Special Forces Rocket Forces. Rocket troops

The second half of the 20th century is marked as the “rocket era”. Today, with their help, astronauts are delivered into orbit, space satellites are launched, and distant planets are studied. Another area of ​​widespread use of rocket technology has become military affairs. After the invention of nuclear weapons, rockets are considered the most powerful tool of war, capable of destroying several cities and millions of people at once. Since the use of such weapons does not leave a winner, the world's largest players took advantage of this. They use missile technology as an effective means of nuclear deterrence. Russia is considered one of the countries with a powerful nuclear arsenal. His triad is strategic.

Today, several divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces are deployed on the territory of Russia, one of which is based in the city of Novosibirsk. Information about its combat composition and weapons is presented in the article.


The Strategic Missile Forces is one of the branches of the Armed Forces. Formed in 1959 by order of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Today, the Strategic Missile Forces is a separate branch of the Russian Armed Forces and the main component of its strategic nuclear forces. Reports directly to the General Staff of the Armed Forces. In 1960, the composition of this type of troops was represented by ten missile divisions. Their bases were the western parts of the Soviet Union and the Far East. At the moment, the army of the Strategic Missile Forces consists of 13 missile divisions.

1st Artillery Unit of the Reserve

According to historians, the 39th Guards Rocket Division became one of the very first formations that received the Katyusha in service during the Great Patriotic War and participated in the Battle of Stalingrad. It was created in 1942 as the 1st Guards Artillery Division of the reserve. In 1960, the formation was reorganized into the 39th Missile Division of the Order of Lenin, Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky. The unit was assigned to the 33rd Rocket Army.

About the location of the unit

The settlement of Kalininka in the Novosibirsk region became the place for the deployment of the military unit. Since the Strategic Missile Forces were armed with second-generation solid-fuel and environmentally hazardous missiles, experts believe that a large distance from the city became an ideal place for deploying this unit (military unit 34148).

In 2008, a military reform was carried out. The location of the unit was the village of Pashino. This settlement is located near the city of Novosibirsk. 5 thousand people are serving. The command is carried out by Major General P.N. Burkov.

About the combat team

The structure of the military unit of the Strategic Missile Forces (Novosibirsk) is represented by the following sectors:

  • 6th site, which is the technical base for military unit 96777, helicopter squadron (military unit 40260) and military units 40260-V and L.
  • 10th site (303rd communication center (military unit 34148-S), 1756th separate engineer-sapper battalion, (military unit 34485), military unit 34148-G and B).
  • 12th platform (357th missile regiment, military unit 54097).
  • 13th and 21st sites. The distance between them is no more than a thousand meters. Used to deploy the 428th Guards (military unit 73727) and the 382nd (military unit 44238) missile regiments.
  • 22nd platform. It is the 1319th mobile command post (military unit 34148).

The 10th site is used as the headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces (Novosibirsk). 34148 is a training military unit. Recruits stay on it before taking the oath. The 13th and 21st are distant, since their distance from the headquarters is 40 thousand meters. Military unit 34148 has the shape of a square with an area of ​​120x120 km.

About purpose

The Strategic Missile Forces located in Novosibirsk, like other missile divisions, are in a state of constant combat readiness and perform primarily a protective function. In addition, the troops can deliver massive, group or single nuclear missile strikes in one or several directions at once against strategically important objects that make up the military and military-economic potential of the enemy. The armament of the Strategic Missile Forces (Novosibirsk) is represented by Russian ground-based intercontinental ballistic missiles. They can be both mobile and silo-based, and the mandatory presence of nuclear warheads.

About PU Pioneer

In 1973, design work began on the creation of a solid-propellant complex with a medium-range missile. In 1976, the launcher was ready. In the documentation, it is listed as PU RSD-10 "Pioneer".

In 1985, in Novosibirsk, the Strategic Missile Forces were equipped with 45 launchers. The complex was operated until 1991. According to the terms of the agreement on the elimination of medium and short-range missiles, signed in 1986 by Soviet and American representatives, part of the "Pioneers" was destroyed in the Chita region.


In 1975, employees of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering were working on the creation of a ground-based strategic missile system RT-2PM Topol. Rocket testing took place in 1982. The complex was completely ready for operation in 1987. In December 1988, it was adopted by the Soviet Strategic Missile Forces. The total number of complexes at that time did not exceed 72 units. By 1993, the number of Topols had been increased to 369. According to military experts, the number of RT-2PM occupies almost 50% of all Russia's strategic nuclear weapons. The Strategic Missile Forces in Novosibirsk is considered one of the first missile divisions to receive this complex. In 1995, their number in the 39th missile division was 45 units. On the territory of military unit 34148, the distance between the deployed complexes varied within 20-50 thousand meters. The Topol launcher could be mounted on the MAZ-7912 seven-axle chassis. This had a positive effect on the possibility of rapid mass deployment of complexes, which ensured the survivability of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces during an enemy nuclear attack.

If in Soviet times the main emphasis was on powerful protection against silo-based complexes dispersed over a large area, then in the 90s, mobile installations provided security. Unlike silo-based missile systems, the enemy could not target mobile deployment sites. Military experts assumed that in the event that the enemy carried out a sudden nuclear strike, then due to the presence of mobile Topols, Russia would be able to maintain 60% of its nuclear potential and strike back.

RS-24 "Yars"

After the signing of the Soviet-American treaty, Topol was modernized. The work was carried out by employees of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. The leadership was headed by Academician Yu. S. Solomonov. As a result, in 2009, the strike group of the strategic missile forces of Russia was replenished with a new complex, which is listed as the RS-24 Yars.

A solid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile with a mobile and silo base is provided for it. In 2012, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation decided to re-equip missile formations in Novosibirsk and Kozelsk on the RS-24 silo-based. Work continued throughout 2013.

On the combat capabilities of the RS-24

In October 2013, 8 Yars were delivered to Novosibirsk. RS-24, according to military experts, today is the most modern missile system. The transition to the Yarsy is gradually taking place in many divisions of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces. A missile fired from the RS-24 is capable of traveling 11,000 km and bypassing any means in the world. During the detonation of one rocket, 4 explosions occur. To date, most of the information about the performance characteristics of the RS-24 is classified. It is known that the main feature of the Yars is high mobility. The missile is equipped with a multiple reentry vehicle. The warhead itself is equipped with four nuclear warheads, with a capacity of 300 kilotons. In 2013, the media reported on the arrival in Novosibirsk of 8 mobile missile systems. Prior to this event, 200 contract officers completed a retraining course at a special training center in Arkhangelsk.

About the learning stages

Retraining begins with the development of the theory of the structure of the missile system. At this stage, training takes place on the basis of a military unit. Further, the servicemen are sent to a special training center, which was based at the Plesetsk cosmodrome. According to the press information service of the Ministry of Defense, retraining in missile regiments is being completed. The third stage is considered practical. It is provided for military personnel who have received permission to carry out combat duty and to control a rocket launcher.

About combat duty

Three people are on duty: a driver, an operator and a commander. Their task is to bring the rocket launcher to full combat readiness and deliver it to the previously designated square. The second stage is the delivery of a nuclear strike by warheads already aimed at the target. To do this, just press a special button. Since the rocket launcher is a large piece of equipment, the military has to block the routes during its advance into the square, which causes discontent among the local civilian population.


As the specialists of the missile formation assure, the presence of nuclear warheads does not threaten the Siberians at all. The detonation of the Yars is kept to a minimum. The locals understand that the RS-24 is designed for their safety, and have become accustomed to spending their days near nuclear weapons.

Strategic Rocket Forces

Years of existence:

USSR (until 1991)


President of Russia

Included in:

Russian Armed Forces

Separate branch of the military

Nuclear deterrence


120 thousand people

Ministry of Defense of Russia


Odintsovo-10 (headquarters)


Varvara Iliopolskaya


RK R-36M, UR-100N, RT-2PM, RT-2PM2, RS-24

Participation in:

cold war

Strategic Rocket Forces (Strategic Missile Forces of Russia) - the land component of the strategic nuclear forces (SNF) of the Russian Federation.

Troops of constant combat readiness. The Russian Strategic Missile Forces are armed with mobile and stationary intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. The Russian Strategic Missile Forces are an important element of Russia's national defensive doctrine.


The first ICBM formation was the Angara facility (commander-colonel Grigoriev M. G.), formed at the end of 1958. In July 1959, the personnel of this formation carried out the first combat training launch of ICBMs in the USSR.

On December 17, 1959, they were formed as a branch of the USSR Armed Forces. The continuous increase in the quantity and quality characteristics of the missile systems in service contributed to the establishment of nuclear parity between the USSR and the USA in the 70s of the XX century.

In 1962, during Operation Anadyr, 36 RSD R-12s were secretly placed in Cuba, which caused the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The signing in 1987 of the treaty between the USSR and the United States on the elimination of medium and short-range missiles (INF), and then the treaties on the limitation and reduction of strategic offensive arms START-1 (1991) and START-2 (1993) led to a significant reduction in the number Strategic Missile Forces, the removal from combat duty and the elimination of missiles with multiple warheads - their main strike force.

In the armed forces of Russia is an independent branch of the military.

In 1995, by decree of the President of Russia No. 1239 of December 10, 1995. "On the establishment of the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces and the Day of the Military Space Forces" was established the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces.

At present, the development strategy of the Strategic Missile Forces provides for an increase in the share of mobile missile systems among them and the putting into service of Topol-M systems capable of overcoming modern and advanced missile defense systems.

Leaders of the Strategic Missile Forces of the USSR and Russia

Commanders-in-chief (1959-2001), commanders (since 2001)

  • 1959-1960 - Chief Marshal of Artillery M.I. Nedelin.
  • 1960-1962 - Marshal of the Soviet Union K.S. Moskalenko.
  • 1962-1963 - Marshal of the Soviet Union S.S. Biryuzov.
  • 1963-1972 - Marshal of the Soviet Union N.I. Krylov.
  • 1972-1985 - General of the Army (until 1983), Chief Marshal of Artillery V.F. Tolubko.
  • 1985-1992 - General of the Army Yu.P. Maksimov.
  • 1992-1997 - Colonel General (until 1996), General of the Army I.D. Sergeev, later Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Marshal of the Russian Federation.
  • 1997-2001 - Colonel General (until 2000), General of the Army V.N. Yakovlev.
  • 2001-2009 - Colonel General N.E.Solovtsov
  • 2009-2010 - Lieutenant General A.A. Shvaichenko
  • Since 2010 - Lieutenant General S.V. Karakaev.


Now the Strategic Missile Forces (arms of service) include the command of the Strategic Missile Forces (deployed in the village of Vlasikha near Moscow), three missile armies, which organizationally include missile divisions. In addition, the Strategic Missile Forces include: the State Central Interspecific Range (Kapustin Yar), a Test Site (in Kazakhstan), a Separate Research and Test Station in Kamchatka, the 4th Central Research Institute and four educational institutions (Pyotr Military Academy Great in Moscow, included in it as separate divisions of the military institutes Serpukhov Military Institute of Missile Forces, Serpukhov, Rostov Military Institute of Missile Forces, Rostov-on-Don). The Strategic Missile Forces also include arsenals and central repair plants, a storage base for weapons and military equipment. The number of troops today with civilian personnel is about 120 thousand people, two thirds of which are military personnel.

As of the beginning of 2008, the strategic nuclear forces (SNF) of Russia included 682 strategic carriers capable of carrying 3100 nuclear warheads. Compared to 2007, the number of carriers decreased by 39 units. (5.3%), and the number of warheads - by 177 units. (5.3%).

As of July 1, 2009, Russia had 608 carriers capable of delivering 2683 warheads, which is 26 carriers and 142 warheads less than in January of the same year.

The Strategic Missile Forces has 367 carriers capable of carrying 1,248 nuclear warheads. Currently, the Strategic Missile Forces are armed with 59 R-36MUTTKh and R-36M2 (SS-18, Satana) heavy missiles, 70 UR-100NUTTKh (SS-19) missiles, 174 missiles as part of the Topol mobile ground complex (SS-25 ), 49 missiles of the Topol-M silo-based complex (SS-27) and 15 missiles of the Topol-M mobile ground complex (SS-27).

Strategic Rocket Forces as of July 2009

The number and ratio of components of the strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Federation

The ratio of strategic nuclear forces components and the dynamics of their reductions from 1990 to 2009


Number of warheads by year

RS-12M2 mobile

Total warheads

The composition and strength of the Strategic Missile Forces

Rocket armies and their divisions

  • 27th Guards RA (Vladimir)
    • 7th Guards Rd (Ozerny / Vypolzovo, Bologoe-4)
    • 14th rd (Yoshkar-Ola)
    • 28th Guards Rd (Kozelsk)
    • 54th Guards Rd (Red Sosenki/Teikovo)
    • 60th RD (Taman Division) (Svetly/Tatishchevo-5)
  • 31st RA (Rostoshi, Orenburg) - planned to be disbanded
    • 8th RD (ZATO "Pervomaisky" - formerly Yurya-2)
    • 13th rd (Yasny / Dombarovsky)
    • 42nd road (ZATO Svobodny, located 35 km from Nizhny Tagil and 15 km from Verkhnyaya Salda).
  • 33rd Guards RA (Omsk)
    • 35th rd (Sibirskiy / Barnaul)
    • 39th Guards Rd (Guards/Novosibirsk-95)
    • 29th Guards Rd (Green/Irkutsk)
    • 62nd rd (Solnechny / Uzhur-4)


  • Polygon Kapustin Yar
  • Kura polygon (Kamchatka)

Aviation Strategic Missile Forces

Strategic Rocket Forces operate 7 airfields and 8 heliports. The Strategic Missile Forces aviation is armed with Mi-8 helicopters of all modifications, An-24, An-26, An-72, An-12 aircraft. About 50% of aviation equipment is maintained in good condition. According to the results of 2008, the average flight time in the aviation of the Strategic Missile Forces for the crew was: on airplanes - 99 hours, on helicopters - 58 hours.

Status and prospects

A number of factors potentially reduce the combat effectiveness of the Strategic Missile Forces and the Russian nuclear triad as a whole, including:

  • 80 percent of ICBMs expired
  • complete withdrawal from the composition and destruction of most of the nuclear railway missile systems (BZHRK)
  • the location of long-range bombers of the Russian Air Force on two bases, with separately stored warheads
  • partial lack of coverage in the Atlantic, and most of the Pacific Ocean, increasing the requirements for triad mobility

Of the positive points worth noting:

  • commissioning of stations of a new generation of a missile attack warning system in the Leningrad Region and the Krasnodar Territory
  • from 2006 to 2008, the launch of four satellites of the Kosmos series of the Oko early warning system into orbit
  • all project 667BDRM submarine missile carriers and part of project 667BDR missile carriers over the past few years have undergone medium repairs with elements of modernization and replacement of missiles with R-29RMU2
  • resumption in 2007 of regular strategic aviation flights to remote patrol areas, which had been interrupted since 1993
  • resumption of production of Tu-160
  • development and start of testing in 2007 of a new intercontinental ballistic missile RS-24 with MIRV

For 2008, the Strategic Missile Forces planned 11 combat training and test launches of strategic missiles.

The Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) are currently a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, directly subordinate to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The Strategic Missile Forces were transformed from a type of troops into a branch of service in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2001. The commander of the Strategic Missile Forces - Lieutenant General Sergei Viktorovich Karakaev - was appointed to this position by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2010.

As of the beginning of 2017, the Strategic Missile Forces allegedly had 286 missile systems of five different types, which were capable of carrying 958 nuclear warheads:

Number of complexes Total warheads
Missile complex warheads Locations

R-36MUTTH/R-36M2 (SS-18)

Dombarovsky, Uzhur

UR-100NUTTH (SS-19)


Poplar (SS-25)

Topol-M sh (SS-27)


Topol-M m (SS-27)

Teikovo, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Tagil, Yoshkar-Ola, Vypolzovo



Subdivisions of the Strategic Missile Forces

The Strategic Missile Forces include three missile armies: the 27th Guards Missile Army (headquartered in Vladimir), the 31st Missile Army (Orenburg), and the 33rd Guards Missile Army (Omsk). The 53rd Rocket Army (Chita) was disbanded at the end of 2002.

As of the beginning of 2017, the missile armies of the Strategic Missile Forces have 11 missile divisions that are armed with combat missile systems.

Number of missile systems

Missile division

Type of missile system

27th Guards Ra (Vladimir)

Tatishchevo: 60 RD (Tatishchevo-5, Light)

UR-100NUTTH (SS-19)

Topol-M sh (SS-27)

Kozelsk: 28th Guards Division

Vypolzovo: 7th Guards Division (Ozerny, Bologoe-4)

Teikovo: 54 Guards Rd (Red Sosenki)

18 Topol-M m

Yoshkar-Ola: 14th day

31st Ra (Rostoshi, Orenburg)

Dombarovsky: 13 RD (Clear)

R-36M2 (SS-18)

Nizhny Tagil: RD 42 (Verkhnyaya Salda, Nizhny Tagil-41, Svobodny)

33rd Guards Ra (Omsk)

ra - missile army, rd - missile division, guards - guards

Missile systems

Rocket development R-36M2 (RS-20V, SS-18) was carried out by Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine). The R-36M2 missiles were deployed in 1988-1992. Rockets R-36M2 are two-stage liquid-propellant, can carry 10 warheads. The production of rockets was carried out by the Southern Machine-Building Plant (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine). The plans for the development of the Strategic Missile Forces provide for the maintenance of R-36M2 missiles on combat duty until about 2022.

rockets UR-100NUTTH (SS-19) were developed by NPO Mashinostroeniya (Reutov, Moscow region). The missiles were deployed in 1979-1984. Rocket UR-100NUTTH two-stage liquid, carries 6 warheads. The production of missiles was carried out by the plant. M. V. Khrunicheva (Moscow). To date, some of the UR-100NUTTH missiles have been withdrawn from service. At the same time, part of the missiles will remain in service until 2019. At the same time, it is possible that warheads with nuclear warheads were removed from the missiles remaining in the mines (this practice was used in the 1970s with UR-100 missiles).

Ground missile systems Poplar (SS-25) were developed at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. The missiles were deployed in 1985-1992. The rocket of the Topol complex is a three-stage solid propellant, carries one warhead. The production of missiles was carried out by the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant. At present, the process of removing the Topol complexes from service is underway due to the expiration of the service life of the missiles. It is planned that all missiles will be withdrawn from the Strategic Missile Forces in 2021.

Missile complex Topol M (SS-27) and its modification RS-24 Yars developed at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. The complex was created in a silo-based version and in a mobile soil-based version. The rocket of the Topol-M complex is a three-stage solid propellant, originally created in a monoblock version. In 2007, tests were carried out on a version of the missile equipped with a MIRV, designated RS-24 Yars. The deployment of RS-24 complexes in a mobile version was launched in 2010.

Strategic Rocket Forces(RVSN) is currently a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is directly subordinate to the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.
The Strategic Missile Forces were transformed from a type of troops into a type of troops in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2001. The commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Lieutenant General Sergei Viktorovich Karakaev, was appointed to this position by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2010.

The Strategic Missile Forces are a land component of Russia's strategic nuclear forces and are classified as troops of constant combat readiness. The Strategic Missile Forces are intended for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and destruction as part of strategic nuclear forces or independently massive, group or single nuclear missile strikes of strategic objects located in one or several strategic directions and forming the basis of the military and military-economic potentials of the enemy.

The Strategic Missile Forces are armed with all Russian ground-based mobile and silo-based intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. As of December 2010, the Strategic Missile Forces were armed with 375 missile systems four different types that were capable of carrying 1259 nuclear warheads:

The Strategic Missile Forces include three missile armies:

- 27th Guards Rocket Army (headquarters is located in Vladimir);
- 31st Rocket Army (Orenburg);
- 33rd Guards Rocket Army (Omsk).

The former 53rd Rocket Army (Chita) was disbanded at the end of 2002. It is also planned that the 31st Rocket Army (Orenburg) will be disbanded within the next few years.
As of the end of 2010, the missile armies of the Strategic Missile Forces included 11 missile divisions which are armed with combat missile systems.

Missile systems

Currently, the Strategic Missile Forces are armed with six types of missile systems of the fourth and fifth generations. Of these, four are mine-based with ICBMs RS-18, RS-20V, RS-12M2 and two are mobile ground-based with ICBMs RS-12M, RS-12M2. In terms of the number of launchers, silo-based missile systems account for 45% of the strike force of the Strategic Missile Forces, and in terms of the number of warheads, almost 85% of its nuclear potential.

The development of the R-36MUTTKh "Voevoda" (also known as RS-20B and SS-18 "Satan") and R-36M2 (RS-20V, SS-18) missiles was carried out by the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine). The R-36MUTTKh missiles were deployed in 1979-1983, R-36M2 missiles - in 1988-1992.

Rockets R-36MUTTKh and R-36M2 "Voevoda" two-stage liquid, can carry 10 warheads (there is also a monoblock version of the rocket). The production of rockets was carried out by the Southern Machine-Building Plant (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine). The plans for the development of the Strategic Missile Forces provide for the maintenance of all R-36M2 missiles on combat duty. Subject to the planned extension of service life to 25-30 years, they will be able to remain on combat duty until about 2016-2020.

Missiles UR-100NUTTH (SS-19) were developed by the Mechanical Engineering NPO (Reutov, Moscow Region). The deployment of missiles was carried out in 1979-1984. Rocket UR-100NUTTH two-stage liquid, carries 6 warheads. The production of missiles was carried out by the plant. M.V. Khrunicheva (Moscow). To date, some of the UR-100NUTTH missiles have been withdrawn from service. At the same time, according to the results of test launches, the life of the missile has apparently been extended to more than 30 years, which means that these missiles can be stored for several more years.

Soil missile systems "Topol" (SS-25) were developed at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. The deployment of missiles was carried out in 1985-1992. The rocket of the Topol complex is a three-stage solid propellant, carries one warhead. The production of missiles was carried out by the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant. To date, the process of removing the Topol complexes from service has begun in connection with the expiration of the service life of the missiles.

Missile system "Topol-M" (SS-27) and its modification RS-24 "Yars" developed at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. created in the silo-based version and in the mobile ground-based version. The deployment of the mine version of the complex began in 1997.

Tests of the mobile version of the Topol-M complex were completed in December 2004. The first mobile complexes entered the troops in December 2006. The rocket of the Topol-M complex is a three-stage solid-propellant, originally created in a monoblock version. In 2007, tests were carried out on a version of the missile equipped with MIRVed missiles, which received the designation RS-24 Yars. The deployment of complexes in the mobile version was launched in 2010.

/Based on materials russianforces.org /

Armament and military equipment

The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint students in general terms with the Strategic Missile Forces as an independent branch of the military,

its purpose, weapons and military equipment.

Time: 45 minutes

Lesson type: combined

Educational visual complex: OBZh textbook Grade 10


I. Introductory part

* Organizing time

* Control of students' knowledge:

- What is the main purpose of the Navy?

- What types of forces are part of the Russian Navy?

- What are the main tasks of the submarine forces of the Russian Navy?

- What famous landing operations were carried out by the forces of the Marine Corps during the Great

Patriotic War of 1941-1945?

Main part

- announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

- explanation of new material : § 37 pp. 186-189.

  1. Purpose, tasks and composition of the Strategic Missile Forces

Strategic Missile Forces - an independent branch of the military, designed to implement nuclear deterrence measures and destroy strategic targets that form the basis of the military and military-economic potential of the enemy.

Nuclear deterrence remains a key element in the field of national security. The Strategic Missile Forces are the main component of all our strategic nuclear forces. They are of particular importance for the security of the country. The Strategic Missile Forces account for 60% of warheads. They are entrusted with 90% of the tasks of nuclear deterrence.

A significant increase in the combat capabilities of the Strategic Missile Forces was given by the integration of the Strategic Missile Forces proper, the Military Space Forces and the Space Missile Defense Forces, which was carried out in 1997. This is not just a mechanical union of the branch of the Armed Forces and the two branches of the armed forces. Integration ensured a clear increase in the effectiveness of combat operations of the combined Strategic Missile Forces.

As a result of the reorganization carried out, the space sector acquires a single person responsible for organizing the use of means in space.

Integration made it possible to increase combat capabilities, optimized the structure, development systems and orders for weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces as a whole.

The Strategic Missile Forces are controlled by the TsKP, which represents an underground city with its own life support systems. Everyone is on duty in the Strategic Missile Forces - from the private to the commander in chief. Combat duty is the highest form of maintaining the combat readiness of the troops and weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces.

The information on the "nuclear suitcase" held by the head of state is issued by the missile and space defense, which is an integral part of the Strategic Missile Forces. It will detect the launch of ballistic missiles, calculate the trajectory of their flight and the area of ​​impact. The command for a return launch is duplicated by wire, radio, through space. There are other ways to bring orders to the troops. The probability is provided full.

Organizationally, the Strategic Missile Forces consist of missile armies and divisions, a training ground, military educational institutions, enterprises and institutions.

  1. Armament and military equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces

Modern Strategic Missile Forces embodied the achievements of advanced design and engineering. In many respects, domestic missile systems, command and control systems for troops and nuclear missile weapons are unique and have no analogues in the world.

The basis of the weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces are mobile (for example, the Topol mobile ground-based missile system) and stationary missile systems. The overwhelming majority of their missiles are liquid-propellant, equipped with multiple warheads.

In the Strategic Missile Forces, as well as in the naval nuclear component, a course has been taken to leave one type of missile each, which maximally satisfies all prospective requirements. Previously, the missile forces had 11 types of missiles.

Now in service there is a Topol-M missile system - a weapon of the 21st century. Groupings of Topol-M missile systems, together with complexes of Russia's naval and aviation nuclear forces, should ensure a stable nuclear balance and strategic stability at the beginning of this millennium under any forecasted scenarios for the development of the military-political situation.


1) Strategic Missile Forces are the basis of the combat power of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2) The Strategic Missile Forces have the ability to widely maneuver nuclear missile strikes.

3) The Strategic Missile Forces are capable of simultaneously attacking many strategic targets.

4) The combat use of the Strategic Missile Forces does not depend on weather conditions, time of year or day.
