How to lose weight if you are hormonally obese. Losing weight with hormonal imbalance

The female body produces about 70 hormones that ensure the normal functioning of all organs and tissues of the body. Under the influence of external factors and some other reasons, the level of hormones in the body may increase or decrease. As a result: hormonal imbalance.

And the result of the imbalance is often excess weight, in addition to the main clinical picture. Vez is difficult to correct and increases very quickly. That is why a woman wonders how to lose weight quickly during hormonal imbalance.

Start losing weight

Losing weight due to hormonal imbalance must begin with a visit to a specialist. The doctor will prescribe appropriate tests that will help determine the level of hormones in the body. In this way, the reason why the failure occurred is determined. After the diagnostic results, treatment is prescribed.

Determining the cause of obesity, depending on the zone

In some cases, already from the area of ​​localization of fat, a specialist can determine the causes of hormonal imbalance. And also suggest recommendations that will allow you to quickly lose kilos.

  • if there is fat on the chest and upper back, this causes excess prolactin. A hormone that prepares a woman’s body during pregnancy for breastfeeding. Therefore, the woman experiences swelling, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and increased appetite. The drug Dostinex helps normalize weight. Patients note positive results already in the first 2 months of use;
  • fat in the waist area - folds warn a woman about an imbalance in the level of thyroid hormones. A person feels constant fatigue and lethargy. Performance is significantly reduced. In addition, puffy cheeks are noted. The most common medications for fat deposits in the waist area: Thiamazole, Propicil;
  • fat in the thighs and buttocks - the cause is a lack of estrogen. The patient notes severe mood swings, the person is irritable, and forgetfulness is noted. There may be serious problems with the genital organs of the woman’s reproductive system, with the ovaries. In this case, the specialist prescribes Tocopherol, Proginov to correct the level of hormones in the body.

Localization of fat deposits does not 100% prove the diagnosis. Only a qualified specialist can diagnose the pathology of hormone levels in a woman’s body after passing tests.

Weight loss scheme

A diet for hormonal imbalance is distinguished by its balance in the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. As a rule, people need to follow a few simple rules during weight loss:

  • You should definitely reconsider your diet. The diet should be balanced and include proteins, carbohydrates and fats. At the same time, it is necessary to gradually eliminate or minimize sugar intake;
  • in the diet it is necessary to increase the amount of legumes, berries, mushrooms and fruits. These are the products that help;
  • it is necessary to take vitamin-mineral complexes and iodine-containing preparations;
  • fiber is a natural filter that helps burn excess fat.

The menu for hormonal imbalance must first be selected with the help of a nutritionist. After the endocrinologist makes a diagnosis, he will easily create first and second courses, which the woman can over time supplement with her favorite fruits and vegetables.

The doctor will explain how to lose weight during hormonal imbalance, but it is the woman who needs to act. If necessary, a specialist may prescribe additional hormone therapy. After a course of therapy, weight will begin to decrease.

Pregnant women should not worry about gaining excess weight. As a rule, after childbirth, extra pounds go away on their own. Everything is due to the fact that the body suffers terrible stress. After this, all systems work with renewed vigor, hormonal disruption passes and the body is completely restored. The main thing is to remain calm during this period, spend more time outdoors, monitor your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

It will not be possible to lose weight after a hormonal imbalance within a week. Therapy of the disease requires systematic control and a uniform pace of transition to a healthy lifestyle. Is it possible to get rid of the external manifestations of obesity: stretch marks, sagging skin with the help of hormonal agents?

A person who has lost weight with the help of medications must add physical activity to his life. Cell tone will come gradually. Everyone who lost weight with the help of nutritionists and endocrinologists noted an increase in the effect of the drugs after the start of physical activity.

In the diet of a woman who is losing weight, it is necessary to increase the amount of the following products:

  • turkey meat;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • seaweed;
  • cucumbers;
  • greenery.

And also reduce the consumption of the following products:

  • fatty sweets;
  • pork, beef and veal;
  • mayonnaise, fatty dressings, marinades;
  • baked goods and ice cream;
  • alcohol.

Types of hormonal imbalance in the body

Often women turn to a specialist if the level of sex hormones in the body fluctuates. Sex hormones – estrogen and progesterone.

Lack of estrogen forces a woman’s body to store calories, which are subsequently formed into fat. As for progesterone, its deficiency causes fluid retention in organs and tissues. In women, swelling is observed, as a result of excess weight gain.

Types of hormonal imbalance:

  • stage of puberty, childbirth, pregnancy, lactation, menopause;
  • hormonal imbalance appears due to stress, addictions, mental and physical overload;

  • when using hormonal drugs without a doctor’s prescription;
  • abortions;
  • heredity.

Do not forget that the health of the female body directly depends on the proper functioning of the pancreas and thyroid glands, as well as the adrenal glands.

Hormones secreted by the thyroid gland contribute to normal metabolism. In sick people, hormone production decreases and the body cannot process food into energy. This is why a woman becomes overweight. If a woman tries to limit herself in nutrition, weight will increase. In addition, lethargy, drowsiness and apathy will be noted.

The pancreas produces insulin. If its metabolism is disrupted, the risk of obesity increases several times.

The causes of hormonal imbalance can only be determined by a specialist after passing the appropriate tests. After diagnosis, the correct treatment will be prescribed.

Weight loss depending on the type of hormonal imbalance

As a rule, hormonal drugs alone will not be enough for weight loss. Therefore, the specialist recommends that the patient adhere to a proper balanced diet, and may additionally prescribe antipsychotics, iodine-containing, potassium-containing drugs, and other medications. Don't neglect physical activity.

In order to quickly achieve the desired result and cope with extra pounds, a woman, in addition to pharmacological agents, should pay attention to physical activity. To begin with, all physical activity should be moderate. Start with walking, or sign up for a swimming or yoga class. Gradually switch to stronger sports activity.

It is necessary to consult a doctor - excessive physical activity or lack thereof provokes the development of hormonal imbalance.

It should be remembered that rest should be complete. The process of losing weight will go faster in women who have slept and rested normally. Steam procedures (bath, sauna) are excellent for removing excess fluid from the body.

Restrictions for hormonal imbalances

Many women, trying to become slim and attractive, pay attention to advertising. And no one takes into account in this case the fact that treatment is prescribed by a specialist depending on the hormonal imbalance, the imbalance that has occurred in the body.

Extra pounds are most likely a consequence of pathological processes, and without eliminating the cause, it will not be possible to return to an ideal figure.


To avoid serious problems with extra pounds, a woman must adhere to a few simple rules:

  • carefully monitor the menstrual cycle - any failure or delay indicates an imbalance of hormones in the body;
  • if the nature of critical days changes, again it is necessary to contact a gynecologist, explain the situation, and understand the cause;
  • monitor proper nutrition;

  • visit specialists twice a year for prevention;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • You must try to give up smoking and alcoholic beverages.

A woman's body is susceptible to hormonal imbalances. And the reason for this is not only external factors, various diseases, but also stress, poor nutrition, and lack of physical activity.

If you do not consult a specialist in a timely manner, infertility, diabetes and other serious diseases develop. You should not delay contacting a specialist if you suspect a hormonal imbalance.

A woman’s attention to her health is the key to excellent well-being, health and beautiful appearance.

Women can experience hormonal imbalances at any age. Hormones play an important role in a woman’s life; their appearance and psycho-emotional state depend on their quantity. One of the common consequences of hormonal imbalance is weight gain.

We will tell you how to lose weight in conditions of hormonal imbalance in this article.

Signs of hormonal imbalance and causes of weight problems

Hormones are biologically active substances that regulate the functioning of the entire body. There are more than 65 species, and all of them are actively involved in metabolic processes, the functioning of the reproductive and nervous systems. Under normal conditions, all hormones interact with each other and are in some balance, and deviation from the norm leads to hormonal imbalance.

The main signs of hormonal imbalance in women are:

  • menstrual irregularities (absence, delay, irregularity of menstruation, different duration and intensity of discharge);
  • excess hair growth on the face (mustache), back, stomach;
  • nervous state, mood swings;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decreased libido;
  • deterioration of the skin, nails and hair;
  • frequent headache;
  • inability to get pregnant;
  • sudden changes in weight, often in the direction of increasing body weight.

The cause of weight gain may be disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland associated with a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones. When this hormone decreases, metabolic processes slow down, as a result of which weight increases and is extremely difficult to lose.

Another reason for weight gain is an increase in the level of glucocorticoids, adrenal hormones, which leads to a jump in blood sugar and disruption of metabolic processes. An imbalance of sex hormones (decrease in estradiol, testosterone) can also provoke weight gain.

Types of hormonal imbalances in women


This is the absence of a menstrual cycle for more than six months. There is primary amenorrhea, in which menstruation has never occurred in life. Until the age of 14, absence of menstruation is considered normal. This type of disorder is characteristic of a lack of female sex hormones. Secondary amenorrhea can occur with irregular menstruation due to stress, sudden weight loss or gain, after surgery or previous infectious diseases.

PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

Premenstrual syndrome occurs as a result of changes in the ratio of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Also during this period, there is an increase in the production of the hormone and prostaglandins prolactin with an increase in sex hormones in the woman’s body. All these changes cause neuro-emotional breakdowns, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and digestive disorders.

Menopausal syndrome

Occurs in women after 45 years of age with the onset of menopause. During this period, there is a decrease in sex hormones, a gradual decrease in menstrual flow until complete cessation. Physiological changes lead to disruption of metabolic processes, disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Any type of hormonal imbalance in a woman is characterized by mood swings, frequent headaches, aggressiveness and nervousness, tearfulness, surges in blood pressure and rapid heartbeat. Hormonal imbalance is often accompanied by weight gain.

Methods for losing weight during hormonal imbalance

To lose extra pounds, you need a comprehensive approach. The attending physician should prescribe medications that will help normalize hormone levels. It is dangerous to select such medications on your own. In addition to medication, there are others:

  • diets;
  • physical exercise;
  • Herbal medicine. The use of herbal preparations (linden, milk thistle, flax, etc.), which contain a large proportion of phytoestrogens.

Proper nutrition

In order for the body to recover from hormonal imbalance, it is necessary to switch to proper nutrition. This is very important for losing weight. You should remember a few basic rules of proper nutrition:

  1. meals should be fractional: food should be taken every 2-3 hours in small portions (serving size is about the size of your palm);
  2. it is necessary to control the calorie content of foods and prevent the feeling of hunger;
  3. drink about 2 liters of water per day. The optimal fluid volume can be calculated using the formula 30 ml per kg body weight;
  4. the last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime;
  5. exclude salty, smoked, spicy, and sweets from the diet;
  6. include vegetables and fruits, berries and mushrooms, legumes, dairy and fermented milk products in the diet;
  7. consume vitamins, minerals and iodine containing foods and medications.

These rules should be followed not only during hormonal imbalance, but also in the future, so that the weight always remains normal.

Hormonal (metabolic) diet

The menu should include foods that contain phytoestrogens (soy products), tryptophan (meat, fish, poultry), proserotonin (tomatoes, eggplants, dairy products). These foods must be taken in a certain sequence, starting with foods from the “0 points” group and gradually adding foods from other groups to the diet. Meals should be fractional, 5 times a day. Portion - no more than 200-300 g. All products are grouped into 5 groups according to calorie content (0 points - low, 4 points - high).

  • Eggs, fish, seafood, dairy products less than 2% fat, lean meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit), green peas, vegetables, mushrooms and herbs (0 points).
  • Freshly squeezed vegetable juices, berries, beans (1 point).
  • Vegetable oil, bran bread, boiled carrots and beets, fruits, brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, goat cheese, meat (chicken, lamb, beef), dairy products up to 4% fat, nuts (2 points).
  • Yogurt, hard cheeses, millet, corn grits, fruit juices, yoghurts and muesli (3 points).
  • Pork, alcohol, potatoes, flour products, sugar, fatty meat, canned food (4 points).

The metabolic diet consists of three phases:

  1. Fat deposits are actively burned. This occurs due to a sharp reduction in calories consumed and acceleration of metabolism and the production of fat-burning hormones (adrenaline, testosterone, insulin). The phase lasts 2 weeks, and rapid weight loss should occur. At this stage, it is allowed to eat foods from the “0 points” group. The transition to the second stage occurs after 10-14 days. If your health worsens, immediately proceed to the second phase.
  2. Sustainable fat reduction. During this period, the same processes occur in the body as at the previous stage. To improve your well-being, it is necessary to introduce additional foods rich in essential vitamins into your diet. At this stage, you are allowed to eat foods from different groups for breakfast for a total of 4 points. For example: two products from the “2 points” group or one product from the “4 points” group + a product from the “0 points” group, etc.

For second breakfast and lunch, you can eat any food worth 2 points. And the afternoon snack should consist of products of the first and second groups worth 1 point: freshly squeezed juice, porridge, berries (optional). Dinner should consist of products from the first phase with a zero index. The volume of food at one time should not exceed 250 g. The duration of the phase depends on how quickly the weight returns to normal.

  1. Weight maintenance. You can eat any food for breakfast, but in limited quantities. Serving volume - no more than 250g. The second breakfast and afternoon snack should contain products from the second phase of the diet, and dinner should still be light, its menu should consist of products from the first phase.

You should gradually add a product from the “1 point” group to each meal. If your weight remains normal, then you can safely continue adding foods to your diet.

Seleno-zinc diet

The diet is not as strict as the metabolic diet. The essence of this diet is to include in the diet foods containing selenium (eggs, rice, beans, liver, porcini mushrooms, coconut) and zinc (beef, pumpkin seeds, oats, wheat germ, oysters, nuts). These elements have a beneficial effect on the production of sex hormones, due to the reduced content of which hormonal imbalance occurs.

Sugar, honey, starch, flour products, canned food and sausages should be excluded from the menu.

Physical exercise

Exercise is essential to losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight. You should study at least 3-4 hours a week. Light jogging, gymnastics, yoga or swimming are suitable exercises.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

The complex consists of 5 exercises.

  • In a standing position, raise your arms to shoulder level and spread them to the sides. Start circling in a direction from left to right, one way only! Start with three turns, each time increasing the number of turns to 20. Slight dizziness is allowed.
  • While lying down, press your chin to your chest. As you inhale, simultaneously raise your head and straight legs to an angle of 90 degrees. As you exhale, lower your head and legs. Repeat 20 times.
  • Performed from a kneeling position, toes resting on the floor. Keep your hands under your buttocks, press your chin to your chest. As you exhale, stretch your head and chin up and tilt them back slightly, your chest straightens and moves forward. There is a slight deflection in the spine. As you exhale, return to the starting position, pressing your chin to your chest.
  • Take a position with emphasis on your palms and toes. As you exhale, bend your back, stretching your head back and up. As you inhale, raise your pelvis up, lower your head, do not bend your legs at the knees, your arms are an extension of your torso (downward-facing dog position).
  • While sitting on the floor, stretch your legs and slightly spread them. The back is straight, the chin is pressed to the chest, the arms are along the body, resting on the floor near the buttocks. As you inhale, tilt your head back, raise your torso, pelvis, and hips to a horizontal position. Support on hands and shins. Tighten your entire body and hold this position for a few seconds. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Therapeutic exercises for hormonal imbalance

  1. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Hands on the belt. As you inhale, slowly draw in and tense your buttocks. As you exhale, take the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Starting position: standing, hands on your belt. Tighten your leg muscles and make circular movements with your pelvis in different directions 10-15 times.
  3. Starting position: lying down, arms extended along the body, legs straight. Bend your knees, helping with your hands to lift them to your chest. Raise your head and shoulder blades, touch your forehead to your knees and sway. Repeat 6-8 times.
  4. Starting position: lying down, perform a “birch tree” stand (on your shoulder blades), holding your lower back with your hands. Then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 2-3 times.

Remember that exercise should be fun. Take your time and don't expect instant results. Hormonal imbalance involves a long-term, uniform restoration of the balance of hormones in the body, systematicity and strict control in nutrition and physical activity.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


The cause of excess weight is often not only poor nutrition. In the female body, about 70% of hormones are responsible for the normal functioning of all organ systems and tissues. If the level of some of them increases or decreases, hormonal imbalance occurs. The result of imbalance is excess weight, which increases rapidly. In addition, it is difficult to correct even with proper nutrition and regular exercise. In this case, a special comprehensive approach is required to lose weight.

What is hormonal imbalance

In medicine, this is hormonal dysfunction, which is associated with disruption of the neuroregulatory and endocrine systems. Previously, this concept was understood only as a pathology in women, the clinical manifestation of which was a disruption of the menstrual cycle. Then it began to be used for men. The endocrine and neuroregulatory systems have a decisive influence on the functioning of the adrenal glands, the thyroid and pancreas, and the ovaries. The psychological state, appearance and body weight also depend on hormonal levels.


Most hormonal imbalances are associated with the reproductive system, which operates under the influence of sex hormones. Their decrease or increase is responsible not only for the ability to bear children. These hormones also affect the condition of the body as a whole. A woman's hormonal background is controlled by the cerebral cortex. One of the subcortical structures is responsible for the functioning of the entire endocrine system. It's called the hypothalamus. This structure gives commands to the endocrine gland - the pituitary gland, which secretes three main hormones:

  • follicle-stimulating (stimulates the production of estrogen and egg maturation);
  • luteinizing, under the influence of which ovulation occurs, i.e. release of the egg from the ovary, and progesterone begins to be produced;
  • prolactin, which stimulates the secretion of breast milk.

The ovaries produce progesterone and estrogen. The indicated stages of the system are interconnected. If the amount of one hormone decreases, the secretion of another increases. For this reason, disorders are a very complex pathology that requires identifying the cause and prescribing the correct treatment. At the diagnostic stage, the doctor can identify the following types of failures:

  1. Amenorrhea. This is the name given to the absence of menstruation in women of reproductive age (from 16 to 45 years). It can be primary, when you have never had a period in your life, and secondary, which is associated with a lack of sex hormones. The latter type is more often observed in cases of infertility due to lack of ovulation or impaired puberty.
  2. Pregnancy and childbirth. Failure during this period is observed in all women. The imbalance persists from the moment of conception until childbirth. After the birth of a child, hormonal levels should be restored, but this does not happen for everyone.
  3. Oligomenorrhea. This is a menstrual dysfunction in which the duration of bleeding is less than 3 days. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is ovarian dysfunction against the background of improper functioning of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.
  4. Premenstrual syndrome. Occurs 2-10 days before the start of menstruation. The reason is an increase in estrogen secretion. This leads to tearfulness, irritability, apathy, sudden mood swings, swelling, headaches, and aggressiveness.
  5. Climax. Represents a decrease in the amount of sex hormones in women over 45 years of age. This causes menopausal syndrome: throbbing headaches, sudden mood swings, palpitations, unstable blood pressure.
  6. Hyperandrogenism syndrome. Causes hypersecretion of male sex hormones in the female body. Manifested by hirsutism, seborrhea of ​​the scalp, acne, increased muscle growth, hair loss, and lack of menstruation. The cause is ovarian tecomatosis, virilizing tumors, idiopathic hirsutism, polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperinsulinemia.

Weight gain due to hormonal imbalance

The human body has a specific attitude towards dietary restrictions. If a woman previously ate, consuming a large amount of food, then her body remembers this. The body perceives a decrease in food intake as stress, so it begins to stock up. Even if a person begins to eat less, the weight still remains. The reason is that hormones, which are a kind of protector of the body, have already slowed down the metabolism and began to send fats to reserves. This happens not only with poor nutrition, but also with diseases associated with hormonal imbalance.


There are common reasons for weight gain due to hormonal imbalance. They generally increase the risk of developing obesity. These factors include:

  • systematic drinking and smoking;
  • prolonged exposure to stress;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • diabetes;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • lack of physical activity or excessive training;
  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of sleep;
  • avitaminosis;
  • uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs;
  • past viral or infectious diseases, for example, influenza, ARVI, syphilis, etc.

You can more accurately determine the cause of excess weight by its location. Depending on the excess or deficiency of a particular hormone, fat accumulates in a specific area of ​​the body:

  1. On the chest and upper back. The reason is excess prolactin. It prepares the female body for lactation after pregnancy. This leads to increased appetite, menstrual irregularities, and swelling.
  2. In the waist area. The reason is an imbalance of thyroid hormones. Signs include constant fatigue and lethargy, decreased performance. A striking symptom is puffy cheeks.
  3. In the area of ​​the buttocks and thighs. The reason is a lack of estrogen. The woman becomes irritable, notes mood swings, and forgetfulness. A complication is serious problems with the reproductive system.

What hormones make women fat?

Weight gain or loss depends on the activity of different hormones. Each of them affects the body in its own way, affecting metabolism, appetite, the emergence of a sudden desire to eat or the formation of fat mass. Problems with excess weight arise due to the hormones presented in the table:

Hormone name

Function in the body

Result of imbalance

Responsible for a person’s feeling that he is already full.

If its level is reduced, the brain sends a signal to the person that he urgently needs to eat something. In obese people, sensitivity to leptin decreases, so their levels are 10 times higher than normal.


Female sex hormone. Responsible for the condition of hair, skin, nails, libido and balance of character.

If there is a deficiency, excess weight gain occurs. A sign is an increased craving for sweets and baked goods.


When it is released, appetite decreases, metabolism accelerates, and fat begins to break down.

Due to heavy weight, the ability to secrete adrenaline decreases.

Regulates blood sugar (glucose) levels.

Under the influence of insulin, excess sugar is converted into fat deposits.

Thyroid (thyroxine, triiodothyronine, monoiodothyronine, diiodothyronine)

Essential for normal growth and development, they help the body produce heat.

With their deficiency, thyroid dysfunction develops, which leads to weight gain.


This is a male hormone, but it is also present in small quantities in the body of women. Testosterone is responsible for using fat cells as fuel to build muscle mass.

During menopause, its amount decreases by 2 times, so weight is gained faster.


Affects the development of the fetus during pregnancy, ensures the absence of birth defects, and stops menstruation after conception.

If there is an excess, it puts the body into a state similar to pregnancy. There is an increase in fat reserves, and the resistance to taking sugars decreases.

Sends a hunger signal to the brain.

The secretion of this hormone is enhanced by fructose, so when eating sweets, appetite increases.


Hormones of happiness. Produced by the pituitary gland, they increase the feeling of satisfaction and self-confidence, and provide restful, deep sleep.

With a lack of endorphins, a person tries to get them from sweets, which provoke an increase in appetite and overeating.


Stress hormone. Produced by the adrenal glands, it is close to adrenaline. It is part of the body's defense mechanism.

Cortisol can reduce metabolism and increase appetite in stressful situations to protect the body.

Is it possible to lose weight with hormonal imbalance?

Regardless of the reason for gaining excess weight, in order to lose weight, it is necessary to eliminate risk factors for the development of obesity. Their list includes the following:

  • inadequate sleep;
  • bad habits;
  • stress;
  • an abundance of fast carbohydrates, sweets, smoked foods, sausages, food with preservatives;
  • infections (flu, ARVI);
  • taking hormonal medications, including contraceptives.

Women are prone to gaining extra pounds during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. At this time, you need to especially closely monitor your weight, completely eliminating the listed risk factors from your life. Conditions for effective weight loss:

  • contacting an endocrinologist to determine hormone levels, determine the cause of excess weight and make a diagnosis;
  • review of nutrition towards a well-formulated, balanced diet with optimal proportions of nutrients;
  • the use of vitamin and mineral complexes with copper, potassium, selenium, zinc, lipoic acid;
  • switching to a diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, berries, legumes, fiber;
  • replace sweets with dried fruits, eat only whole grain bread;
  • menu selection with the help of a nutritionist;
  • taking hormonal medications only as prescribed by a doctor.

How to lose weight after hormonal imbalance

Determining the medication needed for each woman and its dosage is a matter exclusively for a specialist. For different types of failures, drug therapy will differ. The doctor prescribes antipsychotics, iodine, potassium, zinc, etc. If you take the wrong medicine, you can only worsen the situation. In addition to drug therapy, there are other methods:

  1. Diet. Involves fractional meals with the norm of nutrients.
  2. Regular physical activity. A certain sport is chosen taking into account the initial weight. If it is too large, then you need to start with gentle loads.
  3. Folk remedies. Some herbal recipes also help you lose weight. Herbs with a large amount of phytoestrogens are effective, such as linden, hops, oregano, wild cloves, milk thistle flowers, fresh propolis and phytosterols, including flax seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin, and grapes.

Diet for hormonal imbalance

The diet should not be too low in calories. This leads to even more weight gain. A balanced diet during hormonal imbalance in women helps to lose weight. This can be a metabolic or selenium-zinc diet. The last two are aimed at accelerating metabolism and replenishing the lack of certain microelements. Each hormonal diet for weight loss has a number of rules, a list of prohibited and recommended foods.


If it is difficult to follow a specific diet, then you can simply eat only permitted and conditionally prohibited foods. In addition to them, hormonal nutrition also has a list of foods that need to be completely excluded from the diet. Conditionally prohibited foods include those foods that are recommended to be sharply limited in order to lose weight. Their list includes:

  • potato;
  • condensed milk;
  • sweet packaged juices;
  • canned food in oil;
  • soft carbonated drinks;
  • sausage;
  • salo;
  • milk and fermented milk products with high fat content;
  • White bread;
  • mayonnaise.

These types of foods contribute to the storage of fat in reserve, especially when consumed in large quantities. They can be consumed in a reasonable amount 1-2 times every 2 weeks, but not more often. To make it more convenient to think through the menu, it is recommended to use the following summary table of permitted and prohibited products:


Carbohydrates, g

Calories, kcal


Vegetables and greens




Rice cereal

Low-fat dairy products


Sour cream 15%

Curdled milk




Vegetables and greens


Pasta and flour products



Ice cream


In case of insufficient production or absence of sex hormones, a selenium-zinc diet is recommended. It is especially effective at the age of 14-16 years, when menstruation has not yet occurred. This diet for hormonal imbalance in women is based on the consumption of foods containing selenium and zinc. They regulate the secretion of sex hormones. With a lack of zinc and selenium, women's sexual activity decreases and the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

There are no special instructions for the diet. The main condition is to eat food containing these microelements. Zinc is found in the following foods:

  • sprouted wheat grains;
  • beans;
  • squid, mussels, clams and other seafood;
  • oysters;
  • black currant;
  • seaweed;
  • blueberry;
  • Pine nuts;
  • peanuts, almonds;
  • oats and oat flakes;
  • lentils;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • beef;
  • animal liver.

Stable excess weight that cannot be lost over a long period of time indicates a selenium deficiency. You can compensate for the deficiency of this microelement by consuming the following products:

  • eggs;
  • coconuts;
  • pistachios;
  • basil;
  • animal liver;
  • corn;
  • lentils;
  • garlic;
  • beans;
  • salo.


First menu option

Second menu option

2 boiled eggs, green tea

Oatmeal with milk, tea

Handful of pistachios

Pumpkin seeds, juice

Beef or lamb steak with lentils

Chicken liver with gravy, rice or buckwheat

Pine nuts

A handful of blueberries or lingonberries

Boiled beans with meat

Salad with corn and crab sticks


In medicine, metabolism refers to the metabolism of substances in the body and their conversion into energy. The higher its speed, the faster a person can lose weight. The body produces fat-burning hormones, such as norepinephrine, testosterone, adrenaline, and fat-saving hormones, including estrogen, insulin. The essence of the metabolic diet is to increase the production of the former and inhibit the secretion of the latter. She divides all products into categories with a certain value from 0 to 4. You can lose weight using this method in 3 stages:

  1. The first, or active fat burning. Lasts 3 weeks. Involves consuming only zero-value foods with a low glycemic index.
  2. Second, or stable combustion. The menu for the day should not exceed 9 points: breakfast - 4, second breakfast - 2, lunch - 2, afternoon snack - 1, dinner - 0.
  3. Third, or consolidation. Gradually, one point is added to each meal. When your body weight is fixed at one level, you can eat according to the resulting scheme constantly.

The longest phase of the diet is the second. It can be observed for as long as desired. It will be difficult to calculate points at first, but judging by the feedback from women, in the future it will even be of interest. Sample menu options for this stage:


First menu option

Second menu option

Oatmeal with berries, kefir or milk

Milk, cheesecakes

Cheese cheese with vegetables

Vegetable salad with boiled chicken or turkey

Boiled fish, cucumber, herbs and tomato salad

Cottage cheese with a handful of berries

A portion of cottage cheese with honey

Vegetables, scrambled eggs

Vegetables with baked rabbit

Exercise stress

The way for a woman to lose weight with hormonal imbalance through diet is not so effective. The body will not take on attractive shapes. In addition, gymnastics not only strengthens the body, but also helps to burn fat more actively. Training should not be overly grueling, because this also provokes hormonal imbalances. Walking in the fresh air, swimming, yoga, brisk walking, and light jogging will help you lose weight. These types of loads do not put stress on the joints. Next, you should add strength training with weights to your cardio loads. After them, it is useful to visit a bathhouse or sauna.

Herbal medicine

Decoctions, tinctures, and infusions are prepared based on plants. Together with sports and diet, herbal medicine helps to lose weight and eliminate hormonal imbalance. The following herbs are useful for this problem:

  1. Liquorice root. Brew and drink as tea for no more than 6 weeks.
  2. Fireweed (Ivan-tea). Use 1 tbsp for brewing tea. per glass of boiling water. Drink as much as you like instead of regular tea.
  3. Fenugreek. Brew into tea or use as a seasoning. The optimal amount per mug is 1 tbsp. dry grass.
  4. Mint. Add to regular black tea or brew separately. You need to take 1 tbsp per glass. raw materials.
  5. Honey herb, or stevia. Exhibits an antiandrogenic effect. Add a little herb instead of sugar to regular tea.
  6. Sea buckthorn and rosehip. Mix in equal proportions, brew 1 tbsp with a glass of boiling water. herbal collection.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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How can a woman lose weight if she has a hormonal imbalance?

Normal hormonal levels depend on the balance of hormones in the body. The endocrine system consists of glands that produce various hormones, which plays a huge role in regulating the weight of each person. The functioning of the entire body depends on the activity of hormones, including the processes of losing and gaining weight, metabolic rate, appetite, the formation of fat mass, and even the emergence of a sudden desire to eat something tasty. But how can hormones affect a person’s weight? To answer this question, you need to know not only what this or that hormone is responsible for, but also how changes in its level affect weight.

Hormones and weight: leptin

Translated from Greek, “leptos” means slender. This hormone is mainly responsible for the feeling of satiety and our appetite; it sends information to the brain about whether there are enough fat reserves in the body. Therefore, if leptin levels decrease, the brain immediately sends a signal to the human body that fat reserves must be replenished. And that’s why we really want to have a quick snack.

The conclusion suggests itself - by increasing the level of this hormone, you can “convince” the body of satiety and solve the problem of obesity forever. However, overweight people also have tens of times higher levels of leptin than thin people. This may be due to the fact that the body of an overweight person loses sensitivity to leptin, due to which it begins to be produced by the body in increased quantities. As weight begins to decrease, leptin levels also decrease.

A decrease in leptin levels also occurs due to constant lack of sleep. Therefore, usually those whose nightly sleep is less than 7 hours are prone to obesity. In order for the level of this hormone in the body to be balanced, it is recommended to eat seafood and fish.

Hormones and weight: estrogen

This hormone is female as it is produced by the ovaries. It performs many functions related to the regulation of the menstrual cycle and the distribution of fat deposits.

Estrogen is the main reason that fat deposits in young women are usually located in the lower part of the figure, and in men and women after menopause - above the waist, in the abdominal area. It is believed that excess weight gain is associated precisely with a lack of this hormone in the body.

A decrease in estrogen levels in the body is natural and usually occurs about ten years before the onset of menopause. This often manifests itself in an increased love for sweets. Estrogen levels decrease and the body begins to obtain it from fat cells, which it has to store more and more of. At the same time, the female body also loses testosterone, which manifests itself in a sharp decrease in muscle mass. Due to the fact that it is the muscles that are responsible for burning fat, the smaller they become, the more fat is deposited. Therefore, after 40 years, it becomes much more difficult to get rid of excess weight.

In order for the body to produce these hormones in sufficient quantities, it needs a mineral such as boron, the amount of which is insufficient when supplied with food. This means that if there is a deficiency of estrogen and testosterone, additional intake of boron is indicated.

A dangerous decrease in these hormones also occurs during stress. You can maintain muscle mass with strength exercises.

Hormones and weight: cortisol

In another way, this hormone is also called the “stress hormone”; it is considered a close relative of adrenaline, since it is also produced by the adrenal glands.

Essentially, this corticosteroid hormone is part of the human body's defense mechanism, as it is produced involuntarily during times of stress.

The effect of cortisol on the body is not clear. Being an anti-stress mechanism, it launches some protective processes and suspends others. Therefore, many people in stressful situations increase their appetite, thus the body accumulates strength to withstand a difficult life situation. At the same time, thanks to cortisol, the speed of the metabolic process decreases, for the same purpose - to preserve the energy that will be required to combat stress.

A person cannot influence the production of this hormone, therefore, if there is a tendency to “eat up” stress, one should try to avoid its sources. In addition, any methods of relaxation (dancing, yoga, meditation, etc.) are useful.

Hormones and weight: adrenaline

This cortisol-related hormone also affects metabolism, just in a different way. This is due to the fact that cortisol is the body’s response to stress, and adrenaline is a response to strong emotional arousal. So, when jumping with a parachute for the first time, a person experiences mainly fear, which means that the body produces cortisol. An experienced skydiver experiences an adrenaline rush at the moment of a jump, associated with emotional excitement.

Adrenaline also acts differently; it speeds up metabolism, promoting the breakdown of fats. Adrenaline increases body temperature, which is associated with fat burning. In addition, usually when adrenaline is released, appetite decreases. But the more a person weighs, the lower his body’s ability to produce adrenaline.

Hormones and weight: insulin

Insulin is produced by the pancreas and is responsible for regulating glucose (sugar) levels in the blood. Under the influence of this hormone, excess sugar is converted into fat deposits. Disturbances in the body's production of insulin lead to diabetes. Simply put, this happens as a result of too intense activity of the pancreas, associated with excessive intake of starch and sugar into the human body. This means that you don’t need to overuse white foods, so as not to gain extra pounds and put a strain on the pancreas.

Minerals such as vanadium and chromium, as well as vitamin B3 (niacin), improve the functioning of the pancreas. Additional intake of these substances as part of vitamin-mineral complexes contributes to both the prevention and treatment of disorders associated with the functioning of the pancreas.

Hormones and weight: thyroid hormones

The short names of these hormones, similar in nature, produced by the thyroid gland are T1, T2, T3, T4.

If these hormones are not produced enough, the function of the thyroid gland decreases, which leads to a set of extra pounds. Increased production of these hormones (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland) also leads to disorders.

For balanced functioning of the thyroid gland, iodine is needed, which enters the body with food in the form of iodized salt, as well as as part of vitamin-mineral complexes and iodine-containing supplements. Iodine in combination with selenium is also useful.

Those who have low thyroid function should exclude peanuts and soy products from their diet. It is important to know that stress negatively affects the balance of thyroid hormones.

Hormones and weight: ghrelin

This hormone is produced by the stomach and sends hunger signals to the brain. The production of ghrelin provokes increased calorie consumption. The production of this hormone is stimulated by fructose, which is especially abundant in corn syrup, fruit juices and carbonated drinks. Thus, regular consumption of foods rich in fructose leads to an increase in hunger and, as a result, overeating.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that overweight people and those who are not helped by diets are recommended to have a blood test for hormone levels. And if a deficiency of any of the hormones is detected, it is often enough to change your diet and lifestyle, as well as start taking vitamin and mineral complexes as prescribed by your doctor.

Those who have experienced sudden weight gain are often interested in how to lose weight during hormonal imbalance, and is it even possible? Many people believe that if we are talking about hormones, then we need to give up on our figure. After all, endocrine changes can only be treated long-term, and diseases such as diabetes become a “reward” for life.

The task of doctors in this case is to prevent the disease from progressing quickly. Other changes in hormonal levels lead to surgical intervention, for example, partial excision of the thyroid gland, and this prospect is also not happy for women.

The connection between hormonal imbalance and obesity

Does excess weight always cause hormonal imbalance? To think so is a misconception, because diseases such as hyperthyroidism, otherwise called toxic goiter, on the contrary, lead a person to severe thinness. With this disease, the amount of thyroid hormone, thyroxine, in the body goes off scale.

Hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, estrogens, and estradiol also help with weight loss if they are produced in greater quantities than necessary for normal life.

But a lack of all of the listed hormones or even one of the named hormones can lead a person to obesity.

Hormonal obesity can occur from an excess of a number of hormones:

  • ghrelin;
  • insulin;
  • testosterone produced in a woman's body.

Ghrelin is a hormone responsible for the feeling of hunger. An excess of this secretion can force a person to eat much more food than is required to maintain strength. It is not a fact that this food will be completely digested and absorbed by the cells as it should. Poorly digested food can lead to the formation of toxins, which are deposited in fatty tissues. The volume of the latter will increase.

Excess insulin causes the body to store excess sugar and produce excess cholesterol. The result is excess weight and problems with the liver and blood vessels.

Excess testosterone in women contributes to obesity, hypertension and the risk of diabetes. With such a hormonal background, infertility and heart disease are often observed.

That is, it is not so much the hormones themselves that are to blame for excess weight gain, but rather the imbalance between them. And in order to regain your previous forms, it is necessary to restore this balance, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

Often, instead of asking a doctor how to lose weight after a hormonal imbalance, women begin to scold themselves for the curvy figures that have appeared out of nowhere, which are impossible to cope with.

In this case, the following methods of losing weight are taken:

  • strict diets;
  • complete refusal of food for a certain period of time;
  • ban on eating after 18:00;
  • refusal of breakfast;
  • exclusion of carbohydrate foods from the diet;
  • eliminating fats from your menu;
  • exercises in gyms with sports nutrition.

All these measures turn out to be untenable, and for some, the weight continues to grow, while for others it stays the same, but does not decrease. In fact, what is needed is a balanced diet; products for hormonal imbalance in women should be selected taking into account the recommendations of an endocrinologist, as well as the nature of physical activity.

It is necessary to determine which hormones make women gain weight in each specific case, and only after that prescribe a diet or exercise.

Periods when weight gain may occur due to hormonal imbalance are:

  • adolescence;
  • pregnancy;
  • postpartum period, including lactation;
  • menopause

Pathological causes of hormonal imbalance:

  • condition while taking hormonal contraceptives, hormonal medications;
  • period after drug withdrawal;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • tumors of various origins;
  • stress4

All moments in life when changes occur in the body are fraught with the appearance of a lack or excess of various hormones. As a rule, weight loss is observed in adolescence, but sometimes girls gain weight and take on female forms due to hormonal imbalance.

During pregnancy, weight gain can be associated not only with the growth of the fetus, but also with the fact that the body makes “strategic reserves”, storing fat in case it has to endure a hungry period. Often, pregnant women who previously either went on a lot of diets or simply ate poorly due to a low standard of living gain weight in this way.

The period after childbirth is associated with lactation, which requires a large amount of energy for the body. If for some reason a woman in labor does not produce milk, then she runs the risk of gaining weight if she eats heavily.

However, nursing mothers also gain weight. At first, while the body is recovering after childbirth, catabolic processes may occur in it, and then, no matter how hard the woman eats, she will not recover. But as soon as strength is restored, the calorie content of food can and will need to be reduced. It is also recommended to reduce it when the baby grows up and stops feeding only on breast milk.

The worst case is when childbirth provokes serious imbalances in the functioning of the endocrine system in the body. Often it is a hormonal imbalance after childbirth that gives a woman excess weight, which will then be difficult to cope with. Diet alone is not enough: you will need to start hormonal treatment.

During menopause, many processes in the female body fade, not only the reproductive sphere changes, but also the hormonal sphere as a whole. Lack of production of female hormones leads to the appearance of excess fat. Poor health caused by hot flashes and changes in blood pressure leads to insufficient physical activity, which also affects body weight and volume.

It has been noticed that obesity caused by hormonal reasons is more easily amenable to physical activity than to refusal of one or another food. While muscle tissue can grow, fat tissue will not replace it.

But who will go on a treadmill or just do some general cleaning of the house if their blood pressure fluctuates, they feel dizzy and sore, and there is excessive sweating accompanied by weakness? First you need to deal with these symptoms, and only then increase physical activity. And you will have to figure it out with the help of hormone therapy.

This is exactly how you need to pose the question when you want to regain your excellent figure and good health. Whether you are thin or overweight due to hormonal imbalance are purely external, secondary manifestations. The primary thing is the condition of the endocrine glands, which need to be forced to work correctly.

Taking hormonal medications, and even more so, surgical intervention, is prescribed only in the most serious cases, when there is a great danger to the body. In other cases, endocrinologists prescribe a certain lifestyle and proper diet. Basically, this is fractional nutrition in small portions.

Attention is also paid to obtaining maximum nutrients. And this applies not only to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also to microelements and vitamins. A diet for hormonal imbalance should not only exclude some foods from the diet, but rather include what is useful for this condition.

An example is the selenium-zinc diet, which includes foods rich in these elements. How are they useful?

Products containing zinc:

  • oysters;
  • mussels;
  • mutton;
  • beef;
  • chicken heart;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • pine nuts;
  • sunflower seeds.

Products that contain selenium:

  • Brazilian nut;
  • oyster mushrooms and porcini mushrooms;
  • coconut;
  • tuna;
  • garlic;
  • lentils;
  • bran.

When prescribing such a diet, dietary supplements containing zinc and selenium, medications, and pills for hormonal imbalance are also prescribed.

In more advanced cases, the female body can be put in order with the help of medications containing hormones. If an excess of any hormone is detected, then a drug containing an antagonist hormone is prescribed, which suppresses the production of excess secretion from the out-of-control gland.

Hormone therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of an endocrinologist. Be sure to take medications prescribed by your doctor strictly according to the prescribed regimen. Even if the result is not quick, you still should not self-medicate and change doses and courses of medications on your own.

There is no need to neglect physical activity if your doctor insists on it. As a rule, it is this that gives a more noticeable result than changing the diet. The correct effect of many hormonal drugs is only possible if you devote at least half an hour a day to gymnastics, which helps circulate blood throughout the body along with substances useful for cellular metabolism.

Losing weight during hormonal imbalance can only be achieved through comprehensive measures: physical exercise, taking medications and proper nutrition.

Hormonal problems should not be treated by a gynecologist or therapist. The specialization of the first of them only partially overlaps with endocrinology, and the second has a wide range of knowledge, but does not have deep knowledge specifically in the field of endocrine glands. Therefore, visiting an endocrinologist’s office is highly advisable in case of hormonal imbalances.
