Filters in the mailbox. How to set up filters in your mail so you don't miss the messages you need! How to set up rules for receiving letters in the GMail mail service

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I am sure that everyone who has been working with one of the email services for a long time has encountered situations when you were supposed to receive an important letter from some resource and it ended up in spam! As a result, you don’t see the email in your inbox and can’t figure out what’s wrong.

And many beginners don’t even think of looking into spam, because, most likely, the letter will be there if it’s not in the inbox. At the same time, such a huge number of letters can accumulate in the Spam folder every day that even if you go through all this garbage, you may not notice an important letter for you that has landed there by mistake.

And many do not look at the spam folder at all, or look through it very briefly, and then simply empty it. This is what I do, for example, to save my time! Thus, you can delete the letter that you need, which may lead to some delays in your affairs or other consequences.

Start using special filters, which are available in any email service and the letters you need from interesting authors will always end up in your inbox!

Below we will look at examples of how to set up filters in the 4 most popular email services that most people use: GMail, Yandex, Mail, Rambler.

How to set up rules for receiving letters in the GMail mail service!

In order to set up filtering of letters in GMail, go to the general settings of this service by clicking on the button with the gear icon on the right and selecting “Settings”.

A window with settings on the “General” tab will open. And we need the “Filters” tab, so we go there.

Next, select below "Create a new filter." Since I have already created various filters, they are immediately displayed as a list in this window; if you have not previously created filters, yours will be empty.

A small window will open with several fields, as in the image below:

Let's start setting up the filter. In order for letters from the address info@site and [email protected] have never been mistakenly sent to spam and marked as important, fill in these addresses in the “From” field, separated by commas. Next, click on the link below “Create a filter according to this request >>”.

A new window will appear where you need to specify the actions that will be applied to letters received from the address specified in the previous window. In this window we simply mark the points "Never send to spam" And "Always mark as important", then press the button "Create filter".

Ready! Of course, you could also set additional parameters for the filter, for example, place all such letters in a separate folder (the “Apply shortcut” option) or, perhaps, mark letters immediately as read, if there is such a need. I think the filter settings in this window are clear by their names and will not cause any difficulties.

After creating a filter, you will receive a corresponding message “Filter created”, and you will again find yourself in Gmail settings on the “Filters” tab. Those. where all your created filters will be stored, because over time you will probably have a lot of them.

Remember! You can always go back to edit or delete any filter you create.

How to set up rules for receiving letters in the Yandex mail service!

After you log into your Yandex mail account, you need to go to the settings. Settings are indicated by a button with a gear image (located at the top right). Next, after entering the settings, you need to select a section "Rules for processing mail".

A window will open where you can create a rule and immediately configure black and white lists for certain addresses. Addresses added to the blacklist will not be sent to your mailbox, and those you add to the whitelist will never end up in the Spam folder by mistake.

Let's start setting up by adding the addresses info@site and [email protected] to the White list. To do this, in this window on the right, where the “White List” field is located, enter the desired address one by one and click “Add”.

As a result, the specified addresses info@site and [email protected] will appear in the white list.

And thus, you can add as many addresses as you need, which will never end up in the Spam folder. If you need to remove any addresses from this list in the future, you need to tick them and click “Remove from list” accordingly.

But it is sometimes not enough to simply add the necessary addresses to the “white” list, because there may be a need to also mark certain letters, for example, as important or move them to another folder. For this purpose, Yandex has a section for rules for letters.

In order to create a rule, click the corresponding button in the same window:

A window will open with many parameters, but don’t be afraid of them, everything is simple here.

First of all, we are asked to set a general parameter to which emails the created rule should be applied to. I recommend selecting all emails at once, namely, the option: “to all emails, including spam.”

Also, in the adjacent list on the right, you can select only letters with attachments, without, or all at once. It’s better to leave everything at once (with or without investments)!

The next parameter is the filter conditions. One, and most important, condition has already been added - “from whom” (i.e. the address from which the letter is sent). The way we want any emails from info@site and [email protected] were not sent to spam and were marked as important, then we add them.

You can add as many conditions as you like, and also set additional conditions for them: “matches”, “contains”, “does not match”, “does not contain”. This way you can configure filters as flexibly as possible.

After we set the filter conditions, we proceed to the parameters that will be applied to letters that fall under the conditions we specified:

We will be redirected to the mail processing rules page, and we will see the rule we just created. Using the links we can return to editing the filter, disable it or delete it.

Ready! Congratulations, you have configured the Yandex mail filter yourself.

How to set up rules for receiving letters in the Mail mail service!

After you log into your account on the Mail.Ru mail service, you need to click on the small triangle under your email in the upper right corner. A small window will open in which you select the “Settings” link.

On the page that opens, among many sections, we are interested in "Filtering rules". This item is also in the column on the left.

In the new window click "Add filter".

We get to the window for setting up a new mail filter. Add the addresses info@site and [email protected] in the from field, so that the letters are not sent to the SPAM folder, but go to the inbox. Enter the second email in the second window by clicking on the button "Add condition". We mark it so that all letters go to the inbox and are marked with a flag, and we apply this to all folders.

After specifying the rule (filter) parameters, click the “Save” button at the bottom.

In the “If” section you set the parameters by which letters will be filtered.

The message object that is checked by the filter.

The condition that the filter checks.

Content that is checked by the filter.

Step 1. Set the scan object

First of all, you need to select the letter element that will be checked by the filter. You can select one of the objects:

  • From field: sender is verified
  • "To" field: All recipients are checked
  • Subject field: email subject is checked
  • Field "Copies": all recipients of a copy of the letter are checked
  • Forwarded From field: the first sender is checked if the letter was forwarded to you
  • Forwarded to field: checking to whom the letter was forwarded
  • Size, KB: checks the message size in kilobytes

To specify a different letter object for scanning, click on the current inscription.

Step 2. Select the verification condition

"Contains": the filter will check that the check object specified in the first step contains the value that you specify in the third step.

"Does not contain": on the contrary, the filter will check that the object from step 1 does not contain the value that you specify in step 3.

To select another verification condition, click on the label with the current one - it will change.

Step 3. Specify the content for verification

In this field, you specify the content that the filter will look for in the object specified in the first step. You can enter any word, number, text passage, and so on. To specify multiple criteria at once, use the | symbol. To recognize not only whole words, but also parts, use * (for example, if you specify in the field check* The filter will also pass through letters containing words accounts).

Step 4. Add another condition

Click the Add Condition button if you want to add other validation criteria.

If you have two or more check conditions, the message “Apply a filter if one of the conditions is met” will appear under the “Add condition” button.

Click on it. The phrase will change to “Apply the filter if all conditions are met.” In this case, only messages that contain all the specified criteria will be filtered.

Select the required condition and proceed to the next step.

Action ("That")

In the “To” section, you specify what will happen to messages that pass the filter.

Step 5. Choose: move to a folder or delete forever

First of all, you need to choose what to do with the filtered emails: move them to a folder or delete them forever. To do this, set the switch opposite one of the inscriptions ( or ).

If you selected “Place the message in a folder,” click “Inbox.” A list of folders in your mailbox will open. Select a folder to move the filtered emails to, or create a new one by clicking “Create Folder”.

You can also specify that filtered emails be marked as read or flagged. To do this, check the box next to the required inscriptions.

Step 6. Select additional actions for the filtered letter

You have already chosen the main action for the letter, now you can select an additional one. To do this, click “All actions”.

The following additional actions are available:

“Forward a copy of the message/notification to the address”

Check the box next to this item to forward a copy of the message or notification to the specified address. To select the type of letter, click on the inscription “copy of message”, it will change to “notification”.

In the field, enter the address where a copy of the message or notification will be sent.

"Reply automatically"

Select an automatic response to an email that passes through the filter. Click "Message" to enter your own text. Click “No such recipient” to have the sender receive this response.

Many complain that LiRu floods their mail with messages, comments, and notifications. What to do? Of course . But there is a better way: filter the messages you receive based on the sender.

At one time I taught you, and... Today I’ll tell you how to do this for mail on “”.

I will immediately answer the eternal questions of many users: " What will this give me? And "Why do I need it?".
Answer to the first question: "Letters from LiRu (or from another recipient) will not end up in the inbox, but will be automatically moved to a folder specially created for this".
Answer to the second question: "So that letters from LiRu (or from another recipient) do not interfere with the viewing of other letters".

Now that we've figured this out, I'll tell you how to do it.

First, you need to log into your browser at Mail.Ru. Well, how did you get in? Successfully? Then we find the letter for which we want to create a filter:

Now you need to do the following:

1. Mark the desired letter using the mouse pointer to the left of its recipient and subject (blue frame).
2. Click on the “More” link above the letters (red frame).
3. From the drop-down menu, select “Create a filter” (pink frame).

Many people assure me that everything is easy and simple on I assure you, not everything! For example, in terms of complexity of settings when creating a filter, was not even close to mail on Google and Yandex. That’s why the filter creation screen consists of 3 screenshots.

First, you will need to select at least one of the following conditions:

Since we only want to move letters from LiRu from the “Inbox” folder to another folder, we will select the condition that is highlighted with a red frame.

Next, you need to select the action that needs to be performed if the conditions from the first part of the filter settings are met:

Since we only want to move letters from LiRu from the “Inbox” folder to another folder, we will select the condition that is highlighted with a blue frame. After this, you need to select a folder (highlighted with a red frame). If you don’t have a suitable folder yet, you need to select “New” (pink frame) from the drop-down list.

That's it, the settings are almost finished. The third and last part remains:

Since we only want to move letters from LiRu from the “Inbox” folder to another folder, we will select the condition that is highlighted with a red frame. In addition, you need to enter your password (blue frame). Well, click on the “Add filter” button (pink frame).

If you selected "New" as the folder, you will be prompted to create it:

To do this, you need to enter its name in the column, which is highlighted with a red frame.
In addition, there are 2 options, which are highlighted with blue and pink frames.

"Make inaccessible to email programs" (blue frame)
If you enable this option, mail programs that receive mail from via the POP3 protocol will not receive letters from this folder. That is, letters from this folder will be available to you only if you go to through the web interface.

"Protect folder with password" (pink frame)
If you enable this option, you will be prompted to enter a separate password for this folder:

Why is this necessary? But think about it and write your answer in the comments.

After you click on the “Create” button, you will be transferred to the part of the settings where all the filters for your mail are listed:

Here you can perform some actions with your filters (red frame).

That's all.

To configure mail filters in an individual mailbox, the user must log in to their mailbox management system. To do this, using any browser, you need to go to the page and register there, using the full email address as a login (for example, [email protected]), and as a password - the password from the mailbox. After successful registration, to manage filters, you need to select the “Filters” menu item in the mailbox web interface.

To go to the page for quickly setting up mail filters, click on the link “SPAM Processing”.

On the page that opens you can do the following:

    Disable verification

    Enable verification and

    With this action you enable one or more rules listed on the page.

Below you can activate one or more popular rules by checking the box next to the rule description. The rules are initially configured in an optimal way suitable for most users. However, you can independently change the filter threshold by changing the maximum permissible spam level. Please note that in order for the rules that save mail in the SPAM folder to work, you must first create this folder.

After making any changes to the rules settings, do not forget to click the “Save Changes” button.

When you click the “Edit ACL” button, you will be taken to the page for editing black and white lists.

You can add both individual addresses and masks like *@domain. If a letter with a sender's address from the white list arrives in your mailbox, it will be delivered to your Inbox regardless of other rules. If the letter is from the black list, it will be deleted, again, regardless of your other rules.

Custom blacklists are local user rules, so they will not work if the message is rejected by the processing system before it gets their turn, that is, at the stage of global blacklists and global filters.

To optimize your work with incoming correspondence, you can configure filtering of incoming letters. The filtering service allows you to:

  • Distribute incoming emails into different folders.
  • Perform partial forwarding of letters to other addresses.
  • Send an auto-reply to the sender.
  • Do not accept unsolicited correspondence.

To set up filters, select the link "Settings" in the upper right corner of the page, then the section "Filters". If this is your first time accessing filter settings, only the button will be available "Add filter". If you have previously configured filters, the page will display a list of all added filters.


To create a new filter, click the button "Add filter". The filter settings page will load (see Figure 1).

Rice. 1. Settings: Filters. Filter settings.

The filter settings form includes three parts:

  • Setting up conditions for selecting letters.
  • Select a filter action.
  • Enter the name of the filter.

Setting up email selection conditions

To set up a condition, sequentially select the field in the drop-down list ( From, To, Subject, Text, Attachment) and comparison operator ( contains/does not contain or yes/no). If fields are selected From, To, Subject, Text, the occurrence is checked ( contains/does not contain) the string (word or phrase) specified in the text field into the contents of the selected field. For attachments, a check is made to see if the email contains attachments or not.

For example, you can set a condition under which you will only receive emails whose subject line contains the line “important.” To do this, select the "Subject" field, the "contains" condition and enter the string "important" in the text field.

Or you can block incoming emails sent from addresses of a specific domain. To do this, select the "From" field, the "Contains" condition and enter the phrase "" in the text field.

You can also use combinations of multiple conditions in one filter. To enter another condition, click the link "Add more..." . Below you should indicate how conditions should be processed when selecting letters:

  • All conditions match;
  • At least one of the conditions matches.

Each filter must have at least one condition, the rest can be removed if necessary using the icon "Delete" .

When creating more than one filter, the filters are applied sequentially in the order specified in the general list. If you check the box " Do not apply other filters", then other filters in the list will no longer be applied to messages that meet the conditions of this filter. Subsequent filters are applied to messages that do not fall under the conditions of the current filter.

Selecting a filter action

Select what action to take when an email is detected that meets the specified filter conditions:

  • Move to folder- the letter will automatically go to the folder selected in the drop-down list.
  • Forward to address- the letter will be automatically sent to the email address specified in the text field. In this case, a copy of the letter is not saved in the current mailbox.
  • Auto reply- the mail program will automatically respond to the sender's letter. Enter the text of the response that will be sent in the letter in the text field. A signature will be added to the response text at the end, if configured.
  • Reply that email does not exist- the mail program will automatically send a letter to the sender notifying that such (your) e-mail does not exist. The action “Reply that e-mail does not exist” can be selected only if the condition for the “From” field is selected ". When using this action, you cannot add other conditions.
  • Delete- the letter will be deleted without the possibility of recovery. Thus, you simply will not receive it and will not know about its existence.

Filter name

The filter name is optional; by default, the field for entering it is hidden. Automatically used instead of title filter condition string. If you want to enter your own name for the filter, click the link "Change filter name..." . The name obtained automatically will be displayed in the input field. To change this name, enter a custom name in the field. If you want to save the name received automatically, click the link "Hide and form automatically..." .

To save the filter, click the button "Save", after which you will be taken to the filter list page. In the list of filters you can manage the location of filters in relation to each other, turn the filter off/on, edit or delete.

Figure 2 shows an example of filter settings. In accordance with the filter, letters with attachments whose subject line contains the word “important” will go to the “Documents” folder. However, the subsequent filters in the list will not be applied to these letters.

Rice. 2. Settings: Filters. Example of filter settings.


For each filter in the list its name is indicated. By default, the name of the filter is the string with its conditions. You can also specify your custom name when creating a filter. In this case, you can always display a line with conditions directly in the list of filters by clicking on its name with the icon; when you click on the icon, the condition will be collapsed.

Rice. 3. Settings: Filters. List of filters.

Enable/disable filter
If you don't want the filter to work, but you may need it in the future, just turn off it, to do this, click the status on "Off". In the same way you can turn on previously disabled filter by clicking on the status "On".

Edit filter
To go to editing the filter, click on the icon "Change" in the filter line. Editing a filter is similar to creating a new filter.

Remove filter
To remove a filter, click on the icon "Delete" in the filter line. Be careful, a deleted filter cannot be restored.

How to apply filters
Note! Filters are applied sequentially in the order specified in the list.

If you have several filters, then their operation is carried out in accordance with their location in the filter list. That is, the filter that is in the first line of the list works first. This is important when one filter overlaps another. For example, you first set up a filter with only one condition by selecting the "Delete" action. And then we set up another one, with the same conditions, but with the “Forward” action. The first filter will work, but the second will not and you will not be able to receive these letters.
When filters work, the parameter setting is also taken into account "Do not apply other filters". If this option is enabled for a filter, then the following filters in the list are not applied.

You can move filters in the list using the mouse ( drag&drop). Grab the filter icon with your mouse "Move" and move it to the desired place in the list.

Be careful when setting up filters!
