All about clans in World of Tanks. Bank of abstracts

And so, you came to play Minecraft online on our Minecraft servers with a launcher and mods, but you are bored playing alone or you came to play with friends - in any case You can create your own clan in Minecraft and develop together on the server. This instruction will cover basic commands: working with players, linking territories to a clan, establishing relationships (alliance/enmity/neutrality) with other clans.

All commands will be executed using the root command /clan (or /factions, /c, /f), if you type this command without arguments, you will get help on all clan plugin commands.

Creating a clan in Minecraft

Creating a clan is a very important and responsible step: you must be financially prepared for this, and also decide on the name of the clan, since it is impossible to change it in the future.

The cost of creating a clan is 9,999.00 . Platinum players have a discount 50%

A clan is created using the /clan create sub-command<название клана>, in this case you must take into account several conditions:

  1. The clan name must be no larger than 32 characters
  2. The clan name must be unique and not occupied by another clan
  3. You are a persistent and responsible person;)

You can also dissolve a clan using the /clan delete command, while the cost of creating a clan not refundable, however, do you need it?

If all conditions are met, you will receive a message in the chat about the successful creation of the clan. The clan is created on all servers of our project automatically.

And so, you are ready for new responsibility ^.^

Inviting players to the clan

We have successfully created a clan in Minecraft, but what is a clan without players? Let's fix this mistake ;)

First of all, you should take into account that the limit of players in 1 clan is 8 players

You can invite a player to a clan using the command /clan invite<ник игрока>, wherein:

  1. The invited player must be on the server
  2. The invited player must not be a member of other people's clans
  3. The invited player cannot have his own clan
  4. The invited player must not be invited to another clan

After the invitation, the player will receive instructions in the chat for refusing/agreeing to join your clan. All members of your clan will see a notification about this.

You can also revoke an invitation using the /clan revoke command.<ник игрока>or kick a clan member using the /clan disband command<ник игрока>

Establishing relationships with other clans in Minecraft

Each clan is its own team of like-minded people and they should have connections with other people, both good and bad, right?

Please note that the limit on the number of relationships in 1 clan is 4 clans(You can expand by purchasing or a separate service in)

You can establish relations with another clan using the /clan relations command<тип отношения> <название клана>, conditions:

  1. You should not be in any relationship now (if you want to change the type of relationship, break it off first)
  2. The owner of the clan with whom the relationship is being built must be on the server
  3. The clan with which you are building relationships must confirm your initiative

After entering the command, if all conditions are met, the clan with which you are building a relationship will receive instructions to confirm your initiative.

In case of refusal/confirmation, members of your clan will receive a notification, and players of the clan with which you are building relationships will also receive a notification.

To break/change the type of relationship you can use the /clan break command<название кланы> .

Similar to entering into a relationship, both clans must confirm their intentions to change/sever the relationship.

Linking territories to a clan in Minecraft

Linking a region gives special privileges: all clan members have full access to the region without the need to add players to the region.

Keep in mind that the limit on the number of regions in 1 clan is 2 regions(You can expand by purchasing or a separate service in)

To link a territory to your clan, use the /clan region add command<название региона>, But:

  1. You must be the owner of the region
  2. The region should not be tied to another clan
  3. You must run this command in the world where the desired region is located

If the region is recreated, you (the clan owner) must remain the owner of the region.

To unlink a region from a clan, you can use a similar command - /clan region del<название региона> .

Also supported multiserver(on each server different regions)

Player ranks in the clan

Do you want someone to invite players to the clan for you, or do you not have the opportunity to maintain a clan and you decide to transfer the clan to another player? For this there are ranks, there are three types of titles:

You can only appoint a new clan owner once every 60 days

To promote/demote players use the /clan promote command<ник игрока> <тип звания>, wherein:

  1. The player being promoted/demoted must be on the server
  2. Your rights must be higher than the rights of the player being promoted/demoted
  3. The owner of a clan can only be 1 person
  4. When another player is promoted to clan owner, you automatically demote yourself to a clan member

After the command is completed, all clan members will receive a notification.

Clan Greeting in Minecraft

Displayed when clan members log into the server, it is necessary for mass notification of members of your clan

The greeting should be from 2 to 128 characters

You can change your greeting using the command /clan greeting<текст> .

In order to write a message in the chat you must write a specific combination of characters before your message, example: #>Message

Also in the general chat in front of your nickname a prefix with the clan name is added

Minecraft Clan Information

To view information about the desired clan, use the /clan info command

Since the World of Tanks game is multiplayer, it is natural and logical to ask

Since the World of Tanks game is multiplayer, it is natural and logical to ask that players be able to unite in the gaming space according to common goals. In this regard, in January 2011, a type of battle called clan battle was launched. But what is a clan and how to create one? This article was written to answer these questions.

Clan is a community of players. Recently, the game has introduced such a function as the Clan Rating, where the more successful clan takes first place based on the results of battles over the week, based on points. Conventionally, clans can be divided into two types:
  • clan for fun rides and communication. Usually in such clans there is complete anarchy, and the players do not look at the statistics of victories or efficiency (efficiency factor);
  • clan for landing on the Global Map, participating in various tournaments. Such clans consist of experienced, skilled players and the clan plays harmoniously and dynamically.

In order to create your own clan, you will need: a great desire, the ability to motivate people, your organizational skills and gold (in-game currency).

Step-by-step creation of a clan:

It should also be noted that the limit of players in a clan should not exceed 100 people, so invite truly experienced and worthwhile players.

In general, you, as a clan commander, can give players ranks that are established by the game. The ranks in the clan are as follows:

Commanding- this is the person who created the clan. All functions are within his powers. available in the clan (removing and inviting players, editing and inserting emblems in the clan, distributing titles, landing on the GK and various tournaments and much more);

Senior officer- the second, after the commander, person in the clan. His functions are almost the same as those of the commander, but differ only in that the senior officer cannot appoint a commander and does not have the right to dissolve the clan.

Staff officer- the person who is responsible for forays in the clan. He can also manage a clan, but not higher ranks, i.e. commander and senior officer.

Combat officer- this is an officer who can change the position of a player in the clan, and can also create a room for forays in a mode such as Fortified Area.

Intelligence officer- this officer has a unique function - viewing the next map in the Fortified Areas.

Supply Officer- in other words, a person who manages the clan’s treasury.

Recruiting Officer- a person who recruits new clan players.

Next come such ranks as junior officer, private, recruit and reservist, which are the main impact force clan.
Thus, creating a clan is a unique, indestructible action that involves a huge number of players. If you want to create a clan, then go ahead and good luck on the battlefields!

Today we will talk about what a clan is and what it is eaten with in a game about tanks called World of Tanks. In addition, we will look at which guilds are the best and how to create a clan in World of Tank.

What is a clan

Before we talk about clans in World of Tanks, let's discuss what a clan is in general. Many MMORPG players can often see messages in chats: “We are recruiting for a clan.” But what is it? A guild in any game is a so-called “tribe” that unites, communicates and fights for its place in virtual world. From time to time, all clans may fight for ownership of territories. Thus, the winners have the opportunity to receive additional income from their land and some pleasant “goodies”. Many guilds have a clan emblem. Word of Tanks allows you to install the original picture. Moreover, to every interested GI master. This picture is the emblem of the World of Tanks clan.

Creation Differences

In all online games that have various kinds clans, the creation of this “community” is different, sometimes even radically. Strictly speaking, there is no reason to draw one or another conclusion as to why this happens. Apparently, everything depends on the capabilities of the programmers and the imagination of the creator.

Before we talk about how to create a clan in World of Tanks, let's look at how guilds can be created in general. The first, perhaps the most convenient way, is through non-player characters and items in the game. Most MMORPGs take this approach. The fact is that when creating a clan you will not need to wait for approval and all that. Just come to the desired character with the necessary items and money, and then create a clan. After that, you are a master, able to recruit people for yourself.

Another way is to create a clan through a forum or game website. In a special topic you need to find a form and fill it out. After that, submit it for review. Then, after an ad hoc waiting period, you will receive a positive or negative response. In the first case, they will create a guild for you, in which you will become a “daddy”; in the second, you will remain a “loner”.

How to create a guild

Well, we are starting to learn how to create a clan in World of Tank. If you consider yourself a fairly experienced player and have gained enough skill to lead your own “community”, then it’s time to create your own guild. But how to do that?

You need to go to the game website and log in there. After that, go to your account profile. Find “Create a clan” there and click on the button. A window with creation settings will appear in front of you. You can come up with a name, tag, motto and description of the guild. When you fill out everything, just click “Ok” - the clan has been created, you have become a master, you can recruit players and rush into battle! In World of Tanks clans they cannot enter into an official union with each other, as in some other games. So if you decide to declare war on someone, get ready for the fact that you will have to defend yourself and your clans on your own.

Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap

But, no matter how sad it may sound, creating a guild in World of Tanks is far from free. However, like in many other games. What is the fee for creating clans?

To begin with, as we said a little earlier, in order to create guilds in some games you need to bring some items. Usually these are rare items or elite artifacts. In addition, sometimes you need to bring an item from the game store, which can be bought either from the hands of hucksters in the toy or for real money, which is converted into game currency. The number of items fluctuates.

Among other things, in order to create a clan in an online game, you often need to pay a certain amount money. Gaming games, of course, that cannot be purchased for real money. The amounts can be relatively large. This means that you may need "real" (the currency of the game store) to collect money.

But in order to fully answer how to create a clan in World of Tanks, you also need to know that there are games in which this process is paid exclusively in “real money”. That is, the pleasure will cost the player a pretty penny. In the World of Tanks game, this kind of activity will cost 2,000 gold coins. Previously, there was a promotion, according to which the price was reduced to 500. If you take about 15-20 rubles for 1 coin ( average cost in games), then the amount looks impressive. Additionally, editing a clan will require payment to some extent. Changing the emblem, say, will cost 500 gold. In order to be able to wage war on global maps, you need to recruit 15 people. The best World of Tanks clans will receive income and various interesting things for victories and conquered lands.


It's time to sum up our conversation. A relatively new game in the MMORPG genre "World of Tanks" opens up many possibilities for players. This includes uniting people into clans. As with all toys in the online world, you have to pay. True, not to the NPC (non-player character), but to the administration. If you are not ready to invest real money or “farm” for gold for a long time, it is best to join a previously created GI. Good game!

Are you constantly improving and starting to realize that you already want to get to the very top of the world of tanks?

If you are sure that you are already missing something in random, then become a clan commander.

To do this, you need to create a clan and you will have the opportunity to capture provinces.

So, how to create a clan in World of Tanks, what do you need for this and what advantages does it offer the player?

Well, future clan commanders, now you will find out everything!

From this article you will learn:


Create a clan in game World of Tanks can be played by any player. When you create it, you automatically become the commander of your own created clan.

To create it, you will have to pay, since the operation is a paid one and for this you must have the required amount of game currency on your account. However, this can be done for free.

How? I'll talk about this a little later. In the meantime, I offer you to study the instructions on how to create a clan.

Instructions for creating a clan in the game World of Tanks

  1. On home page On the official website, find “create a clan” and click.
  2. Enter the name of your clan.

As you can see, everything is simple. Therefore, come up with a name in advance for the clan that is being created and assemble its composition from friends - initially there may be fifty of them. Congratulations, you are now commander!

Why are clans needed?

In fact, a lot of attention is paid to the clan component in tanks. The main actions of all clans are a global map with company battles, a rather harsh world in which you literally have to survive.

Company battles are more like training, but large-scale battles take place on the global map to achieve goals.

There are several tens of thousands of clans created in World of Tanks, so there is a lot of competition here. Most players strive to get into the top 250 of the most successful and powerful teams.

Therefore, it is important to know how to properly maintain mid-level clans.


So, the clan has been created, now you should start compiling statistics for your clan, which includes studying all the capabilities of each fighter - various ratings (effectiveness of the armor site, bending, and so on, WN7, WN6).

After careful analysis, determine how many cards you will initially run. This is the initial card base and its number should not exceed three copies.

In the first stages, debug the system of interaction between clan fighters. Do as many workouts as possible.

You will still have time to fight, now it is important to study everything, consider how they are sent in groups and individually, where the hiding places are, that is, study the terrain and all the possibilities.

Having honed everything to perfection, you can think about further joining the Civil Code. Here, players will find the ivanerr resource useful, which allows them to carry out large-scale filtering of territories on the GK, suitable specifically for your maps and prime time.

The resource will also help to identify whether a clan is strong or weak holding a certain territory. You are required to draw up a thorough offensive plan, after which you can begin the offensive.

All this will help polish your actions, and the composition of the clan will begin to gradually increase.

Over time, it will become difficult for one player to command, but you can always hire good recruiters who will take charge correct selection clan composition, weeding out unnecessary ones, in a word, will be beneficial.

Hiring as a recruiter can be done when the number of fighters reaches 80 people.

Don't forget about internal climate, the clan you created, get in touch with your members as often as possible, hold a discussion internal problems, periodically organize competitions and create a group on a social network.

It is important to maintain team spirit and unite all fighters together!

Don't forget the emblem!

Each clan has an emblem. Creating a clan emblem is not difficult at all. Why is it needed? This is a symbol of the military brotherhood you have created, a recognizable image that reflects the philosophy and all the values ​​of the clan, which transmits information to your opponents and allies.

You can change it, and this action is also available to your deputies. Clan emblems on the global map are updated once every 24 hours.

Thus, in the review you learned how to create a clan in World of Tanks, as well as options for its promotion and support.

Creating a clan for free is also quite possible; for this you just need to use unique cheats for hacking the game (you can read more about them in the corresponding article on my blog).

This will give you the opportunity to receive the required amount for free on your account to create a clan.

Follow all the instructions, and you will quickly occupy an important niche among other contenders for the title of the most successful team.

Believe in what you are doing and in your fighting friends! Only in this case will you be able to achieve success, and fortune will be your eternal companion. Good luck!

4 years and 10 months ago Comments: 12

What is a clan?

Many, probably, while playing World of Tanks, have read phrases like “we are recruiting for a clan” and you wondered what a clan is and why it is needed. Clans are permanent military formations of players, designed to jointly perform combat missions, geopolitical games, and simply have a good time. Clan fighters are brothers in arms who equally share the bitterness of defeat and move together towards the desired victory. Only clans can own provinces on the Global Map (more on that later) and receive regular income from them.

How to create a clan?

So, you have gained skill or consider yourself an experienced player, and decided to create your own clan. Go to the official website, go to your profile, click on the checkmark down under your nickname and see the inscription clans there, click on it.

After the transition we see this picture

Click on the create a clan tab (if anyone needs more detailed information click on the tab all about clans). The clan creation menu opens. Here we see the Clan Name, Tag, Clan Motto, Description. Enter all the necessary data and click create clan. The cost of creating a clan is 2500 gold coins. Previously, it was possible to create a promotion for 500 gold, perhaps there will be promotions soon and who knows, maybe they will reduce the cost for creating a clan. After creating a clan, information about your clan will be available on the community page in the clans section. You can view information about your clan and edit it. Click on edit. Here we see that you can edit the name and tag (the paid service is 2000 gold coins), the motto is edited absolutely free, symbols (service fee is 500 gold coins) and other things also change for free.

On the main page of the clan we see the personnel and all the data that was entered when creating the clan. On the right we see tabs, click on them and you’ll figure it out. If you have in mind good players Those who are not yet in the clan, I advise you to invite them, because in order to win you need to have a good team. How to invite you ask, I answer, click on the community, then players, enter the player’s nickname, search, click on the nickname and the line “invite to the clan” appears on the left, invite. I advise you to contact the player to whom the application was sent and inform him about this, since the application is valid for 24 hours. The team must be 15 people, in order to fight on the Global Map, each of the team members can be given a position.

World War.

When choosing the type of battle in the World of Tanks, you probably saw Special Battle, for some reason it is always unavailable. I will now explain what you need to do to take part in this fight. By going to the World of Tanks website and clicking on the tab World War, 2 modes appear - these are Global map And World in fire.

World War– a game mode in which you can feel like a conqueror of the world. Having united into a clan, take part in the confrontation on the Global Map. Ownership of provinces on the Global Map not only indicates the success of the clan, but also brings in-game gold for maintaining the clan. By going to the website and clicking on the global map, you can read about it in more detail, but I’ll tell you briefly.

Global map- this is the playing field of the World War on which the fighting between clans for the conquest of a province (territory). The Global Map displays information about all provinces and invading clans. If you carefully monitor changes on the map, you can not only assess the overall balance of power in the game, but also develop a reliable plan for your expansion. To fight on the Global Map, you need to have 15 players in the clan, each player is a chip, and to capture an application to capture a province you need 15 chips. It is also necessary to have good armored vehicles from 2 to 10 levels.

World in fire- this is massive game event for clans. It has a logical conclusion and is a set of combat missions, for completing which clans and their individual members receive Victory Points and Glory Points. The reward for the winners of the World on Fire event is in-game gold, unique medals and a prize T23E3 tank. You can also read in more detail on the official website of World of Tanks.

How to join a clan?

If you don’t have the opportunity to create your own clan, but want to play on a global map, then don’t despair, because you can ask someone to join the clan, be it friends, acquaintances or an ordinary player. Let's say you asked to join a good clan, what will the clan recruiter look at first? Of course, on your statistics! If she satisfies, then you will be sent an invitation to the clan. How to take it? If you are informed that you have been sent an invitation, go to the website, enter your profile, and see 1 new message, open it and accept the invitation (joining the clan is absolutely free, as is leaving it). If there is no message, click on the notification tab; surely an invitation is waiting for you there. If it’s not there, then I advise you to wait, an invitation will come soon. However, I do not advise you to put all this on the back burner, since the deadline for submitting an application for an invitation to the clan is 24 hours.
And that's all for me, thank you for your attention.

Prepared by: Frostninzya163
