Which is better advego or etxt. Content exchange "Advego": what you need to know to make money successfully

Surely you have heard that there are many ways to make money on the Internet. Some of them require the presence of start-up capital, others only require desire and free time. Some ways of earning income are available to everyone, while others are only available to a limited number of people. Finally, you can make a lot of money on some “topics” on the Internet, while on others you can make little money.

Today we will talk about this way of making money as writing articles. More specifically, this is work on the Advego exchange. We will consider reviews in detail about what kind of resource this is and whether it is worth dealing with it in this article. We hope you find it useful to learn about what this exchange is all about.

What is "Advego"?

So let's start from the beginning. The Advego exchange is a fairly old Internet resource, which is a trading platform, a platform for selling texts (articles on certain topics), purchasing them, as well as creating and fulfilling orders related to the writing and publication of texts. Simply put, this is - comprehensive solution, allowing you to buy or sell, order or write a custom text, comment or review of a product. Accordingly, on “Advego” (reviews from the resource’s guests are proof of this) you can always find both the contractor and the customer. Whether you are a website owner who needs content, or an author who wants to make money, this exchange is the ideal solution for both roles.

This is confirmed by statistics: now almost 40 thousand articles are sold there, about 30 thousand orders are processed per day and more than a million people are registered. It is obvious that Advego is a success.

A way to earn money for authors

You ask: “How to make money on Advego?” The answer is: extremely simple. All you have to do is write texts. These can be articles on a given topic with keywords, descriptions and images; there may simply be materials that you want to sell (for further posting on someone’s website), as well as comments, “likes” and “reposts” on in social networks, for which they also pay money here.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to earn income on the stock exchange. Yes, they are all connected by their essence: this is content generation. In any case, you must be sufficiently literate, speak the language (not only Russian - the exchange also orders texts in Ukrainian, English, German, Kazakh, etc.) and, of course, know basic concepts: what is the volume of text, keywords, nausea and so on. And that's all - it's up to your desire and free time, which you as an author will be willing to spend. For a better understanding, let’s look at each type of earnings separately on the Advego exchange. Reviews will be presented in a summarized form.

Writing articles to order

Let's start, for example, with the characteristics of work on orders. Rumor has it that this is the most profitable, but also the most difficult type of work on the stock exchange. The reason is that there are really a lot of orders here, and they all come from a variety of webmasters. Someone, for example, needs a description of a site with films, and someone ordered a review of concrete rings for a well. And you, as an author who wants to “take” the most profitable order (which is also being hunted by several competing colleagues), must make a decision: can you describe any technical product with the given parameters? If yes, then a decision is made, the order is booked, and you are given a few hours to complete it. Also, don’t forget that you cannot pick up more than 5 orders at a time. Complete them first, then take more. You can, for example, keep 5 projects in the “In progress” status, complete 1 and immediately take on the next one. This can be done when, for example, you see that some webmaster has posted about two dozen “sweet” tasks. They sort them out here, believe me, very quickly.

After you write and submit the text, the customer checks it, then pays for your work, sends it for revision (indicating the reason) or refuses it altogether (if the text does not correspond to the task, is written poorly, etc.). For each user in the Advego system (registration here, by the way, is required - you cannot work without an account), special statistics are generated in the form of efficiency (percentage of approved tasks). Efficiency of 95% is considered high. Of course, the number of completed jobs also plays a role: the more of them, the higher the level the user occupies in the overall rating of the service. The minimum payment for a task is $0.2 per 1000 characters (including spaces).

Completing small tasks

In addition to writing articles, you can also earn money from simple tasks. They consist of publishing a comment, liking posts on social networks, or registering on websites. These tasks are paid, of course, low ($0.02-0.1), but there are quite a lot of them, so even on this you can earn some money small funds regularly.

An important nuance: it is best to work on such tasks for those who live in the most popular regions, for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg. There are a lot of tasks for such users.

The system for receiving small work is similar: the user enters the task card in Advego, the work is loaded (or the user simply leaves a link to its result), after which the webmaster is given time to check. As a rule, a day or two is allotted for this (however, the customer sets this parameter himself, and the contractor sees it).

Selling articles in the store

The third way to generate income on Advego is an article store. In fact, as they write on the Advego forums (reviews of the work written by copywriters are meant), selling articles brings in less. They don't buy them as often as they would like. In addition, the exchange has a rather strict policy regarding the uniqueness and errors in the article: the system bans the account after 3 deviations. In this case, of course, the work is checked by the Advego moderator. Reviews indicate that some of the moderators work too carefully, finding fault with every word; At the same time, there were cases when an article with gross mistakes they let us through calmly. Perhaps the experience of the account holder matters, as well as its age.

"White list" and author capabilities

If we analyze all types of earnings on the stock exchange, then working on the “White Lists” on Advego is considered more comfortable and profitable. It involves adding a specific author to special list the customer, due to which this contractor receives additional orders that are hidden from general attention. In addition, working for a specific order makes it possible to understand that the contractor will not be left without work and that he works under exclusive conditions. As a rule, authors are eager to be included in the “white lists” of customers who pay well. True, to get there, you need to really do your job well and thus earn trust.

Conflict moments

It does not work on the Advego exchange, where articles are written in huge quantities, and without conflicts. The simplest example: the customer does not fully clarify the conditions for writing the work, which is why the contractor writes an article on a slightly different topic. Formally, the latter is, of course, right, because they have already discussed all the details, having actually accepted each other’s terms in the Advego control panel. Reviews of the work left by experienced authors still indicate that the exchange will give preference to the customer, and the administration will force the author to return the money (in other words, will withdraw it from the author’s account).

The explanation for this is simple: the customer for the exchange is the person who brings in the money. In fact, there are not so many of them compared to the authors. This means that the supply (authors’ services) on Advego exceeds the demand (tasks from customers), so the performers have to work for more low prices. The fact that the dispute will most likely be resolved not in your favor if you are the performer must be understood from the very beginning.

Withdrawal of earned funds

Let's say you earned a certain amount. The question arises: how to withdraw your money? You can do this if you reach the minimum amount for the exchange of $15. You also need to understand that they pay into a Webmoney wallet, so you just need to get used to working with this system, and everything will seem quite convenient.

If your account is making the first withdrawal of funds in its history, do not be surprised that the Advego administration (we have already heard reviews of its work) will place a verification hold on your transaction for 14 days. This is a necessary precaution to protect against scammers.

How much can you earn?

Let's say you wrote a text on Advego. How much will you earn? And how much can you ultimately earn on this exchange, working here for, say, a month?

You ask yourself these questions, don't you? Then let's answer them!

So, it is impossible to name the exact amount that you can earn in a week, month or six months on the stock exchange. It all depends on what kind of articles you write, at what price and how often. In addition, in order to have interesting content, it is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that the uniqueness of the text is no less valued at Advego. It is determined by search engines and indicates whether you wrote the article yourself or blatantly copied it from someone else’s site. In the second case, you will most likely search engines they will refuse indexing or apply special filters. That’s why they buy unique content to fill websites with it and attract visitors. This (usually) cannot be done with non-unique copy-paste.

How to check uniqueness? It’s very simple: there is a program that acts as an anti-plagiarism. Advego distributes it for free, its name is Plagiatus. The essence of the program is this: you need to download the text, select the scan parameters and run it. After a few minutes, you will see what percentage of uniqueness your article has. To sell articles in an article store, for example, 90% uniqueness or higher is enough, but for orders, webmasters themselves specify how much they want to see.

In total, we count. The minimum cost for 1000 characters is 20 cents. You can write this amount of text in 10-15 minutes. If we do not take into account the fact that some topics are easier to write, and some are more difficult, and also do not take into account the system commission (5%), we have about $1-1.5 per hour. If you work for 4-5 hours a day, you can earn about $4-7.5. This is despite the fact that you will work on the cheapest orders!

If some large customer notices you and adds you to “ White list“, then the chances of earning more increase sharply. This, of course, takes into account that you will check your articles for anti-plagiarism (Advego is unlikely to cooperate with you otherwise).

Summary about the exchange

The time has come to draw some general conclusions about the Advego exchange, to which we have dedicated an entire article today. So, this service is quite advanced: it offers unique services of connecting the interests of the customer and the contractor. At one time, apparently, this exchange was one of the few. Now, of course, quite a lot of article exchanges have formed, but nevertheless, as shown statistical test, "Advego" has enough a large number of users and tasks. This is actually one of the leaders of Runet. How can a resource that has many negative factors become a leader? Of course not.

Therefore, even if we do not take into account the mass positive feedback, “Advego” can be called a good site for making money. And this is what it is, since here you can actually earn many times more than with the same click sponsors. In this case, you even have the opportunity to find regular customer and work exclusively for him, bypassing site commissions.

TO positive traits“Advego” can be attributed to the interface and arrangement of the site as a whole. Yes, it is really convenient to use thanks to its carefully thought-out design and correct administration policies. Another “plus” for the authors is payment in dollars, which, given the falling exchange rate of the ruble, makes it possible to actually lose nothing. Finally, Advego is a very popular service. There are many users on it, both customers and authors. This means that even if you don’t have any work, you can come here and find at least some income. And this is already very convenient in times of crisis and unemployment. And in general, considering how much the best authors earn on Advego (and this is at least $500 per month), it would not be out of place to say that the exchange can be a good part-time job even if you have a main place of work.

There are also controversial characteristics of the site. As the practice of working with an article store shows, the subjective factor plays a big role here. The authors conducted an experiment, during which it turned out that the exchange moderator can calmly reject one person’s article and accept it after it is submitted by another user. Why this happens and what criteria the resource administration uses to conduct such selections is not known for certain.

How to start working?

Now let’s move on to the point where we’ll describe what you need to do to start working on the stock exchange. So, first of all, you should, of course, create an account. In it you will indicate your payment information, it will also help to identify you and distinguish you from other users. Thus, you will begin to work “in your own name”, earning a reputation, taking higher positions in the ranking of authors.

Once the account has been created and confirmed, and the information about the wallets has already been updated in the profile, we get to work. Of course, it is best to start with simpler and cheaper tasks. With their help you can figure out what's what. In addition, such orders, as a rule, have lower requirements. This means that no one will find fault with you for doing something not quite right. And this is important.

After you figure it out and submit your first paper, take a look around. We recommend trying your luck and trying to look for tasks in more expensive price categories. If, looking at such orders, you understand what is required of you, that’s very cool! To receive expensive orders, you need to have a high rating and, of course, write high-quality articles. As soon as this activity begins to bring you pleasure, you will see your earnings increase significantly.

And then all you have to do is gradually grow. And there is room for growth here: more expensive orders, getting on the “white list”, more complex and highly paid topics... All this is “Advego”, whose creators can thank tens of thousands of people. Try it too! It is quite possible that you will be able to earn your first dollars in this way.

Good day, dear readers! Quite recently, a vote was held in the VKontakte group about article exchanges. As a result, 2 leaders were identified: Text.ru and Advego. Let's find out why these exchanges were preferred.

To begin with, let us outline the criteria for the success of an articles exchange. There are 3 main points:

  • First, the exchange should be simple for beginners. As they say, Moscow was not built in a day. So here too, first you need to interest the customer, raise your level each time, and understand the nuances of copywriting work.
  • Second, the article exchange must do custom work. According to statistics, a copywriter’s income depends 90% on orders and only 10% on free sales.
  • third, there must be a referral program, i.e. expand the circle of willing copywriters.

We recommend, especially for beginning copywriters, to use the Text.ru exchange and the Advego exchange. They meet all three points.

You may be wondering, which article exchange is better? Our answer is the Advego exchange. Why? Because on the Text.ru exchange the customer chooses the artist, but on Advego it’s the other way around, which makes it possible to prove yourself to the customer, even if you are a novice copywriter.

My advice to you: if you still decide to register on the exchange, then register on two at once: on Text.ru and Advego. First, pay attention to Text.ru, where you can get your hands on good orders with decent pay, and over time, customers themselves will start looking for you.

We wish you good luck in your endeavors and decent pay!

If you have a rich imagination, can write well and competently, and also have something to tell people, you have a direct path to content exchanges. For beginners, the Advego exchange is best.

    • What is Advego?
    • What ways to earn money does the Advego exchange provide?
    • Advice for beginning Advego authors
    • Conclusion

What is Advego?

If we talk in simple words, then Advego is a site where you can buy or sell content on various topics or complete any task related to writing articles. Among everything variety of exchanges existing on the Internet, Advego stands out for its affordable prices and large selection finished articles, which is undoubtedly main reason influx of customers.

  1. Before starting work, the exchange does not require passing any special tests. Just registration is enough.
  2. You can either take orders or work with the article store. True, in order to publish your first article, you need to complete at least 10 works and get paid for them.
  3. There is an opportunity to post your resume.
  4. You don't have to pay to access orders like you do on some other exchanges.
  5. To withdraw money from your account, you only need to dial 5 dollars.
  6. You can discuss all the questions you are interested in regarding the operation of the exchange on a special forum.
  7. The exchange provides the opportunity to check content for uniqueness and absence of errors directly on the Advego website itself.

Getting to know the Advego article exchange

As you can understand, such a number of advantages is an excellent argument for joining the ranks of Advego authors. However, like everywhere else, this exchange also has its drawbacks. And it’s better to know about them before starting work:

  1. Very low rates for writing articles. When you're just starting out as a copywriter, this might not bother you too much. But more professional authors, having gained experience and knowledge, as a rule, leave the ranks of Advego authors and begin to look for higher earnings.
  1. For an inexperienced copywriter, there is a risk of doing the job for free. Unfortunately, not in all cases the Advego administration accommodates the authors halfway. Therefore, you will still need to prove the illegality of the refusal to pay. However, fortunately, this rarely happens.

7 secrets of teaser advertising

If you are not afraid of possible difficulties, then the next thing that will interest you will be the question of how earn money by writing articles on Advego.

What ways to earn money does the Advego exchange provide?

There are several ways to make money on this exchange. Over time, you will choose what you like best.


This is the most easy way earn money. This is where most authors start. You will need to leave your comments and posts on social networks or forums. The money paid for such work is small, but in order to earn a rating and understand how the exchange works, posting is quite suitable.


This work involves rewriting one or more articles while maintaining the main idea. Your task is to achieve high uniqueness while maintaining main idea text. This type of work is very similar to writing an essay in school. You are given a text that needs to be rephrased in your own words, but the meaning of the article should not be affected.


Such work is already considered more difficult. You will be required to write unique content using only your own knowledge and experience. Of course, you can search for information on the Internet, because no one will be able to check where you got it from. However, your article should not be similar to any other.

At first glance, this task seems difficult. However, if you have a lot of experience, a great imagination and you understand what you are writing about, you can handle copywriting.

SEO copywriting

Many aspiring authors are afraid of such assignments. Although in reality there is nothing complicated about them. You are given keywords - a regular set of words or phrases that need to be inserted into the text. At the same time, an outsider who will read your text should not guess how these words or phrases sound, so harmoniously they should be included in the article.


Great way earnings, if, of course, you know foreign language. Orders for translation of articles are well paid and competition in this work is not so high.

Writing articles for the Advego ready-made content store

Besides fulfillment of orders, you can also write articles for the store ready-made content Advego. To do this, you just need to understand which topic you are strongest in and start writing the article. This type of work has its advantages. Firstly, you are not limited in time. That is, write whenever and as much as you want.

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money from copywriting

Secondly, you choose the topic of the article yourself and write about what you want. But there are also disadvantages. The most important thing is that you will have to wait until your brainchild finds its buyer. This may take more than one week. It all depends on how popular the topic of your articles is.

You may have an excellent style, be able to write unique articles and know a lot of useful and interesting information, which can be transferred to people, but, unfortunately, this does not guarantee you success on the Advego exchange.

Checking the uniqueness of the texts you write through Advego

In order to achieve recognition and become a good author, you need know some secrets, which we will discuss below.

Good orders are rarely made public

Most often, the customer creates a tender and chooses the author with whom he will work. Don't neglect such tenders. Be sure to leave requests indicating that you would like to work with this customer. Of course, while you have little experience and written articles, the likelihood that you will be chosen is low. However, it's still worth trying!

Only take on work that you are guaranteed to do

Never take on something that you may not be able to handle. Otherwise, refusal to pay will lower your rating and, as a result, scare away other customers.

Feel free to ask questions on the forums

The more you know, the easier your job will be. However, you should not swear on forums, sort things out and complain about other customers. Don’t forget that forums are read not only by Advego authors. Accordingly, your behavior may not be in the best possible way affect your rating. Maintain a friendly, polite and positive attitude.

Ask to be added to the customer's white list

If you have completed the job successfully, ask the customer to whitelist you. Just don’t bother me too much—few people like that either.

Be careful with order deadlines

Remember that you have a limited amount of time to complete the work. If you fail to submit your work on time, it is automatically considered incomplete, and you have another refusal to pay.

Always check your completed work for grammatical and punctuation errors.

Sometimes we allow them to happen simply through inattention. But in the work of writing articles, they are simply unacceptable.

Before taking your first order from a customer, check his profile

To do this, simply click on his name. You will see what percentage of failures and revisions it has. This is very helpful information. Then you can decide for yourself whether you should work with this customer or not.

Download the free checklist: 18 ideas on what you can sell on Avito right now to make money

A high percentage of payment refusals indicates that you are picky. potential employer. Of course, the Advego exchange guarantees payment for your work, but only if it is done correctly. All controversial cases are resolved through the Advego administration and, if it turns out that your work has even the slightest mistake, the refusal to pay will be considered justified.

Spend as much time as possible on the Advego website

Good orders are sold out very quickly. And, if you visit the exchange 1-2 times a week, you will have little chance of catching a good order.

Be sure to consider the uniqueness of your articles

She's being checked special program Advego Plagiatus. Despite the fact that the exchange considers unique article with a rate above 90%, some customers require a higher uniqueness rate, for example, 95% and above. If you cannot achieve this indicator, you may be denied payment. And such a refusal will be considered completely justified by the Advego administration.

It is more difficult to achieve high levels of uniqueness in highly specialized articles, for example, in recipes, product descriptions, articles on medical, legal or other topics. At first, try to avoid such work so as not to spoil your statistics.


By following all these recommendations, you can easily make money from content writing and become good copywriter. The exchange gives everyone the opportunity to earn money. And with diligence, the amount of your monthly earnings on Advego can easily exceed your current income. However, do not forget that you can only win easy money in the lottery, but this, unfortunately, does not happen often. In other cases you have to work.

Good afternoon dear blog visitors. Despite the fact that it is already 1 - 39 am Moscow time, and despite the fact that today I managed to write 32 articles for sale (seriously), this is how debts of 55,000 wmr and with daily interest dripping by 200 wmr motivate or even more, but not about that =). As you already understand, I started to really make serious money from copywriting, and was able to achieve an income of 10 - 30wmz per day, since I sell 5 - 15 articles per day. This motivation has affected me so much with debt, so old mistakes need to be corrected. In this article I want to talk about my purely opinion about making money from copywriting, and I want to talk about: etxt, advego or textsale? On which exchange you can really earn more, and why.

I want to warn you right away that my opinion is personal and everyone has their own favorite copywriting exchange on which they earn money, either buy articles, or work as customers. In my recent posts I wrote about:

I strongly recommend that you read these posts, and now let’s move on to the main thing. The purpose of this post is that I want to weigh the pros and cons of three popular copywriting exchanges. We will talk about such exchanges as:



3. Etxt

I became acquainted with these exchanges about 3 years ago. And in general, I learned what copywriting is somewhere in 2010, and I didn’t manage to make money from it right away, of course, because of my own laziness. And the fact is that any exchange has both disadvantages and advantages. Of course, you can make money on any exchange, but there are some nuances that prevent a novice copywriter from making money. Let's take a brief look at the copywriting exchange data.

This is the first exchange I met and earned my first money.


1. Minimum amount for payment

2. Payment within a few hours on WMR (if memory serves)

3. Took the job, completed it, received the money. There are no expectations for choosing a performer.


1. Very frequent failure when an article is put up for sale, it allegedly has low quality or errors. (this is of course a minus only for performers, but for buyers it’s a big plus, since the quality is guaranteed)

2. There is very little work, so you can make money only by selling articles. And articles are moderated very harshly, so this exchange is simply not suitable for beginners.

It was on this exchange that I began to earn at least a few thousand rubles a month. But because of my laziness, I never went beyond 5,000 rubles a month


1. Just a lot of work for the performers

4. Withdrawal both within 5 days and within 24 hours for 5%

5. Very honest exchange and moderators, they won’t just scam you or deceive you

6. SMS notification support

7. Super affiliate program

8. Conveniently sell articles


1. Low cost of completing tasks. It is difficult to find a price higher than 50 rubles per 1,000 characters; the majority of tasks cost up to 15 rubles/1000 characters.

2. Moderation of articles occurs with a very high delay, sometimes up to 7 days, and unfortunately not everyone has auto-moderation.


As soon as I visited this exchange for the first time, I almost felt sick from the poor design. But I had no idea that behind this poor design there was a whole mine for making money. Now I recognize this exchange as No. 1 for making money when compared with others. Now advego and etxt are nothing for me compared to textsale. With the help of textsale, I was able to achieve an income of over 300wmz per month (10,000 rubles +), and I could not earn more than 5,000 rubles on other exchanges.


1. The minimum amount for payment is only 1$

2. Payment after 1 day. You can know exactly up to 1 minute when you will receive the money, and usually this is after 1 day at exactly 12:00 Moscow time.

3. No moderation of your articles. Wrote it, put it up for sale, sold it.

4. Payment to both wmz and wmr wallets

5. It’s easy to buy articles even for $10


They simply don’t exist, it seems to me! And I used to consider this exchange to be the worst. Now I can say that the testsale article exchange is the best exchange for making money from copywriting.

I award first place to a copywriting store called TextSale. And I also recommend joining my team at textsale and starting making money from copywriting.

Good luck to you!

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