Holidays in Miami. When is the best time to go on vacation to Miami, Florida? When is the best time to go on vacation to Miami?

The main resort in Florida and the United States as a whole is Miami. This resort has many endless sunny beaches, a flexible climate and plenty of entertainment for every taste. The main areas for tourists are the world's most popular Miami Beach and South Beach.

In Miami Beach you can relax in luxury hotels. There are more than 40 kilometers of sandy beaches. For lovers nightlife there is a great place to have a fun time. This is an Art Deco district that is located in the southern part of Miami Beach. It consists of small buildings that were built in the 20-30s of the last century in the Art Nouveau style. Chic restaurants and shops will not leave any tourist indifferent. The epicenter of all entertainment is Ocean Drive - this is where such a famous person as Morgan Dexter likes to arrange promenades.

This is interesting: Miami is considered the capital of the cruise business and the main point of cruise programs. For example, cruises to the Caribbean and Bahamas start from this place.

How to get to Miami

There are several ways to get to Miami. Airplanes fly there regularly, but you can only fly to Miami with transfers. Delta flies daily via New York to Miami, while American Airlines only flies via Chicago. You can also fly with transfers in European cities: British Airways via London, Air France via Paris, Lufthansa via Frankfurt. When choosing a flight through London, you will need to obtain a British transit visa.

Miami Airport is located 19 kilometers from the city center. There is also an airport 48 kilometers north of Miami - Fort Lauderdale / Hollywood. From here you will need to get to resort areas and hotels by taxi or bus.

The cost of a regular bus ticket is $2, and an express ticket costs $2.35. Bus stations are open until one in the morning, since many flights arrive in Miami very late, tourists often have to take a taxi. average cost taxi is between 30 and 35 dollars.

Miami Climate

In Miami all year round It's hot. The Gulf Stream flows 24 kilometers from the coast of Miami, thanks to which climatic conditions will delight lovers of eternal summer. IN winter period the air temperature is 22-24°C. In rare cases it can drop to 20 °C, and in summer it can rise to 37 °C, however optimal temperature stays at 28 °C. The water in the ocean warms up to 20-24°C. The threat of storms and hurricanes occurs in July-August.


In Miami special attention requires an overground metro, since it was not possible to build a road underground due to a very thin layer of limestone. Metro is considered the best vehicle, since it is much more interesting to cross the Miami River along a beautiful bridge than through a tunnel. Such trains operate without a driver, they are fully automated, so if you manage to take a seat in the first carriage, you are guaranteed a luxurious and unforgettable panorama.

Miami Hotels

There are many hotels in this resort. If we talk about their quality, then they are all on the same level, regardless of the number of stars on the façade.

There are over a hundred hotels in Miami, among which, according to local residents, you won’t find even two identical ones. There you can find both luxurious apartments and comfortable rooms that will be affordable for every tourist. If you are traveling with children, choose North Miami Beach. On its territory there are various hotels with different amounts stars and excellent service, as well as rooms with kitchens, where it will be much easier to prepare food for a child, and also save significantly on food for an adult. South Beach or SoBo is the center of 24-hour bustling life.

The most important thing for every vacationer is that the hotel be built as close to the sea as possible. Here are several addresses of hotels that fit this description: Sea View Hotel On The Ocean 3*, Fontainebleau Miami Beach Resort 4*, Eden Roc A Renaissance Resort 4*, Four Points Sheraton Miami Beach 4*. It is worth noting that when vacationing in the presented hotels in the summer, the 4th night will be free for you. The cost of a simple room will average from 140 to 170 dollars per night.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Miami

"Parrot Jungle" is a park with a lot of exotic plants, waterfalls and lakes, where over 1200 tropical birds. "Monkey Jungle" is a tropical reserve where you can see various monkeys. They live in natural conditions. For the safety of park visitors, the animals were fenced off with special glass walls.

This is interesting: The Land of Lions Nature Reserve is a specialized zoo in which animals live in natural conditions that replicate the landscape South Africa. When visiting this zoo, you can admire giraffes, lions, rhinoceroses, zebras, elephants, antelopes and chimpanzees.

Among the exhibits of the Police Museum, which is dedicated to police officers who died in the line of duty, you can see a gas chamber, an electric chair, many different weapons of crime, and more technical means, which are used by the police.

Villa Vizcaya is a palace built in the Italian Renaissance style. An Art Museum is now built on its territory. Everglades Park is located half an hour from Miami. This national park is the largest in the USA, and it has remarkably preserved wild nature subtropics.

In addition to all the above attractions, you can also take a one-day excursion to the Kennedy Space Center, which is located at Cape Canaveral - the launch site of the American spaceships and an active space center or head to the southernmost point of the United States, Key West.

You will remember your trip to Key West for the flight across the water surface, because there is a lot of water around and practically no asphalt, the desire to visit Cuba and the magnificent caught shrimp with a view of the cruise ship.

The first underwater pack is located in the Florida Keys, which is located 80 minutes from Key Largo. He celebrated his fiftieth anniversary in December 2010. Here you will find a 3-meter sculpture of Christ made of bronze. Its weight is 1.8 tons. It is located under water at a depth of 6.5 meters. This exact copy the statue of the same name, which is kept in the Mediterranean Sea near Genoa, Italy.

This is interesting: You can also take a ride on a boat, sea tram or yacht in seawater aquarium to the dolphin and shark shows fur seals. The cost of such a ticket for an adult is 18 dollars, for a child 13 dollars.

For lovers of hiking, there are overland routes along Indian trails. Along them you can get to Indian villages for tourists, where “tribal leaders” will meet you and be happy to show you their wigwams. They willingly take pictures with tourists as a souvenir.


The main feature of diving in Miami are specially artificial Coral reefs. They are recognized as the best all over the world. You can also admire the sunken ships.

In Miami there are ten different places with artificial reefs. Some of them are between Key Biscayne and Miami-Dade, the rest between Monroe and Key Biscayne. The best one is under 130 feet of water a few miles off Sunshine Island.

Objects for underwater exploration in Miami are absolutely amazing. There are more than 30 sunken ships, 3 oil platforms and several sunken American tanks.

Why do tourists want to come to Miami? It's simple! This is the largest resort town in America, surrounded by legends about a paradise ideal for rest and relaxation.

Its beaches attract fans aquatic species sports, lovers of soft sand and gentle waves. The abundance of shops, cafes and amusement parks will not let anyone get bored! Year-round tourist season- this is good, but there are a couple of nuances that should be kept in mind.

Beach holidays throughout the year. But…?

In Miami, eternal summer reigns, pleasing with greenery around and warm ocean water. Tropical climate with pronounced monsoon periods, it is excellent for relaxation. Thanks to the Gulf Stream, travelers can enjoy pleasant warmth even in winter. But despite this, the ideal time to relax on the beaches of Miami is considered to be spring and autumn.

The active season begins in March, when the air temperature reaches +27 degrees. At this time, the water warms up to a very comfortable +25. The absence of intense heat and generally pleasant weather is perfect for walking and swimming. These conditions will continue until the end of June. From July the air warms up to +35, while the water temperature reaches +28 degrees, which is no longer so comfortable for swimming. In autumn, the opposite process occurs, when the heat gradually subsides.

In addition to the hot weather, seasonal rains begin in June and continue until October. At this time, there is increased air humidity, which leads to stuffiness. And this is not suitable for people with breathing problems or cardiovascular systems. At this time, breezes come from the ocean, softening the existing heat. Therefore, in the absence of contraindications, a trip to Miami can be organized in the summer. Fewer tourists will make your holiday more enjoyable. You can learn more about rental housing in this region on the website of The Reznik Group in the " " and " " sections.

Is it possible to come to Miami in winter? Need to!

A great option would be a winter vacation in Miami. At this time, the temperature is around +24 degrees, the Florida sun adds bright colors to every day. A pleasant warm breeze makes staying outside very comfortable. The ocean temperature is kept at the same level as the air, allowing those who wish to swim.

I've noticed that reviews of Florida in this community tend to be less than stellar. One couple didn’t like Miami, another didn’t like Disneyworld... Since I consider both of these places to be paradise on earth, I really want to convey my feeling to you, and first, to warn future travelers against possible mistakes that could prevent them from enjoying their vacation.

Five mistakes that will ruin your vacation in Miami

1) Live in the wrong area

Miami Beach is, figuratively speaking, an elongated strip of land in the Atlantic Ocean. The city, like an elongated loaf, is cut into districts, each of which has its own atmosphere. The most South part called South Beach. This is a concentration of shops, restaurants, Starbucks, ice cream shops, tattoo parlors and Internet cafes. Here is the largest concentration of hotels on the island, there is a cheerful pedestrian street called Lincoln, and also a very beautiful, stylized Spanish street, Espanola Way, there is a cinema, and most importantly in South Beach you can live without a car, because everything you need can be reached on foot.

Many people mistakenly believe that South Beach is too party and noisy. In fact, this is not true. It is noisy only on that small section of the beach called Ocean Drive. Here music plays around the clock, half-naked girls dance, and black guys make noise, swinging in expensive cars. Living on Ocean Drive is not an adventure for the faint of heart. Because even if the music from the street doesn’t wake you up at night, your drunk neighbors will still wake you up.

However, Ocean Drive is just one street, and it is wrong to judge the entire area by it. South Beach is a very calm, easy place. And, thanks to the concentration of life, it, unlike many southern resorts, is not boring. For example, I don’t like lying on the beach. I like to walk, explore the city, try different cuisines, and just wander aimlessly, coming across Amazing places. South Beach has everything for this.

This “everything” ends approximately at the level of 25th street, and then North Beach begins - a completely different area in spirit. At the beginning of North Beach there are no shops or cafes at all. There are several luxury hotels, but, unlike the southern region, they are completely fenced off from the outside world. It's not interesting to look at them. At street level 60 the first restaurants, supermarkets, hairdressers and beauty salons appear. They all look very modest and work, rather, for the local population, because there are few tourists here. The landscape in this area is poorer, with no luxury housing in sight.

Between 74th and 75th streets there are several cheap hotels right by the water. They are dirty, smelly and unfriendly. The only reason they haven't been demolished yet is that investors can't come to an agreement with the stubborn owner.

Higher up on the map is Bal Harbour, an area of ​​luxury villas and a shopping center for luxury brands, where only Russian speech is heard. There are no souvenir shops or cafes in this area. The rich Russian diaspora comes to dine in the evenings at the restaurants of that same boutique shopping center.

Behind Bal Harbor begins the large Sunny Isles district, which was once opened by Igor Nikolaev, and since then all our pop stars began to buy apartments there. Sunny Isles is a residential area: high-rise buildings along the coast, highways and, it seems, not a single place where you can drink a glass of Starbucks coffee or buy sunscreen. There is nothing to do in Sunny Isles without a car. In addition, the beach here is narrow and crowded, just like in Sochi. Sunny Isles has several waterfront hotels, and even the last survivor of the development boom, a one-story motel. Prices are a little lower than in South Beach, but I wouldn’t stay. It's nice to have a high-rise apartment with an ocean view in this area, but if you're a tourist, it's better to stay further south.

2) Mistake two: renting a hotel room

My advice: stay in a hotel only if you can afford the most expensive options - some The Palms, Ritz, Loewe, which have music by the pool, great food at any time of the day, spotless sheets and massage. Or, if you can afford hotels with some kind of trump location, for example, like Betsy Ross (pictured). This hotel is located directly opposite the water, at the very edge of Ocean Drive - where the party smoothly transitions into the calm center of South Beach. This is an impeccable location and truly worth paying for. Everything else will be overpriced, and apart from daily bed cleaning you will not receive anything at all. Neither particularly clean, let alone service.

If your options are limited, rent an apartment or, for example, a room in a villa. The easiest way to do this is through

3) Error three: we will rent a more modest apartment, but on the first or second line

Miami is a sprawling city, so no matter where you live, you will still live close to the water. Even if it’s not on the second street from the shore, but two blocks away, it doesn’t matter. Don't be afraid to settle far from the water.

Remember that this is not Germany, but America. In Germany, if a hotel is cheap, it often means that it is simply spartan. That it does not have expensive furniture, a large TV, or a minibar, but that it has a clean bed and a shower. It's not like that in America. If the hotel is cheap, this can mean dirty carpeting, bed bugs, and towels with stains and hair.

There are a lot of these bug infestations on central Collins Avenue. Tourists rent three stars on the second line on the Internet, arrive, and it turns out that the sea is not visible from the window, and the room is lousy.

Therefore, choose the best housing that you can afford, and believe me, how many streets there are from the ocean - one or five, it doesn’t matter.

4) As soon as we arrive, we will take a car at the airport, because Miami is impossible without a car

The eternal question: “Do you need a car in Miami?” I'm sure if you live in South Beach, having a car is more hassle than pleasure. Just think, absolutely all street parking spaces are paid. Moreover, you should immediately know how many hours you will spend in a restaurant or on the beach, and pay for parking with this amount. At night, if you find somewhere to hide, you don’t have to pay for parking, but at a certain hour in the morning the countdown begins again, and you always need to remember this. Believe me, thinking about the ticking clock and circling around the city looking for a free space, watching other people just walking around, is painful. The worst thing is to come across signs: “The place is reserved for the owners of the house. I will evacuate anyone who violates it.” Do you need it while on vacation?

The beach is always easy to reach on foot, and you can move along the coast by taxi, bicycles from Decobike instant rental points, or by 24-hour buses. The bus schedule is uploaded to the Internet, and if you have an iPhone, it will show you in the Maps section how many minutes the required bus will arrive at the nearest stop, and how to get to that stop.

Why does everyone say that you need a car in Miami? But because many settle far from South Beach, and want to spend their time there. And there are also many places, such as large shopping centers, and, even more tempting, discount shopping centers - Nordstrom Rack, Loehmann's and Dolphin Mall, where it is more convenient to get to by car. And you also want to travel around the area, and even after Miami to Disneyworld. What to do?

In short, first get to the city, feel it, look around. If you feel bad without a car, go to the website and book.

By the way, the cheapest parking is in a multi-story garage on 17th Street. A dollar an hour.
And also, if you decide, like me, to take a car after arriving in the city, you don’t need to go to the mainland to the central pick-up point at the airport. Just search - they have a couple of locations right on Collins Avenue. A few bus stops along the beach and you are already there.

5) We’ll swim in Miami for three days, and then we’ll go to some normal city, like New York.

Miami Beach - most interesting city. And if you ask what to do there for longer than three days, I will answer - explore it, go on excursions around the islands and suburbs, stare at the villas of millionaires, be surprised that Maybachs drive around next to bicycles, dine in delicious restaurants and tasteless ones there are no restaurants in this city, try grilled lobster, savor real sushi at Samba Sushi, remembering “Two Sticks” as a misunderstanding, buy healing organic garbage at Whole Foods on Alton Road, look for super-duper designer dresses at Loehmann's, discounted by ten time, you can’t find anything and eat your grudge in an authentic American pancake shop on Biscayne Boulevard, and also go to mainland Miami on weekends, watch pensioners dance Cuban dances on the shore, clap your hands and dream of such a happy old age. Come here for a long time, this city is worth it.

Miami is a beach paradise. How to enjoy your vacation and not turn your vacation into a rotten one? To do this, you need to avoid making 5 mistakes that I want to warn you against.

All the iconic resort parties are concentrated on Ocean Drive: music thunders all day long, and unbridled fun begins at night.

Don't stay on Ocean Drive unless you're a nightlife aficionado. They won't let you sleep peacefully. The fun with music continues from evening until morning.

However, not all of South Beach is the same: there are many calm, cozy, atmospheric places. Don't lie aimlessly on the beach, but instead stroll the elegant streets lined with colorful Art Deco facades, ride a Decobike rental bike, or experience the local culinary arts at one of the many gastronomic establishments.

The most charming street in the area is Espanola Way with palm and pine alleys, buildings in European colonial style, art galleries, and Mediterranean restaurants. Espanola Way was built in 1925. Take the pedestrianized Lincoln Road. At the beginning of the street, an ancient temple has been preserved, two-story shops line both sides, and a botanical garden is located nearby.

North Beach

The relaxed, convivial atmosphere of South Beach ends at 25th Street. Next comes North Beach, an area with a distinct Italian flavor. There are few shops, clubs, street cafes: at the beginning of North Beach there are none at all; you will find the first modest restaurants only starting from 60th street.

There are traditionally few tourists in North Beach: the local population mostly lives here.

The houses are relatively poor: there are several fashionable hotels, but they are reliably separated from the city streets. There are cheap hotels - these establishments are located in the area of ​​74-75 streets, they belong to the same owner. I categorically do not recommend staying there: dirty, uncomfortable, no service.

Bal Harbor

Bal Harbor is an elite area of ​​Miami Beach. This picturesque place is the kingdom of fitness, cycling, azure swimming pools, tanned, trained bodies. Here is the luxurious mall The Bal Harbor Shops - a shopping center, the center of exclusive boutiques and worldwide famous brands. Fashionable gastronomic establishments of Bal Harbor in the evenings attract nouveau riche from the Russian diaspora of Miami Beach. For an ordinary tourist, this atmosphere will be too pompous, far from “democratic”. In short, expensive and pretentious.

Sunny Isles Beach

Sunny Isles Beach is called “the city of sun and sea”, “little Moscow”. This is a luxurious residential area where the facades of glittering skyscrapers look out onto the raging ocean waves.

Stars bought apartments here Russian show business: Igor Nikolaev, Natasha Koroleva, Valery Leontiev, Anna Kournikova, hockey players Pavel Bure, Sergei Fedorov.

You won’t find any regular shops or Starbucks here. For every little thing you have to go by car. Beach in high season always crowded. Hotel rooms are cheaper than in the “expensive” South Beach, but an ordinary tourist should not choose Sunny Isles for accommodation. The place is too pretentious, clearly not a tourist place.

2. It’s better not to stay in local hotels: the atmosphere will not please you

An expensive hotel will have a swimming pool and massage, live music, food on order at any time. American hotels do not offer decent service to tourists on a modest budget. It’s better to immediately rent a studio closer to the beach, rent an apartment or a room.

You can find accommodation options for different budgets.

Miami is one of the largest cities in the United States, which is one of the most popular tourist centers. Travelers are very attracted not only by the climate and tropical atmosphere, but also by the local flavor:

Miami is famous for its bright and large-scale holidays and festivals, and Latin Americans give this city a zest of national flavor.

Just provide: gorgeous beaches, palm trees, delicious drinks and Latin American food...What could it be better than rest in this beautiful and developed city? If you are planning to travel to distant Florida, then in this article you will find out what the climate is in Miami in this or that month of the year.


There is no winter in this city with a tropical-monsoon climate. In Miami, all 12 months are hot summers!

Winters there are quite warm and dry, although light rain is rare.

Tourists who want to visit winter Florida for the first time need to stock up on warm clothes, as it is quite cool in the evenings in this sunny state.


The month of December in Miami is very unpredictable! As they say - depending on your luck. For example, in December 2010, Americans were very surprised because there was a small amount of snow on the streets and car windows were covered with frost. Not snowdrifts, of course, but still, for tourists who came to spend their holidays in the summer warmth, this is not very pleasant. Often the temperature in December does not rise above five degrees, so local residents and visitors to the city have to swim in a heated pool and wear warm clothes. Usually average temperature in December: during the day about 25 degrees, the water is warm, you can swim. It gets cooler in the evening.


This winter month It is considered the coolest month in Miami (temperatures are several degrees lower than December, and usually ranges from 22 to 24 degrees), although it is considered the most touristy. In January, you can easily walk along Miami Beach in a T-shirt and shorts, swim and sunbathe on the beach. But the water in the pools (if it is not heated) is very cold.

Therefore, if you book a luxury hotel with a swimming pool, ask if it has a water heating function.


This month is a little warmer than the previous one. In principle, it is not much different from January, but the temperature rises by several degrees. Therefore, in February you can still swim and sunbathe.


Those who are tired of the cool and windy Florida winter will be happy to welcome a surprisingly warm spring!

In spring you can endlessly sunbathe and swim on the beach, and amazingly delicious seasonal fruits will delight every tourist.


Already from the middle spring month March Miami begins to slowly wake up from the winter cold weather. During the day it gets quite hot, and in the evening, as a rule, there is no cool wind. So you can easily walk around in a T-shirt and shorts until late at night. But at the beginning of March, the water in the pools is still quite cold.


The average temperature in April is about 28-30 degrees, which is quite hot, but it is worth saying that April for Miami is the windiest month of the year. Despite the fact that in most cases the days in the city are clear and hot, quite cloudy weather can often be found here.


May is practically no different from April, except that the temperature is slightly higher. The water is very warm, you can swim in the pools. The only difference from April is that in May, as a rule, large quantity precipitation, so it's worth stocking up on an umbrella.


Needless to say, the weather in Miami in the summer is the hottest time of the year? In addition, at this time of year there is quite high humidity, so you can often hear the phrase “it’s hot, like in a bathhouse” from Russian tourists. If you are planning to check into a hotel, make sure it has good air conditioning.


June is notable in Miami because the Atlantic hurricane season begins during this summer month and lasts until the end of November.

History knows a lot of destructive winds, for example, the devastating “Andrew” hit the city in the late summer of 1992, so local residents are accustomed to having the most necessary things in one easily accessible place, so that in case of danger they can quickly evacuate.

At the moment, Gismeteo reports that the average temperature in June during the day will be 30 degrees, while the water temperature will be almost the same. So the beginning of summer will greet tourists with a fairly warm ocean and unbearable heat. That is why there are not as many tourists here in the summer as, say, in the winter. Consequently, summer is notable for its very cheap hotels and services. Tourists should stock up on light clothing and summer hats, and don’t forget about sunglasses and sunscreen.


June is not much different from the previous month; the temperature will rise only a few degrees. There are usually many more rainy days in July, which makes spending July in Florida cities much easier.


The last month of summer for Miami is very humid and hot, with daylight hours increased by an hour and a half compared to June and July. The rains in August do not last long, about 7–10 days.


If in Russia many are upset when a wonderful summer ends, then autumn for Miami is a very joyful event, because the weather is gradually returning to normal, there are both sunny and long-awaited refreshing cloudy days.


In September you should not expect cool weather, since this month is in many ways similar to August, namely with temperatures above 30 degrees, the ocean is also quite warm. But the duration daylight hours decreases by about an hour. In September, you can often find refreshing rain, which pleases local residents and tourists for about 14 days.


The relative coolness of Florida arrives in October, around the middle of the month. Although the temperature in October is approximately 29 degrees, this month promises a lot of winds that “cool off” local residents and tourists from the sun’s heat. The water in October becomes quite cool for this city (about 25 degrees), but you can still swim. The month is also notable for its lack of humidity.


In the last autumn month The city is very comfortable and fresh, the daylight hours are about 10-11 hours. The approximate temperature during the day is 25 degrees, while at night it drops to 21. The ocean is very pleasant and fresh, so why not take a swim in the sun November weather? We can say that this is not a rainy month.

So when is the best time to go on vacation to sunny Miami?

The advantages of summer in Miami are that there is a lot of seasonal food at this time of year, as well as relatively low prices on hotels and entertainment due to the fact that there is practically no tourist influx.

But it is difficult for a tourist to endure the standard 7 or 14 days of a tour at the resort, since it is very hot.

Why is it better to go to Florida in winter or fall?

  • It's really great to leave cold winter for a week in warmer climes, or better yet, celebrate the New Year there.
  • For those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, winter or autumn will be the best option, because in the summer the city is very stuffy and hot, even in the rooms.
  • Walking around the city at night is quite fresh and comfortable.
  • In summer, the possibility of a hurricane is higher than in autumn.

In any case, before planning a trip, it’s worth looking at weather forecasters, for example, using the Yandex application, because who expected that there would be snow in Miami in 2010?
