What is a Thai bodysuit? Sensual body massage is relaxation, eroticism and unearthly pleasure

Thai massage is notable for the fact that the massage therapist interacts directly with the patient’s energy. This radically distinguishes the Thai massage school from the classical one, where the impact on problem areas using exclusively mechanical methods dominates. In Southeast Asia, Thai massage is included in most traditional health systems. Therefore, native Thais do not suffer from the ailments inherent in residents of European countries.

History of origin

Thai massage originated about 2.5 thousand years ago, and its founder is considered to be Jivaku Kumara Bhachchhu (in some sources - Shiuago Komparaj). According to legend, Jivaku was a friend of Buddha and a doctor, who at the same time laid the foundation for all Thai medicine.

For a long time, information about this technique was passed on, as they say, by word of mouth, until writing arose. Then the basics of Thai massage began to be fixed on palm leaves.

Thai massage technique

The secret of the technique developed by the Thais is that the muscles manage to maintain an even distribution of energy. The elasticity of the muscles is maintained for a long time, they are functional and efficient.

Soft tissue massage always involves pressure. The Thai system has a large number of positions - both for the patient and for the master himself. Manipulation requires certain skills and effort. The following types of pressure are distinguished:

There are various kinds of manipulations in Thai massage aimed at achieving the effect of stretching or twisting.

Such manipulations include:

  • shaking;
  • climb;
  • pulling with pushing;
  • rotation.

Pressure in Thai massage is only a preparatory stage, the apotheosis of which is manipulation.

Erotic Thai massage

When thinking about figuring out how to do an erotic Thai massage, decide on your priorities. There is a clear line between sexual foreplay and a professional approach to this issue.

Common features of both approaches include:

  1. The atmosphere. It is important to create an environment conducive to the awakening of secret fantasies and desires. The main instruments here are quiet music, dim lights, various aromatic oils.
  2. Skin contact. It has an effect on erogenous zones, which are “stuffed” with sensitive receptors.
  3. Touches. Physical contact is given a special meaning. Are being carried out touching with hands, chest, lips and other parts of the body. An experienced Thai salon masseuse is able to provide unforgettable pleasure with almost any part of her body.
  4. Inner liberation. Without this indicator, you cannot become a true master of Thai massage. If a masseuse is shy and not ready to experience pleasure herself, she will not be able to provide it to the client.
  5. Variety of techniques. Almost all sensory areas of our body should be involved in the massage process.

The secrets of erotic massage have been passed on by Thai masters to their students for centuries. It was the residents of Thailand for the first time learned to combine medical and erotic effects in one method.

Body massage

Thailand is famous for massage parlors specializing in Thai body (or "soap") massage. The masseuse invites the client into the bath, where she soaps him up, and then proceeds to an erotic massage followed by intimate services. In this case, all parts of the craftswoman’s body are involved..

These specific salons are located in separate buildings. The manager will meet you at the entrance, kindly lead you inside and leave you in the room where masseuses will be waiting for you behind the glass. Usually girls are divided by price categories.

No one will rush you. Sit down at a table, order alcohol, and slowly evaluate the product. Which, by the way, is not inactive, but is actively trying to lure the visitor into its networks.

After you make your choice, call the manager, tell him the girl’s number and go with her to a comfortable apartment.

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The girl takes you to the shower, washes you, then you move onto the bed. There, massages are provided, smoothly turning into intimate services.

The session lasts on average an hour and a half and estimated at 1800-3000 baht. The cost varies depending on the class of the establishment and the level of the girl. Drinks will have to be paid for separately. If you like the girl’s work, don’t skimp on tips; in Thailand it’s customary to give them.

The most popular body massage salons in Pattaya:

  • Sabai Land;
  • Sabai Dee;
  • Honey Massage;
  • Rasputin;
  • Diamond Massage.

Christin Massage is worth a visit in Phuket. There are tons of similar establishments in Bangkok:

  • Emmanuelle Massage;
  • Eden;
  • Annie's Sauna and Massage;
  • Chao Phraya I & II;
  • Darling Massage.

To avoid getting lost, contact motorbikers. They know all the establishments of this kind inside out and even make money by supplying clients there.

This type of massage is used by many tourists jokingly called “lazy yoga”. The use of special devices here is kept to a minimum, and the master applies pressure on the muscles alternately, trying to soften them as much as possible. After this, the joints of the feet are stretched, which leads to an improvement in capillary blood supply.

Stages of Thai foot massage:

  1. Preparation. The patient lies on his back, spreads his legs, and stretches his arms along the body.
  2. Pressure on the foot (inner edge). Warms up and stretches the thigh muscles. It is done with both hands, while the masseur sways slightly.
  3. A similar procedure with the outer edge of the foot. The masseur's fingers now turn inward.
  4. Crossed feet. Light pressure stimulates joint mobility.
  5. Squeezing. It is carried out along the entire length of the foot. Serves to warm up the muscles.
  6. Stretching fingers. Relaxes day-tired toes.
  7. Arching of fingers. This procedure has an extremely beneficial effect on the ankle.
  8. Deep pressure. Each foot is massaged separately. The movements are short-lived.
  9. Twisting the foot. If you take a long walk, you will experience serious relief.

Benefit for health

As a result of natural aging, our body loses its former flexibility and mobility. The uniqueness of the Thai system lies in the long-term preservation of youthful joints and muscles.

Europeans are accustomed to thinking that the optimal healing technique in the East is yoga, but Thai massage, if done correctly, is more effective.

Thai massage styles

There are 2 known styles:

  • Southern style. Based on deep acupuncture technique. The work starts from the stomach. All manipulations take place on the table.
  • Nordic style. The client is lying on the floor. A mat or mat is used as bedding. The massage therapist's work begins with the feet.

We say " body massage for men- do we mean “Thai” and vice versa? Yes, a very common point of view. Correct or not? Let's figure it out together. At the same time, let's talk about what an erotic Thai body session is. And about why he is so attractive even to the most stern and unapproachable Russian guys. Well, or for those who have tried and learned a lot (and love “body” more and more!). First, let’s look at the point of view “erotic body massage = Thai”. This is still not entirely clear. Let's mentally move to Thailand. Thai relaxation salons in resort towns, towns, on beaches... In Phuket, Pattaya, Bangkok. They simply cannot be counted. But what is it? On some of them you can see catchy inscriptions in the spirit: “We massage, not provide sex services!” Indeed, Thailand is famous not only for its nightlife and erotic “outing” for “farangs” (that’s what foreigners are called here). Thai massage is a world-famous healing practice. A session using a special technique, passive stretching (the masseuse herself stretches the client). Improves the overall functioning of the body. Healthy! However, nothing sexual is intended.

What is this - a description of technology?

But what then is erotic body massage for men and where to look for it? It is not in short supply in Thailand either! It was from there, from the “Mecca of sexual tourism”, that he came to us. And he feels like a fish in water. Just like his Moscow fans! In Thailand it is often called “soapy”. This is because it is not oil that is used as a “lubricant,” but soap suds. We also practice this: during the aqua-foam program. Actually, a session for men in Moscow is usually done with massage oil. Body massage in the “Nezhno” salon for men from masseuses in Moscow. He came to us from Thai resorts, and the name was obvious: Thai. This is its tropical warmth and the solar energy that is inherent in it! Near the Tekstilshchiki metro station, in Nejno, it is made by the most beautiful ladies of the metropolis. As they say, Thai girls are not for everyone, but our girls, lovely, seductive and, most importantly, understanding, this is the juice.

Erotic body massage in Russian!

It acquired some kind of peculiar flavor. It has something of the hot and otherworldly Thailand. At the same time, he also has unbridled Russian passion. In the Nejno salon-theaters, this thermonuclear mixture is also supplemented by the artistry of entertaining actresses... In general, the result is a magic “potion” that enchants you from the first sip. What is this program for men? “Body” means “body” in English. This is the international name for this pleasure. The masseuse gives the guest a massage with her body, her beautiful, naked one. Overjoyed with pleasure at every moment of the process! Hug, caress, cuddle, slide, like a flexible and pleasant snake. The girl will do all this for you. From all sides! There simply won’t be any places on your body left untouched by caresses. Of course, it all starts with gentle stroking. For example, a girl strokes a guest’s back with her breasts. Then he turns it over and the stroking continues from the front. Gradually the intensity increases. The “epicenter” shifts to the man’s “rod of passion”, and... Passions heat up and lead to a very definite result: a sweet end to the process! And all this is just a massage, without any “ambiguity”. Agree, in this case, the girl is required to have skill, dedication, and enthusiasm. A bit of creativity doesn't hurt either. And our girls have all this in abundance! So you will definitely like it. This is what it is – a rich and emotional erotic body massage. This tropical juicy “fruit” grows successfully on Russian soil, in the city of Moscow. Will you try it? Welcome to us for a tasting!

Body massage is not a conventional mechanical healing procedure, implying a reflex effect on muscles, organs and tissues through kneading, stroking and patting. It is designed to affect not only the body, but also the soul.

The ultimate goal of such a massage is a relaxed state of mind. To master the technique of body massage, in order to learn how to perform it yourself, you need to get acquainted with the theory. Let's start with the definition and history of its origin.

Body - at its core, is an erotic massage and a type of Thai technique. About 2000 years ago, memories of this amazing relaxing procedure begin in India and China.

Like many things in eastern countries, body massage embodies part of Indian culture and philosophy. He was called upon to heal not so much the body as the soul. This was actively used by monks, Arab kings, ancient Greek emperors, and representatives of noble families for centuries.

Subsequently, educational institutions called Tao were created and successfully operated in the East. The purpose of the training, which included body massage, was to perceive affection as an effective means of dealing with stress. If this type of procedure has survived to this day, then it is worth it!

Body massage in Thailand

Bodysuits are extremely popular among tourists visiting Thailand. Traveling around this country simply obliges you to find out what body massage is. It’s almost impossible not to find out, since there are plenty of relevant salons here. Thai bodysuits are purely relaxing and erotic in nature.

Reputable salons offer comfortable rooms with a bath and an air mattress. After sanitizing the mattress, the bath is prepared. During this preparation, the client can watch TV or simply relax. This is followed by undressing and gentle touches while taking a bath using aromatic oils and other cleansers.

After taking a bath, the masseuse offers to move to the mattress, where the client and the mattress are well soaped to a whipped foam. The client lies on his stomach and then on his back, and all this time the masseuse slides, touches, massages his back, legs, and arms.

Rubbing occurs with the palm, fingers, chest, buttocks, some parts of the body are grabbed with the mouth, finding the desired areas and working with acupuncture points. Elements of a relaxing massage are also used. Everything in total simply cannot fail to deliver the highest degree of pleasure and relaxation.

Preparing for a massage at home

To prepare for the procedure, you initially need to create a pleasant, calm atmosphere that promotes relaxation and comfort. The mattress or soft blanket, as well as the floor, must be clean and of high quality.

The massage therapist must be dressed comfortably and have a physical condition and mood appropriate for the procedure. All necessary attributes should be prepared. Accessories include boas, feathers, and various types of “fur traps.” You can light candles, incense sticks or an aroma lamp. Choose gentle music.

Video lesson: how to do erotic massage.

Massage technique and its stages

To master the technique of body massage on your own, you need to work hard: read the tips, recommendations, and watch a special video. In order for the patient to feel free and relaxed, the body procedure should begin very gently and gently. Gradually increase the pressure, but then again, returning to the softness and tenderness of the movements.

The massage should begin with large parts of the body and gradually move to smaller and erogenous zones. Hands should move towards the nearest lymph nodes. You must also remember that the neck should be stretched upward from the sacrum, the head should be massaged from the crown towards the collarbones, the torso should be massaged from the chest to the armpits, the rectus abdominis muscles - from top to bottom, and the oblique muscles from bottom to top.

Important! Do not allow rough movements, which can not only injure the body, but also cause muscle tremors, and this is not included in our plans, because body massage is considered to be relaxing.

We begin massaging the legs from the feet, gradually moving to the knees, and then to the groin area. If you break the massage into stages, it looks like this:

  1. Preparatory stage;
  2. Tao stage, when the pressure becomes stronger and the movements become slower;
  3. An-mo or rubbing, when working with erogenous zones;
  4. Mo-fu or abdominal massage, where special place is given to the navel;
  5. The final stage, where the massage is performed with body parts.

The intensity and duration of relaxation procedures plays an extremely important role, which should be taken into account. Remember that every unskillful movement can bring pain to the patient and will not give the expected results.

For women

This type of massage is a proven remedy that significantly increases sexuality and enhances libido. Proper use of bodysuits brings fairly quick and noticeable results. Changes occur not only in appearance, but also in the spiritual state of women.

Thai body massage is characterized by acupressure techniques, which involve stretching and twisting muscles, and its erotic techniques are closely related to tantric and Ayurvedic teachings about the circulation of sexual energy flows through the body. For example, thanks to the powerful release of hormones during climax, massage affects the entire body in an exclusively positive way.

For men

Body massage, at its core, has always been a kind of preparation for sexual intercourse. The ancestors of this technique, the ancient Indians and Chinese, were distinguished by the fact that they paid great attention to the erotic “spending free time.”

Relaxing with seductive dancers and masseuses, men often ended the evening in their arms.

Enough has already been said about body massage for men. We can only add that a prerequisite for massage is the use of a variety of aromatic oils, both for the massage and for creating the necessary atmosphere in the room. Thus, cedar repels insects, and the aroma of sandalwood stimulates male abilities. While jasmine promotes relaxation.

Stroking, biting, light kisses and teasing touches “body on body” - all this is a body massage. A few minutes of such relaxation procedures will turn your body into a continuous erogenous zone.

Important! When mastering massage at home, remember that unexpected touches, tenderness and varied intensity bring special pleasure. This is an entire art that needs to be learned.

Diligence in such training and practice can make you a guru of the highest class! And if we are not talking about clients and massage therapists, but about lovers or married couples, then such a procedure will help you get closer, understand each other, add variety to your intimate life and fill it with bright colors.

In general, it is famous for its massages and procedures, with which you can not only enjoy, but also relax. We will talk about this type of massage, which is called soap, or body massage.

Before starting the procedure, the girl thoroughly soaps and washes the client’s body, and then frequently massages her entire body and provides intimate services to the client. Often, such a service is provided in separate establishments, which are intended primarily for providing intimate services. The client is met by a manager who takes him to a room where he can choose himself, a lady who will give him a massage. Girls stand behind glass and show off their bodies.

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Each girl has a different price, and the more attractive she is, the more expensive she is. But although it happens, the price is also increased for work experience, which is also appreciated by clients. You can look at the product for a long time. You can also relax in the bar, drink a cocktail and take another look at the candidates. During your selection, ladies should entice and entertain you with their bodies. But although there are also girls who are either sitting on the phone or looking at the next customer with a gloomy face. But if such behavior is noticed by the manager, the girl may be punished.

When you choose someone, you need to invite a manager and point to the number of the girl you have chosen. It is worth noting that the girl cannot refuse to do her job. Then you are invited to a comfortable room, where it will be just the two of you.

There, in the room, the girl first of all takes you to the bathroom or shower, as you choose, washes you well, and then brings you to the bed. On the bed she performs a massage and then fulfills all your intimate desires.

This procedure lasts at least an hour and a half and costs no more than three thousand baht. The price depends on the specific establishment and the girl herself. Basically, this cost includes the entire procedure. But there are also salons where you will have to pay to continue washing; these questions need to be clarified in advance with the manager. You pay for drinks and everything you eat at the bar separately. If you wish, you can tip the girl if you liked her service. You can negotiate with the girl to extend the procedure.

Often in such salons there are two price lists, for Europeans and Russians. For the second type of citizen, these services are more expensive. Therefore, it is best to communicate in a foreign language and ask for a different price list if they brought it to you for a Russian person. Thus, the Thais are hoping for Russian generosity, but we are not so easy to fool.

It can be considered the most pleasant way to achieve relaxation and pleasure. This type is popular among men of all ages. Massage is a special type of relaxation. Although many massage therapists have appropriate training, this procedure requires love and dedication to their work. That is why it is preferable to use private advertisements for body massage, where private masters sometimes have more skills than specialists in salons.

Features of the relaxation process

Body massage is a combination of classic and erotic massage. It was founded in Thailand, where it is still popular among tourists and locals. The procedure includes two stages - warm-up of all parts of the body and erotic body massage. The massage is based on the goal of relaxing every part of the body and warming up all the muscles. Smooth rubbing, first with your hands and then with the girl’s body, relaxes the muscles, but sharpens the senses. In this way, the effect of liberation is achieved, the elimination of all anxieties, and a surge of colossal energy.

The massage begins in a classic style, smoothly turning into the erotic part. It is worth noting that, contrary to stereotypes, Thai body massage excludes sexual relations between the client and the massage therapist. In some cases, imitation of sexual intercourse is allowed in order to maximize relaxation, pleasure and heighten sensations.

Benefits of the procedure

Unlike other types of body massage, it is exclusive. It combines relaxation and a surge of strength, absence of thoughts and desire. Among the advantages are the following:

  1. Complete relaxation of all muscles.
  2. Deep effect on the skin.
  3. Releases sexual energy, improving the functioning of the nervous system.


Massage can cause a variety of reactions. But even at the same time, there are medical prohibitions on carrying out. The procedure is not recommended for the following diseases or symptoms:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart;
  • hypertension, hypotension;
  • colds and respiratory diseases;
  • nervous overexcitation;
  • mental disorders;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin diseases
  • allergic rash.

Private body massage

Unlike massage parlors, private services have a number of advantages. You can agree with a private master on additional procedures, including adding several stages of another massage to the process or refusing some services, limiting yourself to only a few.

In order to submit an advertisement to the site for the provision of body massage services, just register on the site.
