Tactical missile system Iskander m. Elusive missile avenger

The current geopolitical situation is such that in order to maintain sovereignty and authority in international relations, the country simply needs modern weapons. This is especially true when it comes to tactical nuclear systems, which are the last guarantee of peace on the planet. Of course, strategic missiles play the main role in deterring a potential enemy, but even the Iskander missile system can deter many from making rash decisions.

This type of weapon was created to destroy low-visibility targets in layered enemy defenses while on the move. This is all the more important because the modern strategy for conducting military operations presupposes preventive disarmament strikes that will not allow a potential enemy to use his missile defense systems.

Creation conditions

It was created in conditions when the USSR and the USA signed a treaty limiting the number of tactical nuclear warheads (INF). This happened in 1987. At the same time, potential adversaries agreed on a complete renunciation of the use of nuclear weapons in future combat conditions.

It was precisely because of this that a huge number of requirements were placed on the new complex: a complete abandonment of nuclear destructive elements was required, it was necessary to ensure almost pinpoint accuracy of fire, coupled with the highest possible controllability of the missile. In addition, specialists were required to ensure the greatest possible degree of automation of both the flight of the rocket and its launch.

Not least because of this, the Iskander missile system in Kaliningrad created a real “furor” among Baltic politicians, who, in panic, began to talk about a new threat looming over their sovereignty.

The role of satellite navigation systems

The main requirement, which corresponds to the realities of our time, was the possibility of using data obtained from satellite positioning systems (GLONASS, NAVSTAR). The new complex was required to be able to hit even moving armored targets with high efficiency, have the highest possible rate of fire, and also overcome the enemy’s deeply layered missile defense system.

First experience

The finished Iskander missile system was first tested back in 2007. S. Ivanov, who was then Prime Minister, reported to the President that the deviation from the target did not exceed one meter. These outstanding results were fully confirmed after reviewing data from all visual controls that were used in testing that day.

All this splendor was created in KBM, Kolomna. This design bureau is known all over the world, since it was from here that the Tochka, Strela and Osa complexes, as well as other samples of domestic air defense systems of various generations, began their “career”. Other elements were manufactured at the Titan Central Design Bureau (launching system), Central Research Institute of Automation and Hydraulics (the most important automatic projectile guidance system).

What is it intended for?

As we have already said, the Iskander missile system was created specifically for targeted strikes against targets deeply hidden behind enemy lines, protected by modern missile defense systems.

The following objects can act as targets:

  • Enemy artillery and missile systems, large concentrations of armored vehicles.
  • ABM means.
  • Aviation formations at the time of deployment at airfields.
  • All command and communications personnel of the complex.
  • Large infrastructure facilities, the loss of which would have a painful impact on the enemy.
  • Other important objects in enemy territory.

Since the Iskander anti-aircraft missile system is distinguished by its stealth and very high speed of preparation for launch, it poses a very serious threat to all potential adversaries.

What is included in Iskander?

The complex includes the following important elements: a self-propelled installation for it, a machine for transporting and loading shells. In addition, there is a separate complex for the repair and maintenance of all equipment, a headquarters and a special machine for analyzing the information received, as well as training tools for personnel.

Characteristics of the rocket used

The Iskander tactical missile system we are considering uses a solid-fuel rocket with one stage, the warhead of which does not separate in flight. Despite vigorous maneuvering in flight, the projectile can be controlled throughout its entire path by an operator from the command post. The product is particularly maneuverable at launch and when approaching the target, when the rocket is under overloads of 30G. Since missile defense systems must approach it at twice the speed, at present there are simply no effective means of countering the Iskander.

The shell body is made using a special technique that reduces its visibility to enemy air defense systems. In addition, the missile travels most of its way at an altitude of more than 50 km, which also reduces the chances of its timely interception tenfold. Invisibility to radar is ensured by special coatings, the composition of which is classified.

This is precisely what explains the triumph of domestic industry when the Iskander was adopted. A missile system (Kaliningrad and its entirety is already equipped) of this type should soon be received by all military units in the country.

Principles of targeting

The launch of the missile to the target is carried out by the complex operators, after which the most complex homing system comes into play. The equipment scans the terrain in flight, forming a digital model of it. It is constantly compared with the image standard that was loaded into the rocket’s memory before the flight.

The optical homing head is characterized by excellent protection against jamming systems, as well as excellent ability to recognize targets in almost any conditions. This allows you to hit a moving target (with an error of no more than a couple of meters) on a completely moonless night. Such accuracy under such conditions cannot be achieved by any of the missile systems in service with NATO.

This is why they don’t like Iskander there. The missile system in Syria, delivered there in December last year, immediately reduced the intensity of passions and helped the legitimate government oust anti-popular forces from the country. In addition, the Russian side received valuable information about the combat use of the latest missiles.

"Independent" rocket

Despite the fact that under normal conditions the Iskander missile system can be guided by signals from satellites of global positioning systems, in the right conditions its operators can do just fine without them. Electro-optical guidance systems are so accurate that they make it possible to hit targets in almost any given conditions.

By the way, the Iskander homing system, if necessary, can be easily installed even on ballistic nuclear missiles, which makes the prospects of a potential enemy completely gloomy. Because of this, the Russian Iskander missile system has a very sinister reputation in the West, although its characteristics clearly do not reach those of intercontinental nuclear weapons.

Characteristics of the warhead

The designers included the possibility of using ten different types of ammunition at once. These include elements with non-contact detonation, combat elements with cumulative action, cluster ammunition with homing elements, as well as simple high-explosive, fragmentation and incendiary varieties. If a missile with homing elements is used, they will hit multiple targets, exploding at a height of six to ten meters above them.

The projectile itself in firing position weighs almost four tons, and the weight of the warhead itself is 480 kg. Thus, the Iskander-K missile system is one of the most powerful non-nuclear deterrent weapons in service with our army.

Characteristics of other elements

The self-propelled launch system allows you to simultaneously transport up to two missiles, allowing you to launch them at an angle of up to 90 degrees relative to the terrain. It is located on a wheeled chassis with an 8x8 formula, which can even pass through places where there are no roads at all (MAZ-79306 “Astrologer”). Among other things, this ensures the maximum possible mobility of the complex even in wartime.

Some characteristics of control and guidance equipment

The installation can independently determine the coordinates of its location, exchange information with all elements of the Iskander, and provide single and salvo missile launches. The time from arrival to salvo is no more than 20 minutes, provided the crew is prepared, and no more than one minute elapses between shell launches. This makes the Iskander missile system, whose characteristics are already impressive, a very dangerous means of attack.

There is no need to prepare starting positions. In addition, the crew does not need to leave the cockpit: having received the order, the specialists stop the Iskander in a given square, prepare all systems and fire a salvo. The only exception is swampy areas, where it is necessary to prepare a more or less stable launch pad. After the launch, the vehicle moves to pre-designated positions for recharging.

Thus, Iskander-M is a new generation missile system that provides reliable protection of state sovereignty.

Information about the chassis and other vehicles

The chassis weight is 42 tons, the weight of the transported payload is at least 19 tons, and on highways and paved country roads the speed is 70 (40) km/h. At one gas station, the Iskander can travel at least 1000 km. The usual crew size is three people, but in wartime their number can be increased.

The vehicle for transportation and loading is also mounted on the MAZ-79306 (“Astrologer”) chassis. Equipped with a hydromechanical loading mechanism. The mass is exactly 40 tons; maintenance will require two people.

Headquarters complex

The heart of the entire complex is the command and staff vehicle. It is produced on the basis of KAMAZ vehicles. Information exchange between all elements of the Iskander can be carried out both in normal and deeply encrypted mode. In the latter case, the speed of information exchange does not suffer in any way.

The headquarters complex is equipped with four fully automated positions for operators; the maximum range of data transmission between vehicles is 350 kilometers for parked vehicles and 50 kilometers in combat march conditions. The continuous operation time of all elements of the guidance and control system is about two days.

Mechanical Maintenance Machine

As in the previous case, it is based on the chassis of KamAZ vehicles. Designed to check the condition of missiles both in the launcher itself and in transport containers, it allows you to check and repair all the devices and mechanisms of the complex without resorting to transporting it to the place of permanent deployment. The machine weighs only 13.5 tons, deploys in less than 20 minutes, and the time to check all systems and mechanisms does not exceed 18 minutes. The complex is serviced by two people.

In general, the Iskander missile system, the performance characteristics of which we are revealing, is distinguished by its rare maintainability even in the most extreme conditions.

Information collection, analysis and preparation point

This machine is used to collect and analyze information that is intended to be entered into the on-board computer of missiles. The structure includes two automated workstations for operators who can detect and transmit the coordinates of attacked targets in one to two minutes. Can carry out continuous combat duty for 16 hours.

Finally, the life support machine. It can be made on the chassis of any commercially produced truck and serves for resting and eating for up to eight people at the same time.

Key features of the complex

Its main advantage is how and by whom Iskander-M was created. designed by outstanding designers based on all the data accumulated by the Soviet and Russian armies. At the moment, it significantly surpasses not only all previous domestic developments, but also all competing foreign models.

In general, the Iskander anti-aircraft missile system has a number of key features:

  • Incredibly accurate destruction of even small and well-protected targets from the air.
  • Its stealth and rapid deployment make it an extremely dangerous adversary.
  • The combat mission can be effectively carried out even in the face of active enemy opposition.
  • Excellent tactical maneuverability and cross-country ability, ensured by the high characteristics of the transport chassis.
  • The highest degree of automation of all combat processes.
  • Long service life and ease of even field repairs.

In addition, the Iskander operational-tactical missile system fully meets all the requirements imposed by international treaties on the non-proliferation of certain types of weapons. In local conflicts it can be considered as a deterrent weapon, and for countries with a small territory it can even be the main type of missile weapons. The structure of the complex suggests the possibility of further modification, which guarantees the Iskander long service in guarding state interests.

Other positives

The control and guidance system is deeply integrated with similar equipment of all similar complexes that are in service with the state. It can receive information not only from a data collection and processing machine, but also from a reconnaissance aircraft, UAV or other equipment. The flight mission is calculated almost instantly. The command for a combat launch can be given not only by the commander of the complex, but also by the high military command from closed positions.

Since one Iskander carries two missiles on board, and not even two minutes pass between their salvos, the power of a division fully equipped with these complexes is comparable to that of a small country. In principle, with the correct choice of ammunition, this type of weapon is quite equivalent to a short-range nuclear weapon.

Now there is an informational reason for me to learn more about this weapon. And at the same time I’ll tell you :-)

More than 24 billion rubles have been allocated to 17 enterprises of the military-industrial complex to update production facilities for the serial production of Iskander-M missile systems; another 16 billion will be invested by the enterprises themselves

"Iskander-M" is an operational-tactical missile system developed at Kolomna OJSC "NPK "KBM". For the first time, "Iskander" was demonstrated in August 1999 at the MAKS aerospace salon. The complex is designed to destroy small-sized and area targets - missile systems, jet multiple launch rocket systems, long-range artillery, airplanes and helicopters at airfields, command posts and communications centers.

Iskander is a weapon capable of influencing the military-political situation in some regions of the world if the states located in them do not have an extended territory. The issues of deployment of Iskander complexes, as well as their export deliveries, are the subject of political consultations between the countries.

For serial production and delivery of Iskander-M, the production facilities of 17 specialized enterprises are currently being built and reconstructed. The total volume of capital investments from budgetary and own funds is 40 billion rubles. As of June 31, 14 cooperation enterprises have approved design assignments. Design assignments for three more enterprises are in the final stages of approval, and the start of reconstruction and technical re-equipment is scheduled for 2014.

On November 14, 2011, information appeared in Russian and foreign media about the next successful launch of the 9M723 guided operational-tactical missile of the 9K720 Iskander-M multi-purpose modular missile system. The launch took place on November 10 at the Kapustin Yar test site in the Astrakhan region as part of a four-day tactical exercise of the 630th separate missile division, armed with Iskander-M operational-tactical missile systems.

According to the official representative of the Ministry of Defense for Ground Forces, Lieutenant Colonel N. Donyushkin, “at the final stage of the exercise, a successful combat launch of a missile equipped with the latest equipment took place.” However, he did not specify what latest equipment the launched rocket was equipped with. Nevertheless, the Izvestia newspaper, citing a source in the General Staff, states that the operational-tactical missile was aimed at the target using a photographic image of the area. That is, during the flight of the rocket, a comparison was made between a real image of the terrain and a digital image pre-loaded into the rocket computer, and, as the same Izvestia source claims, “with such characteristics, the Iskander-M will be able to even reach the metro.”

Apparently, we are talking about one of the types of correlation seekers that correct the operation of the inertial control system of a rocket at the last stage of the flight trajectory, or more precisely, about the optical correlation seeker 9E436, created in the early 90s at the Moscow TsNIIAG and shown at Eurosatory-2004 . Some experts consider one of the disadvantages of this guidance system to be the impossibility of hitting a target that has not been photographed and loaded into the computer in advance, but it should be taken into account that there is another type of seeker - radar-correlation. According to military expert K. Sivkov, “thanks to this guidance system, the accuracy of the missile when hitting the target is no more than five meters. Considering that the mass of the 9M723 charge is 500 kg, this will make it possible to destroy almost any, even deeply buried objects on enemy territory. Now the accuracy of Iskander missiles is no more than ten meters.” He also added that “these missile systems need to be placed in the central part of the country, aimed at the west, which, if necessary, will make it possible to disable the missile defense system located in European countries in a few minutes.”

The operational-tactical missile system (OTRK) "Iskander" ("Iskander-E" - for export, "Iskander-M" - for the Russian army) was created under the conditions of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty and the refusal to use nuclear weapons in theaters of war by opposing sides. In this regard, the complex was created taking into account such fundamentally new requirements for newly developed missile systems, such as: refusal to use nuclear weapons and the use of warheads only in conventional equipment, ensuring high firing accuracy, control of the missile along the entire (most part) of its trajectory flight, the ability to install warheads on a missile, taking into account the type of targets to be hit, a high degree of automation in the processes of information exchange and control of combat work.

At the same time, the complex must be able to use data from global satellite navigation systems (Glonass, NAVSTAR), hit moving and stationary targets with a high degree of protection, have increased fire performance, and effectively overcome enemy air and missile defense systems.

The development of the Iskander complex in its original form began at the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (Kolomna, hereinafter referred to as KBM) on an initiative basis by order of the chief designer S.P. Invincible and under his leadership in 1987. KBM’s competitor for the development of a new generation OTR was the Tula Instrument Design Bureau under the leadership of A.G. Shipunov, which proposed its project. The resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers on financing the design work of the complex was issued in 1988. When creating the complex, the task was set to ensure interaction within the RUK "Equality" with the M-55 target designation aircraft (developed by RUK - NIIEMI). The original project may have planned to use the SPU 9P76 with one missile. The KShM of the RUK "Equality" was designed on the MAZ-543 chassis (the KShM is similar to the KShM "Polyana").

The mobile high-precision operational-tactical missile system (OTRK) is designed to destroy small-sized and area targets with conventional combat units in the depths of the operational formation of enemy troops.

The goals may be:

· various means of fire destruction (missile systems, multiple launch rocket systems, long-range artillery);

· missile defense and air defense systems;

· airplanes and helicopters at airfields;

· command posts and communication centers;

· critical civil infrastructure facilities;

· other important small-sized and area targets on enemy territory.

High mobility and short preparation time for launching missiles ensure the secret preparation of the Iskander OTRK for combat use.

The main elements that make up the Iskander OTRK are: a missile, a self-propelled launcher, a transport-loading vehicle, a routine maintenance vehicle, a command and staff vehicle, an information preparation point, a set of arsenal equipment, and training facilities.

Rocket The Iskander complex is a solid-fuel, single-stage, with a warhead that cannot be separated in flight, guided and vigorously maneuvered throughout the entire difficult-to-predict flight path. It maneuvers especially actively during the starting and final stages of the flight, during which it approaches the target with a high (20-30 units) overload. This necessitates an anti-missile flight to intercept an Iskander OTRK missile with an overload 2-3 times greater, which is currently practically impossible.

Group launch of OTR type 9M723K5 or similar complex 9K720 "Iskander-M" and OTR 9M79 complexes 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" during the exercise "Center-2011", Kapustin Yar training ground, 09.22.2011.

Most of the flight path of the Iskander missile, made using stealth technology with a small reflective surface, passes at an altitude of 50 km, which also significantly reduces the likelihood of it being hit by the enemy. The “invisibility” effect is achieved due to the combination of design features of the rocket and the treatment of its surface with special coatings.

To launch the missile to the target, an inertial control system is used, which is subsequently captured by an autonomous correlation-extreme optical homing head (GOS). The operating principle of the missile homing system is based on the formation by optical equipment of the seeker of an image of the terrain in the target area, which the on-board computer compares with the standard entered into it when preparing the missile for launch. The optical homing head is characterized by increased sensitivity and resistance to existing electronic warfare systems, which makes it possible to launch missiles on moonless nights without additional natural illumination and hit a moving target with an error of plus or minus two meters. Currently, except for the Iskander OTRK, no other similar missile system in the world can solve this problem.

It is characteristic that the optical homing system used in the rocket does not require corrective signals from space radio navigation systems, which in crisis situations can be disabled by radio interference or simply turned off. The integrated use of an inertial control system with satellite navigation equipment and an optical seeker made it possible to create a missile that can hit a given target in almost any possible conditions.

The homing head installed on the Iskander OTRK missile can be installed on ballistic and cruise missiles of various classes and types.

To engage various types of targets, the missile can be equipped with ten types of warheads (cluster warhead with non-contact fragmentation warheads, cluster warhead with cumulative warheads, cluster warhead with self-aiming warheads, cluster warhead with volume-detonating action, high-explosive fragmentation warhead, high-explosive -incendiary warhead, penetrating to great depths of the warhead). The cassette warhead deploys at an altitude of 0.9-1.4 km, where combat elements of various effects are separated from it and continue their stabilized flight. They are equipped with radio sensors that ensure they are detonated at a height of 6-10 m above the target.

"Iskander - M" for the Russian Army, launcher for two missiles 9M723, 9M723-1, 9M723-1F or 9M723-1K (NATO classification SS-26 STONE), with a maximum flight range of up to 500 km (minimum range - 50 km) and a warhead mass of 480 kg (according to some sources, 500 kg). Single-stage solid-fuel rocket 9M723, controlled at all stages of flight with a quasi-ballistic trajectory. The warhead of a cluster-type missile has 54 fragmentation elements with non-contact detonation or also a cluster type with elements of a volumetric detonating effect. Curb flight weight - 3,800 kg, diameter - 920 mm, length - 7,200 mm.

"Iskander-K", a missile system for launching cruise missiles, for example R-500, the maximum flight range of which is up to 2,000 km.

Iskander-E, an export version of the missile system for the 9M723E missile (NATO classification SS-26 STONE B) with a maximum flight range of no more than 280 km and meeting the requirements of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR).

This is the modern weapon of Russia

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"Iskander" (complex index - 9K720, according to the classification of the US Department of Defense and NATO - SS-26 Stone, English Stone) - family of operational-tactical missile systems: Iskander, Iskander-E, Iskander-K. The complex was developed at the Kolomna Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (KBM).

Purpose of the complex

Designed to engage combat units in conventional equipment against small-sized and area targets deep in the operational formation of enemy troops. It is assumed that it can be a means of delivering tactical nuclear weapons.

Most likely targets:

  • fire weapons (missile systems, multiple launch rocket systems, long-range artillery)
  • missile defense and air defense systems
  • airplanes and helicopters at airfields
  • command posts and communication centers
  • critical civil infrastructure facilities

    Composition of the complex

  • Self-propelled launcher (SPU) (9P78 (9P78E)) - designed for storing, transporting, preparing and launching two 9M723K1 missiles (in the export version, 1 missile). The SPU can be implemented on the basis of a special wheeled chassis MZKT-7930 produced by the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant (Belarus). Gross weight 42 tons, payload 19 tons, highway/dirt road speed 70/40 km/h, fuel range 1000 km. Calculation 3 people.
  • Transport-loading vehicle (TZM) (9T250 (9T250E)) - designed to transport two additional missiles. Implemented on the MZKT-7930 chassis, equipped with a loading crane. Total combat weight 40 tons. Crew 2 people.

    Command and staff vehicle (KShM) (9S552) - designed to control the entire Iskander complex. Implemented on a KamAZ-43101 wheeled chassis. Radio station R-168-100KAE “Aqueduct”. Calculation 4 people. Characteristics of the crankshaft:
    - maximum radio communication range when stationary/on the move: 350/50 km
    - task calculation time for missiles: up to 10 s
    - command transmission time: up to 15 s
    - number of communication channels: up to 16
    - deployment (collapse) time: up to 30 minutes
    continuous operation time: 48 hours

  • Regulations and maintenance machine (MRTO) - designed to check on-board equipment of rockets and instruments, to carry out routine repairs. Implemented on a KamAZ wheeled chassis. Weight is 13.5 tons, deployment time does not exceed 20 minutes, the time of the automated cycle of routine checks of the on-board equipment of the rocket is 18 minutes, crew 2 people.
  • Information Preparation Point (PPI) (9S920, KamAZ-43101) - designed to determine the coordinates of the target and prepare flight missions for missiles with their subsequent transfer to the SPU. The PPI is integrated with reconnaissance assets and can receive missions and assigned targets from all necessary sources, including satellite, aircraft or drone. Calculation 2 people.
  • Life support vehicle (LSM) - designed for accommodation, rest and eating of combat crews. Implemented on a KamAZ 43118 wheeled chassis. The vehicle includes: a rest compartment and a utility compartment. The rest compartment has 6 carriage-type berths with folding upper beds, 2 lockers, built-in lockers, and an opening window. The utility compartment has 2 lockers with seats, a folding lifting table, a water supply system with a 300-liter tank, a tank for heating water, a pump for pumping water, a drainage system, a sink, and a dryer for clothes and shoes.

    Combat characteristics

  • Circular probable deviation: 1 - 30 m (depending on the guidance system used).
  • Rocket launch weight: 3,800 kg.
  • Warhead weight: 480 kg.
  • Length 7.2 m
  • Diameter 920 mm
  • Rocket speed after the initial part of the trajectory: 2,100 m/s.
  • Minimum target engagement range: 50 km.
  • Maximum target range:
    - 500 km Iskander-K
    - 280 km Iskander-E
  • Time before launch of the first rocket: 4 - 16 minutes.
  • Interval between launches: 1 minute (for the 9P78 launcher with two missiles).
  • Operating temperature range: from −50 °C to 50 °C.
  • Service life: 10 years, including 3 years in field conditions.

    Types of combat units

  • cassette with fragmentation combat elements of non-contact detonation (detonated at a height of about 10 m above the ground)
  • cassette with cumulative fragmentation combat elements
  • cassette with self-aiming combat elements
  • cassette volumetric detonating action
  • high-explosive fragmentation (HFBCH)
  • high explosive incendiary
  • penetrating (PrBC)

    It can also be equipped with nuclear and chemical charges.


    The missile of the 9M723K1 complex has one stage with a solid propellant engine. The trajectory is quasi-ballistic, the rocket is controlled throughout the flight using aerodynamic and gas-dynamic rudders. Manufactured using technologies to reduce radar signature (analogous to the low visibility technology of NATO countries "Stealth"): small dispersion surface, special coatings, small size of protruding parts. Most of the flight takes place at an altitude of about 50 km. The missile conducts intensive maneuvering with overloads of about 20-30 units during the initial and final phases of the flight. The guidance system is mixed: inertial in the initial and middle phases of the flight and optical (using a seeker developed by the Central Research Institute of Automation and Hydraulics, TsNIIAG) in the final phase of the flight, which achieves high accuracy. It is possible to use GPS/GLONASS in addition to the inertial guidance system.


  • Iskander-M - an option for the Russian armed forces, 2 missiles on launchers, the firing range in various sources varies from that stated for the Iskander-E - 280 km, to 500 km (it is not indicated with what type of warhead (warhead mass) is achieved corresponding range).

  • Iskander-K - variant using cruise missiles, firing range 500 km, warhead weight 480 kg.
  • Iskander-E - export version, firing range 280 km, warhead weight 480 kg. Satisfies the conditions of the MTCR (Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)).

    The Iskander can be equipped with R-500 cruise missiles, the firing range of which exceeds 2000 km.

    Combat use

    There is no reliable information about the combat use of the Iskander complexes, but there have been reports, refuted by the Russian military, that the complex was used during the Georgian-South Ossetian armed conflict of 2008.
    According to the head of the Analytical Department of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Shota Utiashvili, Russia used Iskander missile systems at sites in Poti, Gori and the Baku-Supsa pipeline.
    In blogs, Utiashvili’s statement was widely discussed and was received ambiguously, since some of the photographs presented as evidence of several sustainer stages refer not to the Iskander, but to the 9M79 missiles of the Tochka-U complexes, while another part of the photographs actually shows debris from marked with the code 9M723, corresponding to the designation of the Iskander missiles.

    Mikhail Barabanov, an expert from the Moscow Defense Brief, points out that the Iskander complex was used at the base of a separate tank battalion in Gori. As a result of a direct hit by a warhead in the weapons depot of a Georgian battalion, it detonated. However, the author notes that this information is based on unverified sources. A Dutch commission investigating the circumstances of the death of RTL Nieuws television cameraman Stan Storimans in Gori on August 12, 2008, determined that the journalist died from being hit by one 5-mm steel ball. According to the BBC, the Dutch commission expressed an expert opinion that Iskander was the carrier of the cluster munition, but the report did not indicate on what grounds such a conclusion was made.
    The Russian Foreign Ministry stated that the data provided by the Dutch side is not enough to determine the type of carrier. Earlier, Human Rights Watch put forward another version, according to which the death of the Dutch journalist was caused by RBK-250 aviation cluster bombs.

    Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel General Anatoly Nogovitsyn, denied all reports about the use of Iskander missiles in Georgia, saying that the Iskander complex was not used during hostilities in South Ossetia.


    The Iskander OTRK is a powerful weapon that can fundamentally change the military-political situation in certain regions of the world, therefore the issues of deployment of Iskander complexes, as well as their export deliveries, are often part of political consultations between countries.

  • On November 5, 2008, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, speaking to the Federal Assembly, said that the response to the American missile defense system in Poland would be the deployment of Iskander missile systems in the Kaliningrad region. But after the United States refused to deploy a missile defense system in Eastern Europe, D. A. Medvedev said that in response Russia would not deploy this complex in the Kaliningrad region.

  • In 2005, it became known about plans to supply Iskander complexes to Syria. This caused a sharp negative reaction from Israel and the United States. During a visit to Israel, Russian President V.V. Putin announced a ban on such supplies to prevent an imbalance of power in the region.

  • In August 2008, during a visit to Moscow, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad expressed his readiness to deploy complexes in Syria.

  • On February 15, 2010, the President of the unrecognized Transnistria, Igor Smirnov, spoke in favor of deploying Iskander missiles in the republic in response to plans to deploy US missile defense systems in Romania and Bulgaria.
  • Iskander operational-tactical missile system(index - 9K720, according to NATO classification - SS-26 Stone "Stone") - is a family of operational-tactical missile systems: Iskander, Iskander-E, Iskander-K. The complex was developed at the Kolomna Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau. The Iskander missile system was adopted by the Russian army in 2006; to date, 20 Iskander systems have been produced (according to open data from the Ministry of Defense).

    The complex is designed to engage conventionally equipped combat units against small-sized and area targets deep in the operational formation of enemy troops. It is assumed that it can be a means of delivering tactical nuclear weapons.

    Most Likely Targets:

    — fire weapons (missile systems, multiple launch rocket systems, long-range artillery);

    — missile defense and air defense systems;

    — airplanes and helicopters at airfields;

    — command posts and communication centers;

    — the most important civil infrastructure facilities.

    The main features of the Iskander OTRK are:

    — high-precision effective destruction of various types of targets;

    - the ability to covertly carry out combat duty, prepare for combat use and launch missile strikes;

    — automatic calculation and input of flight missions for missiles when placing them on the launcher;

    — high probability of completing a combat mission in the face of active enemy opposition;

    — high operational reliability of the rocket and its reliability during preparation for launch and in flight;

    — high tactical maneuverability due to the placement of combat vehicles on off-road all-wheel drive chassis;

    — high strategic mobility, which is ensured by the ability to transport combat vehicles by all types of transport, including aviation;

    — high degree of automation of the process of combat control of missile units;

    — fast processing and timely delivery of intelligence information to the necessary management levels;

    - long service life and ease of use.

    Combat characteristics:

    — circular probable deviation: 1...30 m;
    — rocket launch weight 3,800 kg;
    — length 7.2 m;
    — diameter 920 mm;
    — warhead weight 480 kg;
    — rocket speed after the initial part of the trajectory is 2100 m/s;
    — the minimum target engagement range is 50 km;
    — maximum range of hitting a target:
    500 km Iskander-K
    280 km Iskander-E
    — time before the launch of the first rocket is 4...16 minutes;
    — interval between starts: 1 minute
    — service life: 10 years, including 3 years in field conditions.

    The main elements that make up the Iskander OTRK are:

    - rocket,
    - self-propelled launcher,
    — transport-charging machine,
    — routine maintenance machine,
    — command and staff vehicle,
    — information preparation point,
    — a set of arsenal equipment,
    — educational and training facilities.

    Self-propelled launcher(SPU) - designed for storing, transporting, preparing and launching two missiles at a target (in the export version, 1 missile). The SPU can be implemented on the basis of a special wheeled chassis MZKT-7930 produced by the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant. Gross weight 42 tons, payload 19 tons, highway/dirt road speed 70/40 km/h, fuel range 1000 km. Calculation 3 people.

    Transport-charging machine(TZM) - designed to transport two additional missiles. The TZM is implemented on the MZKT-7930 chassis and is equipped with a loading crane. Total combat weight 40 tons. Crew 2 people.

    Command and staff vehicle(KShM) - designed to control the entire Iskander complex. Implemented on the KamAZ-43101 wheeled chassis. Calculation 4 people. KShM CHARACTERISTICS:
    — maximum radio communication range when stationary/on the move: 350/50 km
    — task calculation time for missiles: up to 10 s
    — command transmission time: up to 15 s
    — number of communication channels: up to 16
    — deployment (collapse) time: up to 30 minutes
    — continuous operation time: 48 hours

    Regulation and maintenance machine(MRTO) - designed to check on-board equipment of rockets and instruments, to carry out routine repairs. Implemented on a KamAZ wheeled chassis. Weight is 13.5 tons, deployment time does not exceed 20 minutes, the time of the automated cycle of routine checks of the on-board equipment of the rocket is 18 minutes, crew 2 people.

    Information preparation point(PPI) - designed to determine the coordinates of the target and prepare flight missions for missiles with their subsequent transfer to the SPU. The PPI is integrated with reconnaissance assets and can receive missions and assigned targets from all necessary sources, including from a satellite, aircraft or drone. Calculation 2 people.

    Life support machine(MJO) - intended for accommodation, rest and eating of combat crews. Implemented on a KamAZ-43118 wheeled chassis. The machine includes: a rest compartment and a utility compartment. The rest compartment has 6 carriage-type berths with folding upper beds, 2 lockers, built-in lockers, and an opening window. The utility compartment has 2 lockers with seats, a folding lifting table, a water supply system with a 300-liter tank, a tank for heating water, a pump for pumping water, a drainage system, a sink, and a dryer for clothes and shoes.

    ROCKET of the Iskander complex is a solid-fuel, single-stage, with a warhead that is not detachable in flight, guided and vigorously maneuvered throughout the entire difficult-to-predict flight path. It maneuvers especially actively during the starting and final stages of the flight, during which it approaches the target with a high (20-30 units) overload.
    This necessitates an anti-missile flight to intercept an Iskander OTRK missile with an overload 2-3 times greater, which is currently practically impossible.

    Most of the flight path of the Iskander missile, made using stealth technology with a small reflective surface, passes at an altitude of 50 km, which also significantly reduces the likelihood of it being hit by the enemy. The “invisibility” effect is achieved due to the combination of design features of the rocket and the treatment of its surface with special coatings.

    To launch a missile to a target it is used inertial control system, which is subsequently captured by an autonomous correlation-extreme optical homing head (GOS). The operating principle of the missile homing system is based on the formation by optical equipment of the seeker of an image of the terrain in the target area, which the on-board computer compares with the standard entered into it when preparing the missile for launch.

    Optical homing head is characterized by increased sensitivity and resistance to existing electronic warfare systems, which allows missile launches on moonless nights without additional natural illumination and hit a moving target with an error of plus or minus two meters. Currently, except for the Iskander OTRK, no other similar missile system in the world can solve this problem.

    It is characteristic that the optical homing system used in the rocket does not require corrective signals from space radio navigation systems, which in crisis situations can be disabled by radio interference or simply turned off. The integrated use of an inertial control system with satellite navigation equipment and an optical seeker made it possible to create a missile that can hit a given target in almost any possible conditions. The homing head installed on the Iskander OTRK missile can be installed on ballistic and cruise missiles of various classes and types.

    Types of combat units
    - cassette with fragmentation combat elements of non-contact detonation (detonated at a height of about 10 m above the ground)
    — cassette with cumulative fragmentation combat elements
    — cassette with self-aiming combat elements
    — cassette volumetric-detonating action
    — high-explosive fragmentation (HFBCh)
    - high-explosive incendiary
    — penetrating (PrBC)
    The cluster warhead contains 54 combat elements.

    The Iskander complex is integrated with various reconnaissance and control systems. It is capable of receiving information about a target designated for destruction from a satellite, reconnaissance aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicle (of the Reis-D type) to the information preparation point (PPI). It calculates the flight mission for the rocket and prepares reference information for the rockets.

    This information is transmitted via radio channels to the command and staff vehicles of the division commanders and batteries, and from there to the launchers. Commands to launch missiles can come from the command gun or from the control posts of senior artillery commanders.

    Placing two missiles on each SPU and TZM significantly increases the firepower of missile divisions, and a one-minute interval between missile launches against different targets ensures high fire performance. In terms of its effectiveness, taking into account the total combat capabilities, operational-tactical The Iskander missile system is equivalent to a nuclear weapon.

    /Alex Varlamik, based on materials from arms-expo.ru and wikipedia.org/

    The SS-26 Iskander is an operational-tactical missile system designed to eliminate area and small-sized targets that may be located deep in the operational location of enemy troops. The Iskander operational-tactical missile system was destined to be created in an environment in which the 1987 Short- and Medium-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was in force. In addition, there was a refusal to use nuclear weapons in war between opposing sides.

    This is exactly why the Iskanders were created, taking into account the new requirements placed on them:

    • The use of a warhead only in the presence of standard equipment;
    • Refusal of nuclear strikes;
    • Guiding missiles along all their flight trajectories;
    • High firing accuracy;
    • The likelihood of changing combat units, taking into account the types of targets being eliminated;
    • High level of automation of all processes.

    Number of Iskanders

    Iskander, a tactical missile system, has been in service since 2010. At that time, six complexes were supplied to the military under the state defense order. The state arms program provided for the purchase of 120 Iskanders by 2020. Since 2015, the Russian army has formed brigades armed with the Iskander-M missile system.

    Some information from the history of the Iskanders

    Iskanders were developed simultaneously with the help of several design bureaus and institutes. However, the Kolomna Mashinostroeniya Design Bureau was destined to become the parent enterprise. It is known for many legendary weapons, such as Tochka-U, Igloy and Arena air defense systems, as well as many Soviet and Russian mortars.

    The development of Iskander began with S.P. Invincible, the legendary general designer. He took the Oka RK, which was very successful at that time, as a basis. It is known that Oka was the first in history that was able to pass through missile defense with a coefficient of almost one, which ensured a high probability of hitting the target. However, according to the 1987 treaty between the USSR and the USA, they were destroyed. New developments were assigned to Valery Kashin, the current general designer and head of the Mashinostroeniya design bureau.

    KBM was given a task: the new complex should destroy any targets, stationary or moving. And this is with the main requirement - the highest degree of missile defense penetration with target destruction, but without nuclear charges.

    Passing the missile defense was based on:

    • Maximum reduction of the missile dispersion surface. Their contours have become extremely streamlined and smooth;
    • The external surfaces were treated with a radio-absorbing special coating;
    • The ability to quickly and actively maneuver, as a result of which the Iskander trajectory is unpredictable and missile interception is impossible.

    No other operational-tactical and tactical missiles built on the planet have similar properties. During the development process, the designers performed absolutely unique work. This led to a revision of many of the concepts contained in the preliminary sketches of the project.

    After the February 1993 Decree of the Russian President related to development work on the Iskander M complex, a tactical and technical specification was prepared. It indicated new approaches to the construction of complexes, as well as the optimization of all solutions.

    For this reason, Iskander M had to become a completely new complex, and not a modernized old one. The complex has become the focus of numerous advanced domestic and world scientific achievements. Climatic, flight and bench tests had to drag on for many years. Mostly everything was carried out in Kapustin Yar, but some were also in other regions of the state.

    Mid-autumn 2011 was marked by the completion of the first stage of tests carried out with the Iskander-M missile system, which resulted in the receipt of new combat equipment. The 9M723 missiles had excellent characteristics, as well as a new correlation guidance system.

    Likely targets

    Iskanders can strike at:

    • Missile systems, multiple launch rocket systems, long-range artillery;
    • Missile defense and air defense systems;
    • Airplanes and helicopters at airfields;
    • Command posts and communication centers;
    • Particularly important objects in civil infrastructure.

    Characteristic features of the Iskanders

    The characteristic features of the Iskanders are:

    • Availability of high-precision effective destruction of a wide variety of targets;
    • Stealth in combat duty, in preparation for launch and in delivering strikes;
    • Automation of calculations and input of flight missions for missiles at launchers;
    • High potential for performing combat missions in an environment of active counteraction by the enemy;
    • High level of operational reliability of missiles, trouble-free launch and flight;
    • High level of tactical maneuverability;
    • High level of strategic mobility;
    • High level of automation of processes in the combat control of missile units;
    • Fast processing and timely delivery of intelligence data to the necessary levels of management;
    • Long service life and convenient operation.

    Combat characteristics

    The combat characteristics of the Iskanders are:

    • Circular deviation probability: 1-30 m;
    • The launch weight of the rockets is 3,800 kg;
    • Length - 7.2 m;
    • Diameter - 920 mm;
    • Weight of warheads - 480 kg;
    • The rocket speed after the initial part of the trajectory is 2100 m/s;
    • The minimum target engagement range is 50 km;
    • Maximum target engagement range:
      • 500 km - Iskander-K;
      • 280 km - Iskander-E.
    • Time to launch with the first rocket is 4-16 minutes;
    • Interval between starts: 1 min;
    • Service life: ten years, including three years in the field.

    Elements that make up the Iskander

    The main elements that make up the Iskander are:

    • Rockets;
    • Self-propelled launchers;
    • Transport-charging vehicles;
    • Routine maintenance vehicles;
    • Command and staff vehicles;
    • Data preparation points;
    • Arsenal equipment sets;
    • Educational and training aids.

    Self-propelled launchers - designed for storage, transportation, preparatory work and launches at targets of two missiles (in the export version of one missile). Self-propelled launchers can be made on the basis of special wheeled chassis, which are produced at the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant. The tractors have a total weight of 42 tons, a payload of 19 tons, a travel speed of 70 km/h on highways, 40 km/h on dirt roads, and a fuel range of up to 1000 km. The combat crew includes three military personnel.

    Transport-loading vehicles are designed to transport an additional pair of missiles. Transport-loading vehicles are based on the MZKT-7930 chassis and are equipped with loading cranes. They have a total combat weight of 40 tons and a crew of two military personnel.

    Command and staff vehicles - designed to control all processes in the Iskander complexes. They are based on the KamAZ-43101 wheeled chassis. The combat crew includes four military personnel.

    Characteristic features that the CVS have:

    • The maximum radio communication range on the spot is 350 km, on the march 50 km;
    • Estimated task time for missiles is up to 10 s;
    • Command transmission time up to 15 s;
    • The number of radio communication channels is 16;
    • Unfolding (collapsing) time is up to half an hour;
    • Continuous operation time up to two days.

    Routine and maintenance vehicles are designed to monitor instruments, missiles, on-board equipment and to carry out routine repair work. They are located on the KamAZ wheelbase. They have a mass of up to 14 tons, a deployment time of no more than 20 minutes, a time of automated cycles of routine checks of on-board missile equipment - 18 minutes, and a combat crew of two military personnel.

    Data preparation points are designed to determine the coordinates of targets and prepare data for missiles in order to transmit them to the SPU. Data preparation points are integrated with intelligence assets and can receive tasks from any sources, including satellites, aircraft or drones. There are two military personnel in the combat crew.

    Life support vehicles are designed for combat crews to rest and eat. They are located on the wheelbase of KamAZ-43118. The machines have: compartments for rest and compartments for household supplies.

    Iskander missiles are solid-fuel, single-stage, with warheads that cannot be separated in flight, guided and maneuverable missiles along the entire length of difficult-to-predict flight trajectories. Missiles maneuver especially quickly during the starting and final stages of flight, in which they approach targets with high overloads.

    This is due to the need to fly anti-missile missiles to intercept Iskander missiles with overloads two to three times greater, which today is considered almost impossible.

    Most of the flight trajectories of the Iskander missiles were carried out using stealth technologies with small reflective surfaces. The “invisibility” effects are ensured by the combined design features of the missiles and the treatment of their surfaces using special coatings.

    The launch of missiles to targets is carried out using an inertial control system. They are subsequently captured by autonomous correlation-extreme optical homing heads. The missile homing system operates on the principle that optical instruments form images in the target area, which the on-board computer compares with the data entered into it.

    Optical homing heads are distinguished by an increased level of sensitivity and resistance to existing electronic warfare equipment. Thanks to this, you can launch missiles on a moonless night without additional natural illumination and eliminate moving targets within a radius of two meters. Today, such tasks, except for the Iskanders, cannot be solved by any other similar missile systems on the planet.

    It is interesting that the optical homing systems used in missiles do not need to correct the signals that are created by space radio navigation systems. The complex use of inertial control systems with satellite navigation and optical seekers made it possible to create missiles that hit specified targets in almost any possible situation. The homing heads installed on Iskander missiles can also be installed on other missiles. These can be different ballistic and cruise missiles.

    Types of Iskander combat units

    The main types of Iskander combat units are:

    • Cassette weapons with fragmentation warheads for non-contact explosions. They can operate at a height of approximately ten meters above the ground;
    • Cassette weapons with cumulative fragmentation warheads;
    • Cassette weapons with self-aiming combat elements;
    • Cassette, having a volumetric detonating effect;
    • High-explosive fragmentation;
    • High explosive incendiary;
    • Penetrating.

    Fifty-four combat elements are located in cluster warheads.

    All Iskanders are integrated with a wide variety of reconnaissance and control systems. They are capable of receiving information about targets designated for destruction from satellites, reconnaissance aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicles at data preparation points. They are used to calculate flight missions for missiles and carry out preparatory work on reference information for missiles.

    Through radio channels, this information is broadcast and received by command and staff vehicles, commanders of divisions and batteries, and then by launchers. The missile launch command is carried out from command and staff vehicles. In addition, senior artillery commanders can also command using control posts.

    The missiles placed (two) on each self-propelled launcher and transport-loading vehicle significantly increase the firepower in missile divisions. In addition, there are one-minute intervals between missile launches against a wide variety of targets, while ensuring high fire productivity. Considering its high efficiency, as well as the totality of its combat potential, the Iskander operational-tactical missile system is destined to become the equivalent of nuclear weapons and a reliable non-nuclear “shield of the Motherland.”
