Kefir ginger cinnamon red pepper for weight loss. Quick weight loss with kefir with cinnamon, red pepper and ginger

Kefir with ginger and cinnamon is actively used for weight loss. Various variations of this cocktail can be consumed as a snack, a replacement for one of the meals, or the basis for a fasting day. The combination of ingredients provides an active effect on the body.

In this article we will look at the beneficial properties and contraindications of this drink, and the correct recipes for making a cocktail. Expert opinions and recommendations will help you lose weight faster and in a safe way.

Properties and benefits of the ingredients and the finished drink for weight loss

Kefir is a valuable fermented milk drink that is useful at any age. This product has different fat content - for a diet, the best option is with 1% fat. However, you should not drink low-fat kefir - it has a modified formula and contains fewer nutrients. Useful features of the drink:

The listed properties of kefir make it easier to tolerate diets with dietary restrictions and lose weight faster.

Consumption of ground cinnamon has a whole list of beneficial properties:

  • helps reduce glucose and cholesterol;
  • stabilizes the processes of insulin production, which affects cravings for sweets;
  • reduces appetite and prevents the appearance of new fat deposits;
  • promotes active fat burning.

This has made cinnamon the most effective and sought-after remedy for weight loss. It can be used as an addition to dietary dishes or taken independently in the form of powder, capsules, etc.

Ginger root is a well-known natural tonic. This product is widespread in the East and is an integral part of the diet in Asian countries. Special properties of ginger when consumed internally:

  • capable of increasing low blood pressure;
  • cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol plaques that can interfere with optimal blood flow;
  • reduces pain and inflammation in the body;
  • accelerates blood circulation in the extremities due to its tonic effect;
  • reduces signs of flatulence;
  • helps reduce nausea, improves stomach function;
  • promotes the digestion of meat and other types of “heavy” foods;
  • characterized by a slight diuretic effect.

Interesting! Similar properties of ginger appear after a small portion of the product. At the same time, it can be consumed fresh (root grated or crushed in a convenient way or dry powder).

The combination of ginger, cinnamon and kefir is most effective for weight loss. The listed ingredients complement and enhance each other's effects. At the same time, the weight loss effect from regular consumption of the drink is noticeable after 2-3 weeks.

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Correct recipes

Classic version

  • low fat kefir – 200 ml;
  • ground cinnamon – 1 teaspoon;
  • grated ginger root - 1 teaspoon.

The cooking process is quite simple. First you need to wash and peel the ginger, and then grate the root using a grater. Next, mix kefir with the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. It is best to prepare the drink immediately before drinking, without leaving it in the refrigerator.

With lemon and honey

This cocktail significantly improves metabolic processes in the body, removing fat deposits in problem areas. Due to the activation of digestion, it should be consumed before a heavy meal to speed up the digestion process. Required list of ingredients for cooking:

Mix ground ginger, honey, cinnamon and chopped lemon pulp with water until smooth. Next, pour the mixture with kefir and stir (you can beat it with a blender).

Note! With regular use, the drink will not only help you lose weight, but also improve your overall well-being (add vigor and strength).

With pepper

This cocktail should be consumed half an hour before your next meal. It will regulate the feeling of hunger and allow you to be satisfied with a smaller portion. For cooking you will need the following products:

  • kefir – 1 glass;
  • ginger powder – 0.5 tsp;
  • ground cinnamon – 0.5 tsp;
  • red pepper - a pinch.

Mix all ingredients until smooth. A fresh cocktail does not require infusion and is immediately ready to drink.

This drink can be used during a diet or fasting day. At the same time, you should not drink spicy kefir all day - only 1 serving per day is acceptable. The rest of the time you can drink fermented milk drink without additives.

With honey

This cocktail allows you to lose about 2-4 kg in a short period of time. This result can be achieved if you give up fatty foods and drink the cocktail three times a day. Necessary products for cooking:

Prepare all ingredients and mix. Then let the cocktail sit for about 15 minutes before drinking. Drink this drink in small sips for better absorption.

With turmeric

Adding turmeric to a traditional drink promotes enhanced fat burning. Curcumin in the composition provides control over subcutaneous fat, promotes rejuvenation of the body and prevents the development of diabetes. List of required products:

  • water – 30 ml;
  • ground cinnamon – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • ginger root – 5 grams;
  • turmeric – 2 tablespoons;
  • kefir – 500 ml.

Peel and grate the ginger root. Then heat the water and dilute all the ingredients in it, except kefir, mix thoroughly. Next, pour the mixture into the fermented milk drink and blend with a blender.

Important! For good results when losing weight, the drink should be consumed 1-2 times a day in small portions of 100-200 ml.

With the addition of dried fruits and pepper

The nutritious combination of dried fruits in combination with pepper promotes the active loss of extra pounds without the feeling of hunger. To prepare this drink you will need:

Wash the dried fruits and chop them finely with a sharp knife. Next, mix all the ingredients thoroughly. The cocktail is ready to drink without infusion. If you decide to replace a meal with a drink, you can add a serving of bran. They do not contain additional calories, but will provide quick satiety for a long period.

The optimal portion of such a cocktail should be selected individually due to the presence of hot pepper in the composition. The average dosage is 200 ml per day. However, you can vary the portion depending on how your stomach feels.

How to drink correctly

Drinking kefir cocktail in moderation is beneficial for health and overall well-being. However, you should not abuse additives to kefir; for example, it is permissible to consume no more than 1 teaspoon of cinnamon per day.

The drink can easily replace a meal or be consumed between meals. However, you should not consume kefir mixture on an empty stomach - due to the spices, it can irritate the gastric mucosa.

Advice! You can drink a small portion of the cocktail before each meal (about half an hour before). This pattern of drinking a cocktail will reduce your appetite, allow you to quickly feel full, and will be an excellent prevention of overeating. It is not necessary to adhere to a strict diet. Even a simple reduction in portions and taking a healthy cocktail can start the weight loss process.

You can also replace a high-calorie dessert with a drink with honey and cinnamon. Reducing the amount of sweets in your diet will also improve your weight loss progress.

Should I use it at night?

A fermented milkshake with spices has a low calorie content and a base of easily digestible protein. Such characteristics allow it to be taken in the evening, however, the presence of spices introduces some restrictions. The cocktail can be drunk as an early dinner, but no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. You should not drink the drink at night due to its pronounced tonic properties. A kefir cocktail can make it difficult to fall asleep and give you energy at an undesirable time when the body needs full sleep.

Are there any contraindications

A healthy drink based on kefir, cinnamon and ginger root has some negative effects. With large consumption and an increase in the amount of spice in the composition, it can worsen your health and cause digestive difficulties. The main contraindications for use include:

  • allergic manifestations to any of the components;
  • high blood pressure;
  • low blood clotting;
  • inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer;
  • high nervous excitability, presence of disorders of consciousness;
  • feverish condition and high body temperature;
  • inflammatory reactions in the body;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

One of the main contraindications is gastrointestinal diseases (in the acute stage or remission). Spicy cocktails can trigger a relapse and make it difficult to safely lose weight.

In large quantities, ground cinnamon powder can negatively affect the liver. For this reason, the cocktail should be consumed in moderation and strictly adhere to the recipe.

What the experts say

Elena Zueva, nutritionist, nutrition consultant (link)

Kefir with spicy additives cannot replace a full diet - it will only help improve metabolism. If you continue to eat too much fatty foods and sweets in the usual quantities, your weight loss may be minimal and not meet your expectations.

However, if you try to cut your daily diet by about 400-500 calories and consume a shake, the results may surprise you. At the same time, such food restrictions are as comfortable as possible and will not cause feelings of hunger.

Vita Ivankiv, nutritionist, nutrition specialist (link)

By consuming drinks based on fermented milk products, it is possible to tone the body, improve the functioning of the entire digestive system and improve night rest. This cocktail should be consumed throughout the day, with the last serving approximately 3 hours before bedtime (so as not to cause an increase in activity before bedtime).

If you need to speed up the process of losing extra pounds, you should introduce more vegetables into your diet. In combination with a cocktail, such a diet will give quick and noticeable results.

Yulia Bastrigina, nutritionist, NUTRILITE consultant (link)

A cocktail with ginger is most beneficial for the human body. The powder or pulp of this plant strengthens the immune system and increases vigor, helping to cope with apathy during a diet. Spices promote active fat burning due to the complex of minerals in their composition and their burning taste. At the same time, blood circulation is activated, and an increase in body temperature is observed, which contributes to the accelerated breakdown of fat cells.

Useful video

Main conclusions

Kefir cocktail with spices is widely known as a dietary dish. A successful combination of ingredients provides high benefits for the body. Properties of the drink for weight loss:

  • has a slight diuretic effect;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • regulates the feeling of hunger;
  • activates the digestion process.

When consumed correctly and following a diet, the cocktail allows you to quickly and safely lose weight. However, before starting use, you should carefully read the possible contraindications.

How do fat burning cocktails work?

Kefir, especially one percent, contains a minimum of fats, carbohydrates and calories, dulls the feeling of hunger and normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Ginger, in turn, burns fat deposits and improves metabolism. A kefir-ginger cocktail helps keep blood sugar levels within normal limits. Ginger and cinnamon are also widely used for weight loss. Cinnamon helps remove toxins from the body, activates metabolism, and serves as a good complement to ginger.

There is an opinion that a kefir-spicy cocktail should be drunk before meals, as it fights the feeling of hunger. But at the same time, ginger should not be consumed on an empty stomach, due to possible irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Nutritionists recommend drinking kefir with ginger at night. It is at night that calcium is well absorbed. The recipe for ideal weight loss is a kefir-spicy cocktail, drunk instead of dinner. In this case, metabolism and blood circulation will improve, and the calcium contained in kefir will “launch” two hormones responsible for burning fat deposits.

Recipes for kefir-ginger cocktails

Fat burning cocktail recipes are varied. Those losing weight can choose a kefir-spicy drink of their choice.

Kefir with ginger, recipe: add ½ teaspoon of ground ginger to a glass of 1% kefir. Stir and drink.

Kefir and cinnamon, recipe: add ½ teaspoons of grated ginger and cinnamon to a glass of one percent kefir. If desired, you can add a teaspoon of honey. Stir and drink.

Kefir with ginger, cinnamon and red pepper, recipe: add ½ teaspoons of ground ginger and cinnamon, a pinch of red pepper, to a glass of 1% fat kefir. Stir and drink. There is a similar recipe with red pepper, but without the cinnamon.

At night, kefir fat-burning cocktails are drunk no less than an hour after dinner.

Kefir-ginger cocktails should be drunk freshly prepared. If a drink sits for 30 minutes or more, it loses its beneficial properties.

The cocktail recipes below can easily replace dinner. All of them are based on kefir.

Ginger cocktail with apple, recipe: peel one large apple, remove the core, combine with a glass of kefir, add a teaspoon of ginger and honey, stir with a blender.

Kefir-ginger mixture with oatmeal, recipe: pour a handful of oatmeal with 100 g of kefir and leave for 15 minutes. Mix the remaining 100 g of kefir with 50 g of berries, a teaspoon of cinnamon and ½ teaspoon of ginger. Combine berry and oat mixtures.

Diets with kefir and ginger

Ginger-kefir diets have several options.

Diet for 3 days

The most common: three-day kefir-ginger diet. Her menu for one day is as follows:

8:30 2 eggs, soft-boiled or hard-boiled.
One piece of toast with a thin piece of hard cheese.
30 minutes after eating - a glass of kefir with ginger, cinnamon and pepper 8:30 100 g of cottage cheese.
Toast with a thin piece of cheese.
A glass of unsweetened green tea with a pinch of ginger 8:30 Scrambled eggs from two eggs.
50 g cheese.
A cup of unsweetened green tea with ginger

All dinners in the diet are replaced by a glass of kefir-ginger cocktail. There is no need for a special way out of this diet.

Diet for a month

The kefir diet, designed for a month, is based on the basics of a healthy diet. In this option, you can start your morning with a glass of pure kefir. Or drink a ginger-kefir cocktail an hour after any meal, but not more than twice a day. The following are prohibited on the diet menu:

  • fast food;
  • sausages, semi-finished products;
  • store-bought sauces, mayonnaise;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.

The result of losing weight with kefir-ginger mixture is 4 kg per month.

Mono-diet on kefir with ginger

There is also a three-day mono-diet on kefir and ginger. During the day you need to drink 4 - 5 glasses of kefir with ginger and, if desired, other spices. But nutritionists categorically do not recommend such a diet, as this is a direct path to gastritis or ulcers.

Contraindications to the spicy diet

Before losing weight on a diet with kefir and ginger, you should consult your doctor. The kefir-ginger diet is contraindicated for:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergies to the components of the cocktail.

Kefir and ginger just a burning mixture for weight loss. You can lose 2-3 kilograms in a week without changing your diet and lifestyle; just drink kefir drink 3 times a day. There are a huge number of positive reviews about this drink. There are several recipes for this drink. But the most effective and efficient is the original recipe. Be sure to try it and you will notice results within a week. For all recipes, it is advisable to use 1% fat kefir. Kefir and ginger can be used not only as an additional drink to the diet 3 times a day, but you can also arrange a fasting day with this drink, drink 2 liters of this kefir with ginger throughout the day. Kefir and ginger speed up metabolism, satisfy hunger and cleanse the body.

Kefir and ginger for weight loss - recipes:

Recipe 1: Original recipe for kefir with ginger and cinnamon

You will need:

0.5 tsp ground ginger
0.5 tsp ground cinnamon
Ground red pepper on the tip of a knife
A glass of kefir.

This is the simplest and most effective recipe for a fat-burning drink with ginger. It is the most common and allows you to lose up to 2 kilograms of excess weight in a week.

Recipe 2: Ginger and kefir for weight loss

You will need:

20gr. grated ginger root or in a blender.
0.5 tsp ground cinnamon
A glass of kefir

This recipe is a little more complicated as you will have to prepare the ginger daily rather than using ready-made ground ginger. But, this recipe will not only help you lose 2 kilograms in a week, but also boost your immunity.

Kefir and ginger for weight loss – reviews:

Review 1“My name is Elena, my age is 25 years old. I lost 15 kilograms in 3 months using kefir and ginger. I drank it every day 3 times a day. I gained 20 kg during pregnancy, but during the year of breastfeeding I couldn’t lose weight, I tried different diets. I read the recipe for kefir, ginger, cinnamon and red pepper. I started drinking and now, after 3 months I weigh 55 kilograms with a height of 163 cm. By the way, I always caught colds often, but now pah-pah.”

Review 2“During a normal fasting day on kefir, I usually lose 0.5 kg, but yesterday I tried kefir and ginger. I managed to lose 1.2 kg in 1 fasting day. I'm happy with the result"

Review 3“The taste of the cocktail is absolutely disgusting, but you won’t make any sacrifices to lose weight. I lost 2.2 kg in a week. I drank kefir and ginger 3 times a day.”

Review 4“I tried different fasting days: kefir, apples, chocolate, and even just a drinking fasting day, but the best result is: kefir, ginger, cinnamon and pepper”

Review 5“A kefir cocktail with cinnamon and ginger helped me lose 3 kilograms in 2 weeks without dieting or exercise. I think it's an excellent result. And by the way, the whole family had the flu, but I didn’t, so ginger also boosts immunity.”

1. It is advisable to drink a cocktail of ginger and kefir half an hour before meals. Firstly, you eat less, since your stomach will be full, and secondly, ginger, cinnamon and red pepper speed up your metabolism, and everything you eat will be digested faster.
2. If for the first time, after a cocktail of kefir and ginger, you feel hot, don’t be alarmed, this is normal. Then the body will get used to it.
3. When purchasing spices (ginger, cinnamon and red pepper), pay attention to the expiration date; the shorter it is, the fresher the spices are and the better their effect on weight loss.
4. Ginger, cinnamon and red pepper have a stimulating effect on the body, so try to drink the drink at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.
5. When you buy ginger root (for recipe 2), the ginger should not be wrinkled, without rot or mold.
6. Before use, it is better to consult a therapist, since
7. If you drink a glass of plain water on an empty stomach in the morning, immediately after waking up, the effect will be 100% better.

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You cannot get a slim figure and healthy appearance without including healthy foods in your diet. Most healthy dietary products are available and not expensive. To lose weight, sometimes it is enough to include several healthy dishes in your regular menu. with cinnamon and ginger - a drink with a unique taste that will be a good helper for correcting your shape and maintaining slimness. The article will talk about the benefits of kefir drink, recipes for making a healthy fermented milk shake.

The benefits of a fat burning product

To create a drink with a fat-burning effect, you need kefir with a fat content of 1% or completely low-fat. This kefir contains few carbohydrates and, accordingly, calories. Low-fat kefir improves the functioning of the body and supplies it with beneficial bacteria necessary for the quality functioning of the digestive organs.

Kefir can satisfy the feeling of hunger; after drinking a glass, intestinal motility will be enhanced, and a diuretic effect can be obtained.

There are many recipes for various cocktails based on fermented milk drinks and additional ingredients with a fat burning effect. Of all, the most effective is a drink with the addition of oriental spices. It is important to consider that each component of the cocktail is an independent product that helps you lose weight.

After adding spices, kefir acquires new shades of taste and unique piquancy. The prepared drink has a bright color and taste sensation. Spices add to kefir the effect of not only burning fat, but also enhancing the metabolic processes of the whole body. You can use various spices, but it is cinnamon that has a unique effect and taste.

Benefits of kefir drink:

  1. It dulls the desire to eat for a long time.
  2. Has minimal calorie content.
  3. The digestive organs normalize their functioning.
  4. Teeth, joints and bones are strengthened.
  5. The cocktail has a diuretic effect, swelling goes away.
  6. The chair returns to normal.

Action of ingredients

To prepare a diet cocktail, it is important to strictly follow the recipe. Do not substitute ingredients. Kefir should not be replaced with other fermented milk components. The product should be as fresh as possible; such a drink will contain the maximum amount of useful components.


Ginger has a wide range of beneficial effects on the body. Action of ginger:

  • improved metabolism;
  • removes harmful elements;
  • laxative effect if constipation occurs;
  • activation of metabolic processes.

This product is often found in the diet. The product has unique fat burning properties. Additionally, the ingredient is useful during the cold season to maintain the health and strength of the body. Ginger root is added not only to drinks, but also to dishes.

Ginger should only be fresh. A high-quality root is hard to the touch, the peel has a gray-brown tint, and after peeling, the ginger should have a pleasant lemony tint.


Cinnamon is an oriental spice with a pleasant aroma. Spice added to a dish gives it new shades of aroma and taste. Effects of cinnamon on the body:

  • removal of toxins and waste;
  • improvement of food processing processes;
  • has a positive effect on blood sugar levels, so the ingredient is especially useful for diabetes;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • blood circulation is activated, so the body is saturated with oxygen;
  • the feeling of hunger is dulled.

The highest quality and healthiest cinnamon is ground into powder yourself from sticks. They may be of Vietnamese, Ceylonese or Chinese origin.

Preparing a cocktail for a slim figure

For a classic kefir drink, you will need low-fat kefir, cinnamon and ginger. Add half a teaspoon of ground each spice to a glass of fermented milk product. The ingredients are mixed until dissolved and drunk.

The drink recipe must be fully followed. Instead of kefir, it is prohibited to use bifidok and other fermented milk products. Despite their benefits, these components do not have a beneficial effect on weight loss. If cinnamon is purchased in the form of sticks, then it must first be crushed with a blender or any other convenient method to a powder state. The Ceylon stick will have the most persistent aroma. If it is not possible to use cinnamon sticks, you can use ready-made powder. However, it is important to understand that the finished product will be less potent.

After mixing the ingredients, do not leave the cocktail to steep for more than 30 minutes. After half an hour the usefulness decreases.

In order for the kefir cocktail to have an effect aimed at weight loss, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules. Kefir should be drunk only regardless of main meals. You can take the drink 2 hours after a meal or 20 minutes before a meal.

Although spiced kefir helps curb the desire to snack, it should not be consumed before breakfast. Ginger is harmful to an empty stomach; there is a risk of gastric hypersecretion.

The ideal time for a kefir drink is in the evening. Before going to bed, drinking a cocktail will be maximally absorbed by the body, especially calcium. This component helps develop those responsible for burning excess fat. If the drink is used as a mono-diet, then such a fasting day can last no more than 24 hours. Long-term use of this method of eating can lead to negative consequences.

Sample cocktail plan

There is no specific regimen for taking kefir drink. You can consume the cocktail at any time, taking into account the recommendations of nutritionists, maintaining the required period of time before and after meals. If the drink is drunk before lunch or dinner, it can become a light aperitif, which will help you eat a smaller portion later.

Menu for weight loss:

  1. Breakfast - water or milk diluted with water, berries or fruits.
  2. Lunch – low-fat (120 g).
  3. Lunch – vegetable first course, fish or meat 100 g exclusively without fat, vegetables in the form of salad.
  4. Afternoon snack – fruit or vegetable salad (1 serving).
  5. Dinner – drink of ginger, cinnamon and kefir 250 g.

In this menu, dinner is replaced with a serving of fermented milk drink. It must take place before 19:00 pm. Further, if necessary, you can only drink clean water. Green tea is allowed, but without sugar and in small quantities, otherwise swelling may appear in the morning.

The greatest weight loss effect, according to experts, is achieved if such a drink is drunk instead of an evening meal or 60 minutes after it. In this case, dinner should be light and as dietary as possible. It is important to understand that performance varies from person to person. Each person experiences a noticeable effect after a different amount of time. After receiving the result, you should not stop drinking the cocktail; as a preventative measure, it should be included in your diet regularly.

Recipes for kefir drinks with ginger and cinnamon

Many cooking recipes have been developed, all of them are varied and worthy of attention. You should choose the right one based on personal preferences and desires. The main rule is to use only freshly prepared mixture of one-day kefir. Drinks containing fruit have the shortest shelf life.

Recipe with pepper


  • kefir, low-fat or with 1% fat content - 250 g;
  • powdered or chopped ginger – 0.5 tsp;
  • cinnamon – 0.5 tsp;
  • red pepper - a small pinch.

The prepared crushed components are combined and mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass. In another bowl, beat the kefir and slowly add the prepared mixture to it. You are allowed to drink a maximum of 500 ml of cocktail per day.

Banana cocktail


  • - 1 PC.;
  • kefir – 250 g;
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • ginger – 0.5 tsp.

The fruit pulp should be crushed to obtain a homogeneous mass. Add kefir to the banana and mix. Next, add cinnamon powder and chopped ginger. Instead of a banana, it is allowed to use another fruit, combined with a fermented milk ingredient.

Honey recipe


  • low fat kefir – 250 g;
  • liquid honey – 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • ginger – 0.5 tsp.

Using a blender or mixer, combine all ingredients. You can add fresh lemon to a glass of liquid for a piquant taste.

Drink with bran


  • kefir – 200 g;
  • oat bran – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ginger – 0.5 tsp;
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • dried apricots or prunes – 2 pcs.;
  • red pepper - a pinch.

Dried fruits can be finely chopped or ground into porridge using a blender. Mix them with fermented milk liquid, then add the remaining components in the indicated proportions. Before use, mix well.

All recipes are exemplary. The composition can be changed and adjusted to suit your own preferences. The main thing is not to drink more than 1 serving of such a dish at one meal. Considering the fact that the drink has a number of contraindications due to the main ingredients it contains, it is recommended to first seek the advice of a specialist in order to eliminate all possible warnings. If allergies or pain occur after taking the drink, you should discard it.


Ginger and other components have a pronounced active effect on the body; there is a list of contraindications that must be followed.

It is forbidden to drink kefir with ginger and cinnamon in the following situations:

  • low pressure;
  • ulcers of internal organs of various localizations;
  • allergy to any of the components;
  • individual intolerance;
  • high body temperature.

Kefir with the addition of healthy oriental spices is healthy and will help you lose weight. Provided that it is prepared correctly and only fresh product is used, the effect will be only positive. If you have not consumed the drink before, it is important to carefully monitor your well-being after such a dinner or aperitif.


Since kefir cocktails contain different components, it is better to consider the properties of each separately.

Kefir is useful for the prevention and treatment of:

But other components included in the fat-burning cocktail are no less valuable:

There are many variations of the recipe for kefir with cinnamon and ginger for weight loss.

Kefir with cinnamon, ginger and red pepper


  • a glass of kefir;
  • a small spoon of cinnamon;
  • 1.5 tsp. ginger;
  • hot red pepper (ground) to taste;
  • mint leaf.

How to cook:

  1. Add cinnamon to kefir.
  2. Grind the root on a grater.
  3. Add ginger and red pepper to the fermented milk drink, stir, garnish with a mint leaf.

Kefir is consumed half an hour before meals.

To make the drink more effective, nutritionists recommend adhering to a number of rules:

Rules of use

As we wrote above, drinks should be consumed in between meals, so the classic intake regimen looks simple: 1 glass 3 times a day.

In addition, kefir drinks should be consumed in small sips, or even better, with a spoon, like yogurt. This way you can deceive the body and get more satiation.

Kefir with cinnamon can replace a full dinner - it is good not only for your figure, but also for your health. When the stomach is not overloaded, sleep becomes stronger, and in the morning there is a feeling of complete rest.

When choosing kefir, you should pay attention to its freshness - a product with a production date no later than three days is suitable for such a diet. Cinnamon and other ingredients also need to be chosen fresh and of high quality - this directly affects the result.


A drink with kefir may include cinnamon, ginger, red pepper, and other products in the recipe. Depending on the composition, contraindications for drinks will be different.

Kefir contraindications:

  • peptic ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • gastrointestinal infections;
  • poisoning

Cinnamon contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • impaired production of gastric juice;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • allergy;
  • heart disease, high blood pressure (not allowed in large quantities);
  • period of pregnancy, lactation (consultation with a supervising doctor is required).
  • heat;
  • bleeding;
  • gallbladder and liver diseases;
  • cystitis;
  • insomnia;
  • abnormal heartbeat;
  • frequent heartburn;
  • ulcer;
  • diarrhea.

Kefir with ginger and cinnamon is an effective trio for weight loss, but health is the most valuable thing a person has. Therefore, if there are contraindications, you need to stop using it and choose a more suitable one in order to lose weight.
