Social studies 8th grade the role of the state in the economy. The role of the state in the economy, presentation for a social studies lesson (8th grade) on the topic

The role of the state in the economy Depends on the type of economic system! Traditional system Command system Market system

Traditional system Dominance of subsistence farming. Commitment to tradition. There is no commodity-money exchange. Lack of technical progress. Land and capital are jointly owned. Presentation. co m

Command system The state strictly regulates production, exchange and distribution. Planning. Land and capital are predominantly owned by the state. Presentation. co m

Market system The manufacturer himself decides what, how and for whom to produce. Land and capital are in private hands. The state ensures order in society within the framework of the law. Presentation. co m

What type of system characterizes the text? “...In order to close any loophole through which products could escape state control, in March 1933 the USSR issued a decree according to which, until the region fulfilled the grain procurement plan, 90% of the threshed grain was given to the state, and the remaining 10% was distributed among collective farmers as an advance for work. »

What type of system characterizes the text? “...In October 1922, a new Land Code was adopted in our country, according to which peasants received the right... to choose forms of land use. Strict centralization... was abolished. Factories independently resolved issues of procuring raw materials and selling finished products. »

Functions of the state Control over the use of natural resources, environmental protection. Helping the poor, solving social problems. Protecting the interests of consumers and entrepreneurs. Property protection. Creation of laws on economic issues. Regulation of the money supply in the country. Preventing economic crises.

Ways of influence of the state on the economy State Economy Conviction T axation Benefits REGULATION

Which method will be successful in this situation and why? Due to the increase in the price of bread, residents of the N region began to stock up on food for future use. This rush for goods has led to shortages of many products.

Which method will be successful in this situation and why? The country's automobile manufacturing companies began to go bankrupt due to the fact that citizens buy only foreign cars, since they are cheaper and more practical to operate.

Table: Types of taxes Question Direct taxes Indirect taxes Definition Types Read the text on page 94 in the textbook and fill out the table.

Social policy Pensions. Organization of employment policy, assistance to the unemployed. Scholarships. Help for the family. Free medical care. Social policy is a set of measures taken by the government in the social sphere.

Homework Read § 14. Learn: traditional system, market system, command system, taxes, direct taxes, indirect taxes, social policy.

The role of the state in the economy. The debate between economists about the degree of state intervention in the market economy continues to this day: Currently, the point of view is this: states intervene when market mechanisms do not work. The main tasks of the state are the following: redistribution of income of citizens and organizations, redistribution of the country's resources in the interests of the whole society. Production of public services: education, medicine, science. Some economists believe that the state itself should distribute resources. Others believe that the functions of the state should support the rules of the game in a market economy.

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Economics 8th grade

summary of other presentations

“Money and its functions” - A product is any product that can be bought and sold. Inflation is the depreciation of money, a decrease in its purchasing power. Product properties. World money. Satisfies people's need for something. The transfer, in order to save money, was sent by mail. Goods and money. Measure of value. A means of storage. Portable Homogeneous Stable Recognizable divisible. It will cost thirty kopecks. ..." Instrument of payment.

“Redistribution of income” - Decile coefficient. Redistribution of income. A line of unemployed people for a bowl of soup. Loot the loot. Who pays. Single mothers. Europe. Wealth. Who makes the decisions? Causes of income inequality. Wage. Banker. Cost of the consumer basket. The main signs of wealth. Increase in minimum wage. Decile coefficient in Russia. Dynamics of average salary. Average per capita income of the population. Status.

“Business and types of business” - Individual enterprise. Qualities of an entrepreneur. The golden rule of the trading business: buy low, sell high. A lone warrior in the business field is a weak warrior. Partnership. Famous personalities. There is no real businessman without his own business. Joint-Stock Company. Trading business pyramid. Financial type of business. Business (entrepreneurship) is an economic activity aimed at making a profit.

“Needs and benefits” - Idea of ​​the economy. Consumables. The set and nature of people's needs. Human needs. Need. Economics and its role. Family resources. Evaluation criteria. Classification of needs. Good.

“Unemployment, its causes and consequences” - Companion to the market economy. Decline in production. Russia's unemployment rate. Economic situation. Consequences of unemployment. Population of the country. Creating conditions for employment. Unemployment rate. Unemployment. Causes of unemployment.

“Economics” 8th grade - The role of human labor. What is production? Necessity? Why is farming necessary? "Know-how". Agriculture. Stage 1. Production. What is economics? Industry. Stage 3. Punishment? "Father of Wealth"? Farming. Modern production. The influence of technology development. Stage 2. Economy. Means of labor. Machinery (means construction). " Know how?". Technique (means skill).

Attitudes towards government intervention in the market economy were different at different stages of its formation and development. During the formation of market relations in the XVII-XVIII centuries. the prevailing economic doctrine of mercantilism was based on the recognition of the absolute need for state regulation for the development of trade and industry in the country. Mercantelists argued that the main indicator of a country's wealth is the amount of gold. In this regard, they called for encouraging exports and curbing imports.

The next stage in the development of ideas about the role of the state was the work of A. Smith, “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations,” in which he argued that the “free play of market forces” (“laissez faire” principle) creates a harmonious structure. According to the classical approach, the state must ensure the safety of human life and property, resolve disputes, in other words, do what the individual is either unable to do on his own or does it ineffectively. In his description of the market economy system, Adam Smith argued that it is the entrepreneur’s desire to achieve his private interests that is the main driving force of economic development, ultimately increasing the well-being of both himself and society as a whole.

The main thing was that basic economic freedoms must be guaranteed for all economic entities, namely freedom to choose the sphere of activity, freedom of competition and freedom of trade.

In the 30s of our century, after a deep recession in the US economy, John Keynes put forward his theory, in which he refuted the views of the classics on the role of the state. Keynes's theory can be called "crisis" because he views the economy in a state of depression. According to his theory, the state should actively intervene in the economy due to the lack of mechanisms in the free market that would truly ensure the economy’s recovery from the crisis. Keynes believed that the state should influence the market in order to increase demand, since the cause of capitalist crises is the overproduction of goods. He offered several tools. This is a flexible monetary policy, a new fiscal policy, etc. A flexible monetary policy allows one to step over one of the most serious barriers - wage inelasticity. This is achieved, Keynes believed, by changing the amount of money in circulation. As the money supply increases, real wages will decrease, which will stimulate investment demand and employment growth. With the help of fiscal policy, Keynes recommended that the state increase tax rates and use these funds to finance unprofitable enterprises. This will not only reduce unemployment, but also relieve social tension.

The main features of the Keynesian regulatory model are:

    a high share of national income redistributed through the state budget;

    creation of an extensive zone of state entrepreneurship based on the formation of state and mixed enterprises;

    widespread use of fiscal and credit-financial regulators to stabilize the economic environment, smooth out cyclical fluctuations, maintain high growth rates and high levels of employment.

The model of government regulation proposed by Keynes helped to weaken cyclical fluctuations for more than two post-war decades. However, from about the beginning of the 70s. a discrepancy began to appear between the possibilities of state regulation and objective economic conditions. The Keynesian model could only be sustainable in conditions of high growth rates. High growth rates of national income created the possibility of redistribution without compromising capital accumulation. However, in the 70s, reproduction conditions deteriorated sharply. Phillips' law was disproven, according to which unemployment and inflation cannot rise simultaneously. Keynesian ways out of the crisis only unwinded the inflationary spiral. Under the influence of this crisis, a radical restructuring of the state regulation system took place and a new, neo-conservative model of regulation emerged.

The theoretical basis of the neoconservative model was the concepts of the neoclassical direction of economic thought. The transformation of the model of state regulation consisted of abandoning the influence on reproduction through demand, and instead the use of indirect measures to influence supply. Proponents of supply-side economics believe it is necessary to recreate the classical mechanism of accumulation and restore freedom of private enterprise. Economic growth is considered as a function of capital accumulation, which is carried out from two sources: from own funds, i.e. capitalization of part of the profit, and from borrowed funds (loans). Therefore, in accordance with this theory, the state must provide conditions for the process of capital accumulation and increasing production productivity.

The main obstacles on this path are high taxes and inflation. High taxes limit the growth of capital investment, and inflation makes credit more expensive and thereby makes it difficult to use borrowed funds for savings. Therefore, the neoconservatives proposed the implementation of anti-inflationary measures based on the recommendations of monetarists and the provision of tax benefits to entrepreneurs.

Reducing tax rates will reduce state budget revenues and increase its deficit, which will complicate the fight against inflation. Therefore, the next step will be to reduce government spending, stop using the budget to maintain demand and implement large-scale social programs. This also includes the policy of privatization of state property.

The next set of measures is the implementation of deregulation policies. This means the elimination of price and wage regulations, liberalization (softening) of antitrust laws, deregulation of the labor market, etc.

Thus, in the neoconservative model, the state can only indirectly influence the economy. The main role in the implementation of the country's economic development is given to market forces.

The market mechanism itself gives rise to a number of problems requiring government intervention. These include the problem of fair distribution of income. For the market, the most characteristic distribution is that corresponding to investments in production factors. The disabled, sick, and other disabled citizens remain outside of this distribution. The state must ensure the right to work for those who can and want to work. A market economy is inevitably associated with unemployment.

State regulation of economic processes is determined both by the objective need to ensure public control over the development of socio-economic processes and by the position of the state as the bearer of legislative and administrative power.

The priority of state power is associated with the special position and specific functions of the state, which allow it to quickly intervene in the course of the economic process. The financial and economic power of the state should also be taken into account. The solution to these problems is carried out by the state performing certain functions: legal, reproductive-technological, prognostic, regulatory, and ensuring the current needs of the population.

The legal function of the state is associated with the legislative registration of the status of the subject of industrial relations, the establishment of business norms and rules, and the formation of an organizational management structure.

The reproductive-technological function determines the normal course of the reproductive process.

The forecasting function determines priority guidelines for economic development, which are developed on the basis of forecasting economic development, identifying trends and directions of structural restructuring, forming a market management mechanism, ensuring employment of the population and regulating unemployment.

The regulatory role of the state - the state uses direct and indirect methods, forms infrastructure, and maintains the balance of social production.

Regulation methods. They can be divided into direct and indirect. Direct ones are based on administrative measures of influence. Indirect, can be administrative, but more often economic in nature - antimonopoly policy, pricing, tax system, tax inspection and government procurement system.



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Chapter 1. The role of the state in the economy

1.1. Reasons for the existence of monopolies

2.2. Natural monopolies

2.3.Legal barriers: patents and licenses

2.4.Ownership of the most important types of raw materials

2.5.Unfair competition

3. The essence of monopoly. Its forms, types and types

4.Damage caused by monopolies and the need for government


5.Government intervention in the activities of monopolies in the conditions

market economy

11. Imperfection of legislation related to overcoming the excessive power of monopolies and monopolism

12. System of state regulation of natural monopolies in Russia. The problem of becoming.


List of used literature 37


The problems of monopolization of economic life and competition in commodity markets today attract the close attention of not only specialists, but also the general population.

Since the beginning of the 90s, these problems have become acute for Ukraine: without taking firm and consistent measures against monopolism, one cannot hope for the success of economic reform and the transition to a market economy. The success of economic transformations to a large extent depends on a balanced, verified system of state regulation of monopoly processes and competitive relations. In our country, whose industry inherited a whole complex of monopolistic giants from the command-administrative system of the former USSR, the problem of demonopolizing the economy and preventing the strengthening of the role of monopolies already operating in the market is becoming especially important.

In Ukraine, the process of creating state control to prevent unfair competition actually began from scratch, since the command-administrative system that was present in economic management until recently inherently excluded the presence of free competition in economic activity.

Therefore, at this stage, the creation and improvement of the legislative framework regarding the regulation of monopolistic processes and competition, understanding by the population of Ukraine

the need for economic reforms in this area.

1. The role of the state in the economy

The problem of the relationship between the state and economic entities

is one of the most complex in economics. The state fulfills

the most important functions in the economic system. Objective economic

prerequisites strengthen the role of the state in regulating public


The role of the state in the so-called

turning points, transition periods. Therefore, an exceptional role in the formation

instruments of government intervention and regulation played

world economic crisis of 1929-1933. It led to the fact that the volume

production in the main countries fell by half, international trade froze.

Therefore, states were forced to take on broad economic

functions in the fight against crises. It turned out that the market mechanism is objectively

must be supplemented by government regulation measures.

One of the important types of government regulation is

regulation of monopolies.

2. Reasons for the existence of monopolies

The absence of competitors, which characterizes a pure monopoly,

largely explainable in terms of barriers to entry

industry, that is, considerations that prevent additional firms from entering

2.2. Natural monopolies

Across several industries, economies of scale

production, especially pronounced and at the same time competition

impracticable, difficult or simply inapplicable. Such industries

are called natural monopolies, and most of the so-called

public utilities - electric and gas companies,

bus companies, cable television, water supply and communications companies

Can be classified this way. These industries usually

exclusive privileges are granted by the state. But in exchange for this

exclusive right to supply electricity, water or bus services

in a given geographical area the government reserves the right

regulate the activities of such monopolies to prevent abuse

the monopoly power it provided.

Let's look at a few examples. It would be extremely

It is wasteful for society to have several companies supplying water or

electricity. The technology in these industries is such that large

fixed costs for generators, pumping and cleaning equipment,

water pipelines and high-voltage transmission lines. This problem is exacerbated by

that capital equipment must be suitable to satisfy

peak loads that occur on hot summer days when watering

lawns and air conditioners. These large fixed costs

mean that production costs per unit of output decrease with

number of cubic feet of water or kilowatt-hours of electricity,

supplied by each company. Presence of several water suppliers and

electricity would divide the entire market and reduce everyone's sales

competitor. Each firm would be pushed above its declining average curve

costs Firms would begin to use less of their permanent

equipment, resulting in unit costs and,

therefore, electricity and water tariffs would be unreasonably high.

In addition, competition could be extremely difficult.

For example, the presence of half a dozen telephone companies in a city might

entail the inconvenience of having six telephones and six telephone books,

not to mention six telephone bills to ensure communication with everyone

other permanent residents of the same city.

Natural monopolies have low marginal costs and, following

rule MR=MC, they consider it profitable to expand production. As a result

life-or-death price competition tends to break out,

when there are a number of firms in these public service industries.

The consequence may be losses, bankruptcy of weaker rivals and

possible merger of survivors. A developing pure monopoly can

strive to compensate for past losses and fully benefit from

its new position of market dominance by charging exorbitant prices for

your goods and services.

To rid society of such unpleasant results, the government

will usually give the exclusive privilege to one firm to supply

water, natural gas, electricity, telephone services or carry out

bus transportation. In exchange, the government retains the right

determine the geographical scope of the monopolist’s activities, regulate

the quality of his services and control the prices he can charge.

The result is a regulated or government-organized

monopoly designed to achieve low costs

unit production, but regulated in order to

ensure that consumers benefit from these savings in


2.5.Unfair competition

The firm's rivals may be eliminated and new competitors enter

blocked through aggressive, cruel actions. Familiar

techniques include vilification of the product, pressure on resource suppliers and

banks to refuse materials and credit, luring away the presenter

personnel, sharp price reductions designed to lead to bankruptcy

competitors. Although many of these aspects of unfair competition are now

are illegal or bordering on illegality, they represent more

than historical interest. For example, although federal legislation

prohibits price reductions aimed at reducing competition as far as possible

in practice, distinguish between legitimate price competition,

The role of the state in the economy has been the subject of study by economists and philosophers since past centuries. Scientists understand that the economy is responsible for many processes occurring in countries. Society adapts to the production level, which dictates laws and directions.

The attitude of the state to the economy

In the 18th century, A. Smith identified the functions of government bodies (governments):

  • ensuring state defense;
  • creation of a justice system;
  • public works that are not in demand by private enterprises due to unfavorable conditions, but are necessary for the residents of the country;
  • education of the younger generation;
  • taxes for government needs.

Functions change over time. The 20th century made its own adjustments. Domestic problems and foreign policy require the pooling of all economic resources. The efforts of the citizens of the state are directed in the direction in which the country as a whole is moving.

Until the 20th century, it was believed that the state should not interfere in economic processes; their development had its own laws.

The state began to intervene in market relations in order to control problems that could lead to crises:

  • environmental pollution;
  • increase in mass unemployment.

The market of economic relations began to participate in the regulation of production, in the selection of priority areas of activity in certain territories and countries. The role of the state in a market economy has become important; without studying it, violations of the interests of various categories of consumers occurred, and entrepreneurs suffered.

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The regulatory function of the state is recognized by all countries, and the task of economic development of the country is a priority.

State taxes

The tax payment system has been developing since ancient times. The essence remains the same. Even in Ancient Rus', various forms of tax collection were known.

Historians believe that the tax reform was carried out by Princess Olga. She came up with lessons and graveyards, which later became famous forms of taxation of subjects.

The definition of the term “taxes” is given next to the concept of the state budget. Tax is a payment. It often involves a monetary payment to the state. The tax is imposed on the manufacturer, the owner of the property. The tax is mandatory.

There are known special taxes that were proposed and introduced by the kings. Peter I - for beards, the Roman Empire - for installing its own statue. Taxes vary from country to country. They reflect the history of the people and the resources of the country.

Types of taxes

Different states use common types of taxation. Most economists divide into 2 groups:

  • straight;
  • indirect.

Different countries set the rate of this tax. It is the same for all citizens, but there are special approaches to preferential categories. Each group of payments involves a strict, established set of rules.

Direct taxes - they are paid by everyone who has income. The source of income consists of a list of profitable activities: salary, income from property, entrepreneurial activity, bonuses. Part of the income is exempt from taxes: pensions, scholarships. In Russia, direct tax is 13%. This type includes payments for ownership of real estate, vehicles, and land.

Indirect taxes are established on funds from the sale of goods or services. For what goods is indirect payment established? Goods that are controlled by the state. In the development of Rus', at different periods it was salt, alcohol, tobacco. This type is levied on goods from other countries (customs duty). An indirect price premium is paid by the consumer.

The problem of the role of the state in the economy has been solved since ancient times. The experience of countries allows us to share knowledge and choose ways of taxing the population with optimal results for the entire state and each individual resident.

What have we learned?

Briefly about the role of the state in a mixed economy is discussed in social studies in 8th grade. Traditional science distributes economic processes by importance. Taxes, their types, and concepts, the meaning of terms.

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