Denis Lebedev created a scandal for his beloved on the eve of the New Year. Confession of Denis Lebedev


The Suzdal cheese maker has finally answered all the most pressing questions of the curious. No, unfortunately, not our publication, while the local media is not very interested in the promoted businessman, who is now at the peak of his popularity. It's a matter of YouTube. It was there that “Confession of Denis Lebedev” appeared. What is it about? Let's figure it out.

DETAIL: The video is posted in a very easy to view format. Below it, everything is written out as in a script plan - with the content of the frame and timing. We decided to announce the most interesting points (answers to questions) from the entire list.

Childhood and youth

“I come from the Volgograd region. Born in 1984. In a word, in the Soviet Union. I've been squirming since childhood. I studied at school with excellent marks. I graduated from it in Kineshma with 2 or 3 B grades, I don’t remember exactly. Entered VYU. He went in for sports: hand-to-hand combat, karate, judo, sambo, kickboxing. I won everything I could at that time. These include Russian championships, friendly matches, and commercial fights. In the last year of the institute, I transferred to correspondence courses and entered a second university with an economic orientation, which I successfully graduated from.”


“Then my friends and I started trying to get into entrepreneurship. We have always earned and continue to earn money honestly. I received my first million dollars at the age of 23 by accident - I helped complete a deal during the sale of a large facility in the Moscow region - a weaving factory. And people thanked me for it. Afterwards, we began to take risks and open restaurant businesses, participate in various online projects, received patents, went to an exhibition in Germany, to Hamburg with our invention... In my entire life, I lost my financial condition 3 times and rose again 3 times. Last time - now with cheese. This is an absolute startup. I started with one pan, and now it is a successful enterprise that brings me passive income.”

First love

“First love - Katya Lapshina, hello! This is a girl from kindergarten, with whom we were very friends, we ate together, walked, shared some toys, and our life experiences. And then we had our first kiss. Funny, more like a touch and a friendly hug.”

First sex

“He was with me for my birthday when I was 13-14 years old with a very cool young lady, her name is Olya. She then came from Australia and told me what a wonderful world it is, how many interesting people there are, how much there is to see. And this is the gift she gave me. Olya was 4 or 5 years older than me.”

First wife

“Our relationship with Anya developed well. I thought we loved each other. We met in 2008 and got married in August 2009. The wedding budget was divided in half. My parents gave us a trip to America. Hers is an apartment that we never moved into. We celebrated for two days, there was even a fight. In general, everything is like at a real Russian wedding. The child appeared after three years of marriage. I was incredibly happy. My wife told me about this in Cyprus. I couldn’t believe my luck; I was even present at the birth.”


“But then we had a disagreement... I can’t find the reason within myself. After some time, the lawyer sent me a photo of the birth certificate, which said: Lebedev Andrey Denisovich. That is, it turns out that I had a second son, which I did not know about. And as it turned out, the man who was the father of this baby was imprisoned for 15 years for robbery or robbery... When I was already on a project in Rome, Anya called me. We talked for a long time. She said: “You were the best man in my life. I want to give you two daughters. We have true love, how stupid and young we were that we allowed ourselves to part like this.” To which I replied: “Sorry, but I love someone else. Let's be friends". After that, I definitely had no questions about what was my fault.”

Former father-in-law

“My ex-wife’s parents were born in the Russian outback, came to Moscow by assignment, lived normally, but tried to gain a foothold in the capital. And the father-in-law successfully reached the position of adviser to advisers. As he said, a “general” of something. I didn’t know why, but I took his word for it. Then it turned out that he was a general of the Cossack troops or someone else. He was a powerful lobbyist. It’s a pity that such a position was not invented, because he was very good at helping entrepreneurs. He earned quite a lot of money from this... But then he ended up in prison for fraud. Of course, I helped him as best I could. We paid off debts for it, sold everything... Anya sold her car, Lesha (her brother) too. But all this happened when I was still married.”

Ex-wife's brother and his accusations

“I didn’t start this, it wasn’t my initiative. Lesha is a major. He grew up in a wealthy family and was helped to go to college. They kicked out, returned, bought, brought. He has a big complex, like weak people who, it seems to them, are deprived of the love of their parents. And each time he transformed this in every possible way, first to Anya, then to our family. Every time I put it in its place. He received “bream” and slaps from me. Lesha is a coward, but you can live with it. Lech, I forgive you. I know all your weaknesses. You have been given life to deal with them. After all, when the questions of returning money for dad were even raised, he said: “I’m not responsible for my father. I don't care. I won’t give away the money”... After which I had to take the situation into my own hands...”


“I filed a lawsuit for the division of property - a large large house that we built together, but Anya’s father said: “Dan, you can do anything.” And I left, leaving everything. And he even took over many of his debts. Yes, and I can say unequivocally: all the women who were, are and will be with me have never paid and will not pay for anything with me. Not for water, not for diamonds, not for hotels, not for cars, not for fur coats, not for apartments, not for anything. I always pay for everyone.”


“Friends, if I know how to manipulate people well, then you are lucky in this, because I spend time and money on this and you feel good about it. Therefore, if this is the case, I will definitely open trainings or courses on how to make people happy. But seriously, I am a completely frank and honest person.”

Opened correspondence

“This whole story became the reason for our global quarrel with Olya. I don't know how my WhatsApp was hacked. There are two options: this could have been done by people close to me who had access to my phone... or by scammers. The names of those I know actually appeared there, but this correspondence was turned upside down and the “question-answer” was put in a completely different order. It's most likely photoshopped."

Second wife

“Dasha is generally a very cool girl. Decent, kind, sympathetic. Everything that happened with her, of course, was stupid, but she knows that I was honest with her... I tried to understand for myself, maybe it’s possible to live without love and somehow get used to each other. So I proposed to her, after which we started living together. At some point, Dashka told me: “I’m going to my parents.” I thought: “Maybe this is good and I really need to rest a little, in my opinion, this is normal.” She left. We have not lived for six months and at the same time maintained a relationship and even tried to get together.... But when there is no passion and love, people still finally break up, as it happened with us. I have no debts to Dasha. We have closed all the questions.”

Linda and Vita

“Linda and I spent time together in a friendly company, sang, danced, had fun, laughed. She even appreciated my body, by the way. But she could touch me only in dance, not in intimacy. At the same time, they said that she and I used some illegal drugs. Not only is this nonsense, but Linda has a child, family, friends and community who were shocked by all this false information.

Vita is a very close friend of mine. My close person who has been with me for 17 years. We do business, fight, make peace, create something... She is my financier. And when I had to ask for more money than I could take, of course, I heard serious complaints from her, because you can’t take money from the turnover, from business, especially for such expensive women. We went to Cyprus together, but we were in different cities. Vita met her loved one there, I spent my birthday with friends. Then we went together to find out about the new yogurt production. So Vita and I don’t have sex. We're just partners."

Secret patrons

Relations with Buzova

“They developed in a cool, calm, cool, gentle, kind way. When you are happy and share your happiness... I treated her sincerely. Honestly and having real feelings. But I’m not a maniac and I won’t pursue and woo a girl who doesn’t need me. My woman will be by my side in love and safety. But I must know myself that at some point I can turn my back and no one will stick a knife there.”

Where did the meetings take place?

“We saw each other quite often, almost every other day. We were both attracted to each other. We wanted to study each other, get to know each other. Therefore, we spent time in person or talking on the phone. Of course, I’m a would-be lover and don’t understand women well, but they all say that I’m the best man and they’re very good with me. I don’t know whether to believe it or not.”

Last conversation with Olya

“It was difficult, difficult. Her friends were also present with him. I spoke quite frankly in front of the three girls. I try to almost always tell the truth, no matter what it is... Now I don’t even know whether it was all a show or not. Cinema and the Germans or not. Each person, of course, can react differently, but if there are feelings, it is impossible to restrain your emotions... Whatever your fears, either you accept each other with your cockroaches, or not. Olya is a vulnerable, sensitive, sensual girl, so perhaps she reacted this way, saying very unpleasant and untruthful things to me. And she also forgot to think about the fact that I have parents and a child and how this could affect their lives...”

Future plans

“I will live in harmony and happiness, develop and travel... I can and will go into politics, I will run for the post of president of the country. It’s still early, I’m not the right age, but I will try to change this world for the better. The business will have a new line of cheeses. I want to open a chain of cool gastronomic stores. I am very interested in online business and online education in all areas. As for my personal life, I could organize the “Marry Lebedev” project... But I believe in my destiny. I will definitely meet my soul mate.”

You can watch “Confession of Denis Lebedev” in full by clicking on

Denis Lebedev
​Photo: Instagram

A participant in the TV show “Married to Buzov” Denis Lebedev again attracted public attention. This time the man went down into the underground passage to learn a new profession - a street musician. It seems that the cheese maker from Suzdal does not have enough to live on. By the way, recently his beloved Olga Buzova was also spotted in the metro, where she was begging for a free ride.

Judging by the photo from the social network, fans did not skimp and helped someone in need. You can even see his good earnings in the case of his guitar - he definitely didn’t go hungry yesterday. However, according to Denis’s words, in this way he decided to simply unwind.

“Getting out of your comfort zone,” Denis Lebedev captioned the photo online.

Deniz Lebedev earns in transition
​Photo: Instagram

It should be noted that after the release of the finale of the scandalous show, a fan learned that Olga Buzova had finally severed ties with the man. It turned out that Lebedev was not at all the person he had previously claimed to be.

“I will never be able to forgive and accept his wild lifestyle, justify beating a woman, cheating and using illegal drugs! It really pains me that people can so unceremoniously get into the souls of other people and destroy everything there for their own benefit! And when they spit in the soul of a person who believed you, and love remains only in Instagram posts, it becomes simply unbearably disgusting. This is the first time I have met such a monstrous and soulless person on this Earth!” - Olga Buzova shared with fans.

Despite the TV presenter's disappointment, Denis continues to woo her. For example, recently, he showed up at the station where the star arrived after a tour. True, the girl refused to talk to the impudent man.

The winner of the project “Married to Buzova” Denis Lebedev, who fought for Olga Buzova’s love for several weeks, and then staged a whole show to win her heart, nevertheless decided to retreat and turned his attention to other girls. As StarHit wrote, it recently became known about his affair with “Bachelor” participant Alla Lagutina, with whom the man spends time and appears at social events.

From the outside it seems that Denis and Alla are an amazing couple. He is a successful businessman, the owner of his own company, who has gone through fire, water and copper pipes, and Alla is a pretty and charming model who accepted and understood her lover. The lovers admit in an interview that they can no longer live without each other and that their relationship is developing harmoniously. Although there are no quarrels or problems.

“Today I had a very difficult day, I cried a lot and now I think that everything that happens is for the better. In principle, this is true - in the evening a ray of light appeared,” Alla said.

“StarHit” learned that a few hours before the New Year, the “cheese maker” caused a scandal for his beloved - the reason was participation in a joint photo shoot organized by Alla. It turned out that Denis had important things planned for this time, and the girl had already promised people that they would come, did her makeup and thought through the image. It seems that Lebedev was overwhelmed by emotions and, unable to restrain himself, he yelled at his girlfriend, and did it in front of everyone.

“I noticed them while they were on the subway. I recognized Denis and saw that next to him was a girl who was constantly crying, and he didn’t even try to calm her down, but shouted at her even more,” an eyewitness to the events told StarHit.

Moreover, the screams and insults did not end on the street, where passers-by even offered Alla help, but she refused and continued to listen to unpleasant words addressed to her, the most affectionate of which was “stupid.” As a result, a young man stood up for Alla, who turned out to be actor Vitaly Fedorin.

“Friends, I met this sweet girl, she cried, I wiped her tears, and promised her that the superhero would protect her and take her into his comic,” said actor Vitaly Fedorin.

The “Bachelor” participant herself remained silent for a long time, but then she could not stand it and posted an appeal to her fans in her stories. She did not wash her dirty linen in public and did not tell the details of what happened, but she made it clear that this situation was terribly unpleasant for her.
