Gothic clan names. Always be in the mood

How can you name a clan in "Warface" in Russian (list)?

    The popular online first-person shooter game is becoming increasingly popular. Every day many players from all over the world are joining the game. There are already quite a few clans in this game, so coming up with an original name for your clan is not very easy.

    I suggest the following names for the clan in the game Warface:

    • Immortals;
    • 10th legion;
    • Delta Squad;
    • Suicide Squad (this is my favorite title);
    • Seven brave (here the number depends on the number of players in the clan);
    • Street gangs;
    • Silent death;
    • Fearless Shadows;
    • Fatal outcome;
    • Judgment Night Survivors;
    • Lonely Assassins;
    • Joker Group;
    • Crazy mercenaries.
  • Names for clans

    1 Iron Assassins.

    2 Legion of Death.

    3 Grip of steel.

    4 Deathfist.

    5 Untouchables.

    6 They will come for you.

    7 Glowing skull.

    8 Scythe with knives.

    9 Fury and strength.

    10 Stunts.

    11 Explosive power.

    12 Ice mind.

    Any name, and especially your group clan, should sound so as to reflect the essence of the team and its mood for fighting on the playing field.

    And it is in the game called Warface that you can designate the name of the clan like this:

    Legion of Strength and it is already clear that all the players are strong and will never retreat.

    Deadly weapon, and this is a battle with enemies to the last for victory.

    Mercenaries of the Force- the name will also speak for itself.

    Leopards- these are strong and cunning animals that attack.

    Elite unit and here everything is clear in essence.

    You can also call the clan-Union of Mercenaries, or the Power of the Mind, the Legion of Strength will do.

    Here are my clan name options Warface:

    1. Bearded muzzles.
    2. Death Guard.
    3. Evil Pokemon.
    4. Al-Qaeda.
    5. Cosa Nostra.
    6. Crazy.
    7. Running in the dark.
    8. Steel brothers.
    9. Death is coming.
    10. Penal battalion
    11. Imperial Guard.
    12. Adeptus Astartes.
    13. Children of war.
    14. Winnie the Pooh and K.
    15. Damn Legion.
    16. Order of Evil.
    17. Dembel.
    18. Gladiators.
    19. Children of the underworld.
    20. Stroybat.
    21. Omsk Gazmyas.
  • As far as I know, the name is invented by the author of the clan, there are no restrictions. Here you can fantasize to your heart's content, starting with the banal The Expendables and ending with something like Fluffy Kittens. I will list a few, in my opinion, original and interesting names.

    1. Lords of the battle.
    2. Headhunters.
    3. Fast guys.
    4. Vikings.
    5. Bogatyrs.
    6. Glorious warriors.
    7. Born to win.
    8. Kings of Scramble.
    9. Elite soldiers.
    10. Adventure lovers.
    11. Flying horror.
    12. Punishing sword.
  • A clan in Warface in Russian can be called, for example, as follows:

    1) Nuclear power;

    2) Terrifying power;

    3) Super strong people;

    4) Deadly Mind;

    5) Death Company;

    6) Fiery rage;

    7) Brain power;

    8) Legion of your terror;

    9) Blood and victory;

    10) Furious bears.

    Yes, you want to name it something, but it already exists, for example, I wanted to write Ukrainian Cossacks, but it already exists.

    Therefore, in order not to have to worry about choosing already popular names, such as Night Scouts and struggling with the phrase Already exists, I suggest narrowing the search for names by type:

    1. So for example by region or location where you are from or where you would like to be. For example, 12 Voronezh residents, We are from the desert, Coming from Mars.
    2. Maybe clan members have common interests, then Crazy Scooters, Rock Warriors, Animals of Veganism.
    3. The goal can be given the name Forward to Tibet.
    4. In honor of Vasya's beloved self, arrows.
  • It’s clear that the name of the clan should somehow reflect your team, I won’t dwell on this and go straight to the point.

    The following clan names are suitable for the Warface game:

    1. . Brothers in Arms;

    2. . Guardians of Valor;

    3. . Friends of Heroes;

    4. . Death Squad;

    5. . Muscles of steel;

    6. . Black smoke;

    7. . The Saints;

    8. . Marvel;

    9. . Revival;

    10. . Brigade;

    11. . Invincible;

    12. . Untouchables;

    13. . Judges of Greatness;

    14. . Lords of Death;

    15. . Iron Legion;

    16. . Killer Elite;

    17. . Soldiers' Union;

    18. . Fire Guard;

    19. . Mercenaries of Chaos;

    20. . Blood Gods;

    21. . Black Squad;

    22. . Raised from hell;

    23. . Descendants of Hercules;

    24. . Sons of Zeus;

    25. . Crouching Tiger;

    26. . Legion of Defiance;

    27. . Guardians of the World;

    28. . Avengers;

    29. . Giants of War;

    30. . Going to death.

    Total: thirty options. You can pick something up, or he’ll help you come up with your own, or suggest a suitable name for your clan.

    Call it whatever you want. After all, people have different preferences and tastes: some will enjoy insects, while others will not like RULES. You need a list, as a girl I can offer this:

    1. Dad's Gambit
    2. Batyanya battalion commander
    3. Warfaces
    4. Special Forces
    5. Mortal Kombat
    6. Instigators
    7. Steel and muscle
    8. Armor.

    I have already written the other two above.

  • As they say: Whatever you call the yacht, so it will float. Therefore, a competent choice of name for your clan in computer game Warface will help you lead him to victory. For example, you can call it like this:

    1. Brothers in Arms.
    2. Soldiers of fortune.
    3. The Avengers.
    4. Children of war.
    5. The zombie apocalypse.
    6. Legion of Evil.
    7. The killers
    8. Werewolves.
    9. Mochilovo.
    10. Mortal battle.

What online player doesn’t dream of creating his own in-game formation of friends with similar interests in order to fight in co-op and receive bonuses for team play? Cool clan name - something like business card. And the phenomenon of uniting players into such communities is very common in online games.

Union culture

In game chats and forums you can often see invitations to a meeting of players in a particular city. As a rule, such people agree on the amount they expect, find out how many people will come, and decide how much to chip in. Such gatherings help strengthen team spirit. And many players don’t mind seeing each other real life to transfer communication from virtual world on Fresh air. Often meetings are organized at the initiative of the administration game project. IN in social networks you can find the corresponding public pages where participants in gatherings post their photos.

Meetings via Skype conference are also common. Warface players usually interact by voice through all sorts of voice chats such as Skype, TeamSpeaker or any other programs designed for such purposes. After all, the game itself becomes more interesting if you run around the location in a team whose actions are planned and thought out in advance.

How to make cool clan names

Whether it’s in English or Russian doesn’t matter. It’s just that not all games have the ability to create Russian-language titles. The Latin alphabet is not always able to convey all the beauty and capacity of the creator’s (clan leader’s) idea, so one has to resort to variations such as replacing Russian letters (or their fragments) with English ones.

Nevertheless, any cool clan name must contain some element that unites all members of the formation. There may be several such elements: occupation, hobbies, hobbies, geographical position. Often these characteristics are enhanced by something: color, sound, natural phenomenon.

Hobbies. Cool clan names

Minecraft, for example, provides Latinized names. Among the list you can find words characterizing associations of interests such as Vikingi, =Salo= or even PivoVodka. From the names it is intuitively clear what common hobbies unite clan members.


It has the function of enhancing any symbol chosen as the name of the clan. Cool clan names in Warface, for example, can be found at every turn. Examples using color:

  • "White Sharks";
  • "Black Panthers";
  • "Blue berets".

If you discard the color characteristic, the entire “gloss” of the original idea is lost.

Some symbolism

Can also be used as a clan name. It may be based on either a hint of the coat of arms of a state or a common trademark. Examples:

  • "Fist" (itself a symbol of belligerence);
  • “Double-headed eagle” (present on the coats of arms of many states);
  • “Maroon beret” (a hint of the Airborne Forces);
  • "Adidas" (we are talking about a widespread brand that produces clothes and shoes).

Combinations of color and symbol are also common:

  • "Red Fist";
  • "Black Eagle".

Geographic reference

Often players from one settlement team up, come up with a cool clan name and play together. Such formations are the most popular, because clan members can see each other in real life, arrange joint friendly gatherings and discuss their favorite game. Such associations are considered the most durable in the world of online games due to the fact that interaction occurs not only in virtual space.

Examples of names:

  • "Petersburg";
  • "Krasnodarians";
  • "Sochi residents".

Often such names are enhanced by any of the techniques mentioned above. Color:

  • "Green Tagans";
  • "Purple Muscovites".

Often some emotional epithets or other postscripts are attached to the name, emphasizing the monumental nature of the idea of ​​the clan creator:

  • "Dangerous Rostovites";
  • "St. Petersburg benders";
  • "Crazy Krasnodar residents."

More options

There are also frequent cases when best titles for the clan are nothing more than a reference to some historical event. For example:

  • "Crusade";
  • "Civil War";
  • "Middle Ages";
  • "Viking Age".

As they say, whoever has enough imagination for what. Often the best clan names are based on literary figures, contrasts and metaphors. For example:

  • “Lead wind” (meaning shelling, heavy fire);
  • “The Ninth Al” (a common symbol of some fatal threat, not necessarily in the form of a tidal wave);
  • "Delightfully Dead" (an example of contrast).

Instead of a conclusion

Often a cool clan name comes to mind just out of nowhere, and it is difficult to characterize it in any way. This can be an arbitrary set of words (“Alya-Ulyu” or “TramPamPam”), a set of randomly typed characters on the keyboard (“ra1ay$varnyyv”) or the name of a favorite group, song, car.

For example, in the free browser game RiotZone, you can create clans and play them alone. Of course, there can be no talk of any advancement of the clan in the ranking ladder, but no one will forbid using the clan camp alone and all its advantages. Of course, the camp must first be rebuilt.

For example, there is a cool clan name Himmelsfärdskommando (“Suicide Brigade” translated from Swedish). It is based on the song of the same name by the group Raubtier. In this case, the player is the only member of the clan, and other clans count with him for the following reasons:

  • He is not afraid of injuries, since he is not interested in ranking growth.
  • As a result, the player does not participate in rating battles. For this reason, the presence or absence of injuries does not bother him either.
  • Injuring members of other clans will not always have a positive impact on the latter, because ratings are important to them. And an injury weakens a player. As a result, clans lose rating points.

It turns out that a cool clan name in itself is not so cool if the actions of its members do not correspond to the content.

In general, if you add some imagination, you can generate a lot of different names, associating yourself with anything and how you want. Starting with your favorite films, cartoons, their characters and actors, ending with a randomly seen object.

What online player doesn’t dream of creating his own in-game formation of friends with similar interests in order to compete in co-op and receive bonuses for team game? A cool clan name - something like a calling card. And the phenomenon of uniting players into such communities is very common in online games.

Union culture

In game chats and forums you can often see invitations to a meeting of players in a particular city. As a rule, such people agree on the amount they expect, find out how many people will come, and decide how much to chip in. Such gatherings help strengthen team spirit. And many players don’t mind seeing each other in real life in order to transfer communication from the virtual world to the fresh air. Often meetings are organized on the initiative of the administration of the game project. On social networks you can find corresponding public pages where participants of gatherings post their photos.
Meetings via Skype conference are also common. Warface players usually interact by voice through all sorts of voice chats such as Skype, TeamSpeaker or any other programs designed for such purposes. After all, the game itself becomes more interesting if you run around the location in a team whose actions are planned and thought out in advance.

How to make cool clan names

Whether it's in English or Russian doesn't matter. It’s just that not all games have the ability to create Russian-language titles. The Latin alphabet is not always able to convey all the beauty and capacity of the creator’s (clan leader’s) idea, so one has to resort to variations such as replacing Russian letters (or their fragments) with English ones.
Nevertheless, any cool clan name must contain some element that unites all members of the formation. There may be several such elements: occupation, hobbies, hobbies, geographical location. Often these characteristics are enhanced by something: color, sound, natural phenomenon.

Hobbies. Cool clan names

Minecraft, for example, provides Latinized names. Among the list you can find words characterizing associations of interests such as Vikingi, =Salo= or even PivoVodka. From the names it is intuitively clear what common hobbies unite clan members.


It has the function of enhancing any symbol chosen as the name of the clan. Cool clan names in Warface, for example, can be found at every turn. Examples using color:
    "White Sharks"; "Black Panthers"; "Blue Berets".
If you discard the color characteristic, the entire “gloss” of the original idea is lost.

Some symbolism

Can also be used as a clan name. It can be based on either a hint of the coat of arms of a state or a common trademark. Examples:
    “Fist” (in itself a symbol of militancy); “Double-headed eagle” (present on the coats of arms of many states); “Maroon beret” (a hint of the Airborne Forces); “Adidas” (we are talking about a common brand that produces clothes and shoes).
Combinations of color and symbol are also common:
    "Red Fist"; "Black Eagle".

Geographic reference

Often players from the same locality unite, come up with a cool clan name and play together. Such formations are the most popular, because clan members can see each other in real life, arrange joint friendly gatherings and discuss their favorite game. Such associations are considered the most durable in the world of online games due to the fact that interaction occurs not only in virtual space.
Examples of names:
    "St. Petersburg"; "Krasnodar"; "Sochi".
Often such names are enhanced by any of the techniques mentioned above. Color:
    "Green Tagans"; "Purple Muscovites".
Often some emotional epithets or other postscripts are attached to the name, emphasizing the monumental nature of the idea of ​​the clan creator:
    “Dangerous Rostovites”; “St. Petersburg benders”; “Crazy Krasnodar residents”.

More options

There are also frequent cases when the best names for a clan are nothing more than a reference to some historical event. For example:
    "Crusade"; "Civil War"; "Middle Ages"; "Viking Age".
As they say, whoever has enough imagination for what. Often the best clan names are based on literary figures, contrasts and metaphors. For example:
    “Lead wind” (meaning shelling, heavy fire); “Ninth Al” (a common symbol of some fatal threat, not necessarily in the form of a tidal wave); “Delightfully dead” (an example of opposition).

Instead of a conclusion

Often a cool clan name comes to mind just out of nowhere, and it is difficult to characterize it in any way. This can be an arbitrary set of words (“Alya-Ulyu” or “TramPamPam”), a set of randomly typed characters on the keyboard (“ra1ay$varnyyv”) or the name of a favorite group, song, car.
For example, in the free browser game RiotZone, you can create clans and play them alone. Of course, there can be no talk of any advancement of the clan in the ranking ladder, but no one will forbid using the clan camp alone and all its advantages. Of course, the camp must first be rebuilt.
For example, there is a cool clan name Himmelsfärdskommando (“Suicide Brigade” translated from Swedish). It is based on the song of the same name by the group Raubtier. In this case, the player is the only member of the clan, and other clans count with him for the following reasons:
    He is not afraid of injuries, since he is not interested in rating growth. As a result, the player does not participate in rating battles. For this reason, the presence or absence of injuries does not bother him either. Injuring members of other clans will not always have a positive effect on the latter, because ratings are important to them. And an injury weakens a player. As a result, clans lose rating points.
It turns out that a cool clan name in itself is not so cool if the actions of its members do not correspond to the content.
In general, if you add some imagination, you can generate a lot of different names, associating yourself with anything and how you want. Starting with your favorite films, cartoons, their characters and actors, ending with a randomly seen object.

Today in gaming industry MMORPGs are extremely popular, and no matter which one we take - WoW, Lineage, Aion, Arheage, Tera, Black Desert or any other, they all have a social component.

What is a clan

Perhaps the main external manifestation of the game is clans. Gamers unite in them to defeat the boss, fight against other teams, and simply for the sake of communication or achieving other goals. Naturally, each such association has a name, be it a funny, stupid or cool clan name. The main thing here is to distinguish yourself from others and be remembered. Some people prefer to be named in Russian, while others come up with clan names in English.

The name matters

There are many gaming clans that have spread their influence over several games at once. As a rule, these communities have their own unique, cool clan name, as well as their own symbols. Every serious leader attaches great importance to the name of his clan, because what can better say about it than the name? Most players want to have a clan to which they belong. Naturally, if yours has a good catchy name, then the number of players willing to join it will be greater. After all, a beautiful and respect-inspiring name allows you to assemble a team good players and look adequate at the same time.

How do you still choose a name?

The name of a clan can be either abstract or carry a specific semantic meaning. The first is good because if the team’s activities change, it will remain relevant, but with the second, everything is a little more complicated. Most often, when changing the sphere of influence, you will have to change the name (most do not prohibit it, but this service is most often paid), because if you named your clan “Gods of PvP” then this name is somehow not particularly suitable for raiding activities or farming. The name may also reflect the distinctive feature of your association. For example, if you want to create a monoracial clan, you can use the name of the race or some of its features in the name. But such names most often impose certain restrictions on your clan, because an orc in “Pureblood Elves” will cause confusion.

Some people can come up with a name themselves, others turn to forums, social networks or friends for help. There are many different clan name generators. Often humorous names are used, such as "Horse in a Coat" and the like. It is, of course, easier to find a clan name in Russian, because our language is rich and powerful. You can use an online translator. We take absolutely any word and enter it into the translator. You can use, for example, Latin, Old English or Scandinavian, and we’ll get a stylish and cool clan name. You can pay attention to the name in the color (approx. “Black (some kind of game object or character), community (emphasize the composition of the guild or its cohesion (approx. legion, brotherhood, tribe, detachment, etc.), era (very good way play on the name of the guild), place (approx. “Royal Hell”, “Paradise Lost”, etc.), contrast (try to combine incompatible things, for example, “Black Snow”, etc.) or any cultural features. There is another way - to turn to literature for help, because where else if not is it hidden a huge number of beautiful and cool titles and names. Fantasy and science fiction are best suited for this. In any case, no matter what method you use, the main thing is that the clan name is unique and memorable.

What to do before choosing a name

Before choosing a name for your future clan, read the rules! It will be completely unpleasant when, after spending several hours choosing a name for your clan, you find out that it does not meet the requirements of the game. Usually the rules in all games are the same: the length of the name, punctuation marks, the prohibition of using obscene words, names calling for ethnic hatred and terrorism.
