Seeing fresh tomatoes in a dream. Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does Tomato mean according to the dream book? Why does a woman dream about tomatoes?

Tomatoes are symbols that are associated with a person’s well-being and position in society. Tomatoes can also portend changes in the dreamer’s personal life. But you can understand why red tomatoes are dreamed of only after analyzing all the smallest details of the dream.

Red tomatoes

Red tomatoes in a dream are always related to love. They may indicate that you are eagerly awaiting new love adventures. Tomatoes also often symbolize strengthening family ties. But in order to determine why tomatoes were seen in dreams at night, and how they can affect events in reality, you need to remember the plot of the dream in detail.

Why do you dream about fresh tomatoes?

If you dreamed of fresh tomatoes, then this means for a girl that a meeting with her loved one will happen very soon. For a man or guy, such a dream symbolizes love pleasures.

Ripe tomatoes

Ripe tomatoes in night dreams foreshadow family happiness. And if a girl dreams that she is picking ripe tomatoes from a bush, then soon she should expect a marriage proposal from her chosen one. When you water ripe tomatoes in a dream, this symbolizes preparations for the wedding.

Seeing tomatoes in the store

If you see ripe tomatoes on a store counter in a dream, then this indicates that real life A very successful period is coming. All failures and troubles will pass you by, and life will be filled with bright events. For a sick person, such a dream portends a speedy recovery.

Try ripe tomatoes

When in a dream you not only see red ripe fruits, but also taste them, this indicates that you will soon receive news that is very important to you. Also, such a dream can be a forecast that the business you have started will end in great success.

Red tomatoes in a jar, seen in night dreams, symbolize that it may happen that joyful changes in life will pass you by. Moreover, the reason for this will be your conservatism.

Canned or salted tomatoes

It is necessary to pay attention to the dream with canned tomatoes in case you feel their bitter taste. This means that in real life you will have to experience severe disappointment. It is also very possible that you will have to be ashamed of your own actions in reality. If you dreamed about salted tomatoes, then in real life you will have to do something unusual. But when you see in a dream that you are eating assorted vegetables, which also includes pickles, then in reality you will be in trouble. They may be associated with the betrayal of a loved one.

Pickled tomatoes - interpretation of sleep

Dreamers are interested in what marinated tomatoes mean in dreams. In a dream, such tomatoes symbolize a spicy, unusual situation in real life. Maybe other people will deliberately provoke you to do extraordinary things, and you will not be able to resist. After such a dream, it is important to take a close look at the people in your immediate circle and try to find envious people who are trying to control you.

Big red tomatoes

Large red tomatoes in a dream indicate that you are trying to hide a secret love affair. But, as you know, the secret always becomes clear. Therefore, in the near future your secret will be revealed.

Why do you dream about growing tomatoes?

A dream about a garden where tomatoes are grown can be interpreted in different ways:
    Cultivating beds with tomatoes means that strangers will gossip about your personal life; Looking at tomatoes in the garden and admiring the fruits means spending time in reality with your family; Planting tomatoes - hoping to strengthen love feelings; Collecting tomatoes - enjoying in real life with your love.
If you dreamed of tomato seedlings, then in reality a person who gives you unpleasant feelings will come to visit you. Your guest will make your life much more difficult by disrupting your usual routine. According to interpretations various dream books a beautiful garden bed with tomatoes portends a joyful period in life. Separate tomato bushes in a dream foreshadow a stormy feast among friends. Moreover, there is a very high probability that during this period you will meet your soulmate in reality.

Buying tomatoes - how to interpret

When you buy red tomatoes in a dream, this indicates that in real life you have a rival. This woman is a real threat to your love.

Cutting tomatoes in a dream

I often wonder why I dream about different actions with tomatoes. If you have to cut red tomatoes in your night dreams, then this draws your attention to the fact that your subconscious fears and anxieties are very much interfering with your life. You need to try to get rid of them and learn to perceive the world around you more optimistically.

There are ripe tomatoes

If you dreamed that you were happily eating ripe red tomatoes, then such a dream can be associated with an upcoming rich and prosperous life, as well as harmonious personal relationships. But just remember that personal happiness must be protected.

Why do you dream about red tomatoes? Dream Interpretation

Tomatoes in a dream are often associated with our attitude towards business and personal prosperity. Why do you dream about red tomatoes? If you dream of a tomato, it is ripe and red, this may portend happy news and joy in the family. If a young girl dreams of a tomato, it may portend successful marriage. For family men, such a dream foreshadows some kind of secret relationship. If a person is sick, such a dream portends a quick recovery.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Tomato- it is possible that there are stones in your kidneys or liver.

Children's dream book

Tomato- to a new, rather pleasant, acquaintance.

Complete dream book of the New Era

A dream where red tomatoes and lovers (lovers, marriage partners) appear at the same time may hint at flirting on the side, secret love intentions and love affairs in the lives of these persons, about which the sleeper does not know. But you shouldn’t make hasty conclusions about your partner’s infidelity; perhaps, with the help of innocent flirting on the side, he makes up for the lack of attention from the sleeping person. Intentions to change or betrayal itself are suggested by a dream where a lover eats tomatoes, or buys them at the market, or brings them home.

Eating red tomatoes in a dream is a sign of a lack of love emotions in real life, dissatisfaction with your personal life, a desire to get acquainted, a desire to feel the sharpness and fullness of your intimate life.

If the tomatoes are unripe and green - why do you dream of green tomatoes - the sleeper is not proactive in love and is not ready to realize his love desires.

If you dreamed that you were eating tomatoes, then you will be given good health.

If you dreamed of tomatoes growing in a garden bed, then such a dream promises joy.

For a young woman to see ripe tomatoes in a dream means a successful marriage soon.

Seeing red tomatoes in a dream is bad.

Growing tomatoes at home in a dream- means secret love, carefully hidden from envious rivals. Caring for tomatoes in the garden- portends that overly curious people may find out and divulge your heartfelt secret. Tomato seedlings- means confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest. Watering tall, large tomato bushes in a dream- foreshadowing a bountiful harvest, indicates that you will soon learn about the existence of a rival living next door to you. Picking ripe red tomatoes- to happiness and wealth; unripe, brown or green- to an unexpected and unwanted hitch in business at work. Spoiled tomatoes, blackened by unexpectedly early fogs - bad sign, foreshadowing weakened vision or progressive eye disease. Throw away rotten tomatoes- fail due to your own carelessness, feed to cattle- to the illness or death of loved ones. Canning salted or pickled tomatoes in a dream- means a change in views on what seemed to you an unshakable axiom. Cut tomatoes for salad- portends a decline in business or a delay in wages, cook borscht with tomatoes- love is ripening in the soul and will soon spill out with crazy passion. Buy tomatoes in a dream- portends that you may suffer a serious defeat in competition from your commercial rivals. Eat fresh tomatoes - carefully monitor your property, which you may lose; tomato dishes- you will reach a ripe old age.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation from A to Z Tomato»›

Growing tomatoes at home in a dream: means secret love, carefully hidden from envious rivals. Caring for tomatoes in the garden Tomato seedlings: means confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest.

Watering tall, large tomato bushes in a dream: foreshadowing a bountiful harvest, suggests that you will soon learn about the existence of a rival living next door to you. Picking ripe red tomatoes unripe, brown or green: to an unexpected and unwanted hitch in business at work.

Spoiled tomatoes, blackened by unexpectedly early fogs: a bad sign foreshadowing weakened vision or progressive eye disease. Throw away rotten tomatoes Canning salted or pickled tomatoes in a dream: means a change in views on what seemed to you an unshakable axiom.

Cut tomatoes for salad Buy tomatoes in a dream: portends that you may suffer a serious defeat in competition from your commercial rivals. There are fresh tomatoes tomato dishes: you will reach a ripe old age.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman Tomato»›

Eating tomatoes in a dream: to recovery from illness. Growing tomatoes: portend happiness and joy in family life.If a girl sees ripe tomatoes in a dream: she will be happy in marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter Tomato»›

Ripe, strong tomatoes in a dream: symbolize activity and energy. Often such dreams portend great success to your plans.

Dream Interpretation Tomato Eating tomatoes in a dream means recovery from an illness. Growing tomatoes: portend happiness and joy in family life. If a girl sees ripe tomatoes in a dream, she will be happy in her marriage. Dream Interpretation modern woman

Dream Interpretation Tomato Tomato: It is possible that you have stones in your kidneys or liver. Newest dream book

Dream book "sonnik.bun"

Eat tomatoesindream: to recovery from illness. Growing tomatoes: portend happiness and joy in family life. If the girl seesindream ripe tomatoes: She will be happy in marriage. Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima Tomato »›. Ukrainian dream book Tomato »›. Tomatoes: shame, you'll have to blush at something. Seeredtomatoesindream: Badly.

Dream Interpretation “horo.mail”

My mom sawdream how she and my daughter (her granddaughter) collect big redtomatoes. What is it for?! Actually I tomatoes dream of secret love, secret relationships, and the cost tomato- This exact date either dating or connections. sawindream three large buckets with ripe redtomatoes, a lot, and there’s a large fruit garden nearby, what’s this for?

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

I dreamed about it Tomato, But necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what you are dreaming about Tomatoindream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if indreamsaw this symbol. Try it! I went into the house (it seems like we recently bought the house and don’t live there yet) and near the porch in the garden I saw several bushes covered with huge redtomatoes there weren't even leaves it is seen.

We are talking only about joy or a pleasant event in your personal life.

Juno's Dream Interpretation tomatoes

Eating means getting better. Growing tomatoes symbolize family well-being, and ripe ones in a dream for a girl speak of a happy marriage.

If a girl sees ripe tomatoes in a dream, it means that she will be happy in her marriage.

Why do you dream about red tomatoes? 4.00 /5 (2 votes)

To understand why you dream of red tomatoes, you need to remember all the details of the dream. For example, eating them in a dream promises recovery for the sick, and for healthy people - favorable period in life. However, depending on the details, the interpretation of the vision can vary significantly.

Seeing red tomatoes in a dream means family happiness

For example, if you dreamed that red tomatoes were growing wildly on the bushes, then in family life you are guaranteed mutual understanding, joy and happiness. This vision is considered especially favorable for young girls. Red tomatoes promise them a successful marriage in all respects.

If a woman had a dream in which she grows tomatoes on her own windowsill and they produce red fruits, then this is a sign of secret love that she is trying to hide from the whole world. If tomatoes grow in the garden, and you take care of them in a dream, then your secret may be revealed due to long tongues girlfriends

The presence of a rival who lives next door is indicated by a single red tomato on a tall bush. At the same time, harvesting a large harvest of ripe tomatoes means wealth and happiness. If in fact the fruits turned out to be a little unripe, then due to your haste in real world some business will reach a dead end.

Red tomatoes are a symbol of good luck

On the other hand, strong and ripe red tomatoes in a dream represent the energy and activity of the dreamer himself. Often such a vision guarantees success for new endeavors, career advancement and good luck in general.

However, you should not forget that excessive ambition and assertiveness can become an obstacle to achieving your goals. At the same time, overripe tomatoes with foulbrood clearly indicate failures and losses. Moreover, you should only blame yourself for them, and not someone else.

Negative interpretation of a dream with tomatoes

Tomatoes that are rotten or blackened on one side are considered a bad sign. This dream indicates an incipient eye disease or a general deterioration in vision.

If you threw away red but rotten fruits in a dream, then you will fail through your own fault. Even more negative is the dream in which you feed tomatoes to livestock. This is a sign that close person will become seriously ill.

Actions with red tomatoes in a dream

By the way, canning or pickling red tomatoes in a dream is, in principle, not bad. This action signifies a change of heart that will bring good luck. Making a salad from vegetables means difficulties with money, and cooking borscht from them means love, which will literally overwhelm you with a wave of passion.

Eating fresh whole red tomatoes is a dream warning. Pay attention to your property, because you are in danger of losing it. If in your night dreams you had a chance to feast on delicious dish of these, you will live happily to a ripe old age.

Surely every second girl wonders what it means if she saw tomatoes in a dream. In real life, these vegetables naturally do not arouse any interest. Unless you buy them and cut them into salad. But in night vision they probably carry some special meaning. It’s not for nothing that tomatoes are also called the golden apples of love.

Color guide

If a girl the next morning wants to know what this could mean, it’s worth remembering the details of the plot. The most important detail is color. Of course, tomatoes are often red. And usually they are harbingers of a stormy and passionate romance.

Unripe green tomatoes symbolize naivety and inexperience. They warn the dreamer to be careful in her feelings. Although many dream books claim that green fruits are harbingers of financial well-being. Especially if it was not a faded shade, but a bright, rich, juicy one.

Yellow fruits usually portend betrayal and betrayal of a loved one. Although often such visions indicate the unreasonable jealousy that the dreamer experiences towards him. It's better to become less suspicious and more reasonable. Then it will be possible to avoid a showdown out of nowhere.

The main thing is that black fruits do not appear in the center of the plot. Such a dream does not bode well. Large black tomatoes promise trouble that will come when the girl least expects it. And she will have no choice but to wait out the dark period.

Main plot

It is extremely important to remember what the dreamer did in her dream. This will help you understand the interpretation. If she didn’t just see tomatoes in a dream, but bought them, say, at the market, it means that soon she will have problems with money. She will probably even borrow.

Picking tomatoes in a dream means a suspension of work. This is the case if they were green or brown. Most likely, the girl needs to take a break to gain energy and then begin fulfilling her duties with renewed vigor.

The fruits of a faded, slightly greenish hue, which a girl cuts from the bushes, indicate her lack of initiative in bed or her personal life. It’s worth starting to be more active - your partner will like it and take the relationship to a new level.

According to Miller

This book of interpretations assures: if a girl in a dream saw tomatoes that were fully ripe, then you can rejoice. Such a vision promises material wealth and career growth.

If she only watched the fruits grow, then she should expect guests. Their visit will bring only joy and positive emotions.

This is not all that such a dream can mean. Red tomatoes, gradually ripening, foreshadow a generous reward that the girl will receive for her labors. The more carefully she looked after the fruits and the bush, the greater her reward would be.

It happens that the plot of a vision unfolds a little differently. The girl sees that she took very good care of the fruits, but when it was time to harvest, a lot of black, spoiled and rotten tomatoes appeared. Then in real life she should take a closer look at the people who surround her. Among them hides an envious and ill-wisher.

Modern dream book

This book can also tell a lot of interesting things about being a red woman. If she saw herself growing these fruits in her apartment, it means that in real life she has many rivals and enemies. The higher the bush, the stronger these people are.

Seeing yourself from the outside sorting through tomatoes and throwing away the rotten fruits means a duel with competitors or enemies. Moreover, for the sake of victory they will be ready to do anything. By the way, suddenly blackened fruits promise illness.

But the main thing is that the girl does not dream of a naked tomato bush. Because it usually promises discord in the family.

More red ones for a woman, in addition to the above? If they were cut up and served as a dish, then the girl will have a long and happy marriage. Family life will bring her a lot positive emotions. But if she cut the tomatoes into the salad herself, then it’s time for her to take a vacation. Surely a lot of fatigue has already accumulated. To prevent this from developing into depression, you need to rest a little.

Women's dream book

It happens that a girl sees herself in the center of the plot of a dream, standing near the stove and preparing borscht from tomatoes. The interpretation of this vision is quite interesting. They say that this dream means that a girl in reality is hiding her feelings towards someone, and already for a long time. However, very soon she will get tired of it, and she will throw it out.

But when a girl sees herself eating salted tomatoes, it means that her actions are not entirely ambitious. It's not entirely bad, but it lacks this quality. It's time to stop thinking too much about other people and start acting for your own good.

By the way, eating unripe, hard, sour fruits promises disappointment in work and quarrels with a loved one.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Finally, it’s worth saying a few words about what Tsvetkov’s book of interpretations tells about tomatoes that appeared in dreams.

When a girl saw red in an oak barrel in the center, she should expect some kind of celebration. It could be either corporate party. Seeing that a barrel of tomatoes is in the basement means an increase in salary. But this is not all that such a dream can tell about.

The red tomatoes that the girl intends to pickle in her dream are further confirmation that in real life she is happy with her line of work. The dreamer does what she likes, and it only brings pleasure. However, if you see one large one, juicy tomato- this means that in the near future she will be offered a more profitable way to earn money. It may not be as pleasant, but it will be profitable.

The main thing is not to dream about a lot of wet, salted and bursting tomatoes. This usually portends nervous stress. But when a girl notices a tomato among other vegetables in a dream, you can expect happiness and peace.

As you can see, there are many interpretations of a vision in the center of the plot of which is a tomato or several such fruits. However, even if the meaning of the dream turned out to be not the most pleasant, there is no need to be upset. The vision may not be prophetic.

An unusual dream about tomatoes can be surprising because it does not give the dreamer obvious hints about its meaning. To find out what tomatoes mean in dreams, it is better to turn to sources of dream interpretation.

An unusual dream about tomatoes may surprise you

These vegetables, red and ripe, promise the dreamer good luck and joy. We can also expect progress in business relations and growth of prosperity. Changes in health status will also have a positive trend. In general, the dream is prosperous, but many additional nuances can completely change the essence of the prediction.

Some of the dream books predict the appearance of envious people and enemies, others predict failures in family life and everyday life.

Tomatoes in the dream book (video)

Green, red, yellow tomatoes in a dream: difference in interpretation based on external signs

The external signs of objects seen in a dream are of paramount importance. For tomatoes, this is, first of all, color:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • green;
  • brown.

External signs of objects seen in a dream are of paramount importance


  1. A large red tomato symbolizes extraordinary luck at this stage of life. Constant cash flows and career advancement will begin.
  2. If a red vegetable is on the table, then this predicts pleasant acquaintances and new stages in love and friendship. At this time, all worries about temporary setbacks are groundless.
  3. A red tomato lying on the ground predicts a new opportunity to improve the quality of your life.
  4. If you have to choose red tomatoes, then the subconscious signals the need to take care of your appearance. Perhaps those around him think that the dreamer has neglected himself.
  5. The red color of the vegetable will become a symbol of a warm relationship with your spouse. At this time, you can feel real happiness from spending time together. Ripe fruit means harmony in all aspects of a relationship.
  6. Green tomatoes carry their own meaning. If you collect them in a dream, then create new ones serious relationship not worth it. In such a relationship, you will have to sacrifice yourself, which will not bring any benefit to the dreamer.
  7. Unripe green tomato fruits warn of the risk of getting into an ambiguous situation. Her permission will be a complete mystery for the dreamer. Green tomatoes laid out in boxes warn that there is a danger of a quarrel due to the dreamer’s incontinence.
  8. Brown tomatoes characterize relationships at work. They will develop in a negative way. At this time, you should not create ambiguous situations and decide on risky projects.

Yellow tomatoes predict difficult relationship with the "second half". At this time, there is a high probability of revealing a deception, which will have a detrimental effect on the relationship. Also at this time, ill-wishers and envious people become more active. You can become the object of unpleasant gossip and intrigue. During this period, you may encounter betrayal that will be associated with a loved one.

Why does a woman dream about tomatoes?

The main meaning of such a dream for a girl is meeting her future spouse or person with whom the relationship will be long and vibrant. Women's dream book associates tomatoes with marriage.

  • If a girl eats a tomato in a dream, then she will soon meet love. It is during this period that the dreamer needs to go out in public more often and make new acquaintances.
  • In addition, for a woman eating these vegetables in a dream means recovery from a protracted illness. Seeing growing tomatoes promises a girl joy from family life. A ripe tomato for a pregnant woman or mother means the health of her children.

The main meaning of such a dream for a girl is meeting her future husband

Another interesting explanation for such a dream for a woman looks like a warning that excessive jealousy of a spouse or lover can lead to a major quarrel or separation.

Why do you dream about bushes with tomatoes?

Often in dreams, tomatoes are seen on bushes. Such a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s participation in pleasant events. Tomatoes in the garden mean cooperation with high-ranking personalities who will positively influence the dreamer’s career. Also, tomatoes in the garden mean good news.

If tomatoes are hanging on a tree, then this is a signal that the goal is close and only a little effort needs to be made. In general, dreaming of fruit trees decorated with tomatoes symbolizes excessive immersion in one’s own fantasies. Perhaps you should be more realistic about life and evaluate situations from a common sense perspective.

Seedling bushes in a dream symbolize a reliable marriage made for love. Red tomatoes hanging on the bushes mean to a girl good changes in personal life. Most likely, this is a happy marriage or relationship.

What does it mean to buy, cut tomatoes in a dream and perform other actions with them?

There are a lot of stories that are associated with tomatoes. You can perform many manipulations with them in a dream:

  • cut;
  • buy;
  • There is;
  • gather;
  • choose;
  • plant;
  • sell and so on.

Cutting tomatoes in a dream means being in an aggressive state of mind

Each of these actions has its own meaning:

  1. Cutting tomatoes in a dream means being in an aggressive state of mind. If a red tomato is cut, then the dreamer is hinted that he is too jealous of his “other half.” If you continue in the same spirit, you can soon become lonely.
  2. Planting tomatoes means providing for yourself and your loved ones happy life. It is only important to listen to the opinions of family members. You can also expect an improvement in your situation at work.
  3. Eating a tomato in a dream means a quick happy marriage. Other events that bring pleasant emotions and pleasure are also possible. Eating a red vegetable increases the likelihood of happy days.
  4. Harvesting tomatoes means rejoicing life successes together with your loved one. This is the beginning of a white streak in life. There may be pleasant worries associated with arranging your home or expecting guests. Another interpretation of such a dream promises the need for urgent payment of all accumulated debts. If you dreamed of the moment of plucking a fruit from a bush, then the dreamer is having a hard time experiencing a disagreement with loved ones and is the first to strive to make peace.
  5. Stealing a tomato promises the return of an expensive thing or person. Important factor to return is that this object actually previously belonged to the dreamer.
  6. If in a dream you need to choose among a variety of vegetables, then in real life you also need to make a decision that is important for others.
  7. Buying tomatoes means making a difficult choice between family and work. If the purchase has been completed, then the right decision will be made.

Treating someone to a tomato in a dream means trying to seduce a married person. Such a dream warns of the possibility of an unfavorable outcome from such actions.

Fresh, large or rotten tomatoes in a dream...

There are others external signs, which are responsible for the accuracy of sleep interpretation. Tomatoes can be:

  • unripe or ripe;
  • big or small;
  • fresh or rotten.

A huge tomato seen in a dream predicts an excellent opportunity, which could be the beginning of a turning point in life. At this time, it is important to be more careful with new offers and not miss out on profitable ones. In addition, a large tomato predicts praise from superiors.

A huge tomato seen in a dream predicts an excellent opportunity, which could be the beginning of a turning point in life.

Fresh fruit guarantees that soon life will begin to improve and things will go uphill. If the tomato is rotten, then there is a risk of contacting a married person. There is a danger of betrayal from loved ones. If the dreamer personally collects rotten tomatoes, then a quarrel and separation with a loved one will soon occur. You should not cultivate minor quarrels in the family at this time, since right now there is a danger of them growing into a serious conflict.

Interpretations from various sources

A wide variety of sources has given rise to a large number of interpretations of the same event or object in a dream. The most popular dream books are:

  • Miller's dream book;
  • Wangi;
  • Summer;
  • Children's;
  • Freud's dream book;
  • Yuri Longhi and others.
  1. Summer dream book explains dreams of tomatoes as a prediction of a calm and happy life.
  2. Astromeridian's dream book talks about tomatoes that a woman dreamed about. This dream promises romantic relationship in the near future. Especially if the dreamed fruits are ripe and juicy.
  3. The children's dream book interprets such a dream as a prediction of new acquaintances with pleasant people.
  4. The spring dream book suggests paying fundamental attention to the color of tomatoes. If you see red tomatoes, then soon the dreamer will be angry about something. If the vegetables are green, then there may be misunderstanding and confusion regarding the situation.
  5. The lunar dream book and the collection of dreams by the esotericist Tsvetkov foreshadow secret love, and the autumn one says that the red fruit symbolizes future pleasure.
  6. The Ukrainian dream book believes that seeing a red tomato is a bad sign. The concept is similar to a person’s ability to blush out of shame. There may be awkward situations for which you will be ashamed later. A ripe vegetable promises illness. In addition, the same collection says that secret, ardent love is possible. The Wanderer’s dream book “delights” the dreamer with the same prospects: secret love and shame.
  7. Miller says that for a sick person to eat tomatoes in a dream means getting better. If the dreamer sees growing ripening vegetables, then prosperity and peace will come to his family. For a girl to see a red tomato means to be happily married.

Why do you dream about tomatoes (video)

The direction of predictions associated with tomatoes in a dream depends entirely on additional dream factors. For the most true prediction you need to remember all the little things you saw and analyze them with the help of several dream books.

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