Beautiful poems for family day, love and fidelity for children, mom, dad, beloved husband. Fresh funny ditties: the best Ditties about family panties

Chinarina Nina

Oh, guys, what a miracle -

Guests are everywhere here!

The sun is shining, the songs are flowing,

Everyone sings and everyone laughs!

What the we celebrate the holiday?

We celebrate Family Day!

Family– the most important thing in life for each of us. Family -

these are close and dear people,

those we love

from whom we take an example,

who we care about

to whom we wish goodness and happiness.

Exactly at family we learn love, responsibility and respect!

How did the word appear? « family» ?

Once upon a time the Earth never heard of him

But he told Eve before the wedding Adam:

Now I will ask you 7 questions.

Who will raise my children, my goddess?

And Eva answered quietly: -I.

Who will raise them, my queen?

And Eva answered obediently: -I.

Who will prepare the food, O my joy?

And Eva still answered the same way: -I.

Whoever sews the dress will wash the clothes.

Will he caress me and decorate my home?

Answer the question for me, my friend?

“I, I,” Eva said quietly, “I, I.”

She told the famous 7 I.

This is how it appeared on Earth Family.

So we begin our holiday. I hope you get a charge of vivacity and good mood!

1. About family There are many proverbs and sayings. Let's remember them. And first, a little warm-up. You need to put together a proverb from the words (on the table in front of each family We lay out the words written on small pieces of paper, from which they must form a proverb).


Family, heap, in, scary, no, cloud. (Family in a heap - a cloud is not scary)

Children are a burden, not a joy. (Children are not a burden, but a joy)

House, lead, sleeve, don't, shake. (Lead the house - don’t shake your sleeve)

Family, when, in, treasure, okay, is not needed. (No need for treasure when in family is fine)

Family,to,place,so,and,soul,when,together. (When family together, so the soul is in place)

2. Dear mothers, everyone day You bring your children by the hand to kindergarten. Each of you probably has a good idea of ​​how your child’s hand feels. I offer you a game "Recognize your child's hand"

3. On our unusual and sunny planet

Two different worlds live - adults and children.

They love each other, help each other,

But sometimes they don’t understand each other at all.

Adults argue, children get offended,

And then nothing works out for them at all...

Now, if only it were possible, at least for a little bit,

So that adults can look into childhood...

Contest "Friendly Water Drinkers".

(Whoever drinks the water through a straw faster - all family at once)

4. Riddle competition.

Riddles for children.

1. Who is the most tender in the world?

Who's cooking us lunch?

And who do children love so much?

And who is more beautiful?

Who reads books at night?

Raking mountains of trash

Doesn't scold my brother and me.

Who is this? Our mother.

2. That’s what it’s all about...

There are not seven of us, but three:

Dad, mommy and me

But all together we are... family.

3. Who is not joking, but seriously

Will a nail teach us to hammer?

Who will teach you to be brave?

Don't whine if you fall off your bike.

And scratched my knee

Don't cry? Of course... dad.

4. I’m not alone with my mother,

She also has a son

I'm too small next to him,

For me, he is an older... brother.

5. Let me not go to kindergarten

I eat pancakes at home.

Pensioner, I'm glad

My dear... grandmother.

6. Mom and dad say

That now I am an older brother.

What kind of doll is in the stroller?

Crying? Apparently from shaking?

There are tons of sliders in the bathroom!

Brother, who is she? … sister.

7. He is a man and he is gray-haired.

Dad is dad, to me he is... grandfather.

Riddles for parents.

1. This is when everyone is together - mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. (Family)

2. B this is the most precious thing for a family, it is cherished and passed on from generation to generation. (Family Heirloom)

3. The most gentle, kindest, most beloved person for all people on Earth. (Mother)

4. It's so small, squeaky, and causes a lot of trouble, but they still love it. (Child)

5. She knits socks for everyone and bakes the most wonderful pies and buns. (Grandmother)

6. All children play in them. (Toys)

7. This is not a person, but all members love him families. (Pet)

5. What is the name of the place where we all go together? (House)

Contest " “What does it cost us to build a house?”

(build a house - cube on cube until it falls).

6. And now we invite everyone to a dance game.

7. Now we suggest drawing for each family joint drawing characterizing your family(to music).

The famous Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy argued that “everyone is happy families are equally happy and everyone is unhappy the family is unhappy in its own way" But we want to wish that there are no unhappy families in the world, that everyone the families were happy, and let each member the family will be happy with it that he has close relatives, that he has such a wonderful family! Family is"holy of holies"! And may on this significant day all close and dear people will gather together and simply rejoice in the fact that they have each other, that they are a friendly family.

Family is joy, warmth and comfort,

Family is home, where you are always welcome.

If peace and friendship are in family,

Everyone will be proud of you.

WITH holiday!

In conclusion it sounds "Hymn family» (performed by the group "Yin Yang").

The holiday was a great success, was very interesting, in one breath. And the main thing is this everyone was together on the holiday, nearby - children, and fathers, and mothers, and grandmothers, and even grandfathers came.

Family life is a lot of work! Day after day you have to show care, patience, love for loved ones, sometimes be stricter, but more often - support and encourage. Thousands of psychologists associate a family with a full-fledged team, and in their judgments they are completely right. After all, we live all the sorrows and joys side by side with our family, thanks to them we reach heights and make our dreams come true. The family “unit” plays an important role in the formation of society, ensures the continuation of the human race, and the upbringing of the future generation.

To prove the importance of marriage, a magnificent celebration was established in 2008 - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. The holiday was founded in Murom in honor of the patrons of strong and faithful marriages - the Orthodox Saints Peter and Fevronia. And for 10 years now, on the sunny day of July 8, noisy celebrations have been held all over Russia: officials and patrons of the arts perform in park squares, concerts and exhibitions for children are organized in schools, and in kindergartens, preschoolers learn short poems about family and parents. Everyone forgets about pressing problems and rejoices at the next opportunity to have fun with loved ones. Have you already prepared congratulations and poems for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity to mom, dad, beloved husband? If not, hurry up!

Short poems for preschoolers on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

Along with International Women's Day, the spring holiday and the autumn fair, Family Day is loved by all children. Preschoolers are prepared in advance for this sunny and warm summer celebration: they read short poems about Family Day, tell the story of its origins, and show simple theatrical performances about love and fidelity. Just as in the company of parents and brothers and sisters, in kindergarten children discover the concepts of “respect,” “gratitude,” “support,” “empathy,” “sympathy,” and “affection.” But moms and dads don’t have to wait until kindergarten themed classes to introduce their children to the main family values. You can re-read short poems together for preschoolers at home on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

A collection of short children's poems for preschoolers for family holidays

humble daisy,
Thin stem.
White pure symbol,
Loyalty flower.

On Russian Family Day,
Loyalty, love
Little flower
You pick it in the field.

They named the chamomile
A symbol of love,
Symbol of union
Marriage and family.

Pure and innocent
Chamomile has the color
On the day of family and marriage -
A symbol of many years.

I am a cheerful man,
Outgoing person.
I'm glad when it rains
And when the snow swirls.

Happy about my school successes
And to your football affairs,

I'm very glad that I have
There is a cheerful, big one,
Friendly family!

What is comfort?
So filled the house?
This is when they sing
A song before bed.

What is comfort?
This is pie, milk,
This is when they get up
Joyful and easy.

What is comfort?
This is diffused light
This is when you get tired.
If someone is not there.

What is comfort?
This is when the family
This is when they live
Father, mother and me.

It's raining continuously outside,
And the house is warm and light.
And it’s possible for brown showers
Calmly look through the glass.

Here you can hide from the heat,
Escape from a frosty day.
To a good native place -
It just pulls me home.

Poems for Family Day for children in kindergarten

The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is becoming more and more popular every year: even in kindergarten, children draw cards for the holiday as gifts for parents, make crafts for grandparents, and learn poems to congratulate distinguished guests. Teachers traditionally invite moms and dads to demonstration concerts and fun family competitions. The manager organizes the decoration of the hall and territory of the kindergarten with flowers, balloons, and posters. On this holiday, literally everything around is filled with warmth, tenderness, care and affection. And even poems for Family Day for children in kindergarten are not ordinary, but childishly naive and touching. The best of them are collected in our new selection.

A selection of poems for children in kindergarten for Peter and Fevronia Day

Our Russia honors
A holiday that has lived on for centuries.
And pass the baton
For generations to come.

This day is dear to all families
And we are revered by the people.
About Prince Peter and Fevronia
There are many legends in the world.

These spouses during their lifetime
There was a lot of bad weather,
Only in love and harmony
They achieved their happiness.

I have twenty dolls.
We are all a friendly family.
I'm not strict at all.
I carry them in a stroller.
Waiting for me at the bench
My best friend Vasechka.
“You’ll be a dad,” I say.
He doesn't mind
And with me Family Day
He greets you with joy!

We are growing together as a family

All your roots are in the family circle,
And you come into life from family.
In the family circle we create life,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

Family is a word that will tell us a lot.
The family will show us the path of life from birth.
And every moment, no matter what the moment was with her,
There are no more magical, dearer moments.
Family is with us always and everywhere,
It means a lot in every destiny.

Family is truly a high creation.

She is a reliable barrier and a pier,

She gives recognition and birth,

For us, she is the beginning of all beginnings.

Beautiful poems on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity for schoolchildren

Almost all schoolchildren, while still kindergarteners, managed to get acquainted with the main family values, realize the importance of loved ones in their lives, know their strong love and appreciate the work and efforts of their parents. Therefore, on a bright and sunny Family Day, they are happy to express gratitude to their relatives and admiration for married couples who have lived in an honest union for decades. To do this, at festive events (concerts, open lessons, presentations), schoolchildren use beautiful poems of congratulations on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Primary school students learn short poems of 2-3 stanzas, graduates prepare touching poetry that touches on important family issues. But both of them can be excellent congratulations. Beautiful poems on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity for schoolchildren are collected in our next collection.

A collection of beautiful poems for schoolchildren on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important! Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,

I want my friends to say about us:
How nice your family is!

Keeping love is not easy at all,
Saving a family is even more difficult.
And there are no answers to the questions
How to make your marriage even stronger.
We need both wisdom and patience,
To live together for many years,
Appreciate beautiful moments
And cherish this happiness.

Family is friendship, stability, comfort.
Family is a place where they believe and wait.
Where anyone will be accepted, understood and forgiven,
Where a smile and a loving look rule.
In a family, everything is always shared among everyone:
Problems, good luck and joyful laughter.
So be a strong happy family,
Then sadness will pass you by!

This day is filled with light
Warm sun rays,
It smells like flowers, summer,
The world seems kinder with him.
We wish you patience,
Understanding, love.
Let the wonderful moments
They will become a symbol of the family!

July sun, fields and lakes,
A boundless sea of ​​family love.
To the heavenly songs of the church choir,
Let's celebrate the holiday of a happy family.

Today, with your soul, swear to each other,
Save the family hearth.
Fevronier, bow to the ground to Peter,
To live beautifully and happily.

Poems touching to tears for the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty to Parents

We use the deep word “family” to describe our closest and dearest people. Those whom we love more than others, to whom we wish true happiness, from whom we never cease to follow our example. In the circle of parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, we learn respect, love, care. This means that a wonderful summer holiday - Family Day - is worth spending with them, chatting over tea, having fun at a country picnic, leafing through old photos at dinner, remembering the first steps and words of the youngest. Don't forget about congratulations - a mandatory attribute of any celebration. Most mothers and fathers are sentimental, so poems touching to tears on the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty to Parents will certainly appeal to you. In addition, recognition and gratitude are never superfluous, especially on such a symbolic day.

In congratulations to parents on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, poems touching to tears can be an addition to the gift or its main part. It’s enough just to write your heartfelt words in beautiful handwriting on a postcard, print it out on a family photo, write it down in a small message and send it by courier along with a bright flower bouquet or fragrant pastries.

The best congratulatory poems for mom and dad on Family Day

There is nothing more valuable than family.
She will always help with everything,
Will support in goals and deeds,
In practice and in words.

There is nothing more valuable in the world
Family evenings in the apartment,
Joint trips to the countryside.
Family means a lot in the world!

So let peace and goodness reign in her.
And joy will become a private guest.
Let not a single bad word
It will not become a bone of contention.

Family is true happiness!
Days shine even in bad weather,
Hearts boil and blood warms,
Love always lives in a family.

May your glorious family
Love keeps and the heart beats,
Let fidelity guide you along the way,
I wish you a strong family!

Family is the most meaningful word.
The “seed” is heard in it - the basis of life.
The seven selves are seven firmly connected,
And future lives are a reliable source.
Family is a joyful children's laughter.
Family is what gives us success in life!
Let relatives be each other’s support,
And may all misfortunes pass by!
Family is a reliable stronghold of our life,
What protects us in childhood and old age.
Family is a house built on love,
May joy and happiness reign in him!

What could be more valuable than family?
The father's house greets me with warmth,
They are always waiting for you here with love,
And they send you off on your way with kindness!
Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not at all bored,
And it’s interesting for five of us.
The baby is like a pet to the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.
Love it! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than her?
On this fabulous land!

The comfort and beauty of home,
Father and mother, daughters, sons.
The festive table is set today,
The whole family will gather behind him.
Keep every moment in your heart,
What time did you spend among your loved ones?
Love, warmth, health and fun
On an international holiday - Family Day!

Heartfelt poems-congratulations to your husband on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

They say that family unites kindred spirits as tightly as a sea knot reliably fastens the runners of a sailboat. She is the same quiet harbor, tirelessly awaiting an inquisitive ship from distant wanderings. And, as you know, each “ship”, carrying part of its own hopes, joys and sorrows, is in desperate need of understanding and support. Remember this on this amazing holiday dedicated to Peter and Fevronia of Murom. Congratulate your beloved husband with heartfelt verses on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Thank your significant other for cozy evenings, hot nights and mornings full of happiness. Hug and kiss deeply the father of your children (present or future) - become a great beacon in the ocean of life for your companion.

If something has gone wrong in your relationship, don’t be sad: beautiful congratulations can touch the deepest strings of your soul and bring back to life seemingly lost feelings. Heartfelt poems of congratulations to your husband on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity are the best gift on such a good and bright day.

A selection of congratulatory poems for the husband for the family holiday

Beloved, loyalty has a price,
And there is already a catch hidden in this phrase:
Who needs such devotion?
Why didn’t you save yourself from sin?
Let's appreciate it at its true worth
Those feelings that sparkle in our souls,
And a fragile connecting thread -
All that is dearer to us than all awards!

Day of Family, Love and Fidelity -
He came unexpectedly
I wish my husband tenderness
And for business - more strength.

And with great respect,
From the bottom of my heart I want to say,
May good luck await you,
Just live and prosper!

You have to walk uphill to find happiness
And take more than one height.
So let the unnecessary quarrels
They walk around our house a mile away.
Let our hearts never grow old
And the fight is not the same love.
And let year after year
Lives more friendly than everyone else
Our family is happy.

In our age when success and money
Dictate the price of times
And children are the first steps
For maternity capital,
When betrayal is no longer a burden,
And marriage is completely outdated,
Let time return again
Where you can hear the whistle of Cupid's arrows!
On Family Day, let love and fidelity
For all the years to come
They will bring us peace and tenderness
And they will be with us forever!

Loving each other is the best gift
And carry rivers of feelings like in a bowl,
Without spilling them along the way -
Great happiness from God.
All trials are with you
We are left behind.
My husband, you are the love of all my life,
Happy Faithful, Loving Family Day!

Congratulatory poems for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity to Your Beloved

Love is perhaps one of the most important values ​​on the planet. Someone wise noted: from unhappy love masterpieces and great discoveries are born, and from happy love children and full-fledged families are born. So why not congratulate your beloved guy or man with beautiful poems on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity? Even emotional poetry with heartfelt wishes will be very relevant on the feast of Saints Peter and Fevronia. By looking at our page, you can easily find the right words to express your feelings to those closest to you. The following selection contains the most suitable congratulatory poems for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity to your beloved guy: not too lyrical and without obsessive hints of marriage.

A collection of beautiful congratulations in verse to your beloved guy on Family Day

I'm on the day of family, love and fidelity
I want, my love, to wish
Be happy forever
And never lose heart.

Let your wishes come true
And dreams come true
May wonderful confessions await you,
Magnificent dreams!

To create your own family,
The main thing we need to admit is:
A husband must love his wife
Wear it in your arms.
And let the wife love her husband,
She doesn't need anyone else
To my husband with affection and attention,
And serious understanding.
They will live together for a long time,
And love your children.

Sometimes we're not perfect
We feel ashamed for the pain,
But the efforts are commendable,
And I believe your words.
I wish you patience from the bottom of my heart
And happiness in everyday life,
After all, believe me, everything is in our power.
Happy Family and Fidelity Day!

My beloved, I cherish you,
I hasten to congratulate you on Fidelity Day.
Day of joy, reciprocity, love,
We will spend it with you and your family.
My soul is tied with a crown,
And life together is like a sweet dream,
I live by love, fidelity, family,
I'm ready to go through this life with you.

On Family Day - love and fidelity -
Keep unshakable values:
Check on your parents
So that their life becomes brighter,
Family tribute traditions
Give with all your love,
Show care and tenderness,
And all the days will be long!

Almost 10 years ago, Russians held a beautiful celebration for the first time - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, dedicated to Peter and Fevronia (Muromsky). It became an excellent reason to once again think about your loved ones and on the bright day of July 8th to give them a little warmth and attention. Since then, on the family holiday, open lessons and small concerts have traditionally been held for children in kindergartens and schools, where preschoolers and schoolchildren recite poems, listen to short stories about patron saints, and dedicate tear-touching congratulations to exemplary married couples. Adults, in turn, spend July 8 in the close company of relatives, have fun from the heart, accept congratulations themselves and in return dedicate poems on Family Day, love and fidelity to mom, dad, brothers, sisters, children and beloved husband.

Once I was sailing along the Irtysh (or along the Lovat?)
And I met a naked Kalmyk woman very opportunely.
Oh, the task is not easy - to conquer the Kalmyk!
But I took the master key out of my shorts in time.

Where Baikal splashes (such a lake),
I entertained the Cuban woman with what was at hand...
I am grateful to fate that my Cuban
She took me to her very depths!

One night on the steep bank of the Amur
The girls stared at the "Heart of Bonivur" in droves.
There I noticed two young Tuvans
And he stayed with them all night between their halves.

One night on the Oka, on an empty barge
I crumpled the dude’s breasts in my hand carefully.
We sat down on the mattress, poured some beer...
And the dream of a young Chuvash came true (seven times).

One day in broad daylight in Krakow (on the Vistula)
The polka's legs hung on my shoulders.
The food of the long-legged polka was good!
By morning I went crazy, pushing the slices apart.

And one day in the spring somewhere on the Danube
I met a German woman who was mentally ill.
I burrowed into it like a mole and bit like a horsefly...
The German woman defended her degree about a year later.

One night a longboat was sailing on the waves of the Euphrates.
In it, I just taught the Kazakh woman to debauchery.
I aimed my device at the young Kazakh girl...
The Kazakh woman still has her legs wide open.

The Nile flooded widely downstream...
There I persuaded the Bashkir woman to engage in porn entertainment.
It was the ninth wave!.. I will be Bashkir by morning
I barely pulled it away from myself by the scruff of the neck!

Once on the Limpopo River, which is known to children,
I met a typist from our depot,
What stood in the way, bending low...
I couldn't get past the typist!

Somehow near a vacant lot, somewhere on the Hudson,
I was picking a Buryat woman in the erogenous zone.
And an arrow of love entered the heart of that Buryat woman...
The next morning she couldn’t go out to exercise.

Once on Lake Huron (or Huron?)
I chambered my cartridge for the Uzbek woman.
The Uzbek woman ran away from me with all her might...
But in vain - I couldn’t allow it to misfire.

Past a quiet village along the Ohio River
The Swede was swimming naked, and naked at that!
It's a pity that her mother is so Swedish
May be encountered on the road extremely rarely!

One Japanese woman under a bush on the Izhora River
She sang “The Boston Waltz” in B-flat major.
Oh, what an alluring look that Japanese woman had...
Since then, both eardrums have hurt.

A huge crocodile swam along the Elbe,
Where I and a Czech woman conducted live firing...
And two days ago at the mouth of the Rio Grande
The Ethiopian woman was kneading her tonsils against me.

Once a Karelian came to see me and brought a Karelian girl.
I heated up a whole plate of borscht for her...
On the bend of the Ob River somewhere closer to night
I loved that Karelian very much in an unconventional way.

Once upon a time in Kolyma (or Ilmen?)
I fucked Nanayka and her deer.
Oh, I’ll go to the wilds of the Amazon in the spring!
The Finnish and Estonian women missed me there.
