Entrance door. Feng Shui energy of the front door

Let's see what kind of view opens from the entrance to your apartment - this is very important. In the hallway, energy accumulates and then travels around the apartment.

Do you remember how qi must move for prosperity to settle in the house? Smoothly and leisurely, without encountering obstacles on your way. And the view from the threshold determines the nature of the flow of energy in your home. Unfortunately, many apartment layout options create very unfavorable conditions for the movement of qi. Poor planning options. How to fix the situation:

1. If the hallway is small and there is a wall right in front of the front door, when entering the house, Qi will inevitably bump into this obstacle and feel stuck in the small space of the hallway, unable to move further.

This situation will be projected onto the circumstances of your life: something will always interfere with the achievement of your goals. This design flaw can be corrected very easily. Hang something catchy and noticeable on the wall opposite the front door, such as a painting of a landscape or a beautiful rug.

It is desirable that the picture corresponds to the direction in which the hallway is located. If the hallway is in the north, east or southeast, the ideal solution is to depict expanses of water; for the southwest, west, northwest and northeast - mountains, for the south - red flowers.

The same recommendations apply to the carpet: choose its color and shape in accordance with the direction of the hallway. In addition, in the south, east and southeast, opposite the front door, instead of a picture and a carpet, you can hang a plant (preferably an artificial one, since not all living plants tolerate a lack of light well). In a word, be guided by the characteristics of the elements, your own taste and intuition.

2. The next one is not good option layout - when upon entering the house the toilet immediately comes into view. The toilet is a source of destructive stagnant energy.

The same thing, only to a lesser extent, applies to the bathroom. Both of these rooms are associated with the element of Water, symbolizing money and emotions. This arrangement of the bathroom and toilet indicates that your financial resources or emotions are “leaking” out of the house.

Regardless of where the toilet and bathroom are located in the house, always keep the doors to these rooms closed, and if they are in the hallway and are conspicuous from the threshold of the apartment, they must be properly camouflaged.

If the toilet (bathroom) is located on the side of the entrance to the apartment, hang a large mirror on its door, and if opposite the entrance door, then in front of the entrance to the toilet you need to place some noticeable object so that it distracts attention to itself - a floor-standing ceramic vase, a small round table with a bouquet of flowers, a stand with indoor plants, wind chimes, bamboo flutes, a decorative pendant. Only aquariums and fountains are not suitable for this purpose: such powerful attributes of Water opposite the front door contribute to the “leakage” of money from the house.

3. The layout is not very good when the apartment has a view of the bedroom from the threshold: most likely, you will constantly feel tired, lacking energy, and will always want to lie down. There is only one way out - keep the bedroom door closed at all times.

4. An unfavorable situation is when there is a window or door to the room directly opposite the entrance to the apartment. In this case, the energy entering the house will be dissipated too quickly. And this contradicts our plans.

How to keep qi in the house in this case? You need to place a symbolic obstacle between the entrance to the apartment and the window/door to the room - wind chimes, bamboo flutes, a plant, a pendant.

If you prefer the latter option, then choose a pendant that has a round or pagoda shape - such pendants symbolize prosperity. “Aggressive” pendants with sharp edges should not be hung in the house. Please note that all of the above is true not only for the front door, but also for all other doors and windows in the house.

Two doors, two windows, a window and a door, located directly opposite each other, do not allow qi to linger in the house, so there must be a symbolic obstacle between them.

5. I have combined the following types of unsuccessful layouts, since they are associated with stairs and apply only to those who live in a two-story apartment or country house:

  • Often the staircase to the second floor is located opposite the front door. In this case, the flow of qi is too rapid, and if no measures are taken, good luck will not stay in the house for long.

    Place some large or eye-catching object on the way to the stairs - a decorative vase, a stand with indoor plants - or hang wind chimes, bamboo flutes, a pendant between the door and the stairs.

  • If the staircase to the second floor is located on the side of the front door, the ideal solution is to install a partition, this could be, for example, a clothes hanger: it will create a barrier that slows down the flow of qi.
  • Spiral staircases are extremely unfavorable. They look impressive and certainly decorate the interior, but they create destructive energy. If in your house spiral staircase, if possible, replace it with a regular, straight one.
  • Don't ignore the space under the stairs. As a rule, people put unattractive items there - old newspapers, buckets, rags, mops, brooms.

    This place (like any other place) should under no circumstances resemble a landfill, otherwise stagnation of energy will form there, which slows down the pace of life, causing lethargy and apathy.

    If you want to use this space for household needs, which is quite rational, make your storage area closed. Install a spacious built-in wardrobe under the stairs - such a storage room, especially if it is kept in order, will not offend the aesthetic sense of refined qi.

    You can also place a tall one under the stairs indoor plant, which tolerates lack of light well, such as ficus or monstera.

All other hallway layouts are favorable from an energy point of view. The best option is when the living room is visible from the threshold.

In this case, you will have a comfortable feeling of transition from the bustle of the outside world to the quiet haven of your home. A good location is opposite the entrance of a study or nursery. With this layout, your family members will succeed in work and study.

A kitchen opposite the front door is also a good option, but in this case “ side effect“There may be an increased appetite and, as a result, a risk of gaining weight.

Feng Shui does not help a person in material life - says Alexander Anishchenko, head Russian Academy Feng Shui. This teaching is part of the Taoism religion, and the task of any religion is to help a person grow spiritually. Feng Shui helps to organize space so that it gives a person additional energy, which can be directed, among other things, to obtaining material benefits.

In Feng Shui, life energy is called qi. Feng Shui books have thousands of rules on how to attract chi into your home. In this article we will talk about how to choose from the point of view of this philosophy, because it is through them that qi enters the house.

Doors to the house and feng shui

The height of the opening should be sufficient for all family members. According to Feng Shui, the entrance steel door in an apartment should be larger than the interior doors. Choose a rectangular canvas; arched structures should be avoided.

What is in front and behind the threshold also matters. Columns and pillars in front of the entrance are undesirable. This slows down and blocks the flow of qi. To prevent energy from stopping at the threshold, keep the hallway clean. Remove clutter and excess furniture. It’s good if the hallway is light. So, if there is no window, turn on the lights more often.

These rules are understandable even to a person far from feng shui. They are dictated by the comfort and safety of residents. The following recommendations cannot be explained rationally, but followers of the teaching are confident that they work.

Door energy according to Feng Shui for careerists

In Feng Shui encyclopedias, much attention is paid to the choice of the location of the entrance group. These tips will be useful if you decide to buy a new home.

  • If professional recognition is important to you, pay attention to south direction. This option is also suitable for active, purposeful people.
  • It is also favorable for those whose aspirations are related to their career. eastern location doors.
  • For those who dream of financial well-being, the southeastern direction is favorable.
  • If you strive to gain knowledge, the northeast direction will be conducive to this. But this location of the entrance group is not always good for older people.

Favorable location of the entrance door for those whose priority is family and children

  • The western direction is favorable for families with children. Feng Shui experts believe that the chi energy that enters the house from the west contributes to the proper development of children.
  • If you strive for harmony and happiness in your family, choose the southwestern direction.
  • North-west is the direction of the head of the family. This way the flow of energy will be directed towards him. This location is suitable for families with a traditional lifestyle.
  • If you dream of a calm, measured life, choose an apartment facing north. But there is a risk that the calm flow of life will turn into indifference.

What should those who already live in an apartment whose door is located in the wrong direction do? Its location cannot be changed. But the good thing about the teaching of Feng Shui is that there are other ways to influence the flow of qi energy.

The color of the front door if they are facing south or north

According to Feng Shui, color can enhance positive factors and neutralize the negative ones. Therefore, it is important to coordinate the color of the door with the direction:

South. Patron of fire. Direction is associated with fame. To enhance the effect of positive energy, paint the canvas red, yellow, green or Brown color. This will contribute to recognition in the professional environment and increased popularity.

North. Patron of water. The direction is responsible for the career. For a door that faces north, cold and contrasting shades are suitable: blue, white and black. Avoid yellow, green and brown shades.

Door color if it faces east or west

East or southeast. Patron tree. Responsible for financial well-being. Suitable colors are blue, black and green.

Southwest or northeast. The direction is patronized by the earth. Responsible for relationships. Use all shades of yellow, brown, orange.

West or northwest. Here the element is metal, so all shades of metal are suitable: bronze, silver, gold. Direction promotes the development of creative abilities.

In the pursuit of happiness and success, all methods are good. Try to put these tips into practice. Moreover, the rules of Feng Shui do not contradict common sense.

Useful tips

Everyone is familiar with the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. It helps you make the space at home harmonious and organize it correctly. To save your home from negative energy, observe the basic prohibitions of the teaching so that your home becomes the place where you restore your strength and energy.

Space in the home is extremely important for a person’s emotional health, for his sense of security and for living in harmony with his household and with himself. Feng Shui knowledge that has been accumulated over centuries will help you organize it correctly.

Feng Shui rules

Prohibition No. 1

Do not hang a mirror opposite the front door or in the bedroom

This way you can protect your home from unnecessary energy entering. Mirrors in the bedroom have a negative impact on family life. They attract homewreckers into your life. Mirrors in any other room are not dangerous, but it is important to remember that if a chip or crack appears on the mirror, it must be thrown away immediately. It is desirable that the existing mirror reflects the person to his full height, without breaking him into pieces.

Prohibition No. 2

The trash can should not be located opposite the front door

Any unnecessary trash, dust and dirt negatively affect the energy of the space, and the health and energy of all residents suffer. Immediately get rid of old, unnecessary things, make room for beautiful and useful acquisitions that will definitely appear in your home after the old items disappear.

Prohibition No. 3

Do not use or store broken items

Any broken items that you plan to continue using need to be repaired. Throw away what cannot be restored without regret. This way you will get rid of negative energy and attract joy and abundance into your life. Moreover, broken objects lead to quarrels and conflicts.

According to Feng Shui, every faulty item takes away one problem from a person’s life, and by throwing away this thing, a person also throws out the problem. Please pay Special attention on leaking taps and pipes. Any leak requires immediate repair, as a constant flow of water does not contribute to increasing the joy in your home.

Prohibition No. 4

Don't make multi-level floors

Floors different levels– this is a real stumbling block for the free flow of positive energy in the house. Such floors split your destiny into parts, which leads to failures and troubles both in your personal life and in business.

Prohibition No. 5

Sharp corners in the house are a danger

Furniture with protruding sharp corners must be placed so that the tip of the corner looks into an empty space, where your resting place will not be located. Think about what to do with hanging shelves, since they are the cause of negative energy. Round and disguise their corners, for example, with some kind of amulet made of coins or beads.

Prohibitions in Feng Shui

Prohibition No. 6

Do not start cleaning the bathroom and toilet

It is more important to maintain cleanliness in these two rooms than others. Close doors and clean promptly to keep your home comfortable. If an animal lives with you in the house, and there is a place for it in the bathroom, then still do not leave the doors open or use built-in doors.

Prohibition No. 7

We must not forget about regular ventilation of premises

How large quantity As time goes on, the windows and vents in your home are open, the more often energy renewal occurs in the space. And in order to avoid catching a cold, ventilate your home while you are away.

Prohibition No. 8

Don't work in an improperly organized space

It is very important to pay attention proper organization workspace to complete tasks much more efficiently. Make sure you sit with your back to a solid wall that has no doors or windows. As a last resort, block all openings to avoid the outflow of energy. Arrange items on your desk wisely, and the absence of unnecessary items will give you the opportunity to concentrate on important matters without being distracted by nonsense.

Prohibition No. 9

Do not block the area adjacent to the house

The area adjacent to the house should be open to the maximum. Trees and cars that block the passage prevent positive energy from entering your home. The exception is plantings that fence off the entrance to the house from the roadway. The same must be said regarding the space in the corridor. Shoes should be kept in a specially designated place for them, and piled-up items should be disposed of.

Prohibition No. 10

Don't buy a home next to "bad" buildings

The best location for housing is near a fountain, park or square; dangerous neighbors are a prison, a cemetery and a hospital. This “neighborhood” carries a huge charge negative energy, which can have a bad impact on your life in general.

Thus, by changing the space of your home, you change your life for the better. Just remember that harmony in the home is easy to achieve, you just need to follow the recommendations to make your home a repository of positive energy.

- the bathroom should not be located in the center of your home

The center of the house is not the place for the toilet, bathroom and kitchen, places where a lot of dirt collects. When the bathroom is located in the center of the house, the bad energy that we wash away with water spreads to other rooms, provoking the development of various diseases among household members. If a bathroom located in the center of the house is already a fait accompli, then the only option is to remodel it.

- the bathroom and toilet should not be located opposite the front door

If this is so, then luck will leave the house, and the owners will be constantly haunted by unforeseen expenses, which will certainly complicate the process of saving money for large purchases.

- the bathroom door should not open close to the door to the living room

Try to avoid this, otherwise a restless and nervous atmosphere will be created in the house. If there is a stove on the same line with the toilet, the health of the residents may suffer because of this.

- the toilet should not be located opposite the bedroom

People become more vulnerable during sleep, so at night the influence of negative energy is especially strong. If the head of the bed is in contact with the wall of the bathroom or toilet, then the person sleeping on that bed can become seriously ill.

The right color for your front door helps to attract more people into your home. favorable energy. Entrance door- Very important factor in feng shui. This applies to both home and office. It is through the front door, also called the mouth of qi, that the house receives nourishing feng shui energy.

It is through the front door, also called the mouth of qi, that the house receives nourishing feng shui energy.

The flow of energy, its quality and strength determine the quality of energy in your home. Since your personal energy is closely linked to the energy of the home you live in, do everything you can to create good feng shui in your home, starting with beautiful color front door.

In feng shui choice favorable color the front door is related to the direction it faces and the main element of that direction. If you know which direction your front door faces, here are some feng shui tips for a favorable color.

Find your door and add beautiful energy to it with color.

Door facing east.

The feng shui element of the east is wood. Therefore, if your door faces east, the best colors for it will be wood colors - green and brown.

If none of these two colors are compatible with the facade of your house, then there is the possibility of using other colors, based on the feng shui generation cycle.

Since the wood element is nourished by earth and water, you can use the colors of these elements to create beautiful feng shui.

Door with exit to the southeast.

The choice of colors for the southeastern door will coincide with the colors of the east, because the same element dominates here - wood.

However, since the southeast is a wealth sector, there is also additional features color selection.

This is the color of the element of abundance of water, black or blue. It will be the most favorable for the southeastern sector of wealth.

Door facing south.

The front door that faces south is the sector of the fire element. That's why best color this will be red. Other matching colors to support the fire element these are yellow, purple, orange and pink. The feeding element of fire is wood. The colors of the wood - brown and green - are perfect for a southern entrance door.

Door facing southwest.

The main element of the southwestern direction is earth. The energy associated with the southwest is maternal, as is the energy of love and marriage. All this means that the best colors here are the colors of the earth element - yellow, sand. You can also use the colors of the earth-feeding element fire - red, purple, orange.

Door facing west.

The best colors for such a door are metal colors, white and gray. The colors of the earth element are also applicable here, since earth is the nourishing element for metal in the cycle of generation of the five elements. Avoid the colors of the fire and water elements, which weaken metal.

Door with exit to the northwest.

For such a door, the same colors are suitable as for the western one, because the main element of the northwest is metal. However, since the northwest direction is associated with heavenly blessings and helpers, special attention should be given to this door.

Door facing north.

North is the direction of the water element, so the best colors here are the colors of this element - black and blue. If these colors don't go well with appearance housing, then you can paint the front door in the north in metal colors, white or gray. In the cycle of generation, metal feeds water. The element of water is poorly affected by the elements of wood, fire and earth. Therefore, do not paint the northern entrance door in the colors of these elements.

Door facing northeast.

The Northeast is a sector of spiritual growth and development. The earth element reigns here, so the best colors for the front door in this direction will be the colors of the main element - earth and the feeding element - fire. Colors that weaken the earth should be avoided - green, brown, white, grey, blue and black. The front door is the entrance to the hallway, which is also extremely important for attracting favorable energy into the house. But still, first of all, good Feng Shui begins with the front door.

According to Feng Shui, the front door should be solid, reliable and very strong. No glass or colored mosaic inserts are allowed in it, so that positive energy does not leave the house. In addition, to preserve Qi energy, curtains or blinds should be hung on the windows, and pots with indoor flowers should be harmoniously placed on the window sills.

The door at the entrance to the house should not be located opposite a multi-lane overpass or road turn. Otherwise, residents may have health and financial problems. It is difficult to move a door into a home taking into account the formed internal layout, but you can block off the space with a decorative fence, green spaces or a sculptural group. The fence will not allow negativity to enter your abode.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, nothing good can happen if there is garbage piled up at your entrance or if there is a city garbage dump opposite the door. In order to avoid financial problems, waste should be kept as far away from the home as possible. If you can’t do anything about the problem of littering, plant a shrub in front of your exit that will visually hide the untidy piece of land from you. Can be broken in front front door a beautiful flower bed, put up a gazebo, install a pergola with climbing perennials or wild grapes. The main thing is to remove negative energy from the house.

Each door, including the entrance door, should have a clear, classic shape. Arched doors, like semicircular doors or with beveled corners, have negative impact for residents.

The door leading into the house should be quite wide so that the positive energy of Qi can easily enter the building. According to Feng Shui, completely or partially glass doors are not placed at the entrance. Preference is given to wooden doors, but it is not forbidden to install metal structures.

By the way, the possibilities of Feng Shui teaching are not limited to just the design of the front door. Do you want to attract wealth to your home and make family relationships more harmonious? In this case, install it in a visible place in the living room. This amulet will bring into your home family happiness and material abundance.

Space in front of the front door

According to Feng Shui, a blank wall opposite the front door blocks positive energy. This situation needs to be corrected. The ideal option is when there is open space to the left and right of the door. It allows you to boldly look into the future, easily achieve your goal and feel your life prospects.

It is not necessary to destroy the wall; you can decorate it with a painting depicting a road stretching beyond the horizon, an endless field or the surface of the sky. At the same time, it is not advisable to hang the walls with posters and reproductions that depict water elements, waterfalls, ships and similar landscapes. If you neglect this advice, then business connections and financial prospects will begin to float away from you.

The best option for decorating the entrance area is a bright, expressive and pleasing composition hanging on the wall opposite the entrance. If you follow the teachings of Feng Shui, then the best option there will be a still life, a beautiful bouquet of flowers in an elegant vase on the table, a wall panel in oriental style or a bright decorative fan mounted on the wall.

Feng Shui mirror opposite the door

What happens if you hang a mirror opposite the entrance? And the following will happen - all the positive energy that was supposed to enter your home will be reflected from the mirror surface and rush back. The Qi energy will leave your home. However, this does not indicate that mirrors are completely inappropriate in the hallway. Many of us, when leaving home, want to look at ourselves from the outside, and in this case a mirror is simply necessary. But in no case should the reflection of the front door be noticeable in it!

Is it possible to hang a mirror on a door using Feng Shui? Yes, this item may well be on the door leaf, as well as to the left or right of the entrance. If you purchased a large oval or round mirror in a beautiful frame, it may well become a hallway decoration. Place a mirror on the front door - if its surface reflects the entrances to other rooms, it will help the Chi energy penetrate into each room.

p.s. We also suggest that you read the article "". You will become familiar with the unusual properties of reflective objects.
