When was Eid al-Adha? World of Culture

For Muslims around the world, the holy month of Ramadan ends and the second most important holiday in Islam begins - Eid al-Fitr, or the Festival of Breaking the Fast(Eid al-Fitr). Eid al-Fitr is celebrated in honor of the end of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan, during which believers prove their loyalty to the faith through self-restraint, prayers and good deeds.

When is Eid al-Fitr celebrated in 2016?

For Russian Muslims in 2016, the last day of Ramadan fasting falls on July 4 or 5. Start date of Eid al-Fitr celebration in 2016 - 5'th of July(for Moscow, St. Petersburg, Crimea, Tatarstan and most other Russian regions), but the holiday begins the night before. With the end of Ramadan according to the Islamic calendar, the next month begins - Shawwal. Eid al-Adha is traditionally celebrated on the first three days of Shawwal. It is believed that the tradition of celebrating Eid al-Adha dates back to 624, from the time of Prophet Muhammad.

In some Russian regions where many Muslims live, including Crimea, Eid al-Adha 2016 is declared a day off. It should be noted that by decree of local muftiates in Chechnya, Dagestan and Adygea, the celebration of Eid al-Adha will begin July 6.

How to celebrate Eid al-Adha

Even during Ramadan, in many countries it is customary for Muslims to organize iftars for neighbors and friends - a meal of breaking the fast together after sunset. This tradition continues during Eid al-Fitr, which is considered a holiday not only for Muslims: it is customary to involve representatives of other faiths - neighbors and friends - in the celebration. Such events are often held at the official level.

On the eve of Eid al-Adha, believers make special charitable donations: either food (mainly dry sweets) or money equivalent to the cost of such food. What is collected goes to the poor, the sick, the traveling, etc.

The holiday begins at sunset on the last day of Ramadan, which falls on July 4th. After the end of the common prayer, believers go to a common festive meal, to which non-Muslims are also allowed. On holidays, it is customary to give gifts to the poor, give gifts to children and adults, give alms (change), ask each other for forgiveness, and visit relatives.

The morning of the holiday (July 5) begins with collective holiday prayer in mosques, where people gather in advance, wearing their best clothes. After the prayer, the celebration continues, traditional sweets appear on the tables, as well as meat, mainly lamb. However, the custom of slaughtering rams belongs to another holiday - Kurban Bayram, which will come 70 days after Eid al-Adha.

Congratulations on Eid al-Adha in verse

Congratulations on Eid al-Fitr for friends, family, neighbors, employees.

Finished the test
Holy Ramadan,
Eid al Adha.

May he bring joy
And fun in the house,
So that goodness forever
Settled in it.

Let the house be a cup,
Full to the brim
Everyone will be happy
Cheerful and healthy.

I wish you cleanliness
In souls and hearts,
May life be on the road
Allah protects.

On a glorious, clean, bright holiday
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
On Eid al-Fitr let thoughts
They will be clear and pure.

There will be peace in your house,
Loved ones live in happiness.
In faith strong and deep
They will find inspiration.

Eid al-Fitr brought
Generosity of treats.
This is a Muslim holiday -
Joyful, sacred.

Let young and old celebrate
Blessed day.
Health and all the best to everyone
This day is sacred!

Eid al-Fitr is coming.
Meet him soon!
He brings joy and happiness,
So set the table
And treat all your guests.
Don’t harbor bitter grudges,
From the bottom of your heart you will forgive everyone.
Mercy, comfort
Let them live in your house.

The fast is over, the neighborhood is noisy,
I send you congratulations.
Wish You happiness and health
To you on the holiday of Eid al-Adha.

May Allah always help
In good deeds and deeds.
I wish strength to your bodies
And always kindness to hearts.

In 2016, the beginning of Ramadan begins on June 6 at sunset. Thus, the first day of fasting is June 6, 2016. The month of Ramadan will last 30 days. On July 5, at sunset, the month of Shawwal will begin, and Muslims around the world will celebrate one of the two greatest Muslim holidays - Eid al-Fitr (Uraza Bayram, Eid al-Fitr).

Holiday: July 05, 2016, one of the two greatest holidays - Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr - day of breaking the fast).

Ramadan Prayer Schedule: (Moscow time) During fasting: 1. Finish eating 20 minutes before. until the time of Fajr. 2. MAGHRIB time - you can start eating.

Rules of Ramadan

enter into intimate relationships during daylight hours;
smoking (including hookah and other smoking mixtures);
swallow liquids that enter the mouth (including water while bathing or brushing teeth);
take food and water during daylight hours;
indulge in any entertainment and listen to music loudly.

Who is exempt from fasting?

Only children, travelers, warriors, pregnant women, sick people and old people who are physically unable to fast are exempt from these regulations. But it is obligatory to replace the fast in another, more favorable period.

If a Muslim breaks his fast, he must pay the needy a certain amount in money or give away his sin in food, thus making up for the fast. One of the most serious violations is entering into intimate relationships during daylight hours, for which a Muslim must pay either by 60 days of continuous strict fasting or by feeding 60 poor people.

The last ten days of fasting are especially strict and responsible, during which, according to legend, the Prophet Muhammad received his first revelations from an angel. During this period, Muslims pray especially diligently and adhere to the instructions of Allah. It is believed that Allah repays the good deeds done during Ramadan to believers a hundredfold, giving them good luck, prosperity and health.

With the onset of Ramadan, it is customary for Muslims to congratulate each other in words or in the form of postcards, because this holiday is the moment of the birth of the holy book of the Koran, which plays a special role in the life of every believer.

Ramadan ends with the second most important holiday - Eid al-Fitr (Ramadan Bayram), or the so-called Feast of Breaking the Fast. This holiday occurs after sunset on the last day of Ramadan. At this time, Muslims should indulge in reflection on spiritual values ​​and rethinking life during the period of fasting. This day is considered a holiday of salvation from hell, as well as a day of reconciliation, love and friendly handshakes. On the day of Ramadan Bayram, it is customary to visit the disadvantaged and care for the elderly.

Ramadan in 2016: The ninth month of the Muslim calendar is called Ramadan or Ramadan, and it is sacred, since, according to legend, it was in this month that the angel Jibril conveyed the first divine revelation to the Prophet Muhammad.

At this time, the Prophet Muhammad lived in a cave near Mecca, where he performed religious rituals. It was the first revelation received by the prophet that became the basis of the holy book of Islam - the Koran. In Turkic languages, Ramadan is most often called Uraza and Saum.

The month of Ramadan lasts from 29 to 30 days, depending on the lunar calendar, the site reports. And since the lunar calendar is shorter than the Gregorian calendar, every year the month of Ramadan moves back by about 11 days. Moreover, in different Muslim countries, Ramadan can begin at different times, and this depends on the method of astronomical calculation or direct observation of the phases of the Moon.

When does Ramadan start in 2016?

In 2016, the beginning of Ramadan begins on the night of June 5-6. Thus, the first day of fasting is June 6, 2016. The month of Ramadan will last less than 29 days. On July 5, at sunset, the month of Shawwal will begin, and Muslims around the world will celebrate one of the two greatest Muslim holidays - Eid al-Fitr (Uraza Bayram, Eid al-Fitr), Eid al-Fitr will be on September 23, 2016.

  • Start: June 6, 2016;
  • End: July 4, 2016;
  • Holiday: July 5 (Uraza Bayram - day of breaking the fast).

Ramadan prayer schedule by city

Schedule and calendar in Russia (Moscow)

During fasting:

1. Finish eating 20 minutes before. until the time of Fajr;
2. MAGHRIB time - you can start eating. Next, the schedule is sorted by city, all times are indicated in Moscow. If your city is not on the list, write its name in the comments (and we will add it to this page), or just go by the Moscow schedule.

General information about Ramadan 2016

During this month, good deeds performed are considered the most important. Taking into account the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, Allah will increase the significance of each of your good deeds 700 times. Given the advent of Ramadan, the tourist regime in Muslim countries is changing.

For example, state institutions will switch to a reduced work schedule, and a Ramadan menu will be introduced on the planes of some airlines. Tourists are advised to respect the rules and traditions of Ramadan as much as possible, otherwise they may end up in prison (or worse)... In Ingushetia, the sale and, especially, the consumption of alcohol is prohibited during the holy month. Violators will be subject to fines.

Prohibited actions during fasting

  • The following actions performed during the daytime break the fast. including:
  • Unspoken intention (niyat) to fast;
  • Intentional eating and drinking;
  • Smoking;
  • Sexual intercourse (regardless of whether there was ejaculation or not), masturbation and ejaculation caused by caresses;
  • Administration of rectal and vaginal medications;
  • Swallowing sputum that has entered the oral cavity;
  • Spontaneous vomiting, in which the oral cavity fills with vomit.

Not prohibited actions

  • Unintentional eating and drinking;
  • Administration of medications by injection (injections);
  • Blood donation and bloodletting (hijama);
  • Bathing without getting water into the mouth;
  • Kissing unless the partner's saliva is swallowed;
  • Caresses, if they do not lead to ejaculation;
  • Ingestion of saliva and sputum that does not enter the oral cavity;
  • Brushing your teeth, provided that the toothpaste does not get into your throat;
  • Cleaning teeth with a siwak. Some theologians consider it undesirable to brush your teeth after noon, mentioning the hadith that “the smell from the mouth of a fasting person is sweeter to Allah than incense”;
  • Involuntary vomiting;
  • Not performing prayers.
  • Not Muslims;
  • Muslim minors and mentally ill adults;
  • Old people and the sick who cannot withstand fasting and do not hope that their condition will change. To atone for fasting, they must feed the poor;
  • Pregnant and lactating women if they fear for their health and the health of their child. They must make up for the fast after the disappearance of the reason temporarily releasing them from duty;
  • Travelers. The traveler is allowed to break his fast regardless of his physical condition and the difficulty of the journey.
  • Women who are undergoing menstruation and postpartum cleansing.
  • Those who do not observe the Ramadan fast are not advised to demonstratively eat or smoke during the daytime. In Islamic countries, during fasting it is forbidden to eat, drink, smoke, chew gum and play loud music in public places.

The month of Ramadan (Ramadan) is a holy month of fasting for Muslims. Every year before the start of the blessed Ramadan, all Muslims are interested in the exact date of its beginning and end.

With the advent of the Internet, people began to look for information about the beginning of the month of Ramadan (Ramadan) and its end on the World Wide Web. The main, most frequently asked, search queries are:

"ramadan", "ramadan", "eid", "eid", "ramadan 2016", "eid 2016", "eid 2016", "eid 2016", "eid 2016", "eid 2016" ", "month of Ramadan", "month of Ramadan 2016", "month of Ramadan 2016", "fasting Ramadan 2016", "Ramadan fasting", "Eid al-Adha", "Eid al-Fitr, "Eid al-Adha 2016", "Eid al-Fitr in 2016 year", "Eid al-Fitr 2016 beginning", "the month of Ramadan in 2016", "when does Ramadan begin", "when does Ramadan 2016 begin", "when does Eid 2016 begin", "the beginning of Ramadan 2016", "eid 2016 beginning", “beginning of Eid 2016”, “Ramadan schedule 2016”, “what date is Eid”, “fasting Ramadan 2016”, “time of Ramadan 2016”, “when does the month of Ramadan 2016 start”, “Ramadan holiday”, “Ramadan schedule 2016”, “ what date is Ramadan 2016", "beginning of the month of Ramadan 2016", "Muslim holiday of Ramadan", "Muslim holidays", "Muslim holidays 2016", "Muslim holidays in 2016", "Muslim calendar", "tarawih", "taraweeh- namaz."

It is important for many to know the exact dates of the beginning and end of the month of Ramadan (Ramadan) in order to plan their affairs, trips, and special events. This is especially true for those who are planning to get married. They try to get married before the beginning of the month of Ramadan (Ramadan) or after its end. As you know, during the month of Ramadan (Ramadan) during daylight hours, that is, from dawn to dusk, you cannot eat or drink, or enter into intimate relationships, etc.

The beginning and end of the month of Ramadan (Ramadan, Uraza) in 2016

“And He (Allah Almighty) is the One Who created night and day, the Sun and the Moon, and all float in (their) circular path.” (meaning of verse 33 of Surah al-Anbiya).

The methods developed by scientists make it possible to very accurately, with high reliability, determine the position of any bodies in the Solar System, including determining the phases of the Moon within a month for many years in advance.

Based on such calculations, the lunar or solar calendar is compiled, and people have always used them both to determine the time of prayer (ruznam) and to determine the beginning of the month.

The difference in dates can be one day, since the earth is round and when it is day in one hemisphere, it is night in the other.

To know exactly when the month of Ramadan (Ramadan, Uraza) begins in 2016, follow the announcements of the Muftiates of your regions of residence.

The Muftiate of the Republic of Dagestan announced that Ramadan 2016 in Dagestan and those countries that are at the same longitude with it, the appearance of the moon will be observed on June 5th. If the moon is seen, June 6 will be declared the first day of Ramadan. If they don’t see it, then the first day of Ramadan 2016 falls on June 7th. Follow the announcements of the muftiates of the regions where you live and follow them, avoiding disputes and disagreements.

Attention! The date for the end of Ramadan 2016 and the start of Eid al-Adha will be more precisely established towards the end of the month and announced through the media. A deviation, if it occurs, will not be more than a day.

We ask Allah Almighty to help us all in establishing mutual understanding and mutual respect, to open the light of truth and the correct understanding of Islam in following its norms. We wish everyone strengthening their faith and demonstrating perseverance in fasting.

May the Almighty grant us the grace of this month and unite the entire ummah! Amine.

As you know, the months in the Muslim Hijri calendar are tied to the lunar year, that is, they “walk” according to the seasons. Every year according to the Gregorian calendar, the Hijri calendar shifts by about 11 days. Therefore, the holy month of Ramadan (or Ramadan, according to another version of pronunciation), when Muslims keep the fast, also begins earlier and earlier every year. Last year, Uraza began on June 18, and Uraza Bayram took place in Russia on July 17, 2015.

In 2016, the beginning of the holiday will be on Monday, June 6, according to information from the Council of Muftis of Russia. On this same day, Turkish Muslims, for example, also hold fast for the first time. In fact, strictly legally speaking, Ramadan begins on the evening of June 5th, at sunset, and the first additional terawih prayer will be read along with the night prayer on June 5th, Friday. And the Muslim fast itself must be kept on the 6th day of the month of June. For the convenience of our readers, we have prepared information about the schedule for Eid 2016 - the times of Suhoor and Iftar.

During Uraza, Muslims do not eat or drink from the moment of dawn (suhoor lasts until imsak) until sunset (iftar and the beginning of Maghrib prayer), do not enter into intimate relationships, try to engage in their spirituality and protect themselves from all temptations and sins.

What date will Eid al-Fitr take place in 2015?

According to information from the Council of Muftis of Russia, the last day of the holiday is July 4th inclusive, and Muslims will celebrate on July 5 of this year, that is, the first day of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, which lasts three days, will fall on Tuesday.

In general, disputes always flare up between representatives of different movements of Islam and even within these movements around the time of the beginning and end of the Eid. The main question is whether you need to wait for the appearance of the new moon and see it with your own eyes in order to determine the beginning of the season? Many scientists are in favor of determining this moment astronomically, since science has long learned to recognize the birth of a new moon in an accurate way. Others, more conservative, believe that you should definitely see the new moon with your own eyes. Without claiming any theological conclusion, we can only say that in many countries, for example, Russia, in some places you can wait a couple of weeks to see any sky at all. Therefore, in terms of determining the beginning and end of a spell, it is better to focus on exact science. An analogy can be drawn with prayer - if everyone, especially in big cities, relied only on the sun, it would be very difficult for them to determine the times.
