train teachers.

In the first year of work, 3 departments were created at the university - physico-technical, chemical-biological and social-literary. According to available information, 75 people entered the proposed structural units. It was difficult to study at first. The university did not have classrooms, dormitories, or educational materials. However, with further work and development of the university, everything changed. In the 50s, the institute - the future DSU Makhachkala - already had a new educational building with equipped classrooms and offices, and a dormitory for nonresident students appeared.

Transformations of the educational institution

The first transformations associated with the institute took place a year after its opening. The agro-pedagogical university was turned into a regular pedagogical educational institution. The consequence of this was the expansion of the organizational structure. The university has opened new divisions - departments related to mathematics, physics, chemistry, history, biology, language and literature. Due to positive changes in the structure, the interest of applicants to the university has also increased.

The second important transformation in the history of the educational institution dates back to 1957. The Pedagogical Institute was reorganized into the Dagestan State University. 5 faculties began training personnel. At DSU Makhachkala, the organizational structure expanded in subsequent years. For example, in 1972 the Faculty of Economics and Law was opened, and in 1974 the Faculty of Soviet Trade was opened.

DSU today

Currently, the educational institution continues to operate under the name that was given to it in 1957. The university remained the Dagestan State University. Only his achievements and reputation have changed, but not in a negative, but in a positive direction. Today DSU in Makhachkala is the oldest and largest university in the Republic of Dagestan. It is of key importance in the development of the region and is an important educational, scientific and cultural center in the named subject of our country.

The university today has a decent material and technical base. It has several buildings, 730 different classrooms (lecture rooms, laboratories, computer classes) at its disposal. DSU has 2 museums (historical and biological), a fundamental library storing more than 2.5 million volumes.

College in organizational structure

Many modern Russian universities adhere to the model of continuous education and for this reason have in their structure a division responsible for training mid-level specialists. The list of such educational institutions includes DSU Makhachkala. The College of Law operates at this university. This is a very young structural unit. The order to open it was signed in May 2013.

A college at Dagestan State University was created to train specialists in the field of law. This goal determined the opening of 3 specialties:

  • "law enforcement";
  • “law and organization of social security”;
  • "law and judicial administration".

Faculties of Dagestan State University

Faculties are responsible for the implementation of higher education programs at DSU Makhachkala. There are quite a lot of them, which means that applicants are not limited in their choice. For each applicant there is a suitable structural unit. Here is a list of faculties:

  • biological;
  • historical;
  • physical;
  • chemical;
  • philological;
  • social;
  • oriental studies;
  • foreign languages;
  • computer science and information technology;
  • culture;
  • Mathematics and Computer Science;
  • international education;
  • psychology and philosophy;
  • management;
  • economic;
  • legal.

From the names of the faculties of DSU Makhachkala it is clear what specialties they combine. For example, the physical structural division offers “electronics and nanoelectronics”, “electric power and electrical engineering”, “physics” with profiles such as “fundamental physics” and “medical physics”. At the Faculty of Economics there is only one direction - “economics”. But there are more than enough profiles. You can enroll here in “world economy”, “finance and credit”, “regional economics”, “accounting, analysis and audit”, “labor economics” or “taxes and taxation”.

Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development

The college and faculties are not the only constituent elements of the organizational structure of Dagestan State University. The university also has an institute of ecology and sustainable development. It appeared relatively recently - in 2015. The institute was created on the basis of the material and technical base of the Faculty of Ecology and Geography.

The institute offers only 2 undergraduate courses - “geography” and “ecology and environmental management”. The choice is small, but studying here is prestigious, productive and interesting. Firstly, the institute is considered one of the leading structural divisions of the DSU in Makhachkala. Secondly, here students are given good theoretical knowledge and the necessary practical skills, and are given the opportunity to participate in the scientific life of the university. The Institute has one of the best mobile environmental monitoring laboratories in our country. It allows you to directly analyze samples of water, soil, and air on site.

Department of Physical Culture and Sports

Dagestan State University also has a department of physical education and sports. It has been operating within the structure of a higher education institution since 2004 and trains specialists in physical education and sports. There is only one direction of preparation for a bachelor's degree - “physical education” (with a profile of “physical education”).

For those who love an active lifestyle, studying in the department seems rich and interesting. The thing is that it combines theoretical and practical training. In order to develop certain skills in students, teachers conduct classes in specialized gyms for basketball, volleyball, martial arts, etc.

Passing exams in general education subjects

For the main part of the specialties, applicants are required to obtain the results of 3 exams in general education subjects. School graduates can only provide Unified State Examination results. It is recommended to clarify the list of disciplines as early as possible with the admissions committee of the DSU Makhachkala. The fact is that registration for the Unified State Exam in schools is carried out until February 1. For example:

  • in “biology”, “soil science”, “aquatic biological resources and aquaculture” they take the Russian language, biology and chemistry;
  • in “economics”, “economic security” - Russian language, specialized mathematics, social studies.

Graduates of colleges and other universities have the right not to take the Unified State Exam. They are offered entrance tests conducted by the university itself. The exam form is written testing. Such entrance tests are additionally available to some persons with secondary general education - disabled people, foreign citizens.

Creative entrance tests

In some specialties, in addition to general education subjects, creative tests are taken. Such educational programs include “journalism” and “acting”. The “journalism” exam consists of 3 stages. At the initial stage, applicants provide the admissions committee with their creative works, including those published in the media. At the second stage, written work is carried out at the university - creative material is written on a given topic. At the final round, an interview is held.

Admission to the DSU Makhachkala for “acting art” also involves passing an entrance test in 3 stages. First, the creative capabilities of the applicant are analyzed - an ear for music, vocal and choreographic data is checked, external data is assessed, and a task is given to test emotional memory and attention. The second stage of the exam consists of expressive reading and reciting passages from poetry or prose. The third round of the entrance test consists of studies on assessing fact, studies on character and communication, and studies on improvisation.

Professional entrance tests

At Dagestan State University, professional testing is provided in 3 areas of training:

  • “Philology” (profile - “domestic philology: Russian language and literature”);
  • "customs business";
  • "Physical Culture".

In “Philology”, applicants write an artistic and journalistic essay, which, after passing, is assessed by teachers of the Faculty of Philology in points. At DSU Makhachkala, such an entrance test was established with the aim of identifying applicants’ creative potential, determining the degree of proficiency in the literary language and elements of artistic speech. The university has 1 hour to write an essay. The topic is given a specific one. It can be quite simple and consist of writing a creative work about your favorite poet or favorite book, justifying the reasons for entering the Faculty of Philology. There are also topics in which it is necessary to highlight a specific problem using the example of 1 or 2 works.

In “customs affairs,” a written test is conducted on the history of Russia. At “physical education”, applicants undergo tests on general physical fitness - they take a standing and running jump, shot put, 100 m run, as well as 1 km for girls and 2 km for boys. The exam additionally includes exercises from men's and women's all-around events.

About entering law school

In almost all specialties of secondary vocational education, no exams are provided for applicants. Admission is based only on the average score of the certificate. The only exception is one specialty - “law enforcement”. It includes an entrance test to pass physical education standards.

It is important to know that you can enroll in the college of DSU Makhachkala based on grades 9 and 11. To do this, during the admissions campaign you need to appear at the admissions committee and submit the following documents:

  • passport or birth certificate;
  • school leaving certificate;
  • 4 photographs measuring 3 x 4 cm.

Admission to higher education programs

In accordance with the admission rules, each applicant can participate in the competition for 1, 2 or 3 specialties, but no more. Upon admission, an application is written to the admissions committee, and documents such as a passport, certificate or diploma, and various certificates confirming individual achievements are submitted.

This entire package is accompanied by 2 photographs, but it is important to note that they are provided only by those applicants who do not have Unified State Examination results and plan to take entrance exams at the university. At what address can I submit all documents for admission to DSU Makhachkala? The admissions office works on Batyraya Street, 2.

Specialties with budget places

Not all parents can provide their child with a higher education, because educational services are not cheap. That is why the question of the possibility of income from the budget is so relevant. There are free places at DSU and it is very easy to take them in some specialties. A very small number of applicants are interested in “mathematics”, “physics”, “chemistry”, “biology”, etc.

Interest in legal, economic and managerial specialties has increased greatly. The number of applications submitted is several times higher than the enrollment plan for budget-funded places. At the Faculty of Law of DSU in Makhachkala, “jurisprudence” and “forensic examination” are popular. Among the economic and managerial specialties, it is worth highlighting “economics”, “management”, “state and municipal management”.

At Dagestan State University you can get a truly high-quality education. This is confirmed by the achievements of university graduates. For many of them, the DSU diploma opened the way to large Russian companies and organizations, political, cultural and educational spheres, and business communities.

Dagestan State University
Former names

Dagestan State University named after V.I. Lenin

Dagestan State Pedagogical Institute named after Suleiman Stalsky

Year of foundation



Murtazali Khulatayevich Rabadanov

Legal address

Dagestan State University(Dagestan State University named after V.I. Lenin) is a large educational, scientific and cultural center that trains specialists at all levels of university, pre-university, postgraduate and additional education in a wide range of natural sciences, humanities, economics, technical specialties and directions.
Daggosuniversity is the largest in the Southern Federal District.
Founded in 1931 as the Dagestan State Pedagogical Institute, until 1957 it was named after the people's poet of Dagestan Suleiman Stalsky.
The university employs about 3,000 teachers and staff.

general information

The university includes:

  • 17 faculties;
  • 9 branches;
  • 86 departments;
  • 2 museums: biological and historical;
  • herbarium
  • fundamental library containing more than 2,000,000 volumes;
  • biological station;
  • planetarium.



  • Organizations awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples
  • Universities by alphabet
  • Appeared in 1931
  • Higher educational institutions of Makhachkala
  • Objects named after Lenin

Wikimedia Foundation.

Dagestan Cavalry Regiment

    Dagestan State University See what "Dagestan State University" is in other dictionaries:

    Dagestan State Technical University

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Dagestan State Pedagogical University (FSBEI HPE DSPU) Year of foundation 1917 Type of state ... Wikipedia

    - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Dagestan State Pedagogical University (FSBEI HPE DSPU) Year of foundation 1917 Type of state ... Wikipedia- Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, st. 26 Baku Commissioners, 57. Preschool pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methodology of primary education, special preschool pedagogy and psychology. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    - (SPbGUSE) Year of foundation 1969 ... Wikipedia

    Makhachkala, founded in 1957. Trains personnel in mathematical, physical, chemical, biological, historical, philological, economic, journalistic and other specialties. In 1996 there were 9 thousand students. * * * DAGESTAN UNIVERSITY... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Moscow State Academic Children's Musical Theater named after. N.I.Sats Location Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue ... Wikipedia

    Coordinates: 59°56′02″ N. w. 30°19′10″ E. d... Wikipedia

    - (Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen) ... Wikipedia

    RUSSIAN PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY named after. A. I. Herzen (RGPU), St. Petersburg, founded in 1918. The university has 20 faculties: fine arts, life safety, geography, biology, mathematics, foreign... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Deflated soils of the Western Caspian region. Productivity potential and implementation techniques, Gasanov Gasan Nikuevich, Bekeev Abdurakhman Khanapievich, Arslanov Murat Arslanovich. The book examines issues of the ecological state of the soil and vegetation cover of lowland Dagestan, the results of research on the development of methods for improving the basic...

About the university

The history of DSU began with that truly historic day in 1931, when the first higher educational institution opened in Dagestan: the Pedagogical Institute. Then it had only 10 teachers and 75 students, and the first graduation of teachers in 1936 became an important cultural event in the life of the republic.

With the name of the national poet of Dagestan Suleiman Stalsky, the institute lived until 1957 - the date of its transformation into the Dagestan State University. From that moment on, the intensive development of the university actually began.

Today DSU is a large educational, scientific and cultural center that trains specialists at all levels of university, pre-university, postgraduate and additional education in a wide range of natural sciences, humanities, economics, technical specialties and areas.
The university today is a complex educational, scientific and organizational structure, which includes:

* 18 faculties,
* 9 branches;
* 86 departments;
* 2 museums: biological and historical;
* herbarium
* fundamental library containing more than 2,000,000 volumes;
* biological station;
* planetarium.

The university also has a recreation center on the shores of the Caspian Sea, a sports complex, and has its own clinic and dispensary.
The scientific complex of the university has a complex organizational structure that unites: - 3 research institutes (research institute of biology, research institute of socio-economic and national-cultural problems of the peoples of Dagestan, research institute of applied ecology);
- 8 scientific centers: Center for the Problems of the Caspian Sea, Regional Environmental Center, Center for Oriental Studies, Center for New Technologies of Humanitarian Education, Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Education, Center for Legal Research, Regional Center for New Information Technologies, Scientific and Methodological Center for Audit Problems;
- Innovation and Technology Center, including 9 laboratories;
- 5 Research Labs: plasma physics, solid-state electronics, marine biology, applied environmental chemistry, environmental analytics;
- Student Research Institute of Folklore and Literature;
- intellectual property department;
- publishing and printing center.
The university has formed a number of scientific schools that meet the high demands placed on them by the scientific community.
Scientific schools have become the basis for training specialists at the university, for which there are various levels of training, including specializations, postgraduate studies, and doctoral studies. There are 2 doctoral and 9 candidate dissertation councils working in these areas:
The university staff employs about 3,000 teachers and staff, including: 1 academician of the Russian Academy of Education, 2 corresponding members. RAS, 11 members of industry academies, 216 professors - doctors of science, 618 associate professors - candidates of science, more than 100 Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Dagestan, Honored Workers of Education of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Dagestan. Today, 24 thousand students study at the university, 740 people are in graduate and doctoral studies. DSU has implemented the training of bachelors in 17 areas, specialists in 36 specialties, graduate students in 70 scientific specialties within 16 areas, doctoral students in 17 scientific specialties. The university is the leading university in the Southern Federal District in terms of the level of development and use of modern technologies in the educational process, as well as in scientific and managerial activities. For the first time in the Republic of Dagestan, an Internet center is operating and distance learning is being introduced.
Currently, more and more attention is paid to innovative activities in universities, the creation of small industries and the introduction of new developments by university scientists in them in order to create and sell competitive products. In 1997, an innovation and technology center was created at DSU, uniting 9 laboratories: a laboratory of new technologies for processing seafood products, a laboratory for new methods of processing medicinal plants, a laboratory for new technologies for processing meat products, a laboratory for water control of the Caspian Basin, a laboratory for biomedical technologies, and a laboratory for computer linguistics. , radiation monitoring laboratory, space communications laboratory, office equipment laboratory.
Innovation activities involve the creation of a system of continuous innovation cycle from applied research to the release and sale of products. The result of this direction was the creation on the basis of the ITC DSU and CJSC “Agrokombinat Sergokala” of the research and production complex “Innovation”, which is ready for the production and sale of original alcohol tinctures, herbal medicines, medicinal oils. New technologies for processing agricultural products and water purification began to be introduced.
Work has been introduced to create, based on the developments of scientists from DSU and JSC Eltav, a similar complex for the production of various electronic products: bases made of ceramic material, light-emitting diodes of a “blue” glow. A project is being implemented in this area under the innovative program “Precision Technologies and Systems”.
The university fruitfully cooperates with the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A number of agreements on joint scientific and educational cooperation were concluded, laboratories of dual subordination were created - “Phase transitions and critical phenomena”, a joint laboratory “Optical phenomena in condensed matter”, “United technological center of dual subordination”. The United Research and Production Center NO VTAN and the university entered into an agreement on joint activities to develop fundamental research in the field of non-traditional renewable energy sources.
Support and development of artistic creativity, sports, and the realization of student talents is an important component of the humanistic education and spiritual development of youth. Amateur artists from the University of Dagestan are known far beyond the borders of our country. The choreographic ensemble "My Dagestan" and the orchestra of folk instruments were awarded the honorary title "People's Amateur Collective." The university is proud of its students, the KVN team "Makhachkala Tramps": whose members are members of the CIS national team. Among the university's graduates are Olympic champions and Olympic medalists , as well as world and European champions.
The university is full of plans and hopes for the future, comprehending its place in the all-Russian educational, scientific and cultural space, focusing on the needs of the republic and the tasks of its national revival.
