What can you do on a fasting day? Fasting days for weight loss: effective options at home

Often these are complex long-term diets that involve strict restrictions. Therefore, they do not give good results, people break down and they have to start over. Those who do not want to endure resort to so-called fasting days. They are easy to maintain and also help you maintain your shape without difficulty. There are many variations. In any case, you need to choose the most effective fasting day for losing weight in your case and strictly adhere to it.

Effective fasting days involve eating only a certain set of foods. Typically, the daily menu consists of one or two components that are easy for the body. They are not fasting, since only a complete absence of food can be considered fasting. The best fasting days for weight loss are useful for the following:

  • They help fight excess weight, especially during periods known as plateaus, when at a certain period the weight stops at a certain number and stops decreasing.
  • Helps cleanse the body and remove it from it.
  • They give the body a break from the need to constantly digest a lot of different foods.
  • They provide the opportunity to train willpower, but despite this, it is quite easy to withstand them.

When is unloading needed?

Many people have no idea why fasting days are needed at all, and when exactly is the best time to practice them. There are quite objective reasons for this, let's look at them in more detail.

  • After various family or corporate celebrations, when a person overeated very much for one or several days.
  • As a lock or closure after following a long, fairly strict diet.
  • To prevent the occurrence of excess body weight.

Such fasting days are also suitable according to doctor’s indications in the presence of certain diseases, such as cholecystitis, cirrhosis and other pathologies. Moreover, if there are no medical recommendations, then you can choose unloading according to your own taste. That is, you should rely only on your preferences. If you don’t like kefir, then it’s better to choose buckwheat or fish, and if you’re horrified by its smell, then give primacy to apples. Moreover, the last option, and even kefir, are considered the most effective.

The best fasting day for weight loss: what to choose

In the question of which fasting day is the most effective, much is determined by a person’s personal preferences, since the options are approximately the same in effectiveness. However, they can vary significantly in how easy they are to endure. It is usually difficult to last a whole day purely on liquids or low-calorie vegetables. But protein days or days on porridge can be simpler.

Experts often insist that the best fasting day should combine two groups of foods of the same type. As for the most popular ingredients for fasting days, these are kefir, cottage cheese, apples, lean meat, and cereals. There are many options, but we will look at the most popular, and, accordingly, the best fasting days in terms of effectiveness, including kefir, apple and protein fasting.

Fasting day on kefir

Many people believe that the most effective fasting day is a day on kefir. This option receives numerous good reviews, since kefir unloading is effective and safe. Plus, it helps not only to lose a couple of extra pounds, but also to thoroughly cleanse the body. The advantage of this method is that it allows the body to adjust to losing kilograms without severe stress.

The reason that many people believe that kefir day is the best fasting day for weight loss is because of the benefits of the product. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, it acts like a broom, eliminating all waste, toxins, relieving the intestines of heaviness that appears due to regular consumption of heavy foods. You can resort to such a one-day fasting once every 2-3 weeks. This will be enough for the body to get rid of extra pounds and always be in shape and tone.

Such a fasting day will help you get rid of 1-2 kg.

Unloading with the use of this product can be different: it is combined with other fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables, and cereals. But we will consider the classic version, based only on kefir.


Having decided which fasting day is the most effective for weight loss, purchase about one and a half liters of the product. Experts advise preparing the body for unloading in advance by having dinner as lightly as possible the night before.

You can use different versions of kefir, either a low-fat pure drink or with a fruit filling. You can combine different types. Then unloading will be easier. The fasting day scheme itself suggests the following approximate menu:

  • Around 9 am, drink a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • At 12 noon, drink a glass of bio-kefir.
  • 15 hours - treat yourself to a glass of fruit kefir.
  • 18.00 - try a glass of biokefir.
  • 21.00 - let your dinner be a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Before going to bed, you can also drink a glass of kefir of any kind.

The daily menu will include about 1.5 liters of kefir. It is necessary to strictly endure this day exclusively on a fermented milk drink, avoiding the temptation to snack. Therefore, it is better to choose a day for unloading that will not be very stressful emotionally or physically.

Despite the fact that the fasting will be drinking, you will still feel thirsty, so you can drink pure water in unlimited quantities. It should be without gas and without additives. Not everyone can adhere to such an unloading. Among the contraindications are intolerance to dairy products, gastritis, ulcers, pregnancy and lactation. With such unloading, you can lose up to 800 grams of excess fat.

on apples

Effective fasting days for weight loss using apples. Apple is one of the healthiest fruits. Regular use of it helps to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which prevent rotting processes and improve the absorption of food. This is already considered an excellent prevention of excess weight, so when it comes to the question of what is the best way to do a fasting day, many people prefer an apple.

This wonderful fruit contains antioxidants, as well as almost all the vitamins and minerals that a person needs. Eating apples is a wonderful prevention of numerous health problems.

Apples help strengthen the immune system, relieve digestive problems, normalize cholesterol levels, and have an antitumor effect. In addition, it is a prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis, and a way to improve metabolism. This option is especially useful because it suffers from chronic problems with the heart, liver, kidneys, muscles and joints. A fasting day on apples will help you lose up to one and a half kilograms.


Apples for a fasting day can be supplemented with other components. But in the classic version, the daily menu will include only these fruits in quantities of up to two kilograms, as well as water and green tea.

  • It is better to choose unsweetened apples and divide them into six parts, which should be consumed throughout the day at intervals of about three hours.
  • You can diversify your detox by eating some baked apples - this dessert is very tasty and healthy.
  • You should exercise caution if you have a stomach ulcer or gastritis with high acidity. In this case, you will have to forget about sour apple varieties. Such fasting days are also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the product, kidney disease, liver disease in acute stages.

Even in the absence of contraindications, experts do not recommend resorting to such a detox more than once a week. The optimal frequency is once every 10 days. During pregnancy and lactation, experimenting with weight loss is also undesirable.

Protein for weight loss

When choosing which fasting day is best for your case, you can pay attention to protein options. Proteins have the ability to satiate well and allow you to forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time. The body spends a lot of energy on digesting them, which results in weight loss. This unloading helps the body speed up metabolism. Protein products are saturated with useful microelements. Protein itself is an essential nutrient for those losing weight because it helps maintain muscle mass by burning fat rather than muscle.


The most popular components on which the best fasting days on proteins are spent are cottage cheese or boiled chicken.

  • If we are talking about a cottage cheese fasting day, you need to take half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese and divide it into five meals. You are allowed to drink cottage cheese with unsweetened tea. You can't add sugar or honey. There is also an unloading option, where it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir with each intake of cottage cheese.
  • A fasting day on boiled chicken is a very useful option, since it is one of those products that goes exclusively into the muscles. You need to boil 350 grams of meat, divide it into four parts. It is allowed to eat meat with a small amount of greens.

Weight loss on a protein fasting day can reach one and a half kilograms.

Please also take into account the existing contraindications. Such fasting days are not recommended for those who suffer from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys. Pregnant and lactating women should also not cleanse the body using this method.

On buckwheat

Such a “hungry” day on buckwheat is considered by nutritionists to be one of the most acceptable. It helps to cleanse the body efficiently, thanks to the fiber contained in the cereal. Coarse fibers do a good job of absorbing various toxins and waste. However, you need to be extremely careful if you combine kefir days with buckwheat days. This combination is laxative, so it’s best to do something like this on the weekend.


You will have to prepare for this day from the previous evening.

  • Take one glass of whole buckwheat and pour two glasses of hot water over it. This will be preparing porridge for the whole next day.
  • In the morning, you can add a little salt and even a small piece (0.5-1 teaspoon) to the porridge.
  • Divide the resulting volume of buckwheat into 5-8 parts, depending on how many meals you have planned.

To make your task as easy as possible, that is, to hold out without breaking down, you can additionally consume low-fat kefir, mineral water, herbal and green tea without impurities or additives. It is believed that buckwheat will help you lose at least half a kilogram of excess weight per day.

"Fat" days

For some diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, as well as simply for weight loss, nutritionists sometimes recommend rather strange fasting days. They are called fatty. There are several varieties.

  • Sour cream. For such cleanses, you need to take half a liter of low-fat sour cream, divide it into five to six meals and consume it, evenly distributing it throughout the day.
  • Creamy. In this case, you need to take -6 kilograms of cream and do it exactly the same as in the first option.

Please note that such days will be a serious stress for the body. Therefore, it is better not to carry them out at all without the recommendation of a medical specialist.


Many people don’t even realize that they can spend a fasting day while still consuming poultry meat. Contrary to misconceptions, such days will be the most effective for losing weight and safe for the body. After all, proteins will not allow the body to break down muscles.


Before such a fasting day, it is better to prepare. It is best to give up all kinds of fatty, spicy, pickled, smoked and other unhealthy foods one to three days before. Eliminate alcohol, fast food, sweets, all this will only be beneficial.

  • One serving of food should consist of no more than 150 grams of boiled or steamed chicken.
  • There should be a gap of at least four or five hours between breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • For such unloading, not only chicken and turkey are suitable, but also rabbit and veal. The only exception is pork.

Do not forget about the drinking regime, you need to drink a lot and often. It is perfectly acceptable to drink herbal or green tea. As a result of such a fasting day, you can lose at least half a kilogram of fat tissue.


As an option for the previous fasting day, fish melon can work. The rules here are exactly the same as in the case of meat, so you shouldn’t repeat them several times. The only difference is the weight of the fish. It is optimal to choose exactly 600 grams, and then consume one sixth of it throughout the day. You can take hake, perch, pike, cod, bream and other not very fatty fish.

Having decided which option is best for a fasting day, you should remember the basic rules that will help you get only benefits from fasting. These tips apply to any fasting day:

  • Do not have fasting days more than once a week, otherwise the body may suffer from a lack of nutritional components.
  • On the chosen day, try to avoid active exercise.
  • The amount of food will be determined by the specific option, but generally the amount of food consumed per day should not exceed two kilograms.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Having finished unloading, do not rush to immediately overeat a huge amount of heavy food. Otherwise, it will be too much of a shock for the body.

Be sure to take into account existing contraindications. It would not be superfluous to have a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

Fasting days are essentially a cleansing, that is, a detox program. They help prepare for the beach season, give rest to the digestive organs after holiday feasts, and also cleanse the body. This is the best way to quickly normalize your health.


The fasting program is based on a mono-diet - eating one product during the day. You should only eat one low-calorie food during the day. This allows the digestive system to easily cope with incoming food. The energy that should have been used to break down various components is released to cleanse the body. This way you can say goodbye to excess fat, waste and toxins from the body. Weight loss days are held twice a month. Abusing fasting days is dangerous due to the formation of a deficiency of necessary substances. If you have serious problems with excess weight, you should consult a doctor.

Having decided to spend a day to lose weight, you need to meet some conditions in order to do this in the most convenient and correct way:

  • A fasting day should be arranged with a busy schedule. This will help you not think about food too often. You can make sure to have low-fat kefir on hand, which will satisfy an acute attack of hunger;
  • It is recommended to exclude intense physical activity. Saving energy will help you endure a fasting day easier. But you shouldn’t sit in one place either, as this will lead to a stronger feeling of hunger. It’s good to visit a massage, a bathhouse or just move in the fresh air;
  • The unloading process should occur naturally. There is no need to take laxatives or diuretics. Excessive stress on the kidneys can be harmful;
  • two or three liters of water is the norm during a fasting diet for weight loss. It is preferable to drink as much as possible early in the day. In the morning on an empty stomach, you should take a tablespoon of vegetable oil to prevent congestion in the liver. It is allowed to drink an infusion of choleretic herbs or rose hips;
  • You need to eat slowly, chew your food slowly, this promotes a stronger feeling of fullness even with a small portion and promotes weight loss.

The volume of food consisting of protein products is no more than 600 grams. If it is a fruit or vegetable day, then no more than two kilograms. During one day of unloading, you can lose up to one kilogram of excess body weight. Regular repetition will lead to more noticeable weight loss results. Of course, before carrying out such a shake-up for the body, you should listen to the advice of a doctor. This is especially true for pregnant women and women who have recently given birth, as well as for serious illnesses.

The benefits of fasting days:

  • the body gets the best rest from rich food and eating incompatible foods;
  • the reserve in the form of waste and toxins disappears, which promotes weight loss;
  • in the absence of the desired effect from the dietary method of losing weight, a fasting day will help start the metabolism and speed up metabolism;
  • fasting days can be the beginning of a transition to proper nutrition and will help adjust the diet towards more healthy foods;
  • Willpower training will help not only in losing weight, but also in achieving other goals.


Your fasting day should be based on your personal dietary preferences. But if you need quick results, then you should choose a diet of cucumbers or apples.


This is the most accessible and beneficial relief for the body. Apples have a rich set of vitamins, are low in calories, rich in antioxidants and normalize intestinal function. You need two kilograms of green, unsweetened apples, a couple of liters of ordinary mineral water without gas. You can make green tea without sugar or rosehip. The entire volume of apples must be distributed into six parts. About a third of the apples can be baked with cinnamon or honey. It is recommended to bake all apples in case of increased stomach acidity, gastritis and ulcers. An apple day can rid the body of three kilograms of excess weight. You just need to be prepared for the fact that apples contribute to a good appetite.

For pregnant women, as well as for those who cannot withstand such a strict fasting day, you can add low-fat cottage cheese to apples. For one day you should take 600 grams of cottage cheese and one kilogram of apples. Water - at least two liters. For toxicosis, it is good to use an apple-kefir day, consisting of one and a half liters of one percent kefir and one and a half kilograms of apples.


Cucumbers can rightfully be called champions among the most effective vegetables for a fasting day. With a minimum of calories, this vegetable contains tartronic acid, which interferes with the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. The calorie content of such a day will be no more than 300 kcal, which is favorable for weight loss. A cucumber fasting day can get rid of 3.5 kilograms. This day should be spent without heavy physical activity. You will need fresh cucumbers, one and a half kilograms, divided into five or six servings. It is necessary to exclude salt, spices and other additives. You can supplement the menu with two eggs and a couple of tablespoons of bran.


This option for weight loss will help you get rid of excess weight, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, and normalize metabolism. One glass of cereal is poured with double the amount of boiling water and steamed. Cereals must be made from whole grains - kernels. It is better to prepare the porridge the night before. There is no need to add anything. Buckwheat is the slowest carbohydrate, so it saturates well and does not lead to an increase in blood sugar. You will also need a liter of one percent kefir.

Porridge is eaten six times a day, and it should be washed down with kefir. This combination of products has a laxative effect and cleanses the intestines, which also helps with weight loss. You need to drink mineral water or herbal tea. In a day you will lose no more than one and a half kilograms of excess body weight. You can eat more of it, but without seasonings and additives it will be impossible to do this, which will have a good effect on your figure.


A protein fasting day for the purpose of losing weight is a little more complicated to prepare, but no less effective. It is recommended to do it once a week to maintain normal weight. For breakfast you need to take a tablespoon of vegetable oil. After this you will need a serving of protein shake. Its preparation consists of mixing a glass of milk, a banana and one hundred grams of cottage cheese. You can use a ready-made sports nutrition cocktail. You also need to eat one hundred grams of veal, boiled or baked, and drink unsweetened coffee.

After 4 hours, lunch begins, consisting of a glass of mineral water, two hundred grams of boiled beef, possibly with tomatoes and herbs. Green tea completes the fasting lunch. After 4 hours, you need to eat no more than two hundred grams of chicken breasts, boiled and removed from the skin. You can eat a small portion of Chinese cabbage salad. A glass of mineral water or choleretic tea is suitable as a drink. After four o'clock dinner is served. The evening meal consists of two hundred grams of beans in tomato and a glass of tomato juice.


For this fasting day option, you will need up to two liters of one percent kefir, which must be consumed during the day in five or six doses. Kefir fasting day is very convenient in its simplicity and effectiveness. It helps you lose two kilograms. This useful product normalizes the intestinal microflora and cleanses it due to its laxative effect; it is better to spend a day on kefir at home.

Fasting days are a quick way to get yourself in order and give your body effective rest after eating too much. But you should be aware that weight will go away not due to fat loss, but mainly due to cleansing the intestines of toxins and getting rid of excess water. Therefore, this method of losing weight is a temporary measure that helps you quickly get in shape.

We present the TOP 9 most effective fasting days for weight loss. Find out what fasting days provide, as well as general rules that should be followed to effectively lose weight at home without harm to your health!

Fasting days for weight loss– a good remedy when you don’t have enough willpower to go on a diet. Losing weight will not be as fast, but when combined with proper nutrition, the weight will not come back. It is important to keep the fast on your favorite product, then the body will experience less stress.

What do fasting days give?

Fasting days help you lose some excess weight. They have other benefits:

  • help the body get rid of harmful toxic substances and slagging;
  • improve digestion, give rest and a feeling of lightness by cleansing the intestines;
  • normalization of acid-base balance;
  • sometimes the weight does not move (plateau effect), in this case, a fasting day will help improve metabolism and speed up fat burning.

General rules for fasting days

  • Unloading can be done no more than 1-2 times a week. This is the optimal amount at which there will be no problems with the body. These days need to be planned in advance to prepare yourself psychologically.
  • To avoid stress on the body, you can arrange preparation: consume foods for the fasting day first after 16.00. On the following days after 14.00, 12.00 and so on until the whole day turns out to be a fasting day.
  • Don't do physical labor on this day, the body is already weakened.
  • Drink plenty of water on fasting day. Do not use spices or salt, not even soy sauce. Salt retains moisture in the body. On the day of unloading, it is necessary to remove a lot of fluid, along with it harmful substances leave.
  • Before fasting day dinner should be light. You can replace it with kefir, fruit or vegetable salad.

It will be useful to cleanse the body after holidays and feasts, after overeating.

Review of the most effective fasting days for weight loss

From several popular and effective days for unloading, you can choose the one that suits you the most. If you unload your body with your favorite foods, your body will experience less stress.

Kefir day

During the day, it is recommended to drink 1-2 glasses of kefir every 2-3 hours. Every time half an hour before a fermented milk drink, you should drink a glass of water. To diversify your diet, you can chop a little of any greenery and add it to a glass of kefir. If you eat it with a spoon and not drink it, the body will consider it a full meal and will be full faster. For better cleansing, you can pour a glass of kefir into a spoonful of bran or fiber.

A lighter version may include one type of vegetables, fruits or berries. Dietary meat is also suitable - chicken or rabbit.

Oatmeal unloading

This cereal acts like a brush, removing all harmful substances from the body. It is quite filling and does not leave you feeling hungry. It is necessary to boil a glass of oatmeal (not rolled oats, but whole) in water, without salt and sugar. The finished porridge should be divided into 5 parts and eaten within a day.

You can cook it with dried fruits, this will get rid of the unpleasant taste, but the calorie content will be higher. You can also snack on half of any fruit at every meal.

On cucumbers

You can eat up to 3 kg of cucumbers per day. These vegetables have very low calorie content. It is advisable to arrange such unloading while at home. They contain a large amount of water, which promotes increased urination. In most cases, they also have a laxative effect.

If it is difficult to eat only cucumbers during the day, you can add 1-2 boiled eggs. You can diversify your day by making a salad of cucumbers and herbs.

Protein days

Protein foods saturate the body well and are digested slowly. Protein loads the kidneys and can settle in them. Therefore, on such a day you need to drink a lot of water to wash it.

Unloading on meat: per day you can eat 1 kg of white boiled chicken meat without skin and salt. This amount should be divided into 4-5 servings.

Instead of chicken You can take low-fat fish and also boil it without salt, do not use oil.

On cottage cheese: make a mass of 600 g of cottage cheese and 100 g of low-fat sour cream. Divide into 5 servings and eat throughout the day.

apple day

If you eat only apples, you can eat up to 2 kg per day. They are eaten raw or baked. You can combine these options. For problems with the digestive system, baked apples are recommended. Raw ones can increase acidity and leave an unpleasant sensation.

Can be combined with cottage cheese, kefir, carrots. In this case, you will need a kilogram of fruit. Half a kilo of carrots or cottage cheese is enough, or a liter of kefir.

Unloading on rice according to the method of Elena Malysheva

The TV presenter has many options for fasting days. One of the popular ones is on rice cereal. How to prepare it correctly: soak 400 g of brown rice in 500 ml of water for several hours. After this, cook until half cooked. Eat several meals throughout the day. You need to drink water, green tea without sugar, and herbal infusions.


There are two types of fasting: normal and dry. Under normal conditions, you can drink an unlimited amount of water. You can add lemon or lime juice. The juice of one fruit is enough for a liter of water.

During dry fasting, you cannot even drink water. This is a very tough unloading, which is only allowed for those who do not have health problems. In the evening before dry fasting, it is recommended to replace dinner with water.

Unloading on milkweed

The drink is prepared as follows: brew a couple of tablespoons of loose leaf tea in a liter of milk. You can drink 1-1.5 liters of milk tea per day. This is a diuretic drink, so you should take it while at home. Don't forget about regular water.

The drink is quite filling and dulls the feeling of hunger. If you feel unwell, you can eat 1-2 spoons of honey a day.

If you don't like tea, you can replace it with chicory.

Fasting days for pregnant women

General rule: You cannot use a mono-diet. It is necessary to combine different products throughout the day. Unloading can be done once a week or ten days, not more often. You should not eat foods that provoke allergies: citrus fruits, sour berries and fruits. Before unloading, consultation with a doctor is required.

Anyone who has ever thought about losing weight or leads a healthy lifestyle has heard about fasting days. They are a great opportunity to cleanse the body and also get rid of a couple of extra pounds. Arranging fasting days for weight loss is very useful, and not only for your figure, but also for your health in general, because they allow you to:

  • remove waste and toxins from the body;
  • lose weight;
  • adjust the body to a new diet;
  • train willpower;
  • prepare for a diet.

Making a fasting day at home is not difficult. The most important thing is to choose which one you will have to consume during the day. The options for fasting days are varied. When choosing, you need to focus on your own taste preferences and the effectiveness of the methods. Study the reviews and results of women who have practiced different types, draw conclusions and get started.

What to remember

It will not be easy to endure a new menu for the first time, because the body is accustomed to receiving a certain amount of calories, and suddenly it has decreased several times. However, with each repetition it will become easier and easier for the woman. To speed up the adaptation process, it is important to understand how to properly unload the body. There are easy rules for this:

  • You can do fasting days 1-2 times a week. Do not overdo it. If you get carried away and adhere to a strict menu more often, you can harm the body, disrupt metabolism, and provoke an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Avoid physical activity. Fitness, running, strength sports - we forget about all this during unloading. The body needs to rest and also focus on converting energy from a minimal amount of calories.
  • Eat small meals. How often can you eat? The ideal solution is 5-6 times a day. This system will allow you not to feel hungry and prevent overeating.
  • Whatever unloading recipes you use, there are acceptable deviations in each of them. For example, if you are tormented by hunger and there is still a long way to go before eating, drink a glass of kefir.
  • Drink water. It is important to maintain fluid balance. The daily norm is 1.5-2 liters, most of this volume should be drunk before 15:00.
  • Do not use laxatives or diuretics, give the body the opportunity to cleanse itself.

Control the amount of food you eat. There is no single standard, but it is important not to exceed 2 kg if you eat fruit, and 700 g if you eat protein foods. It is difficult to say exactly how many kilos are lost when the body is unloaded. Some people manage to get rid of 2-3 kg, others only 500 grams.

It is very important to correctly transition from fasting to a regular diet. You should not immediately pounce on food, absorbing everything in unlimited quantities. Control yourself, control what and when you eat. This is the only way to protect the body from stress.

What to eat on a fasting day

There are many options for fasting days. If you are interested in what types there are, then you should know that according to the composition of the products they can be divided into carbohydrate (porridge, fruits, vegetables), protein (meat, fermented milk) and combined. For beginners, the best options are meat, fish, and cottage cheese. They are not only tasty, but also filling. It is much easier to maintain this regime than to sit on cucumbers, persimmons or tomato juice.

It is useful to alternate unloading on different products. A fasting day will bring a guaranteed effect:

  • On kefir. This product is often recommended by nutritionists for weight loss. The kefir regime helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The product contains beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria. You should drink 1.5-2 liters of drink and water per day. For those who find the option too harsh, there are others. Kefir goes well with cereals.

  • On buckwheat. The buckwheat method has a mild effect. 250 grams of cereal should be washed and poured with boiling water overnight. In the morning, excess liquid is drained, the porridge is divided into 5 servings, which must be eaten during the day. You can wash down buckwheat with kefir. Using a similar scheme, you can arrange a fasting day on rice and oatmeal. But rice and other options for unloading on porridge require boiling the cereal.

  • On apples. There are several options for the apple program. You can only consume apples (1.5 kg) and water during the day. Another way, a softer one, is apples + kefir. And the third is an unlimited number of apples and tea. You can use kiwi instead of apples or combine them.

  • On cottage cheese. During the day, it is permissible to consume 600 grams of cottage cheese and 60 grams of low-fat sour cream. This volume should be divided into 4 servings. The menu can be supplemented with coffee with milk and rosehip infusion. The curd regime can be combined with fruits and dried fruits. In this case, the daily diet consists of 400 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and 400 grams of fruit.
  • Fruit options and vegetable fasting days are very similar. You are allowed to eat no more than 1.5 kg of fruit per day. It is better to eat them fresh or baked. Bananas and grapes are prohibited from fruits, and potatoes from vegetables.

These examples will help you when creating your schedule of fasting days. During the week, try to adhere to the principles of healthy eating, exercise, walk more in the fresh air, and avoid stress. An integrated approach will allow you to quickly acquire the desired shape and improve the health of your body.

All experts in the field of weight loss note that the most effective fasting days are those that do not cause moral and psychological discomfort. Tips from Elena Malysheva will help you cope with the transition to a limited diet, even for a day. The famous TV presenter and nutritionist insists that the effect of a fasting day will be provided that you maintain a positive way of thinking and are in a good mood. You should also:

  • eat small meals;
  • devote time to light physical activity;
  • drink a lot;
  • give up sweets and flour, canned food, fast food, spices and seasonings;
  • add greens to your diet;
  • reconsider cooking methods, abandon frying, giving preference to baking, steaming, stewing.

Malysheva offers many different schemes for unloading the body, including protein and vegetable options. An unusual program can be called the “bitter diet”. Guaranteed weight loss per day is 1 kg. You can eat 5 grapefruits, drink 2 liters of water and 10 cups of green tea.

Watch the video:

Margarita Koroleva’s program is a huge success. She is a highly qualified nutritionist with 20 years of experience. Margarita works not only with ordinary people, but also with celebrities. She introduced many new and effective rules to the weight loss system. Koroleva’s well-known program is a fasting diet for 9 days, in which the first three days you can eat only boiled rice, the next three days - meat products, and the last three - only vegetables. In just nine days you can get rid of 5-6 kg.

The body can be unloaded once every 7-10 days. You should also definitely help your body after the holidays and overeating. One day on a mono-diet is an opportunity to change yourself and your body for the better. Experiment, try different options and enjoy the result, which will be noticeable not only for you, but also for others.

Fasting days are an easy way to get in shape quickly. There are several options for how to spend these fasting days: from severe fasting to light restriction. HELLO.RU tells 5 simple rules: how to choose the right product for a fasting day, how to enter and exit a “fasting” and much more.

Why are fasting days needed?

A fasting day is a so-called mono-diet that lasts a day, maximum two. It is unlikely that you will be able to lose much weight during this time, but you will be able to give your body lightness, tone your body, start the fat burning process, and at the same time train your willpower. Fasting days also help those who are on a diet and have encountered a so-called “plateau”: when the diet is followed, the weight falls, and then suddenly stands still, not wanting to move down. In this case, a fasting day can serve as stress and a catalyst for further weight loss.


The basic principle of fasting days is to eat low-calorie foods of the same type throughout the day and do this as often as possible. Nutritionists recommend choosing foods that you personally like for your daily diet, so as not to expose your body to unnecessary stress. Most often, fasting days are spent on low-fat kefir or green apples. Eating these products allows you to lose weight literally within a day.

Another option for a fasting day is to eat foods rich in slow carbohydrates. For example, on various cereals. Most often, in this case, the choice falls on buckwheat, which contains a lot of iron, protein and other useful substances.

A “liquid” fasting day is very effective for weight loss, when you consume only compotes, decoctions and freshly squeezed juices. For example, these can be green juices - from a mixture of cucumber, apple, lime and herbs, orange juice, tomato juice, pineapple with mint and others.

There is also the option of “protein” fasting days, when only lean meat or fish are consumed during the day. All these products should be steamed or boiled without spices.

Choosing a day to unload

It is very important to choose the right day for unloading. Nutritionists advise limiting your food intake on Monday - after the weekend, at the beginning of the work week. However, if your work involves heavy physical labor, it is recommended to have a fasting day on Saturday or Sunday, when you will not have to worry about the negative consequences of such an experiment. It is assumed that the fasting day should be spent in a relaxed state, so active physical exercise is contraindicated, as is drinking alcohol on this day and the day before the fasting day. But a visit to the sauna is recommended: steam is good for removing toxins from the body and can become your additional assistant.

Smooth entry and smooth exit

You should start your fasting day the night before. Dinner should be very light - vegetables or vegetarian soup. In the morning on the “X” day, drink a tablespoon of vegetable oil, and instead of tea, a choleretic tea, so that dietary restriction does not cause stagnation of bile, which can lead to health problems.

Coming out of a fasting day should also not be associated with a large meal. It is worth giving up fried foods and opting for vegetables - this will help consolidate the positive effect of unloading.

The day before unloading, it is useful to “sit” on vegetarian soup

Sleep instead of lunch

It is recommended to carry out fasting days no more than once a week. If you do this regularly, try to choose the same day: this will help accustom your body to the restrictions. Fasting days should not be arranged during menstruation, pregnancy, or breastfeeding. It is strictly forbidden to perform unloading in case of diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney pathology, as well as in case of chronic diseases. If you nevertheless decide to spend the day on any mono-product, set aside a sufficient amount of time for rest - at least 10 hours before the fasting day and the same amount after. If you have the opportunity to get a nap instead of lunch, take advantage of it. Long sleep will relieve the constant feeling of hunger and strengthen the body. Remember the French proverb: “He who sleeps has dinner.”

The article was prepared specifically for HELLO.RU by Food SPA.
