Family law of the Republic of Kazakhstan presentation. "Family law

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Family law

Family law The branch that regulates personal non-property and property relations of citizens arising from marriage, kinship, adoption, guardianship and trusteeship of minors, adoption of children into families for upbringing. Main source - Family Code of the Russian Federation (1996)

Family Code of the Russian Federation Personal rights of spouses Rules for marriage Property rights of spouses Procedure for divorce Responsibilities of spouses

Family legal relations Subjects of family legal relations Objects of family legal relations FAMILY MEMBERS: Husband and wife Children Parents Adoptive parents and adopted children Stepmothers and stepfathers Stepdaughters and stepsons Actions of family members that cause legal relations (marriage, divorce, adoption) Belongings of family members (apartment, dacha, car, etc.) P.)

Marriage is a union of a man and a woman, concluded in the civil registry office (registry office), based on a feeling of mutual love and mutual assistance. A prenuptial agreement is an agreement between a man and a woman about what property rights each will have during marriage or in the event of divorce. A prenuptial agreement is concluded before marriage or during marriage

To enter into a marriage, you must: Achievement of marriageable age (18 years, in exceptional cases - from 16 years old) Mutual consent Absence of another registered marriage Absence of close relationship Legal capacity of those wishing to marry

Family is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, bound by a common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility

Incomplete (children are raised by one parent) Complete FAMILY Nuclear (husband, wife, children) Extended (several generations live together) FAMILY Small (1-2 children) Large (more than 3 children)

Personal rights Property rights Choosing a surname Choosing a place of residence Choosing a profession For citizenship For the upbringing and education of children For paternity and maternity Rights of spouses joint property property of each spouse alimony relations marriage contract

Property rights of spouses Legal regime of property: All property that the spouses had before marriage remains their personal property. Personal property also remains that which one of the spouses received as an inheritance, a gift. Personal property is things for individual use, except for jewelry. All property acquired during marriage. is considered jointly acquired and is divided in equal shares. Contractual regime of property: The fate of the property is decided in the marriage agreement (contract). The marriage contract can provide for the obligation of one of the spouses to provide assistance to the other spouse in the event of a divorce.

Conditions for divorce Divorce in the registry office Divorce in court If there are no minor children If both spouses agree to divorce If one of the spouses is serving a sentence (over 3 years) If there are minor children or one of the spouses does not agree to divorce

Reasons for divorce Rudeness Selfishness Marital infidelity cruelty Inability to manage a household Drunkenness, drug addiction

Responsibilities of parents and children Parents are obliged to support and educate their children. Protect their interests Children are obliged to support and care for their elderly parents. In case of failure to fulfill their duties towards children, parents are deprived of parental rights

Rights of the child Group of rights Rights of the child General civil rights Express your opinion, travel outside the country and return back, go to court, guardianship authorities Political rights Participate in peaceful assemblies, be a member of a children's organization Family rights Live and be raised in a family Social rights The right to free education , State support for childhood Housing rights Right to housing Labor rights Right to work in free time from study

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Presentation Family Law Open lesson in 11th grade

Goals and objectives of the lesson To find out the legal basis for concluding and divorcing a marriage To determine the legal relationship between family members To become familiar with the rights and responsibilities of spouses To find out the rights and responsibilities of children and parents

Lesson plan 1. What is family law, sources, principles. 2. Conditions and procedure for marriage. 3. Rights and obligations of spouses. 4. Rights and responsibilities of parents and children.

Sources from family law - the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Family Code of the Russian Federation Equality of rights and freedoms of men and women (Article 19, paragraph 3) Equality of rights and responsibilities of parents in raising children (Article 38, paragraph 2) The obligation of able-bodied children to take care of disabled parents (Article .38 p.3)

Dictionary Family law is a system of legal norms regulating personal and derivative property relations arising from marriage, consanguinity, and the adoption of children into a family for upbringing. Family is a circle of persons based on marriage, kinship, adoption of children into the family for upbringing, characterized by a community of life, interests, and mutual care. Marriage - A legally formalized, free, voluntary union of a man and a woman, aimed at creating a family and giving rise to mutual rights and obligations for them. Civil Registry Office - civil registration

Marriage is a voluntary union of a man and a woman

Conditions for marriage Attainment of 18 years of age; The presence of both persons: the bride and groom; Voluntary consent of those entering into marriage;

legally registered in the registry office - civil marriage

church marriage - the wedding of a man and a woman in a church without legal registration

actual marriage - long-term residence of a man and a woman without registering their relationship in the registry office

Civil marriage: Many consider the increased number of civil marriages to be one of the manifestations of the crisis in existing family relationships, that is, those that are not recognized by either the state or the church. In such families, husband and wife are connected only by mutual feelings and an oral agreement. Discussion of the problem on the questions: Who and why enters into a civil marriage? When is such a marriage appropriate? What are the costs of this form of marriage?

Civil marriage: for or against? Positive aspects of civil marriage (according to its supporters) This is a rehearsal of family relationships, allowing you to gain experience of living together. Civil marriage can become a temporary form of personal life. Such relationships are more profitable than early marriages, which in most cases break up after 5-7 years. Negative aspects of a civil marriage People in a civil marriage do not feel the strength of their position or the seriousness of the relationship. They are deprived of a certain social status. Public opinion is against such unofficial unions. Children react painfully to the precarious status of their parents. In a civil marriage, the property and other rights of spouses and children are not protected

Unequal marriage

Circumstances preventing marriage Marriages between relatives: siblings, mother and son, father and daughter, between adopted children and adoptive parents If one person is already married (polygamy is prohibited by law) If one of the persons is declared incompetent due to a mental disorder

What is family?

Stages of formation of marriage and family relations (according to L. Morgan): primitive state (disordered sexual relations); consanguineous family (marital relations were excluded only between ancestors and descendants, parents and children); paired (monogamous) family (monogamy established) paired democratic\patriarchal traditional

Nuclear family

Extended (multi-generation family)

Types of families Line of comparison types of families large families with few children childless The nature of the distribution of household duties Traditional - household duties are performed mainly by the woman, but responsibility for the family is carried forward by society, the man bears the main power. Collectivist - responsibilities are performed jointly or in turn Kinship structure Nuclear - married couple with children Extended - married couple with children and grandparents Polygamous - wife with husbands or husband with wives Type of education Authoritarian - based on the authority of parents Liberal - built on self-determination of the individual independently from traditions and habits Democratic - gradually instills such traits as involvement in the destinies of other people

Types of Family Structures: a) Monogamous and Polygamous Monogamous marriage is the marriage of one man to one woman.

Types of family structures: a) monogamous and polygamous Polygamy is the marriage of one spouse with several women. There are two types of polygamy: polygyny - the marriage of one man with several women and polyandry - the marriage of one woman with several men;

B) Patrilineal and matrilineal families In patrilineal families, inheritance of the surname, property and social status is carried out through the father, in matrilineal families - through the mother;

C) Patriarchal and matriarchal families In patriarchal families the head is the father, in matriarchal families the mother has the highest authority and influence;

D) Homogeneous and heterogeneous families In homogeneous families, spouses come from the same social stratum, in heterogeneous families they come from different social groups, castes, classes;

D) by the number of children: Small families (1-2 children), medium-sized families (3-4 children), large families (5 or more children).

E) Complete and single-parent families Scientists distinguish complete families (two parents) and incomplete families (where for some reason one of the parents or the parent generation is absent, and the children live with their grandparents).

A traditional or patriarchal family assumes male dominance. Such a family unites representatives of at least three generations under one roof. A woman is economically dependent on her husband; family roles are clearly regulated: husband (father) is the breadwinner and breadwinner, wife (mother) is a housewife and childcare provider.

A partner or egalitarian family (Families of equals) can include: fair, proportional distribution of family responsibilities, interchangeability of spouses in solving everyday issues, discussion of major problems and joint adoption of important decisions for the family, as well as the emotional richness of relationships.

Spheres of family activity: 1. reproductive 2. household 3. economic 4. educational 5. leisure 6. emotional 7. spiritual communication 8. social status 9. primary social control

Family functions 1. reproductive 2. social 3. economic protective 4. status 5. emotional

Family values ​​Loyalty Constancy Love Respect Tolerance Mutual interest understanding

Rights of spouses The right to choose their occupation and profession, place of stay and place of residence. The right to choose a surname. Equal rights of parents in raising children. Spouses have equal rights to common, joint property, i.e. property.

Children's rights The child's right to a first name, patronymic and surname The child's right to live in a family The right to communicate with his parents and relatives The right to protect his rights From the age of 10, a child has the right to express his opinion when resolving issues affecting his interests From the age of 14 - the right to change of first and last name

Problems of the modern family Class assignment: Modern scientists talk about the crisis of family relationships. What do you think are the causes and what are the consequences of the crisis in family relationships?

The family crisis is manifested in an increase in the number of divorces; in the increase in the number of premarital and illegitimate children; in mutual alienation of family members; in weakening the educational influence of parents on children; in the increase in the number of single-parent families.

Questions for consolidation: What problems do you see in modern family education? Explain Leo Tolstoy’s idea that all happy families are alike, and each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

Divorce of marriage The law prohibits a husband from initiating proceedings for divorce without the consent of his wife during his wife’s pregnancy and within a year after the birth of the child Mutual consent of the spouses

In a divorce, children are the first to suffer.

Gender behavior The concept of “gender” (from the English gender, from the Latin gens - genus): firstly, it implies any psychological and behavioral properties that distinguish men from women (what was previously called sexual properties or differences), secondly , is used in a narrower sense to denote social gender, meaning the roles and spheres of activity of men and women that depend not on biological sex differences, but on the social organization of society.

Sayings of the wise Without equality, there is no marriage in fact. A wife, excluded from all the interests that occupy her husband, alien to them, not sharing them, is a concubine, housekeeper, nanny, but not a wife in the full, noble sense of the word. (A.I. Herzen) Those entering into marriage should look with all their eyes open before marriage and keep them half-closed after. (M. S. Kyuderi)

Conclusions The law protects the rights and interests of the child. It is necessary to fulfill your duties responsibly, take care of your family and friends. A variety of legal relations is created only by an officially formalized, registered marriage.

Questionnaire At what age would you like to get married? A) at 18-20 B) 20-25 C) 25-30 How many children do you plan to have? A) 1 B) 2 C) more than 2 The head of the family must be A) a man B) a woman C) there must be equality. Is it necessary to draw up a marriage contract? A) yes B) no C) I don’t know, depending on the circumstances Do you want your parents to live with you A) yes B) no C) depending on the circumstances

Thank you for your attention, the presentation was prepared by the teacher of history and social studies of MKOU secondary school No. 24 Minaeva Venera Saifullovna

Family law
Industry regulating
personal non-property
and property
citizen relations,
arising from marriage,
kinship, adoption,
guardianship and trusteeship of
adoption of children into a family
source -
code of the Russian Federation

Family Code of the Russian Federation
rights of spouses
Personal rights

Family legal relations

legal relations
legal relations
legal relations actions
family members (conclusion
marriage, divorce, adoption)
Husband and wife
Adoptive parents and
Stepmothers and stepfathers
Stepdaughters and stepsons
Belongings of family members
(apartment, dacha, car, etc.)

Marriage is the union of a man and
women, imprisoned in organs
state (registry office), based on
feeling of mutual love and
mutual assistance.
A prenuptial agreement is an agreement
men and women about what
property rights will have
each of them is married or in case
The marriage contract is concluded before
marriage or during

(marriage registered in
registry office)
(marriage as a result of a wedding in
churches, without registration
(cohabitation is not
registered in government

To get married you must:

Reaching marriageable age (18 years old, at
in exceptional cases - from 16 years old)
Mutual agreement
No other registered
Lack of close relationship
The legal capacity of those wishing to join

Family - small group,
based on marriage or
consanguinity, related
community of life, mutual
help, moral and
legal liability

(husband, wife, children)
(live together
(raises children
one parent)
Small child
(1-2 children)
Large family
(more than 3

Rights of spouses

Choosing a surname
Choosing a place to live
Choice of profession
For citizenship
For education and
children's education
For paternity and
each of the spouses
marriage contract

Property rights of spouses

All the property that was
spouses until marriage remains theirs
personal property
Personal property remains
and the one that one of the spouses
inherited, gift
Personal property is
personal things
use, except
All property acquired in
marriage is considered jointly
acquired and divided equally
Fate of the property
decided in marriage
agreement (contract)
In the marriage contract
can be provided
duty of one of
spouses provide
helping the other spouse
in case of divorce

Conditions for divorce

Divorce in
registry office authorities
1. If not
2. If both spouses
agree to divorce
3. If one of the spouses
serving his sentence
(over 3 years)
Divorce in
If there
children, or one of
spouses do not agree
for divorce

Reasons for divorce


Responsibilities of parents and children

contain and
bring up
their children.
Protect them
Children are obliged
contain and
take care of
responsibilities for
children's parents
are deprived

Child's rights

Rights group
Child's rights
General civil rights
Express your opinion, go out for
borders of the country and return
back, go to court, authorities
Political rights
Participate in peaceful assemblies, be
member of a children's organization
Family rights
Live and be raised in a family
Social rights
Right to free education,
State support for childhood
Housing rights
Right to housing
Labor rights
The right to work when not studying

1. Family law.

1.Family law

Branch of law regulating personal non-property and property relationship citizens arising from marriage, kinship, adoption, guardianship and trusteeship of minors, adoption of children into a family for upbringing


source -


code of the Russian Federation

Family Code of the Russian Federation

Procedure for divorce

Rules for marriage

Responsibilities of spouses

Property rights of spouses

Personal rights of spouses

Family legal relations


family legal relations


family legal relations

  • Actions of family members that cause legal relations (marriage, divorce, adoption)
  • Belongings of family members (apartment, dacha, car, etc.)


  • Husband and wife
  • Children
  • Parents
  • Adoptive parents and adopted children
  • Stepmothers and stepfathers
  • Stepdaughters and stepsons

Marriage is a union of a man and a woman, concluded in the civil registry office (registry office), based on a feeling of mutual love and mutual assistance.

A prenuptial agreement is an agreement between a man and a woman about what property rights each will have during marriage or in the event of divorce.

A prenuptial agreement is concluded before marriage or during marriage

To get married you must:

  • Reaching the age of marriage (18 years old, in exceptional cases - from 16 years old)
  • Mutual agreement
  • No other registered marriage
  • Lack of close relationship
  • Legal capacity of those wishing to marry

Family a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, bound by a common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility



(husband, wife, children)


( several generations live together)


Small family (1-2 children)




(children are raised by one parent)

Large family

(more than 3 children)

Conditions for divorce

Divorce in the registry office

Divorce in court

If there are minor children, or one of the spouses does not agree to divorce

  • If there are no minor children
  • If both spouses agree to divorce
  • If one of the spouses is serving a sentence (over 3 years)

Reasons for divorce


Inability to manage housekeeping







Rights of spouses

Personal rights

Property rights

  • Choosing a surname
  • Choosing a place to live
  • Choice of profession
  • For citizenship
  • For the upbringing and education of children
  • For paternity and maternity
  • joint ownership
  • property of each spouse
  • alimony relations
  • marriage contract

Property rights of spouses

Legal regime of property:

Contractual regime of property:

  • All property that the spouses had before marriage remains their personal property.
  • Personal property also remains that which one of the spouses received as an inheritance, gift
  • Personal property is things for individual use, except jewelry
  • All property acquired during marriage is considered jointly acquired and is divided in equal shares.
  • The fate of the property is decided in the marriage agreement (contract)
  • A prenuptial agreement may provide for the obligation of one spouse to provide assistance to the other spouse in the event of a divorce.

Family law

Slides: 24 Words: 1207 Sounds: 0 Effects: 36

Nature. Family law. What is family law. Branch of law. Family. Family functions. Equal union of man and woman. Conditions for marriage. Divorce. Rights and obligations of spouses. Child's rights. Legal errors. Family of hedgehogs. Sailor. The marriage takes place in the personal presence of the persons. Actions of the hotel administrator. A marriage concluded only in the civil registry office. Young spouses. Mutual agreement. - Family Law.ppt

Family code

Slides: 16 Words: 516 Sounds: 0 Effects: 84

Family and law. O. Balzac. Types of temperament. Human need for a family. Time to love, then start a family and have children. Selective attraction to the opposite sex. Ancient. Teenager. Marriage and family. A family is a small group based on marriage. Concepts and definitions. Conditions for marriage. Social maturity. Conditions for a happy marriage. Family Code of the Russian Federation. Mutual voluntary consent of a man and a woman. Marriage age. Eighteen years. If there are good reasons, at the age of sixteen. Circumstances preventing marriage. Bigamy. Close relatives. - Family Code.ppt

Family law rules

Slides: 18 Words: 790 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Family law. Conditions and procedure for marriage. System of legal norms. Principles of family law. Marriage. Signs of marriage. Conditions for marriage. Conditions for the invalidity of marriage. Spouses. Legal regime of marital property. Contractual regime of spouses' property. Consolidation. Find legal errors in a humorous text. Preservation of premarital surname. Jointly acquired property. Citizen Kryukova. Meaning. Ugliness. - Family law norms.ppt

Basics of family law

Slides: 11 Words: 363 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Legal foundations of marriage and family. Family law. Legal basis. Fundamentals of family and marriage relations. Marriage. Fastening material. Describe the legal basis. Exercise. Conditions for marriage. Reaching marriageable age. - Basics of family law.ppt

Family law concept

Slides: 14 Words: 526 Sounds: 0 Effects: 25

Family law. Target. Plan. Human need for a family. Fill the table. A family is a small group based on marriage or blood relationship. Legal foundations of family and marriage relations. Marriage is a free, equal union of a man and a woman. Think about it. The marriage was not registered, but a child was born into the family. Property legal relations of spouses. Divorce. - Concept of family law.ppt

Family legal relations

Slides: 32 Words: 1105 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Types of family legal relations. Features of the method of family law regulation. Ways to regulate family legal relations. Types of prohibitions. Types of permissions. The operation of family law norms. Classification of family law norms. Family Code of the Russian Federation. Structure of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. Rights and obligations of spouses. Rights and responsibilities of parents and children. Alimony obligations of family members. Forms of raising children without parental care. Application of family law. Application of civil legislation to family relations. Structure of family legal relations. - Family legal relations.ppt

Civil family law

Slides: 11 Words: 352 Sounds: 0 Effects: 47

Family law. Goals and objectives of the lesson. Legal connection between family members. Getting married. Circumstances preventing marriage. Divorce. Rights of spouses. Responsibilities of spouses. Rights and responsibilities of children. Parents. Conclusions. - Civil family law.ppt

Basic concepts of family law

Slides: 26 Words: 1549 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Family law. Family law is a branch of law. The main source of family law is the Family Code of the Russian Federation. One of the most important social institutions is the family. Family. Spouses. Family legal relations. Family law. Family relationships. Institute of marriage. Conditions for marriage. Marriage registration. The actual union of a man and a woman. Registration procedure. Nullity of marriage. The invalidity of a marriage can be recognized by a court. The marriage is concluded with a person who is in another registered marriage. Death of one of the spouses. Rights and obligations of spouses. - Basic concepts of family law.ppt

Rights and responsibilities of parents

Slides: 10 Words: 237 Sounds: 0 Effects: 42

Rights and responsibilities of parents. Parents have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities (Article 61 of the RF IC). Parents are obliged to: Support the child. Parents have the right to: Give a name. Exclude: neglect rudeness cruelty humiliation insult exploitation Art. 65 RF IC. Administrative responsibility. Deprivation of parental rights. Peace, happiness in your family, Bread, salt on the table... - Rights and responsibilities of parents.ppt

Family Law Test

Slides: 24 Words: 830 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Family law. Test tasks. Voluntary lifelong union. Marriage. Marriage age of men and women. Marriage age. Circumstance. Getting married. Submitting marriage applications by mail. Submitting applications. The right to own property. The right to choose a place of residence. Family property. Luxuries. Spouses. Property relations. Parental rights. Rights and obligations. Parents. Confiscation of property. Financial support for children. Cash content. Evaluation criteria. -
