What does kefir with cinnamon and ginger do? Ginger and cinnamon for weight loss - lethal force against excess weight

Almost every young woman dreams of losing a little weight, adjusting her figure, getting rid of excess weight. A variety of methods are used for this: from exhausting physical exercise to the most strict diets.

However, using the most common and affordable products, you can lose a little weight by adjusting your diet, eliminating foods that are harmful to your figure and health. You can cope with excess weight if you introduce kefir with cinnamon and ginger and red pepper into your diet for weight loss.

Kefir and other dairy products in combination with spices and hot pepper have an excellent effect on the figure, helping to gently and effectively get rid of fat deposits. But not everyone knows how this technique works and how to use it correctly by introducing a fat-burning drink into the diet. Let's consider the principle of action and the scheme for using kefir with spices.

It has been known for a long time that fermented milk products in combination with spices and seasonings have a fantastic effect on body shaping. Kefir with herbs and spices is the most popular fat-burning product.

Almost immediately with the start of the course of treatment, metabolism in the body improves, which means weight loss begins, the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed and waste and toxins are eliminated.

In addition, kefir has the following effects on the body:

  • Thanks to kefir, digestion improves;
  • The gastrointestinal tract and intestines are gently cleansed of accumulated toxins and waste;
  • There is a general normalization of stool;
  • The product is quite filling and nutritious, low in calories;
  • A mild diuretic, which leads to the removal of excess fluid from the body and the subsidence of swelling, including in the internal organs.

Kefir is incredibly useful for people with weakened immune systems, and with regular use, the body's protective properties increase.

Read also: Consuming cinnamon, turmeric and ginger for weight loss

Properties of ginger

Fragrant and spicy ginger has been very popular since ancient times due to its fat-burning properties. In addition, it gently cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, and it is thanks to these unique qualities that ginger is included in many drinks for figure correction.

Thanks to essential oils and special components in its composition, the healing root activates metabolic processes in the body. As a result, digestion and absorption are normalized, and further digestion of lunch or dinner occurs faster and more correctly. Due to the fact that the body's metabolism accelerates, natural and gentle weight loss occurs.

A little about cinnamon and hot red pepper

These spices have long been recognized as effective fat-burning spices. For example, cinnamon actively reduces sugar and glucose in the blood.

FOR INFORMATION! To achieve even more visible results when consuming spiced kefir, try to include fiber from fruits and vegetables in your menu. During the course, limit your consumption of fatty and fried foods and baked goods as much as possible.

Spices speed up weight loss processes. They reduce appetite, thereby reducing the total calorie content of food consumed per day. Although red pepper can have a negative effect on the digestive system, thanks to kefir, its aggressive effects are softened. That is why, before drinking a weight loss cocktail, you must take into account that it is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal diseases, or should be used with extreme caution.

Simple and tasty diet recipes

To correct your figure by a couple of centimeters, you can introduce a fat-burning drink based on kefir and spices into your diet. Kefir and ginger for weight loss will allow you to see noticeable results almost at the initial stage of use.

You will need kefir with a fat content of 0.5 -1%, a small piece of ginger, a little cinnamon and a generous pinch of red pepper.

Ginger needs to be grated on the finest grater. You can squeeze only the juice out of it, or add it to kefir along with cinnamon and pepper in the form of a cake.

INTERESTING! You can experiment and try an interesting technique. First, drink the drink before meals, and then after and note what exactly will give a noticeable result.

Kefir with herbs and spices is drunk in small portions to satisfy hunger, or, for example, as an afternoon snack. If you cannot find low-fat kefir, you can use regular kefir, first diluting it with still mineral water.

Read also: Effective weight loss with ginger diet

If there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then in order to quickly lose excess weight and reduce your waist size, you can follow a kefir diet with spices for several days. In this case, it is recommended to reduce the amount of pepper per serving, but on the contrary, increase the dose of cinnamon and ginger. Throughout the day you can drink up to 4-5 glasses of the drink. If you are hungry, you can eat a portion of boiled unsalted rice with lemon juice.

If you don’t like the taste of the drink, you can add a little liquid honey for sweetness; in this case, drinking the drink will be much easier.

YOU SHOULD KNOW! Under no circumstances should kefir be replaced with another fermented milk drink. It is advisable that the product be low-fat, ideally it is a 0% product. The drink must be drunk immediately after preparation.

Kefir and ginger for weight loss, the recipe of which is very simple to prepare, does not take much time, and you do not need expensive products.

However, it is important to remember, in order not to harm the body and stomach, such a diet should not be abused.

Eating foods in the evening

Having introduced a fat-burning drink into your diet, the question naturally arises: will it be possible to drink it at night? The drink is drunk after dinner, a couple of hours later, if it is not a kefir diet in the literal sense. If you really want to lose weight, then a portion of this kefir can be a complete replacement for dinner. It is in the evening that it is recommended to drink the drink so that fats are burned more efficiently at night.

Ginger and red pepper help increase blood flow, which means that the nutrition of internal organs is improved, the blood is thinned, and blood clots and blood clots do not form due to an uncomfortable position in sleep. At the same time, fat deposits are broken down, and the body is filled with strength and energy.

There are so many ways to get rid of extra pounds. And at the same time, not all of them have a pronounced effect and are able to cope with their task. But, one of the effective ways to lose weight besides is kefir with ginger, cinnamon and red pepper. The big advantage of this drink is its absolute naturalness and amazing taste, which makes the weight loss process more enjoyable and easier.

It is perfect in combination with sports training, aerobics, dancing, as well as various cosmetic procedures. The beneficial properties of kefir, ginger, cinnamon and red pepper help not only achieve the desired result, but also saturate the body with many useful substances and vital minerals.

To start losing excess weight, prepare this fat-burning cocktail right now using a simple home recipe without wasting any time. But before that, study in more detail its effect on the body and on the fat burning process, and, of course, the cooking recipe itself.

Everyone knows that kefir itself is beneficial - both for general health (improves digestion and microflora, strengthens the immune system) and for weight loss.

And to enhance these qualities, you need to add several aromatic spices to it - ginger, cinnamon and ground red pepper.

Ginger, of course, activates the intestines and speeds up metabolism. Cinnamon reduces hunger and promotes natural fat burning in the body. Red pepper acts as a catalyst for the weight loss process.

Many nutritionists and doctors claim that this drink has a positive effect not only on physical fitness, but also on the general condition of the body and nervous system.

But before consuming it, make sure that you are not allergic to one of the products.

Gastroenterologists do not advise drinking this cocktail for people with high/low stomach acidity, as well as those suffering from ulcers and gastritis. However, they can be used to make a low-calorie drink from kefir, but instead of ginger and pepper, add unsweetened rhubarb jam or some fresh fruit. This delicious dessert will help you lose weight, but in a more gentle way.

Homemade cocktail recipe for weight loss

Making this wonderful cocktail is very simple.

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • half a teaspoon of ground ginger;
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • 1 glass of kefir 1% fat;
  • a pinch of ground red pepper.


  1. Place ginger, cinnamon and pepper in a glass of kefir.
  2. Stir the mixture thoroughly and drink immediately.

How to take it and how much weight you can lose

There are plenty of options for using the kefir, ginger, cinnamon and red pepper smoothie—some diet experts recommend taking it 20 to 30 minutes before meals or before a workout. Or drink half the portion before meals, and the other after.

In addition, there is a stricter option for faster weight loss. For example, lunch or breakfast can be completely replaced with a cocktail.

Or, if you like this option, drink it throughout the day off, and use it instead of dinner on the rest of the days. This way you can lose 8-12 kg in a couple of months!

If you do not want to lose weight using such a radical method, then under normal conditions it is possible to lose weight by an average of 4-6 kg per month.

Effective diet for 5 days (minus 5 kg with kefir cocktail)

We bring to your attention an approximate menu for a fasting diet for 5 days using a cocktail. With this diet you can lose 3-5 kg.

Day Diet
- breakfast kefir cocktail
- dinner 2 eggs, vegetable salad and chicken
- snack apple, banana
- dinner chicken broth, rye bread
- breakfast yogurt, any fruit
- dinner chicken fillet with vegetables
- snack kefir cocktail
- dinner fish with rice, tea
- breakfast tea
- dinner apples, bananas, dried fruits with yogurt
- snack sandwich with black bread, cheese and vegetables
- dinner kefir cocktail
- breakfast kefir cocktail
- dinner baked fish with vegetables
- snack apple, yogurt
- dinner vegetable rice soup
- breakfast cereal with milk, tea
- dinner kefir cocktail
- snack vegetable salad, beef
- dinner boiled eggs, chicken with salad


Since kefir cocktails contain different components, it is better to consider the properties of each separately.

Kefir is useful for the prevention and treatment of:

But other components included in the fat-burning cocktail are no less valuable:

There are many variations of the recipe for kefir with cinnamon and ginger for weight loss.

Kefir with cinnamon, ginger and red pepper


  • a glass of kefir;
  • a small spoon of cinnamon;
  • 1.5 tsp. ginger;
  • hot red pepper (ground) to taste;
  • mint leaf.

How to cook:

  1. Add cinnamon to kefir.
  2. Grind the root on a grater.
  3. Add ginger and red pepper to the fermented milk drink, stir, garnish with a mint leaf.

Kefir is consumed half an hour before meals.

To make the drink more effective, nutritionists recommend adhering to a number of rules:

Rules of use

As we wrote above, drinks should be consumed in between meals, so the classic intake regimen looks simple: 1 glass 3 times a day.

In addition, kefir drinks should be consumed in small sips, or even better, with a spoon, like yogurt. This way you can deceive the body and get more satiation.

Kefir with cinnamon can replace a full dinner - it is good not only for your figure, but also for your health. When the stomach is not overloaded, sleep becomes stronger, and in the morning there is a feeling of complete rest.

When choosing kefir, you should pay attention to its freshness - a product with a production date no later than three days is suitable for such a diet. Cinnamon and other ingredients also need to be chosen fresh and of high quality - this directly affects the result.


A drink with kefir may include cinnamon, ginger, red pepper, and other products in the recipe. Depending on the composition, contraindications for drinks will be different.

Kefir contraindications:

  • peptic ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • gastrointestinal infections;
  • poisoning

Cinnamon contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • impaired production of gastric juice;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • allergy;
  • heart disease, high blood pressure (not allowed in large quantities);
  • period of pregnancy, lactation (consultation with a supervising doctor is required).
  • heat;
  • bleeding;
  • gallbladder and liver diseases;
  • cystitis;
  • insomnia;
  • abnormal heartbeat;
  • frequent heartburn;
  • ulcer;
  • diarrhea.

Kefir with ginger and cinnamon is an effective trio for weight loss, but health is the most valuable thing a person has. Therefore, if there are contraindications, you need to stop using it and choose a more suitable one in order to lose weight.

Many people face the problem of excess weight. Millions of people are not happy about the warm season, when they have to undress, because their body is far from ideal. Losing weight is difficult, because diets are exhausting, often without benefit, and the kilograms return. But is it really so? You can lose weight by eating healthy and varied, for example, kefir with cinnamon and ginger can work wonders, has a pleasant taste and is not harmful to health. Check out the recipes and find out what this unusual product does for our body.

Kefir with spices - its benefits and possibilities

We all understand that fermented milk products are healthy, but we don’t always know why. We also remember that there are spices in the diet that add taste and aroma. But that’s not all. We will tell you further what the strong point of kefir is, and why cinnamon and ginger are often used in diets for losing weight. So, consuming fermented milk product gives us:

  • good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • digestion improves, which leads to faster absorption of nutrients and removal of unnecessary components;
  • the intestines are cleansed regularly and gently;
  • problems with constipation and hemorrhoids are solved;
  • kefir can expel excess fluid from the body, saving from edema;
  • helps get rid of hunger for a long time;
  • fills the body with useful substances and bacteria.

As you understand, when our gastrointestinal tract works like a clock, all metabolic processes are normal, then stagnation does not occur. Our body will be slim and our skin will be clear. That is why those who lead a healthy lifestyle and have proper nutrition always include fermented milk products in their diet. But we go further, because our kefir is not simple, but with spices and ginger. What is their strength? Why everyone should drink kefir with cinnamon and ginger, especially those who want to lose weight.
Spices add flavor and a new aroma to any dish, and natural herbs and powders made from them are good for health. They make a drink, in our case we are talking about kefir, as a means of burning fat deposits. It has also already been proven that spices can activate metabolism, which is often the reason for gaining extra pounds. But that’s not all, cinnamon has the following beneficial properties:

  • serves as an antibacterial agent;
  • helps keep food fresh longer;
  • It has been proven that cinnamon is a good prevention of cancer;
  • helps during colds;
  • promotes weight loss and cleansing of the intestines and body as a whole;
  • helps improve memory, concentration, increases energy and improves mood.

Ginger has been known since ancient times. In eastern countries, this root is revered, considered miraculous and helping to cure many diseases. Ginger helps metabolism, generally cleanses and rejuvenates our body. If harmful substances are not retained in the body, then there is no threat of the development of pathological processes or the growth of malignant cells. Our skin will also be clean.

Did you know? Many ancient sources talk about the power of ginger as well as thinkers. For example, Confucius considered the root to be something that gives strength to the spirit and body. He drank a wonderful drink, whose name was “Elixir of the Mountain Spirit,” where one of the ingredients was ginger root.

The benefits of kefir with pepper, ginger and cinnamon

We told you about the power of cinnamon and the spicy root, but you can often see recipes for losing weight that contain red pepper. Let's talk about this separately, what gives this unusual hot vegetable to the drink. But it is worth noting that if you have stomach diseases, especially in the acute or chronic stage, then you should avoid taking pepper and ginger. There are other recipes that will help you burn body fat without harming your health in your particular case.

Red pepper has long been known as a food breakdown product. With its help, fat is absorbed faster; the vegetable is often used by those losing weight not only internally, but also for external procedures - wrapping, massage. At the same time, after red pepper you don’t want to eat anything for a very long time, your appetite is dulled. This drink is suitable for those who have long dreamed of losing weight, but cannot cope with the feeling of hunger; besides, kefir helps to perceive the hot vegetable more gently. Now you know everything about the benefits of kefir with ginger, spices and even pepper, it’s time to move on to recipes.

Attention! If you buy bags of spices, where they are assembled, then always make sure that the composition contains only natural products, without flavor enhancers and other harmful substances.

How to make a kefir drink for slimness and health?

Recipe one

Mix 1/3 red hot pepper and a glass of 1% kefir in a blender. A little salt and a pinch of cinnamon are also sprinkled here. If you use pepper, you don't need to add ginger. The drink is drunk in the morning before breakfast. Many people use it, on the contrary, before bed to burn all the calories that were gained during the day. You do what is most convenient for you.

Recipe two

This drink will have it all. So, you take kefir, again low-fat. Sprinkle a little cinnamon into it. Then grind the ginger root and chili pepper, put half a teaspoon of the first component, and on the tip of the second. You can mix everything in a blender to make a cocktail, but you can just drink it by stirring the ingredients by hand. Drink before meals, but you can also use this drink once a week for a fasting day.

Advice! You can replace chili pepper with dry red pepper, which can be bought in the spice section of any store.

Recipe three

This recipe is suitable for those who cannot live without sweets or do not like the sour taste of kefir. In one glass of fermented milk product you put half a teaspoon of grated ginger and cinnamon. Add honey here, you can put mint leaves. Drink on an empty stomach or on fasting days.

Attention! You should drink all drinks based on kefir, ginger and pepper immediately after you prepare them. After 30 minutes the composition will not be so healing and effective.

Who shouldn't drink the spicy drink?

As we said earlier, even healthy foods can be harmful to health, in our case we were talking about the stomach. Therefore, people who have diseases of this organ should not drink kefir with cinnamon, ginger and red pepper. It is also better to abandon the idea of ​​losing weight in this way for women who are carrying a child and are also breastfeeding. It is also prohibited for people who suffer from kidney disease. And, of course, anyone who may have allergic reactions to certain components in the composition is prohibited from drinking the drink.

Now you know what this interesting and unusual spiced kefir is. You can use different recipes, but remember that you also need to eat right and lead an active lifestyle for a slim and healthy body.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Greetings, girls! Let's talk about kefir with cinnamon, red pepper, ginger and turmeric at night for weight loss. You will learn about recipes and reviews on how to properly prepare and drink the drink.

Among weight loss products, not every product can be classified as healthy, tasty and natural, not harmful to the body.

I’ll tell you how to prepare a quick and easy way to burn fat at home; besides, you can even make baked goods using a kefir-cinnamon base.

  • Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks o t from Frontier Natural Products (453 g)
  • Strict diet on kefir with cinnamon

    The diet lasts 7 days.

    1. During the week, you should not eat sweets, fatty foods or flour.
    2. Light meals from cereals, milk, vegetables and fruits are allowed only until noon.
    3. Then until lunch you can drink only water and green tea, which is also added with cinnamon.
    4. At 16:00 it is permissible to drink a kefir cocktail with the addition of cinnamon and, if desired, cucumber.
    5. After seven in the evening you again need to satisfy your hunger with green tea.

    Kefir with cinnamon at night

    The drink can be consumed without severe restrictions. Reviews of long-term diets, in which the cocktail is drunk only in the evening, consist of positive ratings, because such a nutritional system is not dangerous to health.

    1. For example, it is recommended to eat muesli and drink tea or coffee in the morning.
    2. Chicken and salads are allowed for lunch.
    3. And in the evenings you need to prepare cinnamon kefir and rice.

    Fasting days

    A fasting day a week with a fermented milk shake is also very effective, since the effect of lightness is felt immediately.

    Cinnamon with kefir even destroys 1 kg of excess weight in just one day. Typically, nutritionists advise spending a day on a cocktail at least once a week, but it will not be easy to maintain this regime for more than three days in a row.

    Light diet with kefir and cinnamon

    Let's give an example of a 3-day dietary system, which involves eating balanced and healthy foods.

    1 day

    • For breakfast boiled eggs, low-fat yogurt or a cheese sandwich on rye bread are allowed. Tea or coffee with ginger is allowed as a drink. You should have a snack with kefir and cinnamon, adding a little red pepper.
    • For lunch make a vegetable salad with sour cream and cook chicken fillet. Dessert is allowed in the form of berries, washed down with a fat-burning cocktail.
    • Kefir is again consumed as an afternoon snack, but there should be no dinner.

    Day 2

    • Start of the day is marked by eating a cheese sandwich, a portion of low-fat cottage cheese and ginger tea.
    • Before lunch You can have a snack with cinnamon kefir, then make boiled beef or fish with a side dish of rice. As a dessert, prepare apple salad with yogurt, washed down with kefir.
    • Afternoon snack and dinner again represent a portion of kefir with cinnamon.

    Day 3

    • For breakfast They make scrambled eggs with grated cheese and ginger tea.
    • After a portion of kefir at noon You can have lunch with steamed cutlets with vegetable salad. Apples are added to the diet, which are best combined with kefir.
    • For afternoon tea In addition to fermented milk cocktails, beet salad is allowed.
    • Having dinner again with a portion of cinnamon kefir.

    Attention! If kefir is not to your taste, fermented baked milk with cinnamon also helps improve metabolism and speed up intestinal function. The main thing is to choose a product with a fat content of no more than 2%.

    In any case, a fermented milkshake with spice will help you get rid of 2-4 kg without difficulty, and if you follow the rules of nutrition and physical activity - twice as much.

    Kefir with cinnamon: recipes for weight loss

    Classic kefir with cinnamon can be made in five minutes:

    • A glass of fermented milk product requires half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. If you have a spicy cinnamon stick, you need to take no more than 0.5 cm.
    • The drink should be infused for 15 minutes; if desired, you can beat it with a blender.

    Kefir + rosehip

    For a second breakfast or a very late dinner, a cocktail with rosehip syrup is suitable.

    • Take 250 ml of kefir, add a teaspoon of sweet rose hips and a tablespoon of oat or wheat bran.
    • Add half a spoon of cinnamon and stir.

    Chocolate cinnamon kefir

    If you don’t want to have breakfast, chocolate kefir will help fill your body with the right amount of energy.

    • For 250 ml of fermented milk product, take a teaspoon of coffee and half as much cocoa with cinnamon.
    • Add one banana to the mixture and blend with a blender until the cocktail is completely smooth.

    Cinnamon is actively used in cosmetology. I recommend studying and applying recipes for various cinnamon masks in the article

    Kefir with apple and cinnamon

    • The mixture is ideal for replacing breakfast or dinner as it reduces appetite. You need to take 5 peeled apples and grate them.
    • The fruit mass is mixed with 300 ml of low-fat kefir and whipped with a mixer.
    • Then add cinnamon to taste.

    Turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, kefir

    These are the ingredients for an enhanced fat burning cocktail. The increased content of curcumin in the drink will provide control over muscle fat, destroy free radicals in the body and protect against the development of diabetes.

    • You can boil 500 ml of water, put in it 4 tablespoons of tea leaves, half a spoon of cinnamon, 4 ginger pieces, 2 tablespoons of turmeric.
    • When the mixture has cooled, add a small spoon of honey and 500 ml of kefir.

    Drink the cocktail once a day. Also, some advise boiling water with ginger root and turmeric.

    Kefir with ginger and cinnamon for weight loss

    This cocktail is used to burn fat and reduce sugar levels. The drink can effectively replace dinner even in the absence of a diet.

    Making the drink is very simple:

    • Mix a glass of 1% kefir with half a teaspoon of ground ginger. Add the same amount of ground cinnamon. Mix kefir with spices and leave until evening. You can add lemon if desired.
    • Cinnamon with kefir for weight loss can be taken with honey. According to reviews, the drink can burn up to 4 kg in a week. To prepare, mix half a liter of kefir, a teaspoon of honey, the same amount of cinnamon and ginger in a blender. Drink the whipped cocktail three times a day 30 minutes before meals. It is advisable to stick to the diet for a whole week.
    • Apple smoothie is extremely popular: beat 3 peeled apples with 300 grams of low-fat kefir and a teaspoon of cinnamon. For added spice, add a pinch of ginger. Use instead of breakfast and dinner.

    How to drink correctly

    If you need to lose weight quickly, drink the drink 3-4 days a month, preferably at night. At these moments, you need to exclude other foods by drinking 2 liters of kefir cocktail.

    This is a very effective remedy for a fasting day.

    Kefir, cinnamon, ginger, red pepper

    This is a recipe for those who are not afraid of sharpness and burning for intense fat burning.

    Recipe 1

    • In a glass of bifidokefir you need to put 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon, as well as ground ginger and hot pepper on the tip of a knife.
    • If the drink tastes too strong, you can slightly increase the amount of cinnamon.

    Kefir with ginger, cinnamon and pepper is also infused for 15 minutes, after which it is whipped.

    Recipe 2

    This cocktail is more beneficial when combined with dried fruits.

    • Add 3 chopped prunes and the same number of dried apricots to a glass of fermented milk product. You can also use a handful of frozen or fresh berries.
    • Then put ground red pepper, a teaspoon of cinnamon and a little ginger on the tip of the knife.
      You can add a tablespoon of oatmeal or bran to the drink.

    Use the mixture for dinner.

    This cocktail is very hot and effective: red pepper burns calories very quickly with the help of capsaicin. The drink should be drunk taking into account its severity and severity, changing the dosage as desired.

    Attention! Pepper kefir with cinnamon for weight loss is a recipe that is not suitable for people with digestive system problems, i.e. with ulcers and gastritis.

    How to drink correctly

    Kefir with cinnamon and pepper for weight loss is drunk at night every day.

    Nutritionists advise drinking the drink 15 minutes before meals or immediately after. In any case, a monthly course of using the cocktail will allow you to lose up to 6 kg.

    Baking with cinnamon

    With cinnamon kefir you can prepare not only low-calorie drinks, but also quite healthy baked goods.

    Of course, cinnamon rolls with kefir are unacceptable during a diet, since their calorie content is more than 300 kcal per 100 g. Although housewives know the secrets of reducing the calorie content of such desserts: this is how any kefir pie with cinnamon can be made without eggs and butter. To maximize the joy of such a delicacy, apples are usually used as a filling.

    How to drink kefir with cinnamon correctly

    When the question of the benefits of cinnamon and kefir has been completely exhausted, a new problem arises: when and how to properly use a fat-burning cocktail for greater benefits? Nutritionists have different points of view on this matter, but much here depends on the specific composition of the drink and the results required from it.

    • A traditional kefir cocktail, which contains only a drop of honey in addition to cinnamon, should be consumed on an empty stomach. This should be done in the morning and late at night, for 10 days.
    • Kefir with cinnamon, the benefits of which are increased by the addition of ginger, is usually drunk one glass three times a day. This regimen will help you lose 2-4 kg in just a week, provided you exercise.
    • If hot chili pepper is added to the drink, use an appetite suppressant. You need to consume this kefir half an hour before meals, preferably 2-3 times a day. You can also alternate such a cocktail with regular kefir during the fasting day throughout your waking hours.

    If you like kefir with cinnamon, the question is “How to drink it?” does not play a special role in maintaining a balanced diet. Just replace all snacks with this remedy and satisfy your hunger in the evenings so as not to indulge in junk food.

    If you need to reduce your overall appetite and activate your stomach, drink at least half a glass before meals, at least 15 minutes before. But if you want to drink kefir after lunch or a hearty breakfast, then you need to wait at least an hour, or better yet, two. Also, many nutritionists advise drinking a kefir cocktail on an empty stomach in the morning. The main thing is to listen to your body’s own sensations, and then kefir with cinnamon will definitely lift your spirits, fill you with energy and prepare you for new feats in the battle for an ideal figure.

    With warmth and care, Ravila.

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