Horoscope August. Horoscope August Horoscope for August woman and man from Tamara Globa and Pavel Globa, Vasilisa Volodina

Pavel Globa spoke about what awaits us all in the period from October 2 to October 8 - one of the best astrologers in the CIS. You can live these seven days more effectively using the advice of a famous astrologer.

This week, according to Pavel Globa, will be full of small surprises. She will be an ordinary person, but some of her moments may turn out to be fateful - this information was shared with us by the Woman`s day portal. In any case, everything is only in your hands, because we ourselves build our destiny. Our thoughts are the building blocks.


Aries will have to stop hiding from problems this week. Of course, many representatives of your Sign are just driven by problems and provided with motivation, but every person has fears and doubts. At the very beginning and at the end of the week you need to fight this. October 2, 7 and 8 will be the most favorable days of the week. This means that in the middle of the week, on the 5th, there will be an energy gap. The planets and stars will either be indifferent or plunge into darkness.

In love this week, you will have many small opportunities to change things for the better. If you're not complaining anyway, then just go with the flow. Everything will be fine if you keep your priorities the same. The rest will come naturally. The main thing is not to analyze this or that situation too much. Just act, because you simply cannot miss opportunities in love now. Be as ambitious as possible.


You may experience some unrest. These thoughts about the past will make themselves felt. Get rid of everything that happened. Living in the past is simply an unaffordable luxury this week. This may cause you to have negative thoughts, stress, sadness, and mood problems. The astrologer notes that the consequence of all this can be serious sleep problems or even depression.

In the financial area, you will need to do some planning. If you decide to spontaneously spend some money during these seven days, you will most likely regret it. The most negative day is October 7th. On Saturday, do not talk about work and love with strangers, do not buy anything, do not do work. As for love, everything should be as modest as possible. Try to reach a new level in your relationship without asking anyone for advice. Listen to your heart and don't rush. Live in moderation. The luckiest days this week are October 3 and 4.


To rid yourself of problems in life, you will need to overcome yourself and learn to make important decisions quickly. Fast does not mean reckless. Think, but don't procrastinate. This way you will earn more money, more respect, and climb the career ladder. This will be a great time for any changes: for changing jobs, for breaking off love or friendships, as well as for their origin.

If you feel that a stressful state is approaching, then wait out the storm in solitude. If everything is in order, then force yourself not to be afraid of people. October 2, 5 and 6 will be ideal days in terms of energy. Make the most of these days. Get out of your comfort zone and win other people's hearts, work harder and learn to relax properly. Follow your impulses and your heart, but not without caution.


This will be a wonderful week for Cancers, because four whole days will have maximum positive energy: October 3, 4, 7, 8. The unfavorable day, October 5, will fade in comparison. This means you may not even feel it. Get yourself into a working mood. The only negative point is possible health problems, but special attention to your own well-being can solve this problem.

At work, you will need to prepare for serious overwork. Having gone through fire and water, you can solve your most difficult problems. The fact is that you may be overtaken by enlightenment and a great desire to become someone else. In love, you will need to destroy pride and jealousy in yourself and stop looking at your soulmate appraisingly. Accept your loved one for who he is, if you don’t want to add a relationship crisis to the treasury of troubles. For those who are looking for love, it is better to temporarily suspend dating.

a lion

This week will be a working week. Gaps in your mood and health will mean it's time for you to start watching what you drink and eat. It is better to exclude alcohol and fast food for now. Dedicate this entire week to finding your soulmate and making business acquaintances. New people in your environment will help you find new motivation and find yourself. Beware of enemy attacks on Monday - this will be the most unfavorable day of the week. On the contrary, October 5 and 6 will be the most positive days. Dedicate them completely to love or work.

Either way, this week the choice is yours. You can give yourself completely to romance and dating, or you can work tirelessly. It is unlikely that you will be able to combine these two things, but you can try - there are no prohibitions of this kind for this week. Everything is in your hands, and the limitations are only in your head.


The weekend this week will be the best days for work, relaxation or love. The main thing is to survive everyday life. The most dangerous day is Tuesday. If you do not work according to a standard schedule, then this day may fall as a day off. This will be an excellent set of circumstances, because getting yourself into a working mood will be very difficult for most Virgos.

You may have to do in love and business what you dislike more than anything else in the world - take risks. Be gentle with yourself and don't criticize others. You may get revenge for past sins, so don’t be surprised if someone close to you doesn’t give you a helping hand. This week may still bring you pleasant surprises. In love, there may be a period of dizzying passions.


Libra will need to force themselves to change this week. Monday is best for this. Change your external image, change the environment around you. Don't take on jobs and things that don't concern you. Show maximum caution and a little selfishness. At the same time, it is better not to overstrain your body and psyche. Stay as calm as possible and avoid physical activity. Don’t take on debt, don’t make promises you can’t keep, especially to your loved one.

The most dangerous day on which you will need to increase your energy yourself is October 5, Thursday. All of the above must be observed doubly strictly on Thursday. Despite some negativity, even on Thursday you can find your soulmate. Feel free to use your entire arsenal in the fight for survival and love.


You are at risk of getting sick this week. You may undergo serious changes in your worldview and attitude. Everything will remain the same, but your opinion, your inner world will change. Tuesday and Wednesday, October 3 and 4, will be the best days for you. Great success awaits you in love and business, but you should not go too far if you have to change your principles.

On Saturday, the energy of the stars and planets will be destructive for you, so it is better to devote this day only to rest. Many Scorpios will experience changes in love, but unfortunately, not all of them will be favorable. If this week you feel that something is threatening your love, then put all your efforts into correcting mistakes and creating favorable conditions for a truce.


Three days at once will be super successful for Sagittarius: October 2, 5 and 6. This suggests that the weekend will be very difficult. The most dangerous day is Tuesday, the 3rd. Tuesday will be the most unpredictable. Your pragmatism will temporarily give way to enthusiasm, so start looking for new sources of income. Try to realize your ambitions where you have not tried before.

Separately, a few words should be said about love. In this area of ​​life, sexual energy can be negatively affected by stress and negative emotions. The opposite sex will be predisposed to please you in every possible way. Use it, but don't be selfish. Show your loved one that he is dear to you and that you are grateful to him for everything.


Don't overeat this week. Get better sleep and maintain a daily routine. Under no circumstances take on everything at once. Make a specific action plan for the week and follow it. It’s better not to listen to inspiration for now, as well as the sixth sense. Try to better understand your problems, as well as the problems of your significant other, your loved ones. You will be akin to a family psychologist during the period from October 2 to October 8.

The most productive days of the week are October 3, 4 and 8. They are perfect for both physical and intellectual work. You can't know the future, but you can change it. This is the philosophy you need to adhere to during these seven days. You can change your destiny because the stars want you to. Move, don't be lazy and don't be afraid of anything.


Aquarians will have to activate all their internal resources on October 5 and 6. This will be necessary for self-confidence, without which all your affairs will face an obstacle in the form of doubts. On Thursday and Friday, try to throw all your energy into the matter that worries you most. This could be a love affair or an unsolved problem at work. Maybe it's business troubles. In a word, you will need to dot all the i’s in something serious.

In love, discretion will be most important. Don’t start affairs on the side - infidelity is now easy to detect, and there is no need to take unnecessary risks. Be content with what you have in all areas. If your ambitions are driving you, there must be good reasons for this.


Pavel Globa advises Pisces to sacrifice their interests for the sake of a common cause. The main thing now is family. Collaboration with someone can end very successfully if you start it now, this week. The best days to look for a job are Thursday and Friday, because Saturday and Sunday will be the most powerful in terms of energy. Of course, if your working day falls on Saturday or Sunday, you will have better luck.

The main thing is to proceed with caution on Tuesday. On October 3, it is not advisable to rush even in love. Make decisions very carefully and thoughtfully. Avoid overcooling and do not use air conditioners to cool the room. Of course, the weather has only gotten worse, but nature can be unpredictable. Be yourself and show care for those who were with you when you were sick.

This will be a great week for correcting karmic diseases that will never cease to torment many people. Try to work on the spiritual side of life more than on the material. This week, according to Pavel Globa, will be pleasant for those who are prone to introspection. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Categories:// from 03.10.2017

Horoscope for August 2017 by Pavel Globa. Aries. August will be very active for you. But at the same time, problems of a material nature may arise. But such problems will only exist until August 12, and then the stars promise you advancement on the career ladder. But for this you will need to reveal all your hidden talents.

Horoscope for August 2017 by Pavel Globa. A lion. This month you will be lucky, because your patron for this period will be the Sun. Since your creative potential will be very developed, try not to pay attention to the advice of others, but listen more to your heart.

Horoscope for August 2017 by Pavel Globa. Sagittarius. But for Sagittarius, this month will be a month of opportunities. At the beginning of the month, luck will accompany you everywhere, but your emotional state in the second half of the month will can ruin everything and lead to conflicts. The luckiest day for you will be August 11th.


Horoscope for August 2017 by Pavel Globa. Calf. But Taurus will be accompanied by touchiness and vulnerability all month long. And only by the end of the month, you will have every chance to catch luck by the tail. But for this, you should avoid people who are negative towards you and unpleasant to you.

Horoscope for August 2017 by Pavel Globa. Virgo. Throughout the month, good luck will accompany you. The only negative day for you will be August 31st. It is in this month, more than any other, that you will feel like the master of life. According to astrologers, August 22 and 23 will be the most successful days that will bring useful acquaintances.

Horoscope for August 2017 by Pavel Globa. Capricorn. August will be very rich in pleasant events for you. But no matter how it happens, astrologers advise carefully monitoring your financial expenses and directing them only in the right direction. You can feel the surge of strength only at the beginning of the month, but at the end of the month you will need to make responsible decisions.


Horoscope for August 2017 by Pavel Globa. Twins. But Gemini this month will have to work hard to achieve success. In the first half of the month, it will be best to resolve issues related to finances. But the second half will be closely associated with warm and tender feelings. They are the ones who can lead to a serious relationship.

Horoscope for August 2017 by Pavel Globa. Scales. The first half of the month will be favorable for you; warm, tender, loving relationships will develop. But at the same time, you need to avoid unpleasant communication. The second half of the month can bring conflict situations, because explosive energy will affect you at this time. A lucky day for you will be August 10th.

Horoscope for August 2017 by Pavel Globa. Aquarius. But for Aquarius, this month will be very interesting. During this period, you will rethink your life and get rid of everything unnecessary. But at the same time, astrologers say that there is no need to cut everything from the shoulder, and think carefully about all actions. The luckiest day of the month for you will be August 21st.


Horoscope for August 2017 by Pavel Globa. Cancer. For Cancers, this month will bring serious problems that can be directly related to work and finances. But the main point for you should remain avoiding conflict situations, even if you started them. The most successful period for you will be August 9 and 10. Therefore, try to get everything done on these days.

Horoscope for August 2017 by Pavel Globa. Scorpion. This month will be calm for you. Everything will take its course. You will also face a struggle for success or some unpleasant clashes. But you simply cannot avoid conflict situations this month. Therefore, astrologers recommend keeping your emotions in hand and not getting into trouble.

Horoscope for August 2017 by Pavel Globa. Fish. This month will bring harmony and tranquility for you. This period is simply intended for you to satisfy your creative needs. But no matter how it happens, starting from the middle of the month, you need to actively establish profitable connections and acquaintances. Also try not to trust anyone this month, especially rumors.

Fish. Horoscope for August 2018 for Pisces.

The stars give Pisces good advice: if you can do nothing in August, don’t do it. Otherwise you'll just ruin everything. The puzzle of life goes together successfully without your participation. By saving your energy, by the fall you will be able to make a career leap. The person you should pay attention to is yourself. Your loved ones and even colleagues will help you with this. Pamper yourself, the situation allows it.

Favorable days in August 2018 for Pisces – 4, 8, 9, 16, 17, 22
Unfavorable days of August 2018 for Pisces – 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 29

Career and finance for Pisces in August 2018
In August, Pisces should not allow themselves to get stuck at work.
. Neglected cases will bring problems in September. Carry out your job duties conscientiously. No major achievements in the professional sphere are expected during this period. It is even possible that you will take a few steps back. However, this forced measure will be preparation for a new leap forward. To avoid troubles, sit quietly, below the grass, do not take on complex tasks and do not make any promises to your superiors.

The financial situation of Pisces in August seems more or less uncertain. Money will come from time to time, and you may find yourself completely unable to keep what you earn.

Personal life for Pisces in August 2018
In the personal life of Pisces in August strong feelings, sometimes causing discomfort to both you and your loved one, will move into a calmer direction. Suddenly, you will see your partner in a new, more favorable light and realize that his behavior is quite reasonable than you thought before.

Representatives of the Pisces sign For those who do not yet have a soulmate, the stars promise to meet a person with whom a strong emotional connection will immediately arise. Don't rush things - enjoy friendly communication, get to know each other better. Time will put everything in its place.

Health for Pisces in August 2018
Pisces health problems in August will baffle everyone who encounters them. Due to the characteristics of your psyche, all your diseases and ailments are directly related to your state of mind. If you are happy and satisfied, your health is good. In unfortunate circumstances, you will get sick - and no medicine can improve your condition. In addition, in August you are prone to nasopharyngeal diseases. Try not to drink drinks that are too cold and avoid drafts.

2017 will be quite unpredictable for Aries. Many unexpected prospects will open up, however, to achieve great success, you will have to act decisively. You will have to grab luck by the tail, which means you must always be collected and on the alert. This year it is important for Aries to be extremely restrained and self-possessed, to evaluate every word. You can try yourself in a new profession, get additional education: this is a year of learning about yourself and the world around you.


Family Aries in 2017 can move to a new place of residence. Until mid-October, problems with family and friends are possible - quarrels and misunderstandings. But those who manage to keep the relationship in a positive direction will be rewarded in the fall: a new surge of feelings, a kind of honeymoon. And single Aries will be able to find a real soul mate already in the first half of the year: relationships started during this period can easily develop into marriage. The family life of such a union promises to be long and happy. That is why at the end of winter and spring it is especially important for Aries to go out into the world.


Since the year will be quite unstable for Aries, health may fail. It is very important to pay more attention to yourself, allow yourself to get enough sleep, go for a wellness massage if possible, and exercise regularly. In order for his well-being to not let him down, Aries needs to streamline his life as much as possible and follow a routine. Nervous strain, which Aries will experience in 2017, unfortunately, often threatens with headaches and disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. At the end of the year, Aries should be wary of infectious diseases - get a flu shot and monitor hygiene.

Work, career.

This year will be very successful for those Aries who are involved in the field of science, medicine and education. Luck favors them; climbing the career ladder will be unexpectedly easy and joyful. Business people born under this sign will have many obstacles and difficult moments. It is important for them not to relax and to understand that one solved problem will be followed by two unresolved ones. Only those who are as collected as possible and morally resistant to various delays will succeed. The end of the year is the most favorable period for work; there is a high probability of meeting reliable business partners.


In terms of money, 2017 will be a fairly smooth year for Aries. Representatives of this sign are unlikely to get rich, but large financial losses are also not expected. In the first half of the year, you should not take out new loans, and it is better to strain and close the old ones. This is the time to return debts - and not always your own! Perhaps Aries will have to pay for negligent relatives. You should give up credit cards for a while. But starting in July, you can make large purchases, taking out an installment plan, a loan, or a mortgage. And September - October is the most favorable time for opening bank deposits.

Horoscope for Aries for 2017 for a woman from Pavel Globa

The fair half of Aries should be ready for changes from the very beginning of the year. For you, the year will become like a chessboard, where your fate will depend on the move you make. Be yourself. The Rooster will help you discover new talents and hidden abilities, and in return will give you many attractive bonuses. And the stellar parting words in love affairs for the year are simple: to find happiness, listen more to the voice of passion and trust your loved one.

Horoscope for Aries for 2017 for a man from Pavel Globa

Fortune is generally favorable to you, but it is better not to count on a lucky break. You should not start implementing new plans; it is better to prepare a launching pad for a future breakthrough. Already from mid-autumn, cash receipts will begin to increase, and with them debts and loans will melt. In your personal life, it is not advisable to have summer holiday romances - they can lead to irreparable family discord. And if it seems that your significant other is being unfair to you, don’t act out of your hand, analyze the situation and think about whether you are asking too much from her?

Love horoscope for Aries for 2017 from Pavel Globa

The long stay of Venus in the sign of Aries promises representatives of the sign that even the most unusual love desires can come true. For many Aries, personal life can take on primary importance, thereby causing a lot of trouble and anxiety. It is likely that you will have to take stock and rethink your relationships with people who, as recently as it seemed, were loyal and reliable. Difficult marital and love relationships will experience another crisis. Violent disputes over shared housing and property are also not ruled out this year.

From the very beginning of 2017, Mars will make Aries incredibly attractive to the opposite sex, so that their personal life will become extraordinary and eventful. Most likely, you will have to go through several novels until in March you can decide what is more important for you - optional sex or a long-term relationship. What happened in July will free Aries from cynicism in love relationships and make them true romantics. In mid-autumn, you will finally find a partner with whom you will spend a certain period of your life.

For Aries parents, the fall of 2017 prepared unpleasant surprises - problems with children. Young children will not behave as they would like, and adults may become distant. With the right approach to your child, problems will be solved quickly. Singles and disappointed in their family life, Aries can expect the beginning of a new romance, the development of which can lead to marriage.

Many Aries will face problems with elderly parents, who may get sick or simply go through difficult times. You need to be attentive and tactful when solving the problems of parents. The love horoscope for 2017 for Aries warns that a person who can become a lover can be met on the 1st or 19th of any month.

Horoscope for 2017 for Taurus from Pavel Globa

For Taurus, 2017 promises big changes in his personal life. However, the work will not make you bored - there is a high probability of a sharp change in the field of activity. And, most likely, this will open up new horizons for Taurus and change his whole life for the better. 2017 will give Taurus many interesting meetings and the opportunity to significantly increase their social circle. Favorable time for long trips. The motto for the year is “Don’t be afraid of change!”


Family representatives of this sign will have problems with children at the beginning of the year - and they will require more spiritual than material costs. But there should be no quarrels or conflicts with your loved ones. Single Taurus have a great chance of meeting the love of their life or finally starting a relationship with a person to whom they have been partial for a long time. Such a union promises to be extremely strong, and also promises abundant offspring! It is better to schedule weddings in the second half of the year. This year, Taurus will be extremely charming, which will ensure him great success with the opposite sex.


This year Taurus will be healthy both physically and, importantly, spiritually; this is an extremely favorable period for representatives of this zodiac sign. Serious illnesses and depression will bypass Taurus. Mild colds and allergic reactions are possible, but in general the body will not malfunction. At the beginning of the year, Taurus will be a model of energy and efficiency. By the end of the year, creativity will decrease somewhat, but if Taurus manages to have a good rest for at least three weeks in the summer, his health will remain good. This is not the best time to change your doctors.

Work, business.

2017 is favorable for starting your own business; Taurus will be able to do things that he was afraid to even think about before. It is important to remember: only the brave conquer the seas! However, it is better to devote the first two months to rest - both moral and physical. At this time, Taurus needs to gather his thoughts and accumulate strength for the upcoming breakthrough. Starting in March, you can change your job and field of activity. This year is not so favorable for creative representatives of this zodiac sign - you should not expect big victories. Various kinds of conflicts and gossip are likely.


It is advisable that by the beginning of 2017, Taurus will pay off all his debts. In the new year, he is recommended to spend money on charity and help those in need. This will attract financial success to him. In general, the year will be very prosperous in terms of money, especially if Taurus decides to change his field of activity. A large number of original ideas and an enviable capacity for work in 2017 will provide Taurus with an income that back in 2016 he could only dream of. If in the first half of the year there is likely to be a feeling that money is slipping through your fingers, then in the second half there will finally be stability.

Taurus horoscope for 2017 for a woman from Pavel Globa

The year will delight women of this sign. Attending public events, shopping and vacationing in warm countries - all this will end up in fragile women’s hands at the beginning of the year. All you need is to be honest with the one you love and faithful to him. Don't betray your loved ones. This can destroy existing relationships. In the second half of the year, you will have to devote yourself to work in order to achieve some result.

Horoscope for a Taurus man for 2017 from Pavel Globa

If Taurus men intend to become more successful, then this year is ideal for these goals. You just need to initially draw up a clear action plan and stick to your rhythm. Don't quarrel with friends who are loyal to you. Their help will definitely come in handy in the future when your opponents appear on the way. Treat your friends with care. When half of the year is behind you, there will be a risk of quarreling with a loved one over financial issues.

Love horoscope for Taurus for 2017 from Pavel Globa

Personal life in 2017 can be quite difficult. Many Taurus will have to be in situations where everything that has been annoying for a long time will come together and cause a lot of trouble. In the second half of the year there will be a violent explosion of emotions, but neither Taurus nor his partner will be willing to make concessions. How all this will end is difficult to predict, it all depends on the strength of the relationship, and if they are already dead, then advice in this case is meaningless. If there are feelings, then in the first half of the year it is necessary to take measures to resolve personal relationships. This is especially true for married couples.

The love horoscope for 2017 warns that Taurus will have to face a difficult situation among their relatives. The processes of alienation that began long ago continue in this period of life. Therefore, the representative of the sign is recommended to make concessions so as not to completely quarrel with his family. Perhaps one of the relatives will need help, and Taurus will take a lot on his shoulders. Jupiter promises amazing romantic adventures this year. You will finally find someone who appreciates you.

The year begins with Mars, the planet that patronizes new relationships. Therefore, to attract someone's attention, it will be enough to simply come up and introduce yourself. But this power must be used carefully, since relationships that begin in this way may end uneasy. Mars will continue its influence in February, so on Valentine's Day, Taurus will have to find out the name of their admirer.

The first month of autumn is a time of stormy passions, but the quiet words of love spoken in December will be more important. Pay attention to those whom you will meet on the 12th or 30th of each month, perhaps this is your destiny, especially if the name begins with “K” and “L”.

Horoscope for 2017 for Gemini from Pavel Globa

In 2017, Gemini will sever unnecessary ties with the past - get rid of outdated relationships, change boring jobs, or stop communicating with friends who, for some reason, are no longer friends. This year, it is better for Gemini not to take risks, but to be as careful as possible and calculate every step they take. Adventures and dubious activities will bring nothing but big problems.


The parents of the spouse born under the sign of Gemini will play a significant role in the life of married couples in 2017. And it’s worth listening to their advice, even if at first it seems absurd. Geminis who are not yet married can start two vibrant parallel romances. Moreover, Gemini may have once had a relationship with one of their lovers. Relationships will bring self-confidence, restore self-confidence, and open up new horizons. But at the end of the year you still have to make a choice. And it’s possible to abandon both connections altogether if they become obsolete.


The health of Gemini in 2017 will depend almost entirely on their emotional mood. In the middle of winter, representatives of this sign are advised to take a vacation - in the southern sun or in the mountains they will be able to overcome the depression that has beset them since the end of 2016. In 2017, Gemini needs to exercise regularly, spend time in the fresh air often, and not overdo it at work. Otherwise, there is a high probability of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. A favorable year to get acquainted with alternative medicine.


The doubts and hesitations characteristic of Geminis can play a cruel joke on them. Business expects bold and decisive actions from them. It is important to concentrate on a few main goals and not get distracted by a thousand little things. People in creative professions can expect dramatic career growth. Most likely, success will come through a business that you have always dreamed of doing, but for some reason did not allow yourself to realize your dream. There is no need to rush things - let everything take its course. Follow Napoleon’s slogan: “Patience is the key to success.” It is important to be careful when communicating with management.


Geminis who took out loans in 2016 can expect to pay them off unexpectedly quickly in the very near future. The first half of the year is a good period for real estate transactions. A new business can bring good income if Gemini decides to open it. Beware of unplanned expenses - one financial mistake can lead to a whole chain of failures. Lend money with caution, even to your closest friends. Do not become a guarantor for people taking out large loans. The second half of the year will be financially stable.

Horoscope for Gemini woman for 2017

The nervous state of the fair half will be caused by dissatisfaction and unsettled personal life. Gemini women should think about maybe not wasting their own time and energy on a relationship with an unloved person, but breaking up with the old, hateful love and finding a new love. Nevertheless, no matter how the situation turns out, the main thing is to be optimistic and not feel remorse.

Horoscope for Gemini man for 2017

Men of this sign should not rush this year - it is their haste that can lead to the fact that you will simply be left with nothing. At the same time, you should not expect grace from fate - this year you will have to achieve everything with your own blood and sweat. Autumn is a great time for experiments at work and in personal relationships, this will allow you to develop the most optimal line of behavior in these areas of life.

Love horoscope for Gemini from Pavel Globa for 2017, the Year of the Fire Rooster

In the spring, all representatives of the air zodiac element will experience a passionate feeling of falling in love. Lonely Geminis will not escape this fate either. Those of them who are already in couples will be able to look at their relationships in a new way.
2017 will be a time of joyful experiences and pleasant emotions for the sign. Even skeptical individuals will be able to understand that love can brighten up their lonely everyday life. Geminis who have always taken their other half's feelings for granted will want to be treated with more affection. Interestingly, representatives of the sign, non-aggressive by nature, will be ready to “sweep away” everything in their path in order to achieve success in the love sphere.
In 2017, the ruling planet Jupiter will enter the romantic constellation Libra, due to which Gemini will be able to enjoy love adventures. The state of euphoria will not leave impressionable individuals throughout the entire twelve months. Marriages concluded in 2017 will be strong and happy. During the period of the Rooster's dominance, family people will experience a feeling of love for their other half with renewed vigor.
People who have no one in mind can go on vacation. Far from their usual way of life, love will definitely overtake them. If there is no opportunity to go somewhere, Gemini should take a closer look at their immediate surroundings. It is quite possible that a worthy candidate is very close.
Family horoscope for Gemini
The most favorable time for marriage and wedding is March, April, May and November. Married Geminis can safely plan a pregnancy for March or August. November is also suitable for conceiving a new life.
Gemini's partners should remember their insatiable nature and desire to be the center of the universe. Without paying them due attention, they risk being abandoned. To maintain relationships, those who love Geminis and live with them will have to try. Gifts, compliments, conversations on pleasant topics - in the fight for love you don’t need to ignore anything.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancers from Pavel Globa

For Cancer, 2017 will be quite difficult. Loss of strength, depression, disappointment - this is what you will have to fight with for the entire 12 months. It is better to avoid conflicts and ambiguous events by all means, and in general, as they say, sit it out. If Cancer manages to avoid getting into trouble before the end of the year, the last months of the year will bring him long-awaited peace and prosperity both in finances and in love. The year is suitable for self-discovery and self-education.


Personal life in 2017 will be filled with a wide variety of events. For single representatives of this sign, there is a great opportunity to find a partner in the first months of the year - and interestingly, more than one pair! Yes, yes, there is a high probability of parallel relationships. However, at this time there is also a risk of falling in unrequited love. In the life of family Cancers, a negative role can be played by their natural indecision, suspiciousness and anxiety - these qualities will have to be fought, otherwise they will simply strangle the spouse. If Cancer manages to overcome them, home life in 2017 will be calm and more enjoyable than ever.


In 2017, it is important for Cancer to rest as much as possible: ailments associated with overload at work, as well as emotional experiences, can develop into very serious illnesses. And diseases that have been latent or chronic for a long time can worsen. It is important to consult a doctor at the first warning symptoms. Even mild colds, which representatives of this sign often carry on their feet, threaten them with serious complications this year. In 2017, Cancer should not allow any self-medication.


Things will go unevenly, business downtime is possible. Often the cause of failure will be Cancer's desire to evade responsibility, the desire to shift it onto the shoulders of their partners. In 2017, those Cancers who will be responsible for their words and actions and will have the courage to admit that they are wrong will be successful. Hired Cancers will have many chances to demonstrate their abilities and extraordinary thinking to management, which can be a good career boost. The opportunity to show off your best side will appear in the spring, and in the fall the lucky ones will reap the benefits.


Despite all the difficulties and troubles of this year, Cancer should not be afraid of financial losses. In terms of money, the year promises to be stable. A stable income for Cancer is practically guaranteed, but one cannot expect large bonuses. Reasonable savings will help Cancer not only feel wealthy, but also save a certain amount by the fall. At this time, money can be deposited in the bank on favorable terms. But Cancer should not take out loans in 2017 - neither small nor large. It is also unfavorable to lend money, and if you do lend it, do not expect it to be returned.

Horoscope for the Cancer sign for 2017 for a woman from Pavel Globa

The Rooster is preparing a problematic year for you, dear ladies! Unsettled personal life or misunderstandings with your significant other can cause divorce, breakup, or noticeable alienation. Such situations can lead to the search for new partners and life partners. Some of you will succeed.

But not everything is so bad in the coming year. You will be very successful in realizing yourself in the professional field. A serious promotion or a significant increase in salary is possible. Your boss will notice you and will be very pleased with your work.

Cheer up! It is very rare to achieve success in all areas of life at the same time.

Horoscope for the Cancer sign for 2017 for a man from Pavel Globa

Men, rejoice! This is your year. Your popularity, sometimes undeserved, will be undeniable. Even last year's projects will bring moral dividends. The main thing is not to sit still and bring your ideas to life.

In addition, the astrological forecast for 2017 predicts an improvement in living conditions. You have a real opportunity to open your own business in the coming year. It is very possible that some of the representatives of the sign will go abroad in search of a better life.

Love horoscope for the Cancer sign for 2017

For Cancers, 2017 promises significant changes not only in work, but also in personal relationships. Most representatives of the sign will begin to build their nest or make it more comfortable and spacious. Couples in unstable relationships will continue to grow apart. In this situation, real estate transactions may be caused by separation and even divorce of warring spouses. Therefore, you should be especially careful when trouble begins in personal relationships.

In the second half of 2017, many problems with children are expected, which will last for quite a long time. It is possible that your children will need not only moral support, but also material assistance. This is also not the best time of the year for lovers. In November-December the situation may get out of control. At this time, the most serious conflicts are possible. It will not be possible to return to each other without mutual accusations. Keep this in mind if the desire to maintain a relationship is more important than your own ambitions.

This year, Venus has prepared many surprises of a sexual nature for Cancers, so you won’t be bored. In January, Mars will help to conquer someone who is not indifferent. At the beginning of summer, Cancer will have to make a rather difficult choice. The person you care about will finally be free. But don’t be too happy and don’t rush, because in August you will have to radically reconsider your view of love.

A good test of your relationship will be a vacation together, which will give you a clear understanding of whether you are suitable for each other. The best numbers for romantic dates are 10th and 28th. Take a closer look at people whose names begin with “I” and “S”. According to the love horoscope for 2017 for Cancers, this is the best time to love and be loved (beloved).

Horoscope for 2017 for Leo from Pavel Globa

In 2017, Leo will finally be able to make his most cherished dreams come true. Luck will favor him and give him many profitable situations. Success awaits representatives of this sign in business, study, creativity, and family relationships. From a moral point of view, it will be somewhat difficult for those representatives of the sign who have not yet found their other half. The second half of the year is not the best time for long trips; it is better to plan them for the spring.


Family Leos will finally experience prosperity. Other representatives of the sign will experience both acute delight and terrible disappointment. It is important to prepare yourself in a philosophical way in advance so as not to disrupt your nervous system. There is a high probability of strong sympathy for a married person, and it is unlikely to bring anything but unhappiness and big problems. It is better to limit yourself from such a situation, and if it arises at work, even think about changing the latter. Starting from August, Leo has a high chance of meeting the person of his dreams - but you need to keep your eyes open.


In 2017, Leo will be more active and cheerful than ever. Health will allow him to literally move mountains and help him realize any goals. It’s just important not to abuse your good health and, if possible, not to test your body’s strength. By the end of the year, chronic fatigue may accumulate from excessive activity over many months. It is better to devote October-November to quality rest. It wouldn't hurt to be extra vigilant and careful when it comes to nutrition - there is a high chance of getting poisoned, and very seriously. And in general, Leo is better off following a diet this year.


In 2017, Leo will be bursting with ideas. It's a great time to form your own business team. This year Leo can create his own business from scratch and with virtually no start-up capital. Moreover, the business promises to be very profitable. Careless statements addressed to the manager this year could cost Leo his job; he will be faced with various interpersonal conflicts at work. There is a high probability of betrayal, so in 2017 Leo can only trust himself. It is recommended to go on business trips with caution, it is advisable to keep them to a minimum.


Leo's income in 2017 will be constant with an upward trend. At the beginning of the year, you can invest in business development without much fear - by the end of the year they will pay off, the profit will be very good. The business will become profitable by the middle of the year. Leo, who loves beautiful and expensive things, should limit himself in 2017: in the fall, most likely, there will be a need for large expenses on the education or treatment of close relatives. At this moment it is important not to skimp. This year, Leo can take out loans, apply for a mortgage - his financial condition will allow him to pay off ahead of schedule.

Horoscope for Leo woman for 2017

Dear Lionesses, this year you have an exceptional opportunity to receive a sea of ​​smiles from Fortune. The Rooster promises a very productive year for businesswomen, with easy prey on all fronts on the way to Olympus. Try, as true Leos should, to follow your own path under any circumstances. And do not deny yourself the small joys necessary for female happiness. Go to beauty salons, do spa treatments, update your wardrobe, and don't forget about trips to the sea.

Horoscope for Leo man for 2017

This year will give an opportunity to show who Leo is! The beginning of the year will allow you to relax a little and immerse yourself in your personal life. The sun has endowed you with a passionate and ardent nature. But don’t forget that you are a family animal, which means you can remain faithful to one partner for many years. And free Leos can chase their prey without fuss; you will set the rules of the game yourself. Devotion and sincere feeling will bring happiness. The first half of the year is a great time to decide on the vicissitudes of love and prove yourself to be a wonderful family man. By autumn you need to return to work to prevent a failure in the family budget.

Love horoscope for Leo for 2017

The first half of 2017 suggests a significant expansion of the circle of acquaintances in Lviv. Lonely people striving for romantic adventures this year can count on quite interesting contacts, flirting and simply pleasant company. Perhaps Lvov is expecting an affair with a visiting person, or they will meet on a trip. The fateful meeting can take place in January, February, June, or in August 2017.

In the first half of the year, Leo may not live up to the expectations of his relatives or may not fulfill his promises, which may result in major disagreements with relatives. Relationships will worsen for those who work in a company with their relatives. Here problems and complaints are inevitable in any case.

The second half of the year is extremely unfavorable for most married couples. The existing problems will all come to the surface, causing a lot of discord and conflict in the family. In the most difficult situation, divorce, division of property and housing are possible. The couple will be planning a large-scale move, it is possible that not only to another house, but also to another country.

Jupiter will help you meet a person whom Leo can trust. Mars will fill the current year with love. Therefore, if you are yourself, there is a possibility of meeting someone special. Your new friend's life experiences will be very different from yours, and they will most likely speak several languages.

In July and August, Mars will be able to turn ordinary friendly relationships into a stormy and passionate romance. By December, Leos will think about changing their place of residence. The love horoscope for 2017 for Leo says that the meeting between the 9th and 27th of any month can be the beginning of passion, especially if the person’s name begins with “R” or “I”.

Horoscope for 2017 for Virgos from Pavel Globa

With the onset of 2017, Virgo will feel an incredible surge of strength. At this time, there is a high probability of a change in beliefs and principles. The desire to become better will allow Virgo to expand her horizons - social, professional. Personal life will be more intense than ever, and may cause problems at work and school. This year, Virgo will be interested in psychology, philosophy, mysticism, religion - and will be able to successfully apply the knowledge gained in life.

Personal life

The year will begin for Virgo with an emotional, spiritual upsurge - and personal life will come to the fore. There will be a desire to get rid of loneliness or restore order in old relationships. Both should work out. In the middle of the year, a person from the past may appear, for whom Virgo will have a powerful feeling of love. There is no point in ruining your marriage because of this - the feelings will quickly pass. A wonderful year to conceive children. Married Virgos can become much more picky, tougher and more demanding of their loved ones - and are unlikely to find understanding in them. It is better to “pour out” your emotions on a psychologist.


A feeling of falling in love or being interested in something in the first half of the year will protect Virgo from colds and any ailments in general. But already in the summer, when representatives of this zodiac sign descend to earth, unpleasant surprises will await them. An organism that has been strained like a string for several months may fail. Sleep disorders, loss of appetite, neurological disorders - this can only be combated through proper nutrition and regular exercise. In autumn, there is a high probability of exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases.


In 2017, Virgo will find it difficult to pay attention to routine things - but this is precisely what she can fall asleep on. It is important to show up to work on time, complete small responsibilities, and not focus solely on large-scale projects. This year, Virgo will be able to shine brilliantly in negotiations and conclude very profitable contracts thanks to the power of her charm. It is important not to react to provocations that will lie in wait at every turn. In the second half of the year, you can start a business with trusted people - it promises to be very successful. Moreover, the area of ​​activity may be new for Virgo.


Funds invested in someone else's business in the first half of the year can bring good dividends. At this time of year, big wins and inheritance are likely. But it is better to postpone large purchases until the second half of the year. All the business that Virgo will start in 2017 will bring a stable income in the future. Financial difficulties are possible at the end of the year, so in the summer it is important to set aside a certain amount in case of a problematic winter. You can give and borrow without fear. But it is not recommended to invest money in a bank: the deposit may burn out - if not this year, then in subsequent ones. It is important to be careful when spending.

Horoscope for Virgo woman for 2017

The main theme of this year for Virgo women will be the tossing between family and work. The question of a career in which they want to achieve heights can significantly increase their pace of life. By the end of summer, living such a frantic schedule, there is a chance of getting a serious disease of the nervous system. The absence of a loved one during this period will only worsen the emotional state. The Virgo woman will be able to meet her soul mate by the end of the year.

Horoscope for Virgo man for 2017

Active and purposeful Virgos, representatives of the strong half of humanity, will take a clear position on achieving personal development and career growth. However, fear and failure can significantly reduce their ambitions and become an obstacle to achieving their goals. From the beginning of the year, it is worth enlisting the support of influential people. This will contribute to development, since progress alone can be insignificant or completely unrealistic. “Rational spending of money” is the motto of 2017 for Virgo men.

Love horoscope for Virgo for 2017 year of the Fire Rooster

This year, Virgo’s personal relationships will develop quite unevenly. Most problems are expected in January and April - a period when relationships may cool down. This is especially true for those who regularly mix personal relationships, business and money. For families, 2017 also presented a challenge – difficulties with children. The stars predict that these troubles can turn into significant expenses. Some families will decide to purchase property, perhaps in another city or even country. By summer all these events will be resolved.

In the second half of 2017, many Virgos may experience trouble with relatives. Problems can take completely different forms. In one situation, the position of the relatives will completely contradict the interests of the Virgo, and in another, the relatives may need help, which will fall heavily on the shoulders of the Virgo. Jupiter will add good luck to any Virgo undertakings, and Uranus promises a large number of all kinds of love adventures that involve making unexpected choices.

From the very beginning of the year, Virgos can prepare for a love bacchanalia. Mars will contribute to the beginning of the year at the peak of emotions and passions. Sexual irresistibility will allow you to attract the attention of a special person. During this period, a person from the past may appear. Here you will need to think carefully, because the appearance of an old acquaintance will make your heart beat faster.

In April you will learn many unexpected things about yourself. Perhaps the path to happiness will be found. Old wounds will be healed in September with the emergence of new relationships. Despite the fact that your friends will be surprised by your choice, everything will turn out well.

The 2017 love horoscope for Virgos shows that it is possible to show passion for people who cross your path on the 8th and 26th of any month. Pay attention to those whose names begin with "X" and "N".

Horoscope for 2017 for Libra from Pavel Globa

This will be a difficult year for Libra. Indecisiveness can cause major problems at work. Libra will have to solve problems on their own, without counting on the help of family and friends. The second half of the year will be especially difficult - at this time there is a high probability of upheavals in your personal life. They will certainly have a negative impact on your work. At the same time, career growth in 2017 for Libra can be simply stunning. This year the foundation for success is laid.


At the beginning of the year, Libra will feel that the ground is literally floating away from under their feet and will lose self-confidence. Because of this, they will become irritable and sometimes even rude. This, of course, will not be good for the relationship. It is important to control yourself, perhaps even with the help of sedatives. In the summer, the state of mind returns to normal, but loved ones, having been “charged” with negativity in the spring, will still give out a residual reaction. At this time, it is more important than ever for Libra to make efforts to ensure that the relationship does not fall apart. Only in September will the long-awaited peace come. This is a good time to conceive children.


Migraines, dizziness, surges in blood pressure - all this will accompany Libra in the first half of the year, when their emotional state will be very unstable. It is important to strive for harmony with all your might: engage in stabilizing practices, drink calming herbs, drip lavender essential oil on your pillow before bed. It is very advisable to give up bad habits - they weaken the nervous system. It is also recommended to visit a psychologist in the first half of the year. In the summer, Libra will find peace, but in the first months of the year the immune system will weaken - you will have to take care of yourself.


Last year's problems will continue until the summer. To move up the career ladder, you will have to solve them all. In 2017, Libra will need to be especially careful in relations with new business partners, especially foreign ones - the most unpleasant surprises can be expected from them. In general, Libra will be haunted by ill-wishers at work throughout the year. It is important to understand that defending the truth in office intrigues and behind-the-scenes games is absolutely useless - it is much better to take a wait-and-see approach. It will be possible to establish relationships with colleagues on a business trip.


Not the best year awaits Libra from a material point of view. At times you will have to save a lot and lead a literally ascetic lifestyle. But all this will toughen and teach the rather wasteful representatives of this zodiac sign how to properly communicate with money. The situation will improve in the fall: Libra businessmen will have friends and old trusted partners come to their aid, and employees will be able to find a profitable part-time job. However, the financial situation will stabilize only next year. Therefore, it is better to postpone big expenses, unless you can afford a good trip.

Horoscope for Libra woman for 2017

Many women born under this zodiac sign find out at the beginning of the year that very soon they will become happy mothers. This news will completely turn their world upside down and improve relations with their chosen one. From the very beginning of the year, Libra women should give up bad habits. Single women will find it difficult to find a soul mate. However, in the second half of 2017, women will be able to meet their destiny in another country.

Horoscope for Libra men for 2017

For representatives of the stronger sex born under the sign of Libra, 2017 will be a year of career growth and success at work. They will make mistakes quite rarely, which will lead to success and, possibly, to a more promising position. With effort and hard work, Libra men will be able to become happy buyers of a new apartment or car at the end of the year. But in personal life, 2017 does not promise anything good for Libra men. Relationships with your chosen ones will not work out. Men will also find it difficult to make new acquaintances.

Love horoscope for the sign Libra for 2017 from Pavel Globa

This year, in personal relationships, many Libra will have to look for a way out of a difficult current situation, including a dead end. Under the influence of Jupiter, Libra will become more decisive, courageous and independent. All this will affect relationships with both spouses and former lovers.

The most difficult period for Libra this year is the end of March and the beginning of April. At this time, many Libras will have to finally decide on their choice. If love overcomes all difficulties, then you can count on further relationships. If this does not happen, you should not be upset, because there are many roads leading to the future that will help Libra find their soul mate. Another course of affairs is also possible. It is likely that a new love will emerge, which will not have the best effect on the old relationship. As a result, a break in the relationship will become natural, and perhaps necessary. Divorcing spouses will begin to fight over common property and children in the second half of the year. This will drag on for a long time.

Single people in February or August can meet their long-awaited soul mate. For Libra this year, Venus has prepared true love and a wonderful wedding. To find your true love, Libra needs to go on a journey. Despite the fact that the voyage will begin in splendid isolation, it is there that one will meet love. Already in the summer it will become clear to you that you can trust this person. In October you will have to make a decision that can completely change your entire future life.

If travel is not included in Libra’s plans, this does not mean at all that they will remain lonely. After all, the love horoscope for 2017 for Libra shows that they can meet their happiness on the 7th or 25th of every month. Pay attention to people's names starting with the letters "P" and "D".

Horoscope for 2017 for Scorpio from Pavel Globa

A prosperous, smooth year awaits Scorpio. Representatives of this sign will be able to realize bold ideas that they have been nurturing for a long time. Representatives of this sign will become builders of their own lives, and they will succeed in everything they set their minds to. A good time to change your place of residence and other large-scale changes. The owner of the year - Rooster - will provide Scorpio with full support in all his endeavors. Intuition will be very strong.


Building a relationship for a lonely Scorpio will be a very difficult task. But, if the relationship started continues, it promises to be strong and stable. In married couples, not everything will be smooth either - even without loud scandals and disputes, a hidden confrontation reminiscent of the Cold War will be felt in everything. Also, not everything will be smooth in relations with children. Given such an unfavorable atmosphere at home, Scorpio may be drawn to the side. However, it is worth considering that in the fall everything will return to normal in the family, and a side relationship will bring not so much positive things as problems.


To feel good in 2017, Scorpio will need to control emotions, both positive and negative. It is not recommended to try new foods, especially exotic fruits - the body can give strong allergic reactions to them. In general, your health will be quite favorable. Rare headaches and colds are possible, but no serious illnesses are expected, even chronic ailments will fade into the background. However, the whole year will be quite dangerous - you need to walk on the ice with caution, watch your step.


A good year to start your own business. Scorpios, who have long disliked what they have been doing for many years, will be able to choose something they like. You should not be afraid that your income will decrease due to a change in professional activity: when Scorpio likes what he does, the return will not be long in coming. In 2017, representatives of this sign will have to demonstrate leadership qualities and lead the team. The second half of the year is good for education and developing new skills - it is useful to go to professional training or learn a new hobby.


In financial matters, Scorpio will experience both difficulties and periods of prosperity, which he has not experienced for a long time. In the second case, he will have to spend a lot of energy to manage his money wisely. During this period, you should not show off to others; it is better to invest in a profitable project. Various real estate transactions and investing money in education, both yours and your children’s, will be successful. But when investing in real estate, you should not get involved in a mortgage: you need to focus on the amount that Scorpio has at the moment.

Horoscope for Scorpio woman for 2017 from Pavel Globa

Scorpio ladies will definitely want to achieve what they have been thinking about for quite some time. Moreover, to achieve their dreams, they can play a dishonest game, taking advantage of their attractiveness and charm. Ladies born under this sign should pay more attention to their beloved man. Don’t get carried away, behave with dignity, otherwise you will lose more than you gain.

Horoscope for Scorpio man for 2017

The beginning of the year does not bode well for Scorpio men. They may encounter problems at work, which their colleagues will help them cope with. It is very important not to show your character in such a situation. In the summer, Scorpio men will turn into heroic lovers, and even married men will not refuse to flirt with young beauties.

Love horoscope for the sign of Scorpio for 2017

For most representatives of this sign, 2017 will not be very smooth. Particularly affected will be those couples where problems have been going on for several years. In this situation, it can be assumed that conflicts will continue to develop and, as a result, the likelihood of separation will increase. The second part of the year is especially difficult in this regard, since neither Scorpio nor his passion will make concessions. Many Scorpios will have to go through serious disagreements with relatives. Conflicts may take a particularly severe form in January, March or April 2017.

The love horoscope for 2017 for Scorpio warns that the disclosure of many secrets will cause irreparable harm to his reputation. In this case, the representative of the sign may lose the sympathy of not only the people around him, but also a loved one. Therefore, you should be especially careful, patient and wise in relationships.

Friendly families can begin to improve their lives. During this period, real estate transactions, including the purchase of a new apartment or house, are not excluded. Or a major renovation of your home will begin.

Scorpio's personal life this year promises to be quite exciting and intriguing. It is possible that in the cold winter time you will meet your soulmate. By spring, your romance will reach its climax. At the same time, it is worth refraining from making decisions in moments of highest passion. It’s better to wait until the summer, when you can adequately assess the current situation and make the truly right decision.

In October you should expect a marriage proposal. And at the end of the year, the gift you receive will change your whole life. Pay attention to the people you meet on the 6th and 15th of each month. And if you meet in a restaurant (cafe, canteen), and during the conversation it turns out that your new acquaintance is a doctor or is going to become one, then, for sure, this is your long-awaited love.

Horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius from Pavel Globa

With the onset of 2017, Sagittarius will feel confident, find the meaning of life, and finally begin to enjoy simple things. The year will give representatives of this zodiac sign many new opportunities, and with a certain amount of persistence and patience, they will be able to implement whatever they want. However, you should not plan complex long-distance trips at this time - the likelihood that they will be successful is negligible.


Family Sagittarius will find peace and harmony in 2017. A favorable arrangement of stars will help you find mutual understanding and improve relationships. Shaky marriages will have a second chance at revival. You will be shaking strongly from love from July to August. The romance that single Sagittarius will begin in these summer months promises to be long-lasting and very happy. In the fall, passions will subside a little, relationships will become more stable and comfortable. But as winter approaches, the situation on the love front will begin to heat up again - Sagittarius will need endurance more than ever.


During the winter months, Sagittarius is likely to experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Try not to overeat and avoid alcohol, even during holiday ceremonies. In the summer, Sagittarius' vital energy will be in full swing, which will allow you to work efficiently and fruitfully. True, at this time there is a high risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases, so you will need to carefully take care of your health. With the onset of autumn, various colds are possible, since Sagittarius' immunity will be seriously weakened. In general, 2017 will not be the easiest year for Sagittarius’ health.


2017 will begin with very intense workloads for Sagittarius. For unemployed Sagittarius, it’s time to “throw out the bait” about employment. They may find not just anything, but their dream job that they love! Spring productivity will be very high, from a career point of view. The development of business activity until the end of the year will depend on this time of year, and forget about vacation at this time. During the summer, problems may arise, and it is very important to respond quickly to them. In the fall, difficulties may arise that are insurmountable at first glance, but they will turn out to be quite easily solvable.


2017 will be quite a tense year for Sagittarius: finances may not “sing out romances,” but you will have to be nervous. Success will accompany those representatives of this sign who listen to intuition and quickly respond to events. For brave and determined Sagittarius, cash flow can increase significantly by autumn. At this time, it is best not to borrow or lend significant amounts of money. This year is perfect for starting charitable projects related to children or the elderly. Sagittarius' financial credo for the year is to be on the alert.

Horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017 for a woman from Pavel Globa

To maintain a relationship with the man you love, give up empty words, feigned insults, and, especially, blackmail. Actions will speak louder than words. Show dignity and self-respect to yourself. Happy is the one who fully loves himself - this will be more relevant than ever for women of the Sagittarius sign in 2017. But it won’t be easy to move up the career ladder; it makes sense not to force things, but to simply go with the flow. Keep balance in everything.

Horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017 for a man from Pavel Globa

For many men of this sign, the year will not be easy from a financial point of view. A good way out of the situation would be to go abroad to work. Try something new. And in no case do not let things take their course, luck will come only if you constantly keep your finger on the pulse of events and control the situation. In 2017, take time for your health, have your spine and joints checked by a doctor, and make sure that everything is fine with them. It is important to diagnose problems in the body in time and begin treatment so that the disease does not develop into something more unpleasant.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

For Sagittarius, 2017 will pass under the sign of love. In the first half of the year, Sagittarius' circle of acquaintances will expand significantly. New interesting personalities will appear who have the power to irreversibly change the life of Sagittarius. Single people will be given the opportunity to diversify their lives by starting an unusual romance. Most likely, Sagittarius' new hobby will live in another city (country), which will only intensify the love and introduce notes of enchanting romanticism into the relationship. It is difficult to say how this relationship will end, but, nevertheless, there is a possibility of its continuation. Therefore, interrupting it without thinking about it is stupid.

The love horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius warns that difficult times are coming for those who have a spouse or permanent partner. During this period, relationships can not only undergo serious changes, but also cease completely. The second half of the year will only worsen the situation, since ill-wishers may be welcomed into the personal relationships of many Sagittarius. Subsequent gossip and intrigue will affect not only personal, but also professional affairs.

Family and stable Sagittarius will have to devote a lot of time, effort and finances to their children. But the troubles caused by the younger generation will be pleasant and, most likely, will concern changing the future of children for the better.

At the beginning of spring, love at first sight is possible. But already in April the relationship will stabilize and by summer, you will already know what you want from a partner. It is also possible that at the end of summer you may meet another person. Initially, the relationship will begin as a friendship. This year, you need to pay special attention to the people you meet on the 5th and 23rd of any month, especially if their names begin with “B” and “E”.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorns from Pavel Globa

2017 will be a year for Capricorn to find a balance between the personal and social aspects of life. Rethinking values, new ideas and perspectives - the time has come for big changes for this zodiac sign. Numerous problems will have to be resolved quickly and decisively this year. The year for Capricorn will be extremely busy, sometimes difficult, but overall very successful. There will be many opportunities, using which Capricorn will be able to achieve great heights.


Until the beginning of summer, Capricorn’s relationship with his partner will be smooth, the love of the spouses will take on new colors, and mutual understanding will appear that was not there before. Couples whose relationship was not going well will be able to restore harmony. Lonely Capricorn will be able to meet his other half, he will experience one of the most beautiful and stormy romances in his life with her. And the main thing is that this passion can flow into smooth, calm love, on which it is easy to build a strong marriage. In the summer, the situation will change, and serious disagreements may appear in the relationship. But the partner will meet halfway if Capricorn is frank with him.


During the first third of the year, Capricorns will be extremely happy with their health. They will successfully overcome the dangers of seasonal colds, flu, and other viral infections - immunity will be at its best. Thanks to good health, Capricorn will be able to work actively. Nothing threatens his health, even chronic diseases will recede. In the fall, representatives of this zodiac sign will experience a decrease in their life potential. Possible numerous ailments that will subside only with the arrival of winter. Snow will fall, and your health will return to normal. The end of autumn is a good time for examinations.


Capricorn will greet 2017 strong and mature, because last year he spent a lot of effort and energy learning to control his affairs and build relationships with subordinates. He will show determination, initiative and determination. And his superiors will appreciate his work. In the summer, small but numerous problems will begin in business. Representatives of this zodiac sign must be as focused and attentive as possible, otherwise they risk making a big mistake. At the end of the year, you will have to work hard so as not to negate the previously achieved results.


Capricorn will have the opportunity to become a sponsor or philanthropist and help those in need. And don't neglect it! Charity given this year will be generously rewarded by Providence. At the same time, it is undesirable to invest in large business projects - the risks are very high. This year it is important not so much to increase as to preserve what you have earned. The most favorable time for spending is summer and early autumn. During this period, you can afford a beautiful trip, buy real estate or a car. It is better not to apply for a loan or mortgage.

Horoscope for Capricorn for 2017 for a woman from Pavel Globa

For single Capricorn women, the Year of the Rooster will provide the opportunity for new acquaintances, one of which could develop into a serious relationship. The stars strongly recommend that married ladies diversify their lives and not get hung up on household chores. Find yourself a new activity, go in for fitness, start learning languages. All this will add charm to you, and your husband will be able to take a fresh look at you and will not look for adventures on the side. You will not have serious problems in relationships with children in 2017. Try to communicate with them more often and spend family vacations together.

Horoscope for Capricorn for 2017 for a man from Pavel Globa

The heavenly bodies recommend that all Capricorn men pay close attention to communication with their loved one. Your significant other needs your attention to her so much that a lack of it on your part can cause not only quarrels and mutual accusations, but also serious problems in relationships. Try to listen to your partner more often. Don't forget to tell your woman words of love and gratitude more often.

Love horoscope for the sign Capricorn for 2017

Not a very calm and smooth year for Capricorns. Changes in personal life that began a long time ago will continue. Many representatives of the sign will have to face a serious problem in the family. If family relationships are unstable, then there is a possibility of divorce or, at best, drastic changes in family life. The second half of 2017 is preparing a lot of problems with children for Capricorns. Such troubles will most likely result not only in grief, but also in large financial expenses. If the first half of the year is unfavorable for married couples, then in the second half of the year troubles await most lovers.

In these situations, it should be remembered that the successful outcome of all matters of the heart and family, first of all, depends on sincerity and mutual desire to meet each other halfway. Focus less on the opinions and advice of other people, listen more to your heart, which will tell you a way out of the current situation. In November-December, personal relationships will hang almost by a thread. It takes a lot of effort not to break this hair. Otherwise, the consequences can be very disappointing. This year, personal life will most likely be closely connected with work and business.

No matter how strange it may seem, it is worth paying attention to people you have known for a long time. At first it will be an easy, non-binding connection, which will later develop into a serious relationship. So serious that there is a possibility that the first month of autumn will become your honeymoon.

As the 2017 love horoscope for Capricorn predicts, you can meet your honeymoon partner on the 4th and 22nd of any month. It is advisable that the initials of a new acquaintance begin with the letters “D” or “M”.

Horoscope from Pavel Globa for 2017 for Aquarius

Aquarius is waiting for a year of discoveries - and above all in himself. He will discover that he can experience emotions that he had never suspected before, and will reconsider many of his views on life. At the same time, all decisions of Aquarius should be focused exclusively on his personal opinion and intuition. Listening to others, he can make a fatal mistake. 2017 is very favorable for long-term travel and new business development.


At the beginning of 2017, Aquarius will be very sentimental. He may fall passionately in love, and most likely with a person he already knows. The novel may have a life-long continuation. This union will have wonderful children. Partners will expect romance, tenderness and understanding from each other - and will do everything possible to create an aura of love in the relationship that supports them spiritually. Family representatives of this zodiac sign will face difficulties at the beginning of autumn - both with spouses and children. Situations that will arise one after another will require great endurance from them.


Intense love at the beginning of the year can undermine the health of Aquarius, even leading him to a nervous breakdown. After overexcitation, general weakness will inevitably occur. But already in the summer, representatives of this sign will calm down and again feel a surge of strength. In order to react more calmly to what is happening, Aquarius is recommended to exercise more, change the environment more often, and communicate more with friends and relatives. In the fall, there is a high probability of catching a serious cold or contracting an infectious disease; it is worth taking an immunomodulatory drug in advance.


From the very beginning of 2017, the work of Aquarius promises to be intense, but without unnecessary jerks and failures. By spring, the affairs of representatives of this zodiac sign will accelerate even more, and they will feel an exciting sense of their increasing complexity. Summer is a very dangerous period: things can lead to a loud scandal. Under particularly unfavorable circumstances, a total collapse of the business is possible. The steep turns will end in the fall, but the problems, even if not so large, will not go away. With the onset of winter, Aquarius must carefully monitor the quality of his own work, even the smallest nuances.


In the year of the Rooster, representatives of this zodiac sign will not be able to grab stars from the sky financially. There will be a promotion, but it will not radically affect your life. The most likely period for cash flow growth is April-May. And you need to monitor your own emotions all the time, since a tendency to hot temper and aggression can ruin relationships with partners. A particularly difficult period in this regard is the second half of August. With certain efforts, income will be stable throughout the year, and there will be no tendency for it to fall.

Horoscope for Aquarius for 2017 for a woman from Pavel Globa

2017 will be a year of trials and difficulties for Aquarius women. The first months of the new year can bring disappointment in life with a beloved man who has decided to cheat. Parting with your loved one will be a real test for these ladies. At this time, the support of loved ones will be especially important. Astrologers recommend that Aquarius women take a good rest and do what they love in the second half of the year.

Horoscope for Aquarius for 2017 for a man from Pavel Globa

2017 will be a year of great expectations for Aquarius men, which will be placed on them by everyone around them. Bosses and relatives, wives and simply beloved women will expect something from Aquarius that will bring them a lot of discomfort. 2017 promises Aquarius men a lot of experiences and stressful situations. It is especially important that loved ones help them and try to support them in every possible way. However, the end of the year will be more joyful for Aquarius and will surprise them with a pleasant discovery.

Love horoscope for the Aquarius sign for 2017

In 2017, Aquarius will experience quite serious changes in the sphere of feelings and relationships. Single people will have the opportunity to make new acquaintances. One of which can mark the beginning of a great love. Most likely, such a meeting will take place in February, June or October. It is possible that acquaintance will take place on a trip or among visiting people.

The love horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius warns that the second half of the year will be especially difficult for family representatives of the sign. The transition of Saturn, the planet of limitations, to the horoscope zone, which is responsible for partnerships, will cause the situation in the family to change for the worse. Perhaps there will be some cooling in the relationship. Communication will require delicacy and tact from Aquarius. Remember that selfishness is not acceptable today.

Only attention and sincere feelings can save a relationship. But another course of events is also possible: the life of a person close to you will not have the best time in life, your help is inevitable, but this will not have the best impact on family relationships. We'll have to compromise. In the second half of the year, stable family Aquarius will undergo renovations or purchase of new housing. It is possible that you will move to another city or country, which will radically change your whole life.

This year will give Aquarius an interesting sexual partner. The beginning of the year will occur under the influence of Mars, which will strengthen the communication abilities of Aquarius. Shining in society and being liked by everyone will allow you to attract the attention of many. Already in April you will feel a strong physical attraction, and by autumn you will already know exactly where your happiness is. Which is not worth missing. You should pay attention to the people around you whose names begin with “L” or “S”. And also on those with whom you will see on the 3rd or 21st of any month this year.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces from Pavel Globa

2017 will be quite difficult for Pisces. Representatives of this sign will have to be efficient and energetic in order to achieve at least minimal success. In everything except work, the Rooster will be favorable to them and will give them many chances to radically change their lives. Pisces will be able to do something interesting that they haven’t dared to do before for various reasons. Their main enemy on the path to success is laziness. It can cause many problems.

Relationships, love.

From the beginning of 2017, Pisces will experience an unprecedented mood for flirting, a desire to make advances and make unambiguous hints. Pisces will flirt with everyone, surrounding themselves with a kind of cloud of admirers. Until summer, Pisces will not want to swim out of this cloud of courtship and constant attention. But closer to June, Pisces themselves will feel the need to make up their minds, as they will feel next to them a person who fully understands and accepts everything as it is. Only one person will be able to fill the thoughts and heart of Pisces; it is possible that by the end of autumn Pisces will decide to marry him.


At the beginning of 2017, the excellent health of Pisces will bypass all viruses and colds. Pisces finally realize the harmfulness of bad habits. It is possible that the health problems revealed during the examination will be associated with the consequences of drinking alcohol and smoking. Problems associated with excess weight will have to be solved with the help of diets, but not all Pisces will be able to withstand such a test. However, those who do not give up and overcome the psychological dependence on food will reach a new level of health improvement, which will be noticeable by the end of 2017. It is worth paying attention to the danger of dislocations.


In 2017, Pisces will be able to surpass themselves in career matters. Particular successes are possible in April. Such success can be either the conclusion of a profitable contract or a useful invention, on which Pisces worked throughout the previous period. However, Pisces will be able to achieve all this only surrounded by a team of like-minded people. Some Pisces will have the chance to occupy promising positions. These will mainly be professions related to architecture, culture and creativity. In October, attacks from competitors or unpleasant unscheduled inspections are possible, which Pisces will withstand with flying colors.


Pisces does not foresee any financial problems. There will be enough money not only for a comfortable existence, but also for making a small reserve. However, during this period, large expenses should be avoided. There is a high probability that someone will try to take over Pisces’ money by cunning, and perhaps by force. The second half of the year is a good opportunity to start your own business, which requires serious financial investments. Friends who completely trust the insight of Pisces and believe in their luck will be able to help with this. At the very end of the year, there is a possibility of winning big or receiving an inheritance.

For the Pisces man 2017

To achieve success, try setting small goals for yourself, they will be easier to achieve. Passion will dominate your personal life, and Pisces will have a tendency to act rashly. This year Pisces will be active and efficient, which will have a better effect on their finances. Maximum productivity will occur in the summer.

For Pisces woman 2017

Logic will not help you in solving problems; it is better to rely on intuition. In the new year, the worldview of Pisces women will undergo significant changes. Be prudent and prudent. The stars recommend that you carefully prepare for long trips. In the first half of the year, Pisces women may show creative potential. 2017 is not the best time to make serious decisions, so it’s better to leave everything as it is. And don't let others take advantage of your kindness.

Love horoscope for Pisces for 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster

The charm of representatives of this sign will be off scale. Pisces will have more fans than ever. As for intimate life, it will be quite stormy. Although Pisces will focus on emotional intimacy. There is a possibility that a former admirer will return to your life. Family Pisces will have a complete idyll in their relationships. However, representatives of this sign still need to work on mutual understanding. Go to a family psychologist.

2018 of the Dog will be quite understandable from an astrological point of view. This is its main advantage, which covers all the main disadvantages. When analyzing each year, it is important to consider the movements and moods of planets such as Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter, of course, has the greatest influence on life globally. Its heavy and very tangible energy is capable of much. The remaining planets should not be underestimated either.

It will be a very important planet for you Pluto n. The whole of 2018 should be divided into three parts.

From January 1 to April 21 Pluto will be in Capricorn, like the rest of the year, but its movement will be direct. This means that you should listen to the people around you, you should lead them and not be afraid to follow those who help you.

From April 22 to October 1 the planet will be retrograde. During this period, you should not try to show a competitive spirit. Your best money talisman and good luck talisman is independence. It is better to spend this time with family and loved ones, forgetting about work until late.

After October 1 the planet will move forward again. This is good news for everyone who will be in search of love or their calling. Don't be afraid of changes during this period. 2018 will be a quiet year, but in the last couple of months the Universe may get back at everything. Be humble but strong.

The planets will be very important for you Pluto and Uranus, because their influence, as always, is the most tangible.

Until April 21 these planets will work together against you, but this does not mean that failures will ruin all your plans. On the contrary, all problems will be interconnected and understandable. They will not appear out of nowhere, so you will have a chance to become better, wiser and understand yourself.

Until June 18 Only Pluto will be retrograde. This means that motivation and your own desire will help you solve problems. This will be a period of solitude, misunderstandings with people, but intense creative growth.

From June 19 to September 30 the situation will be completely incomprehensible. Both planets will be in retrograde. This will repel luck, but not all of this fact is negative. There are chances for successful spiritual searches that will be crowned with success.

From October 1 to November 24 Only Uranus will move back. Here you will need to moderate your ardor and leave ambitions in the past. It is better to look at the world through the prism of common sense.

For the rest of the year, that is, a little more than a month, everything will be normal . End of 2018 will be positive and virtually problem-free for you.

Important for Gemini Jupiter and Saturn. Both planets are negative in nature for you. In such a long-term perspective, it is important to evaluate not only the retrograde of these planets, but also their stay in any Zodiac Sign.

From January 1 to March 8 the direct movement of both planets means that you will be deprived of a correct assessment of everything that happens. Both of these planets affect the mind, not the physical state. You may find it difficult to make serious decisions during this period.

From April 18 to July 9 both planets will be retrograde. The reverse movement will have a negative impact on your ambitions, but the sixth sense and desire to move forward will return.

From September 6 And until the end of the year Both planets will lose retrograde again, so the end of the year will be unfavorable for self-discovery and long-term planning. The danger will also increase due to the location of planets in constellations. Jupiter will become strong on November 8, so it is better not to change your life priorities at the end of the year. This will be the time of transition from Scorpio to the constellation Sagittarius. Only good health and mood will help you avoid troubles. At the end of the year you will need to rest more.

Jupiter and Saturn will fight for your luck, because these planets are completely different in nature.

Until November 7 Saturn in Capricorn will be stronger than Jupiter, but then Jupiter will move from the constellation Scorpio to the constellation Sagittarius, increasing its energy. Of course, you may be lucky in everything before November 7, but at the end of the year the probability of victories will be much higher.

Another successful periods will be those in which Jupiter moves forward and Saturn moves back. From June 10 to September 5 There will just be such a time. This will be a great time to try to defeat negative programs. Your task will be to correctly assess your capabilities and find your soulmate. There is simply no better time for love. Romance and flirting will come in handy.

Pluto and Neptune will be the most important planets for you in 2018. Pluto is in charge of relationships with people, and Neptune is in charge of your mood. Neptune and Pluto will go retrograde at almost the same time.

It means that from June 19 you will have to be as careful as possible. The unfavorable period of double retrograde will continue until September 30.

November 24 Neptune will also cease to be retrograde. The end of the year will be very pleasant and, most importantly, at an understandable time for you. Life will be in full swing.

Don’t follow the signs - the more important thing in 2018 will be to remember that you build your own destiny. Neptune will try to force you down the wrong path, but Pluto will attract the attention of important people who can make you believe in yourself and your abilities. Unfortunately, Pluto cannot directly influence you in any way, so you will have to wait until fate throws a pleasant person into the collection of friends or partners.

Jupiter and Neptune taking matters into their own hands in 2018. If you have developed empathy, you will have to find a way not to think about the bad. In 2018, you will very easily become infected with negativity and sadness, but positive emotions will also be attracted more easily than usual. Surround yourself with positivity, then luck will not turn away from you.

From June 19 to November 24 Neptune will be retrograde, so you shouldn't break the rules during this period. In the first half of the year and in its last month, you can and even need to go against the flow.

Jupiter, the enemy of your intuition, will only be extremely dangerous from November 8th. It means that until the 24th of this month absolutely everything will be against you. This short period of time can take away your last drops of self-confidence and happiness. If you want to preserve everything you have achieved previously, then at the end of the year it is better not to take unnecessary risks and not make empty promises to anyone.

Forget grievances very quickly in 2018. They will help you absolutely nothing. At other times, perhaps they will push you to action, but not now. Uranus and Pluto- these are two planets that will regulate your mood and luck in all areas of life. You should start with the bad, that is, with Pluto.

Until April 21 people will be clear and “readable” because Pluto will move in a direct direction. The dangerous period for dating and collective work will continue until September 30. 5 months out of 12 you will have to trust only yourself.

Deserves special attention Uranus, which will move in a forward direction already from January 2. This will cause him to move into the Sign of Taurus and loosen his grip from May 15. He'll be there for a long time until November 5. It will also go retrograde on August 8th, although that is why it will return to Aries towards the end of the year.

The end of the year will be very successful for you. Use every opportunity to become better and more successful. This will be your time.

Uranus and Saturn will take on you in 2018. Avoid being around sources of negative energy, especially being around people who irritate you.

Until April 17 everything will be fine because both planets will be easy to read and will move straight. Then Saturn will go retrograde, which will force your priorities to shift. You will not be able to change anything - many things will be beyond your control. Will this last until September 5. By the way, 8 August Uranus will also become retrograde, which will only worsen the already not the best situation.

Particularly dangerous period - from August 8 to November 5. At this time, Uranus will experience a decline in strength in Taurus. You may lose your luck for this period of time. It is best to plan your vacation at this time, so as not to pay attention to serious matters. Making important decisions will be difficult in every sense. Mental abilities will also be reduced, and the likelihood of a fiasco in love is almost maximum.

The most important planets for Sagittarius in the coming year are: Jupiter and Neptune. Both of them are positive and will remain in an active state. Pay attention to the signs of fate from November 8, when Jupiter becomes strong in Sagittarius. The transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius will help you realize the mistakes you have made in the past. But you shouldn't stay there for long. Keep your eyes on the future.

From March 9 to July 9 Jupiter will be retrograde, so you are strictly forbidden to trust your instincts and sixth sense during this period.

Neptune from June 19 to November 24 will also be retrograde. This means that midsummer is a dangerous time for Sagittarius. You should not plan all your most important things for this period. It is better to devote it to leisurely work without ups and downs. It is also advisable not to make promises to anyone during the period from June 19 to July 9. Even if you are confident in your rightness and your strengths, Saturn and Neptune will not support you. The risks will be very great.

Saturn and Jupiter- your mentors in 2018. Saturn is negative, and Jupiter opposes it in everything. Saturn will try to force you to take your thoughts in the wrong direction, and Jupiter will try to structure your ideas and teach you to think twice, to correctly assess a situation of any complexity. Life will seem somewhat ambiguous. You will be in a constant state of war with yourself.

November 8 Jupiter will move into the Sign of Sagittarius. This will be an extremely important moment that simply cannot be missed. The strength of the planet will increase significantly, so luck will become your guide.

Last month can easily be called the most promising and pleasant for Capricorns, especially if you are in search of a soul mate. It is possible that you will be able to find new sources of income, new partners, like-minded people. Success in love will be very noticeable.

Fulfillment of desires is the main goal of every person. In 2018, you should be as demanding as possible of yourself and the Universe. Expect more, but also try twice as hard. Don't be afraid to imagine a moment of success, a moment of victory. Your thoughts are your most powerful weapon. Helps you unlock your potential Saturn. He will be quite stable and strong in Capricorn, so don't be afraid of change.

The retrograde period will begin April 18th. It will end 6 September. Almost you will have to look for friends for six months because people will disappoint you. Most breakups occur during such periods. Be yourself and don't be afraid to do things that many people will judge. The main thing is not to forget that you also have your own goals and principles.

Of the five planets only Saturn capable of negative impact. Almost every year depends on the mood of this giant, who is responsible for your thoughts and motivation. The planet will remain in Capricorn throughout 2018, maintaining its strength. This means, that everything will be stable, but not entirely positive. Saturn likes to put a spoke in wheels.

It will be a little easier during the period of its reverse movement, when you can transform troubles into something positive.

From April 18 to September 6 victories await you where you would not expect them at all. A strange set of circumstances will remind you that not everything is as simple as you really think. Luck will overwhelm you during such periods, but the laws of the Universe will work much more clearly. This means that your thoughts will become decisive in attracting financial and love luck.
