Grinding old car tires into crumbs. We make crumb rubber with our own hands using a homemade crusher

With the increase in the number of road transport as a result of an increase in the volume of waste, the issue of the environmental situation has become acute. Every year, thousands of tires are taken to landfills and landfills, where they become a source of negative impact on the environment.

Car tires belong to class 4 hazardous waste due to the carcinogenic and toxic substances released during decomposition that destroy the biosphere. In recent years, waste disposal requirements in large cities have become more stringent, and compliance with rubber product recycling techniques is regularly checked.

Fire safety regulations prohibit storing tires due to the possibility of spontaneous combustion. An active person with basic knowledge of physics and carpentry skills can turn rubber waste recycling into the main source of income. Crumb rubber obtained during the recycling process acts as a secondary raw material in the manufacture of goods.

What is crumb rubber made from at home?

Crumb rubber is produced from worn-out car tires; they are more amenable to mechanical stress and the removal of metal wire (cord). Recycling waste tires allows you to obtain crumbs of the required diameter with minimal losses of raw material. Three-dimensional figures cut from tires are used as decoration in the courtyards of residential areas or garden plots. You can often find flower beds, low fences, and playground fencing made from tires.

Large-sized rubber crumbs are used to lay out the paths of private houses and summer cottages, giving them an aesthetically beautiful appearance. Play areas and sports grounds are equipped with rubber coatings with waterproofing and noise-absorbing properties.

Recycling small amounts of rubber at home

Producing a small volume of crumb rubber for personal use does not require a large amount of raw material and special equipment. You can use available tools such as scissors, a guillotine cutter or an ax. A well-sharpened knife will also work for cutting old tires.

Stages of processing tires into crumbs at home:

  • cord removal
  • cutting waste tires into strips
  • grinding of the resulting raw material

Dealing with large volumes of rubber waste for commercial and personal purposes requires financial investment, the purchase of equipment and a facility to process the raw material. The cost of units offered by manufacturers depends on their power and configuration. Domestic and imported manufacturers provide full-cycle rubber waste recycling lines. Having basic knowledge of physics, you can make equipment for processing tires into crumbs with your own hands, meeting your personal needs.

Methods for making tire crumbs

Methods for obtaining crumb rubber:

  • Cooling of raw materials with liquid nitrogen to a brittle state and subsequent grinding. This type of processing requires special freezers; the raw material is cooled to a temperature of -70 - -90 degrees and is impossible at home.
  • Grinding of rubber products on specialized lines for a full processing cycle. This method is used in industrial production, where the production of crumb rubber is carried out in large quantities and requires large financial investments.
  • Rubber processing at home using homemade units (crushing machines). Having milling and welding equipment, you can make a chopper with your own hands. If this is not possible, parts can be ordered from the workshop according to personal designs. The cost of a crusher made independently is much cheaper than ready-made equipment.

Regular recycling of waste rubber requires a well-ventilated and spacious area to install equipment and store large quantities of rubber waste. The location of the premises in an industrial zone will be a plus.

Unit design

The design of the shredder is a knife mechanism (shredder), which allows you to process tires, tubes and other rubber elements. With this method of grinding, the material retains its molecular formula and does not lose its elasticity. The performance of equipment depends entirely on its power rating.

Main components of the rubber processing unit:

  • Electric motor - ensures the speed of processing rubber waste, recommended engine power is 4-5 kW.
  • Box with cutting discs - crushes raw material to the required size.
  • Crumb calibration grid - regulates the diameter of the resulting crumb rubber.
  • Worm gear – eliminates jamming and jamming of material.
  • Unit frame - ensures a stable position of the machine.
  • Loading hopper
  • Guide tray

The entire mechanism of the machine is placed in a housing, on top of which a loading hopper is installed. Before loading the material, foreign metal objects (spikes, nails, etc.) must be removed. Tires are cut into strips, reducing processing time.

Box with cutting discs

The main part of the unit is a shredder unit. The box contains heat-treated steel milling discs of high strength. They are quite wear-resistant and do not require frequent replacement during operation of the machine. Manufacturing the structure requires precise calculation of holes and cutting discs, so the work should be entrusted to the designer.

Grid for calibrating crumbs

A calibrating grid is installed under the box with the milling shafts, which allows you to adjust the diameter of the crumb rubber obtained when shredding tires in a shredder.

Worm gearbox

The mechanical gearbox converts angular velocity using a worm gear and allows you to process rubber material of varying elasticity without winding or freezing. The mechanical transmission of rotational motion is set in the range from 25 to 35 units, ensuring high performance of the unit.

Unit frame

Safe operation is guaranteed by the machine frame, made of profile materials. It ensures a stable position of the unit during the period of crushing and loading of raw material.

Loading hopper

The machine is equipped with a hopper for loading tire raw materials, which for convenience is located on the upper part of the body and a guide tray. They ensure a uniform flow of raw material into the shredder (shredder), preventing the formation of congestion during operation.

Tire cutting device

To cut tires and remove metal cord, a structure of a rack and a supporting frame is used. The housing contains a bar clamping system, which rotates together with the bar during cutting. The rack of the structure is equipped with a wedge-shaped knife that can be adjusted to a specific tire size. This design installation technology saves time on preparing consumables for further grinding in a shredder.

Tire shredding

The technological process of grinding involves the following procedure:

  • Sorting of tire raw materials and removal of foreign metal (nails, spikes, etc.)
  • Removing metal cord
  • Cutting tires into strips
  • Shredding raw material in a shredder
  • Calibration of the resulting crumbs


Crumb rubber is widely used in various areas of production, sold to the public or used for personal purposes. An excess of worn-out car tires and rubber products ensures the constant availability of consumables.

The cost of crumb rubber depends on the diameter and quality of the granules. Powdered crumbs and granules with a diameter of 2-4 mm are in great demand. The popularity of this size is due to lower production costs and lower consumption of adhesive, the price of which is several times higher than the cost of recycled materials.

Crumb rubber is used to make the following products:

  • Roll coverings
  • Rubber Shoes
  • Paving slabs
  • Fuel
  • Rubber insulation and seals
  • Three-dimensional figures cut from used tires
  • Paths for private houses, gardens and summer cottages
  • Waterproofing and noise-absorbing coatings for children's and sports grounds
  • Rubber technical products
  • Asphalt mixtures
  • Seamless rubber coatings

Currently, the recycling industry is considered promising for starting your own business due to low competition and growing demand for waste recycling services. Even with a small amount of work performed, the financial investments spent on equipment pay for themselves in a short time. Recycling tires in a crusher is recognized as the most environmentally friendly method of disposal, allowing you to make a profit with a small financial investment.

All those who have decided to start a business of processing worn rubber into crumbs are faced with the dilemma of choosing the right equipment for their enterprise. But not all equipment offered on our market will bring you real and stable income!

Choosing the wrong equipment entails:

- losses and wasted time;

- loss of your investments once and for all!

You will have to invest above the price in additional components. If the equipment “stops”, then every day of downtime is money that has passed PAST you. Low-quality equipment will not be able to provide you with high-quality crumb rubber and the required volume to recoup production costs. The issue of equipment payback will drag on for many years or you will have to forget about it altogether, not to mention the profit!

Of course, European equipment for processing worn rubber is high-quality and reliable, but the cost of this equipment (on average about 2 million euros or more) is an unaffordable amount for many beginning entrepreneurs, especially since the payback for such equipment will be more than 7 years, which, of course, becomes uninteresting and illusory in the face of growing competition and constantly changing events. And it’s not a fact that the equipment will be manufactured in Europe. For example: many well-known companies in our, European or American markets pass off their equipment as European, although they assemble it entirely in China. There are a lot of examples of such companies - manufacturers (resellers). For example, one well-known American company, which is also represented on our market, simply resells equipment from a Chinese manufacturer under its own brand. The same companies (resellers) are present on the Russian market, passing off their installations as their own and convincing that they were either assembled in Europe, or assembled by them, but with European components and so on. No matter how you twist these numerous phrases, the essence does not change. China is China, and if you decide to buy equipment from Chinese manufacturers, then buy it without numerous intermediaries who inflate more than 100 percent of the marginal profit on non-functioning equipment, without bearing any responsibility, much less a guarantee. And the breakdowns will be serious and permanent.

For greater clarity and understanding of this issue, we will analyze all the pitfalls that you may encounter when purchasing equipment.

The bulk of the equipment offered in our country includes a so-called preparatory group. Sellers explain its necessity by saying that by preparing the rubber before feeding it into the shredder, productivity increases, the knives in the shredder become less dull, and so on. All this is pure fairy tales and inventions of ignorant “professionals”! This only reduces productivity, and the knives in shredders, if they are made of the right steel, are dulled more quickly by the rubber itself than by rubber that contains a metal cord.

Returning to the preparatory group, let's consider its components:

1 . Puller for metal bead ring of tires. Used to pull out the bead ring. Costs: work requires one person, additional electricity; if the unit breaks down, you cannot work on the tire processing line (it risks breaking the shredder and impact crushers). If for some reason it was not possible to pull out the bead ring, it must be cut from the tire using a grinder or a special cutting machine. The average time to tear out or trim a tire bead is about 7-10 minutes on each side.

2. Machines for cutting prepared tires into strips and chips. Used for cutting small pieces of rubber (average up to 15 cm) for feeding into the main shredder for processing. Costs: one person is required to operate the machine, additional costs for electricity and maintenance, in case of breakdown, the entire equipment stops. The average time to cut one truck wheel into the required chips is 15 minutes.

3. Guillotine shears and other additional units for cutting prepared tires into pieces. Used for cutting truck and passenger tires for easy feeding into the shredder. Costs: One person is required to operate the machine, additional electricity consumption and other consumable parts. The average time to cut one truck wheel into the required chips takes 10 minutes.

So, what do these auxiliary machines and units give you? There is only one answer - expenses, breakdowns, high production costs of the finished product and numerous costs for repairs and modernization of equipment.

The real cost of producing crumb rubber using equipment with a preparatory group is 12-13 rubles (or even higher) per kilogram, provided that this equipment is working properly. And most importantly, it is simply not realistic to process the volume of tires according to the stated characteristics! Many enterprises that operate on similar equipment work in two shifts (during the day they prepare rubber for processing, and at night they process what they prepared during the day), but even then they cannot get two tons of finished crumbs from the same 500th model. thereby earning a maximum of 3,000 rubles per day. And then only when the equipment is working properly. It is much more profitable with such profitability to work in a taxi or even as a loader, and there is nothing funny about that!

It is IMPOSSIBLE to operate such equipment profitably. Don't reinvent the wheel, look at things with real eyes, otherwise you will get what many people got. (to enlarge, click on the photo).

Equipment for grinding worn rubber from our company

In turn, we offer you actually working equipment, where the real cost of producing a kilogram of crumbs does not exceed 5.5 rubles:

Equipment in which, from the entire preparatory group, only guillotine shears are included, which are used only for cutting truck tires into 4 uniform parts.

Equipment that actually employs 3 people.

Equipment that actually processes the volume stated according to its characteristics.

Equipment that is entirely made, developed and assembled in Russia.

Equipment on which you can actually make money with more than 100% marginal profit!

For purchasing questions or other additional clarifications and consultations, you can contact the offices of our company by contacting us by phone or filling out the feedback form.

One of the many videos on the Internet posted by dissatisfied users who have experience working on the wrong equipment

Video presentation of our tire recycling equipment

A rubber shredder from the leading enterprise in our country, AMD Plast, will turn waste from the production of rubber products of all shapes and densities into small crumbs. The choice of such a shredder for a particular enterprise will be determined by the amount of waste and the technical properties of specific models. Crusher brands AMD-200D, AMD-400D, AMD-600D, AMD-600DU are suitable for recycling rubber. We invite you to take a closer look at them and correlate them with the needs and features of your production.

Rubber shredder AMD-200D

This rotor-type model shreds mainly hard plastics and waste from the production of dense rubber products, the thickness of which should not exceed 5 mm. It is advisable to use a machine with a power of 4 kW and a productivity of 50-70 kg/h for processing small volumes of waste from your own enterprise. Such machines can be installed in toy factories, in the production of rugs, seals and other products of wide use. The equipment is small-sized, economical and safe. The package includes 5 double-sided sharpening knives, a rotor with a rotation speed of 1500 rpm, a low-power motor, a calibrating mesh with a hole diameter of 8 mm.

Andrey Lyashchenko

Rubber shredder AMD-400D

Rotary type equipment with increased power and productivity up to 100 kg of waste per hour. Its acquisition will be a great help for the industrial processing of large volumes of rubber residues. In addition to warehouses, hypermarkets and points for the procurement and disposal of recyclable materials, it is used in mechanical engineering and instrument making. The wall thickness of processed products is 5-8 mm. Recycling of hard materials is preferred. Engine power 7.5 kW. 6 knives are staggered on the rotor and 2 more on the bed. The crusher will not harm employees, will pay for itself in a short time, does not consume a lot of energy, and takes up little space. Its maintenance is no problem.

Lebedev Kirill Vitalievich

Rubber shredder AMD-600D

With its help, high-quality and efficient industrial grinding of rubber waste of varying density and elasticity into crumbs occurs. Soft and thin rubber does not hang up or get wound. Centrifugal forces lead to the release of crumbs. The equipment is in demand among manufacturers of tires, insulators, structural parts, seals, warehouses and professional processors of raw materials. The 11 kW motor does not consume much electricity. Using the calibrating mesh holes measuring 10 or 20 mm, it is possible to adjust the diameter of the emerging crumbs. The range of processed materials is very wide: from hard and soft polymers to textiles, hay, foam rubber and packaging.

Miroshkin Yaroslav Nikolaevich

Rubber shredder AMD-600DU

The equipment is the result of improvement and modification of the AMD-600D crusher model. This explains the similarity of the characteristics and capabilities of the machines. Their productivity is 80-120 kg/h. Engine power 11 kW. However, the engine in the latest model is placed on the frame, and the 6 side knives are less dull and require re-sharpening less often. Belt drive reduces load and vibration. Thus, the model will last even longer, work more efficiently and with better quality. The models do not have large dimensions, are not pretentious to environmental conditions, are not traumatic, and are affordable.

Senkin Dmitry Eduardovich

All models of our equipment, working with rubber of varying degrees of elasticity, meet modern quality and safety requirements. To buy a rubber shredder, just dial our phone number and discuss your choice, time and place of delivery with the manager. The customer will not have to wait long, because our warehouses are constantly replenished with new models.

Each of us knows that a vehicle cannot do without tires. However, not everyone thinks about where worn-out tires go. There are two ways: either the tire is sent to a landfill and thereby pollutes the environment, or it is recycled. It is safe to say that rubber is a dangerous pollutant, which is why they always try to recycle it. For this simple reason, there are all the prerequisites for creating your own small plant, where tire processing will be carried out.

What everyone should know

Every year the number of cars on the roads increases by about 5-10%. Based on this, the volume of worn rubber increases by approximately 1 million tons. In many countries, the issue of recycling is very acute. This problem can be partly solved by setting up your own small production. You have several options for business development. For example, this could be the processing of car tires into fuel oil or crumbs. If you want to receive fuel, you will have to spend a little more money, since the production line is quite serious. Please also note that you can work not only with tires, but also with plastic products, which will slightly increase the profitability of the enterprise. This business has several undeniable advantages, now we will look at each of them.

Firstly, you do not need to invest a lot of money in purchasing raw materials. This is due to the fact that worn tires are thrown away. Local authorities, if, of course, they are concerned about the ecology of their city, will deliver everything to you themselves. But that’s not all, since the municipality is ready to pay for your company to process car tires. Agree, getting practically free raw materials, and even making a profit from doing this business, is not at all bad. Of course, it doesn’t end there, since our main goal is not only to save the environment, but also to make a net profit. The main funds will come from the sale of the same fuel oil, which is an extremely popular type of fuel in agriculture. By the way, you can also get free raw materials at tire service points, which are more than abundant in big cities. The thing is that service station employees, etc., pay additional money for the removal of old tires and their disposal.

Recycling rubber tires: pros and cons

It is impossible not to say a few words about the fact that this niche has not yet been fully filled. The number of entrepreneurs in this area is relatively small, approximately 20% of the optimal figure. This means that only a fifth of worn-out rubber is disposed of and recycled, the rest is sent to a landfill. You must understand that 1,000 kilograms of burned tires means 450 kg of various toxic gases, as well as 250-270 kilograms of soot. But if the same amount of rubber is properly disposed of, then about 700 kilograms of full rubber can be obtained from the waste, which can be used to make fuel and rubber products. Here it hardly makes sense to talk about the industrial scale of the enterprise, but it is very possible to set up a small tire processing plant.

The complex itself is relatively small, but its size directly depends on production volumes. So, to process 5 tons per day, you need a room of 18 square meters and 10 meters in height. There should be a warehouse on the site where you will store tires, plastic, etc. There must be an area for preliminary preparation of raw materials (cleaning, cutting rubber). You can’t do without a storage room for finished products. In this case, it all depends on what exactly you are getting. It could be fuel and so on. For example, for fuel oil you will need to purchase several large-capacity tanks. They don’t have to be new; it’s even better to buy used ones, it’s much cheaper. Please note that recycling rubber tires is difficult and dangerous. Therefore, technology must be carefully followed. Let's talk more about this.

Technological process

In essence, there is nothing complicated here, but it is necessary to control the process at all stages of production. At the very beginning you have to start collecting tires. Next, you must take them to your company’s warehouse for further processing. In order not to damage the scissors, which, by the way, are not cheap, it is necessary to inspect all raw materials for the presence of metal objects, such as disks or rings. As for the cutting tool, ideally it should be hydraulic scissors, but this is not at all necessary, we will talk about this a little later. Next, the crushed rubber is sent to the reactor - a special installation for processing tires, which operates at a given temperature, most often 450 degrees Celsius. Decomposition leads to the fact that we obtain several semi-finished products, for example gas, steel cord, and fuel fraction.

The same gas is used to support combustion in the furnace as a by-product fuel. Its waste is released into the environment. This cannot be called a good solution, but the emissions resemble exhaust gases from a truck. As for the remaining mass, it passes through a magnetic separator; in simple words, it is sifted through a sieve. Metal elements are screened out and sent to the warehouse. Fuel oil is transported by conveyor to tanks, in which the fuel will be stored until dispatch. It should be noted that the tire processing plant, which produces pyrolysis fuel, is quite expensive - approximately 2 million rubles. Its productivity is about 5 thousand tons of raw materials per day, which is quite a lot.

Making crumb rubber

Here is another rather interesting idea that has not received proper distribution to date. The essence of such a business is that you will sell crushed and processed rubber, which can be used for various purposes. In order for you to roughly understand what we are talking about, it is necessary to provide general indicators in numbers. Thus, a ton of crumb rubber on the Russian market will cost no more than 20,000 rubles. As for the main consumers, these are construction companies, manufacturers of rubber products, roofing materials, coatings for construction and sports tools, etc. In principle, it is quite easy to find a sales point.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that approximately 700-800 thousand tons of worn tires are thrown away every year on the territory of the Russian Federation. Approximately 20-25% is disposed of properly, the rest either just lies in landfills or is burned. So, processing tires into crumbs can bring in 5-8 billion, but this is already on an industrial scale. If you will be engaged in this kind of recycling at your plant, then you will need a mechanical crusher. will have to be changed very often, which leads to high costs. Another disadvantage of this idea is that a lot of electricity is consumed, approximately 500 kilowatts per ton of finished product. Nevertheless, recycling tires in this way will be profitable. But only if you receive appropriate support from the state.

Tire recycling equipment

Separately, we need to talk about what our production line will consist of. In principle, there is not much equipment, and it is not complicated at all. However, the price is steep. The main unit is a tire processing unit (reactor), 10 meters high, 3.5 meters wide, 5 m long. This unit must be installed only in an open area, that is, in the open air. You, as a future entrepreneur, must understand that you will have to pay quite a lot of money for electricity. The reactor itself consumes about 6 kW per hour. In addition, there are also scissors - 7-8 kW/h. In principle, this is practically all the equipment that is needed to start production. What else is needed is several crucibles for unloading the resulting material.

As noted above, the reactor has a capacity of about 5 tons per day. But of this mass, approximately 40% will be liquid fuel. The fact is that as a result of decomposition you will get gas (about a ton) and about 0.5 tons of steel cord. We must not forget about the solid residue (carbon-containing materials), this is approximately 30% of the total output. It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that the processing of old tires in the reactor is carried out in a continuous mode. All you have to do is add tires. Combustion is supported by gas produced inside the firebox. The reactor must be maintained by two specially trained specialists. In principle, training courses can be completed fairly quickly. Now let's move on and look at a few more important points.

How much money do you need to start?

This is one of the main aspects that interests absolutely all beginners. There is no need to spend a lot of money here. If you are going to purchase used equipment (reactor, scissors), you can save up to 20% of the total amount. Whether to take such a step or not is up to you to decide. There is no guarantee that a used reactor will not fail after the first melting. In this case, no one will compensate you for the damage. One million rubles should be enough for you to do everything. This includes the cost of a reactor with a capacity of 5 tons/day, as well as scissors. In addition, you will need to purchase several tanks (60 tons). If these are used containers, then you will have to pay about 25,000 rubles per unit. Decide for yourself how many pieces you need, but you don’t need to limit yourself to one or two tanks. The fact is that processing tires into fuel is a seasonal business.

During a period of decline in fuel prices, it is better not to sell it, but only to accumulate it. When the period of increase comes, and this will definitely happen, you can get a good income by selling all the fuel oil at once. This tactic works and is considered quite effective. But this does not mean that you should completely freeze sales; it is enough to reduce them by 50-75%. You still need to pay your employees. Four specialists will cost approximately 60,000 rubles per month, and tools and workwear will cost another 50 thousand. There are also regular monthly costs: electricity, taxes, rent, etc.

About enterprise income

As you may have noticed, the technology for recycling tires is quite simple. There are no fuel additives, complex chemical reactions or other issues. Moreover, as noted above, the raw materials are completely free. Sometimes you can even earn some money by collecting tires, which will cover your monthly electricity costs. If you live in the outback, then you are unlikely to be paid for recycling, but in big cities the situation is completely different. There are many industrial enterprises that pay good money for recycling rubber. This is due to the fact that many city landfills refuse to accept such waste. For recycling a ton of tires you can get a different amount, from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

It is safe to say that even recycling tires at home will bring good income. Thus, for a ton of low-quality carbon, consumers are willing to pay 3 thousand rubles. Scrap metal is accepted at the rate of 4 thousand rubles per ton, and fuel oil - 3-4 thousand rubles per ton, depending on the period. By simple calculations, you can come to the conclusion that in a month you will earn approximately 350,000-400,000 rubles. Approximately 50% must be paid for electricity, paid to workers, etc. With such intensity, the tire recycling line will pay for itself within six months, which is quite fast. As you can see, the idea is very interesting and promising, but not everything is so simple. In such a business, as, in fact, in any other, there are a lot of pitfalls. Let's see how not to make mistakes.

Problems when starting a business

It happens that you simply cannot find a free plot of land. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to maintain a safe distance to residential buildings, which is 300 meters. The further the plant is from the city, the higher the cost of delivering raw materials, do not forget about this. Remember also that not everyone wants tires to be recycled outside their windows. Feedback from ordinary residents will be negative, even if the reactor is located 400 meters from residential areas. For this simple reason, look for a location on a production site. Chances are you'll find one, as quite a few of the sites are empty. All you need to do is negotiate directly with the company; as a rule, this is not so difficult to do. At least, it’s much easier than concluding an agreement with firefighters and the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Do not forget that you need a license. It is not difficult to obtain a permit, since tires are classified as non-hazardous materials (group 4). But the catch is that your production officially pollutes the atmosphere. Most likely, you will be asked (forcibly) to buy a treatment plant. Its price is usually several times higher than the entire plant. But there are several ways that will help you postpone the purchase for a certain time. Experts say that it is not advisable to open a plant for processing any one material. Whether this is true or not, decide for yourself. In any case, you can always expand your workshop and melt glass, plastic or metal there. According to statistics, 75% of entrepreneurs encounter environmentalists who are wary of this type of production.

A few important details

As noted a little above, you will encounter a “contingency” clause in your business plan. This is due to the fact that it will be necessary to resolve issues with environmentalists and firefighters. For example, to store fuel oil in new tanks, only a protective shield is needed, but used tanks require additional protection. There are special lines for fuel and gas, fire safety instructions for personnel, and much more. In any case, you need to have a reserve in your budget of several hundred thousand rubles. This will save you a lot of trouble. The expense items are quite large, but we have already covered them, and you probably know what you will be dealing with.

Don't forget that you, as a manager, must not only monitor how your employees work, but also perform a number of other equally important tasks. Among these: constant development and growth of the boundaries of the enterprise, accounting and tax accounting, as well as adjustment of goals and plans for the near future. This article did not mention one important point - advertising your product. There are several options here. One of them is to create your own thematic website where you can offer fuel oil, etc. No one has canceled the advertisements on poles, stops and stands. Until now, this is a good and effective method to loudly declare oneself. In addition, for a nominal fee you can rent a billboard and place your advertisement there. By the way, you need to do this wisely. It is important not to overload with unnecessary information, but also to attract the attention of a potential audience.


So we talked to you about what tire recycling is and how to open such a business. As you can see, everything is quite simple, but there are a lot of important points. Sometimes it happens that it is difficult to find a supplier, or the latter refuses to just give away old tires and demands money for them. In principle, you can find another, more acceptable enterprise, where they will be happy to get rid of excess garbage, and they will even give you money for the trip. Sometimes it makes sense to enter into a full-fledged long-term supply agreement. This way you can eliminate downtime in your business and increase your income. But all these points must be discussed directly with the supplier. Remember that it is much more difficult to find a point of sale for tires than to find a businessman who is ready to buy this garbage. This is due to the fact that in some cities there are no tire recycling reactors at all.

If you get good fuel oil, then aim for city or private boiler houses. There you will be happy to purchase fuel, which is vital for heating water. If you are going to get crumb rubber, then you will need a machine that costs about 500,000 rubles. Electricity consumption per 1 ton of product is 90 kW. The disadvantage of this approach is that a group of knives (40 pieces) wears out after processing hundreds of tires, so they often need to be replaced. In principle, you only need to pay 30 rubles for one knife, which is relatively little. Thus, a unit with a productivity of 20 tires per hour pays for itself in about six months. The results are the same as in the production of fuel oil. But in the first case, there are fewer problems with environmentalists and firefighters, since we are not dealing with either waste into the atmosphere or liquid fuel. Well, that’s basically all on this topic. The most difficult thing is to start, and then it will be much easier.

Of the total amount of used tires, only 20% is recycled, despite the fact that a ton of tires contains approximately 70% of rubber suitable for recycling into fuel, products or building materials. When this amount of tires is burned, 460 kg of harmful gases and 280 kg of soot are released into the atmosphere! Equipment for tire processing pays for itself in 6 to 12 months; there are never any problems with raw materials and sales of finished products.

Types of tire processing

There are two recycling technologies, during which car tires are made:

  • powder, granules, crumb rubber, chips;
  • liquid fuel.

To produce the first four types of raw materials, the same type of machines and equipment are used. The process involves grinding and separating raw materials. The entire cycle takes place without the use of chemical reagents and the release of harmful products into the atmosphere.

When processing into liquid fuel, pyrolysis is used - thermal decomposition of rubber with the release of gas. Some of the gas is released into nature, so such equipment must be equipped with cleaning stations.

Crumb production line

The tire recycling line operates in semi-automatic mode. This prefabricated equipment occupies approximately 200 square meters. meters. The productivity of a small workshop per hour is 200 - 1000 kg of finished crumbs, up to 200 kg of metal per shift, up to 1000 kg of textile wool per shift. To service the machines, 3–4 unskilled workers are needed. The line recycles used tires, releasing metal and textile inclusions.

Not all tire recycling equipment contains stud and cotton textile separators. This should be taken into account when selecting machines.

In addition to the area for equipment, it is necessary to prepare a warehouse for raw materials and finished products. The basis of the line are roller-type shredders. Most mini-plants are designed to process tires up to 120 cm in diameter; modernization to 170 cm is possible. Not only tires can be processed, but also any rubber waste (gas masks, conveyor belts). The output is:

  • crumb rubber;
  • crushed steel;
  • textile wool.

Rubber yield ranges from 60 to 80% of the total tire weight. The properties of crumb rubber may vary depending on the quality of the scrap.


  • pure rubber content 99.9%;
  • metal content up to 0.1%;
  • textile content up to 0.2%;
  • division into factions;
  • black color;
  • does not oxidize under the influence of temperature.

The machines produce crumb rubber with particle sizes from 0.8 to 3 mm. The amount of crumbs of various fractions depends on the degree of wear and hardness of the original product. Using a vibrating separator, you can clearly separate the crumbs into fractions.

Diameters can be adjusted by adjusting crushers and replacing screens. The smaller the particles, the longer it takes to produce them. To produce rubber dust, an additional wiper is installed, which produces particles less than 0.1 mm.

Processing technology

  1. A seat ring is cut out of the tire, the metal is squeezed out, and rubber remains.
  2. The tire is spirally divided into strips 3–5 cm wide.
  3. A second metal ring stands out.
  4. The tape is cut into thin and short pieces.
  5. The workpieces are crushed on rollers into crumbs and dust.
  6. Rubber, metal, and cotton wool are released on the separators.
  7. Finished products are sent to the warehouse.

Tire shredding equipment

The production process is divided into two stages, taking place in different areas:

  • preliminary;
  • abrasion.

The preliminary stage takes place on machines:

  • landing ring selector;
  • tire separator into lanes;
  • lane separator;
  • ring squeezer.

Equipment for the main stage:

  • chief eraser;
  • coarse vibrating sieve;
  • magnetic filter;
  • air separator;
  • belt conveyors;
  • thin vibrating sieve.

The grinding machine is the main equipment in the workshop for recycling car tires. A hard concrete or asphalt floor covering is required to place the machines.

Selling crumbs

The final product of tire processing is used:

  • in the production of various types of fuel: pyrolysis gas, fuel oil, gasoline;
  • in the construction of highways: the production of special slabs for areas of special danger, brake modules, fences for car parks, soundproofing panels, crossings over railway and tram rails, bitumen-based mastics, sports and play surfaces;
  • in the manufacture of shoe blanks, floor coverings;
  • in the production of rubber products, roofing coverings;
  • for preparations for the adsorption of oil and its derivatives from water and land.

Fuel production line

The second type of device processes tires into liquid fuel. The machine occupies about 18 square meters. meters at a height of 10 m. Tires are cleaned of metal rings and disks, crushed and transported to the reactor receiving tank.

The reactor maintains a temperature of about 460 degrees, at which the rubber decomposes into liquid fuel, gas, carbonaceous matter and metal wire. Part of the gas is used to operate the reactor itself; the excess is released into the atmosphere. Their quantity is small and therefore does not harm the environment.

Liquid fuel is poured into containers and sent to a warehouse for further sale. The carbon-containing substance is cooled, quenched, and metal is released from it. All processed products are ready for sale.

Such equipment processes up to 5000 kg of tires per day, producing:

  • liquid fuel - about 2000 kg;
  • metal - 500 kg;
  • carbon-containing substance (solid residue) - about 1500 kg;
  • gas - 1000 kg.

The equipment is installed outdoors, on a concrete or asphalt area. The continuously operating workshop is serviced by 2 workers per shift. On average, the machine consumes 14 kW per hour. Gas obtained from tire recycling is used as fuel.

The first video talks about the process of recycling car tires, the second demonstrates the processing of tires into crumbs, the third shows a homemade pyrolysis plant for producing fuel from tires:
