List of countries with names in their official languages. Alphabetical list of countries and territories All countries are named

    Shows the distribution of millionaire cities by country. The first city to reach a population of 1 million was Rome around the turn of the Common Era, but by the 5th to 6th centuries the population of Rome had declined significantly. Number close to a million... ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 List of UN member states 2 Complete list of countries and territories ... Wikipedia

    Below is an alphabetical list of countries in the world, which includes 260 countries, including: 194 independent states (193 UN member states and the Vatican (see also List of states)) States of uncertain status (12) ... Wikipedia

    This is a service list of articles created to coordinate ... Wikipedia

    This article should be Wikified. Please format it according to the rules for formatting articles... Wikipedia

    - (from the Greek ἔξω exo “outside” and the Greek ὄνομα onoma “name”) toponym or ethnonym (exotoponym and exoethnonym, respectively), not used by the local population or people, including at the official level, but used in relation to ... ... Wikipedia

    This article uses fonts from Asian languages. Read more... The opening ceremony of the XXIX Modern Olympic Games took place at the Beijing National Stadium. It began on August 8, 2008 at 8 pm 8 minutes 8 seconds (since the number ... Wikipedia

    The opening ceremony of the XXIX Modern Olympic Games took place at the Beijing National Stadium. It began on August 8, 2008 at 8 pm 8 minutes 8 seconds (since the number 8 is associated with wealth and confidence in China) by ... ... Wikipedia

    Contents: Geography. General history. History of relations between Kazakhstan and Europe. Language and literature. Chinese music. The great empire of eastern and central Asia is known among its inhabitants under names that have nothing in common with European ones (China, China, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    List of countries and territories of the world that were ever colonies This serves ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    Below is an alphabetical list of countries of the world with names in Russian and the official/state languages ​​of the corresponding country. Contents 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 E ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see List of countries by GDP... Wikipedia

    Population density (persons per km²) by country, 2006 This article contains a table of countries sorted by their... Wikipedia

    Shows the distribution of millionaire cities by country. The first city to reach a population of 1 million was Rome around the turn of the Common Era, but by the 5th to 6th centuries the population of Rome had declined significantly. Number close to a million... ... Wikipedia

    This article contains an incomplete translation from English. You can help the project by translating it to completion. Below is a list of territorial disputes around the world. Bold... Wikipedia

    Main article: United Nations See also UN member states Contents 1 UN member countries 2 Former members ... Wikipedia

    The number of UN member states is 193 states. Another generally recognized entity in the status of persona sui generis, the Holy See is a subject of international law and a permanent observer ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia


  • Atlas of the world. Political and physical maps. A detailed color illustrated encyclopedia containing physical and political maps of all countries of the world, indicating their administrative divisions into regions, provinces and regions. Edition…

    List of countries and territories of the world- List of countries and territories of the world that were ever colonies This serves ... Wikipedia

    List of countries and territories in the world that have ever been colonies- ... Wikipedia

    List of countries with names in their official languages- Below is an alphabetical list of countries of the world with names in Russian and the official/state languages ​​of the corresponding country. Contents 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 E ... Wikipedia

    List of countries by GDP (PPP)- This term has other meanings, see List of countries by GDP... Wikipedia

    List of countries by population density- Population density (persons per km²) by country, 2006 This article contains a table of countries sorted by their... Wikipedia

    List of countries by number of millionaire cities- shows the distribution of millionaire cities by country. The first city to reach a population of 1 million was Rome around the turn of the Common Era, but by the 5th to 6th centuries the population of Rome had declined significantly. Number close to a million... ... Wikipedia

    List of territorial disputes- This article contains an incomplete translation from English. You can help the project by translating it to completion. Below is a list of territorial disputes around the world. Bold... Wikipedia

    List of states- Main article: United Nations See also UN member states Contents 1 UN member countries 2 Former members ... Wikipedia

    List of coats of arms and flags of unrecognized states- The number of UN member states is 193 states. Another generally recognized entity in the status of persona sui generis, the Holy See is a subject of international law and a permanent observer ... Wikipedia

    List of states and dependent territories of Africa- ... Wikipedia


  • Atlas of the world. Political and physical maps. A detailed color illustrated encyclopedia containing physical and political maps of all countries of the world, indicating their administrative divisions into regions, provinces and regions. Edition…
