Where and why are the enterprises of the related complex located? Timber industry complex

20.05.2016 12:18


The Russian Federation is the world leader in terms of forest reserves, owning twenty-two percent of the world's forest reserves. Wood reserves in our country amount to more than eighty billion cubic meters, more than forty billion cubic meters are suitable for use.

Forestry industry of the Russian Federation

The industrial sector, whose enterprises are engaged in the procurement and processing of wood, is called the forest industry or forestry complex. It is one of the oldest industrial sectors and has a complex structure. Each part of this structure is responsible for one of the stages of processing wood raw materials.

The structure of the forest industry is as follows:

  1. The logging industry, which includes timber harvesting, logging (extraction of resin and preparation of stump tar), rafting of logs, activities for transferring wood from one type of transport to another, the use of non-valuable wood species and waste (sawmill, sawing sleepers, making chips, boards for containers). It is the largest timber processing industry.
  2. Woodworking industry.
  3. The pulp and paper industry mechanically and chemically processes wood raw materials.
  4. The wood chemical industry processes wood raw materials using the dry method, engages in charcoal burning, and creates rosin and turpentine. This industry includes the production of varnish, ether, plastics, unnatural fibers, hydrolysis (creation of ethyl, tar, turpentine from waste in the manufacture of pulp and paper products).

The forestry and woodworking industries of Russia are conventionally divided into the following groups:

  1. creation of lumber and furniture (mechanical processing);
  2. wood chemical industry and the creation of pulp and paper products (chemical processing method).

Industrial enterprises related to the forestry and woodworking industries are engaged in:

  1. harvesting of wood material;
  2. processing of wood material;
  3. wood chemical industrial processing of forest raw materials;
  4. production of pulp and paper products.

These factories and plants produce round timber, boards, various wooden objects, forest chemical products and paper.

Conditions for the distribution of enterprises that belong to the forest industry

To locate enterprises related to the forest industry, The following conditions should be taken into account:

  1. so that the raw material base is located close;
  2. there must be sources of energy supply and water sources near the enterprise;
  3. the presence of transport and transport roads is necessary;
  4. it is better to create forest products in close proximity to their consumers;
  5. create jobs.

Coniferous trees predominate on the territory of our state; they are more valuable for industry than trees with leaves. Our forests grow unevenly geographically. The largest number of forests is in several regions: Northern, Ural, Volga-Vyatka, Far Eastern and Siberian.

This industry consumes a lot of wood raw materials and leaves a large amount of waste. Twenty percent of the waste comes from the wood harvesting stage, and from forty percent to seventy percent of the waste is left as a result of processing raw wood materials.

The most important condition for locating industrial wood processing enterprises is the availability of wood raw materials. Therefore, all processes for harvesting and subsequent processing of “business” wood are carried out in those regions of Russia where there are many natural forests. The northern, Siberian, Ural and Far Eastern territories of the country provide four-fifths of all industrial wood.

Sawmills and other wood processing (production of parts for construction needs, plywood, matches, furniture) can be located both in places where timber is harvested and in places where there are no forests (already cut trees are brought there). Basically, forest cutting and processing enterprises are located near rivers (lower reaches and mouths) and places where rivers along which logs are floated are crossed by railways.

Most lumber is produced in Siberia (its eastern and western parts, namely: in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Region, Tomsk Region and Tyumen Region), the North (in the Komi Republic and the Arkhangelsk Region), the Urals (in the Udmurt Republic, Sverdlovsk Region, Perm region), the Far East (Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory), in the Kirov region, in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Woodworking industry of the Russian Federation

This industrial branch performs mechanical, chemical and mechanical processing of wood.

It includes several productions:

  1. sawmill (creation of sleepers and lumber);
  2. production of houses from wood;
  3. production of wooden parts for construction;
  4. production of wood-based boards (blocks for doors and windows, parquet boards, wood fiber boards, wood chip boards, carpentry products);
  5. production of containers from wood;
  6. production of plywood, including parts that are glued and bent, as well as veneer;
  7. making matches;
  8. furniture manufacturing;
  9. production of other wood products (wood flour, skis, frames for greenhouses).

Problems of the forest industry

Today there is a crisis in the forest industry. Although Russia is the first in the world in terms of forest resources, the wood processing, timber and pulp and paper products industries account for only a little more than three percent of total production. This is due to a decrease in demand for this type of product in the Russian domestic market. The market of the Commonwealth of Independent States is also in decline, which is why purchases of forest materials and pulp and paper products in the Russian Federation have decreased. This industry in Russia has become dependent on the foreign market. But in recent years, we have begun to export more “business” wood, cardboard, paper, and plywood to other countries. Seventy-one percent of the Russian Federation's forest products are exported.

Forest reserves are affected by excessive human economic activity and emergency situations (fires). Unauthorized cutting of trees is the main problem for the development of the timber industry in our country. There is currently no clear forest policy. To prevent such logging, it is necessary to eliminate the social instability of residents of the regions where wood is harvested and processed (increasing the number of jobs, opening new enterprises, using alternative energy sources).

Another problem was reducing the loss of raw materials during the harvesting and processing of wood. Wood raw materials should be used rationally (reduce wood waste and losses due to untimely or improper transportation, effectively use wood waste).

It should be remembered that wood processing plants and factories pollute the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to protect the environment (use treatment facilities, improve production technologies and update equipment).

Directions in which the forest industry needs to be developed

In order to save wood raw materials and increase forest reserves, the forest industry must develop in several directions:

  1. apply waste-free technologies;
  2. reduce losses of raw materials from wood during its harvesting and alloying;
  3. reduce the consumption of wood for the manufacture of sleepers by replacing them with reinforced concrete sleepers and increasing the service life of wood sleepers;
  4. replace wooden containers with plastic containers;
  5. use coniferous raw materials exclusively for their intended purpose;
  6. restore forest lands;
  7. protect the forest from fires and unauthorized logging;
  8. develop an optimal model for wood resource management;
  9. improve legislation for the protection of forest lands.

Thus, we can conclude that in the Russian Federation the forestry and wood processing industries are mainly concentrated in Siberia, the Urals, the North and the Far East. We provide ourselves with sawmill materials, cardboard, paper and plywood. And in order to continue to meet our needs for products made from wood raw materials, we need to restore forests and minimize environmental pollution during wood processing.

The forestry complex includes forestry, logging, mechanical processing and chemical processing of wood. These industries use the same raw materials, but differ from each other in production technology and the purpose of the finished product. The leading place in terms of output volume is occupied by the pulp and paper and wood chemical industries, and in terms of the number of employees and the number of operating enterprises - the wood processing industry.

The importance of the forest industry in the country's economy is due not only to the huge reserves of wood and the territorial distribution of forest resources, but also to its widespread use in various sectors of the economy - construction, industry, transport, agriculture and public utilities.

Russia is the largest forest power in the world, where almost 1/4 of the world's timber reserves are concentrated. In 2007, the total forest area was 883 million hectares, and the forested area in Russia occupied 776.1 million hectares or 45% of the country's territory, and the timber reserve was estimated at 82.1 billion m3. Among the forest-forming species, conifers (pine, cedar, spruce, larch, fir) predominate; the share of soft-leaved (birch, aspen, linden) and hard-leaved (oak, beech, ash, maple) is small.

In the forest fund of Russia, three groups of forests are distinguished: a) water and field protection, protected and recreational forests, in which only sanitary felling can be carried out to improve their condition; b) forests in which only selective felling is possible in the amount of annual growth; c) production forests in which clear cuttings can be carried out.

The forestry complex is overcoming the crisis that affected it during the period of market economic transformations, when its industrial, scientific and technical potential was significantly undermined. In 2007, the industry's production volume amounted to 59% of the 1990 level, the estimated cutting area was used only by 25%, and taking into account intermediate cuttings by only 14%. The volume of investments in fixed assets of the timber industry complex from all sources of financing over the past decade has decreased by almost 7 times. The main source of investment - approximately 80% - remains the own funds of enterprises.

Transformations in forms of ownership are also being completed. By the beginning of the 21st century. Privately owned enterprises accounted for 90% of the total number of enterprises operating in the forestry sector, where almost half of the number of industrial production personnel was employed, which ensured the output of 2/5 of industrial products. In 2007, the number of forest industry enterprises amounted to 18.5 thousand, employing 340 thousand people.

The timber industry complex ranks seventh in the structure of industrial production in Russia in terms of output volume and fifth in terms of export volumes. At the same time, the forestry complex plays the greatest role in the economy of the European North; in the densely forested regions of Eastern and Western Siberia and the Far East, this industry is inferior to the favorites - the fuel industry and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Forestry products traditionally occupy a prominent place in Russia's export supplies. Foreign exchange earnings from the export of timber and paper products in 2007 amounted to $12.3 billion. At the same time, Russia’s export potential is estimated at $100 billion. Lumber, plywood, and cellulose are exported, which are inferior in quality, environmental requirements, processing accuracy, marketability the type and packaging of timber and paper products from developed timber-industrial countries, therefore prices for products from Russian manufacturers are 30-40% lower than the world average.

The logging industry carries out the harvesting, removal and rafting of wood, as well as primary processing and partial processing of timber. Its main product is commercial timber, which now accounts for more than 80% of the total volume of exported timber.

The logging industry is the basic branch of the timber industry. At the end of the 1980s. In terms of timber export volume, Russia ranked second in the world after the United States, and in 2006 it was already sixth.

The location of timber harvesting is determined by the availability of timber resources. Therefore, the leading region for the production of commercial timber is the European North, which provides 1/3 of the industry’s production, where the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions, the Republics of Karelia and Komi stand out. The second place is occupied by Eastern Siberia (about 1/4), where the main suppliers of industrial timber are the Irkutsk region, concentrating almost 1/5 of the all-Russian logging volume, and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Third place is held by the Urals (Sverdlovsk region). In addition, timber harvesting is carried out in the Far East, Western Siberia and the North-West.

The wood processing industry is a major consumer of industrial wood and includes the production of lumber, sleepers, plywood, building parts and boards, standard wooden houses, furniture, matches, etc. The location of these industries is greatly influenced by such features as the huge production waste, which in sawmilling reaches 40%, in furniture and match production - 50% of consumed raw materials.

Sawmilling provides primary mechanical processing of 2/3 of industrial wood and focuses on raw materials and consumers. The main production is concentrated in the Western zone of the country in the territory of densely forested areas (European North, Urals, Volga-Vyatka region) and in the main consumer areas (Center, Volga region, North Caucasus).

Plywood production is characterized by a high rate of raw material consumption and a focus on birch stands. Therefore, the main production is concentrated in Central Russia, the Urals and the European North. Furniture production, being an “urban industry,” is consumer-oriented.

The pulp and paper industry is a high-tech branch of the forestry complex that deals with chemical and mechanical processing of wood. In this case, cellulose is initially obtained, and from it paper and cardboard are obtained.

The location of the industry is determined by its high material and water intensity (5 m3 of wood and 350 m3 of water are needed to produce 1 ton of paper), as well as energy intensity. Therefore, the determining factors in location are the availability of forest resources and large water sources.

The leading region for the production of paper, cardboard and pulp remains the European North, where the main production is carried out in Karelia. The Arkhangelsk region and the Komi Republic operate Segezha, Kondopoga, Solombalsky, Syktyvkar pulp and paper mills, etc. In 2007, the region provided the production of almost 52% of pulp, 48% of paper and 34% of cardboard in the country.

The second place is occupied by the Volgo-Vyatsky region. In the Nizhny Novgorod region and the Republic of Mari El there are large plants in Pravdinsk, Balakhna, and Volzhsk. The third place is occupied by the Ural region, where the main production is concentrated in the Perm region (Krasnokamsk, Solikamsk, Perm) and the Sverdlovsk region (Turinsk, Novaya Lyalya).

The production volumes of paper and cardboard are significant in the North-Western region (Svetogorsk, Syask), and the share of Eastern Siberia and the Far East is decreasing due to underutilization of existing capacities. The Amur and Astrakhan pulp and cardboard mills stopped producing pulp and cardboard, and the Vyborg Pulp and Paper Mill was stopped.

Thus, the largest forest industry complexes have developed in the following economic regions of the country:

  • The North is a densely forested region, providing for the export of timber, the production of lumber, plywood, cardboard and almost half of the paper in the country;
  • The Ural is a densely forested region that specializes in the export of wood and lumber, production of plywood and paper in Russia;
  • Siberia (Western and Eastern) is a heavily forested region that supplies lumber, cardboard and cellulose to the Russian market;
  • The Volga-Vyatka region is a densely forested region, which produces almost a fifth of the paper in Russia using its own and imported raw materials;
  • The North-West is a densely forested region where the woodworking and pulp and paper industries have developed predominantly;
  • The center is a sparsely forested area, specializing in the production of a variety of wood processing products from imported raw materials;
  • The Far East is a heavily forested region where timber harvesting predominates, supplied to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

The forestry industry is one of the oldest sectors of the national economy. Its significance is determined by the huge reserves of wood in Russia (25% of the world's reserves), the wide distribution of forests throughout the territory and the fact that in modern conditions there is practically no area of ​​the national economy where wood and its processed products are not used. For hundreds of years, Russian timber has been supplied to the world market and serves as an important source of foreign exchange earnings.

What sectors are included in the forestry complex?

Almost 80% of operational forests suitable for logging are located east of the Ural Mountains in the so-called forest surplus areas. However, they are underused - due to the lack of transport routes and distance from the main consumers. Throughout the vast expanse of Siberia and the Far East, a little more than 40% of the country’s timber is harvested, while in the European North alone it is about 1/3.

In the European part of Russia, deforestation is carried out more intensively, which often leads to a catastrophic reduction in forest area in a number of regions. Unfortunately, reforestation work lags behind the pace of logging, and in some areas it has practically stopped altogether.

Rice. 21. Use of wood in everyday life and in the national economy

Can wood be replaced with other materials?

Who is the main consumer of wood?

The largest consumer of wood is the wood processing industry, which consists of a number of industries: sawmilling, production of particle boards and fiberboards, plywood, prefabricated houses, furniture and matches.

The most important branch of the forestry complex is the pulp and paper industry, which produces mainly pulp, paper and cardboard. Historically, paper production originated in the Central region, but currently most paper is produced in the Northern, Ural and Volga-Vyatka regions. This industry is characterized by high material intensity, high water intensity and significant energy intensity. To produce 1 ton of cellulose, about 5 m3 of wood and up to 350 m3 of water are consumed. At pulp and paper mills, a whole range of products are made from cellulose: artificial fiber, cellophane, varnishes, linoleum and even gunpowder.

Chemical wood processing allows you to recycle waste from sawmilling and woodworking: sawdust, shavings, chips. From these cheap raw materials you can obtain ethyl alcohol, glycerin, turpentine, tar and other products.

In general, the country's forestry complex is characterized by a discrepancy between the distribution of forest resources, logging and wood processing.

Rice. 22. Forest complex

Where and why are large forestry complexes and the main enterprises of the pulp and paper industry located? Compare Figure 22 with the population density map.

In the forest-rich regions of the country - in the Northern, Siberian and Far East - forestry complexes (LPCs) arose, representing territorial combinations of all three stages of production: harvesting, mechanical processing and chemical processing of wood.

Enterprises located in the forestry complex have close production ties based on the joint use of raw materials, transport, and joint waste processing.

What are the objectives of the development of the forestry complex?

The most important task is a more complete use of forest resources (waste from logging and wood processing reaches 25-75%). In terms of efficiency in the use of raw materials, our country lags behind economically developed countries. Thus, in Finland, from 1 m 3 of harvested wood, 190 kg of paper and cardboard are obtained, in the USA - 135 kg, and in our country - 35 kg (the majority of the products of our forestry complex exported are unprocessed wood and cellulose). A lot of waste remains at logging sites, along transportation routes, which causes significant damage to the environment. Therefore, comprehensive measures for forest growing, harvesting and processing are necessary.

Equally important is increasing forest productivity and improving methods of their restoration. This is primarily needed in areas with long-term or intensive logging, where forest resources are most depleted.


The forestry complex unites a group of sectors of the national economy associated with the procurement, mechanical and chemical processing of wood raw materials. A pattern can be traced in the location of enterprises in the complex (common to many industries): each subsequent stage of wood processing is less and less tied to the raw material base. We cut down forest not where there is most of it, but where it is more convenient; sawmilling - not so much in logging sites, but at a distance from them; finally, the production of pulp and paper is even closer to the consumer or to export ports.

Questions and tasks

  1. Wood is a universal raw material. How did the use of wood change as the economy developed?
  2. Which industries is the forest industry most closely associated with and why?
  3. Show the largest timber processing complexes on the map. Evaluate their placement from the point of view of economic feasibility and ecology.
  4. Why do you think products made from solid natural wood are especially valued now?
  5. What folk crafts related to the use of wood do you know? In what regions of Russia do they develop?

Recycling wood waste is something that every person has done at least once in their life. In the spring, for example, all Russians clean the territory of an enterprise or residential building from last year's leaves, broken branches, dead trees and shrubs. They cleaned it, sent it with a garbage truck to a landfill and forgot about it. A prudent owner will not do this.

Since ancient times, people have been using the most accessible natural resource in their households - wood. A stick for digging, protection, searching for food, making fire, a simple bed on the flexible branches of a bush - minor scratches on the body of the nature of primitive man.

Nowadays, the intensive use of forest resources, primarily in Siberia and Brazil, is a deep bleeding wound. People living in the Amazon Valley, like all living things in this region, are already suffocating from lack of oxygen. A legitimate question arises: “Is it really necessary to use the gifts of the forest on such a scale?” Modern man uses wood as fuel, and wood processing products for housing construction, sleepers, telegraph poles, to produce bast, paper, fiber and about 1,500 other products. In any case, after sawing, approximately 40% of waste remains at the cutting site. These are needles, leaves, green shoots, bark, branches, twigs, sawdust. Waste is also generated during wood processing: slats, short lengths, shavings, sawdust, wood dust. Maybe this waste, after its processing and disposal, will replace woodworking products? Then the forest will be clean and the trees will remain alive!

Law on mandatory recycling of wood waste

The State Duma introduced amendments to the law on mandatory recycling of wood waste. It was previously assumed that this law would come into force in 2018, but this date was postponed to 2022. According to the law, it will not be possible to throw away or obtained from a sawmill.

Wood processing plant specialists have four years to think about their production and how to take advantage of what is currently littering the environment.

Wood waste disposal methods

It is impossible to produce lumber without sawdust, cut branches, branches and bark. Even the thrifty Chinese, who recycle what others throw away, lose 20–30 percent of wood in waste. The term "waste wood" suggests that the portion of wood that is not used should be discarded. There is also the concept of wooden waste, for example, old furniture, used containers. Let's figure out how to dispose of such waste.

Nowadays, there are various effective methods for recycling wood waste and wood residues:

  1. Burning waste in special furnaces to produce energy. This procedure allows you to use tree branches and sawdust, which not only improves the environmental situation, but also allows you to save on the purchase of briquettes.
  2. Producing charcoal is a priority method of recycling waste generated at the cutting site. In this case, pyrolysis is used - the decomposition of wood raw materials in the absence of oxygen.
  3. The production of charcoal briquettes is the mixing of crushed wood waste with coal using binding materials, for example, oil refinery waste, wood and coal tars, etc.
  4. Production of technological and fuel granules (pellets) without binding components. This method is good not only because the plant area is cleared of debris, but also because the subsequent combustion of pellets does not produce toxic sulfur oxides.
  5. Gasification is the conversion of wood into gas by heating it with partial access of oxygen. The resulting mixture of gases is a fuel for cars, which can be used instead of gasoline.

You can see how flour is processed at one of the Russian enterprises in the following video:

From this list of methods it is clear that timber and wood processing waste is mainly burned to produce thermal energy. In addition, waste can be used to make building materials, toys, furniture, and various crafts.

Wood burning stoves

So, the most cost-effective method at the moment is the destruction of wood waste in kilns. At the same time, workers do not complicate their work with pressing, briquetting and other problems. For direct combustion, mainly cone-shaped furnaces are used, equipped with a horizontal movable or inclined grate (grate). The generated heat can be used for heating or heating water, etc.

The photographs show different types of fireboxes for burning wood waste:

Do I need a license to burn wood waste?

There is a regulation “On licensing activities for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, and disposal of waste of I-IV hazard classes,” established by the Government of the Russian Federation on October 3, 2015, which explains the conditions for obtaining a license for waste processing. A waste disposal company must have a license. A company must also have a license if it does not specialize in recycling, but burns wood waste, for example, to produce thermal energy.

Recycling of trees, stumps and wood

Are you bothered by unnecessary trees on your site, or by their overgrown crowns, stumps, or waste from previously cut down trees? This problem is completely solvable. Here are ways to get out of this situation:

  1. Uprooting trees.
  2. Tree lopping is cutting down a tree and leaving behind the stump. If you cut down a tree flush with the ground, the remaining stump will decompose on its own within 5 to 8 years. Note! If it is necessary to dispose of, for example, a fallen tree on the territory accountable to an enterprise, institution, or organization, then two documents must be prepared: “Certificate of write-off of a fixed asset (tree)” and “Certificate of disposal of a fallen tree.”
  3. Uprooting stumps. Methods:
    • Using wedges and a sledgehammer, you should split the dug-in stump into pieces and pull out each part separately;
    • pulling out a stump using a winch;
    • using a stump crusher, which goes 30 cm into the ground and crushes the stump into wood chips that mix with the soil;
    • the use of saltpeter or gasoline, which is placed in drilled holes in the stump and burns it from the inside.
  4. Tree filing is the partial removal of branches and twigs from a tree.
  5. Tree crowning is the removal of part of the crown in order to rejuvenate the plant or reduce the static and wind load on the tree. There are different types of booking:
    • thinning;
    • reduction crowning – removal of the upper branches;
    • increasing crowning - removal of lower branches;
    • topping – removal of tree tops to a level of 4-9 m from the ground.

Recycling wooden pallets

During transportation and storage of products at the enterprise, pallets are used as containers. Over time, they wear out, litter the area, and create a fire hazard. The part of the pallets that cannot be repaired can be recycled. To do this, they are placed in a rotary shredder for the purpose of grinding, and then the resulting chips are passed through a magnet to “pull out” metal inclusions. Briquettes can be made from cleaned wood chips and subsequently receive heat when they are burned.

So, the intensive use of wood may well be combined with the effective disposal of sawmill and woodworking waste. Today in our country the most economically profitable way is to use industrial waste as fuel.

Russia has the most significant forest reserves, almost a quarter of the world's total.

The forests of our country represent a colossal resource base.

Wherein no more than half is used of all wood waste, and in Siberia, that is, in the most “forest” region of our country, no more than 35% of wood raw materials.

The rest is simply thrown away without any attempt at recycling.

The following remain unprocessed:

  • woody greens;
  • bark;
  • sawdust;
  • shavings.

Thus, the figures indicate that there are opportunities for business development in this industry.

In the recent past, sawmill waste was simply destroyed. A business built on the processing of wood waste is:

  • promising;
  • not requiring significant investments;
  • having an accessible production organization.

Waste production in the woodworking and forestry industries they represent lump and soft waste:

  • woodworking;
  • plywood production;
  • furniture production;
  • sleepers;
  • sawmilling.

These also include:

  • branches;
  • branch;
  • woody greens;
  • tops;
  • roots;

The scope of use of wood waste is very extensive.

  1. Sawdust can be used in hydrolysis industries, for the production of gypsum sheets, and for heating.
  2. From shavings it is possible to produce particle boards and cement particle boards, which are used in the construction of houses.
  3. From wood waste paper is made; they are also used in agriculture.
  4. wood chips Mostly coniferous wood is used to produce a building material that is unique in its characteristics.

Where to get wood waste inexpensively or free of charge

When using wood in any field, be it furniture production, construction, etc., wood waste can make up from 35 to 50%.

Disposal of wood waste in cities is a serious problem. They are formed during tree care and during sanitary cutting of green spaces on the street, in parks, forest parks, and squares. This waste is low-quality medium-sized wood:

  • branch;
  • tops;
  • edgings of deciduous and coniferous species.

A significant problem in terms of recycling is waste lumber during the renovation of premises and buildings, wooden products that are no longer in use, furniture, and containers. A huge amount of wood waste is generated when sawmilling.

Under the condition of self-pickup, almost all types of wood waste can be obtained absolutely free of charge.

Cost-effective options for using sawdust

There are many ways to make money from wood waste, particularly sawdust. We list the main options, and below we will consider some of them in more detail:

  • production of sawdust concrete. Possible both in enterprises and privately;
  • on livestock farms, sawdust can be used as livestock bedding;
  • in greenhouses and industrial greenhouses, sawdust can act as a component of the soil, plant nutrition;
  • sawdust on its own excellent fuel;
  • sawdust – compost in agriculture;
  • for private houses sawdust is used as insulation in attics and basements;
  • production of chipboard, fibreboard, MDF, furniture structures, sawdust is the main raw material;
  • for wastewater treatment plants in industry, sawdust can serve as waste water filter;
  • sawdust mixed with peat - great composting toilet filler.

During the cooking of pine and cedar bark, woody greens, condensation accumulates at the bottom of the distillation tank, which is called VAT residue.

One of the inexpensive productions is its processing at pine extract.

Coniferous extract has a lot of biologically active substances that dissolve during prolonged cooking in water.

This condensate contains a large number of substances that have a beneficial effect on living organisms, including humans:

  • vitamins;
  • chlorophylls;
  • organic acids.

Concentrating the condensate turns it into a pine extract with high consumer properties.

The extract can be successfully used as a feed additive for livestock and poultry in agriculture, as well as in the form of a preparation for taking medicinal baths. Coniferous extract can also be used for the industrial production of antibiotics for animals.

Feed meal

After digestion of the extract, approximately 90% of the initial raw materials (pine and cedar bark, green wood) remains in the form of waste solid waste. Business income can be increased with further processing of solid waste into feed meal.

Feed flour has bactericidal and anti-tuberculosis properties. It can be used as an alternative to roughage.


Fertilizer can be prepared from wood waste using a fairly simple composting process.

The main costs of implementing this project are laying and equipping trenches for preparing compost mass.

It would be advisable to use such compost to improve the fertility of highly mineralized and loamy soils.


Wood waste processing is a promising area with many areas for implementation. Many technologies that are based on the processing of wood waste are successful in the market.

– one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly fuels, consisting of almost one hundred percent carbon. When burned, it does not poison the air with toxic fumes and is quite convenient for quickly preparing food. It can be used not only on the farm, but also in industrial production.

A number of chemical and metallurgical industries, from small to large, operate on it. In construction it is used as an insulating material. Just like other wood waste derivatives, it is successfully used in agriculture as a feed additive for livestock and poultry.

The waste wood waste can be used for further processing as fuel.

The use of modern and environmentally friendly fuels will help provide the population with inexpensive energy resources, while reducing the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Thus, the negative impact on the environment is reduced and the sanitary condition of forests is improved.

In recent years, EU countries have been experiencing a very active transition to organic fuel. The market is stimulated by government agencies, turning towards:

  • fuel pellets;
  • briquettes;
  • firewood

Energy sources from wood waste are currently purchased in significant quantities.

We purchase equipment

Of course, for processing you need:

  • equipment;
  • electricity;
  • premises;
  • warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products.

Equipment for the production of briquettes and fuel pellets is available on the market in sufficient variety, both from foreign and domestic factories. With equal quality, Russian equipment costs a little cheaper.

The equipment delivery set includes:

  • wood chipper(machine for grinding raw materials), from 180 thousand rubles to 2.3 million rubles;
  • granulator. Cost from 50 thousand rubles. up to 2.1 million rubles. The price for the OGM-1.5 granulator model is about 1 million rubles;
  • Dryer. The price range ranges from 150 thousand rubles. up to 2.5 million rubles;
  • packaging machine. Price – from 80 thousand rubles. up to 2 million rubles

In general, equipment for producing, for example, pellets can be an industrial line or a mini-granulator.

Approximate cost:

  1. an industrial line that produces 1 ton/hour costs about 132 thousand dollars;
  2. with a capacity of 2 tons/hour will cost 196 thousand dollars;
  3. the price of a 4.5 ton/hour line is about 408 thousand dollars.

The price for a finished line, providing a productivity of 300 kg of product per hour, is about 1 million rubles. In the same case, if you have premises (your own suburban area) and raw materials (wooden waste at a minimum price or free for pickup), then the investment, taking into account organizational issues, will amount to a little more than 1 million rubles.

Sales and expansion of production

Sales of manufactured products can be carried out through the following channels:

  • wholesale companies that export goods abroad;
  • you can open your own online store;
  • sales through own retail outlets in construction and household markets;
  • sales to organizations that sell at construction markets and supermarkets.

One of the most profitable ways business expansion for the sale of sawdust-based products is cooperation with municipalities.

The fact is that in many formations, fuel oil boilers are installed. Their efficiency is many times lower than that of pellet boilers. If you agree with local authorities to replace fuel oil with pellet boilers(at the expense of budgetary funds) and the supply of your products, then everyone benefits.

Local authorities receive significant cost savings during the heating season, and fuel producers receive a significant channel for marketing their own products.

It is also worth paying attention to areas where there is no gas supply.

In such areas you can sell with considerable success for business fuel briquettes.

But first we will have to explain the advantages of boilers running on fuel briquettes.

Opportunities for business expansion will thus be achieved by increasing the number of sales of manufactured products.


Difficulties that may arise when implementing this business usually come down to several points:

  • transportation of finished products over long distances is not always profitable;
  • When certifying, for example, fuel pellets, certain difficulties may arise. The second point is the composition of the fuel: it should not contain more than 30% bark;
  • To fully sell finished products, you will need to independently search for consumers;
  • control over workers in production is a must for any type of business.

On the other hand, the domestic market of our country is increasingly in need of various wood processing products, and demonstrates full readiness for their use.

Where to start and the price of the issue

Production activity requires the presence of an individual entrepreneur or LLC under the simplified taxation system (6% or 15%, respectively). To operate the enterprise you need:

  • 2-3 general workers;
  • driver;
  • accountant;
  • sales manager.

A business based on the use of wood waste, if properly organized, can bring significant profit. In this case, the level of investment can vary from the most insignificant to the largest. Which production to choose depends on the level of capabilities and aspirations.

Due to the huge amount of wood waste to be processed in our country and its affordability, it makes sense to start Earn Money in this business sector.

Using such waste as raw materials, business will help solve a number of pressing environmental problems:

  • cleaning forest areas from wood waste and preventing their decay;
  • forest fire prevention;
  • when used as fuel, there are no harmful emissions into the atmosphere;
  • promotes the conservation of forests.


In Western Europe and many other countries, in recent decades they have turned to environmental fuels, as well as waste-free types of production in general.

With the active support of the state and its subsidies in support of these types of businesses, we can soon expect more active development of commercial projects based on the processing of wood waste.

Trends developing in the West are always, or almost always, harbingers of commercial trends in our country, so it may be worth taking a closer look at them.

Considering the ever-increasing global demand for environmentally friendly and cheap energy resources, people with a commercial spirit should hurry to take this most profitable and promising business niche, which has just begun to fill.

This is how a wood waste shredder works:

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