Short streaks. Short and clear: fashionable short haircuts

Short haircuts are currently becoming more and more popular and are strengthening their position every year. Many women are simply crazy about short haircuts, as they believe that styling them takes literally a couple of minutes, compared to styling for long curls. However, there are also women who argue that short haircuts are absolutely unfeminine, but on the contrary, they give an overly harsh, masculine style, and is completely uncharacteristic of a lady. But in any case, there is not a single girl who, at least once in her life, having suffered from styling her long, unruly hair, has not thought about getting a short haircut. And in vain many people believe that short haircuts cannot create a beautiful hairstyle or styling. Of course, their variety decreases slightly with decreasing length, but you can see that there are a lot of beautiful hairstyles for short hair, too. And in this article we will talk about the main haircuts for short hair and look at the fashion trends of this season for this length.

But first, the basic rules when choosing a haircut for short hair.

Basic rules when choosing a haircut for short hair

  1. The most important principle when choosing absolutely any haircut is your face shape. Owners of an oval face can experiment with any shape, length and type of haircut. Absolutely any will suit them. If a lady has a round face, then she should take a closer look at haircuts that will visually make her face more oval. It could be Caprice, Gavroche, Garcon, Bob - lengthening bob, asymmetrical Pixie haircut. Haircuts that can shorten or widen the face should be avoided. These include Sesson and the classic Page. As for bangs, here you can also play a little with asymmetrical and oblique options. For ladies whose face is close to a square shape, the ideal option would be haircuts that soften the angles of the lower jaw. Such streaks include Bob, Garson, Pixie with volume on the top of the head, etc. You should beware of haircuts that create volume at the cheeks; they will make your face even more massive. For a triangular face type, from short haircuts you need to choose those that will add volume to the cheekbones. It is advisable to add oblique bangs laid on one side. You should beware of straight, even bangs and parting. Read more about choosing a haircut according to your face shape.
  2. The second main point when choosing a short haircut is the structure and type of hair. Those with thin hair should give preference to even the shortest haircuts, such as Pixie. It is she who is able to create the much-needed volume on thin hair. Haircuts like Gavroche, Cascade and Garson will also look good. For thick hair, you can create absolutely any haircut. Owners of curly hair can also consider any options for short haircuts, naturally except those that require a smooth structure (Sasson and Page).
  3. The third aspect when choosing a haircut is the lady’s height and build. One general rule prevails here: the more massive and taller the woman, the more voluminous her head should appear. That is why tall young ladies are highly discouraged from having excessively short haircuts, since the image looks extremely awkward.

Classic haircuts for short hair

The main haircuts for short hair include the following:

  • Caprice
  • Sesson
  • Garson
  • Gavroche
  • Asymmetrical haircuts
  • cap
  • Pixie

Each of these haircuts is unique in its own way and from all the variety you will definitely be able to choose the one that suits you. You can complement the look with bangs. This season, it is better to give preference to torn bangs, but in any case, you must first take into account the concept of the haircut itself.

Haircut Caprice for short hair

The Caprice haircut is one of the varieties of cascading haircuts for short hair. It is distinguished by a multi-layered texture and torn edges sticking out in different directions. This haircut is ideal for thin hair, as it creates the volume the hair needs. In addition, this haircut is often called “Fantasy”, since when creating it, hairdressers often fantasize and experiment with different lengths and overall hair texture. This haircut is best complemented with bangs with torn or milled ends.

Sesson haircut for short hair

This haircut is also often called the Mireille Mathieu style haircut. If you remember this famous singer, you will immediately understand what we are talking about. The Sesson haircut is distinguished by thick arched bangs and an even cut of hair along the entire length with extension towards the back of the head. This haircut is ideal for those with thick, straight hair. As for the face shape, it will look great on an elongated face. Modern interpretations of this haircut suggest asymmetrical or choppy bangs.

IMPORTANT! If you have a round or square face or large facial features, you should avoid this haircut.

Page haircut for short hair

Another interesting haircut option for short hair. The page haircut is distinguished by an even cut with the ends slightly curled inward and a length from the earlobes to the chin. The haircut looks great on straight, thick hair and oval or rectangular face shapes. Modern interpretations also suggest the presence of asymmetry in the bangs, although the classic Page implies even thick bangs.

IMPORTANT! When choosing this haircut, remember that straight bangs always accentuate your eyes and nose, so if you have a large or long nose, it’s better to avoid the Page.

Haircut Garson for short hair

This haircut is also often called a boyish haircut. And its name speaks for itself. This haircut implies the presence of milled ends, and its length can be either ultra-short or moderately short. The Garson haircut involves a huge variation of all kinds of styling: from perfectly smooth to eccentric, boyish.

IMPORTANT! When choosing such a haircut, remember that it very much attracts attention to the face, so take care of creating beautiful makeup.

Gavroche haircut for short hair

The name of this haircut comes from the name of the hero of Hugo's novel. This haircut is characterized by a certain disorder on the head, so it is perfect for owners of thick, unruly hair, both straight and curly. To create volume for thin hair with such a haircut, you need to choose the right coloring. A distinctive feature of the Gavroche haircut is the sharp strands at the temples and bangs. The length may increase towards the back of the head. And the bangs should be asymmetrical, laid on the side.

Asymmetrical haircuts for short hair

Asymmetry when creating a haircut on short hair involves either creating an asymmetrical bang, or the hairstyle itself is longer on one side and shorter on the other. Short haircuts and those with shaved temples are considered asymmetrical. Although they are often classified as creative and modern haircuts. Many girls create entire designs on shaved areas. In any case, such haircuts are suitable for bright and eccentric people who love transformation and are not afraid of experiments.

Haircut Cap for short hair

The name of this haircut speaks for itself. The shape of this line resembles a hat placed on the head. The distinctive features of the Cap haircut are the voluminous crown and back of the head, as well as the equally voluminous bangs. With this haircut, the ears should be completely open or slightly covered with small strands. This haircut looks great on any hair type, but it should be done with caution by those with very fine curls, as styling may be difficult.

Pixie haircut for short hair

This haircut is one of the shortest women's haircuts. It is distinguished by short-cut side and occipital strands and lengthening at the crown. She became especially popular after the film “Roman Holiday,” in which the inimitable Audrey Hepburn played. Although now this haircut also does not leave the hearts of many ladies. The uniqueness of this haircut lies in the variety of its execution. It can be either ultra-short or extended on the top of the head, with or without bangs. As for the bangs themselves, there is also a complete flight of fancy, from straight, even, to oblique and milled.

Bob haircut for short hair

This stunning haircut has also won the hearts of many women for quite some time. Some people confuse Bob with Kare. Of course, they are somewhat similar, but the main difference between the bob haircut is that it has an indirect cut, unlike a bob. Bob's strands on his face are always longer than on the back of his head, and they lengthen along a smooth line, without sudden jumps. This haircut suits almost any face shape and hair structure. Thanks to the variety of its styling, you can create volume at the roots, or add it in the temporal zone.

Bob haircut for short hair

Perhaps the most popular haircut for short hair (of course, along with the Pixie) is the Bob. It appeared around the middle of the twentieth century and has not lost its relevance since then. Every year, stylists delight us and come up with more and more elegant and vibrant interpretations of this haircut. The classic bob is distinguished by a length just below the ear and a completely straight, even cut, as well as straight bangs. Currently, many are moving away from the classical standards and we see bobs with asymmetrical torn bangs, bangs laid on the side and other various variations.

First of all, healthy, beautiful hair is in fashion every season, so after the winter cold you should strengthen your hair a little, revive and “feed” it with masks, and only then rush to the salon to get a new trendy haircut.

The choice of length is not relevant this season, since haircuts are presented in a wide range - these can be smooth long strands or tousled careless “feathers”, delicate waves and backcombing, layering and play of lengths.

Also, for each look, a wide variety of bangs are assumed: torn and neat, super short and long - right up to the eyes, oblique and straight.

Short fashionable haircuts of the season

Today, many women lead an active lifestyle: they organize their own business, play sports, are constantly in a hurry, therefore they do not have enough time to care for long hair and prefer short haircuts. In addition, modern hairstyles for short hair make a woman look younger, highlight beautiful facial features, and are styled with lightning speed. Let's look at the most fashionable short haircuts of the season:

1. Haircut cascade - haircut, again coming to the forefront, but now offering uneven strands and asymmetry on the sides. When styling, you don’t need to try too hard; on the contrary, ruffle your hair a little, give it a chaotic look and lightly spray it with hairspray.

2. Bob – a familiar short haircut that always remains relevant. There are many options for bob haircuts for short hair; you can choose softer contours without sharp transitions or give preference to geometricity.

3. Cap haircut- a current haircut for the 2015 season, magnificent and effective, although it requires frequent adjustments from a specialist. They can be performed asymmetrically or at the same level. This haircut requires special care and styling, so it is not suitable for all girls. If you have unruly, fluffy and curly hair, then you should avoid this haircut. When choosing this haircut, pay attention to the shape of your face; a cap haircut is only suitable for a classic oval-shaped face.

4. Kare – A simple haircut, but there are many variations: torn strands, a bob with a leg, with an extension. A short bob is more relevant than ever this season; when choosing such a haircut, it is better to give preference to clear lines and even cuts; a short bob also goes well with straight bangs. But this type of bob haircut is suitable for owners of straight hair. Girls with curly hair are better off opting for a slightly careless bob, in which stray strands will not look out of place.

5. Pixie – a stylish, graceful haircut that hides a woman’s age, turning her into a tomboy, but at the same time creating a fragile and touching image. Great for fine hair. This haircut has already been tried by many Hollywood stars, such as Rihanna, Natalie Portman, Anne Hathaway, Halle Berry, etc. The word “pixie” translated means elf, and indeed this haircut gives the image a little playfulness and fairytale. It is equally good for both older women and young beauties. Suitable for oval and round face shapes. The classic pixie cut involves short hair on the sides and long hair at the back, as well as side bangs. A pixie haircut does not require careful styling; slightly tousled hair is not only allowed, but also encouraged.

6. Garson– hairstyle for business women with unruly hair. During work, the stylist mills the strands on the temples, bangs, and back of the head. The garcon haircut looks like a pixie haircut, but they still have differences, they lie in the cutting technique. In the classic version of the garçon haircut, all the strands lie exactly in one line, and the hair is laid smoothly; when cutting a pixie, some strands are specially cut outward to create the effect of slight negligence. The model Twiggy is considered to be the trendsetter of this haircut; it was she who shocked everyone with her short and stylish haircut in the 60s. Since then, many celebrities have tried this haircut on themselves.

7. Open ears- the squeak of the season, while the hair can be cut or simply put behind the ears. 8. Shag – fashionable creative haircut. The hair is cut in sections, drawn out as much as possible, which creates an unpredictable, slightly careless and expressive image. Shag translated from English means “shaggy”; this haircut looks deliberately disheveled. This haircut can rightfully be considered a trend for 2015. It gives the image a stylish and sexy look; styling does not require much effort, so thanks to the cutting technique, your hair will always look a little disheveled. Using styling, you can secure your hairstyle and emphasize individual strands. The Shag cut is ideal for fine hair as it creates volume and structure. On thick hair, you will need additional thinning to remove excess thickness and volume.

8. Shag- fashionable creative haircut. The hair is cut in sections, drawn out as much as possible, which creates an unpredictable, slightly careless and expressive image. Shag translated from English means “shaggy”; this haircut looks deliberately disheveled. This haircut can rightfully be considered a trend for 2015. It gives the image a stylish and sexy look; styling does not require much effort, so thanks to the cutting technique, your hair will always look a little disheveled. Using styling, you can secure your hairstyle and emphasize individual strands. The Shag cut is ideal for fine hair as it creates volume and structure. On thick hair, you will need additional thinning to remove excess thickness and volume.

Naturel bow is always relevant, however, fashion every time puts a new meaning into this definition. This is how naturalness manifests itself in short fashionable women's haircuts 2018 2019: hair looks as if it was cut and shaved in the desired areas, dyed in your favorite color and forgotten for a long time. Let's look at the most fashionable ones in this article.

As you may have guessed, this is just an appearance; the artistic chaos is actually carefully thought out. 2018 2019 is marked by the return of iconic hairstyles of the 80-90s in a new quality: they are distinguished from their predecessors by their courage, expressiveness and professional approach.

By the way, in addition to short haircuts, we have prepared for you a large review about and

In just a few years, asymmetrical short haircuts have become such an integral part of street fashion that no trends can displace them. Most of them are based on a bob, bob or pixie; some details add individuality and enthusiasm. As a rule, this is an extremely short temple and bangs, beveled at an acute angle.

Asymmetrical bangs help visually correct facial features

The haircut can be one length or textured. The first option is suitable for those who like to eliminate monolithicity with the help of multi-colored strands on smooth hair. The advantage of a textured hairstyle is the ability to style yourself.

About women's short haircut 2018 2019 “Bob”

The bob is another hairstyle for all centuries and times, thanks to its practicality and stylistic possibilities. In 2018-2019, the short bob dominates. This option will help those with chubby faces to “balance” chubby cheeks or wide cheekbones, and those with thin faces will help to emphasize sophistication and sophistication.

Bob: one haircut, many options

About fashionable short haircuts 2018 2019 “Bob-bob”

In 2018-2019, the classic bob has a lot in common with a bob. The similarity is given by long, often stepped strands falling onto the face.

The bob incorporates the best features of both haircuts, this versatile hairstyle is compatible with most modern styles.

Elongated strands can be dyed, curled, or braided. The parting can be shifted, the hair on the back of the head can be shortened as much as possible to emphasize the contrast and elegance of the neck.

About haircuts for short and straight hair with even bangs in the “Bob” style 2018 2019

If your hair is perfectly straight, it makes sense to make bangs the central figure of a bob haircut. Designers offer a variety of choices:

Straight bangs down to the eyebrows, as well as very short ones, are the most risky stylistic decisions, behind which you can’t hide anything: neither beautiful facial features nor its flaws. A short bang, a couple of centimeters long, can be easily tousled using styling; it is only important to know when to stop in order to prevent the hair from sticking together.

Short bangs indicate confidence in the impeccability of the image, long ones hide and correct

Oblique and long bangs seem to be created to correct the face and hide unwanted areas. An elongated, even bang allows you to leave your forehead open without shortening the oval of your round face, and if you get tired of it, you can completely pull it back using styling or braiding.

About “Graduated square” 2018 2019

First of all, we can recommend a graduated square:

  • for owners of soft and thin hair, a stepped haircut will give it fullness;
  • when there is a need to eliminate the excessive solidity of heavy, monochromatic hair;
  • if you have to deal with coarse hair or voluminous curls, this technology will provide the desired hairstyle.

For some hair types, a graduated bob is a real salvation

The multi-layering of a graduated bob opens up wide opportunities for stylists and hairdressers.

About the bob haircut for short wavy and curly hair

In 2018 2019, voluminous curls were recognized as an excellent basis for creating such fashionable short haircuts as:

  • bob;
  • asymmetry;
  • cascade;
  • pixie

A bob on curly hair creates a dynamic and playful image. Wavy asymmetry looks unexpected and at the same time harmonious; the hairstyle gives the image additional charm. Stylists recommend chin length when straightened to get the desired effect in everyday life.

Short wavy and curly hair is the key to enthusiasm and dynamics

Curly fashionistas will certainly appreciate a shortened cascade. The most graduated haircut is easy to style and is also elegant in itself. This is one of the few options for 2018-2019 that includes an elongated nape.

Ultra-short – androgynous style of fashionable haircut

Irritated by the structure and quality of your hair? Tired of fiddling with them? 2018 2019 is the best time to get rid of them, fashion trendsetters approve. Deliberate androgyny emphasizes femininity in all its glory.

An ultra-short haircut does not suit everyone; before you decide to go for it, make sure that the shape of the skull does not let you down

If you don’t want to change your image so radically, pay attention to a softer option: a boy’s haircut. Long stepped bangs add variety and can be combed back or parted sideways.

About women's haircut "Pixie" 2018 2019 for short hair

The pixie of the 2018 2019 season does not tolerate monotony, torn bangs, asymmetry in any form, bright tinted strands visually rejuvenate. The combination of super-short temples and the back of the head with long strands on the top emphasizes the contours of the face and neck.

The pixie haircut in its modern form is rich in texture and requires minimal maintenance.

This is a great way to show off the benefits of your hair, regardless of its condition, and you don’t have to spend a lot of time on styling. Pixie puts an expressive emphasis on the eyes and lips.

Hairstyles for short hair can rejuvenate beyond recognition. in a new review on our website.

About clipper haircuts for short hair

More and more fashionistas are taking the risk of playing with style and at the same time experiencing a hairdressing machine in action. With the help of this good old tool, one of the most daring images is being created today.

The clipper haircut is perhaps the most daring trend of 2018 2019

The radical centimeter hedgehog imparts external charm, fragility and at the same time evokes an unprecedented feeling of novelty and freedom. A clipper haircut surprisingly harmoniously combines with the usual makeup, fashionable large earrings, unisex style and purely feminine wardrobe elements.

About a short haircut “with a cropped temple”

A short-cut temple can decorate a hairstyle of any length; elongated strands prudently allow it to be covered when circumstances require it.

A cropped temple adds an element of outrageousness and its own flavor to any image.

The trimmed temple can be very diverse: it can be completely shaved to zero or decorated with a textured geometric or abstract pattern. Hair styling options are no less varied: hair can be combed like a mohawk, asymmetry, or left to its own devices.

At the same time, the rebellious spirit of the avant-garde ideas of the stylists sets its own tone: a cropped temple will tolerate everything except pretentiousness. Slight negligence, thoughtful dishevelment - these are his true elements.

About "Cascade" haircuts on short hair with soft outlines - the most creative women's haircuts in 2018 2019

The cascade perfectly demonstrates the capabilities of the graduation technique; such a tandem reliably makes hair more voluminous, regardless of its natural structure and condition.

A cascade haircut emphasizes the best qualities of hair and implies many styling options.

Thin, not too thick hair turns out to be airy, on coarse hair the gradation appears most clearly, the wavy mop gains expressiveness. The versatility of the cascade lies in the fact that with the help of varnishes and gels you can modify a short hairstyle; the haircut provides for various styling methods.

About the classic hairstyle - “American”

American is one of the most neutral options for 2018 2019. This haircut was also subject to modifications. Only the outline remained classic: elongated temples and the back of the head, bangs covering the forehead.

The American now looks truly luxurious

Thanks to the use of graduation technology, the haircut has become more stepped and, due to this, more voluminous; hairdressers have additional opportunities to visually shape the oval of the face. As a result, the hairstyle still looks aristocratic, and it is no coincidence that many celebrities like it so much.

About short haircut “Iroquois” 2018 2019

The mohawk is inevitably identified with the punk style. Alas, this trend remained in the last century. The modern mohawk has become more harmonious and sophisticated. Today there is no need to turn hair into porcupine quills, styled in natural waves; they soften the shockingness of the stylistic decision.

The mohawk no longer shocks the public

Unusual colors have been preserved as a tribute to tradition, only now they are less contrasting and maintained in a single color scheme. Haircuts can be divided into two types: with a cropped and elongated nape.

How to choose a hairstyle to suit your appearance?

The variety of short haircut options and new technical possibilities provide such a wide choice of hairstyles that it can be difficult to decide on the choice of image.

Stylists will tell you what, first of all, you should focus on:

  • the nature of the image you want to create: respectable, bold, gentle;
  • Oblique bangs will help visually narrow a wide face;
  • torn elongated strands soften a massive chin.

When choosing a new hairstyle, take into account your individual appearance and character

And yet, do not try to cover your wide forehead with thick, even bangs - this will only aggravate the situation; asymmetry and strands of different lengths and colors are much more appropriate.

About the undeniable advantages of short haircuts

A skillfully executed short haircut greatly simplifies life until the hair grows back; as you know, this is not a quick process. Fashionistas of all ages note that along with excess vegetation, you can lose several years: transform your appearance and feel an influx of energy. A well-executed haircut visually corrects facial features.

A short haircut is practical and feminine

And, let’s be honest, long hair is good only when it’s perfect; if it looks problematic or unkempt, it makes you tired and bored. Contrary to popular stereotypes, short haircuts look no less feminine; with the help of a hairdresser, hair acquires unprecedented thickness.

About women's beautiful haircuts for short hair 2018 2019. Photo. After 35 years

About women's beautiful haircuts for short hair 2018 2019. Photo. After 50 years

About women's beautiful haircuts for short hair 2018 2019. Photo. After 55 years

About women's beautiful haircuts for short hair 2018 2019. Photo. After 60 years

About women's haircuts for short hair 2018 2019. Photo. No installation required

About women's haircuts for short hair 2018 2019. Photo. For a round face

About fashionable haircuts for short hair 2018 2019. New products that increase volume

About women's haircuts for short hair 2018. Photo. For obese women

Women's haircuts for short hair are at the peak of fashion, because they are very comfortable, sexy and beautiful. Looking at fashionable women's haircuts for 2017, we can confidently say that this fashion season will be very unusual. In addition to the usual hairstyles, unexpected design solutions are coming into fashion - a wide selection allows you to choose what you like.

Creative short haircuts doom girls to look a little less “girly” than girls with a full mane. But beautiful short haircuts give a lot of other advantages. For example, tell your split hair Hitler kaput! Yes, yes, annoying ends will no longer bother you. The second advantage: your short haircut will also add a mischievous look. And thirdly, you will feel an indescribable weightlessness in the area of ​​your hairstyle.

When creating a harmonious image, you need to carefully think through every – even the most insignificant – detail, not to mention the outfit and hairstyle. French women believe that a beautiful, fashionable haircut can compensate for any shortcomings in appearance if it matches the style of its owner. In 2017, fashionable hair designers offer a huge selection of different options for social events, wild parties, romantic dates and business meetings.

Haircut session

This type of short hairstyle was invented by the famous English stylist Vidal Sassoon more than fifty years ago and immediately became the rage, since the British hairdresser, whose genius is recognized even by modern hairdressers, managed to invent a completely new haircut technique. If ordinary hairstyles could maintain the required shape only through varnish, backcombing or curling, then the owners of a sesson only had to wash their hair, dry their hair with a hairdryer and shake their head a little - the curls immediately fell beautifully in the desired direction and stayed that way all day.

Such a convenient effect was achieved by the English master by using the natural elasticity of the hair. Vidal Sassoon, for the first time in the history of hair design, abandoned haircuts using a comb, using only his fingers instead of a comb. At the same time, he strictly adhered to the grading technique he developed, which implied strict adherence to the required cutting angle and careful selection of the height of the strands.

In 2017, the naturalness, mobility and piquancy of the session are determined not only by the specifics of the haircut, but also by some features that were added to “refresh” the classic version: long strands located directly near the face, sharp or barely noticeable asymmetry of the hairstyle and partial thinning. At the same time, the round-square shape characteristic of the session should remain unchanged.

Traditional bob

Do you want to look beautiful at any time of the day or night? With a classic bob this becomes possible. It will highlight the eyes, visually smooth out the cheeks and make the image playful. In the 2017 season, it is customary to cut bobs in the form of cascading options. This will create lasting volume at the back of the head.

When choosing such a haircut, remember the color of the strands - a bob on light hair will make the face fuller, while a dark version will visually narrow the oval. The length varies greatly - from short to long. For thin and curly strands, it is more advisable to choose a beautiful bob with a stem, while for even strands, an asymmetrical option is suitable. It smoothly transitions from long bangs to a short nape.

Extravagant Mohawk

Do you like extravagance? Do you welcome outrageousness? Mohawk haircuts are one of the brightest trends! A short-cropped nape and shaved temples, combined with a backcomb on the crown and back of the head, look very modern and extremely fashionable. The mohawk makes it possible to do different hairstyles - from business to youth.

Haircut female whim

Fashionable haircuts 2017 are unlikely to be able to do without this cool hairstyle, based on the principle of chaos and multi-layering. For girls - just the thing! Thanks to the randomly scattered strands, the hairstyle looks voluminous. The main thing is to securely fix the ends with wax or gel so that they stick out in different directions.

Exquisite French haircut

The French version of the hairstyle was created specifically for thick and perfectly even strands. If you do it on thin and curly hair, the result will be awkward. A French haircut involves a very short crown, which creates additional volume. Almost always, this haircut is decorated with asymmetrical, oblique or triangular bangs. The main thing is that it is long enough.

Page haircut

The trendy version of this fairly popular haircut involves a semicircular or almost straight bang (slightly curved, or cut slightly obliquely - but just a little, barely noticeable) and the rest of the curls gradually increasing their volume towards the back of the head, laid in a “cap”. In 2017, they should not be smooth, although classic solutions with perfectly even shiny strands are also allowed as an exception.

Bob bob

It is the short version of the mixed hairstyle, which combines the characteristic features of a bob and a bob, that will be extremely popular in 2017. Just as in other haircuts for short hair, stylists recommend abandoning clear geometric shapes and straight cuts in favor of asymmetry and deliberate negligence. The most creative option among the options presented at fashion shows was unanimously recognized as a bob, complemented in the center of the head with a long thick strand that can easily be styled in both a classic and bright informal style (for example, a mohawk). Solutions with shaved or short-cropped hair in the back and/or temporal part of the head are also trending.

For lovers of retro haircuts, a bob with a shaved nape can be easily transformed into a fashionable hairstyle of the 60s of the last century. To do this, you need to make the strands at the roots as voluminous as possible, and on top – smooth and even. And a fashionable addition to an unusual and bright image is ready!

Cascade haircut for short hair

Short hair requires no less attention, as it often loses its structure and volume. Thanks to the ladder haircut, you will not only maintain the volume of your hairstyle, but also make it relevant and beautiful. The technique for performing it is slightly different from the two previous options. The short ladder begins to be cut from the back of the head - the length of its control strand is 5 cm. Then the master moves on to the crown and temples. For those who want to get a light, flirty look, we advise you to cut your bangs - torn or long oblique. Without bangs, such haircuts do not look so beautiful. The total length of the hairstyle is up to 20 cm, which will allow you to create very stylish hairstyles. And most importantly, this is exactly the model that gets along wonderfully with both straight and curly hair.

The short hair cut has no age restrictions and is ideal for those with round or oval faces. Its main advantage is its carelessness, so you definitely won’t have any difficulties with installation.

Cascade haircut for short hair with bangs

A cascading haircut for short hair with bangs will look good only if you are prepared to spend time on care every day. Always wash your hair with volumizing shampoo and apply conditioner at least 10 cm from the hair roots to prevent your scalp from becoming greasy the next day. Dry with a hairdryer with a diffuser attachment, then the bangs will not stick out in all directions. You can use mousse and gel along the entire length. A pin-up hairstyle will look very beautiful. By wrapping it in curlers and tying a scarf, not forgetting to wear a bright dress with a polka dot belt, you will look very original and extraordinary.

Back bob haircut

The most common option for a bob haircut at the back is shorter - the front strands of hair are cut slightly lower or at the level of the chin, and the rear strands are cut as short as possible. This little trick is performed in order to raise the hairstyle; in some versions it is even possible to shave a little at the back, so that the difference in the levels of the strands in front and behind is maximized, this gives the image a more stylish and bold look.

As already written above, this type of bob requires special treatment and constant styling; if you do not have reserves of patience and time, then perhaps you should refuse to perform a shorter bob from behind, and if you still decide, you will undoubtedly be able to present yourself favorably to others .

Kare on a leg

The shape of the haircut is very similar to a mushroom cap. This is what became the basis for the name of the hairstyle. Ideal for those with a triangle or oval face. But with proper styling, this haircut can look great with other types. The bob with legs is in greatest demand among brunettes. The hairstyle places special emphasis on the bare neck. Therefore, if you are not the happy owner of a thin swan neck, then it is better not to do this type of bob.

Bob bob

The popular bob haircut combines the best of two classic looks. Unlike the classic bob, the bob bob is created using the graduation technique, so this hairstyle turns out to be voluminous.

A long bob has a length just below shoulder level. A haircut for medium-length hair suits almost all representatives of the fair sex. In this case, the long front strands perfectly emphasize the oval of the face, and the open back of the head gives a special elegance to this hairstyle. This option is ideal for girls with thin hair. Ease of care and long-lasting volume are the main advantages of this hairstyle.

Textured bob

A textured bob haircut for short hair is the choice of romantic natures. This hairstyle differs from the classic version due to its soft, fuzzy contours and free shape. The textured bob is considered a universal haircut because it suits women of any age and with any hair type. The textured shape allows every girl to experiment and create a variety of stylish styles.

Bob with extension

Bob with extension is a real hit of the season. This hairstyle became world famous thanks to its owner, Victoria Beckham. The British style icon has repeatedly appeared in public with an original long bob haircut. Today, options with elongated side strands are becoming increasingly popular. These lengthening hairstyles will help you create a very stylish and feminine look. In addition, these options are easy to install.

Asymmetrical bob

An asymmetrical bob is one of the most original hairstyles. The haircut assumes that on one side of the head the hair remains slightly longer. As a rule, asymmetry suits a long or oval face. Another feature of a radical hairstyle: short hair on the back line.

An asymmetrical bob is suitable for different hair types: curly, straight, wavy. This hairstyle is usually styled using a straightening iron. So, you can perfectly straighten long strands around your face. Bob and bob haircuts are almost identical. The difference is that in an ordinary square, graduation is not used.

Classic bob for short hair

The most popular option among young people and lovers of short haircuts is the classic bob. And all because this hairstyle looks incredibly stylish, fashionable and fresh. And most importantly, the haircut requires virtually no styling time. Most often, the hair itself takes on the shape specified by the hairdresser.

As for care, it all depends on your preferences. For example, if you like curly hair or messy curls, you can use special styling products. It can be a mousse, a texturizing foam to give the effect of “beach waves” or a gel. Each of these products gives a different look to your hair, so before purchasing, think about what exactly you want to achieve.

Graduated bob

If you prefer something unusual or want to change your usual look, then we suggest trying a haircut called a graduated bob. This haircut will add some volume to your hair and as a result, it will look fuller and healthier. And your hairstyle will become a stylish accent in the formation of your everyday looks.

Voluminous bob

A voluminous bob is a medium length hairstyle that is an excellent option for fine and curly hair. It is performed using the ladder haircut technique, ending with thinning the ends of the hair up to the creation of torn strands.

A double bob for medium hair can also add volume to your hair, which, like a voluminous bob, combines femininity and softness. Due to the asymmetrical long bangs, the sharp features of a woman’s face are softened, it becomes more tender. If your face shape is round, then you can correct it with the help of strands elongated on the sides.

Another option for performing the volumetric bob technique is the complete asymmetry of the strands, laid chaotically. Hair with this type of haircut for medium length seems rather short. Due to the milled strands in the hairstyle, long hair is left at the edges. This model is additionally emphasized with the help of partial contrasting coloring of the strands.


The most common haircut for very short hair is, of course, the stylish pixie cut. It is very versatile, because it is suitable for girls and women of various age categories. In addition, it does not require any special appearance. Suitable for girls with any color, hair thickness or face shape. Another undoubted advantage of this hairstyle is that it is suitable for any hair structure - straight, unruly, curly.

Beveled bob

If you're not yet brave enough to feel almost completely hair-free, or you want more room to experiment, ask your hairdresser for a longer version of the pixie or try an angled bob, also known as a bob with a stem. In fact, this haircut is a type of bob, as it usually does not include bangs and has a rather voluminous shape, but the name stuck.

The contrast of long strands of hair on the face and a shaved or very short haircut at the back of the head will look very advantageous. But it is worth noting that this haircut is best done on straight hair. If your hair is curly, the effect may not be as predictable, but it is often quite good.

Video: fashionable women's haircuts for short hair

Not every representative of the fair sex decides to cut off almost the entire length of her hair. Here you need remarkable confidence in your femininity, inner strength and beauty. However, very short women's haircuts are among the top five most stylish and fashionable.

Who suits ultra-short haircuts?

Still not ready to take the plunge with a short haircut? And rightly so, because a super short hairstyle requires not only great courage, but also a number of certain physical characteristics. Otherwise, you will ruin even a very bright appearance. Who suits very short haircuts?

  • Women with an oval or round face shape.
  • Those who can boast of an ideal skull shape, small ears, a beautiful nose and a neat chin.
  • Owners of curly, sparse and thin hair, for whom even medium length is contraindicated.
  • Girls with small faces and expressive features.

If you want to radically change your appearance, remember that an ultra-short haircut will reveal to strangers all the flaws and nuances of your face(large or pointed ears, long or hooked nose, etc.), which were previously successfully hidden by hair. Are you ready for this turn?

Don't forget to check the condition of your scalp. The fact is that increased dryness with a short haircut will become more noticeable.

How to choose a super short hairstyle?

When looking at short hairstyles in photos in glossy magazines, be guided not only by your own taste, but also by the main rules for choosing ultra-short haircuts.

  • Rule 1. Large facial features require a more feminine haircut, so it would be better to avoid ragged ends and excessive graduations. This recommendation applies to both young girls and stylish adult women.
  • Rule 2. With small features and a narrow oval, you should think about a fashionable accent in the form of ragged straight bangs, barely covering the forehead, and an elongated area of ​​the crown.
  • Rule 3. Even short hair needs beautiful volume. You can achieve it using texture and color. The first option is more applicable for brunettes, but the second is ideal for blondes, who can liven up the main color with honey, dark brown and golden tones. In your case, it is worth consulting about “feathers” or ombre with darkening of the roots and.
  • Rule 4. Women with a circle and heart-shaped face need volume at the back of the head.
  • Rule 5. But owners of an elongated oval shape should think about thick bangs and large curls in the temporal lobes.

Types of ultra-short women's haircuts

The collection of very short women's haircuts is presented with many stylish options, from which each of you can choose your own.

Messy haircut

This is an excellent choice for young girls with ideal features and absolutely healthy skin. It is not suitable for older ladies! Styling this haircut is very easy - just apply a little gel to the ends and dry the strands in any order. Use beautiful hoops and headbands as decorations.

Haircut "Tom Boy"

It was once very popular, but soon the total craze for tom combat subsided somewhat. Nowadays, she is chosen by self-confident and daring ladies who are not afraid of the opinions of strangers and know the value of their beauty.

It’s very easy to transform a “masculine” tomboy into a sexy hairstyle - put on bright makeup and luxurious accessories.

Wavy Bob

An ultra-short haircut in the style of the turbulent 90s will make any representative of the fair sex feminine. The popularity of the wavy bob is due to its simple and easy styling.

Short Mohawk

Does your soul want to dare and surprise? Comb your short hair up and transform your bob or tom boy into a very bold mohawk. Undoubtedly, not every lady will do this.

Pixie haircut

Girls appreciate this hairstyle for its playfulness and personality. Piski is a haircut with lengthening of the strands on the top of the head and towards the face. Arrange torn strands in a careless mess, creating a look that is youthful, mysterious and very playful. Interestingly, any ultra-short haircut can be turned into a pixie.

Super fashionable "Scallop"

This pixie cut will allow you to make a statement about your distinct taste. How to lay it correctly? Lubricate the strands with mousse or gel, lift them up and dry with a hairdryer. Fix everything with varnish.

Haircut with perfectly smooth bangs

You can choose any short haircut for thin hair, using sleek bangs as an accent. Straighten it with an iron and fix it with varnish.

Haircut for curly hair

This is the simplest option for short haircuts that does not require complex styling. Apply gel or mousse to clean hair and simply dry it with a hairdryer. If the strands are naturally straight, fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

Haircuts with side parting

If you need to hide an overly high forehead, give preference to this particular haircut. You can curl your bangs with a curling iron and lightly backcomb them.

Asymmetrical short haircuts

In this case, the hair is cut obliquely, which will create an unusual asymmetry. Such haircuts are only suitable for very even and smooth hair, but there is no place for curls here.

80s style bob

Another smooth one. It will take you back to the times of Marlene Dietrich and add a sophisticated touch to your look. As for styling, it is done using wax, a round brush and a hairdryer.

Ultra-short haircuts look no less feminine and sexy than luxurious long braids. However, you need to remember that short hair is not a tribute to style and fashion, but a state of mind.
