The secret of Anna Shulgina's weight loss. Valeria’s daughter Anna Shulgina: “There is a big problem: now many guys are trying to be someone’s copy, act in a trend, take an example from someone...

They communicate like two girlfriends: simply, easily, with a smile and a certain amount of irony towards each other. And on December 17, they will have to appear together on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace in a large family concert.

Photo: IVStudio

Valeria and Anna Shulgina are a happy example of harmony in the relationship between mother and daughter. What is this: proper upbringing? genes? I think it's both. Looking at them, you feel that all age boundaries are disappearing, and this is an important touch to the joint portrait of Valeria and Anya.

TO When Joseph Prigozhin and I agreed on our meeting with you, dear girls, he said that Anya is now even busier than her mother. I was very intrigued by this.

Valeria: Anya participates in the project “Exactly” on Channel One and devotes all her time to it.

Anya: Actually, I’m very glad that I have practically no free time. In two months there was one day off, which I devoted to general cleaning of the apartment.

It’s commendable, Anya, that you clean your apartment yourself. By the way, a year ago you lived with your mother, and she showed me your girl’s room, quite small, similar to a pencil case. When did you start living separately?

A.: I moved in the summer, on my birthday. It’s probably hard to think of a better gift to yourself!

V.: Anya would have separated even at the age of ten; even then she was eager to be independent. And she first tried to live separately when she turned seventeen.

A.: Well, I didn’t live alone then, but shared a rented apartment with an adult girlfriend.

“In response, I began to behave very impudently. It was self-defense. But this insolence did not bypass those close to us."

And you, Lera, wouldn’t let Anya alone at that age?

V.: You know, I would let him go. From the age of fifteen, my mother let me go anywhere. I was “trustworthy.” Although, of course, Anya went through a difficult period, when she was twelve or thirteen years old. She was... all over the place at the protest.

What was the reason for this protest?

A.: Somehow everything accumulated. I moved from my favorite school to another, which is closer to home. Neither my classmates nor my teachers accepted me there. They pressed me because I was the daughter of a famous artist. The teachers openly mocked me. A physics teacher, for example, called me to the board and, without waiting for my answer to a question, said something like: “Of course, your mother is famous, why do you need to study at all?”

Horrible! This is so unpedagogical.

And of course, in response, I began to behave very impudently. It was self-defense. But this insolence did not bypass those close to him. I believed that my parents were to blame for the fact that I was not like everyone else: why do they always single me out, and only with a minus sign?

Did you, Valeria, try to help your daughter, somehow calm her down? Or did you not have time for this?

V.: At that time I really had very little free time. And, to be honest, I didn’t understand what was happening to Anya. I chalked it all up to adolescence.

A.: In your childhood, mom, there was no such hellish thing as the Internet. It destroys a person, absolutely everything is allowed there, you can write whatever you want - anonymously, not anonymously. I was even threatened via the Internet!

Were there any attempts to escape from home? Like, there is no sympathy anywhere.

A.: Naturally, I was even put under house arrest. But I still found ways to escape. She said, for example, that she decided to take up drawing: I go to classes two or three times, and then I just walk. They assigned guards to me, but I ran away from them.

V.: Anya tested all the guards for strength.

A.: Now I understand that my parents wanted to protect me in this way. But in fact, this made me an even more odious figure, I stood out even more from the general background. I remember going on a first date to a movie with a guy, and there was a security guard nearby. No personal life! Then the parents began to slowly lose ground: “The security guard will only take you to school. Okay, he’ll just watch you from the sidelines.”

V.: Well, Anya, shall we tell Vadim how and why we came up with the idea of ​​security?

A.: Tell me.

V.: We sent Anya to study in Switzerland. After studying there for a year, she came home for the holidays. For her birthday, we gave her an expensive phone, very cool, so that she would be happy. She deserved it: she finished the school year well. And so the day before departure back to Switzerland, the following happens: ten o’clock in the evening - Anya is not there, eleven is not there either. I call her - phone is locked. In tears, I called her friends. They all, as it turned out, were at home. What should I have thought in that situation?! Suddenly the doorbell rings, Anya rushes in: mascara is smeared all over her face, she smells of alcohol and cigarettes, she is sobbing. This is the first time this has happened. I didn't hit her, of course, I just gave her a light slap.

A.: I was very upset then.

V.: Can you imagine, Vadim, what a trance I was in? I think: Lord, is this my child?! And I told her: “You know what, my dear, tomorrow you are not going to Switzerland.” I was getting ready to go on tour then and took Anya with me, she wonderfully traveled all over Ukraine with me. Upon her return, Anya began studying with tutors at home. And it was from that moment that security appeared in our lives. And her own stupidity is to blame for this. Then, over the course of six months, a certain sobering occurred. I remember they were interviewing me, the journalist wanted to talk to the children, they asked me to leave the room, but I still heard Anya’s words. She said: “I am very grateful to my mother for putting me on the right track.”

Did you say this sincerely, Anya?

A: Mom did everything right. In my situation there was no other way out. I was tired of being different from everyone else, I felt lonely, and drinking and partying saved me from all this. So my mother, one might say, saved me.

Tell me, girls, when did your inner rapprochement happen?

V.: Do you know when I looked at her with different eyes? Anya was in the eleventh grade, then she began to share her secrets with me on a personal topic. And one day Anya said such a wise thing - I just opened my mouth in surprise. She talked about a boy with whom she had a difficult relationship. They seemed to be friends, but Anya had feelings for another guy with whom she broke up.

Just some kind of “Santa Barbara”.

And she spent a lot of time with this friend of hers. I say: “Anh, you know, it’s very strange: he has a girlfriend, but he’s with you all the time. I don't believe in friendship between a boy and a girl without some personal background. Tell me, what are you talking to him about?” She replies: “I tell him what he wants to hear. I talk to him about him."

A.: I really believe that this is the secret of personal relationships.

V.: And then I was stunned! I think this is how my grown-up girl has grown up, and understands something about relationships.

Now, Lera, do you control your daughter’s personal life?

V.: I don’t control it, I accept it.

It's clear. What if, say, Anya brings a young man into the house that you don’t like?

V.: So this is her choice.

A.: Yes, I probably won’t listen to my mother.

V.: Not a single child will listen.

Anya, are you in love now?

V.: We get along well with her boyfriend. I want my girl to be happy. She is now experiencing some kind of creative upsurge.

A.: My boyfriend inspires me. We don’t have the kind of “musi-pusi” relationship. I like that he can tell me something very harshly and cut me off if I’m wrong. He is also a creative person, he helps me. Sometimes he even scolds me for somehow speaking to my parents incorrectly. I tell him: “Don’t get involved in this matter.” And he told me: “I wish you well, call and apologize to your parents, you’re wrong now.”

Anya, what you have before your eyes is, let’s say, not a very good example of the relationship between your mom and dad. As far as I understand, you don’t communicate with your own father, Alexander Shulgin, at all.

Did you have such a need? Or maybe it still exists now?

A.: As a child, I was so intimidated by my father that it took me a very long time to recover from this.

V.: Anya is the eldest of my children, she got the most from her dad. She saw all our conflicts, quarrels, and it was reflected on her.

A.: Thanks to that situation, I matured earlier. I can say that I have become wiser. When I was little, my brothers and mother and I ran away to her homeland, Atkarsk. And even there I felt fear towards this person, I lost the habit of him. But I have no hatred.

V.: Just like me.

A.: Just imagine, Vadim, a stranger will pass by, but you will not feel any feelings for him. Has your father ever “passed by”?

V.: I passed it recently, and I didn’t care.

A.: And it was funny and unpleasant for me at the same time. We met at an event during one of the fashion weeks. We were standing in a group, he walked by and looked like that... appraisingly, as if he were evaluating some girl from top to bottom... Well, look at your daughter with surprise, with tenderness, with fear, but definitely not with that look. After that, I realized that, probably, there is a god and he deliberately took him away from us.

Has your father never tried to improve his relationship with you?

A.: I was fifteen or sixteen years old when a letter came to my mail with approximately the following content: “If you do not start communicating with me, then God will punish you and the church will abandon you.” Do you remember, mom, I read this letter to you, we were on vacation then? Ten years of no communication and starting with threats! Very wise...

Can you, Anya, say that Joseph Prigogine replaced your father?

A.: He became a full-fledged father for me. For me, the concept of “biological father” does not exist. Making a child is not a problem for a man, but raising him... Joseph took care of us, provided for our lives, we received an education, he is always next to my mother. He received a mother with three children. He became the head of the family.

Did you immediately find a common language with Joseph?

A.: At first I didn’t understand what kind of relationship he and my mother had. I thought he was just my mother’s work partner. Joseph came to Atkarsk to meet us, but it was not like they sat down and said: “Children, we are having an affair.” If grandma guessed something, we didn’t understand what was happening. Moreover, even when we all started living together, I didn’t even think about them as a couple. And at one fine moment, I remember, my mother informed me that there was a wedding on such and such a date. Perhaps I myself did not want to accept this situation, think about it, allow such a development of events.

You didn't want to share your mother with anyone?

A.: You see, when a child from childhood is deprived of full communication with his mother, who tours all the time, and then he has two years in Atkarsk, which he spends all the time with his mother, grandmother, and grandfather. Mom didn’t perform at all then. She could do homework with me, talk leisurely... And then a man appears. I do not know him. What if it all happens again, like with my father? I then looked at all men with suspicion. I had terrible depression. I was quietly drawing something there, and once I showed one drawing to my mother. And what was depicted there?

A.: My brothers Arseny and Tyoma, godmother, mother, Joseph - everyone is so cheerful, but I stand alone and cry. And lightning separates us.

V.: I don’t remember this at all.

A.: I showed you. And you reacted: “Oh, what nonsense.”

V.: I once said: “Ann, a new person has appeared in our family. This doesn't mean he will take me away from you. This does not mean that I will love you less, it only means that you will be loved by one more person.” After this conversation, the ice broke - something changed in Anya.

A.: No, mom, it didn’t change after this conversation. It’s just that over time it dawned on me that any normal mother - and I have an excellent mother - will choose children in any situation. In addition, I realized that my mother should simply be happy. I untangled all the knots myself. And this, of course, is not a two-day job. It took me about a year.

You see, Lera, in your feminine happiness you perceived your daughter’s experiences somewhat differently than it turned out in reality. Now about something else. At what point did Anya decide on her future profession?

A.: I am a restless person, very emotional. I live in my own world and cannot fully understand who I really am. I was always drawn to the creative side, I liked being in public.

V.: Anya is a behind-the-scenes child. Grandmother, grandfather, mother are musicians. When she was ten years old, she was amazing at dancing, studying vocals and piano.

How did you get the idea to study acting at the Shchukin School?

A.: At first I wanted to enroll in Vasily Bochkarev’s course at Shchepka. I came to him for an audition, he asked: “How old are you?” I say: “Fifteen.” “Listen, come on, grow up,” he says, “and come back in a year, we’ll hire you without exams.” I was so upset and offended by him. Before leaving, she shouted in despair: “Bochkarev is the right beer!” (just then they constantly played advertisements with these words) - and slammed the door.

V.: What a nightmare! I did not know that.

A.: I’m ashamed now that I said that. And in Shchuka I applied to several masters at once. As a result, I studied with Pavel Evgenievich Lyubimtsev.

Did you also have a famous family trailing behind you at the institute?

A.: Unfortunately, yes. One woman teacher, because of her own lack of fulfillment, constantly lashed out at us, students. For example, she could say the following to me: “Nobody needs you, they won’t take you to the theater, and even less so to the cinema.”

V.: Particularly “smart” teachers told her: “Look how thin your mother is, and who are you like?” Horror.

A.: When I was in my first year, my grandfather died. I took it very hard, the pain started to creep in, I was broken. The day after the funeral I went to college and literally forced myself to work. The teacher asked: “Why weren’t you there yesterday?” At the same time, he knew why, he simply provoked me into negative emotions. Then he added that my personal problems were not a reason to be absent from classes. It seems to me, Anya, such things can not only cause pain and resentment, but also strengthen character.

A.: Of course. As you can see, the teachers failed to break me, even though at some point I was on the edge.

Now you have taken the path of a singer. Are you not afraid of comparisons with your mother, which, however, is quite natural?

V.: Can I tell you? In fact, Anya herself is confused about who she is now: a singer, actress, TV presenter. After graduating from the institute, she began going to endless castings, she was approved for the main roles in two films. Last year she was supposed to go to Thailand to film for six months, then to Kyiv. The project was frozen. A void has formed. Anya is an active girl, she cannot sit in one place. I began to practice vocals a lot, caught, as they say, a wave, and began posting my musical experiments on Instagram.

A.: And my former classmate found me on Instagram, who was expelled in his first year; we had not seen each other for five or six years. He wrote to me: “Listen, we have a creative team. Let's record a song together? What do I have to lose? And everything worked out! I continued to post records, there were reposts, I understood that people were interested in this. Yes, I got the taste myself. Why shouldn’t I, if I have the data, develop this side? These are muscles, it’s like physical education: if you want to do the splits, go for it! I went to vocal lessons with a teacher, howled and howled every day, developed some of my own tricks, listened to American performers, how they switched to falsetto, and so on.

By the way, Anya, why didn’t you take vocal lessons from your mother?

A.: I can’t study with my mother. It is difficult for me to perceive her as a teacher. And I’m ashamed to make mistakes in front of her.

V.: I understand Anya perfectly. My mother is an experienced teacher with a conservatory education. She didn’t take me to her music school, but gave me to her student.

I look at you and understand how similar you are both in character and temperament.

V.: It's true. You see, Anya is such a Russian beauty. Cutie, darling, honey. Looking at her, many people think so. And inside this Alyonushka there is so much: both Baba Yaga and a knight. ( Smiling.)

A.: I am by no means a dandelion girl who hides behind her mother’s skirt. Everyone thinks that if your mother is an angel, you should be the same. I wasn’t born this way, sorry, and I don’t want to adapt to anyone.

What about mom, an angel? In my opinion, she has a pronounced fighting character.

A.: Mom is wise, calm, gentle. ( Smiles.)

V.: Of course, I’m not calm. But I inherited a strong nervous system. All my passions bubble inside, I don’t throw out my problems on others.

A.: If my mother can calmly react to injustice, then I cannot. If they touch my family, I will not respond politely. Mom is a diplomat, and I have a temper from Joseph.

V.: Yes, yes, she is like Joseph. But for me it’s different: I endure and endure, and then if I explode, it’s better for everyone to disperse immediately.

In general, both of you are a hurricane!.. Lera, tell me, have you ever felt guilty about your children because you paid too little attention to them at one time?

You know, Vadim, we felt so good and comfortable when we all lived together in Atkarsk. My mother remembers that period with pleasure as the happiest years of her life. She says: “Then I found not only a daughter, but also grandchildren.” We lived in love, in complete harmony, despite the fact that the conditions were far from ideal. And then I said to Anya: “My little bunny, can you imagine how good it is that we are close. Would you like your mother to always be there?” Anya, I remember, answered me then: “Yes. Of course I would like you to be with us. But I would like you to sing too.” It is important for children to be proud of their parents. In general, I want to say, it’s so great when there are many children in a family. They are all different, each has their own path. But this is a different generation, they perceive this world differently, they perceive art differently. I learn a lot from them. I try to look at this life through their eyes too. Perhaps thanks to them I manage to remain creative. Manages to remain needed.

Style: Irina Mironova

Makeup: Yuri Stolyarov/Maybelline New York

Hairstyles: Evgeny Gribov

We thank the flower studios and for their help in organizing the shooting

Anna's story

Anya is the daughter of the famous singer Valeria. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming an actress. Having successfully graduated from university, the girl began to conquer television. The only thing that upset me was the extra weight. Friends and acquaintances claimed that she looked good anyway, but Anna wanted to have a slender and fit figure.

The girl devoted a lot of time to sports. Since childhood, she has been interested in yoga, swimming, acrobatics and fencing. There was a period when Shulgina had to take hormonal drugs, which aggravated the situation with excess weight. At one point, Anna decided to change her figure. She believed in success, stubbornly pursued her goal and achieved what she wanted. The girl managed to lose about 25 kg.

What are Anna’s parameters today?

Anna’s height is 169 cm. There is no exact information about the girl’s weight as of 2018, but according to the latest data, the figure was 58 kg. After photographs of the transformed girl appeared, there were accusations against her.

Anna was reproached for using special drugs for weight loss and using the services of plastic surgeons. The girl confidently declares that she owes her slimness solely to her own efforts.

Myths, goals, motivation

It is impossible to lose weight so dramatically, netizens argued, so Anna gave more than one interview in which she told the story of her success.

The desire to lose weight arose from the desire to become an artist. Nature did not deprive Anna of talent, and an ideal figure for a future star, of course, would be an additional plus. The example of my mother, who always looked great, also served as motivation. Being overweight gave me a certain lack of self-confidence and prevented me from starting relationships with the opposite sex, although there was never a lack of attention from fans.

Three pillars of weight loss from Shulgina

Sports, diet, sauna – three pillars of Anna’s weight loss (photo:

Losing weight was not an easy task for Anna. But strength, perseverance and strong faith yielded results. The first thing the girl did was consult with nutritionists who developed a special nutrition system that excluded junk and fatty foods. The slimming program included three main methods.

How Anna Shulgina lost weight:

  • proper nutrition;
  • playing sports;
  • regular visits to the sauna and swimming pool.

Anna visited the sauna once a week. According to her, it brought her real pleasure. Thanks to the sauna, metabolism accelerated, the body was cleansed of toxins, and the body rested.

Sample menu

Anna's diet may seem strict. It excludes all unhealthy, fatty and high-calorie foods. The girl consumed vegetable soups, cereal porridges, fresh vegetables and fruits, berries, nuts, and fermented milk drinks. I drank up to 2 liters of water a day. I ate often in small portions. Meat was allowed boiled or steamed (with the exception of pork). The diet from Anna Shulgina is described in more detail here.

Sample menu:

  • breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with fresh berries, green tea;
  • second breakfast: low-fat yogurt;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, seafood salad;
  • afternoon snack: orange, rosehip decoction;
  • dinner: a slice of bran bread, vegetable salad.

Diet recipes

One of the main dishes of Anna Shulgina's diet is vegetable soup. To prepare it you will need fresh vegetables and herbs. The amount of ingredients is selected depending on the serving size, but it is better to prepare the dish for one serving.

Vegetable soup is prepared as follows:

  • grate carrots, chop celery and onions;
  • shred cabbage;
  • the ingredients are placed in a pan, filled with water and a pinch of salt is added;
  • boil until done;
  • sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve.

To prepare a seafood salad, you need to boil and peel the shrimp. Then chop the cucumber, carrots and bell pepper. The ingredients are mixed and decorated with lettuce leaves. You can add a little olive oil.

During the diet, it is useful to eat boiled chicken meat. It's very easy to prepare. Boil onions and carrots in a saucepan with water. Place chicken fillet there and add a pinch of salt. Boil the meat until done. Afterwards, the vegetables are thrown away, the broth is drunk as desired, and the chicken is eaten separately.

Sports for weight loss

Sports have always been present in Anna's life. And when losing weight, you simply cannot do without physical activity. They burn fat, give the figure the desired shape and rid the body of toxins.

Anna's sports activities:

  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • visiting the gym;
  • exercise on a treadmill;
  • autogenic trainings with a personal trainer;
  • training at home on a simulator;
  • visiting the pool and sauna.

Interview with Anna Shulgina on the topic of weight loss

After losing weight, Anna shared the secret of success, dispelling rumors about the use of pills and drugs. So, in an interview with SUPER, Shulgina said that she tries to exercise regularly, eats a healthy diet, uses the Power Plate exercise machine, runs on the treadmill and visits the sauna.

“Gym, treadmills, swimming pool and sauna - when it works out, but I have the Power Plate at home, I work out on it several times a week. It also functions as a massage device.” - says Anna.

In an interview with, the girl mentioned that she had never suffered from food restrictions. She simply challenged herself and succeeded.

“For me it was a game: first I tried one way of eating, then another. In this way I tested myself for strength. Can I do it? Will I have enough willpower?”

Anna advises everyone who is losing weight to exercise, for example, walking in the fresh air. You can turn on the player and wander around the outskirts of the city. This way you will not only be physically active, but also get a boost of energy for the whole day.

The girl emphasizes that you shouldn’t force yourself too much. If she is not in the mood, strength or desire, Anna does not play sports. Training should be fun. It is better to resort to constant light exercise than to push yourself to the point of exhaustion and end up hating the sport.

Anna also shared one personal secret of success. While losing weight, she became interested in Osho's book “Balance of Body and Mind,” which helped her listen to herself and her body. The girl believes that a lot depends on the right mood and a sense of harmony with one’s own body.

Proper nutrition, sports, visiting the sauna and believing in yourself are the main methods that helped Anna Shulgina overcome extra pounds. Today the girl looks amazing and delights fans with numerous photographs of her slim and toned figure. In the video below you can see the artist before and after losing weight. The result is impressive!

Girls are very mysterious creatures. For example, you are shooting a girl singer Valeria on the cover. And suddenly it turns out that she has raised an equally beautiful daughter, Anya!

Igor Cher-sky

Yuri Koltsov

Since you are an actress by training, let's start with your films. Will you list?

Before this there were mainly TV series, but now a full-length series is being launched. So far the working title is “The Book of Witches”, it’s being directed by Alexey Golubev, and it’s fantastic. I play a vampire.

What are you wearing besides your fangs?

I think it's something dark. The samples included leather jackets, but there will be more options. But modern, since the action takes place in the present day.

Do you even like blood? Do you tolerate it normally?

Great, I drink it with everyone. And I can calmly have breakfast if there is a bucket of blood on the table.

Perhaps the third season of “Karpov”, where I play the girl of an evil policeman. My main goal is to turn him into a good-natured and positive person.

What is the difference between an evil policeman's girlfriend and an ordinary one?

The threshold of patience. She can bear far more criticism than anyone else.

Let's move on to the musical part. Which of your clips do you recommend?

Until this year, I starred in videos as an actress, but my first work as an independent soloist was the video “You are mine.” We made it together with . This is a very sweet, family and touching story. The public really liked her. In addition, with rapper SLeM we recorded a duet “Give a chance to a dream” and shot a video for it. The video marked the beginning of an entire youth movement in which young ambitious guys share their dreams. Yes, by the way, we recently shot a video for my new solo song “Knife”, I recommend you watch it.

Why with a rapper? Did you want to show how great you can sing against the background of a young man who can only rap?

No. But I won’t even argue about the video, because it is aimed at a youth audience. And she liked him!

It's clear. Do the parents know that their daughter is filming with a rapper?

First of all, I'm already an adult. Secondly, yes, they know. He knows his parents well because he works with Joseph.

What's going on with your personal life?

How? That's it?!

No. I mean, everything is fine. I am in a romantic relationship, but I don’t want to get married yet. It’s just that the person is comfortable, good, and I spend all my free time with him.

Comfortable - this is about a chair or pads. And love is when you can’t live without someone.

That’s why I said that I don’t want to get married yet.

Tell us about the negative traits of your character that you managed to overcome.

Well, the main thing is temperament. Previously, she could attack a person with her fists over nonsense. But not now. Now I'm looking for what he's good at. Well, I count to ten if I don’t find it.

As you know, three quarters of a normal person’s life is occupied by sex. Because of your work, you don’t have enough time for him. What happens when you finally get to him?

In fact, in this matter I am no different from other normal people. But this topic is very personal for everyone. The main thing is that everything is unpredictable. Moreover, even I cannot predict what I will be like in the near future.

Do your men like it or do they prefer to stay away from surprises?

According to my observations, I like it. It's always more interesting to be with a spontaneous girl than with one about whom you already know everything by heart.

I agree. In addition, the man gets the feeling that he has several different girls. I hope you change your outfits and hairstyles often too?

Very! I love experimenting. For example, today I want to be in sports style. And tomorrow, on the contrary, he will be drawn to gothic, black, arrows, thorns...

Since childhood, they have been under the scrutiny of the public and the press. What and how do the children of singer Valeria and producer Alexander Shulgin, who are actively getting out from under their mother’s wing, live today? The heirs of the famous performer told Lady Mail.Ru about their personal life, everyday life, proper nutrition, sports and outlook on life.

Arseny Shulgin, Valeria, Anna Shulgina

About parents and childhood


“As a teenager, at one time I didn’t listen to my mother at all. - I even mistook her for an enemy. But at the age of 15, she realized her mistake and began to share her deepest secrets with her mother. Our relationship is still very close, she and I - best friends.

About creativity, rebellion and “our” path


“I have always been surrounded by creative people, and first of all - vocalists. I also studied at a music school (which, however, as a teenager, I didn’t want to attend at all, because I had to go to classes after school lessons).

Despite my rebellion, in a regular school I was always involved in various productions, and I often sang.

Who am I now? Just a creative person who is looking for himself and trying in different directions. It seems to me that I am still young and can afford to do what I really like. For now, I am actively performing as a singer, actress and presenter: my portfolio already includes several duets and two solo songs, one of which has a video released (“Knife.” - Ed.).

Nowadays it’s fashionable to walk on stage naked and swear, but I believe that art should be light

Anna Shulgina

I also like being an actress: soon I will play in a multi-part film, filming will take place in Thailand. I got the role of a rebel girl who over time becomes a real angel in the flesh.

Nowadays it’s fashionable to walk on stage naked and swear, but I believe that art should be light.”


“When my mother took my brother and sister to enroll in music school (Artemy, another son of Valeria, and Anna. - Ed.), there was no one to leave me at home with. I had to take it with me. They asked my mother if she would also like to enroll me in the ranks of students. It turned out that they accepted children from the age of four - and that’s exactly what I was then! That's how it all started...

Of course, there were times when I wanted to quit everything - but I didn't quit. Everyone who has chosen a creative profession or sport since childhood has such a desire, because such activities require strength and painstaking work on oneself. It’s especially difficult at a young age when you lack patience and perseverance.

My parents always insisted that I continue to play. I think that every person who has been seriously involved in something since childhood was able to successfully continue their activities not without parental pressure.

It takes a lot of work, because a quality product cannot be released without effort. I usually practice four every day, and before a performance I can play for six hours.

It would be great to become a successful, sought-after and touring pianist. I would also like to be a composer. Besides, I would love to accompany pop musicians at concerts. Plus, I’m attracted to electronic music, and I’m actively exploring this direction.”

Arseny - young pianist

About food and life


“Honestly, I hate cleaning. But it has to. But if I’ve already gotten around to cleaning, I immediately start washing windows, ceilings, washing curtains...

But I love to cook, especially if I have inspiration! For example, when the whole family gathers at the dacha in the summer, I am happy to come up with something delicious. I really enjoy making baked goods and desserts because you can experiment with them so much. The most interesting thing is to make candy - a real flight of fancy!

I generally have a wild sweet tooth. True, sweet - This is the only “harmful” thing I allow myself. Burgers and chips don't appeal to me. I am a “vegetable lover”: I can eat it with balsamic vinegar all the time, even for breakfast. Everyone is surprised, but I really like fresh vegetables. But I'm indifferent to meat. To replenish protein in the body, I prefer to eat dairy products. This food - tasty and lighter."


“I like to cook, it’s my hobby. I usually get recipes from the Internet.

I'm quite picky when it comes to food. - That’s probably why I started cooking myself. I don’t remember where my culinary passion began. Probably, at first he was just frying eggs for himself, and then everything became more serious - I decided to add sausage to it! (Laughs.)

Then I cooked something like fried cabbage with onions. Over time, I “came” to steaks and other things. Now my signature dish - spaghetti with seafood in tomato sauce.”

Anna with mom

About sports, nutrition and good shape


“I had periods when I first gained a lot of weight, and then returned to normal. It so happened that at the age of 13 I fell ill and was prescribed strong hormonal drugs. They knocked down my hormonal levels, as a result I gained a lot of weight: I even had to buy things in men's stores, because nothing in women's stores would fit me.

After some time, I decided for myself that this could not continue, and I abruptly stopped taking the pills. Now I don’t understand how I did this, because it was dangerous to my health.

But from that moment on, I was simply obsessed with the idea that I urgently needed to lose weight. I tried different diets, which were written about on numerous forums. I also have a diet and exercise schedule. I slept four hours a day because I did exercises even at night... As a result, I lost 20 kilograms in a month! But this was also absolutely wrong, because my health suffered noticeably.

I slept four hours a day because I did exercises even at night... As a result, I lost 20 kilograms in a month

Anna Shulgina

Then I entered college, where it was no longer possible to maintain my previous lifestyle. Then the sores made themselves felt, and I recovered again. True, a month and a half after graduation, 15 kilograms went away on their own. I was surprised because I didn’t do anything special for this.

In general, after analyzing my own experience, I came to the conclusion that it is important to avoid stress, get enough sleep and eat healthy food.

True, in terms of physical exercise, I have never developed any specific regime for myself. I go in for sports solely according to my mood: sometimes I don’t do anything for a week, and sometimes, on the contrary, I train every day.

However, now I try not to panic because of a couple of extra pounds. Ideal body with pumped up muscles - this is not a guarantee of a happy and successful life. I know a lot of beautiful girls who are chronically unlucky in their personal lives! It all depends on the energy and what’s in your head.”

Previously, Anna was plump (in the photo - Joseph Prigogine, Valeria, Arseny and Anna)


“Physical activities are constantly present in my life. Probably, the sports habits of the rest of the family played a role and influenced my lifestyle.

Now I go to the gym, mostly brisk walking. I also do strength exercises, but less often. Sometimes I go to the horizontal bars and play tennis.

There are also more extreme activities in my life: in the summer I ride a wakeboard (water board), in the winter - by ski. I don’t know if it’s possible to say that these sports are truly extreme, but my mother definitely thinks so! (Laughs.)

I can’t say that I adhere to any specific diet and nutrition regimen. I just developed certain habits. For example, I don't like fatty foods and don't snack at night. I don’t eat in buckets yet.

I think good eating habits - cornerstone for maintaining good health."

About personal life and love


“I’m not at all in love. I think it's because I grew up with brothers. And I’m definitely not one of those girls who can melt in front of a young man just because he gave him a bouquet of flowers (although I have friends who behave exactly like this).

Maybe now there are just such men that you don’t even want to fall in love with. Many “doll” guys have appeared who are almost no different from the same “doll” girls.

Maybe now there are just such men that you don’t even want to fall in love with. Many “doll” guys have appeared who are almost no different from the same “doll” girls

Anna Shulgina

What should a real man be like? I think it's nice and neat. I can’t say anything definite about appearance. I've never had a boyfriend with a super figure. I pay more attention to my inner world and character. I have rarely met “Hollywood” handsome men with whom it would also be interesting to talk. Such people most often love only themselves, and everyone else comes second or third. I also want to be loved at least a little.

Anna is actively building her singing career

At the age of 15, I probably thought that pumped up muscles - this is an indicator of masculinity, but now actions are more important to me.

It is also important that a man is responsible for his words - even if it concerns something not very significant. And he must be fearless - do not be afraid to take responsible steps in your profession and personal life. Nowadays, men are trying to share all responsibilities with women. They say that women themselves are to blame for this, but I do not agree with this statement. We are simply forced to become independent because men behave inappropriately. I want my man to be a real “rock” for me.

Nowadays men are trying to share all responsibilities with women. They say that women themselves are to blame for this, but I do not agree with this statement

The daughter of singer Valeria, Anna Shulgina, has already gained fame as an independent artist. Despite her busy schedule, the singer, actress and TV presenter finds time for her personal life and communication with her family.

Anna does not limit herself to music alone; she is successfully and rapidly developing in several directions at once and looks ambitiously at her future.

Anna told Fashion People about the kind of men she likes, about new projects and family relationships.

Actress, singer, TV presenter. What else don't we know about you?

I have projects that I am keeping silent about for now, but I think after the summer you will know about everything.

When can we expect your album?

I really hope that we will put it together soon, because now I’m basically working on all the songs for us myself. My team is responsible for the arrangement, and I am responsible for the lyrics and melodies. It's very hard. There are times when you want to convey something to the listener, but you are not in the right mood. As a rule, songs are written either from great happiness or from very strong pain. I wrote songs for both reasons. How is the album coming together? If you have twenty compositions, you only need to keep ten of them. You need to understand what the concept will be. Now I have a lot of sketches, but they are all in different genres: there are ethnic compositions, jazz, pop and r`n`b, there is even a composition where I rap. As you can see, they are all completely different and I don’t yet understand how to include them in one album. So we are currently preparing new songs and doing everything to create a cool album.

What song is your favorite?

She hasn't come out yet. I have a song that I believe in very much. At the moment her demo title is “The Last Time”. It was written during a rather difficult period of my life. This song was born like this: I disappeared from everyone for two days and just sat alone at home in complete darkness with my phone turned off. I just had a melody in my head right away with lyrics, which I wrote down in literally twenty minutes and sang into the recorder. And only three months later I made a demo version. When I brought it with the arrangement that my friend made, everyone said that this song must be done. I really believe in her, because she is a million percent mine. Even when I was recording it, I had a lump in my throat, and in my mind I told myself only one thing: “Don’t cry, because you won’t be able to finish singing.” This song is in the pop rock genre. It has both guitar and cello solos. It contains all the most emotional tools that you can have.

We will be looking forward to your creation. Tell me what you like most about your job: recording songs, communicating with fans, participating in organizing projects, or something else?

What I like most is experimenting - this is the coolest thing about my business. Experiment in absolutely everything: in songs, in images, in filming. I set a certain bar for myself and test myself. I take myself a little bit “on show off”, so to speak.

Do you have a boyfriend?

Yes, I never denied it. I don't understand girls who post photos with their boyfriend every day. You don’t post photos with your dad, mom, or brother as often. Why boast? I'm happy, I have a good relationship and that's enough for me.

Maybe you can at least hint who HE is?

No, I don't say this to anyone. Because those who need it know. I think unnecessary pestering is unnecessary.

What qualities should a real man have in order to please you?

For me, a man must have concepts and be responsible for his words. You can even say with “street” concepts. I don't like glamorous boys who can only be defined by their gender. For me, it’s better to let him be brutal, a little unkempt, but at the same time he will have the principles that the male in the family should have. He must be good-natured, purposeful and promising. I don’t understand when girls choose an already established guy. If, for example, this young man is from a wealthy family, he has a business by inheritance, and he didn’t have to work much, then tomorrow his business may not exist. Tomorrow my father may be gone. And what will he do? Ninety percent of such people become drunkards. I think they are useless. And people who have a passion for life, they will succeed one hundred percent, and with them, with such men, nothing is scary at all. Every family has career leaps. Sometimes things get really bad, sometimes they get great. The main thing is that a man’s eyes sparkle for this life.

What kind of wedding have you always dreamed of and have you ever dreamed of?

I never dreamed of a wedding. It’s like when people ask me about how many children I’m planning and what I’d like to name them. For me these are such incomprehensible questions. Maybe we’ll fly away somewhere on vacation and everything will happen there, or maybe there’ll be a feast. I never dreamed of a wedding and a perfect wedding dress. I’ve never even thought about this topic, and I don’t understand girls who waste their time on this.

Do you have a stylist? Who selects your looks for various events and going out?

No. Basically I am my own stylist.

What about makeup? By yourself too?

Ninety percent of the time I do my own makeup. I like studying. When I received my education in Switzerland, I took courses in manicure, pedicure and makeup. By the way, I am a certified specialist. But this, of course, is all nonsense (laughs). This has always been interesting to me. I have a wild passion for makeup, hairstyles and fashion. I have been very attracted to all this since childhood. It happens that I don’t want to experiment with myself, then I switch to my friends. By the way, I even subscribe to fashion pages, where there are a lot of beautiful photographs. I'm trying to keep track of all this.

Then tell us what make up techniques every girl should know?

For example, someone who doesn’t get enough sleep and thinks that dark circles under the eyes need to be covered up with a white concealer is very mistaken. First you need to apply a corrector with red or red pigment, depending on your skin tone, and only then apply a skin-tone corrector on top.

I'm also a fan of face masks. I apply them constantly and everywhere. I even have a separate shelf at home with various Korean, Japanese, and Chinese masks. There aren't any. By the way, in addition to masks, I recommend using ice with chamomile.

You need to take care of your skin all the time, especially for girls who love makeup. On vacation, for example, I try not to wear makeup at all. You need to give your skin a rest.

Well, and, of course, don’t forget about matting napkins. Especially in summer.

Anya, what style of clothing do you prefer in everyday life?

I prefer different styles. I can dress sexy or unisex. I really love shopping for men's and vintage clothing. It seems to me that while you are young you can experiment as much as you like.

Let's move on to today's looks that our stylists created for you. What do you think of the clothes from Dulcis shop? Would you wear this in everyday life?

Yes, definitely. In any case, all clothes should match your mood. All of today's looks were very different: one in the Candy style, the other more formal, the next in the party-girl style. Yes, of course, I would wear all these images in life.

What do you think of the shoes from Rus"O Boutique? Which pair did you like best?

They are all very cool! Honestly, the shoes are so versatile and colorful! I would gladly wear these shoes on stage, filming, or in everyday life with jeans. I love things that are unique and different in some way. I prefer everything unusual and original, like these shoes.

Today we had quite contrasting looks: sexy, trendy, glamorous clothes and shoes, and more classic jewelry from the 585 *Golden jewelry brand. Do you think we have created harmonious images?

Everything turned out great! I love combining incongruous things. It looked very beautiful and interesting in the frame. When there is a slight mismatch, you involuntarily begin to look at and study this style. And when everything fits perfectly, you scroll through the picture. These jewelry are very sophisticated, they emphasized everything that should be in a girl and at the same time betrayed a little daring and sexuality. These decorations had everything we needed.

You already had experience filming in a dry cleaner. You filmed a video there, and today you have a different experience in a similar location. I won’t ask you what you liked more, because these are different things. But still, what attracted you specifically to today’s project?

Today I had much more opportunity to experiment. With clips, the story is more static: the light is exposed for a long time and you only have a series of points within which you need to move. But here everything was very mobile, and we were able to implement so many ideas! This is very cool! It's great that our actions kept pace with our imagination. Our inspiration only grew, and did not fall down.

And we have a very successful team today.

Definitely! It’s so great that the team was formed in a very light and positive way. Often on set there is a situation where people bring their problems from home, and in the end everyone does each other a favor. Such work never produces a successful result. And today everyone came with sparkling eyes, everyone was interested in this shooting, as a result. Therefore, I think, judging by what I have already seen from the photographer only on the camera and on my mobile phone, I think it will be a bomb!

Wish our readers something that you think is very important.

I wish you not to be afraid to be yourself. And don’t listen to anyone, because there is only one life.
