The verb to have in English with examples. Modal verb Have to Sentences with have to examples with translation

The verb have can be used in different ways in English. The special form of the verb with the particle to - have to - has a special meaning. In this article we will look at when it is used and what it looks like have to rule.

The form have to is most often translated into Russian as “must”, like the verb must. However, there are differences between them, so it is better to examine the specifics of have to in detail using examples.

Also, do not confuse have to with other uses of the verb. This construction differs from the use of have as a verb of possession or an auxiliary verb. What is the difference and when can we encounter the word have?

When to use the verb have

We are accustomed to the two most common uses of the verb have. The first of them is in the meaning of “to have”. Here have is used as an independent verb and reflects the connection between the object and the person to whom the object belongs. After have there is immediately followed by a noun.

They have five children - They have five children

I have a present for you - I have a gift for you

The form of the verb changes depending on the subject: has appears if the subject is expressed in the third person singular (he / she / it). And for other cases, for example, for have to, rule will act.

He / she has a present for you - He / she has a gift for you

In the past tense, the form had is used, which does not change in number and person. If the sentence is in the future tense, the auxiliary verb will appears before the main verb. Then have remains in this form regardless of the subject.

She had a house beside the river - She had a house by the river

He will have more time next month - Next month he will have more free time

In negation or when forming an interrogative sentence in the Present Simple, the auxiliary verb do / does appears:

She doesn’t have a house beside the river - She doesn’t have a house by the river

The second case is have as an auxiliary verb to form the Perfect tense. In such sentences, have acts only as a grammatical indicator and has no meaning of its own.

We have bought a new car - We bought a new car

The have/has rule (orrule have to / has to) remains the same: in the third person singular -s appears. In the past tense the verb is replaced by had.

She has recently bought a new car - She recently bought a new car

He asked whether I had been in Germany last summer - He asked if I was in Germany last summer

Since have itself is already an auxiliary verb here, adding do/does when negating or verb is not required. The negative particle not is placed with the verb have / has / had, and in the question have / has / had it moves to the first place in the sentence.

We haven’t bought a new car yet - We haven’t bought a new car yet

Have you just thought of buying a new car? -Have you just thought about buying a new car?

Have to construction: meaning

But the verb have can also act in another capacity - this is the construction have to. It indicates the action that needs to be performed:

I have to tell you bad news - I have to tell you bad news

The meaning of the phrase have to is close to the modal verbs must / should: all options convey the idea of ​​obligation. The construction conveys the idea that circumstances have developed this way and that this is what needs to be done based on the situation:

We have to drive to Boston every weekend - Every weekend we have to drive to Boston

We have to find another place to live - We are forced to find other housing

Unlike the auxiliary verb perfect, here after have the particle to is necessarily placed, which attaches the next verb. It is an integral part of the have to construction, and without it the use of have in this meaning is impossible. Remember this as have to rule.

Have to form

Although have to is close in meaning to the verbs must or should, formally this construction differs from such verbs. The construction have to is not a modal verb. This is reflected in its form and use.

If the modal verbs must or should do not change in person and number, then it appliesrule have to / has to. The form have to changes to has to if the subject of the sentence is in the third person singular (he / she / it).

He / she has to drive to Boston every weekend - He / she is forced to drive to Boston every weekend

Mr Blake has to find another apartment - Mr Blake must find another apartment

It is possible to use have to in the future tense with the verb will, while modal verbs with will are not used:

I’ll have to make a report if they come to an agreement about the project - I will have to prepare a report if they come to an agreement on the project (you cannot say I will must / will make a report)

In the past tense the construction takes the form had to regardless of the subject:

I/she/he had to tell you that - I/he/she should have told you this

In addition, the construction have to can be used together with other modal verbs - might or may. In this case, might / may indicate that the probability of such an event is low:

I might have to work tomorrow - Perhaps I will have to work tomorrow (might expresses an assumption, and have to means “forced”)

If the auxiliary verbs will / might / may appear in a sentence, thenrules have to / has to do not apply:

He might have to work tomorrow - He might have to work tomorrow

He’ll have to make a report if they come to an agreement about the project - He will have to prepare a report if they come to an agreement on the project

If in sentences with the construction have to / has to in the Present Simple a question or negation is formed, it is necessary to use the auxiliary verbs do / does. The particle not is added to them in negative phrases, and it is do / does that occupy the first position in interrogative sentences.

Do you have to drive to Boston every weekend? - Do you have to go to Boston every weekend?

You don’t have to find another apartment - You don’t need to look for another apartment

Please note that when auxiliary verbs do / does appear, it is their form that depends on the subject: in the third person singular, does is used. Arules have to / has to cease to operate, as in the case of will / might / may.

Does she have to drive to Boston every weekend? - Does she have to go to Boston every weekend?

He doesn’t have to find another apartment - He doesn’t need to look for another apartment

Difference have to/must

Have to and must have different degrees of categoricalness. If must expresses an order or strict obligations, then have to means compulsion.

I have to go - I have to leave / I need to go (there are circumstances that force me to leave)

I must go - I must go (necessity, duty)

But the difference between these verbs is not only in how necessary the action is to be performed. If have to refers to the situation itself, to the current circumstances, then must expresses someone’s opinion.

We must go home now, it’s a scandalous evening - We must go home now, this is a scandalous evening (this is our position)

We have to go home now, we have lots of things to do for tomorrow - We must go home now, we have a lot of things to do for tomorrow (against our will, other things are waiting)

Although in some contexts have to and must can be synonymous. For example, both verbs can express a confident opinion:

It must / has to be the most annoying man in the world - This is definitely the most annoying person on earth

At the same time, must cannot be used in the past tense, and it is replaced by had to:

We must discuss this situation - We must discuss this situation

We had to discuss that situation - We had to discuss this situation

In negative sentences mustn't and don't have to are used differently. The first expresses the need not to do something (that is, not doing is the only desirable option). The second is that there is no need for this (that is, both options are possible at your own request: to do or not to do):

You mustn’t go there alone - You must not go there alone (= you are forbidden to go there alone)

You don’t have to go there alone - You don’t have to go there alone (= but you can go alone or go with someone)

Have got to

The have to construction can be replaced by have got to. For example, I have got to go or I have to go are translated as “I must go.” Although the phrase with got is more typical of a colloquial style, it is more often used in American English and in the present tense form.

The variant have got to, like the standard phrase without got, can express confidence in the assumption:

You’ve got to be joking - You’re joking

There is also some difference in the meaning of the forms have to and have got to. The have got to construction is usually used with single actions, but not with repeated events:

I have to get to work by bus - I have to go to work by bus (repeated action)

I have got to get to work by bus - I will have to go to work by bus (single trip)

Although the have to construction can be used in isolated situations:

I have got to go / I have to go - I need to go

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The English verb system is significantly different from Russian. You can often hear: “English is so difficult! And modal verbs are something from the realm of science fiction.” In fact, there is nothing complicated about them: you need to take a close look at them.

In this article we will deal with one such verb - “have to”.

Tense forms of the verb have to

The modal verb have to can be used in the present, past and future tenses. The table shows in detail the formation of different forms of the verb.

Present Simple

Examples of using the modal verb have to in the Past Simple

Alan had to wait for a long time. Alan had to wait a long time. Our class didn't have to plant trees. Did you have to wear uniform at school? Did you have to wear uniform at school?

Examples of using the modal verb have to in the Future Simple

They will have to prepare a project. They need to prepare a project. My brother won't have to walk the dog. My brother won't need to walk the dog. Will Ann and John have to take maths exam? Will Ann and John have to take a maths exam?

Examples of using the modal verb have to to express necessity

They have to wear uniform. (The school has such a rule) They must wear a uniform. (There is such a school rule) Peter had to read two books a week. (To prepare for the exam) Peter had to read two books a week. (To prepare for the exam) I’ll have to water my mother’s flowers during two weeks. (My mother won’t be at home, so I will do it instead of her) I will have to water my mother’s flowers for two weeks. (She won't be home, and I'll do it for her)

Examples of using the modal verb have to to express confidence

It has to be Michael's car. I saw photos of his car. This is probably Michael's car. I saw photos of his car. That has to have been Sara. They said she was slim and tall. Most likely it was Sarah. They said she was slim and tall.

Negative form

Examples of using the negative form of the modal verb have to

You don't have to read that book. You don't have to read that book. John doesn't have to take chemistry exam. John didn't have to take the chemistry exam. They won't have to pay for dinner. They won't have to pay for lunch.


if a negative adverb or pronoun is used in a sentence, for example never, then the particle not is not used. With one verb there can be only one negation:

Allan never has to think about job. Alan never has to think about work.

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Modal verb have to (sometimes called a modal construction) is used to express an obligation or necessity (in the affirmative or interrogative form) or the absence of an obligation or necessity (in the negative form). Also verb have to can express confidence, certainty, probability.

Have to is a synonym for modal verb must , and has a connotation of being forced due to some circumstances.

For example:
This answer has to be correct.
This answer there must be, correct. ( Expresses confidence and certainty.)

They had to leave early.
Them had to leave early. ( Expresses obligation, compulsion due to circumstances.)

The soup has to be stirred continuously to prevent burning.
Occasionally soup need to stir so that it does not burn. ( Expresses necessity.)

Using the modal verb have to in the present, past and future tenses

In most cases, the use of modal verbs in the past and future tenses is different from other verbs. The table below shows use of a modal verb have to in different situations.

Usage Affirmative forms
1. Real
2. Past
3. Future
Negative forms
1. Real
2. Past
3. Future
have to
in the sense of certainty, certainty
1.That has to be Jerry. They said he was tall with bright red hair.
This, there must be, Jerry. We were told he was tall and had bright red hair.

2.That has to have been the right restaurant. There were no other restaurants on the street.
More likely, this was the same restaurant because there were no other restaurants on that street.


1. Changes to " must"
That must not be Jerry. They said he has blond hair, not red hair.
Hardly This is Jerry. We were told that his hair was blond, not red.

2. Changes to " must"
That must not have been the right restaurant. I guess there was another one around there somewhere.
Must be, This was Not that restaurant. There was probably another one somewhere nearby.

3. There is no future tense form.

must, have got to
have to
in the sense of necessity
1. She has to read four books for this literature class.
To her need to read four books for this literature lesson.

2. She had to finish the first book before the midterm.
To her had finish the first book before the middle of the semester.

3. She will have to finish the other books before the final exam.
To her need to will finish other books before the last exam.

1. She doesn't have to read "Grapes of Wrath." It"s optional reading for extra credit.
To her not necessary read “The Grapes of Wrath.” This work is for additional assessment.

2. She didn't have to write a critique of "The Scarlet Letter." She had to give a presentation to her class.
To her it didn't have to be write criticism about the novel “The Scarlet Letter”. She had to make a presentation in class.

3. She won't have to take any other literature classes. American Literature is the only required course.
To her not necessary take some more literature classes. The only required course was American Literature.


Design don't have to means no need, but not prohibition, while the design must not means a categorical prohibition.

Modal verbs are verbs with which we can express an attitude towards an action (necessity, obligation, possibility or probability). Let's look at one of the modal verbs - the verb ‘ haveto’, which is used in English to express the need to perform an action or the obligation to perform it due to any circumstances.


It is important to say that the modal verb have to can be used in any tense:

I have to work from 8 am to 5 pm.

I have to work from 8 am to 5 pm.

Yesterday I had to go to the doctor.

Yesterday I had to go to the doctor.

I"ll have to fix my car, it's broken again.

I need to fix my car, it's broken again.

I haven't had to to go to the dentist for 2 years.

I haven’t gone to the dentist for two years now (I don’t need to).

Please note that the modal verb have to forms interrogative and negative forms in the same way as ordinary verbs, using the auxiliaries do, does, did. In its negative form, the modal verb have to means NOT NEEDED.

I don't have to get up early, because I don"t work tomorrow.

I don't have to get up early, I don't work tomorrow.

The bus wasn't late, so I didn't have to wait.

The bus was not late, so I didn't have to wait (I didn't have to).

Do you have to work late every day?

Do you need to work late every day?

Did she have to wait for a long time?

Did she have to wait long?

We can use ' have got to' instead of have to, since these modal verbs are interchangeable. The main difference between 'have to' and 'have got to' is that ' have to’ is used to express a constant or habitual need, and ‘ have got to' used to express a single need:

I have to finish my work at 6 p.m.. every day.

Every day I need to finish my work at 6 pm.

I have got to finish my work at 5 o’clock tomorrow.

Tomorrow I need to finish my work at 5 o'clock.

In order to exist in this world, we have to do things every day that duty dictates, that we are obliged to do, whether we want it or not. The modal have to in English is used precisely to denote this kind of obligation. In other words, if the speaker means that he must do something not of his own free will, but because such are the circumstances or a sense of duty requires it, have to is used.

Have got to VS have to

Have to has another option, have got to. It is not to be confused with the function verb, which means "to have".

Unlike have to, which indicates a repeated action, have got to is used when the speaker means something specific.

For example:

  • I have to write these letters whatever happens - I must write these letters, no matter what happens.
    • I have got to write to him, don’t you understand it? - I have to write to him. Do not you understand?
  • I have to visit her every day, as my mom said - I have to visit her every day, as my mother said.
    • I have got to go to her place, will you go with me? - I have to visit her, will you come with me?

In all cases, the action performed by the speaker is dictated by a sense of duty, and not by internal motives.

In practice, in colloquial speech the option have to is more often used to denote both a repeated and a specific single action.

Modal verb have to as a replacement for must and needn’t

In some cases, have to and have got to replace must, although they are not its direct equivalents. So, if must cannot be used grammatically, have to is used. This rule is valid for expressing should in the past and future tense, as well as in negative expressions. For example:

  • I must help him - I must help him.
  • I had to help him - I had to help him.
  • I will have to help him - I will have to help him.
  • I don’t have to help him - I shouldn’t have helped him.

Please note that in the negative sentence the form mustn’t was not used because it is translated not “must not”, but “impossible”. For comparison:

  • You mustn’t go there, it’s too dangerous for a kid - You can’t go there, it’s very dangerous for a child.
  • You don’t have to go there, it’s not your work to pick berries – You don’t have to go there, picking berries is not your task.

In the case of needn’t, some confusion arises when translating into Russian. This verb also means “not necessary,” but its original meaning is much softer. So, when needn’t slips into speech, it means that there is no need to do something, that it is not necessary. When translated into Russian, phrases with needn’t and don’t have to will sound almost the same. In order to make an adequate translation into English, pay attention to the following. what meaning was put into the phrase in the original language. In other words, look into the context and make a contextual translation.

Grammatical features of the modal verb have to

The uniqueness of have to is that, firstly, it is followed by the particle to, although any textbook on English grammar will write that after modals the so-called bare infinitive is used, that is, the infinitive without the particle to. Compare:

  • I can do it, but you have to help us while he must check everything. “I can do it, but you have to help us, and he has to check everything.”

This sentence contains three model verbs at once, but only have to has an infinitive particle after it.

The next feature of the verb is that, unlike most, it requires the use of an auxiliary verb of the appropriate tense. For example:

  • I don’t have to tell you about it, it is against the rules of the game, you know - I shouldn’t tell you this, it’s against the rules of the game, and you know it.
  • Do you have to stay here all the time? Why don’t you come and walk a bit? - Do you have to be here all the time? Why don't you go out and walk a little?
  • He is so rich that he doesn't have to earn money working hard and he doesn't know what it means to make the ends meet - He is so rich that he doesn't need to earn money by hard work and he doesn't know what it means to make ends meet with ends.

Pretend verb

Have to can be a real challenge for people starting to learn a language. It's all about the coincidence of the form have to with its analogues in the Present and Past Perfect. But this is difficult only at first glance. Let's look at this in a little more detail.

The main reason for the confusion is in the verb have. It can be both semantic and auxiliary. So when the same verb appears in a modal function, people get confused. In order to determine the function of the verb in each specific case, you will first need a thorough knowledge of grammar. So the difference between modal, auxiliary and functional will be obvious. For example:

  • I have a lot to tell you, let’s sit and talk. “I have a lot to tell you, let’s sit down and talk.”
  • I have to tell you a lot. Let's sit and talk. - I have a lot to tell you. Let's sit down and talk.
  • I have told you a lot. Let's discuss it. - I told you a lot. Let's discuss this.

Each sentence contains the verb have. In the first, it is a simple functional verb “to have”. In this case, it is meant that the speaker has certain information. After have there is a noun and an article immediately follows. This is the main clue. Functional verbs are always followed by a noun or pronoun.

In the second case, after have there is a particle to, and then another verb tell. The conjunction verb+verb indicates that in this case have to carries a semantic connotation of modality and is translated “should.”

Finally, in the third sentence, after have comes the third form of the verb to tell - told. This is a hint that we have before us - have as an auxiliary verb for the Present Perfect tense.

Thus, despite the fact that the verb to have occurs in a variety of variants, it is not difficult to determine its function in each specific case. The main thing is to know the basic rules for connecting words in a sentence. English is an analytical language, so word order is fixed. This makes it easier for all language learners.
