Green fruit growing on a tree. The most unusual exotic fruits in the world

Golden tree.

Star apple, milk breast, Golden tree, Estrella, Caimito are all Chrysophyllum cainito from the sapote family. Such a large number of names suggests that this large and beautiful tree is cultivated throughout the tropical belt of the globe. Originally grown in western India, where it was called kaimito, the star apple grows to a height of 10m with a spreading crown and very beautiful leathery leaves. The leaf blade is glossy green above, and reddish-brown below, therefore, when you look at the tree from below, the color of the foliage appears golden in the sun, or resembles stars in the daytime sky. The fruits are large, the size of a very large apple. There is a variety with green fruits, and sometimes with purple ones. Purple fruits are considered one of the most delicious fruits in the world. The skins, which make up one third of the whole fruit, are not edible and contain latex juice. The fruit itself is usually cooled and cut lengthwise before consumption. The taste is not very sweet, so the pulp of the fruit can be poured with citrus juice, or added sugar, or mixed with orange, mango and create a unique fruit dessert. Many sources say that the fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks, therefore, the hour is not far off when the star apple will be sold in our supermarkets.

But, let's go down, as they say, "from the stars to the earth" and talk about the following, far from "star" plants. There is a tree in the world that makes very noisy sounds most of the time of the year. This tree is called kurupita guiana, or, in the common people - cannon tree.

Cannon tree.

Couroupita guianensis belongs to the Leticis family. The tree itself is very tall, sometimes reaching up to 35m in height. The trunk may not be one, but several, since the branches sometimes hang down to the ground, not round, but with some kind of notches. The leaves are lanceolate, that is, long and narrow. Flowers are very peculiar. They are rather big, fragrant and collected in inflorescences. In the inflorescence, the red flowers look very exotic, especially the yellow "brush" that emerges from the red petals. The inflorescence can be up to 3m in length. Above each flower, a thorn grows from the trunk, on which, upon arriving, the main pollinators of the plant - bats - cling. Indeed, everything in this tree is enormous. But the most interesting thing is the fruits. The fruits appear on the trunk after flowers. Gradually, they reach a diameter of 20 cm. This happens within 8-9 months. Then these fruits fall and are shattered with a cannon crash. A bluish liquid flows out of the fruit and does not have a very pleasant smell. By the way, the same noise is produced by the fruits hanging on the trunk when they sway in the wind. It is not for nothing that this tree was called the cannon tree. And about the fruits, they say that the local population eats them.

Earlier, when a white man explored the semi-deserts and steppes of South Africa, he stumbled upon strange plants. These plants were a thorny branch with small leaves cut into many, these leaves did not resemble anything to him, but the flowering of this plant was surprising. The flowers were large, mostly maroon in color. They consisted of a yellow spikelet and a large dark throat that framed this spikelet. It was amorphophallus Cognac.

Amorphophallus Cognac.

Amorphophallus belongs to the Aroid family. If we talk about the whole family, then it is distinguished from the rest by the presence of toxic substances in plant juices. Amorphophallus itself is endemic to southern Africa. Several dozen species grow here. All of them are distinguished by the presence of a tuber, where plants store nutrients for the dry season, the only leaf that appears in spring and dries up in late autumn. The leaf is of a very complex structure, prickly, so it seems that a whole trunk with leaves is growing out of the ground. And fancy flowers. The peduncle appears at the end of winter and gradually opens up. It smells like rotten meat, and therefore only flies and some species of beetles pollinate it. Among amorphophallus there are bizarre amorphophallus cognac, or cognac flower and titanic amorphophallus. The latter has a peduncle height of more than 2 meters, a pharynx 80 cm high, a little less wide. Well, it spreads such a smell that in botanical gardens it is separated by glass from visitors.

When you read all sorts of names of trees, you are amazed at the imaginations of taxonomy botanists. There are a lot of plants, but we must pay tribute to the scientists, they give the exact names. So the tree "Devil's Hand" fully corresponds to this.

Devil's hand.

The devil's hand, or the five-toed tree-hand (Chiranthodendron pentadactylon), belongs to the Sterkuliev family. This tree is native to Mexico, it grows there in tropical rainforests. It grows up to 12m and is very wide. The leaves are "shaggy" with villi somewhat similar to maple, the same five-toed, like the flowers. The most beautiful, and at the same time shocking, are flowers. They are quite large and look like a hand, and the hand of an "unclean" one. The flowers are red in color, and very saturated and consist of five sepals, of which, like from a glass, a hand with slender five fingers peeps out. The correspondence of the petal fingers to the human hand is striking. Each petal is located exactly where a person has a finger. Each petal is crowned with a sharp long "claw". On the back side of each "finger" there are two gold stripes, reminiscent of an unusual signet (ring). Up to a dozen flowers can be found on one branch at once, and chirantodendron blooms very abundantly. Now imagine your walk through the woods with hundreds of unusual, sinister hands on top. Isn't it the plot of a Hollywood horror movie?

It is a pity that such a tree does not like frost very much, otherwise it would be an excellent candidate for greening our cities.

Often our smaller brothers become pioneers in the discovery of new useful and edible plants. They revealed a lot of goodies to our ancestors. This also applies to monkeys. In particular, it was they who pointed out, without realizing it, the usefulness of the Brazil nut and its neighbor in the Amazon forests, a nut under the strange name "monkey pot".

Monkey pot.

So, the “monkey pot” nut, or Lecythis zabucajo, is a tree from the family and genus of the same name. In total, the genus includes about 30 huge trees growing in the forests of Brazil and neighboring countries. Several of these species are distinguished by edible fruits, "nuts". The tree is very decorative, with a chic spreading crown, the leaves are similar to the leaves of our acacia, only with a sharp end. The flowers of the tree are small, light. After pollination, the flowers gradually develop into fruit. And, it is the fruit of the leticis that is the most unusual. It is large, tightly sealed and looks like a wild African bee's nest. That is, it has an oval shape with sharp edges. This shell is very hard and breaks down in a special way. You just can't open it. But, despite this, every self-respecting monkey from an early age knows perfectly well how to open this nut. In the fruit itself, the "nuts" are located so closely that they look like a herring caught in a barrel. Often, monkeys grab a full handful of nuts, and cannot pull them out, the palm gets stuck. This is used by local hunters and thus they catch monkeys. As they say, greed does not lead to good.

The collection of leticis has not yet reached an industrial scale. So far, it is harvested only in the forest in small portions. But, the view is very promising both in terms of decorating city streets and as an agricultural crop.

What trees do not exist in this world! They are both small and huge, and with giant flowers and microscopic fruits, with various forms of leaves, trunks, etc. There are also several types of bottle-type trees. Our next story will be about one of these.

Bottle tree.

Moringa oleifera, Moringa oleifera or horseradish tree (Moringa oleifera) is a tree belonging to the Moringov family. The homeland of the plant is South Africa, where the year is strictly divided into dry winters and rainy summers. The local population loves moringa. It will provide shade in hot weather and perfectly replace spices when cooking. Moringa root is said to taste very much like horseradish root. Hence one of the names - horseradish tree. During the rainy season, moringa begins to accumulate water in its wood. For this, her cells have special reservoirs for water. Therefore, in the dry season, the local population takes water from the moringa. By the way, hence its second name - bottle moringa. There are a few more trees with bottle-like trunks. You can also remember the bottle palm (Hyophorbe verschaffeltii), also called the spindle palm. It grows on islands off the southeastern coast of Africa. All "bottles" were formed in the process of evolution for the accumulation of moisture. Therefore, these trees grow mainly in areas with a long dry season.

Indeed, the variety of trees on our planet is amazing! Many plants are even named for food items. Basically they are so called because of the similarity of the fruits of these plants with sausages, cheeses, and other products. I would like to tell you about such trees.

Sausage tree.

The sausage tree, or kigelia pinnate (Kigelia africana) is a plant from the bignonium family. The tree reaches a height of 15m and has feathery dissected leaves that look like walnut leaves (residents of the southern regions of Russia see this tree alive very often). Kigelia grows in the East of Tropical Africa, where it is an excellent shade-forming agent in dry and hot seasons. The flowers of the sausage tree are very exotic, lilac bells bloom at night, and begin to exude a peculiar aroma. Bats flock to this aroma and pollinate kigelia.

Then the fruits begin to ripen. These are such huge sausages up to half a meter long, gray in color, which hang on huge stalks up to several meters. The weight of such a "sausage" can reach several kilograms. During the ripening of the fruit, it is dangerous under the kigelia. The fruit consists of a very tough peel, inside there is a little pulp with large seeds.

Even the local population does not eat the fruits, they can only be gnawed by elephants and rhinos. But the bark and root of the sausage tree is used as a medicine. They are used to treat constipation, pressure and many other diseases.

Grows on the islands of the Pacific Ocean is still a very interesting and medicinally useful plant, which is known throughout the world as noni, or cheese tree.

Cheese tree.

Cheese tree, noni, Morinda citrifolia, a plant from the Madder family. It is a shrub that can grow to a maximum of 6m, with beautiful large dark green leaves. Noni is home to the islands of the Pacific Ocean, although recently it has rapidly spread throughout the tropical belt of the globe.

Noni's popularity is based on its fruits. Noni blooms with small white fragrant flowers, which gradually turn into white fruits. The fruit smells like parmesan, which is why the plant is called a cheese tree. Since ancient times, the Tahitians and their neighbors have been treated with the fruits of this tree. Scientists have recently discovered a lot of nutrients in noni fruits. True, not everyone can eat them. The specific taste is to blame, as they say "for an amateur". Therefore, recently, juices from the fruit of the cheese tree have become popular. They are used for heart disease, cancer and other serious illnesses. Because of this excitement, noni juice can be purchased at a very high price, but this does not stop the lovers of a healthy lifestyle. It contains a large amount of vitamin C and serves as an excellent antioxidant. Cheesewood is excellent for treating migraines, increases the immune status in HIV diseases, and helps women in labor restore balance in the body.

In addition to the sausage tree, there is also a sausage tree on our planet, even more likely, to be precise, a blue sausage bush. Further, it will be about him.

Sausage tree.

So, the blue sausage tree, or Decaynea fargesii (Decaisnea fargesii) is a shrub reaching 5 meters in height from the Lardizabalov family. This small family is distinguished by an exclusive type of fruit. Decenea herself is named after the French biologist Farge. The shrub is very sprawling, the same length and width with feathery leaves up to 90 cm long. The homeland of the sausage shrub, China and the Eastern Himalayas, belongs to subtropical crops. It blooms in early summer with very interesting greenish-yellow clusters of flowers. After that, strange-looking fruits appear. The fruit of the decenei is similar to blue sausages, reaching 10cm in length, and contains a white, tasty juicy flesh. This pulp is sweet, it is not for nothing that the deceney is so loved in the places where it grows.

Its origin gives hope for the acclimatization of the Decenei in the southern part of our country. At least. On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, it takes root calmly. Well, to distribute it to the north is a matter of the technique of our agronomists. I hope that soon it will be possible to taste blue sausages from the tree in more northern latitudes.

Would you be interested in trying a cucumber not from a vine, as we are used to, but from a tree? What if it tastes better than a simple cucumber? Such a chance exists for someone who ever finds himself in the tropics. It is there that the cucumber tree, or bilimbi, grows.

Cucumber tree.

Cucumber tree, bilimbi, averroa bilimbi (Averrhoa Bilimbi) is a tree from the Kislichny family native to the islands of Indonesia. Its close relative is carambola, or star fruit. Reaches bilimbi 9m high and has a wide, spreading crown. The leaves are very beautiful, feathery, reminiscent of the leaves of the white "acacia" that grows in our country. The flowers are bright red-burgundy, small and consist of 5 petals. Flowers do not appear on the branches, like most trees, but on the main trunk. They smell very aromatic, which attracts many pollinators. Then, fruits appear and gradually begin to grow. The fruits really resemble a cucumber. Moreover, several of these "cucumbers" grow from one point of the trunk. The spectacle is very unique. The fruits taste very sour, it is not for nothing that the plant belongs to the Acid family. They are used in marinades, pickles, added to soups, sauces, salads. They are not actually eaten raw.

And if you and I were on the Isthmus of Panama, which connects South and North America, we would see a lot of outlandish things that the eye from temperate latitudes is not used to. Many bright birds, unusual animals, beautiful orchids and other plants. Another tree grows here, which amazes Europeans with its flowers and fruits. The Spaniards called it the candle tree.


The candle tree, or edible parmentiera (Parmentiera edulis), belongs to the family of bignonium or sausage trees discussed above. Many plants from this family have fruits that look like giant sausages, such as, for example, Kigelia pinnate from Africa. And from a close relative of the edible parmentiera - the parmentiere of the oscillus make oscillations, these are such local dishes. The round fruit of the vibrating tree is cut in half and the pulp and seeds are removed from there. Here are two new plates and you're done.

The edible prmentiera is a fairly large tree with giant, somewhat acacia-like leaves. Flowers whitish with bluish spots are interesting. Some of them reach half a meter, while others are about 10-15 cm. The shape is unique, not like the shape of the flowers of plants from other families. Then, the same huge (sometimes up to 1cm in length) thin yellow "candles" grow. Moreover, they grow directly on the trunk, and do not hang from the branches. It is these candles that the local population eats. The pulp inside the fruit is very similar to our apple, only sweeter. Eat mostly raw, sometimes added to salads and other dishes.

Lily of the valley tree.

When you read names like the one above, a huge tree that is dotted with flowers, in this case a lily of the valley, immediately comes to mind, but this is not the case.

Idesia, or lily of the valley (Idesia polycarpa) belongs to the Flakurtiev family, rich in fruit trees. The tree reaches 7 meters in height. Its leaves are similar to linden leaves, the crown is spreading, the bark is light brown. Japan is considered to be the birthplace of the prolific Idesia. From there, Idesia came to China, and began to be cultivated in gardens and parks. The flowers do not look like lilies of the valley at all, they look much more modest. In the inflorescences there are several dozen small, less than 1 cm in diameter, flowers with greenish petals, but the smell of flowers is similar to the smell of the beloved May flower by many, hence the name - lily of the valley tree.

In recent years, the lily of the valley tree has become more and more popular in Europe. Nowadays, you can often find this wonderful plant in the alleys and in the parks of various European cities. In our country, it can be found in botanical gardens on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The tree is very promising for planting it in the parks of our southern cities.

But not only the lily of the valley tree can be found in the botanical gardens of the Crimea and Sochi. A tree with fruits similar to strawberries, which you immediately want to pick and eat, is striking in its unusualness. About him and will go further.


The strawberry tree, or large-fruited strawberry (Arbutus unedo) grows in the Mediterranean. That is, a little further south than our Black Sea coast. It belongs to the Heather family. The plant is ancient, therefore it has a very interesting look. The trunk is wide, but not round, like most trees, but with protrusions that turn into branches of roots at the soil surface. The crown is wide, irregular in shape. One tree can have several trunks at once. This happens when a large branch is gradually buried in the ground and takes root there. The bark is reddish gray. The leaves are small, oval. Small pink flowers are collected in erect panicles. The lifespan and growth rate of arbutus are striking. At 40 years old, this tree grows only up to 5m, and there are thousand-year-old specimens. Fruits, a kind of strawberries in red clusters appear at the end of summer. They are considered edible, although in principle they are not eaten, since there are many more delicious things in this world.

The coat of arms of Madrid depicts a bear devouring the fruit of a strawberry. This plant is considered a symbol of the Spanish capital. Here is such a strawberry he is. If you are in the south, be sure to look at this miracle of nature.

And who in childhood has not dreamed of a candy tree? Who at least once in his life did not want to pluck various goodies and sweets from the miracle tree? However, this is not really a dream, but a reality. There is a candy tree in the world.

Candy tree.

Hovenia sweet, or candy tree (Hovenia dulcis) - a tree from the Krushinov family reaches a height of 20m. The homeland of Hovenia is considered to be the Japanese islands and the islands of Southeast Asia. This plant was discovered by Dutch seafarers and is named after the Dutch senator David Hoven. The crown is wide, gives a lot of shade, the leaves are large, glossy dark green elliptical, tapering to a sharp end. The flower is interesting. It is small, cream-colored and blooms in July. The most exotic and decorative in hovenia is the fruit. Rather, not even the fruit itself, but the stalk on which it is located. It is long, oddly curved, brown in color. This stalk can be eaten, it is very sweet, because the concentration of fructose is almost 40%. She resembles unusual sweets made from milk chocolate. But the fruits themselves are tasteless, dry in consistency and contain one bone. Often, the stalks of the candy tree are dried and get a dried fruit that resembles our raisins. Here is such a fabulous tree growing on our planet.

This is where I want to end my trip to different parts of the world. All trees are unique and unique! Therefore, let's take care of nature and take care of it! Then nature will thank us doubly!

Based on materials from free sources.

List of green fruits that you can find anywhere. Some fruits are well known, and some are known only in places of rest, in resorts. Others are not known at all to ordinary people. But these fruits have one thing in common - they are all green.

Of course, some fruits can have a different color, for example, yellow, orange, red, etc., but this already depends on the type and type of fruit and the ripening time.

It is a fruit that looks more like a vegetable than a fruit. Avocado pulp is very rich in vitamins. You can find out more about him.

Annona scaly, sugar apple

Fruits are 5-10 centimeters in diameter. The skin is covered with scales. The pulp has a sweet taste. The seeds are poisonous.

This fruit has a very soft flesh. It is edible. Different products are made from the fruit. The seeds are poisonous. Distributed in the tropics.

A pineapple


Everyone knows this fruit. You can find out more about him.


Everyone knows this fruit. You can find out more about him.

The flesh of a white sapota is juicy, with a sour taste. The fruit is like an apple. They are eaten raw. Grows in the subtropics.


Delicious berries that are well known in post-Soviet countries.

Vawanga berries are small in size 5x4.5 centimeters. Ripe wawanga has a sweet and sour taste. Voavanga is grown in warm countries, mainly in tropical Africa.

Guava fruits are eaten raw. Also, various products are prepared from them. Guava berries range in size from 4 to 12 centimeters. Today guaya is grown in the subtropics and subtropics. There are so many different varieties that differ in many ways.

This fruit has enormous fruits. It can weigh up to 25 kilograms. The taste of jackfruit is peculiar with a fresh sweet taste. A sweet smell emanates from it.

Durian is an unforgettable fruit or "The King of Fruits". You can read a detailed article about durian.

Cainito, the star apple

Cainito berries reach sizes up to 10 centimeters. Cainito grows in warm countries. It mainly grows in Central and South America. Eat its pulp with a spoon. The crust is inedible.

Carambola fruit in cross-section resembles a star, and this is why it is mostly remembered. You need to eat carambola with caution, because there are contraindications to some types of diseases.

Coconut palm

Everyone knows what a coconut is. Fresh coconut is green in color. A wide variety of foods are made from coconut. Juice is drunk from unripe coconut by making a hole in the coconut. Not only drupe is used, but all parts. For example, wine, vodka, vinegar, syrup and sugar are made from the juice of a palm tree. Coconut grows in the tropics around the world.

Corilla, cyclanter

It is a climbing tree up to 5 meters long. Berries are up to 23x7 centimeters in size. The pulp is juicy with a pleasant taste similar to a cucumber. Grows in the tropics in the mountains and subtropics.


Lucuma tree up to 15 meters high. Delight berries are similar to tomatoes, with a diameter of 10 centimeters. The pulp is not very juicy, but it tastes sweet. Harvested ripe fruits are kept for several days and then only eaten. Grows in South and Central America.

Mango is one of the most delicious fruits. Each variety has its own unique taste. You can read more about it.

Passion fruit

Passion fruit is mostly brown in color, but there are also greenish varieties. It grows all over the world in the tropics and subtropics. You can read in more detail.

Momordica, bitter cucumber

Momordica is a climbing plant. Cucumber-like fruits are harvested in an unripe green form. When the fruit is ripe, it turns bright yellow or orange. It is more of a vegetable than a fruit. The fruits are bitter, they are first processed and only then food is prepared. The sap of the plant is poisonous when raw. This fruit grows in Russia, follow the link and find out where. Grows all over the world with warm climates.

This is a small tree up to 6 meters. Fruits up to 15 centimeters in size. Unripe fruits are eaten raw, they do not taste very good. Grows in the tropical zone.

Papeda is a tree up to 12 meters high. Papeda fruits are 7 centimeters in diameter. The pulp of the fruit has a sour or bitter taste. It looks like lime. Grown in South and Southeast Asia.

Pomelo tree up to 15 meters high. Fruits can be up to 50 centimeters in diameter. The fruit does not taste bitter, even pleasant. Grows in the tropics and subtropics.

This tree is up to 20 meters high. The fruits are 15 centimeters in diameter, they are very tasty. This fruit is considered to be one of the best tropical fruits. Grows in Central and South America.

The plant reaches a height of 3-8 meters. The fruit reaches sizes up to 25x5 centimeters. The pulp tastes like peas. Grows in Central America.

Closely related to chayote. The fruits are not big. It tastes like a cucumber. Cooked like vegetables.

Pumpkin tree, woody calabash

The tree reaches a height of 10 meters. Fruits are round up to 40 centimeters in size. The pulp of young fruits is pickled in vinegar. The seeds are fried and eaten. Fresh fruits cannot be eaten, they are poisoned. Grows in Central America. Previously, utensils were made from shells, but now plastic has replaced it.

Philippine Rose Apple

The tree reaches a height of 40 meters. Fruits with a diameter of 6 centimeters. The fruit is eaten raw and cooked. Grows in the Philippines and Southeast Asia.

The fruit of this plant is similar to durian. The fruits are delicious and are considered a staple food in the tropics. Grows in the tropics.

Chayote, Mexican cucumber

Chayote is a climbing plant up to 20 meters. The berries reach a length of 7 to 20 centimeters. The pulp is like a cucumber. It is used all over the world as a vegetable, in tropical and subtropical areas.

Cherimoya, annona cherimola

Distributed throughout the mountainous regions of the tropics, in subtropical and Mediterranean climates. This fruit has an exquisite taste. It is eaten cut in two and the inner flesh is eaten with a spoon. The seeds are poisonous. Various dishes and products are made from cherimoya.

Black sapote or black persimmon

A tree up to 25 meters high. The berry is similar to a tomato, 10x13 centimeters in size. Has a mild sweetish nutty taste. Grows in tropical countries.

Jackfruit is the largest fruit with a long history of cultivation in tropical regions of Asia. The fruit is elongated and can reach colossal sizes - 90-100 cm in length and 50 cm in thickness, and weigh up to 40 kg, leading among all fruits growing on trees.

The tree that bears such gigantic fruits is called artocarpus varifolia (Artocarpusheterophyllus) and belongs to the tribe of the Arktocarpus family of the Mulberry family (Moraceae), including 15 genera and about 100 plant species.

English name Jackfruit comes from Portuguese Jaca which originates from the Malayalam Chakka(round). But in almost every region, this fruit has its own name.

The alleged place of origin of the varifolia artocarpus is the tropical forests of India, the Western Ghats, where it is in third place in terms of nutritional value after mangoes and bananas. Archaeological finds show that it was grown here 3-6 millennia ago. Most likely, from here, the migrating population brought it to the east, to the islands of the Malay archipelago, and spread it throughout the Indo-Malaysian floristic kingdom. Ancient Greeks and Romans knew about him. Artocarpus was mentioned by Theophrastus even before our era, and Pliny wrote at the beginning of the era.

Artocarpus varifolia reaches a height of 15-20 m. It is an evergreen plant with a straight, columnar trunk, powerful board-like roots and whole oval leaves up to 10-15 cm long. Unisexual capitate inflorescences consist of small, inconspicuous flowers, devoid of a perianth. Male inflorescences are lost among the foliage on thin twigs. Larger-flowered female inflorescences form only on the trunk (this phenomenon is called caulifloria) and the thickest branches (ramifloria). Male flowers attract pollinators with the sweet smell of honey and burnt sugar. Sticky pollen is carried not only by the wind and insects - flies and bees, but also by lizards who love to feast on fragrant flowers. Flies are suspected of symbiosis with this plant, because, in addition to pollination, they feed and reproduce in fallen inflorescences rotting on the ground. On industrial plantations, a person interested in the harvest also joined in pollination. More than 200 fruits can be obtained from one tree, the total weight of which exceeds half a ton.

The formation of fruits (or rather, infructescence) from the overgrown parts of the flower, its appendages and the axis of the receptacle is stretched in time and can last from 3 to 8 months. At first, the green thorny peel, which looks like an armadillo shell, turns yellow and slightly brown, and the thorns cease to be prickly. Fully ripe jackfruit emits a light sweetish aroma of rotten onion, which often spoils the impression upon first acquaintance. This smell is typical for fruits distributed in nature by mammals. The fruits are readily eaten by monkeys and noses, at the same time settling the seeds.

Almost all parts of jackfruit are edible, but their taste is diametrically different. The rough, lumpy peel, formed from the peripheral parts of the perianths, is firmly glued with milky juice and is difficult to separate. Sticky latex stains hands and dishes that are not easy to clean. However, it is worth the pain to try what is hidden inside.

Successfully peeling off the rind reveals a delicious golden yellow flesh. It has a pleasant aroma and rich taste, reminiscent of a mixture of melon, pineapple, mango, papaya and banana at the same time, more than compensating for the initial unpleasant olfactory impression. The soft, juicy lobules formed by the overgrown perianths are composed of sweet slippery fibers and represent the most delicious part of the fruit. The consistency of the pulp resembles raw oysters, but there is another variety of jackfruit, with a denser, crunchy pulp. It is these fruits that are the largest and have the greatest commercial value, although they are not so sweet. There are varieties that occupy an intermediate position.

Jackfruit pulp is very nutritious, contains up to 40% starch - more than bread, and is a valuable source of fiber. Rich in vitamin A, phosphorus, calcium and sulfur. However, you should not be zealous with its use, since the pulp has a laxative effect. However, this is unlikely to work out, since jackfruits are exported, not exceeding 3-5 kg ​​in weight.

Each slice of pulp is surrounded by a light brown egg-shaped seed, up to 3 cm long. Rich in carbohydrates and proteins, the seeds have a chestnut flavor. Like nuts they are called jacknuts and eaten raw, boiled and fried. Dishes made from them taste like legumes. But the most appreciated are seedless varieties, because choosing hundreds of seeds is quite laborious. The space between the pulp lobules is filled with a fibrous tissue called rags(rag, flap). These fibers are formed from the perianths of non-pollinated flowers and are an exceptional gelling component for jams.

In national cuisines, ripe jackfruits are used to prepare salads, desserts, and liqueurs. In India and Sri Lanka, pulp is often used as a substitute for meat in curries. Canned jackfruits in syrup are sold, as well as dried and frozen. Unripe fruits are knitted and are not edible in their raw state, they are treated as with vegetables - they are boiled, steamed, stewed, baked, fried in a pan and grilled. This nutritious and relatively cheap fruit, often referred to as “poor bread”, has become a national symbol of Bangladesh.

The nutritional qualities of jackfruit were not always appreciated because of the specific smell. So, in Sri Lanka, the varifolia artocarpus is still grown more for the sake of soft, durable and beautiful golden wood, which is used in construction, for the manufacture of furniture, various joinery and musical instruments. In the Philippines, it is used to make the body of an instrument called kutiyapi, like a lute, and in India - a stringed instrument veena and drums mridangam and kangira.

But for the peoples of Southeast Asia (primarily Thailand) and the Philippines, jackfruit has become almost native, here it settled several centuries ago and won the name savory(support, help). One way or another, the Thais use all parts of the plant. The fruits are widely used in local cuisine, wood - in construction, roots, unripe fruits and herbal teas from the leaves - in folk medicine. High-quality glue is made from latex, which is found in all parts of the plant. By the way, the presence of latex is the prerogative of mulberries and only some nettles. Thanks to the close relatives of the jackfruit from the mulberry family - elastic castile (Castilla elastica) and castile rubber (Castilla ulei) the name "rubber" was born. Of these, an elastic substance was mined on an industrial scale, somewhat inferior in quality to rubber from Brazilian hevea. (Hevea brasiliensis) belonging to the euphorbia family.

The copper-colored jackfruit, which the Thais consider a magical metal, is credited with the properties of a talisman that protects from wounds; trees are planted next to houses. A century ago, Thais traded in a yellow dye for fabrics, which was produced from the peel of the fruit and the core of the jackfruit wood. It is to him that the famous clothes of Buddhist monks owe their ocher color.

Artocarpus varifolia is also grown in the countries of East Africa, in some places it has naturalized even in Northern Brazil and Suriname.

Acquaintance with this interesting plant for us is limited to its nutritional benefits. But if you want to have this Thai amulet in your tropical greenhouse, remember that the seeds, separated from the pulp, remain viable for only a few days.

Traveling abroad implies acquaintance not only with gorgeous landscapes and culture. Outlandish overseas fruits and unusual berries will help you create a complete taste picture of your location. It is easier to choose the one you like from the variety of offers with the help of the description.


It is considered to be a fruit. It tastes more like a vegetable, namely a pumpkin with notes of unripe pear with a nutty undertone. Ripeness is determined by the degree of softness. It has a large bone inside. The peel is not edible. Sizes up to 20 centimeters. The soft, oily flesh is eaten raw. Butchering involves removing the skin and bone. You can try in Vietnam, India, Cuba, Dominican Republic


Visually similar to a red-yellow or orange pear. Ripe fruits (unripe poisonous) are used thermally processed, with a taste reminiscent of a walnut. Maturity is determined by the opening of the fruit - the ripe bursts, and the pulp protrudes outward. It is offered to enjoy in Brazil, Jamaica, Hawaii.


Has the shape of an oval golden color. Grows in clusters. Tough rind on the outside, hard spiny bone on the inside. The pulp is sweet, juicy, with a taste with mango and pineapple notes. Growing places: India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the Philippines.


The taste cannot be compared with those sold in Russia - juicy, fleshy, sweet and sour fruits with a bright aroma. Sizes from average apple to familiar to us. You should choose pineapple of medium hardness - the pulp will certainly be tasty. It will be possible to remove a sample in Brazil, China, the Philippines.

Bail (Wood Apple)

Fruit with a tough skin. Only a hammer will help to divide it in half. On sale it is more often presented cut. The pulp with villi, yellow in color, irritates the throat. It will be on sale in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka.

Bam balan

The taste of the fruit resembles borsch with mayonnaise and sour cream. The smell is specific. Cleaning consists in removing the crust. They can offer a curiosity on the island of Borneo from the Malaysian side.

Banana pink

Miniature species up to 8 centimeters in size with a thick skin. The skin of ripe pink bananas bursts to reveal a pulp with many seeds. An unpretentious plant that can be grown even at home. Distributed throughout many warm countries.


Berry with a black color and a neutral taste (neither sweet nor sour), similar to lingonberry. Outwardly, it resembles blueberries. There is an opportunity to try in the countries of the northern hemisphere - Korea, Japan, Canada, USA, China and even Russia.

Eye of the Dragon

Round brown fruit. The inside of the skin and bone is not edible. The consistency is jelly-like, transparent white. The taste is bright and sweet. High calorie content. If consumed excessively, the temperature may rise. You can buy it in Thailand, China, Cambodia, Vietnam.

Strawberry guava (Cattleya)

Fruits are yellow to red in color. The size reaches a diameter of 4 centimeters. Juicy, sweet guavas with a strawberry aroma - exotic fruits of India, Africa, Bermuda, America.

Guanabana (sour cream apple)

Fruit weighing from 3 to 7 kilograms. The shape is round, oval. The green surface of the soursop is covered with processes in the form of soft bells. Inside it is white, soft, with a taste reminiscent of sour citro. The ripe fruit is pressed with a finger. You can eat in the Bahamas, Mexico, Peru, Argentina.


Fruits that grow on poles and branches. Grows in clusters. Outwardly they look like black grapes. The skin is bitter and unusable. The pulp is similar to transparent jelly, sweet, with seeds. Grows in Brazil, Argentina, Panama, Cuba, Peru.


A large green fruit, weighing up to 34 kilograms. It should be purchased already cut. The yellow slices taste like melon and duchess. Possible allergic reaction and difficulty swallowing. The symptom goes away after a few hours. It grows in Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand.


The king of fruits. Has a specific smell of a mixture of onions, garlic and dirty socks. The pulp is soft, sweet and healthy. You should buy cut slices. The whole durian grows to a large size and is covered with thorns. Due to the smell, it is forbidden to eat in public places and transport in transport. You can taste the wonder in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia.

Imbe (African mango)

Exotic tree with orange fruits. The size is small - up to 3 centimeters. The taste is bright, rich, sweet and sour. Has a coloring effect. You can try it in Africa.


The fruit is pear-shaped and blue-violet in color. Weight ranges from 80 grams and 8 centimeters in diameter. The peel can be eaten. The taste is juicy, watery, reminiscent of strawberries with an admixture of black currants. You can eat in the Mediterranean countries, Crimea and Central Asia.

Spanish lime (Giseps)

It looks like the usual lime only in shape. It looks light green, the peel is not edible, the inside is pleasantly sweet with a bone. You can eat by removing the tip of the peel and squeezing. Found in Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia.


Star-shaped yellow-green fruit. Has a smooth edible skin. The taste is bright, with hints of a flower, similar to an apple. There are seeds inside that are edible. You can see it on the shelves of Thailand and Indonesia.


The oblong fruit is bright yellow in color. The ripe fruit is covered with yellow-orange horns and bright green inside. In cut, it looks like a cucumber. The taste is a combination of melon, avocado, banana and cucumber. The pulp is eaten by cutting the fruit like a watermelon. You can try in New Zealand, Africa, Chile, Israel.


Looks like hairy potatoes on the outside and gooseberries on the inside. Size up to 80 grams and 7 centimeters. The flesh ranges from yellow to green with edible black seeds. You should choose soft, even fruits. The taste is similar to strawberry. Cultivation countries: Chile, Italy, Greece, Krasnodar region of Russia.


Round, large fruit, reaching 3 kilograms. According to the degree of maturity, it is divided into young and overripe. Young coconut has a tender skin, juicy pulp and milk / juice inside the shell. Overripe coconuts have a fleecy surface, a cloudy liquid inside and a hard inside. The latter are found in the countries of origin. Growing countries: Thailand, Vietnam, India.


Exotic fruits of China are predominantly. Small citrus fruits 2-4 centimeters long. They have inedible bones inside. They are eaten with the peel. The taste is similar to orange, but more sour. You can also try in Japan and Southeast Asia.


Melon-shaped fruit. Covered with a red-brown hard crust. The inside is white, sweet and sour with seeds. The most delicious is the fruit that has left the tree itself. The trees are located in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia.


Fruit in the form of a cucumber on the outside and corn on the inside. The ripe color of the fruit is bright yellow. Inside is a fiery orange pulp. The taste is juicy, sweet, with sour notes. Contains a lot of water. Grows in Bolivia, Uruguay, Colombia, Argentina.


It is similar in appearance to longan, but has a brighter taste and smell. Ripe lychee has a red rind. The transparent smooth pulp has a sweet taste. Contains inedible bone. Where to eat: China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand.


Outwardly, it resembles a longan. It is distinguished by a larger size and a yellowish color of the peel. The delicacy inside is similar in shape to garlic. The taste is specific, sweet and sour. The peel is inedible, but healthy. You can find it in the markets of Thailand.

Magic fruit

Guest from West Africa. Small red fruits are 2-3 centimeters tall and grow on trees. They have a bone inside. The magic of the fruit lies in the ability to retain the sweetness of the taste for a long time. Lemons eaten after the delicacy, grapefruit will also seem sweet.

Mameya (Mammeya)

Similar to apricot in the form and taste of the pulp. Larger in size - up to 20 centimeters in diameter. The peel is light brown. The berry has one to four seeds. The flavor goes into mango. Location: Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela.


A popular large fruit in tropical countries. It is better to cut the fruit with a knife - remove the skin and bone. The color of the fruit changes with the degree of ripeness - from green to orange-red. The palate contains notes of melon, rose, peach and apricot. Growing countries: Myanmar, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam.


Outwardly it resembles a persimmon, only the color is dark purple. The skin is thick and inedible. Inside - garlic cloves with a unique sweet and sour taste. The ripe fruit is firm and free of dents. The juice of the mangosteen peel is not washed off. Sample locations: Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand.

Passion fruit

Fruits of various colors from yellow to purple. The size is 8 centimeters in diameter. Ripe fruits are covered with wrinkled skin. The pulp is the same iridescent depending on the variety, similar to sweet and sour jelly with seeds. It is an aphrodisiac. It grows in Vietnam, India, Cuba and the Dominican Republic.


The fruit is elongated. The peel is covered with thorns, the degree of maturity is determined by their hardness. Inside are white fruits with a stone. The flavor ranges from sweet ice cream to light marshmallow. Perishable, not subject to transportation. Grows in Australia, Malaysia and the Philippines.


Fermented perishable fruit. The effect also affects animals. Fruits are small, yellow, with a stone. Fresh with a light aroma and not sweet in taste. You can meet only in Africa.


Small fruits of yellow, orange and red shades. They grow up to 5 centimeters. The thin skin conceals transparent slices of fresh sweet taste. The fruit's bone is bitter and firmly attached to the pulp. You can find it in India, China, Thailand, Vietnam.


Sunny orange small fruit with brown seeds. Unripe tastes like persimmon - tart and viscous. Ripe has the aroma and taste of blueberries. Home of the fruit: Egypt, Dominican Republic, Crimea, Abkhazia, southern Russia.


A fruit shaped like cherry tomatoes. The hairy fruit goes through stages from green to bright orange in maturity. Taste - strawberry-pineapple with notes of mango. Grows in Panama, Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica.

Noina (sugar apple)

A fruit that is about the size of a medium apple and looks like a green cone. The internal component is soft, sweet, pleasant to the taste. Butchering is difficult due to uneven, inedible skin. The maturity of the fruit is determined by its softness. But do not be zealous - the fruit is fragile and may fall apart when checked. Place of growth - Thailand.


The fruit is shaped like a convex green potato. The smell of the fruit is specific - rotten cheese with mold. The taste is not happy - bitter. But at home, it is considered very useful and healing. Noni is the staple of the diet of the poor in Southeast Asia. You can meet in Australia and Malaysia.


Fruit in the shape of a cylinder. Color from unripe green to mature yellow-orange. The size reaches 20 centimeters. It is more convenient to buy a cut. The taste is a melon-pumpkin mixture. Places of cultivation: Bali, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia.


Exotic fruits from Egypt. Large - up to 700 grams. Painted in different shades of yellow with lilac stripes. Inside are seeds that are edible. Ripe fruit should be chosen - it is tender, soft, with a melon note. The peel is removed - it is possible, but unpleasant to eat. You can also try in Peru, Turkey, New Zealand.


Oblong fruit of bright color (pink, burgundy, yellow). The surface is scaly. You can peel like a grapefruit or cut and eat with a spoon. Inside, the pulp is transparent, white or reddish, sprinkled with small grains. Grows in Sri Lanka, Philippines, Malaysia, China, Vietnam.


Small brown fruits up to 13 centimeters in diameter. Inside they have a few grains that are not suitable for consumption. The inside is white with a tropical taste and aroma. Used as a base for sorbet and jelly. Habitat: Paraguay, Colombia, Brazil.


A citrus hybrid of orange and grapefruit. Has a large size, reaching up to 10 kilograms. The rind is thick, fleshy, green. The pulp is in filmy slices that are bitter. The taste is less juicy than grapefruit. Ripe should be chosen for its bright citrus scent. You can eat in Tahiti, India, China, Japan.


The fleecy fruit is reddish-purple in color. You can open it by twisting it with both hands in different directions. Transparent inside, with a bright taste. Unprocessed grains are poisonous. Ripeness directly depends on the brightness of the fruit color. They will be offered to buy in the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Thailand.

Hand of Buddha (Citron)

Handsome on the outside and uninteresting on the inside. The unusual shape of the fruit resembles a hand with many fingers. But 70 percent of the fruit consists of a peel, 30 percent - of a bitter sour pulp. It is actively used in culinary arts. You can admire the curiosity in India, Japan, Vietnam, China.


Convex brown fruit with small, spiny projections. It is advisable to clean with a knife. The inside is divided into 3 parts with a bright sweet pear persimmon flavor. Parameters - up to 5 centimeters. Grows in Malaysia, Thailand.


It has a pear shape and an uneven brown color. The peel is inedible and needs to be removed. The pulp is white with a bright mangosteen flavor. Seeds have a laxative effect and are used as needed. Grows in Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines.


Small fruit with a thin matte skin. Fruit size is 10 centimeters and 200 grams. Taste - milk caramel, causes viscosity in the mouth. It is not recommended to use sunflower seeds. Grows in Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Hawaii.

Sugar palm (Cambodian palm)

"Female" trees bear fruit. The fruit pulp is packed far inside, transparent white. It has refreshing properties. It is the basis for Thai sweet ice. Distributed in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines.

Plum Natal

The fruits of this tree are the only part of the bush that does not harm people. Branches and leaves are unusable and contain poison. Plums are bright pink with a wrinkled texture and a sweet taste. Suitable for use in baking as a filling. Homeland - South Africa.


The berry is in the form of an oval with dimensions up to 5 centimeters in diameter. Skin color options: yellow, burgundy, purple. The peel is harmful to health, it is peeled off with a knife. Currant taste with notes of tomato. The smell is bright fruit. Located in Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile.


Outwardly, it resembles a bean pod with a light brown skin. It is used in the preparation of sweets and sauces for meat. The pulp is dark brown in color with a spicy sweet and sour taste. Has bones. You can try in Sudan, Thailand, Cameroon, Australia, Panama.


Green fruit with a ponytail on top. Weight reaches 45 grams, up to 5 centimeters in size. The rind is thin with an ambiguous taste, sour and causes a viscous mouth. It is recommended to peel the fruit from the skin or cut it in half and eat with a spoon. The color of the pulp varies from cream to burgundy (the latter indicates the spoilage of the product). The taste is fresh, tropical, with notes of strawberry. Grows in South America, Georgia, Abkhazia, the Caucasus.


The unripe fruit serves as a source of nutrition for the inhabitants of African countries. It tastes like bread when cooked. Ripe fruits have a pleasant sweetness similar to banana. The size is large, up to 3.5 kilograms. It is recommended to purchase cut. There is an opportunity to take a sample in Southeast Asia.

Chrysophyllum (Star apple)

The fruit is oval in shape with the skin color in the tone of the pulp - soft green or lilac. The flesh is sticky, sweet, the consistency of jelly with bones like an apple. Cut like a star. It is recommended to eat only ripe fruits. Where it grows: India, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia.


A relative of the pitaya, round and with a smooth surface. Inside is juicy transparent watery pulp with seeds. The taste is tropical, bright, sweet. Eat by cutting in half with a spoon. The peel is not good for food. Grown on the plantations of Israel.


The surface of the fruit may be green or not bumpy. The pulp is similar in structure to an orange, but includes the flavors of mango, banana, strawberry with notes of ice cream. Contains tough, inedible grains. Habitat: Asian countries, Israel, Algeria, Australia, Spain.

Black Sapot (Chocolate Pudding)

A variety of persimmons are dark green in color. The pulp takes on an almost black color with brown seeds. Chocolate pudding taste, sweet and bright. The size reaches 13 centimeters in length. The homeland of the product is Guatemala, Brazil, Southern Mexico.


The shape is similar to bell pepper. The light ranges from green to red. White flesh inside. The taste is sweet, watery. Good thirst quencher. It is not subject to cleaning, it has no seeds. Grows in Sri Lanka, Colombia, India, Thailand.


Small fruits up to 6 centimeters. Smooth, green with brown spots. I have a sweet apple flavor and a tropical aroma. Delicious fruit - firm, not tough. The peel is edible, the stone is not. Found in Japan, China, Thailand, the Caucasus.

In the areas where Jackfruit grows, because of its incredible nutritional value and satiety, it is often called bread for the poor. This giant is originally from India, but grows in many countries. I have seen it on sale more than once, but I decided to try it for the first time while traveling in Vietnam.

Jackfruit is the largest tree fruit in the world. On sale, I mainly met "pigs" weighing up to 5 to 11 kg, but in general, its weight can reach 50 kg.

It is used both ripe and unripe. It is so huge that it is worth contacting it yourself. All the more so, when the section of this miracle of nature has its own subtleties, which it is better not to neglect. The fact is that the peel contains a very sticky juice, which is extremely difficult to wash (including from hands). When self-cutting, it is best to protect your hands with latex gloves or lubricate with oil. Better yet, entrust the process to local sellers, they deal with the jackfruit and very skillfully extract the cherished slices from it. She looked at the hands of the cutters and was horrified. Moreover, it will not be possible to wash it with soap or handy means.

You need to choose the yellowest and most perfumed jackfruit, then it will be the sweetest. An unripe fruit is only suitable for use in the preparation of various dishes as a vegetable (stew, boil, fry).

Jetfruit peel slightly resembles Durian in appearance - the same green and rough. But jetfruit, firstly, is much larger in size, and secondly, the convex growths are still not thorns and do not prick. When peeling, the peel has an unappetizing smell, so do not sniff it. But the edible slices, on the contrary, smell more than appetizing. Their aroma is like candy or even gum (of course not mint).

Now, almost everywhere where jackfruit grows, you can buy a fruit already cut into slices, which is neatly packed in a tray and covered with foil. But I would still advise that the fruit be cut in front of you. Only then can you be sure of freshness and taste. Dead cut jackfruit can taste dry or even bitter.

Slices of Jetfruit are yellow, of an interesting irregularly elongated shape and, as it were, consist of fibers. There is one large bone inside each lobule. There is not much juice, but it is by no means dry.

It tastes sweet and satisfying. The little pot that we ate together in the photo and he replaced us with a full meal, that is, we did not eat anything either before or after. It was amazing. Okay me, but a grown man was fed up with a few pieces of wonder fruit. Truly a breadfruit.

I liked the taste, but seemed a little unusual, rather because of the consistency, because it is more usual when a lot of juice is released from the fruit when biting and chewing. In consistency, the slices are quite elastic, but not crunchy. Aromatic and pleasant to the taste. If I try to explain what it looks like, then I would say this: a pleasant satisfying sweetness with an admixture of aroma and taste of fruit gum (banana-pineapple aroma).

Have bought it several times. We tried to eat jackfruit with ice cream, salad and even meat. All options turned out to be good. I also advise you to try candies and chips made from jetfruit, the aroma and taste in them is preserved like that of a fresh fruit.

Output: It is better not to get involved in cutting the whole fruit, let it be done for you (but in your presence). I liked the taste, aroma and everything else, I consider the acquaintance to be successful. I recommend trying it, but it still falls short of 5 points.
