What not to do during a telephone conversation. Basic rules of telephone etiquette in the office

In our progressive age, communicative interaction takes a leading position. Most complex issues and problems can be resolved through telephone conversations. Thanks to communication through this means of communication, people are able to conclude the most profitable agreement or, in the “wrong situation,” completely lose an important client. That is why every literate man is required to master the basics of telephone etiquette. What is business communication over the phone and how to conduct it correctly is the topic of our article today.

Any of us must learn to negotiate correctly, since the person leading the conversation does not have the opportunity to see the opponent and his actions. To persuade a potential client in your favor in such a way that he does not have the desire to hang up in the first minutes of the conversation will require a lot of effort. The reputation of a person and the organization he represents depends on the ability to conduct telephone conversations.

Preparing for the upcoming conversation

Before a serious phone call, you should carefully prepare for it as follows:

  1. Get ready mentally.
  2. Formulate, or better yet, write down the goal, plan and main issues of the upcoming conversation on paper, which will always lie in front of you during the negotiations.
  3. Be sure to prepare all materials that may be useful during telephone conversations.
  4. It is necessary to distance yourself from negativity and personal problems even before the conversation begins, since the voice can give off an aggressive attitude, which the client often takes personally.
  5. The time for negotiations must be selected so that it is convenient for both you and the interlocutor. If you plan to call a business partner, try to discuss with him in advance a convenient time for him.

Basics of business communication by phone

When making a call, first of all, you should introduce yourself and say for what purpose you are calling. In this case, you need to choose a friendly tone. A telephone conversation should take place without long pauses, it should be energetic and concise.

It is impossible to exert psychological pressure in the process of negotiations, because in this case It is unlikely that you will be able to win the favor of a potential client in this way. Try not to ask inappropriate questions. In the case where the telephone call is international or long-distance, it is necessary to ensure that it lasts no more than six minutes. All business proposals and demands must be supported by arguments. Questions should be answered truthfully and briefly. It is better to outline the conversation plan on paper in advance.

At the end of the conversation, be sure to talk again about all the agreements that you came to during the conversation. Since you initiated the call, the end of the conversation should also come from you, except in situations where the interlocutor is senior in position.

When at the end of negotiations you make a promise to call back, try not to delay it and make a second call within 24 hours. Be sure to keep in mind that you cannot dial partners to your home number.

In a situation where, having called, you do not find your partner at work, specify a convenient time to call him back and do not ask where he is now. From point of view business ethics it is not correct.

Follow these rules of business etiquette:

  • Try to pick up the phone after the third ring at most.
  • When answering from the workplace, you need to greet the person, say the name of the company, and then introduce yourself.
  • If the caller does not introduce himself, politely ask him to give his name. For example, phrases that would be appropriate here are: “I’d like to know who I’m talking to,” “Could you please introduce yourself?” or “Excuse me, how should I contact you?”
  • When answering your interlocutor’s questions, you should quickly find telephone numbers that may be useful during negotiations.
  • If you get a call during your lunch hour, ask someone else to answer so you don't have to answer with your mouth full.
  • The caller will have to end the conversation; if the initiative comes from you, the action will look unethical.

What mistakes are made during a telephone conversation?

Numerous studies have been conducted among business people, indicated that about 56% of calls are made without greeting phrases. Explaining the reason for not saying greetings, businessmen said that it goes without saying, and they also cannot say hello many times during the day. It is important to remember here that in speech communication there is nothing that goes without saying, and therefore every phrase must be voiced.

Under no circumstances should you interrupt your interlocutor mid-conversation - give him the opportunity to express his thoughts to the end. It is necessary to pronounce words clearly, and also to monitor the tone of speech and its volume. There should be a pause between questions to give the interlocutor the right to answer.

Negative emotions you cannot give free rein, as this may offend your business partner.

  • Do not pick up the phone for a very long time.
  • At the beginning of a conversation, you should not say the following words: “say,” “yes,” “hello.” Unless it's your old friend.
  • Carry on several conversations at the same time.
  • Leave your phone unattended, even for a few minutes.
  • Use scraps of paper for notes, which are easy to lose later.
  • Passing the phone to colleagues many times.

If you speak with an accent, try to pronounce phrases as clearly as possible. Under no circumstances should you hold the receiver with your hand to comment on the conversation to your colleagues, as the interlocutor can hear everything. Thus, you will find yourself in an awkward situation.

If your interlocutor voices a complaint to you, you cannot tell him that this mistake is not yours, or this issue is not within your competence. Such a response could have a negative impact on the organization’s reputation and will not help resolve problems. If it is your fault, be sure to apologize and try to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

There are some phrases to avoid:

  • "I don't know".
  • "We can't solve this."
  • "You must".
  • "I'll be back in a second."

It is better to replace these answers with neutral ones, which will be more loyal and will not spoil the company’s reputation. When you are unable to give an exact answer, it is better to say that you will try to clarify the information and call back. Use these phrases:

  • “I’ll clarify the information and call you back right away.”
  • “We will try to resolve the issue.”

Respecting the culture business communication over the phone, you can establish yourself with the best side and confirm the positive image of the company you work for.

For the vast majority of us, the telephone (both landline and mobile) has become an essential attribute. We use it to conduct most of our conversations, conversations and business negotiations, communicate with clients, partners, acquaintances, and relatives. That is why Often ignorance of telephone etiquette causes significant damage to reputation, changing the image in a negative direction.

Telephone Etiquette Basics

You should pick up the phone around the third ring, since for the caller, the first impression of the company will be not only how he is greeted, but also how long it takes to get an answer (in fact, whether anyone is present at the workplace). On the first call, you need to put things aside, on the second, tune in to the conversation, on the third, pick up the phone.

After calling the desired number and hearing an unfamiliar voice, find out the name and patronymic of the interlocutor so that you can then contact him. If you couldn’t do this right away, ask again how to address the person, or introduce yourself first, after which the interlocutor will most likely introduce himself. This is very important during business negotiations over the phone.

In order not to be a source of “interference” for your surroundings, set up your mobile phone correctly, removing the excessive volume and timbre of incoming calls - make it audible only for yourself. Or switch to vibration mode: this way you will “feel” the call without disturbing others.

At a concert, in a museum or in a theater, you should turn off your mobile phone altogether, because calling during the premiere of a play or concert performance will not give you authority in the eyes of those present.

If you are calling, do not disconnect until 5-6 rings have sounded, as the person on the other side may need some time to pick up the phone or get out their mobile phone.

Do not hang up first so as not to offend the person and try to thank him for the call and conversation.

Telephone etiquette rules

Attention to the caller must be absolute, so do not start parallel conversations in the office if someone is on the line and is waiting for your answer. Do not engage in any other activities and do not be distracted by extraneous noise or interference.

When talking on the phone, do not chew or drink, as this has an extremely negative impact on business partner or a potential customer, because he begins to feel superfluous. If you accidentally cough during a conversation, immediately apologize.

If you made a promise to call again, be sure to do so, since on the other side of the line they may be specifically waiting for your call, freeing up for this work time. Also call back if a telephone conversation you initiated is accidentally interrupted due to technical reasons.

When conducting telephone conversations for work, always keep a pen and paper near you in case you need to write down important information, data or figures, as well as, if necessary, transfer information to the person who this moment not in the office.

It often happens with a mobile phone that you often get a call on it at inopportune times: either during negotiations, or at a meeting, or in any other place. In such circumstances, it is necessary to inform the caller that you will dial him yourself, but a little later, when you are free. It is best to schedule the most likely time to call.

If visitors have arrived and you need to make an urgent call, ask them for forgiveness, trying to keep the phone conversation as short as possible. In this case, it is preferable to move a short distance so as not to embarrass those present.

If you are visiting and need to call, first ask permission from the owners and only then dial the number on your cell phone or on the landline of the owners of the house/apartment. Keep the conversation short, immediately stating the reason for the call.

When making a cell phone call, remember that the interlocutor on the other side may be driving a car, at negotiations, having lunch or in a road at that time, so be brief, postponing the discussion of all the details until later. This way you won't distract him or put him in danger.

Phone etiquette phrases

When you pick up the phone, you must immediately say the name of the company and introduce yourself. It is worth remembering that the address “Good afternoon” or “ Good morning” carry much more of a positive charge than the standard “Hello.” This immediately determines the style and mood of a telephone conversation or negotiation.

If you need to call you, be sure to identify yourself and the company on behalf of which you are contacting the person. Formulate the essence of the issue that requires resolution over the phone briefly and, if necessary, ask who could help you resolve it. Next, ask to be connected to a competent person or specialist. If he is not available, ask when he can call back.

If it is necessary to switch the caller to the called party, be sure to report this, and if he is not there, apologize, asking if you can be of assistance to the caller at your office.

You need to speak on the phone grammatically correct, without distorting words, clearly and clearly, at a strictly defined pace - from 120 to 150 words per minute, which is the standard rhythm of telephone conversations. But the first words (greeting and introduction) must be spoken a little slower than the others.

Monitor the volume of your speech, avoiding too low or too high a tone, as this may be perceived by the other party as indecisiveness or, conversely, as pressure and pressure.

When talking on the phone, as in a real conversation, be an active listener, not a passive one. To do this, it will be enough to utter approving sounds, gentle exclamations and interjections. also in telephone etiquette may be repeated keywords and phrases. But the desire to interrupt your interlocutor, despite all your activity as a listener, is condemned and must be suppressed.

It’s good to end business conversations over the phone with a condensed summary, listing all the results achieved, noting out loud what you are going to do based on the results of the past conversation. That is, you need to draw a clear conclusion in order to avoid omissions (suddenly you or your interlocutor did not hear or misunderstood something).

End your phone call with an uplifting, polite phrase, for example: “All the best”, “It was nice to meet you”, “It’s a pleasure to do business with you”, “I hope for a fruitful cooperation”, etc. The final chord is extremely important because it can enhance or, conversely, blur the impression of the entire conversation as a whole.


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Telephone etiquette

Basic rules of telephone etiquette Natalya Barabash, M. Kuznetsov, I. Tsykunov

Source: http://www.samorazvitie.ru

Training on the topic: Telephone etiquette

Telephone etiquette requires picking up the phone no later than the third ring, since for the first impression of the company it is extremely important not only what the first word is, but also how long it takes to get an answer. For the first call, put things aside, for the second call, tune in, for the third, smile and pick up the phone.

If they call you, immediately say hello, introduce yourself and say the name of the company. Greeting “Good morning!” or “Good afternoon!” carries a more energetic and positive message than just “Hello!” And sets the mood for telephone conversations.

When switching to the person you are calling, always tell them who you want to connect to, and if the person you are calling is not available, ask how you could be of assistance.

If you are calling someone and your call is not answered, do not hang up until you hear 4-6 long rings - it may take a while for the person you are calling to answer the phone. Otherwise, due to your impatience, you can interrupt excellent telephone conversations without starting them.

If you are calling, say hello, identify yourself and the company you represent, briefly formulate the essence of the problem that you would like to resolve during telephone conversations and ask to connect you with a specialist. If you don’t find the right person, ask when it would be more convenient to call back.

Find out the name of the person you are talking to and address him by name during a conversation - this is one of the most important rules of telephone etiquette. If you couldn’t immediately find out the name of your interlocutor, ask how you can contact him. After your introduction, he will most likely introduce himself. Write down his name.

Speak grammatically correct, clearly and intelligibly at a strictly defined pace of 120-150 words per minute (standard rate of telephone conversations). The first words of greeting and introduction are even slower.

Adjust your speech volume.

Smile when talking on the phone. But remember that the main thing is not your own smile, but the friendly smile of your interlocutor after talking with you.

Your interlocutor does not see you, but he perfectly senses your inner state, so be friendly, polite and ready to help him - by doing this you will not only win over the client, but will also significantly influence the strengthening of the favorable image of your company.

Telephone etiquette requires absolute attention to the interlocutor on the line. Don't talk to people in the office if a client is waiting on the line. Do not be distracted by other activities, noises or other disturbances. Do not eat or drink while talking on the phone. All this makes an extremely negative impression on the interlocutor, as he feels a lack of attention to himself and his problem. If you cough or get distracted, apologize immediately.

Both in real communication and in telephone conversations, be an active listener, suppress the desire to interrupt your interlocutor. Make approving sounds, interjections, and repeat key words.

Make sure you always have paper and pen on hand in case you are given important information that is difficult to remember in detail, or if it needs to be conveyed to someone who is not currently in the office.

Control your call time. If you expect to have long telephone conversations, be sure to inquire whether your interlocutor has enough time to devote it to you. If not, then try to clarify when it will be convenient to call back to talk more thoroughly.

Explain the reason why you need to step away from the phone. Compare which of the two answers is better: “Just a minute” or “I need to clarify this information with my manager. Please wait, this will take me about 60 seconds.” Be sure to wait for a response confirming that the person is willing to wait.

Try to solve the problem yourself, do not start a “football game” by sending the client from one employee to another - this is a gross violation of telephone etiquette.

End telephone conversations with a brief summary of what exactly you intend to do as a result of the communication. Don't promise what you can't deliver. Keep your commitments.

Always call back if promised. As per telephone etiquette, also call back if the call came from you and was disconnected.

Always thank them for calling.

If you have agreed that you will call back at another time, be sure to do so, as your call will be expected.

For each client, there is a certain optimal time for telephone conversations. Find out this very thing good time quite difficult, since everyone’s daily routine is different and, to top it all, can depend on the time of year, month and day of the week. How can you find out this time? The best thing to do is ask the secretary or the client himself.

End telephone conversations with some “life-affirming” remark, for example: “It was very nice to meet you and communicate, I hope that this conversation will develop into closer cooperation.” The final “chord” can also improve or worsen the overall impression of the dialogue and influence how (or whether) the relationship with the client will develop in the future.

Try to hang up last so as not to offend the other person.


It often happens that a phone call catches you during important negotiations or a meeting. In such cases, telephone etiquette requires asking the other person to leave his number and promising to call him back later. It is best to indicate a possible time for a return call (it is important to keep your promise).

If you have visitors and you need to call, you should ask them for forgiveness, and try to make the call itself as short as possible.

It happens that you are visiting and you need to call. This can only be done by first asking permission from the owners.

When going on a visit or a business date, if necessary, you can leave your employees or relatives the telephone number of the place where you are going. True, you need to ask permission from the owners or your business partners in advance.

Achievements modern science and technology allows us to be almost always within reach of a telephone call. But at the same time, he should under no circumstances interfere with others. Adjust the volume and tone of the call so that it is almost inaudible to anyone but you.

At the theater, at a concert, or in a museum, telephone etiquette requires turning off the ringer or turning off the phone altogether. Calling in a theater is inappropriate and will not at all add to your authority in the eyes of others.

But it also happens that you are waiting for a call, and the signal cell phone caught you during a conversation, lunch with a business partner or negotiations. In this case, you must definitely apologize and keep telephone conversations to a minimum. The same applies if you need to make an urgent call. If possible, it is better to step aside.

If you call a cell phone number, you should remember that your subscriber will have to pay for this conversation at a very high rate. Your interlocutor may be on the road, driving a car, and by distracting him, you can put him in danger. So be brief and save discussing the details for another time.

During a business conversation, it is always necessary to make such an impression that you are seen as a professional. And this should be done in the first minutes of the conversation. The image and success of a company depend largely on how communicative employees are and how well they can talk to potential clients and partners. To be effective, any employee should know some rules of communication.

What are the rules for communicating on the phone?

First, you should carefully monitor your intonation. Since the interlocutor may not see you during a conversation, this does not exclude the possibility that he cannot hear you. Therefore, try to speak kindly. And this will be facilitated by a smile and good mood throughout the conversation. The rules on the phone imply complete control of your emotions.

Secondly, during a conversation you should control your posture. If you slump in your chair during a conversation, it can ruin your reputation. If you stand all the time during a conversation, then your speech will take on assertiveness and energy, and this contributes, first of all, to the fact that it will become too hasty. It is necessary to adapt to a certain pace of conversation.

Thirdly, you need to greet correctly. Greeting is one of the most important elements included in the rules of communication. This matter has its own subtleties and nuances. For example, instead of “Hello,” it is better to say “Good afternoon.” This expression is much easier to pronounce. And it is much easier to perceive. Under no circumstances should you answer calls with “hello” and “yes”. First of all, you should provide information about the company, and then about your position.

It is always necessary to introduce yourself correctly. First, the person calling introduces himself. It is possible not to give a name and position only when the right person Not here. In the event that you are dialing someone's phone number, then after introducing yourself, find out about the availability of time. Only then should you talk about the purpose of the call.

The rules of communication also mean that you should not keep people waiting. The maximum time it takes to pick up the phone is approximately six rings. After that you can stop calling. You must answer after about the third ring. This will save the caller time. But you shouldn’t rush to the phone, otherwise they will think that you’re slacking off at work.

Don’t forget that calls should last approximately five minutes. The rules of communication do not provide for lyrical digressions. In addition, it takes up too much working time. You should not remain silent for a long time, since pauses are not needed in a business conversation. All they do is make you nervous. And if you were silent for about a minute, this will be a significant disadvantage for your reputation.

In addition, you need to prepare for a business call in advance. You should not make unnecessary calls to anyone just to clarify the information you are interested in. All questions and details should be discussed immediately during the first conversation. To avoid this problem, you can create special list with questions. It is always worth answering the questions asked in detail. Short answers will not maintain your reputation at the proper level and will not show your competence in the issue under discussion.

The golden rules of communication were invented just for such cases. If you follow them, your rating as a responsible employee will be high.

According to experts, today over 50% of all business issues are resolved over the phone. This is the most quick way communication, which allows you to establish contacts, arrange a meeting, business conversation, negotiations, without resorting to direct communication. But the way your voice sounds and the way you communicate on the phone largely determines the reputation of the company and the success of its business operations. Therefore, the ability to speak correctly and correctly on the phone is currently becoming integral part company image policy.

The culture of business communication presupposes knowledge of: the general rules of telephone conversation and the basic rules of business telephone etiquette.

General rules for telephone conversations:

1.Pick up the phone before the fourth ring: the first impression of you or your company depends on how long you have to wait for an answer.

2. When talking on the phone, you should leave all extraneous conversations for a while. Your interlocutor has every right to attention to himself.

3. During a telephone conversation, it is considered indecent to eat, drink, smoke, rustle with paper, or chew gum.

4. Learn to listen carefully and not interrupt your interlocutor if it is not necessary.

5. It is unacceptable to pick up the phone and answer: “Just a minute” and force the caller to wait while you deal with your business. This is only possible as a last resort and only within one minute. If you are very busy at the moment and cannot talk, it is better to apologize and offer to call back.

6. Always call back when your call is expected.

7. If you “got to the wrong place,” you should not find out: “What is your number?” You can clarify: “Is this number so-and-so...?”, upon hearing a negative answer, apologize and hang up.

8. It is considered a violation of etiquette to dial a number and ask: “Guess who it is?”, regardless of whether it is addressed to friends, colleagues or relatives. If you are not recognized, you should always introduce yourself.

9.Calling home is an invasion of privacy, so always ask if it is a convenient time for you to call: “Do you have time to talk to me?”, “Are you very busy right now?” etc. If the answer is yes, you can talk for your own pleasure, but when you hear the first signs of a desire to end the conversation, you should politely say goodbye. During the service, telephone conversation time is also limited.

10.Talking on the phone must be extremely polite. It is unacceptable to shout and get irritated during a telephone conversation; this is a gross violation of the ethics of interpersonal and business communication. In response to the insult they hang up. Swearing over the phone is illegal.

11.Telephone conversations in someone else’s house, company, or organization should be extremely brief and businesslike. It is very impolite to have a long conversation while visiting.

12. A telephone conversation should be polite, but immediately ended if a guest comes to your home or a visitor to your office. You should apologize and, briefly stating the reason, arrange a call. At home you can say: “Excuse me, I have guests, I will call you back tomorrow evening (morning,...)”; at work: “Sorry, I have a visitor, I’ll call you back in about an hour.” Be sure to keep your promise.

13. If the connection is lost during a conversation, you should hang up; The person who called dials the number again. If a company representative was talking to a customer or client, then he must dial the number.

14.The initiative to end a telephone conversation belongs to the person who called. The exception is a conversation with elders in age or social status.

15.Nothing can replace warm words of gratitude and farewell at the end of any conversation or conversation. It should be remembered that the farewell words should contain the possibility of future contact: “Let's call next Tuesday,” “see you tomorrow,” etc.

Basic rules of business telephone etiquette:

It must be remembered that a business telephone conversation should not exceed four minutes.

You need to call

1. The rules of etiquette require, after hearing the subscriber’s answer:

– say hello;

– introduce yourself;

– briefly state the essence of the issue;

- at the end of the conversation, thank and say goodbye.

Greeting and introducing yourself during a conversation with a stranger is a mutual and mandatory procedure.

The main rule of business protocol is that a telephone conversation must be personalized. If the caller has not introduced himself, you should politely ask: “Excuse me, who am I talking to?”, “May I know who am I talking to?” and so on.

2. If the call goes through a secretary and you are not known where you are calling, the secretary has the right to ask about the reason for the call.

3. Regardless of the circumstances, try to smile, otherwise you will not be able to win over your interlocutor.

4. Always keep a notepad and pen handy for necessary notes.

5. When preparing for a telephone conversation, make a list of issues that need to be discussed. Calling again to apologize that you missed something leaves a bad impression and should only be done as a last resort.

6. If you were unable to find the person you needed, ask when it would be more convenient to call back.

7. Plan your message in advance if you know the information will be transmitted through a third party or through an answering machine.

8. If you are leaving a message on an answering machine, after greeting and introducing yourself, state the date and time of the call, and then short message and words of farewell.

When they call you

1. According to the rules of etiquette, after picking up the phone, you need to:

– name the company or institution you represent;

– say hello;

- for presentation - presentation;

– to the question – a correct polite answer.

2. If they want to talk not with you, but with someone else: “Just a minute, I’ll pass the phone now”; the one who is called to the phone must thank: “Thank you,” “Thank you, I’ll be right there.”

3. If the right person is not present at that moment, then the person who approaches clarifies that this person is absent. Such responses should include a request to call back after a certain time: “Could you call back in an hour,” etc.

4. If the phone rings and you are talking on another phone at the same time, you should pick up the phone, apologize, end the first conversation if possible, hang up, then start a conversation with the second interlocutor or apologize and ask to call back after a certain time. It is unacceptable to make a caller wait for more than one minute.

5. It is better to refrain from answering calls if you are spending business meeting or a business meeting. The priority always belongs to the living voice.

1. If you receive a call about an important matter when there are people in the office, it is better to answer the call from an adjacent room or, if this is not possible, ask to call back after a certain time, or reduce the conversation to a minimum.

In modern business culture of communication Special attention devote themselves to telephone conversations. A few axioms of telephone communication, especially if you are calling for the first time.

1. A telephone call is your personal business, even if you are calling on business.

2. You can call home only with your partner’s permission.

3. The vast majority of business telephone conversations are successful only the second time because people call at a time convenient for them, and not for their partners.

4. It is customary to call home on business from 10 o’clock. morning until 10 pm. Unless there was an additional agreement.

5. When you start talking on the phone, try to smile - this will add warmth to your voice. After the obligatory introduction, take a short break and try to understand by the reaction to your name what state, mood your partner is in and his attitude towards your call.

6. When introducing yourself over the phone, state not only your last name and official position, but also a name with which you can be addressed. Your partner should not painfully remember your name.

7. If you call to a stranger the first time, think in advance what you will say, suggest, ask - otherwise you will give the impression of an uncollected wimp who does not value other people's time.

8. A business conversation, especially the first one, should not last more than 4 minutes. Its structure: introduction, purpose of the call, resolution of the issue, agreement to continue contact, gratitude for the conversation.

9. You need to speak clearly and actively.

10. If you call an institution, be sure to ask who you are talking to. Leave a message or ask for advice only from competent people.

11. If they call you, answer politely and comprehensively. From home: “I’m listening to you.” From an institution: name the company or department so that the caller immediately understands where exactly he ended up.

12. It is better to answer all phone calls, but if you have not agreed in advance, and the other party is interested in contact, then you can leave the initiative to establish contact to her.

13. If you promised to call, then you need to get through during the day.

The art of talking on a mobile phone:

This invention brought with it its own etiquette.

If you are calling, after the introduction, ask if it is convenient to talk to you at the moment.

Remember that when using a mobile phone, time goes by. Therefore, discuss only urgent issues. Leave the rest for calling the office.

If you receive a call on your cell phone, first introduce yourself.

If you have passengers in the car, use your phone sparingly or, better yet, don't talk on it at all.

Mobile phone should be turned off during business meetings, conversations, meetings.

Section III. Speech and sign.

1. Psychological h possibilities verbal communication.

General principles speech communication.

Speech strategies for business conversations.

Preparation rules public speaking.

The word denotes an object, a process and a relationship. We understand a word in context as information that has a cognitive, value and personal meaning. Any message has content, purpose, motives and reveals the personality of the interlocutor.

Speech communication is continuous. We say something to each other all the time. At the same time, we sometimes speak consciously, but unconsciously misspoke. For example, we call a partner by the name of another person. Sometimes we deliberately make a reservation, hoping that our partner will understand the hint or informally communicated information. Often we make a mistake unintentionally, but immediately realize the mistake and try to correct it. In addition, we misunderstand the rational content of information, interpret it incorrectly, and falsely perceive the emotional content of speech. Experts say that if “conceived” is taken as 100%, then after “formulated”, “expressed”, “heard”, “understood” only 24% remains in “memory”. Hence, the general passion for reading non-verbal signs, which does not bring too much benefit, since there is no unambiguous and typical connection between the content and form of expression mental states. You can definitely determine that a person is worried, but at the same time make a mistake and mistake simple excitement for irritation or protest against you personally. Even when the partner’s state is determined correctly, it is not always possible to take advantage of it; there is no point in telling a person who is twirling a pen in his hands while talking to you that he is nervous.

What does it even mean to understand another person? It is necessary to isolate information, comprehend it and respond adequately to it. In the words of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger, “Language speaks itself,” that is, the choice of words is not random, but expresses our attitude towards the transmitted message and towards the partner.

There are forms of verbal communication that can be taught and are worth learning. Firstly, this speech etiquette, secondly, the ability to ask questions, thirdly, public speaking skills, fourthly, the characteristics of a telephone conversation, and fifthly, behavior in a business conversation. Experts define: conversation is situational contact, and conversation is a substantive conversation, dispute is proof of the truth of one’s own opinion, discussion is an exchange of opinions, and polemic is a struggle of opinions brought to a conflict of grounds. Thus, in the process of business speech communication, it is necessary to take into account its form, psychological context and motivations of the main subjects.

In a business communication situation, we use “speech in socially oriented communication.” Speech serves joint activities. Therefore, its use is regulated by a number of rules.

Principle of cooperation:

The statement should contain as much information as is required for the current communication.

The statement should be as truthful as possible. Dont lie. Do not say what you are not sure of or what you do not know.

The statement must be clear. It is better to speak in a language understandable to your interlocutors.

Principle of politeness:

Communication is terminated by mutual consent.

Complied with general rules speech etiquette.

The use of euphemisms - formulas that replace harsh expressions.

Violations of the rules of politeness: bad manners and rudeness.
