How to make your eyes brighter at home. Making an expressive look in Photoshop

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Really, sparkling eyes perfectly decorate the face. They fill the face with such charm that you involuntarily stop your gaze on this person; moreover, they attract. Radiant, shiny eyes are the best decoration for the face. They not only reflect our feelings and spiritual world, but also serve as a direct connection with the outside world.

Tired eyes that have lost their shine, red and swollen eyelids, wrinkles and pouches - all these signs are familiar to many. At the first signs of fatigue, it is necessary to provide rest and constant care to the eyes, to maintain their shine and radiance.

So what should you do to make your eyes sparkle?. Looking through information on this issue on the Internet, you find, perhaps, the most correct answer: “You have to fall in love!” And this is true, a person in love has such energy that not only his eyes sparkle, but his whole posture speaks of the high energy of the whole organism. Well, what if this is not enough?

You need to constantly create and maintain a joyful state of mind. Where can we find sources of joy, because in our gray everyday life there is not enough of this. I think that the state of joy must be drawn from their nature. Try to absorb the “good” with every cell of your body, and constantly turn to this good.

Find happiness today
Sun, birdsong and grace,
The rustle of leaves, the smell of grass and the sea,
You must realize all this.

Remember this state and return to it more often, and scientifically this is called meditation.

The psychological state of the soul, psychological health is the fundamental basis of how we look, including the brilliance and clarity of our gaze.

Among the physical methods of influence, traditional methods of treatment offer:

In the evening, after washing your face, make an eye bath. To do this, prepare an infusion of tea with chamomile or parsley. Pour the warm solution into a glass (preferably plastic) and press the glass tightly to the eye, close and open the eye in the solution 8-10 times, making several circular movements. Repeat this for the other eye or use two cups at a time.

Compresses made from tea with chamomile, mint, and parsley have a good calming and anti-inflammatory effect. Moisten cosmetic swabs (gauze or cotton wool) with warm infusion and apply to closed eyes for 1-2 minutes, repeat the procedure 3-4 times. Then apply a cold compress, dry the skin and apply a rich cream.

Compresses made from tea with parsley are also effective: mix finely chopped parsley with the remaining tea after brewing, apply this mixture to the eyelids and under the eyes, cover with a damp gauze pad for 10-15 minutes. You can add a teaspoon of sour cream to the mixture. Then wash your face with lukewarm water.

Ice pieces made from green tea and mint also have a positive effect. Wrapping them in a gauze napkin, lightly rub the skin under the eyes in the direction from the outer corner to the inner.

elimination of swelling of the eyelids, around the eyes, the eyes become more expressive, in addition, congestion in this area is eliminated. You need to put a paste of fresh grated potatoes on them, wrapped in gauze napkins. You can make cold lotions from tea, as well as from chamomile, linden blossom (1 tablespoon of herb per 1 glass of boiling water).

If inclined to swelling of the eyes It is useful to make lotions from a decoction of parsley, dill, and mint.

Require special care eyelashes. Castor, burdock or olive oil, used at night, will save them from falling out.

If you have tired eyes, alternately open and close them for several minutes, lowering your face into a bowl of cold water.

For those who have a habit of squinting a network of wrinkles appeared around the eyes, a useful mask is made from pieces of white bread (not very fresh and without crusts), soaked in warm milk. Leave for 15 minutes, remove and apply nourishing cream.

If on eyes get very watery in the cold, you need to wash them in the morning and evening with a decoction of chamomile or a solution of strong tea.

Eyebrows require periodic combing with castor or any vegetable oil.

And here for tired eyes those who work a lot on the computer or read a lot need to use honey. Dissolve honey in warm boiled water 1:1 and drop a few drops into your eyes every evening while warm. At first there is an unpleasant burning sensation, but it will soon pass. By morning, your eyes will be clear and rested.
But if suddenly you have barley, there is no need to let it ripen. As soon as discomfort appears, you need to apply a hot cloth to the problem eye or apply a warm compress from a weak infusion of chamomile or a solution of boric acid.

This will speed up the resorption of barley or its ripening and the removal of pus. It is necessary to rinse the other eye as well, as the stye may spread to the other eye. You can use lotions from aloe juice, first dilute it in warm boiled water 1:10. You can use aloe infusion.

To do this, grind a medium-sized leaf (5 cm) in warm boiled water and leave for 6-8 hours. We use it for lotions. For lotions, you can also use calendula infusion (pour 10-15 dried flowers with a glass of hot water, leave for 40 minutes, filter and use).
Chamomile is used as the same remedy.

If you have any conjunctivitis, which occurs either from hypothermia, or from insufficient hygiene, and sometimes from a weakened immune system, you need to take half a glass of cooled boiled water to room temperature, 2 eggs.

Wash them thoroughly, separate the whites, place in water, stir until smooth. Place the resulting mixture in a dark place and let it brew for an hour. Next, take cotton wool, dip it in the medicine and apply a compress on closed eyelids. You can rinse your eyes with this mixture. Keep the compress for 15 minutes 2 times a day.

Of course, in case of serious eye disease, consultation with a doctor is necessary. But traditional methods of treatment will be a serious help for a speedy recovery.

Brilliant, radiant eyes adorn any face. The gaze involuntarily stops at such a person. The eyes not only reflect our spiritual world, but are also conductors with the outside world.

Many people are familiar with eye strain. The eyes lose their shine, the eyelids become swollen and red. Bags and wrinkles appear under the eyes. Therefore, as soon as you feel eye fatigue, you need to provide rest to your eyes to maintain their radiance.

Eyes begin to shine and radiate when a person is in love. Therefore, you must definitely fall in love with someone. It’s not just your eyes that will sparkle and glow. Everything will radiate with this energy!

If you have no one to fall in love with, you need to maintain a joyful state in your soul. After all, everything can make you happy: the sun, the rustle of leaves, the smell of grass... You just need to learn to enjoy every little thing, and cherish every minute of your life!
Traditional methods offer many ways to achieve sparkle in the eyes. Here are some of them.

In the evening, be sure to take a bath for your eyes. To do this, add herbs such as chamomile or parsley. Pour the warm infusion into a glass. Press the glass tightly to your eye. Open and close your eyes in the infusion 10 times. We do the same for the other eye.

Compresses made from infusions of various herbs: chamomile, parsley, mint have a good anti-inflammatory and calming effect. Soak cotton swabs in the warm infusion and apply to the eyes for 10 minutes. You can then apply a cold compress. And if your eyes often water in the cold, then you need to wash them with the same herbs in the mornings and evenings.

Ice cubes made from mint and green tea are an effective remedy. To do this, wrap the ice in gauze and, lightly massaging, wipe the skin under the eyes.

To eliminate puffiness under the eyes, you need to put a paste of fresh potatoes, grated, wrapped in a gauze napkin.
. Cold lotions made from black tea, linden blossom or chamomile quickly make your eyes clear and clean.

Many people often squint, so a mask of white bread dipped in milk will help against wrinkles. To do this, apply the mask under the eyes for 15 minutes, remove it and lubricate it with nourishing cream.

Honey will save those who read a lot or work hard at the computer from eye fatigue. To do this, you need to dissolve honey in warm water in a 1:1 ratio and drop a few drops into your eyes every evening. In this case, at first you will feel an unpleasant burning sensation, which will then soon pass. But by morning your eyes will be clear and rested!

By using these simple techniques along with a positive attitude and good humor, you will see your eyes appear bright and radiant!

Eye color depends indirectly on your state of health, and directly on the melatonin content in the iris of your eyeballs. And, since the iris is a complex of muscles that compress or dilate the pupil, the color of your eyes depends on the tension or relaxation of these muscles. From their tone.

The color of the whites of the eyes depends more on the general condition of your body.

Oddly enough, the process of changing the brightness of the iris occurs throughout our lives. Eye color can change to a brighter direction, and not just fade.

And regular consumption of certain foods can change the color of your eyes: the iris and whites. This can happen right before your eyes, in just two or three months.

These are the products:

Bearberry tea

A relaxing herbal tea used as a mild remedy for urinary tract infections. It has a diuretic effect and is indicated for arthritis.

A rich source of easily digestible sugars, a good antiseptic. Constant consumption of honey leads to lightening of the eyes.

Rich in carotenoids and minerals. Strengthens bones, prevents the development of asthma. Brightens eye color.

Since fish and seafood are rich in minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids, regular consumption of fish leads to a healthy shine in the eyes.

Chamomile tea

Calming tea reduces the level of stress hormones and gastrointestinal disturbances. With regular use, it gives warm shades to the iris and whites of the eyes.

Olive oil

There is no point in repeating the benefits of olive oil; it treats all chronic diseases. And the eyes - do you remember what expressive eyes the Mediterranean people have? This is also because they have been eating olive oil all their lives.

Rich in sulfur compounds and, oddly enough, vitamin C. Folic acid contained in onions alleviates depression, insomnia and even helps reduce appetite. For the eyes, this means a healthy shine and brighter color.

The important thing to remember here is that the most healthy fats are found in unroasted nuts. Regular consumption of raw or dried nuts, especially almonds, causes your eye color to brighten.

The proteins and minerals contained in meat give you the opportunity to sparkle your sparkling eyes from under your eyelashes. But good in moderation, the meat should not be too fatty, otherwise you risk getting high cholesterol and broken blood vessels in the proteins.

A universal medicine that relieves attacks of pain, relieves colds and indigestion. If you need an example of the effects of ginger on the eyes, watch any Indian film. Hindus eat ginger every day, and the results are obvious.

A woman’s eyes are not just an organ of vision, they are a tool for winning men’s hearts. Therefore, eyes should always be expressive and beautiful. In our article you will learn how to make your eyes brighter, deeper and larger.

There are many makeup techniques that can make your eyes appear bigger. This can be done using cosmetics - eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner. With the help of makeup, you can also add expressiveness and brightness to your eyes, while changing your appearance. How to brighten your eye color if you have brown eyes. Let's find out everything about brown eyes.

Brown eyes

If your eyes are brown, then you are very lucky, because this color does not require creating a new look every day. You just need to emphasize them a little with a couple of strokes and all the men in the world will again be at your feet!


So, let's start with the eyeliner. This is an ideal tool for creating Arabic style makeup (for brown eyes this is one of the best styles). Start by lining the top eyelid (apply eyeliner along the edge of the lashes) and continue very subtly along the bottom. In addition, you should try to ensure that the shape of the eyes when performing this makeup looks like a cat's curve (raise the outer corners a little). The perfect color for eyeliner is black.


To complete the look of the Arabian beauty, take several colors of eyeshadow, namely olive, chestnut and gold. For brown eyes, such a transition between shadows simply must be gradual (from light shadows near the inner corners of the upper eyelid to dark ones on the outer eyelids at the very tips).

How to make green eyes brighter

Now we will find out all the secrets of green eyes.


For green eyes, shadows with shades of copper, coral and apricot (sometimes even pink) are suitable. A rich brown color is also suitable, which will add expressiveness to the eyes. At the same time, you should definitely add shiny peach-colored shadows under the eyebrow.

When applying makeup, remember that you should not use shadows of all shades of green, because they will certainly distract attention from your beautiful green eyes. Blue eyeshadow usually doesn't suit green eyes either.


The best solution for green-eyed beauties is a brown pencil. If you have fair skin, choose lighter shades; if you have dark skin, choose a darker pencil.

Lipstick and blush

To highlight green eyes, use blush and lipstick in the following colors - peach, apricot and coral. But use them sparingly so as not to distract attention from your beautiful eyes.

How to brighten blue eyes

If you are naturally blue-eyed, then you will definitely want everyone to notice your beautiful eyes. To do this, you need to skillfully apply makeup, and the main thing is to know which colors are best to use.


To make blue eyes more expressive, it is best to use blue mascara. By the way, it comes in many shades, so choose the one that is closest to the color of your eyes. Of course, you can use black mascara if you are blonde and have light eyelashes, but then it is better to take dark chocolate-colored mascara, this is the color that best sets off blue eyes.


The best color for blue eyes is brown and all its shades. First, take a light beige shadow and blend it below the eyebrow, then apply a light brown shadow into the crease of the eyelid. Next, use a damp brush to sweep the dark brown eyeshadow along the lash line. To finish off your eyeshadow, add a drop of orange to make your eyes sparkle.

The simplest and most proven way to change eye color is contact lenses. But what should those whose eyes begin to itch and water because of them, and want to surprise their friends with a change in appearance?

What determines eye color?

Often our desires seem impossible to fulfill. This is the opinion of many of those who wonder whether it is possible to change eye color. Of course, many will argue that you cannot go against genetics and it is impossible to do this. But doctors, as well as lovers of experiments, believe otherwise.

So, eye color depends entirely on heredity. It affects how much melamine is in the iris. The more it is, the darker the eyes will be. Therefore, most dark-skinned people will have brown or even black eyes. Blonde-haired and white-skinned people boast gray, blue or light green eyes. Of course, there are often exceptions.

Selection of wardrobe and makeup

If you are thinking about how to change your eye color at home, then the following tips will come in handy.

It's easiest for those with gray eyes. Even a small bright blue or green scarf can help them. A jacket or any other piece of clothing will also work. The main thing is that it is noticeable. A well-chosen combination will help make gray eyes appear blue. This method is considered the simplest and safest.

Those with a green iris can make the color more expressive if they listen to the advice of makeup artists. They can tell you exactly how to change your eye color at home. To do this, they will need a gray or brown contour pencil. This accent changes your color perception right before your eyes.

Stages of growing up

Everyone knows that most babies are born with blue eyes. But many of them change color by the age of one year. It may turn green, honey, or even dark brown. The leading role in this process belongs to genetics, and parents are not able to influence this process.

But with age, people stop wondering whether it is possible to change eye color. After all, their iris begins to brighten. Bright blue eyes turn into light gray, burning dark brown eyes turn into honey.

Serious illnesses

Sometimes people who don't think about how to change their eye color at home find that another person is looking at them in the mirror. Blue-eyed people are most likely to experience this. But this does not threaten brown-eyed people. The iris changes its hue as Fuchs and Posner-Schlossmann syndromes progress. These are diseases of the cornea of ​​the eyes. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor if you notice that their color has begun to change.

Posner-Schlossman syndrome is manifested by increased intraocular pressure. But it is not accompanied by glaucoma. Doctors suggest that this may be an allergic disease. But Fuchs syndrome is corneal dystrophy. It is characterized by the fact that epithelial cells, which are responsible for pumping fluid from the transparent layer - the stroma, begin to die. With these diseases, only one eye can change color.

Intraocular pressure

The shade of the iris also changes in patients with glaucoma. The drops prescribed to such patients contain special substances identical to prostaglandin. This means that hormones also influence the intensity of the color of the iris. Their regular use leads to the fact that the iris begins to darken. As a rule, drugs such as Unoproston, Latanoprost, Bimatoprost, and Travoprost are prescribed. They help reduce intraocular pressure.

Knowing about their properties to make eye color more saturated, many begin to experiment with them. But it is worth remembering that by checking how to change your eye color to blue using drops, you are risking your health. They can only be used as prescribed by an ophthalmologist if indicated.

The power of self-suggestion

If you are a fan of unconventional approaches to all processes occurring in life, then you will like the autotraining method. To do this, you need to imagine yourself every morning and evening with the desired eye color and say your desire out loud. For better visualization, you can make appropriate changes to your photographs. Fortunately, modern computer programs for image processing allow this.

This is the simplest and most affordable method if you cannot decide how to change your eye color at home. The main thing is to believe in the result and do it in a relaxed state. It is believed that it is best to influence the subconscious in the first minutes after waking up and before falling asleep. If you come up with a rhyming plot and pronounce it, it will be just wonderful.

Science achievements

But everyone understands that it is impossible to change one’s own genetic characteristics with the power of thought. In this case, ophthalmologists will come to the rescue. They will tell you how to change brown eye color. This is easy to do if you buy lenses in the shade you need.

Please note that only Color lenses are suitable for dark irises. They can completely change eye color. But people with blue or gray eyes can opt for tinted options. They will add brightness to the iris and make the look more expressive.

With the correct selection of lenses, addiction takes place in a few minutes. The main thing is to listen to all the advice of the ophthalmologist, take proper care of them, and remove your lenses at night. It is also important to change them on time. Do not forget to thoroughly rinse lenses that change eye color with a special solution and ensure that the container for storing them does not get infected. Otherwise, you may develop problems with your eyes, they will turn red and become inflamed.


Not everyone knows about this yet, but now there is an opportunity not to even think about how to change the green color of your eyes. You can have surgery and get the color you want for the rest of your life. True, finding a clinic specializing in such procedures is quite difficult. Such an operation was invented by ophthalmologist Delary Albert Kahn. He received a patent for his invention in 2006, which will expire only in 2023.

Initially, this operation was performed on patients with certain eye defects, such as ocular albinism, heterochromia, and coloboma. But now it is used simply to change eye color.

The procedure involves inserting a special implant into the iris. He covers it with a disc of the chosen color. You can make blue, brown or green eyes. Moreover, if the patient changes his mind, the implant can be removed. But the cost of such an operation is quite high. You will have to pay about 8 thousand US dollars to make your dream come true.
