Where is Neumyvakin and p. now? Professor Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich - biography, inventions, drugs

(The article was amended on April 23, 2018.) Recently, people in search engines began to ask the question: “Professor Neumyvakin - date of birth and death.” These are the dates:

There is a lot of scattered and unreliable information from his biography on the Internet. Therefore, I am publishing information “from the horse’s mouth” - an interview with a video where Ivan Pavlovich himself talks about his life and creative path.

Get acquainted with the autobiography of Doctor of Medical Sciences, State Prize laureate, Honored Inventor of Russia (85 certificates of invention), full member of the European and Russian Academies of Natural Sciences, International Academy of Informatization and Energy Information Sciences, Medical and Technical Sciences, winner of numerous awards, author of a great many scientific -popular books and articles. Surgeon, master of sports. Since 1990, he began to practice traditional medicine and developed a health system.

Professor Neumyvakin - biography

Ivan Pavlovich was born in Kyrgyzstan and graduated from medical institute there in 1951. And from 1959, he worked in space medicine for 30 years. Here's what he says about the facts of his life. The biography and interview were taken from the official website of Professor Neumyvakin’s health center neumivakin.ru.

About my childhood

Question: Ivan Pavlovich, we started our conversation with the most important thing - work that brings good to people. They talked about your hard work, perseverance, desire to bring things to the end result... But a person’s character is formed in childhood. Let's take a look there for a minute.

Answer: My father was always making something around the house. I watched his work with interest. I especially liked it when he drove the nail into the product so beautifully with one blow. I really wanted to try it myself. One day my father bought a pack of nails. So I decided to drive them with one blow into the hard stone roadside soil. In the evening, my father asked: “Where are the nails?” I had to confess. The father explained that life in the village is quite hard work, and it is impossible to live on a peasant farm without nails. “Tomorrow you will take out all the nails, wipe them and put them back in place.” I realized then that any work should be beneficial.

For family reasons, when I was three years old, we moved to a Kyrgyz village, where I started going to school at the age of 6. It soon became clear that I could not read. My mother reads to me, and I remember. When my father found out about this, he said: “Tomorrow we are going to work. If you don’t want to study, you have to work.” Of course, I was happy: I don’t have to go to school! My father worked as a grave maker - he transported crushed stone and sand. Before lunch I did something else, and after lunch my father put me under a tree, where I slept until the evening. Came back home.

When my mother saw my calloused palms, she gave my father a beating. The father replied: “What do you want? If he doesn’t want to study, let him work.” In the morning he woke me up and said: “Let’s go to work.” To which I replied: “Tattoo, I will study. I give you my word!” The father explained that studying is no less important work than all the others. If you want to achieve something, then only by gaining knowledge. Such hardening at work and raising my parents with an exemplary attitude to work became my core in life.

Song is the soul of man

I became friends with the song since childhood. In our house there was a mandolin, a guitar and a balalaika. Father, mother and brother all played. We lived in a workers' village, a suburb of Frunze. On Saturday, our house turned into a singing group, and many in the area came to the gatherings. Some brought a pie, some brought something else.

We had a two-bucket samovar. And after the bathhouse they sat down and sang Russian and Ukrainian songs. My father played the mandolin, my brother played the guitar, and my mother sang and accompanied herself on the balalaika. Our gates were always open for guests, we lived like one family. And my mother also helped people. She was my healer, she treated many diseases - she removed barley to some, sciatica to whom, she gave herbs.

Then there was the institute. In addition to studying, I worked as a preparator in an anatomy department. I wanted to become a surgeon, but I am left-handed, and I needed to develop my right hand. That’s why I bought myself an accordion with my first salary. Without outside help, he mastered musical notation and began to play. And already from the second year, not a single event at the institute was complete without my accordion.

Father's instructions

After graduating from college, I was drafted into the army. Before leaving, I had a long conversation with my father about life. It was conducted in a mixture of Russian and Ukrainian languages. This is what he told me:

  • Even though you graduated from college, you still don’t know life. To achieve something, you need to study all the time. If you don’t know something, ask different people. Some will say - go there, others - go here, and the majority will show you the right path.
  • I ask: what if I need to do something quickly, then how?
  • Don't rush. Accumulate experience and then it will not be difficult for you to make the right decision. Do any work that is assigned to you as if it were your favorite, so that you will not be ashamed in front of people for what you have done. Respect any work and those who are engaged in it. If you start doing something, finish it. If you make a mistake, you will correct it next time. Be responsible for the assigned work. Don't be foolish - sooner or later it will be revealed anyway. They ask - give it. If you can't, explain why. If you are deceived, it will definitely come back to haunt that person, and you will be rewarded. Money can not buy happiness. If you give your word, keep it. Never put yourself above others, no matter what you achieve, others also consider themselves no worse than you.

In the Far East, song helped to serve. At the graduation ceremony of the military pilots they announced: “Pilot Pavel Romanovich Popovich sings his favorite song “I’m blowing up to heaven,” accompanied by Senior Lieutenant Neumyvakin on the accordion.”

They say that song is the soul of a person. She made Popovich and I friends for the rest of our lives.

Work in aviation medicine

Question: So you came to develop space medicine and went straight to the minister with your proposals. May people not understand you if you do not say that you came to space medicine with enormous baggage. You have a dozen years of creative work in aviation medicine behind you. So tell me about it.

Answer: They took me into the army and ended up in the air force in the Far East. There I had to study the behavior of a pilot, how he behaves in extreme conditions, and the peculiarities of flying work. And in October 1952, I went to Moscow to take courses in aviation medicine. Everyone went for a walk or to the theater, and I climbed into the basement and there I was interested in the effect of a hyperbaric chamber, high altitude pressure, a small amount of oxygen on a person, and what was happening in the body at this time. The teachers noticed that I was trying very hard to learn as much as possible about my specialty. They gave me a brilliant reference. And when I arrived in the Far East, I immediately became a senior doctor in the aviation unit.

In two years I became the best doctor in the aviation units of the Far East. In 1959, doctors began to be selected for the Institute of Aviation Medicine, which later became known as the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine. 14 candidates were sent from the Far East. I am the only one of them who got into this institute. Apparently, they took into account my characteristics - desire, desire to learn as much as possible.

I was enrolled in this institute in the flight labor department, tested equipment on airplanes that was then used by astronauts, and at the same time developed equipment for collecting physiological information from astronauts. I came up with a dry spirometer instead of a water one. In space medicine, nothing terrestrial was suitable. The device must be small-sized, efficient, convenient and easy to use. In addition to the equipment, I began again to create a system for studying external respiration, something I had already done before.

Space medicine

Question: Ivan Pavlovich, I read that in October 1963, on the initiative of outstanding scientists Sergei Korolev and Mstislav Keldysh, the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems (IMBP) was created. The task was to create a medical support system for space flights.

Clinicians and biologists, hygienists and toxicologists, physicists and chemists, designers and engineers, ecology and labor protection specialists - about a hundred professions - came to work at the scientific center... A plant with an experimental design bureau was created. Tell us in more detail how it all happened.

Answer: When I came to space medicine, there weren’t very many of us, and everyone was given an appropriate direction. I had the honor of developing a system for providing medical care to astronauts in flight. Although I am a former surgeon and have experience, I nevertheless asked for a week to think about it in order to comprehend and imagine the scope and problems of the proposed work. I was told: you will only equip the on-board first aid kits - that’s all.

A week later I came and said that if the matter is limited only to completing first aid kits, then I will not do this. What do you offer, they ask. I pull out a diagram and show it, I propose the following: from all the institutes of the Ministry of Health, connect two or three people to this problem. For example, the Vishnevsky Institute (surgery): how to prevent an astronaut from appendicitis in flight, so that there are no ulcers or eye diseases, how to prevent any dental disease.

And what do you think? A week later we were already at a reception with Boris Vasilyevich Petrovsky, the Minister of Health. He listened to us and gave instructions to prepare an order. And within a month, about a hundred people gathered at our Institute of Medical and Biological Problems - leading specialists in all major areas. From this moment on, a new discipline was born - space medicine, and this is the great merit of I.P. Neumyvakina.

How did they start building space medicine?

I had a question about what a healthy person is. It turns out that no one knew or studied this. And we needed to find out.

Question: From your stories, I already have an idea of ​​what a healthy person is: “The strength of the entire chain is equal to the strength of the weakest link.” And a person may have this weak link, and in extreme conditions it can prevent the astronaut from completing a task or create a critical situation that threatens life.

Answer: I was assigned to study the condition of test subjects who were exposed to all kinds of influences: parachute jumps, the stratosphere, a catapult, a pressure chamber, a centrifuge, sound chambers... It was necessary to study the behavior of people in extreme conditions. Skiers are crawling to the North Pole. They received the program, they received the medications. I was interested in what they were sick with and how they were treated. The international crew is sailing on a boat, their relationships, what illnesses they have, what medications they use...

He comes and gives a report. Climbers are climbing Everest, people are going through the Karakum Desert - all this passed through me, all the information flowed to me. I studied the limits of physiological capabilities in people under extreme conditions, and what it all leads to. I analyzed all this, predicted what condition the astronaut would have during the flight. And on the basis of these data, a first aid kit for providing medical care was formed. All these studies resulted in a doctoral dissertation, which was called “Principles, methods and means of providing medical care to astronauts during flights of various durations, including to other planets.”

Space medicine does everything to prevent an astronaut from getting sick during a flight

I'll tell you about appendicitis. The Sklifosovsky Institute gave me a certificate that out of 100 patients admitted to them, 80-82 people end up with appendicitis. Can you imagine? Here is a man who flew into space, and he got appendicitis. You can’t do the operation, you can’t lower it - it will be overloaded and you’ll die. So what to do? I come to Vishnevsky and say:

  • What should I do?
  • Operation.
  • You can't have surgery. What should I do to prevent him from having appendicitis? You have an appendix, so you don't have appendicitis?
  • Ask an easier question.
  • This is me asking you a question. Involve therapists, endocrinologists, nutritionists, anyone. Here is the order, and you must answer this question for me.

He says: “Listen, during the war the Germans cut out appendices from prisoners.” They pulled up the archives and dug them up. It turns out that if the appendix is ​​cut out from a healthy person, the adhesive process will begin. People sometimes became disabled. We turned to the Sklifosovsky Institute again and found materials.

Geologists, going on an expedition to Siberia, the Far East for six months or more, come and say: “I’m aching here, look.” A diagnosis of chronic appendicitis was made and surgery was performed. We looked, and there was nothing there, but since the stomach had already been opened, the appendix was cut out. Then these geologists became disabled. We collected information about 15 such cases. It turns out that half of these geologists could no longer go on expeditions.

Before my next flight I come to Star City. The astronauts are sitting. I started talking about what we were doing, how we were doing it, what first aid kits and whatnot, what medications, and suddenly someone stood up and said: “Listen, Ivan Pavlovich, we have heard rumors that you are going to remove our appendix, so that there is no appendicitis there.” There was nothing left to do but tell them why I was interested in this.

Silence. And suddenly one says: “Did you ever have appendicitis?” I say "No". They were delighted and made a noise: “Ivan Pavlovich, come on, you cut out this appendix from yourself, we will come to you, bring oranges, apples and observe. If in six months everything is fine, we will now give you a receipt - cut out this appendix from us.”

After 2 days I arrived at the institute, I told the director, he laughed, so what will you do now? I say: “You know, I’m not completely stupid, I won’t cut it out.” And so the issue was removed from the agenda. But at the same time, we have developed a system that allows... More than 50 years have passed, not a single astronaut has had this problem during flight.

Video lecture

Watch Professor Neumyvakin's lecture on the reserve capabilities of the human body. You will learn about many of his developments, methods, books, and their use for health.

What is the fate of your and your team’s inventions?

“Everything that was used in earthly medicine turned out to be unsuitable for use in space. Firstly, there are very high requirements for weight, volume, dimensions, insufficient efficiency, difficulty in use and much more. I have received about a hundred copyright certificates for inventions. There were also collective developments with my participation. They should also be mentioned.

I participated in the development of physiological equipment for studying the indicators of astronauts and transmitting them via telemetry channels to Earth. The method of remote medical monitoring, implemented in space flights, has found practical application in various fields of clinical medicine.

A number of clinics widely use remote methods for recording certain physiological parameters to monitor the condition of patients in the postoperative period and in intensive care units. In balneology, this method is used to assess the condition of patients during certain procedures.

In sports medicine, the doctor and trainer monitor the athlete’s cardiac activity directly during exercise, while running and swimming. Special equipment is being created that uses the principles laid down in the equipment for medical monitoring of astronauts. The seismic-cardiogram method, developed for space medicine, is also used in earthly clinics to assess the contractile function of the heart muscle.

The drug Phenibut

Flight into space is not a joyride, but intense physical, psychological and emotional work. If something happens on earth, you can somehow neutralize it with various kinds of tranquilizers, but this cannot be done in space because of the possibility of side effects. I was involved in the creation of pharmacological drugs, the culmination of which was the creation of the world's only original domestic daily drug - Phenibut. It regulates the state of the nervous system, regardless of the nature of stress, and increases performance in any conditions.

The astronauts, going into outer space, took this drug, and then told me that when an abyss opened up in front of them. they didn’t give a damn about everything, as if it was a pleasure stroll along Nevsky Prospekt. By the way, this drug was awarded the State Prize. The drug would be useful not only in space, but also on Earth as a daytime tranquilizer that has no side effects, to relieve stress and treat any functional disorders.

The drug Gipkos

In search of the best option for medicinal products for astronauts, which would not be chemical, I paid a lot of attention to the search for natural natural substances. Throughout my career, I have written more than 40 books dedicated to plants. What are onions, garlic, St. John's wort, plantain, dill, motherwort? Everything that is underfoot and everything that is on the garden plot or on the way to it.

What is sea buckthorn? In the mountainous regions of Kyrgyzstan, where I spent my childhood and youth, it is the sea. Altymyshev, my classmate, became an academician, studied plants and herbal medicine. I suggested that he create a drug based on sea buckthorn. Over the course of three to five years, we developed a drug that became known as Gypkos.

It passed all the tests and was included in the astronauts’ diet as a food supplement in the form of a general strengthening and tonic. At the same time, I developed various versions of portable devices for studying the functions of external respiration in the practice of aviation and space medicine, which was the subject of my PhD thesis. Many devices, in particular the portable dry spirometer, were mass-produced.

Drug Cytochrome-C

And here is another illustrative example from my space practice. Nowadays, the drug “Coenzyme Q-10”, proposed by the American inventor of vitamin complexes Pauling, is very popular in our country. This product not only has a rejuvenating effect, but also promotes the production of additional energy, thereby activating the body's vital processes. Many Russians have already become convinced of its effectiveness.

However, hardly anyone knows that a similar drug called Cytochrome-C was created in our country much earlier, in the 70s. Together with a group of scientists from the Leningrad Institute of Blood Transfusion, I took a direct part in its development. At this time, preparations were underway for a joint Soviet-American flight. Two months before the flight, a paper was sent to the Pharmaceutical Committee about permission for a one-time use of Cytochrome-C under extreme conditions (it has not yet passed clinical trials, but was tested on a fairly large group of volunteers).

I assumed that it could be useful to cosmonaut Leonov, whose electrocardiogram showed a slight decrease in the T wave during physical activity, which indicated a slight disruption of the blood supply to the left ventricle of the heart. My assumptions were correct. Shortly before the launch, it became known that the television system on the ship had failed. The ship nevertheless took off.

When preparing for the flight, I told the astronaut that the first aid kit would contain the drug Cytochrome C, which eliminates this phenomenon if it occurs. After entering orbit, the astronaut had to fix the malfunction and, against the background of emotional mental and physical stress, the T wave crept down, which foreshadowed the possibility of a heart attack. All cardiologists were put on notice. Nobody could help. And only Cytochrome C saved the situation.

If we return to Cytochrome-C, after this incident all work on its improvement was stopped, although it could have brought glory to the country. Moreover, the technology for obtaining it from natural remedies is amazingly simple. It is sad that, according to established tradition, we are again forced to be content with a good, but foreign, overseas drug, thus supporting not domestic, but foreign manufacturers.

Polana-01 device

If surgery is necessary, a device called a gnotobiological chamber has been developed, which allows operations to be performed in almost any conditions. But you can't use drugs. A solution was found here too. The Polana-01 device was created, which, in combination with nitrous oxide, provides the ability to perform surgical intervention, except for the head, practically without narcotics.

After surgery, patients did not need to be taken to intensive care, but were immediately placed in a regular ward and followed until discharge. However, the chief resuscitator Burnazyan, for the sake of preserving the resuscitator service in the form in which it existed and exists now, prohibited the mass production of these devices, although when testing them he called this method the medicine of the future.

To provide emergency medical care during space flight conditions, a device for external counterpulsation with a cardiac synchronized complex was created. Testing of this device at the Sklifosovsky Institute showed that with its help it is possible to save patients whom official medicine cannot save. And it can replace complex surgical procedures such as bypass surgery.

During landing, astronauts are most likely to experience life-threatening situations. Why did I demand that resuscitators be allocated to me? After difficult twists and turns, this issue was resolved at the ministerial level. After which I was assigned 12 resuscitators.

Thanks to my persistence and the fact that the Ministry of Health rose to the occasion in this situation, I was allocated a large amount of payroll to create my own resuscitation, anesthesiology and engineering services for the on-board hospital.

I not only brought the resuscitators up to date, but through joint efforts a portable resuscitation unit was created, which made it possible to provide any type of assistance to two cosmonauts at once in any conditions.

There was a lot of work. Maybe the examples listed are enough, but I just want to say this: for more than 50 years of the existence of the space age, there was actually not a single case of the disease during space flight. There was not a single breakdown due to health reasons, so that during the flight the astronaut did not complete the program that he had to do there.

Helios-01 device

Due to the fact that I was interested in bioenergy, I was looking for an answer to the question, what energy does a body cell operate on? Physicists from the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences helped me with this, saying that our body works like any creature, on ultraviolet radiation of a certain spectrum. It turned out that there is already enough such ultraviolet radiation on Earth and it can only be received early in the morning or before sunset.

We have designed a device called Helios-01, which normalizes the bioenergetic potential of cells. Thus, the immune system is restored and the body puts itself in order. Despite the fact that the device passed all clinical tests, it was not allowed to be launched into serial production, because, as I was told, two institutes had to be closed.

With the help of an ultraviolet ray, we even intervened in veterinary medicine, where we proved that with the help of such a device it is possible to treat any animal diseases without drugs. But this is not enough. By irradiating plants, it is possible to increase the yield of any crop without the use of mineral fertilizers or with a minimum amount of them.

But no one lifted a finger to put these devices into practice. True, recently academician Dmitry Semenovich Strebkov, head of the Russian Institute of Electrification of Agriculture, tried to implement this idea. However, neither the Ministry of Agriculture nor the Ministry of Health found money to prepare for the production of these devices for agriculture.

We use this device, although not nationwide, but on the scale of individual patients. When blood is irradiated with ultraviolet rays, the spectral composition of cellular structures is close to solar radiation. There is a powerful energy supply to the body. As a result, the disturbed energy balance is normalized and immunity is increased. The Helios-01 device we created has no analogues.

In my healing practice, I actively use it in the treatment of various immunodeficiency conditions: chronic inflammatory processes, infertility, viral hepatitis, oncology. What is the principle of its operation? 10-20 cc of blood is taken from the patient, which is passed through the device, irradiated with ultraviolet rays, saturated with energy and reinfused into the body, significantly increasing its energy resources.

The procedure is extremely simple, and the effect is amazing. After several sessions, the internal organs and systems, having received an energy recharge, are so activated that it is not difficult for them to cope with the most severe pathologies.

About human health

Professor Neumyvakin wrote many books about human health, and his wife Lyudmila Stepanovna, a general practitioner and radiologist, co-authored many of them.

A person is a container of actively moving energy. The movement of this energy has a certain order, and as long as this order is maintained, a person is normal, healthy and happy. However, he is able to influence this energy through thinking and forming (building) emotional models.

A peaceful and cheerful person strengthens his energy potential and promotes order in the movement of his energy. On the contrary, a gloomy, despondent person violates this order, artificially reducing his potential. Naturally, this will negatively affect his health, his mental, astral and physical planes.

Therefore, it is very important to know that a person’s health is a very clear consequence of his thinking and emotions. If you want to change your health, you must change your thinking and emotional patterns. Medical science means exactly this when it says that 85 percent of all diseases are psychosomatic.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide

The supervisor of my PhD thesis, Academician Votchal, said: “I have no doubt that in the future you will study breathing. Pay attention, which is produced in the body by cells of the immune system." So what? Many years ago, I proposed using this drug in a certain concentration both for oral and intravenous administration. But the Ministry of Health allows it to be used only externally.

And such a leading cardiac surgeon as Professor Sitnikov at the Izhevsk Medical Academy uses hydrogen peroxide and saves patients with heart attacks and strokes, gangrene and other diseases that are beyond the control of medicine.

Professor Neumyvakin about breathing

Human health largely depends on proper breathing, on the ratio between oxygen in cells, which should be 4-4.5%, and carbon dioxide - 6-6.5%. If we breathe deeply, saturating the cell with oxygen, it squeezes out carbon dioxide, which leads the cell to spasm and, as a result, metabolic processes are disrupted, the load on the heart increases, the energy potential decreases, which leads the body to diseases. That is why various inventors come up with various devices in order to somehow retain carbon dioxide at normal levels. Although the body has a physiological mechanism, its own device that ensures a normal ratio between oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Breathing correctly is the same as we do when talking: we inhale a little and exhale for a longer time while talking or singing, holding our breath for a longer time. And it’s even better if we learn to hold our breath a little while exhaling - up to 30 seconds (even up to a minute) at a time. And per day - at least 30 minutes, and even better - up to 1 hour, which can be done under any conditions: walking, traveling, before bed, and so on, and you don’t need any devices.

This physiological method of breathing even saved the lives of two cosmonauts - Rukavishnikov and Bulgarian Ivanov. (By the way, the surname Ivanov is actually not true. Before approving the crew for the flight, one of the members of the state commission asked to replace the real surname of the Bulgarian Kakalov with Ivanov, as a more euphonious one, although in Bulgaria this is a fairly well-known surname. And after consultation with the government, such thus Kakalov became Ivanov).

The fact is that after the end of the flight program on the spacecraft, all systems providing landing failed. No one on Earth could offer anything. And the astronauts had to enter the earth's atmosphere and burn up. And Nikolai Nikolaevich Rukavishnikov remembered how I taught them to breathe correctly and by holding their breath for a long time to relieve spasms, normalize metabolism, and he began to do this.

And at some point his mind became so enlightened that the idea came to use a backup engine that would dampen the angular velocities. But it was necessary to turn it on at a certain moment, when it would be tail towards the Earth, and so that it would work for at least ten seconds. This will allow them to escape. Which is what he did, choosing from many options the only one that saved their lives. For this he considered me his savior.

For proper breathing, you don’t need to invent anything. Our body has everything, we just need to use it correctly. All my life, from the age of forty-seven, I have been studying the respiratory system, on which our lives largely depend. I published a book about the role of breathing, “Reserve Capabilities of the Body. Breath. Consciousness. Myths and reality."

Professor Neumyvakin opened a new health center

In 2017, under the leadership of the professor, the Crimean Neumyvakin Health Center opened (website neumyvakin-crimea.com). Watch a video about his work.

Ivan Neumyvakin went blind and became homeless - Don't do good, you won't get evil

Whoever has the opportunity to send money, whoever can, be sure to send it.
Do a good, charitable deed.
I also decided to participate.

Other people's children are no good

Card number: 4276 3801 6728 4061 Sberbank Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin - Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, State Prize laureate, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
The author of more than 200 scientific works (you can view some books here) is an honored inventor who has 85 copyright certificates for inventions.
From 1959, for 30 years, he was inextricably linked with space medicine. Being the creator of a unique hospital - a space hospital on board a ship.
The name of Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, who has been involved in the treatment and improvement of human health for more than 40 years, is well known both to professional doctors and to those who represent alternative, unofficial medicine.

Neumyvakin I.P. A difficult life situation has occurred! The daughter of a very elderly professor sued for an apartment. And now Ivan Pavlovich was left with practically nothing. This is true, I myself had the opportunity to communicate with I.P. Neumyvakins and was convinced of this.
Ivan Pavlovich did so much for the development of science in our country and the whole world, he helped so many people with their health, disseminating knowledge on medicine and simple ways to improve their health! He is a good-natured and open person! And his good nature served as a reverse coin - a blind faith that a loved one would never betray or drive him out onto the street.
We ask everyone who was helped by Ivan Pavlovich, everyone who cares, to help raise funds for housing for Ivan Pavlovich! Everyone can send 50 or 100 rubles to their account. What is 50 rubles? One ticket for Moscow metro transport or 2 tickets in other cities. This is the price of a bottle of milk or half a bar of chocolate. For example, if 40,000 thousand subscribers can send 50 rubles to their account, then it will be possible to purchase housing!!! If more people gather, we will also provide them with food as a bonus. Neumyvakin I.P. worthy of help, he has helped society a lot, and we can help him!

Card number: 4276 3801 6728 4061 Sberbank Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich.
Also watch the VIDEO, there is the same account, check all the numbers!! In the foreground sits Ivan Pavlovich wearing glasses and his friend, calling on society to help him.
I repeat, the Sberbank number is not mine (the author of the petition)! This is not deception or quackery. You can make sure when you enter your Sberbank account, and before sending money, the name “IVAN PAVLOVICH N.” will appear there. I corrected the mistake, I apologize (I wrote it incorrectly - “NEUMYVAKIN P.”).
If possible, distribute this video, share it on social networks! Let's help Ivan Pavlovich in any way we can!
This petition will be delivered to:
Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is such an extraordinary person that his advice on treatment, or rather, lifestyle, has been popular for many years, starting from Soviet times. Neumyvakin’s books are still read today. A huge number of people are grateful to Ivan Pavlovich for his many years of work, for his intelligence, responsiveness, and kindness. For his persistent character, ability to cure without pills and operations. However, Neumyvakin is sure that there are no diseases. Ivan Pavlovich calls all the clinical symptoms that some patients like to list “conditions.”

About food

About medicine

When something hurts, we go to the doctor. The doctor prescribes numerous examinations, medications, and pills that temporarily improve the situation and enrich the pharmaceutical industry. We are used to being treated because that is what most people do. Some are independent of public opinion. They don’t want to be treated, but they don’t want to get sick either. Then the invaluable advice of I. P. Neumyvakin comes to the rescue. Video:

From the biography of Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin

It is interesting that Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin was born in 1928. At 86 years old, he not only looks great, but is also the founder of a health center. He is active and happily talks about his experiences and how you can stay pain-free without buying expensive medications with numerous side effects.

I.P. Neumyvakin is a doctor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, who was entrusted with the creation of space medicine, which he successfully accomplished for about 30 years. Observing, studying, drawing conclusions... Ivan Pavlovich wrote many books and scientific papers. Some of Neumyvakin’s conclusions are very unsympathetic to official medicine. It’s no secret that big money is made from people’s illnesses, and Ivan Pavlovich teaches how to be healthy without taking money to the pharmacy.

About hydrogen peroxide

Contraindication for treatment with peroxide is hemophilia. Everything else can be treated, that is, restored. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antioxidant produced inside the intestines, provided they are healthy and functioning properly. If there are problems here, clean and restore. Hydrogen peroxide can be taken orally.

For example, quite recently there was a horror story about swine flu. Professor Neumyvakin claims that there is no such flu. Accordingly, no vaccines are needed against it. It is enough to take ¼ glass of water and drop a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into it. Instill this solution into the nose 2–3 times a day if an epidemic has begun. Not only will there be no swine flu, but there will be no flu at all.

About water

Neumyvakin recommends preparing water as follows: first let it sit overnight so that the chlorine comes out. Then bring almost to a boil, but do not boil. So to speak, to white bubbles. This way the prepared water will be structured for 3 hours. It is during this time that you need to drink it in order for it to benefit the body. You should drink either 15 - 20 minutes before meals, or 2 hours after. In order not to dilute the gastric juice necessary for thorough digestion of food. It is advisable to drink one and a half to two liters of water per day. Tea, jelly, and compote are no substitute for healthy water. Only pure structured water penetrates the cell, maintaining its vitality.


Poor ecology, low-quality (falsified) food products and, sometimes, a sedentary lifestyle often leave an imprint on the health of both the whole body and individual organs.

If you don’t start taking care of your body in time - playing sports, approaching the right diet, then sooner or later diseases will begin to appear that become chronic.

The technique developed by Professor Ivan Neumyvakin can help prevent the occurrence of diseases and improve the functioning of all organs. The system of nutrition and cleansing of the body included in this technique helps improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and pancreas. These organs are more susceptible to the action of harmful substances than others and accumulate a significant amount of toxic compounds.

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin began his career as a doctor monitoring the health of astronauts. Subsequently, he headed the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems.

During his career he made many discoveries. He defended his candidate's dissertation (1965), and subsequently his doctoral dissertation (1982). His scientific works were devoted to aviation and space medicine. Since 1989, he has directed his knowledge and skills to the development of traditional medicine.

A person with such an impeccable reputation, well versed in medicine, who is a professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, has developed a lot of methods for healing the body without the use of medications. He was able to write his works thanks to his wealth of experience in observing the effects of environmental conditions on the human body.

Risk factors according to Neumyvakin

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, first of all, pursues the goal of cleansing and general healing of a person.

Risk factors for the digestive system and the body as a whole, in his opinion, include:

  • untimely consumption of certain foods;
  • high protein content in the diet;
  • washing down food with drinks;
  • insufficient chewing of food before swallowing;
  • consumption of carbonated drinks.

Overeating is one of the main bad habits leading to problems in the body.

Ivan Pavlovich lists the following as risk factors affecting the acid balance:

  • medical supplies;
  • various types of electromagnetic radiation;
  • flows of negative information;
  • products containing GMOs.

Detoxification process

The level of harmful substances in organs, in particular in the liver, sometimes exceeds the norm by 2 times or more. For detoxification, or the natural removal of harmful, toxic substances from the human body, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin suggests normalizing the nutrition system, introducing fasting days and carrying out other actions aimed at cleansing the body of toxins.

Water is the basis of the fasting days menu

Basic principles of the method

The famous scientist came to the conclusion that it is not the disease that should be treated, but its cause. Neumyvakin denies the existence of diseases, but believes that there is a human “condition” caused by an imbalance of metabolic processes.

All problems with the body can have a single source

The source of disturbances in these processes in the body, which the professor considers as a single biosystem, is the accumulation of toxins or acid imbalance. Therefore, it is not the disease that needs to be treated, but the trigger that triggers the pathological processes must be eliminated.

Healing the body with peroxide

Considering the unfavorable environmental situation and sedentary lifestyle, The body often lacks oxygen; its deficiency can be replenished with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), writes Professor Ivan Neumyvakin.

The system of nutrition and cleansing of the body should be built taking into account maintaining the acid-base balance. The acidity of the human internal environment is pH = 7.4. Significant deviations from these norms can cause the development of tissues that provoke the formation of tumors.

Can a few drops of peroxide in a glass of water help solve problems with oxygen deficiency?

Therefore, when a tumor is detected, the professor recommends using a peroxide solution according to the following scheme: on the first day, one drop of peroxide per glass of water, on the second - two, on the third three, and so on. Having brought the number of drops to 50, they begin to decrease them in the same way, one per day.

Hydrogen peroxide should not be consumed in its pure form.

The author also suggests using a solution of hydrogen peroxide externally, applying it through the nose, as well as for intravenous infusion, and talks about precautions. You can learn more about treatment with hydrogen dioxide by reading his work “Hydrogen Peroxide. Myths and reality."

Treatment with soda

To deworm the body, as well as for diseases of the cardiovascular system, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, in addition to a balanced diet and periodic cleansing of the body, recommends using a solution of ordinary baking soda.

Soda is the main ingredient in cleansing enema and medicine for heart problems.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system, oral administration of the solution is used. It is recommended to drink soda solution in the morning half an hour before meals.. You need to start taking it with a less concentrated solution - 0.5 dessert spoon per glass of hot water or milk.

After three doses, take a three-day break. After which the concentration is increased by diluting the contents of 1 dessert spoon in a glass of liquid, after 3 days they also take a three-day break. Following this scheme, the intake can be increased to 1 - 3 tsp.

Ultraviolet irradiation

To correct the state of the immune system, the author proposes ultraviolet irradiation.

Solarium is one of the options for ultraviolet irradiation

Note! Ultraviolet is divided into:

  • UVA, with a wavelength of 320–380 nm, is weakly active and has a beneficial effect on the course of biological processes in the body;
  • UV B, its wavelength is 280–320 nm, is more active and can cause mutations in plants;
  • UV C, its wavelength 200 - 280 nm, is the most active, and can even provoke mutations in living organisms. UV C does not reach the ground and is completely absorbed by the ozone layer.

Lack of ultraviolet radiation can lead to disruption of metabolic processes and weakening of the body's protective properties; in addition, it has an antibacterial effect.

The best time for tanning is morning and evening

The most beneficial rays are more active in the evening and morning. Therefore, you should choose this watch for tanning. Ultraviolet radiation alerts the immune system to destroy pathological cells.

Cleansing the body according to Neumyvakin

Among more than 200 works authored by Professor Ivan Neumyvakin, the system of nutrition and cleansing of the body is considered one of the most popular topics. Cleansing the body, which is proposed by the author, includes several stages: first they cleanse the intestines, then the liver and kidneys, pancreas and joints, and last but not least, blood vessels and blood.

Preparatory stage

Preparations for cleansing the body begin ten days before the start of the main cleansing procedures, and this stage ends with cleansing the intestines.

A vegetarian menu is one of the conditions for preparing for cleansing the body

During the preparatory stage you should:

  • During the first week, follow a vegetarian diet, including only plant-based foods in your diet, and without protein.
  • After this, drink freshly squeezed apple juice for three days. During these three days, cleansing enemas are done.

In the evening of the last day (it is advisable to do this before the weekend) they begin directly to cleanse the organs.

Liver and kidney cleansing

The liver and kidneys serve as unique filters in our body’s system, as they cleanse the blood of harmful compounds. Therefore, over time, sometimes even regardless of nutrition, various toxins accumulate in them that need to be removed.

To cleanse the liver and kidneys, Ivan Neumyvakin recommends using magnesia and rosehip decoction.

For the cleaning process after the preparatory stage you need:

  • Take magnesium morning and evening (1 sachet is diluted in a glass of water and drunk in two doses).
  • The next morning, drink a glass of rosehip decoction with 2 tbsp. l. sorbitol – a sugar substitute.
  • Immediately after this, lie down in bed for 30 minutes, placing a heating pad on your right side.
  • After an hour, take rosehip with sorbitol again and lie down again with a heating pad on your right side.

After everything, drink a glass of decoction with sorbitol again and go to bed. After some time, the liver and kidneys will be cleansed.

Cleansing the liver and pancreas

According to the method developed by Ivan Neumyvakin, the system of nutrition and cleansing of the body is a fundamental factor in the health and longevity of the individual.

Lemon and olive oil are the basis of a liver cleansing system

Proper nutrition must precede cleansing, and be maintained subsequently.

When cleansing the liver and pancreas, having gone through the preparatory stage, proceed to the following:

  • In the evening, prepare a glass of vegetable oil (preferably olive) and lemon juice.
  • They are placed in bed with a heating pad on the right hypochondrium.
  • Take alternately thirty grams (2 large tablespoons) of oil and juice, with breaks between doses of 15 minutes.
  • After cleansing, the next day an enema is done to remove all remaining toxins.

Blood purification

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin recommends cleaning the blood and blood vessels after normalizing the nutritional system and cleansing other organs of the body - the liver, kidneys, pancreas. The previous stages also influence the cleansing of blood vessels from formed blood clots.

Ginger tea with honey - blood cleanser

Results, reviews and opinions of doctors

This method has many supporters and opponents. Some argue that it is strictly forbidden to ingest a solution of hydrogen peroxide. But supporters of the system are inclined to believe that the essence of the method is the comprehensive cleansing of all organs.

Many doctors, like Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, support and promote the benefits of therapeutic fasting and the need for periodic cleansing of the body.

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin’s technique works, but there is always an individual error

Whether to follow this technique or not is an individual matter. This technique, like most others, has both supporters and adherents, as well as opponents. But thousands of people who have tried this system are grateful to Ivan Pavlovich for his recommendations for recovery in accessible ways.

Professor Neumyvakin I.P.: there are no diseases! Find out how to take baking soda and hydrogen peroxide from this useful video:

Opinion of Professor Neumyvakin I.P. about proper nutrition. Learn valuable advice from the author from the following video:

Cleansing the liver and kidneys: A.P.’s technique Neumyvakina. Watch an interesting video:

April 22, 2018 passed away at the age of ninety - one of the founders of cosmic and complementary medicine, a leading traditional healer, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, laureate of the State Prize.

The heart of the great scientist stopped beating. Thanks to the health system created by Ivan Pavlovich, numerous adherents of his views and healing methods got rid of diseases.

His whole life is a vivid example of serving people. The site administration deeply sympathizes with the family and friends of Ivan Pavlovich, his grateful followers.

The memory of the great Scientist and Man will forever remain in our hearts.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, laureate of the State Prize, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, author of more than 200 scientific works, honored inventor, having 85 copyright certificates for inventions.

Ivan Pavlovich was born in Kyrgyzstan and graduated from medical institute there in 1951. And from 1959, he worked in space medicine for 30 years. Here's what he says about the facts of his life.

Question: Ivan Pavlovich, we started our conversation with the most important thing - work that brings good to people. They talked about your hard work, perseverance, desire to bring things to the end result... But a person’s character is formed in childhood. Let's take a look there for a minute.

Answer: My father was always making something around the house. I watched his work with interest. I especially liked it when he drove the nail into the product so beautifully with one blow. I really wanted to try it myself. One day my father bought a pack of nails. So I decided to drive them with one blow into the hard stone roadside soil. In the evening, my father asked: “Where are the nails?” I had to confess. The father explained that life in the village is quite hard work, and it is impossible to live on a peasant farm without nails. “Tomorrow you will take out all the nails, wipe them and put them back in place.” I realized then that any work should be beneficial.

For family reasons, when I was three years old, we moved to a Kyrgyz village, where I started going to school at the age of 6. It soon became clear that I could not read. My mother reads to me, and I remember. When my father found out about this, he said: “Tomorrow we are going to work. If you don’t want to study, you have to work.” Of course, I was happy: I don’t have to go to school! My father worked as a grave maker - he transported crushed stone and sand. Before lunch I did something else, and after lunch my father put me under a tree, where I slept until the evening. Came back home.

When my mother saw my calloused palms, she gave my father a beating. The father replied: “What do you want? If he doesn’t want to study, let him work.” In the morning he woke me up and said: “Let’s go to work.” To which I replied: “Tattoo, I will study. I give you my word!” The father explained that studying is no less important work than all the others. If you want to achieve something, then only by gaining knowledge. Such hardening at work and raising my parents with an exemplary attitude to work became my core in life.

Song is the soul of man

I became friends with the song since childhood. In our house there was a mandolin, a guitar and a balalaika. Father, mother and brother all played. We lived in a workers' village, a suburb of Frunze. On Saturday, our house turned into a singing group, and many in the area came to the gatherings. Some brought a pie, some brought something else.

We had a two-bucket samovar. And after the bathhouse they sat down and sang Russian and Ukrainian songs. My father played the mandolin, my brother played the guitar, and my mother sang and accompanied herself on the balalaika. Our gates were always open for guests, we lived like one family. And my mother also helped people. She was my healer, she treated many diseases - she removed barley for some, sciatica for whom, she gave herbs.

Then there was the institute. In addition to studying, I worked as a preparator in an anatomy department. I wanted to become a surgeon, but I am left-handed, and I needed to develop my right hand. That’s why I bought myself an accordion with my first salary. Without outside help, he mastered musical notation and began to play. And already from the second year, not a single event at the institute was complete without my accordion.

Father's instructions

After graduating from college, I was drafted into the army. Before leaving, I had a long conversation with my father about life. It was conducted in a mixture of Russian and Ukrainian languages. This is what he told me:

  • Even though you graduated from college, you still don’t know life. To achieve something, you need to study all the time. If you don’t know something, ask different people. Some will say - go there, others - go here, and the majority will indicate the right path.
  • I ask: what if I need to do something quickly, then how?
  • Don't rush. Accumulate experience and then it will not be difficult for you to make the right decision. Do any work that is assigned to you as if it were your favorite, so that you will not be ashamed in front of people for what you have done. Respect any work and those who are engaged in it. If you start doing something, finish it. If you make a mistake, you will correct it next time. Be responsible for the assigned work. Don't be foolish - sooner or later it will be revealed anyway. They ask - give it. If you can't, explain why. If you are deceived, it will definitely come back to haunt that person, and you will be rewarded. Money can not buy happiness. If you give your word, keep it. Never put yourself above others, no matter what you achieve, others also consider themselves no worse than you.

In the Far East, song helped to serve. At the graduation ceremony of the military pilots they announced: “Pilot Pavel Romanovich Popovich sings his favorite song “I’m blowing up to heaven,” accompanied by Senior Lieutenant Neumyvakin on the accordion.”

They say that song is the soul of a person. She made Popovich and I friends for the rest of our lives.

Work in aviation medicine

Question: So you came to develop space medicine and went straight to the minister with your proposals. May people not understand you if you do not say that you came to space medicine with enormous baggage. You have a dozen years of creative work in aviation medicine behind you. So tell me about it.

Answer: They took me into the army and ended up in the air force in the Far East. There I had to study the behavior of a pilot, how he behaves in extreme conditions, and the peculiarities of flying work. And in October 1952, I went to Moscow to take courses in aviation medicine. Everyone went for a walk or to the theater, and I climbed into the basement and there I was interested in the effect of a hyperbaric chamber, high altitude pressure, a small amount of oxygen on a person, and what was happening in the body at this time. The teachers noticed that I was trying very hard to learn as much as possible about my specialty. They gave me a brilliant reference. And when I arrived in the Far East, I immediately became a senior doctor in the aviation unit.

In two years I became the best doctor in the aviation units of the Far East. In 1959, doctors began to be selected for the Institute of Aviation Medicine, which later became known as the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine. 14 candidates were sent from the Far East. I am the only one of them who got into this institute. Apparently, they took into account my characteristics - desire, desire to learn as much as possible.

I was enrolled in this institute in the flight labor department, tested equipment on airplanes that was then used by astronauts, and at the same time developed equipment for collecting physiological information from astronauts. I came up with a dry spirometer instead of a water one. In space medicine, nothing terrestrial was suitable. The device must be small-sized, efficient, convenient and easy to use. In addition to the equipment, I began again to create a system for studying external respiration, something I had already done before.

Space medicine

Question: Ivan Pavlovich, I read that in October 1963, on the initiative of outstanding scientists Sergei Korolev and Mstislav Keldysh, the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems (IMBP) was created. The task was to create a medical support system for space flights.

Clinicians and biologists, hygienists and toxicologists, physicists and chemists, designers and engineers, ecology and labor protection specialists - about a hundred professions - came to work at the scientific center - about a hundred professions... A plant with an experimental design bureau was created. Tell us in more detail how it all happened.

Answer: When I came to space medicine, there weren’t very many of us, and everyone was given an appropriate direction. I had the honor of developing a system for providing medical care to astronauts in flight. Although I am a former surgeon and have experience, I nevertheless asked for a week to think about it in order to comprehend and imagine the scope and problems of the proposed work. I was told: you will only equip the on-board first aid kits - that’s all.

A week later I came and said that if the matter is limited only to completing first aid kits, then I will not do this. What do you offer, they ask. I pull out a diagram and show it, I propose the following: from all the institutes of the Ministry of Health, connect two or three people to this problem. For example, the Vishnevsky Institute (surgery): how to prevent an astronaut from appendicitis in flight, so that there are no ulcers or eye diseases, how to prevent any dental disease.

And what do you think? A week later we were already at a reception with Boris Vasilyevich Petrovsky, the Minister of Health. He listened to us and gave instructions to prepare an order. And within a month, about a hundred people gathered at our Institute of Medical and Biological Problems - leading specialists in all major areas. From this moment on, a new discipline was born - space medicine, and this is the great merit of I.P. Neumyvakina.

How did they start building space medicine?

I had a question about what a healthy person is. It turns out that no one knew or studied this. And we needed to find out.

Question: From your stories, I already have an idea of ​​what a healthy person is: “The strength of the entire chain is equal to the strength of the weakest link.” And a person may have this weak link, and in extreme conditions it can prevent the astronaut from completing a task or create a critical situation that threatens life.

Answer: I was assigned to study the condition of test subjects who were exposed to all kinds of influences: parachute jumps, the stratosphere, a catapult, a pressure chamber, a centrifuge, sound chambers... It was necessary to study the behavior of people in extreme conditions. Skiers are crawling to the North Pole. They received the program, they received the medications. I was interested in what they were sick with and how they were treated. The international crew is sailing on a boat, their relationships, what illnesses they have, what medications they use...

He comes and gives a report. Climbers are climbing Everest, people are going through the Karakum Desert - all this passed through me, all the information flowed to me. I studied the limits of physiological capabilities in people under extreme conditions, and what it all leads to. I analyzed all this, predicted what condition the astronaut would have during the flight. And on the basis of these data, a first aid kit for providing medical care was formed. All these studies resulted in a doctoral dissertation, which was called “Principles, methods and means of providing medical care to astronauts during flights of various durations, including to other planets.”

Space medicine does everything to prevent an astronaut from getting sick during a flight

I'll tell you about appendicitis. The Sklifosovsky Institute gave me a certificate that out of 100 patients admitted to them, 80-82 people end up with appendicitis. Can you imagine? Here is a man who flew into space, and he got appendicitis. You can’t do the operation, you can’t lower it - it’s overloaded and you’ll die. So what to do? I come to Vishnevsky and say:

  • What should I do?
  • Operation.
  • You can't have surgery. What should I do to prevent him from having appendicitis? You have an appendix, so you don't have appendicitis?
  • Ask an easier question.
  • This is me asking you a question. Involve therapists, endocrinologists, nutritionists, anyone. Here is the order, and you must answer this question for me.

He says: “Listen, during the war the Germans cut out appendices from prisoners.” They pulled up the archives and dug them up. It turns out that if the appendix is ​​cut out from a healthy person, the adhesive process will begin. People sometimes became disabled. We turned to the Sklifosovsky Institute again and found materials.

Geologists, going on an expedition to Siberia, the Far East for six months or more, come and say: “I’m aching here, look.” A diagnosis of chronic appendicitis was made and surgery was performed. We looked, and there was nothing there, but since the stomach had already been opened, the appendix was cut out. Then these geologists became disabled. We collected information about 15 such cases. It turns out that half of these geologists could no longer go on expeditions.

Before my next flight I come to Star City. The astronauts are sitting. I started talking about what we were doing, how we were doing it, what first aid kits and whatnot, what medications, and suddenly someone stood up and said: “Listen, Ivan Pavlovich, we have heard rumors that you are going to remove our appendix, so that there is no appendicitis there.” There was nothing left to do but tell them why I was interested in this.

Silence. And suddenly one says: “Did you ever have appendicitis?” I say "No". They were delighted and made a noise: “Ivan Pavlovich, come on, you cut out this appendix from yourself, we will come to you, bring oranges, apples and observe. If in six months everything is fine, we will now give you a receipt - cut out this appendix from us.”

After 2 days I arrived at the institute, I told the director, he laughed, so what will you do now? I say: “You know, I’m not completely stupid, I won’t cut it out.” And so the issue was removed from the agenda. But at the same time, we have developed a system that allows us to avoid illness through nutrition. More than 50 years have passed, not a single astronaut has had this problem during flight.

Video lecture

Watch Professor Neumyvakin's lecture on the reserve capabilities of the human body. You will learn about many of his developments, methods, books, and their use for health.

What is the fate of your and your team’s inventions?

- Everything that was used in earthly medicine turned out to be unsuitable for use in space. Firstly, there are very high requirements for weight, volume, dimensions, insufficient efficiency, difficulty in use and much more. I have received about a hundred copyright certificates for inventions. There were also collective developments with my participation. They should also be mentioned.

I participated in the development of physiological equipment for studying the indicators of astronauts and transmitting them via telemetry channels to Earth. The method of remote medical monitoring, implemented in space flights, has found practical application in various fields of clinical medicine.

A number of clinics widely use remote methods for recording certain physiological parameters to monitor the condition of patients in the postoperative period and in intensive care units. In balneology, this method is used to assess the condition of patients during certain procedures.

In sports medicine, the doctor and trainer monitor the athlete’s cardiac activity directly during exercise, while running and swimming. Special equipment is being created that uses the principles laid down in the equipment for medical monitoring of astronauts. The seismic-cardiogram method, developed for space medicine, is also used in earthly clinics to assess the contractile function of the heart muscle.

The drug Phenibut

Flight into space is not a joyride, but intense physical, psychological and emotional work. If something happens on earth, you can somehow neutralize it with various kinds of tranquilizers, but this cannot be done in space because of the possibility of side effects. I was involved in the creation of pharmacological drugs, the culmination of which was the creation of the world's only original domestic daily drug -. It regulates the state of the nervous system, regardless of the nature of stress, and increases performance in any conditions.

The astronauts, going into outer space, took this drug, and then told me that when an abyss opened up in front of them. they didn’t give a damn about everything, as if it was a pleasure stroll along Nevsky Prospekt. By the way, this drug was awarded the State Prize. The drug would be useful not only in space, but also on Earth as a daytime tranquilizer that has no side effects, to relieve stress and treat any functional disorders.

The drug Gipkos

In search of the best option for medicinal products for astronauts, which would not be chemical, I paid a lot of attention to the search for natural natural substances. Throughout my career, I have written more than 40 books dedicated to plants. What are onions, garlic, St. John's wort, plantain, dill, motherwort? Everything that is underfoot and everything that is on the garden plot or on the way to it.

What is sea buckthorn? In the mountainous regions of Kyrgyzstan, where I spent my childhood and youth, there is a sea of ​​it. Altymyshev, my classmate, became an academician, studied plants and herbal medicine. I suggested that he create a drug based on sea buckthorn. Over the course of three to five years, we developed a drug that became known as Gypkos.

It passed all the tests and was included in the astronauts’ diet as a food supplement in the form of a general strengthening and tonic. At the same time, I developed various versions of portable devices for studying the functions of external respiration in the practice of aviation and space medicine, which was the subject of my PhD thesis. Many devices, in particular the portable dry spirometer, were mass-produced.

Drug Cytochrome-C

And here is another illustrative example from my space practice. Nowadays, the drug “Coenzyme Q-10”, proposed by the American inventor of vitamin complexes Pauling, is very popular in our country. This product not only has a rejuvenating effect, but also promotes the production of additional energy, thereby activating the body's vital processes. Many Russians have already become convinced of its effectiveness.

However, hardly anyone knows that a similar drug called Cytochrome-C was created in our country much earlier, in the 70s. Together with a group of scientists from the Leningrad Institute of Blood Transfusion, I took a direct part in its development. At this time, preparations were underway for a joint Soviet-American flight. Two months before the flight, a paper was sent to the Pharmaceutical Committee about permission for a one-time use of Cytochrome-C under extreme conditions (it has not yet passed clinical trials, but was tested on a fairly large group of volunteers).

I assumed that it could be useful to cosmonaut Leonov, whose electrocardiogram showed a slight decrease in the T wave during physical activity, which indicated a slight disruption of the blood supply to the left ventricle of the heart. My assumptions were correct. Shortly before the launch, it became known that the television system on the ship had failed. The ship nevertheless took off.

When preparing for the flight, I told the astronaut that the first aid kit would contain the drug Cytochrome C, which eliminates this phenomenon if it occurs. After entering orbit, the astronaut had to fix the malfunction and, against the background of emotional mental and physical stress, the T wave crept down, which foreshadowed the possibility of a heart attack. All cardiologists were put on notice. Nobody could help. And only Cytochrome C saved the situation.

If we return to Cytochrome-C, after this incident all work on its improvement was stopped, although it could have brought glory to the country. Moreover, the technology for obtaining it from natural remedies is amazingly simple. It is sad that, according to established tradition, we are again forced to be content with a good, but foreign, overseas drug, thus supporting not domestic, but foreign manufacturers.

Polana-01 device

If surgery is necessary, a device called a gnotobiological chamber has been developed, which allows operations to be performed in almost any conditions. But you can't use drugs. A solution was found here too. The Polana-01 device was created, which, in combination with nitrous oxide, provides the ability to perform surgical intervention, except for the head, practically without narcotics.

After surgery, patients did not need to be taken to intensive care, but were immediately placed in a regular ward and followed until discharge. However, the chief resuscitator Burnazyan, for the sake of preserving the resuscitator service in the form in which it existed and exists now, prohibited the mass production of these devices, although when testing them he called this method the medicine of the future.

To provide emergency medical care during space flight conditions, a device for external counterpulsation with a cardiac synchronized complex was created. Testing of this device at the Sklifosovsky Institute showed that with its help it is possible to save patients whom official medicine cannot save. And it can replace complex surgical procedures such as bypass surgery.

During landing, astronauts are most likely to experience life-threatening situations. Why did I demand that resuscitators be allocated to me? After difficult twists and turns, this issue was resolved at the ministerial level. After which I was assigned 12 resuscitators.

Thanks to my persistence and the fact that the Ministry of Health rose to the occasion in this situation, I was allocated a large amount of payroll to create my own resuscitation, anesthesiology and engineering services for the on-board hospital.

I not only brought the resuscitators up to date, but through joint efforts a portable resuscitation unit was created, which made it possible to provide any type of assistance to two cosmonauts at once in any conditions.

There was a lot of work. Maybe the examples listed are enough, but I just want to say this: for more than 50 years of the existence of the space age, there was actually not a single case of the disease during space flight. There was not a single breakdown due to health reasons, so that during the flight the astronaut did not complete the program that he had to do there.

Helios-01 device

Due to the fact that I was interested in bioenergy, I was looking for an answer to the question, what energy does a body cell operate on? Physicists from the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences helped me with this, saying that our body works like any creature, on ultraviolet radiation of a certain spectrum. It turned out that there is already enough such ultraviolet radiation on Earth and it can only be received early in the morning or before sunset.

We have designed a device called Helios-01, which normalizes the bioenergetic potential of cells. Thus, the immune system is restored and the body puts itself in order. Despite the fact that the device passed all clinical tests, it was not allowed to be launched into serial production, because, as I was told, two institutes had to be closed.

With the help of an ultraviolet ray, we even intervened in veterinary medicine, where we proved that with the help of such a device it is possible to treat any animal diseases without drugs. But this is not enough. By irradiating plants, it is possible to increase the yield of any crop without the use of mineral fertilizers or with a minimum amount of them.

But no one lifted a finger to put these devices into practice. True, recently academician Dmitry Semenovich Strebkov, head of the Russian Institute of Electrification of Agriculture, tried to implement this idea. However, neither the Ministry of Agriculture nor the Ministry of Health found money to prepare for the production of these devices for agriculture.

We use this device, although not nationwide, but on the scale of individual patients. When blood is irradiated with ultraviolet rays, the spectral composition of cellular structures is close to solar radiation. There is a powerful energy supply to the body. As a result, the disturbed energy balance is normalized and immunity is increased. The Helios-01 device we created has no analogues.

In my healing practice, I actively use it in the treatment of various immunodeficiency conditions: chronic inflammatory processes, infertility, viral hepatitis, oncology. What is the principle of its operation? 10-20 cc of blood is taken from the patient, which is passed through the device, irradiated with ultraviolet rays, saturated with energy and reinfused into the body, significantly increasing its energy resources.

The procedure is extremely simple, and the effect is amazing. After several sessions, the internal organs and systems, having received an energy recharge, are so activated that it is not difficult for them to cope with the most severe pathologies.

About human health

Professor Neumyvakin wrote many books about human health, and his wife Lyudmila Stepanovna, a general practitioner and radiologist, co-authored many of them.

A person is a container of actively moving energy. The movement of this energy has a certain order, and as long as this order is maintained, a person is normal, healthy and happy. However, he is able to influence this energy through thinking and forming (building) emotional models.

A peaceful and cheerful person strengthens his energy potential and promotes order in the movement of his energy. On the contrary, a gloomy, despondent person violates this order, artificially reducing his potential. Naturally, this will negatively affect his health, his...

Therefore, it is very important to know that a person’s health is a very clear consequence of his thinking and emotions. If you want to change your health, you must change your thinking and emotional patterns. Medical science means exactly this when it says that 85 percent of all diseases are psychosomatic.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide

The supervisor of my PhD thesis, Academician Votchal, said: “I have no doubt that in the future you will study breathing. Pay attention to hydrogen peroxide, which is produced in the body by cells of the immune system.” So what? Many years ago, I proposed using this drug in a certain concentration both for oral and intravenous administration. But the Ministry of Health allows it to be used only externally.

And such a leading cardiac surgeon as Professor Sitnikov at the Izhevsk Medical Academy uses hydrogen peroxide and saves patients with heart attacks and strokes, gangrene and other diseases that are beyond the control of medicine.

Professor Neumyvakin about breathing

Human health largely depends on proper breathing, on the ratio between oxygen in cells, which should be 4-4.5%, and carbon dioxide - 6-6.5%. If we breathe deeply, saturating the cell with oxygen, it squeezes out carbon dioxide, which leads the cell to spasm and, as a result, metabolic processes are disrupted, the load on the heart increases, the energy potential decreases, which leads the body to diseases. That is why various inventors come up with various devices in order to somehow retain carbon dioxide at normal levels. Although the body has a physiological mechanism, its own device that ensures a normal ratio between oxygen and carbon dioxide.

This is the same as we do when talking: we inhale a little and while exhaling for a longer time, we carry on a conversation or sing, holding our breath for a longer time. And it’s even better if we learn to hold our breath a little while exhaling - up to 30 seconds (even up to a minute) at a time. And per day - at least 30 minutes, and even better - up to 1 hour, which can be done under any conditions: walking, traveling, before bed, and so on, and you don’t need any devices.

This physiological method of breathing even saved the lives of two cosmonauts - Rukavishnikov and Bulgarian Ivanov. (By the way, the surname Ivanov is actually not true. Before approving the crew for the flight, one of the members of the state commission asked to replace the real surname of the Bulgarian Kakalov with Ivanov, as a more euphonious one, although in Bulgaria this is a fairly well-known surname. And after consultation with the government, such thus Kakalov became Ivanov).

The fact is that after the end of the flight program on the spacecraft, all systems providing landing failed. No one on Earth could offer anything. And the astronauts had to enter the earth's atmosphere and burn up. And Nikolai Nikolaevich Rukavishnikov remembered how I taught them to breathe correctly and hold their breath for a long time, to normalize metabolism, and he began to do it.

And at some point his mind became so enlightened that the idea came to use a backup engine that would dampen the angular velocities. But it was necessary to turn it on at a certain moment, when it would be tail towards the Earth, and so that it would work for at least ten seconds. This will allow them to escape. Which is what he did, choosing from many options the only one that saved their lives. For this he considered me his savior.

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