Daughter of Sergei Mavrodi. At the premiere of the film "Pyrammida" Alexey Mitrofanov did not believe the script

Sergey Mavrodi – Russian entrepreneur, founder of the joint-stock company MMM, considered the largest Russian financial pyramid in history. In the second half of the 2000s, Sergei Panteleevich became interested in literature and also wrote scripts for films.

Sergei was born in Moscow in 1955 in the family of Pantelei Andreevich, who worked as an electrician, and Valentina Fedorovna, an enterprise economist. The newborn was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect and the parents were prepared that the boy would not live to adulthood.

IN school years Seryozha demonstrated phenomenal memory capabilities. The boy quickly and accurately remembered information. Mavrodi was more inclined to exact sciences and has repeatedly won the Olympiads in physics and mathematics.

In parallel with secondary school, Sergei also graduated from the Children's Art School named after Prechistenka, and also achieved success in sambo, becoming the champion of Moscow in the absolute weight category, although at that time he himself weighed only 60 kilograms.

Sergei Mavrodi dreamed of entering the famous “Baumovka”, but failed entrance exams, so I went to study at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics at the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering. The young man rarely appeared at lectures, as he quickly lost interest in his studies, and was later expelled.

Financial pyramid "MMM"

In the wake of the fashion of Soviet entrepreneurship, Sergei Mavrodi opened the MMM cooperative in 1989, which included dozens of commercial structures. The founders of the company were Sergei Mavrodi, brother Vyacheslav and his brother’s wife, Olga Melnikova. The name of the cooperative includes the first letters of the founders' surnames. The most profitable and most famous of the companies was Joint-Stock Company"MMM", which turned out to be the largest Russian financial pyramid in history. 15 million people were involved in the company's activities.

In the early 90s, they began to enter the market securities“MMM”, and in just six months the value of each share increased 127 times! This was an unprecedented profit result, due to the enormous amount of advertising. It's funny, but Mavrodi managed his own company exclusively by phone.

Soon Sergei was arrested on suspicion of tax evasion, but two months later he was released. Wanting to avoid a similar situation in the future, Mavrodi became a deputy State Duma, never hiding the fact that he goes into politics solely for the sake of parliamentary immunity. Having won the elections, the businessman did not appear even once at a meeting of the Duma, but at the same time, Mavrodi did not enjoy the financial advantages and benefits of a parliamentarian. Sergei did not receive a deputy’s salary, did not use a company car, apartment or dacha.

In 1996, by a unanimous decision of other deputies, Sergei Mavrodi lost his mandate, after which the investigation against the entrepreneur was resumed. Only now the charge was brought not just for concealing taxes, but also for fraud. MMM was declared bankrupt, and the president was put on the state and even international wanted list.

But even Interpol could not stop the purposeful Mavrodi, who, hiding from everyone, created a new financial pyramid “Stock Generation” on the Internet and registered it as gambling. Now Europeans and Americans have suffered from the entrepreneur’s activities. After the crime was made public, the entrepreneur went into hiding for 8 years. Mavrodi later admitted that he had his own security service, which was at least as good as those who were looking for Sergei.

After Mavrodi’s arrest, the criminal case consisted of 610 volumes, and the damage caused to investors was estimated at $110 million. But independent experts consider this figure to be extremely underestimated. The damage was no less than a billion and even amounted to several tens of billions of dollars.

After serving his sentence, Sergei Panteleevich created a new pyramid, MMM-2011, and then, which quickly went bankrupt.

Books and films

To keep himself busy while in prison, Sergei Mavrodi began writing a novel, which was published without editing under the title “Son of Lucifer.” A collection of short stories “Temptation”, which is a continuation of the novel, was also published, as well as the second part, “Temptation 2”.

During the same years, the works “Prison Diaries” and “Paracellor” were written, as well as collections of poems.

Several of Mavrodi's books were made into films. Thus, the entrepreneur converted the story “PiraMMMida” into a script, in which he described own biography. The role of Sergei himself in the film was played by the actor. In 2014, the thriller “The River” was released, and in Canada they shot the horror film “Mary”, also based on the plot of Mavrodi.

At the end of 2015, the Internet broadcast of the series “Zombies” began, for which Sergei Mavrodi wrote the script and music.

On behalf of Sergei Mavrodi, there is only one official website, on which the entrepreneur posts video messages to users. From his own page, Mavrodi warns investors about the existence of MMM sites, which are opened by scammers who have nothing to do with him.

Personal life

In 1993, Sergei Mavrodi married fashion model Elena Pavlyuchenko, winner of several beauty contests of various sizes.

According to acquaintances, Sergei and Elena had an unconventional understanding family life: the spouses lived in different apartments and came to each other only to spend time together.

Already in prison, Sergei insisted on a divorce, as he did not want to spoil his wife’s personal life. Later, the entrepreneur found out that Elena was pregnant and in 2006 gave birth to a daughter, whom Mavrodi himself never saw.

last years of life

Sergei Mavrodi led a secluded life. The entrepreneur preferred fishing or reading books to communicating with people. Sergei deliberately settled away from civilization and was not interested in the news. Mavrodi’s photos did not appear in the media, since the entrepreneur did not strive for publicity.

Even during the heyday of MMM, the life of an entrepreneur was not pretentious. Sergei made do with the minimum amount of furniture necessary for human existence.

The star of a financial genius or simply a swindler shone on the horizon again in 2014, when Mavrodi launched a pyramid based on virtual currency, while 74% of Russians officially recognized Mavrodi as a criminal and only 17% as a talent. The entrepreneur promised investors a 100% return on investment. But following the MMM company, which officially closed only in 2015, the activities of the pyramid were also suspended.

In 2016, Sergei Mavrodi became famous for another scam: the entrepreneur posted messages about financial collapse on African Internet resources and invited residents of South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria to invest money in MMM. The familiar scheme worked.

The popularity of Mavrodi’s channel on the video hosting site YotTube went off scale and became the first in terms of attendance on the southern continent, surpassing even Facebook in terms of indicators. As a result, your own savings Russian businessman trusted 10 million investors, who were also deceived. By the end of the year, the pyramid ceased to exist in South Africa, and in 2017, the same fate awaited Nigerians. Angry citizens staged rallies, but the government could do nothing to help.

In the Russian media space in 2017, Sergei Mavrodi launched new series“Antimir”, and in 2018 Sergei Mavrodi promised to nominate his own candidacy for, which never happened.

Condition assessment

Sergei Mavrodi’s fortune already in the first months of MMM’s existence reached several million rubles (by 1998, this amount had grown to 100 million pre-devaluation rubles). Mavrodi preferred not to talk about the state of affairs in recent years.


On March 26, 2018, the media reported. According to latest information, Sergei Panteleevich died in the morning from a massive heart attack. He became ill right at the bus stop, where passers-by called an ambulance.

The wife of the late Sergei Mavrodi ensured a comfortable life for herself during 12 years of marriage. Elena was the wife of the founder of MMM for 12 years, from 1993 to 2005. According to rumors, she changed her name and appearance after the divorce. What happened to her is not known for certain. According to some sources, Elena got married again. According to others, he lives with his mother and daughter from Sergei Mavrodi in a house in the Moscow region. She will turn 49 this summer.

Elena comes from the Ukrainian Zaporozhye, her maiden name Pavlyuchenko. Her family was simple. My mother worked as an engineer, my father was a candidate of technical sciences and headed a laboratory at the Titanium Research Institute. Elena studied in absentia at the philological department of the pedagogical institute and worked as a nanny in a kindergarten.

In 1989, a 20-year-old girl took part in the Zaporozhye beauty contest, where she caused a scandal. Lena stood out from the rest of the girls; there were rumors around her about a connection with an influential patron. Even then, she was ready to do a lot for the sake of success. One of the jury members of the competition, Valentin Druzhinin, recalls.

In those years, the population of Zaporozhye lived poorly, so the contestants dressed inconspicuously, but Elena Pavlyuchenko immediately stunned with expensive outfits. It was rumored that Elena had found a non-local sponsor. Her mother tried to put pressure on the jury, and Elena was cunning with all her might. We decided to give the Audience Choice Award to the one for whom the audience clapping loudest. Elena brought a support group who gave her a standing ovation. As a result, Pavlyuchenko became “Vice Miss”. And - she caused us a scandal. She filed a statement with the police that her jewelry was stolen from her dressing room. Everyone was summoned for questioning. The jewelry was not found. We are still convinced that this scandal was started in retaliation for the loss.

Elena met her future husband in Moscow. In the early 90s, Elena came to conquer the capital and appeared in Yuri Nikolaev’s popular television competition “Morning Star”. Sergei Mavrodi sat on his jury. The spectacular, confident girl charmed the entrepreneur. He was casting models for MMM advertising and invited Elena to take part in the filming. Soon the girl became the face of the company, she was called the “Queen of MMM.” The couple started dating.

Especially for his beloved, Mavrodi organized international beauty contests, in which she won. Elena won many titles and headed the MMM-Model modeling agency founded by Sergei. According to Elena, they were in no hurry to register the marriage and lived separately. "We for a long time We were just friends, we decided to register the relationship after criminal prosecution began against Seryozha... We were not like ordinary lovers.” In an interview, Mavrodi said that he could not imagine how it was possible to live with a woman in the same apartment.

A number of scandals are associated with Elena’s name. Her name appeared in the case of the abduction of a baby from the Pediatrics Research Institute, who was being treated there. A clinic employee carried the child out of the building and handed it over to the women sitting in a car parked nearby. Research institute staff raised the alarm when they noticed that the baby was not there. The car with the kidnappers was stopped and they were taken to the police. As it turned out, Elena’s infertile friend planned to illegally adopt the baby. Mavrodi’s wife had connections at the research institute, and she volunteered to help organize the kidnapping. During the investigation, the suspects changed their testimony and confused the investigation so much that the case had to be closed.

The scandal with the attempted abduction of a child is not the only dark spot in the biography of Elena Mavrodi. In the second half of the 90s, she tried to make a career in politics. The woman ran for State Duma deputy three times, but was never able to achieve what she wanted. Twice the candidacy was withdrawn on the eve of the vote due to bribery of voters, and on the third she did not receive the required number of votes.

A person from Mavrodi’s entourage said that in the MMM scam Elena acted as eminence grise, representing people with great connections. When Sergei was hiding from criminal liability, Elena served as an intermediary in his affairs and monitored the flow of money. According to rumors, it was she who handed her husband over to law enforcement agencies in exchange for “absolution of sins.”

On March 26, perhaps the most famous financial fraudster from the 90s died in Moscow at the age of 62. Sergei Mavrodi. The day before he was hospitalized from a bus stop. A random passer-by called an ambulance for him - Mavrodi complained of weakness and pain in his heart.Sergei Mavrodi is treated differently, because there are those who consider him a financial genius, an unusually successful entrepreneur and, in some way, an idealist. Others believe that he is a real swindler who should be behind bars. Next we will talk not about Mavrodi’s personality, but about his ex-wife- a successful fashion model, winner of beauty contests, child abductor and three times under-deputy of the State Duma Elena Pavlyuchenko. Sergei and Elena were married from 1993 to 2005.

Elena Pavlyuchenko

According to some sources, Elena got married again. According to others, he lives with his mother and daughter from Sergei Mavrodi in a house in the Moscow region. She will turn 49 this summer.

Elena is from the Ukrainian Zaporozhye, her maiden name is Pavlyuchenko. Her family was simple. My mother worked as an engineer, my father was a candidate of technical sciences and headed a laboratory at the Titanium Research Institute.

After school, Elena went to study at the Faculty of Philology of Zaporozhye pedagogical institute on extramural. In 1989 she took part in the competition "Miss Zaporozhye". Possessing natural charisma, she is without special effort made it to the top 10 finalists.

As eyewitnesses say, Lena had the brightest and most outstanding outfits. However, despite all her efforts, the beauty lost first place to another girl, taking the title “Vice Miss”.

After the loss, Elena Pavlyuchenko created a scandal, reported that her expensive earrings were stolen from her dressing room, and wrote a statement to the police. The girl's mother even attempted to challenge the result of the competition through legal proceedings.

At the dawn of the 1990s, Elena moved to the Russian capital. Taking part in the then popular television competition Yuri Nikolaev "Morning Star", she met Sergei Mavrodi, who occupied a seat on the jury. The founder of MMM was just then recruiting models for advertising campaign pyramids, and the bright and talented Elena struck him down on the spot.

Soon the girl became the face of the company, she was called the “Queen of MMM.” The couple started dating.

Especially for his beloved, Mavrodi organized international beauty contests, in which she won. Elena won many titles and headed the MMM-Models modeling agency founded by Sergei.

According to Elena, they were in no hurry to register the marriage and lived separately.

We were just friends for a long time, we decided to register the relationship after criminal prosecution began against Serezha... We were not like ordinary lovers.

In an interview, Mavrodi said that he could not imagine how it was possible to live with a woman in the same apartment.

Sergei Mavrodi

Mrs. Mavrodi headed one of the company’s departments, for which she received a good salary wages. When Sergei was hiding from criminal liability, she was his way of communicating with the right people, and also followed the money.

According to rumors, it was Elena Mavrodi who “surrendered” her husband to the police so as not to be held accountable for her own sins.

A number of scandals are associated with Elena’s name. She was involved in the case of the kidnapping of a baby from the Pediatrics Research Institute, who was being treated there.

A clinic employee carried the child out of the building and handed it over to the women sitting in a car parked nearby. Research institute staff raised the alarm when they noticed that the baby was not there. The car with the kidnappers was stopped and they were taken to the police.

As it turned out, Elena’s infertile friend planned to illegally adopt the baby.

Mavrodi’s wife had connections at the research institute, and she volunteered to help organize the kidnapping. During the investigation, the suspects changed their testimony and confused the investigation so much that the case had to be closed.

The scandal with the attempted kidnapping of a child is not the only dark spot in the biography of Elena Mavrodi.

In the second half of the 90s, she tried to make a career in politics.

The woman ran for State Duma deputy three times, but was never able to achieve what she wanted.

A person from Mavrodi’s entourage said that in the MMM scam, Elena acted as an eminence grise, representing people with great connections.

In 2005, Sergei and Elena officially divorced. After a divorce, a woman changed not only her last name, but also her appearance. Mentions of her in the media have ended.

According to acquaintances of the late Mavrodi, the woman is now leading quiet life with mother and daughter, who was born from Sergei.

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Sergei Panteleevich Mavrodi (08/11/1955 – 03/26/2018). Owner of the most famous shareholder pyramid in Russia, MMM. According to numerous evidence, due to the work of this structure, about 15 million people remained bankrupt. The business owner himself was sure that the company was deliberately abolished federal structures Russia.

short biography

The future “pharaoh” was born in Moscow into an ordinary family of working people. The boy had serious heart problems since birth, which is why doctors' prognoses were disappointing. At most, the child could count on a short youthful life. But the doctors were wrong, Mavrodi grew up hyperactive child, had an excellent memory and ability for mathematical sciences.

In 1972, Mavrodi graduated from school and tried to enroll in University of Physics and Technology. Due to one unfortunate error in calculations, Sergei did not score enough points for admission, and without making any more attempts to retake, he entered the mechanical engineering university at the faculty with a mathematical bias.

As a student, he is actively involved in combat sambo and in a short period of time becomes the master of rank in his weight category, without ever losing. Over time, due to the reluctance to spend everything free time for sports, the passion for sambo disappears.

An entrepreneurial streak seems to have always been present in Mavrodi’s character. Back in 1983, Sergei was first detained for 10 days for illegally selling videotapes. After serving his sentence, the young man decided to do great things.

Elena Pavlyuchenko - ex-wife Sergei

Personal life

At the end of his days, Sergei was left alone. The only marriage with the Ukrainian beauty from Zaporozhye - Elena Pavlyuchenko, ended in divorce.

IN early years, while studying at the Pedagogical University, Elena worked part-time as a teacher kindergarten. In the early 90s, a girl wins a local beauty contest. Then she meets Mavrodi. The passion of two young people turns into a legal marriage, however, Sergei never lived with a woman and had no intention of changing his habits. So, the Mavrodi couple did not spend a day under the same roof.

Due to problems in business, Sergei, while in isolation, decided to free his beloved from the burden. He files for divorce and refuses to meet with his wife. It is known from sources that Elena settled in the Moscow region and raised their common daughter Irina alone.

Sergei Panteleimonovich never slept at night; his sleep schedule consisted of morning and evening hours rest, from 6 to 10. He loved collecting insects, fishing and hunting. He was a passionate book lover and did not have the habit of watching TV, and did not follow events in the world.
Most of all, the “pharaoh” loved to be alone with himself and, unnecessarily, never came into contact with another person. The businessman identified the fair sex with biting insects and considered them useless.

Being the owner of huge monetary capital, the pyramid builder was distinguished by amazing modesty. He had practically no real estate, and the interior of his apartment consisted of a table, books and an aquarium with fish.

Sunset of life

On the night of March 25, Sergei Panteleimonovich became ill in the middle of the street; doctors arrived in time and took the man to the hospital, but did not have time to help. The cause of Sergei Panteleimonovich's death was heart failure. Like this amazing person he was.
Recalling their relationship with Mavrodi, Elena noted that she does not regret knowing him, because he is a unique person who left her a piece of himself in the form of his daughter Irina.

Mavrodi's personality was main reason participation in the film by Eldar Salavatov and producer Sergei Livnev of almost all the actors. And Fyodor Bondarchuk (banker Belyavsky), and Alexey Serebryakov (Sergei Mamontov, aka Mavrodi), and Ekaterina Vilkova (journalist Vera), and Anna Mikhalkova (Mamontov’s wife), and Daniil Spivakovsky (lawyer Mamontov Gutov) were primarily interested in the events related to MMM. The nostalgic chaos of the 1990s and the odious personality of the main character interested not only the project participants. The premiere was attended by politician Alexei Mitrofanov, directors Alexander Strizhenov, Vladimir Khotinenko, actresses Olesya Sudzilovskaya, Anna Semenovich, actors Alexander Porokhovshchikov and Konstantin Kryukov, radio producer Mikhail Kozyrev, Renat Davletyarov, chief producer of the TV Center channel Alexander Oleinikov and, of course, Lenya Golubkov" - actor Vladimir Permyakov.

Those who often attend our company's premieres will be disappointed. This film is not a comedy. " Love affair at work" is playing in the next room. The film is long - 3 hours 40 minutes. It’s a joke,” producer Sergei Livnev took the floor. “Today you can look at the events of that time soberly from the outside. We didn’t want to make a film about fraud, because Mavrodi was never only interested in money , he wanted to own the world. By the way, when I came to him with the script, the first thing he said was that I looked like his cellmate, a repeat killer. Of course, we invited Sergei Mavrodi to the premiere, but he chose to remain in the shadows .

The idea of ​​creating a film about one of the most scandalous pages in the history of perestroika Russia came to Livnev’s mind when, in 2007, he was one of the first to read the story “Pyramid” by Sergei Mavrodi, which he wrote in prison. The producer initially saw only Alexey Serebryakov in the role of Mamontov-Mavrodi. In film main character is presented as a kind of Robin Hood, taking money from the rich to give to the poor. Mamontov cares for Russia, his goal is to prevent several biased banks from privatizing the entire country “on the sly.” He is opposed by the cynical banker Belyavsky, played by Fyodor Bondarchuk. Everything ends tragically: bandits kidnap Mamontov's daughter, his wife commits suicide, and the hero himself is arrested.

Fyodor Bondarchuk did not have time to come to the official part, but appeared at the after-party, which took place in the restaurant in Oktyabr. The director’s phone was ringing off the hook: the tragic news about the death of Lyudmila Gurchenko was spreading around the cinema center.

Performer at the banquet leading role Alexey Serebryakov hid from the party in a separate room, where actress Ekaterina Vilkova also rested.

- Do you believe that Mavrodi was not a swindler, but Robin Hood? - the Glomu.Ru columnist asked Vilkova.
- I’m interested in the character played by Alexey Serebryakov. He is complex, ambiguous, and sometimes a mad genius, but Robin Hood - no, I don’t believe it...

Politician Alexey Mitrofanov shared his impressions of the film:

The film’s script does not entirely correspond to reality,” Mitrofanov said after the screening. - And then Mavrodi did not have any wife, and his daughter was not kidnapped.

Mavrodi had a wife at that time, and also a daughter. From 1993 to 2005 he was married to Elena Pavlyuchenko, owner of the title "Miss MMM". Mavrodi separated from his wife when he went to prison. He said the following about the reasons: “For the first three years, everyone was sure that I would never get out. I’d get thirty. Well, how can someone wait for you for so many years?” Six months after his arrest, Sergei filed for divorce and at the same time wrote a statement addressed to the head of the prison that he refused to see his wife and asked not to let her in. Why in the autobiographical story it was necessary to “kill” his wife, who was living peacefully in the Moscow region, remains a mystery. Like many other things in the life of a financial genius.

Anna Gorbashova, columnist
