What are the edible names of mushrooms? Edible mushrooms: names with descriptions

Many people associate autumn primarily with mushrooms, although hunting for them begins in the spring. In total, there are more than 250 thousand of their species on Earth. All of them are divided into edible and poisonous. The former are rich in protein and minerals, the latter are dangerous for humans. Experienced mushroom pickers can easily distinguish one mushroom from another, but beginners should not rush and pick anything. You need to know that most edible mushrooms have “false doubles”, which are often unsuitable for consumption. Our photo fact today features the most popular mushrooms in the middle zone forests.

10th place. Common chanterelle.
The common chanterelle is an edible mushroom of the 3rd category. It has a light yellow or orange-yellow cap (up to 12 cm) with wavy edges and a stem (up to 10 cm). Grows in coniferous and mixed forests. (tonx)

9th place. Autumn honey fungus.
Autumn honey fungus is an edible mushroom of the 3rd category. It has a brown cap (up to 10 cm) of a convex shape, and a white thin stem (up to 10 cm). It grows in large families on tree trunks or stumps. (Tatiana Bulyonkova)

8th place. Aspen milk mushroom.
Aspen milk mushroom is an edible mushroom of the 2nd category. It has a white sticky cap (up to 30 cm) of a flat-convex shape, a white or pinkish leg (up to 8 cm). Grows in mixed forests. (Tatiana Bulyonkova)

7th place. Pink wave.
Pink volnushka is an edible mushroom of the 2nd category. It has a pale pink cap (up to 12 cm) with a small depression in the center and edges turned down, and a stem (up to 6 cm). Grows in mixed forests. (Aivar Ruukel)

6th place. Oil can.
Butterfly is an edible mushroom of the 2nd category. It has a brown oily cap of a convex or flat shape and a stem (up to 11 cm). It grows both in forests and in plantings. (Björn S...)

5th place. Boletus.
Boletus is an edible mushroom of the 2nd category. It has a reddish-brown cap (up to 25 cm) and a thick stalk with dark scales. Grows in deciduous and mixed forests. (Tatiana Bulyonkova)

4th place. Boletus.
Boletus is an edible mushroom of the 2nd category. It has a dull brown, cushion-shaped cap and a white thin stalk (up to 17 cm) with brownish scales. Grows in deciduous forests near birch trees. (carlfbagge)

3rd place. The breast is real.
The real milk mushroom is an edible mushroom of the 1st category. It has a white mucous cap (up to 20 cm) funnel-shaped with pubescent edges rolled inward and a white or yellowish stalk (up to 7 cm). Grows in deciduous and mixed forests. (Tatiana Bulyonkova)

2nd place. The ginger is real.
Real camelina is an edible mushroom of the 1st category. It has an orange or light red funnel-shaped cap with straightening edges and a stem of the same color (up to 7 cm). Grows in coniferous forests. (Anna Valls Calm)

1 place. Porcini.
The porcini mushroom is the king of mushrooms. Valued for its excellent taste and aroma. The shape of the mushroom resembles a barrel. It has a brown cap and a white or light brown leg (up to 25 cm). Grows in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests. (Matthew Kirkland)

Edible mushrooms have their own specific smell and taste, which distinguishes them from their conventionally edible and poisonous counterparts. Some mushrooms are considered delicacies, have a refined flavor, and also have a high cost per unit.

What are the differences between edible mushrooms? What can characterize them?

Many mushrooms are very healthy and nutritious. Edible mushrooms are called “forest meat” because they contain protein. In addition, in addition to protein, mushrooms also contain free amino acids, which have a healing effect on the body. The composition contains carbohydrates, which are represented by mycosis and glycogen. Glycogen is an animal starch needed by the human body. In addition to the above-mentioned components, mushrooms also include:

  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • sodium;
  • chlorine;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • vitamins of group A, that is, carotene;
  • vitamins of group B and C.

Also, some types contain vitamins D.

These forest inhabitants also contain a predominance of special enzymes that accelerate the breakdown of fats and proteins, so mushrooms are a must-have part of the diet.

Edible mushrooms are divided into several types. Most of them belong to the so-called macromycetes, these are fleshy mushrooms with a stalk. Just remember champignon, porcini mushroom.

However, there are also known pathogens that are also edible.

The main difference between edible mushrooms and conditionally edible and poisonous ones is that they cannot harm the body. These mushrooms contain no toxic substances that can negatively affect human health. And the heat treatment time for such forest inhabitants before eating is much shorter than in the case of inedible or poisonous mushrooms.

Edible mushrooms are also divided into types depending on their shape. They are:

  • tubular;
  • marsupials;
  • lamellar;
  • undefined.
  1. For example, edible representatives of the highest quality include saffron milk caps, porcini mushrooms and boletus mushrooms.
  2. Good quality edible mushrooms include boletus, aspen, Polish and chestnut mushrooms.
  3. The third and fourth categories also include representatives that have low nutritional value, but at the same time are not harmful to the human body.

If you are going on a so-called silent hunt, you need to have an idea of ​​​​how to distinguish edible mushrooms from others. In fact, there is nothing complicated about it.

It is enough to cut off the mushrooms that have a fleshy cap and a thin stem. Most often, edible mushrooms are not brightly colored, but have more brown, beige and gray pigment.

Edible mushrooms have a pleasant smell, similar to champignon.

Once at home, don’t be lazy and before you start heat treating your prey, be sure to look on the Internet and compare what exactly you brought home. The fact is that in the process of evolution, many poisonous mushrooms have learned to externally adapt to non-poisonous ones.

This can be very dangerous.

More than 130 species of edible mushrooms grow in central Russia. And many of them are presented in abundance. Therefore, finding them will not be difficult. Edible mushrooms love shady places, so they prefer pine, deciduous and mixed forests. They grow where moss, fertile soil and moisture predominate.

They grow both singly and in large clusters.

When cutting a mushroom, be sure to use a sharp knife so as not to damage the mycelium. Then next year you can return to this place and discover a new scattering of edible mushrooms.

When harvesting mushrooms, you need to be extremely careful, because along with edible specimens, inedible and sometimes even poisonous representatives also grow in the vastness of your native land. Eating such mushrooms can lead to severe poisoning, and there are often cases when such an illness ends in death. To know which mushrooms are poisonous, you need to carefully study catalogs of inedible mushrooms; you should not collect suspicious or little-known specimens.

Death cap

Another name for the mushroom is green fly agaric, its cap grows from 6 to 12 centimeters in span, the color of the skin is yellow-brown-olive, pale green, very rarely the outer surface is almost white. The shape of the cap is ovoid at first, then flat-convex and at the end it becomes completely prostrate. White warty flakes can be seen on the skin. The spore-bearing layer consists of wide, free plates that do not change color. The leg is cylinder-shaped with a thickening at the bottom, its height is 8-15 centimeters, painted in a white-yellow or white-green shade. White pulp does not change color when cut.

False valui (horseradish mushroom)

The shape of the cap of young specimens is convex-rounded, the edges are tucked, the diameter is about 8-10 centimeters, more mature ones have a flat shape with a tubercle in the center, the skin is smooth, sticky, the surface color varies from light yellow to brown, and the edges almost always remain white. There is a powdery coating on the stem; it grows up to 9 centimeters in height and 2 centimeters in thickness. The structure of the pulp is dense, the color is cream or white, it has an unpleasant odor, it is a bit like the smell of potatoes or turnips. The lamellar layer is adherent, in young animals it is light gray and then gradually darkens.

Patouillard fiber

The fungus poses a mortal danger to the human body. The span of the cap is 3-9 centimeters, it is colored in red-yellow shades, there are radial fibers on the skin, its shape changes from bell-shaped to completely prostrate. The frequent, loose plates are white with an olive-brown tint and turn red when pressed. The leg has the shape of a cylinder, the length does not exceed 7 centimeters, the diameter is 1-2 centimeters, the color is usually slightly lighter than the tone of the surface of the cap. The whitish pulp does not have a strong odor, but the taste is unpleasant and turns red when cut.

Galerina bordered

The convex or bell-shaped cap has a brown color with a yellow tint; in mature specimens the shape is flat, the edges are translucent and you can see grooves located in parallel. Narrow plates descending onto the stalk, at the beginning of growth are colored in light colors; when the spores mature, they acquire a brownish-rusty tint. The brown leg is thin and not too long, only 4-5 centimeters, there is a yellow ring on top, it disappears with age, above it the leg is covered with a powdery coating. The pulp has a mealy odor, brown in the stem and yellow in the cap. This type of inedible poisonous mushroom can often be found in the forests of Kuban.

Gymnopilus Juno

This species belongs to hallucinogenic mushrooms. The span of the cap is 3-15 centimeters, hemispherical in young animals, later transformed into convex or prostrate. The finely scaly surface is orange or ocher-yellow. The plates are often located, wide, yellow in very young specimens and become brownish-rusty with age, the pulp has a pronounced almond smell, its color is pale yellow with a brown tint. The leg grows from 3 to 20 centimeters in length, the thickness does not exceed 4 centimeters, thickened at the base, the color is brown, there is a small membranous ring.

The talker is whitish

The diameter of the cap is 2-7 centimeters, the surface is distinctly powdery, the convex shape transforms with age into a prostrate or funnel-shaped one. On the off-white skin you can see dark spots; the wavy edge of the young ones turns up. The plates running down the stem are often located, their color is cream or pale gray, pink-yellow in older specimens. The stem is generally straight, but may be slightly curved, does not grow more than 5 centimeters in height and 0.7 centimeters in thickness, and is colored pale brown or white. The white flesh does not tend to change color when broken.

Chest papillary

The size of the mushroom cap is 3-9 centimeters, centric circles can be seen on the skin, the surface color is dark brown with a clear tint of purple. Basically, the shape of the cap is flat, and the edges are tucked, sometimes there is a small tubercle in the center. The plates are frequent, white, and in older mushrooms they are often yellow-cream. The leg is short but massive, becoming hollow as it matures. When you press on the outer part of the cap, a distinct brown spot appears.

Gall mushroom

It can grow singly or in large groups, in appearance it resembles a porcini mushroom, the leg is strong and massive, the flesh is fibrous, the thickness reaches 7 centimeters, and there is a dense brown mesh on the skin. The cap is a spongy formation; in the upper part it has a thin layer of porous substance; at first, the hemispherical shape becomes more like a saucer with age. The surface is painted in a pale brown or rich ocher shade. Insects do not harm this species - this is another sign by which this poisonous mushroom can be treated.


The outer surface of the cap has a bright green color, it is convex, and in the center there is a characteristic tubercle; at a more mature age, frequent scales can be observed on the skin, the diameter of the cap is 12-15 centimeters. The maximum height of the leg is 3 centimeters and about 2 centimeters thick, the surface is painted green and less often yellow. The plates are densely packed, their color varies from yellow to lemon, and the spore-bearing layer has a distinct smell of flour. The flesh is white when cut, but soon changes color to yellow. This is one of the most common inedible types of mushrooms that mushroom pickers come across in the Rostov region.

Umbrella comb (Lepiota)

The size of the cap of even an adult mushroom does not exceed 4 centimeters; in young animals it looks like an inverted bell, later it straightens out more and more, the outer surface is dry and velvety covered with scales, the color is pink or gray, and in mature specimens it is rich brown. The plates are small and break easily, the thin stem grows about 5 centimeters in length, the surface is silky, in the middle you can see the remains of a ring, which is almost invisible in old mushrooms. A distinctive feature is the quickly reddening flesh when cut, which has an unpleasant smell of rotten garlic.

False pig (Thin)

The cap has a smooth surface, its span reaches 6-14 centimeters, the edge is drooping and velvety, its shape is rounded, but the center is slightly depressed, the skin is olive-brown when the mushroom is still young and over time acquires a gray or rusty-brown tint. The surface is usually dry, but becomes sticky when the humidity rises. The plates descending onto the stem are brownish-yellow in color and, when pressed, acquire a rich brown tint. The color of the stem is usually identical to the skin of the cap, does not grow more than 9 centimeters in height and 2.5 centimeters in thickness, thickened at the base. The soft pulp has a dense structure, is yellow-brown or light yellow, but quickly darkens when pressed.

False chanterelles

The small mushroom cap is only 1-6 centimeters in diameter, flat at the beginning of growth, later becomes funnel-shaped, the edge is drooping, the center is depressed, the skin is velvety, painted in a bright orange color with a yellow or red tint, fades with age. The leg is smooth and thin, no more than 6 centimeters long, sometimes bends under the weight of the cap, the color of the skin is identical to the cap only at the base it is darker, sometimes almost black. The branched plates are often located, descending onto the stem, the pulp has a mushroom smell, its color is white with a yellow tint.

Milky gray-pink

The rounded cap can be flat or convex, the edges are usually curved, when ripe, it transforms into a funnel-shaped one, the edges straighten out, but a tubercle remains in the center, the diameter is 13-15 centimeters, the skin is dry and velvety to the touch, its shade is brown or gray-pink, rarely yellow-sand. The smooth leg has a smooth skin, usually slightly lighter than the outer surface of the cap; in young animals there are no cavities inside, the length of the leg is 5-9 centimeters, the diameter is 2-3 centimeters. The thick pulp is quite fragile, does not change color when cut, but secretes a milky juice, the color is almost white, sometimes with a yellow tint, it has a distinct smell of spices and is bitter in taste.

Milky spiny

The thin, fleshy cap has a flat shape, thin veins can be seen on the skin, in mature specimens it transforms into a flat-spread one, and in the center there is a papillary tubercle with a sharp end. The edges of the cap are drooping, slightly ribbed, sometimes straight, the color of the outer surface is red-pink, carmine or lilac-red, and there are small scales. The plates are forked, narrow, frequent, descending, pink-ocher shade turns brown when pressed. The pink-purple leg tapers closer to the base, reaches 2-6 centimeters in length, and does not exceed 1 centimeter in thickness. The pale white flesh turns green when pressed.

Spring fly agaric (Smelly)

The cap is wide and resembles a curved saucer, the outer part is smooth and shiny, usually its shade is light cream or white. The leg is usually no longer than 13 centimeters and no thicker than 4 centimeters, thickened in the place where it is attached to the cap, sometimes you can see the remains of a ring, the skin is rough, there is a sticky coating. The pulp is white and contains contact poisons; you should not touch this mushroom. If touched, immediately wash your hands thoroughly. In the Belgorod region, this inedible mushroom, along with others, is much more common.

Fly agaric red

As it grows, the cap transforms from spherical to rounded and flat, its span is about 10-19 centimeters, the color of the outer part is bright orange and many shades of red, there are white scales on the skin, but rain can wash them off. The pulp smells pleasant, pale yellow or white, uneven, thick, frequent plates of the spore-bearing layer are white and turn yellow as the mushroom matures. The shape of the leg is cylindrical, tuberous at the base, in addition, it is covered with several rows of scales, on top of the leg you can see a membranous ring, it hangs in mature specimens, the girth does not exceed 4 centimeters, the length is about 8-20 centimeters. This inedible type of mushroom is often encountered by mushroom pickers in the Leningrad region.

Panther fly agaric

Usually the color of the cap is brown, but specimens with brown, gray or dirty olive skin are often found; there are white warts located concentrically on the surface, which are easily separated from the cap. In young mushrooms, a rounded-convex cap is formed, in mature mushrooms it is semi-prostrate, with a diameter of 6-12 centimeters. The plates are loose, the caps expand nearby, the flesh is watery and has an unpleasant odor. The height of the leg varies from 5 to 11 centimeters, the girth is 1-2 centimeters, the surface is fleecy, tuberous-swollen at the base, a ring is noticeable on the skin.

Amanita toadstool

The color of the cap changes with the age of the mushroom from white to green-yellow, diameter is 4-9 centimeters, the hemispherical shape is replaced by a flat-convex shape, on the outer surface you can see small flakes of a gray hue - these are the remains of the blanket. The pulp has a distinct odor and resembles raw potatoes; its color is white and does not change when broken. Narrow, loose plates are colored yellow or white. The stem is cylindrical in shape, 1-2 centimeters thick, 5-11 centimeters high, usually colored to match the outside of the cap, and has a noticeable hanging ring.

Alder moth

The mushroom grows in large groups, the spherical cap, when ripe, transforms into a cone-shaped one, and later looks like a small (5 centimeters) saucer, the outer side is covered with lemon scales, just like the skin of the cap. Small, thin, often planted plates change their yellow-lemon color to darker ones. There is no ring on the tall and thin stem, the surface of the skin is colored to match the cap, and the flesh does not lose color when cut.

False honey fungus brick-red

At the beginning of growth, the rounded cap is bright orange, as it matures, it already looks like a saucer and takes on a red-brick hue; at the edges there are fragments of the covering blanket in the form of large flakes. The leg is long and the thickness does not exceed 2 centimeters. The ring inherent in this honey mushroom is missing.

False honey fungus sulfur-yellow

The span of the convex bell-shaped cap is 2-6 centimeters; when it matures, it takes on a flat shape, the surface is smooth, the color ranges from yellow-brown to sulfur-yellow, and the edges are always lighter, the center can be red-brown. Frequent, wide plates have a yellow-green or brown-olive color. The thickness of the leg does not exceed 1 centimeter, the height reaches 10 centimeters, the cylindrical shape is narrowed at the base. The pulp is fibrous with an unpleasant odor and bitter taste, colored sulfur-yellow.

Pepper mushroom

A convex-rounded cap with a diameter of 2-8 centimeters takes on an almost flat shape as it grows; the outer part is velvety, dry and glitters in the sun, and becomes covered with mucus when humidity rises. The color of the outer surface of the cap can be copper, orange, light brown, brown or red. The pulp is yellow sulfur in color and takes on a redder hue when broken. The length of the slightly curved leg is 4-9 centimeters, the girth is no more than 1.5 centimeters, tapers closer to the base, usually the surface shade is identical to the cap. The tubes are adherent, descending, the pores are large, their color is brown-red.

Grille red

The mushroom has no cap or stem, the fruiting body at the beginning of growth is ovoid, about 6 centimeters in height and 5 centimeters in width, covered with a leathery shell of brown or white color, under which there is a mucous-gelatinous layer; a dome-shaped mesh structure is formed in the depths of the mushroom. As the outer surface of the shell ripens, it bursts and the mushroom takes the form of a bright sphere with irregularly shaped cells. The surface inside the sphere is covered with a mucous dark spore mass; it has a pungent putrefactive odor.

Satanic mushroom

The species is quite large, the span of the hemispherical cap is 10-25 centimeters, the outer part is velvety and dry, the skin is dirty grayish or white, sometimes with a yellow tint and pale green streaks. The tubular layer is yellow in young animals and yellow-green in mature representatives, small pores change color from yellow to red-orange, sometimes turning blue when pressed with a distinct green tint. The leg is barrel-shaped and massive, about 7-15 centimeters high and from 3 to 9 centimeters in thickness, pale yellow on top, red-orange in the middle, with a mesh pattern. The flesh is creamy, it slowly turns red at the break, and eventually turns blue.

Fat pig

The cap has a brown or rusty-brown color, the center is depressed, the edges are turned inward, it gradually transforms and takes on a convex appearance, and the color changes to brown-olive, diameter is 15-25 centimeters, the surface is dry and velvety. The creamy plates fall onto the stem and turn brown when pressed; the hard flesh has a dense structure and turns brown when cut. The fleshy leg is widened at the base, the skin is dark brown, velvety, about 3-5 centimeters wide, 5-10 centimeters high.

Russula maiden

The thin, fleshy cap reaches 3-6 centimeters in diameter, at an early stage of growth it is semicircular and then gradually transforms into flat-spread, and in maturity it is concave-spread. The shade of the outer part is purple-pink, brown-lilac or violet-purple. The plates are thin, narrow, attached, forked from the stem, at first white or cream, later turning yellow. The leg is more often cylindrical than club-shaped, height 5-7 centimeters, diameter 1-1.5 centimeters, white or yellow with a distinct powdery odor. The fragile white pulp turns yellow within 8-10 hours and tastes bland.

Russula stinging (Vomitic)

The smooth, shiny surface of the cap is painted in a bright scarlet color, there is a dark spot in the middle, the range is from 3 to 10 centimeters. In young animals it is convex; when it matures, it takes on a flat shape or cracks; the middle is usually depressed; radial grooves can be seen along the edges. The plates are adherent, sparse, their color is rich white and only in the oldest specimens they are cream. The club-shaped leg is also white, sometimes with a pink tint, grows about 2 centimeters thick, 7-9 centimeters high, the skin is covered with a coating. The pulp does not have a strong odor, is white and does not lose color when cut.

Entoloma poisonous

The mushroom cap is quite wide and flat; as it ripens, its spread can be 20-22 centimeters; the outer part is silky, covered with mucus when air humidity increases; the shade of the skin varies from yellow to brown. Powerful plates are located sparsely; at first they are cream-colored, later turning pink. The pulp at the break is dense, white, and has a pronounced smell of fresh flour. The flexible, fibrous leg grows up to 11 centimeters in length, but the thickness does not exceed 2.5 centimeters.

The forest areas of Russia are very rich in mushrooms, and residents do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this gift of nature. Traditionally, they are fried, pickled or dried. But the danger lies in the fact that many poisonous species skillfully disguise themselves as edible mushrooms. This is why it is important to know the characteristics of the varieties that are approved for consumption.

Mushrooms are not only tasty, but also very healthy food. They contain substances such as salts, glycogen, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins of groups A, B, C, D. If the mushrooms are young, then they also contain many microelements: calcium, zinc, iron, iodine. Taking them has a beneficial effect on the body's metabolic processes, increasing appetite, functioning of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

In fact, there are no exact criteria by which one can distinguish safe mushrooms from poisonous ones. Only existing knowledge about the appearance, characteristics and names of each species can help in this matter.

Characteristics of edible mushrooms

General criteria for edible mushrooms include:

  • No sharp bitter smell or taste;
  • They are not characterized by very bright and catchy colors;
  • Typically the inner flesh is light in color;
  • Most often they do not have a ring on the stem.

But all these signs are only averaged, and may have exceptions. For example, one of the most poisonous representatives, the white toadstool, also has no pungent odor at all and its flesh is light.

Another important point in this matter is the growing area. Typically, edible species grow far away from their dangerous counterparts. Therefore, a proven harvest location can significantly reduce the risk of encountering poisonous mushrooms.

Common Misconceptions

There are many popular signs and non-standard ways of determining the safety of mushrooms. Here are the most common misconceptions:

  • Silver spoon. It is believed that it should darken upon contact with an inedible mushroom;
  • Onion and garlic. They are added to the mushroom broth and if they darken, it means there is a poisonous species in the pan. It is not true;
  • Milk. Some people believe that when a mushroom that is dangerous to humans is placed in milk, it will definitely turn sour. Another myth;
  • Worms and larvae. If they eat certain types of mushrooms, then they are edible. But in fact, some species edible by worms can harm human health.

And another common myth is that all young mushrooms are edible. But this is not true either. Many species are dangerous at any age.

Expanded list of edible mushrooms and their descriptions

In order to indicate the names of all edible mushrooms and give them descriptions, you will need a whole book, since there are a huge number of their varieties. But more often than not, people opt for the most famous, trustworthy species, leaving dubious representatives to professional mushroom pickers.

It is also known as boletus. This mushroom has earned popularity due to its nutritional value and aromatic taste. It is suitable for any type of processing: frying, boiling, drying, salting.

The porcini mushroom is characterized by a thick light stalk and a large tubular cap, whose diameter can reach 20 cm. Most often it has a brown, brown or red color. At the same time, it is completely heterogeneous: the edge is usually lighter than the center. As the mushroom ages, the lower part of the cap changes color from white to yellow-green. You can see a mesh pattern on the leg.

The inner pulp has a dense consistency and its taste resembles a nut. When cut, its color does not change.


Very high in calories and nutritious. Great for pickling and salting. You can use other types of treatment, but it is better not to dry it. Characterized by a high degree of digestibility.

The main feature of saffron milk caps is their bright orange color. Moreover, the color is characteristic of all parts of the mushroom: the stem, cap and even the pulp. The cap is plate-shaped and has a depression in the center. The color is not uniform: the red color is diluted with dark gray spots. The plates are frequent. If you cut the mushroom, the flesh changes color to green or brown.


A common species, which, as the name suggests, prefers to grow near a cluster of birch trees. Ideal fried or boiled.

The boletus has a cylindrical light leg covered with dark scales. It feels quite fibrous to the touch. Inside there is light flesh with a dense consistency. It may turn slightly pink when cut. The hat is small, similar to a gray or brownish-brown pad. There are white tubes at the bottom.


A beloved nutritious mushroom that grows in temperate zones.

It is not difficult to recognize it: its plump leg widens towards the bottom and is covered with many small scales. The cap is hemispherical, but over time it acquires a flatter shape. It can be red-brown or white-brown in color. The lower tubes are close to a dirty gray shade. When cut, the inner flesh changes color. It can turn blue, black, purple or red.


Small mushrooms that are most often used for pickling. They grow in the northern hemisphere.

Their cap is usually smooth and in rare cases fibrous. It is covered with a mucous film on top, so it may feel sticky to the touch. The leg is also mostly smooth, sometimes with a ring.

This type definitely requires pre-cleaning before cooking, but the skin usually comes off easily.


One of the earliest spring representatives of mushrooms. Whole families grow up.

The hat is not a standard type. Initially it is flat, but over time it takes the shape of a funnel with a depression in the center. All parts of the mushroom are colored light orange. The white pulp is dense in consistency, pleasant to the taste, but not at all nutritious.


A tasty mushroom that can be found in temperate latitudes. Its most common types are:

  • Green. Characterized by a gray-olive cap, yellow fibrous stem and dense light flesh;
  • Bolotny. Looks like a boletus. The color is predominantly yellow. When cut, the flesh turns blue;
  • Yellow-brown. The yellow cap takes on a reddish tint with age. The leg is also yellow, but has a darker color at the base.

Suitable for all types of preparation and processing.


Quite large mushrooms growing in Siberia, the Far East and the European part of the Russian Federation.

Hats can have different colors: yellow, red, green and even blue. It is believed that it is best to eat representatives with the least amount of red pigment. The cap itself is round with a small depression in the center. The plates are usually white, yellow or beige. The skin on the cap can be easily removed or come off only along the edge. The leg is not high, mostly white.

Honey mushrooms

Popular edible mushrooms that grow in large groups. They prefer to grow on tree trunks and stumps.

Their hats are usually not large, their diameter reaches 13 cm. In color they can be yellow, gray-yellow, beige-brown. The shape is most often flat, but in some species they are spherical. The leg is elastic, cylindrical, sometimes has a ring.


This species prefers coniferous and deciduous forests.

The body of the mushroom is white or gray-white in color, sometimes covered with small needles. It can reach a height of 10 cm. The inner flesh is initially white, but over time it begins to darken. It has a pronounced pleasant aroma. If the flesh of the mushroom has already darkened, then you should not eat it.


It has a fleshy convex cap with a smooth surface. The inner pulp is denser with a pronounced odor. The leg is cylindrical, widening towards the bottom. It reaches a height of 8 cm. Depending on the species, the color of the mushroom can be purple, brown, gray-brown, ashy and sometimes purple.

You can recognize it by its cushion-shaped cap of brown or brown color. The surface is slightly rough to the touch. The lower tubes have a yellow tint, which turns blue when pressed. The same thing happens with the pulp. The stem is cylindrical and has a heterogeneous color: darker on top, lighter below.


A tubular edible mushroom that grows in sparse forests.

The cap is quite large, growing up to 20 cm in diameter. In structure and shape it is fleshy and hemispherical. The color is usually dark brown or yellow. The inner pulp is lemon-colored, but turns significantly blue when cut. The tall leg is thick, cylindrical, yellow. It usually has a darker color towards the bottom.

Oyster mushrooms

It is characterized by a funnel-shaped cap, up to 23 cm in diameter. Depending on the type, the color can be light, closer to white, and gray. The surface is slightly matte to the touch and the edges are very thin. The light legs of oyster mushrooms are very short, rarely reaching 2.5 cm. The flesh is fleshy, light, with a pleasant aroma. The plates are wide, their color can vary from white to gray.


Very popular edible mushrooms due to their pleasant taste and high nutritional value. Their description and characteristics are familiar not only to mushroom pickers.

These mushrooms are familiar to everyone for their white color with a slight grayish tint. The hat is spherical with a downward curved edge. The leg is not high, dense in structure.

They are most often used for cooking, but are used extremely rarely for pickling.

Conditionally edible mushrooms

The edibility of mushrooms in the forest may be conditional. This means that such species can be eaten only after a certain type of processing. Otherwise, they may harm human health.

Processing involves a thermal process. But if some types need to be boiled several times, then for others, soaking in water and frying is sufficient.

Such representatives of conditionally edible mushrooms include: true milk mushroom, green row, purple cobweb, winter honey fungus, common scale.

If you are not confident in your knowledge of mushrooms, collect only the most common and familiar to you personally!

White mushroom (boletus)

There is a special category of mushroom pickers who disdain all mushrooms except porcini mushrooms. " Well, just an empty forest, I only found about a dozen mushrooms!“- in their mouths, this does not mean at all that the forest is really “empty”: they just won’t bend over for the sake of everything else. You can do whatever you want with white: dry, pickle, salt, fry - and fry without first boiling. As a rule, they prefer to dry it so that they can eat mushroom soup in winter.

White mushroom (Boletus edulis). © Michael Wood

A small boletus can be completely white, but with age its cap becomes brown, and then dark brown. Also, with age, the cap unfolds: in babies it is semicircular, with the edges adjacent to the stem, in white adults it is unfolded, simply convex, maybe even flat. The tubes (those on the underside of the cap) are first white, then light yellow, then greenish, even completely green. The boletus leg looks like a barrel, widened downward, white or cream.

White mushroom (Boletus edulis). © Dezidor

The porcini mushroom also has other forms: reticulated (with a slightly cracked cap), dark bronze (with a dark brown, almost black cap), rooted (yellow-brown in color, with completely yellow tubes and stem and slightly blue flesh when cut) . There is a royal boletus with a red cap and yellow tubes and legs. They are all edible and very tasty.

Carefully! White mushrooms can be confused with the inedible gall and satanic mushrooms, as well as the poisonous pink-golden boletus.

. © Ak ccm . © H. Krisp . © Archenzo
  • Gall fungus, gall fungus (Tylopilus felleus). An adult gall fungus has pinkish tubes and pores. It is not poisonous, but it tastes so bad that it is not without reason that it is called gall.
  • Satanic mushroom, satanic boletus (Boletus satanas). The Satanic mushroom is distinguished by a red stalk (right under the cap it is yellowish) and orange-red tubes, the pores of which turn blue if you press on them.
  • Pink-skinned boletus, pink-skinned boletus, rose-golden boletus (Boletus rhodoxanthus). Pink-golden, poisonous, the boletus looks like a satanic mushroom: it has red tubes, which also turn blue when pressed, and the leg is yellow, but with such a dense red mesh that sometimes it seems completely red.

Honey fungus

Honey mushrooms also grow in large groups and, as a rule, in the same places every year. Once you find a honey fungus colony, you can “graze” on it every year.

Autumn honey fungus (Armillaria mellea). © MdE

These mushrooms grow in bunches on rotten stumps and fallen trees. The caps of mushrooms are brown, slightly reddish in wet weather, but in dry weather their color is closer to beige. The very middle and edges of the cap are darker than the whole

hat On the stem of honey mushrooms there is a ring (in young mushrooms the film of the ring covers the underside of the cap), the stem itself above the ring is smooth, below it is scaly, and hollow in the lower part.

Sulphur-yellow false honey fungus(Hypholoma fasciculare). © Rasbak

Carefully! Summer honey fungus can be confused with the poisonous sulfur-yellow honey fungus. They differ in the leg (in the false honey fungus it is smooth, without scales) and in the color of the sulfur-yellow honey fungus, which is really sulfur-yellow, bright, with an orange center of the cap. And one more thing: the false honey mushroom has a very unpleasant smell, but the real one has a pleasant, mushroom smell. If this, of course, tells you anything.


Chanterelles are good because worms do not like them. Therefore, if you come across a colony of these mushrooms, you can be sure that half of the forest harvest will not have to be thrown away. Chanterelles are less likely than other mushrooms to accumulate harmful substances, so they are completely harmless to the liver and kidneys. But at the same time they are very hard and are less digestible than others. Small foxes resemble the color of egg yolk; they turn pale with age, and older specimens can be almost white. The middle of the cap of an adult chanterelle is pressed in so that the mushroom is shaped like a funnel; Small mushrooms have convex caps. The stem, fused with the cap, tapers downward.

Chanterelle (Chanterelle). © James Lindsey

Carefully! The common chanterelle can be confused with the inedible false chanterelle. They are no different in shape, but the color of the false chanterelle is very characteristic, bright orange. But in old age, mushrooms turn pale and become indistinguishable from edible ones.

Orange talker, or false fox(Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca). © H. Krisp

But it doesn’t matter: after all, chanterelles always grow in large colonies; where there are old people, there are also little ones, and by the color of these little ones the false fox can always be identified

Nigella (black milk mushroom)

Europeans consider nigella, one of the most common mushrooms in the Moscow region, to be inedible, and for good reason. Maybe they didn't soak it? Unsoaked black milk mushroom is really bitter. And the soaked one is even sweeter. Black milk mushrooms are perhaps the best mushrooms for pickling, hard, crispy, and do not lose their taste for a long time.

Black breast (Lactarius turpis). © Igor Lebedinsky

They grow mostly under fir trees, and they grow in groups, which is not noticeable at first glance. Just, once you find a nigella, don’t move. Squat down and look at the ground for a long, long time. Mushrooms will “grow” right before your eyes! Most likely, you will even find out that you sat on a couple of milk mushrooms...

The cap of the nigella is brown or almost black, with an olive tint, in the middle there is a depression, the edges are rounded. White plates grow to the stem, the stem itself is brownish-green, tapering downward. The pulp is white or grayish and produces abundant milky juice.


The flesh of baby butterflies is white, while that of adults is yellowish or completely yellow.

Butter mushrooms are good when pickled and fried, but you shouldn’t dry them: these mushrooms contain too much water, and after drying they will remain horns - legs.

A young oiler is slippery to the touch; with age, the cap becomes dry. It can be red-brown, ocher-yellow, grayish-orange, and the tubes and pores of all types of butterweed are yellow, in maturity they are closer to olive. A milky white liquid is released from the tubes

Pepper mushroom, or pepper buttercup(Chalciporus piperatus). © Ak ccm

Carefully! Butterfly can be confused with an inedible pepper mushroom, not poisonous, but very spicy, truly peppery in taste. Only the oiler has small pores and yellow tubes, while the pepper mushroom has large pores and the tubes are reddish in color. And one more thing: if you break the pepper mushroom, its flesh will soon turn pink, but the flesh of the butterdish will not change color.

Boletus (boletus) and boletus

Boletus mushrooms can have a brown, gray or even black cap and white or cream tubes, which can turn dirty gray with age. Its leg is thinner and higher than that of the boletus, white, with brown or black scales. The only way to confuse the boletus is with the aspen boletus, whose cap is orange, brick-red or ocher-yellow. But don’t confuse it, it won’t get any worse, because both of these mushrooms are edible and very tasty.

It is best to collect mushrooms in a wicker basket: they will be ventilated and will not be crushed. Never use plastic bags, otherwise, when you come home, you will find that you have brought a shapeless, sticky mass.
